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Dumb Question About External References

Hello everyone,

I'm new to C# and ASP.NET, so pardon my stupidity on this one.

I'm having a problem with referencing methods/functions external
to a class member function.

My code is as follows:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
public class ccp_01 : base_create_ctr l_pair
public ccp_01 (ControlCollect ion pram_ph01_ctrl)
: base (pram_ph01_ctrl ) {}
//{ base_create_ctr l_pair (pram_ph01_ctrl ); }

public void create_ctrl_pai r_01 ()
{ create_ctrl_pai r_0x
("UserTextBox1" , "DButton01" , "Submit 01");

button0x.Click += new EventHandler (Submit_Click);

if (!Page.IsPostBa ck)
init_single_lin e_text_box (UserTextBox0x, 22);

ph01_ctrl.Add ( new LiteralControl( "<br><br>") );
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

/* -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- */
public void Submit_Click(Ob ject sender, EventArgs e)
{ // Retrieve the UserTextBox TextBox control from the TextBoxControlP laceHolder
// PlaceHolder control.

TextBox TempTextBox
= (TextBox)TextBo xControlPlaceHo lder.FindContro l("UserTextBox1 ");

// Display the Text property.
= submit_click_st r01 + '1' + submit_click_st r02 + TempTextBox.Tex t;
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The compiler issues diagnostics, and they are as follows
(with the offending lines in square brackets):
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

C:\WINNT\system 32> "c:\winnt\micro soft.net\framew ork\v1.1.4322\c sc.exe"
/t:library /utf8output
/R:"c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.enterpriseser vices\1.0.5000. 0__b03f5f7f11d5 0a3a
\system.enterpr iseservices.dll "
/R:"c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.data\1.0.5000 .0__b77a5c56193 4e089\system.da ta.dll"

/R:"c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.drawing\1.0.5 000.0__b03f5f7f 11d50a3a\system .drawing.dll"

/R:"c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.web.mobile\1. 0.5000.0__b03f5 f7f11d50a3a\sys tem.web.mobile. dll"
/R:"c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.xml\1.0.5000. 0__b77a5c561934 e089\system.xml .dll"

/R:"c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.web.services\ 1.0.5000.0__b03 f5f7f11d50a3a\s ystem.web.servi ces.dll"
/R:"c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m\1.0.5000.0__b 77a5c561934e089 \system.dll"
/R:"c:\winnt\ass embly\gac\syste m.web\1.0.5000. 0__b03f5f7f11d5 0a3a\system.web .dll"
/R:"c:\winnt\mic rosoft.net\fram ework\v1.1.4322 \mscorlib.dll"
/out:"C:\WINNT\M icrosoft.NET\Fr amework\v1.1.43 22\Temporary ASP.NET Files

\webfolder01\08 460e05\9c82db3e \rdoqxnq-.dll"
/debug- /optimize+ /warnaserror
/w:1 "C:\WINNT\Micro soft.NET\Framew ork\v1.1.4322\T emporary ASP.NET Files

\webfolder01\08 460e05\9c82db3e \rdoqxnq-.0.cs"
Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.6001.4
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.

I:\Virtual Webfolders\View State02.aspx(12 3,50): error CS0038:
Cannot access a nonstatic member of outer type 'ASP.ViewState0 2_aspx'
via nested type 'ASP.ViewState0 2_aspx.ccp_01'

[button0x.Click += new EventHandler (Submit_Click);]
I:\Virtual Webfolders\View State02.aspx(12 5,19): error CS0120:
An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method,
or property 'System.Web.UI. Page.IsPostBack '

[if (!Page.IsPostBa ck)]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is probably a piece of cake for most of you.

Can anyone clue me in as to what I need to do to make the external references?

Thanks In Advance.

- wASP
Nov 17 '05 #1
6 2489
> I'm having a problem with referencing methods/functions external
to a class member function.

It looks like you're calling System.Web.Ui.P age members outside the Page
class. The ccp_01 class doesn't have a IsPostback member!

A solution can be to pass a Page object to the constructor of the ccp_01

If you post your entire ASPX page, I'll see if I can get an example.

Nov 17 '05 #2
On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 14:07:48 +0200, "Wessel Troost" <no*****@like.t he.sun> wrote:
I'm having a problem with referencing methods/functions external
to a class member function.

It looks like you're calling System.Web.Ui.P age members outside the Page
class. The ccp_01 class doesn't have a IsPostback member!

A solution can be to pass a Page object to the constructor of the ccp_01

If you post your entire ASPX page, I'll see if I can get an example.


Hi Wessel,

Here's the whole thing (it's just a toy for my own enlightenment):
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup ="True" %>


<script runat="server">

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
String submit_click_st r01 = "The TextBox";

String submit_click_st r02
= " control above is dynamically generated. <br> You entered: ";
/* -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- */
public void Submit_Click(Ob ject sender, EventArgs e)
{ TextBox TempTextBox =
(TextBox)TextBo xControlPlaceHo lder.FindContro l("UserTextBox1 ");
Message.Text = submit_click_st r01 + '1' + submit_click_st r02 +
TempTextBox.Tex t;

protected void Submit_Click2(O bject sender, EventArgs e)
{ TextBox TempTextBox =
(TextBox)TextBo xControlPlaceHo lder.FindContro l("UserTextBox2 ");
Message.Text = submit_click_st r01 + '2' + submit_click_st r02 +
TempTextBox.Tex t;

protected void Submit_Click3(O bject sender, EventArgs e)
{ TextBox TempTextBox =
(TextBox)TextBo xControlPlaceHo lder.FindContro l("UserTextBox3 ");
Message.Text = submit_click_st r01 + '3' + submit_click_st r02 +
TempTextBox.Tex t;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
protected void Page_Load(Objec t sender, EventArgs e)
ControlCollecti on pram_ph01_ctrl = TextBoxControlP laceHolder.Cont rols;

ccp_01 ccp1 = new ccp_01 (pram_ph01_ctrl );
ccp_02 ccp2 = new ccp_02 (pram_ph01_ctrl );
ccp_03 ccp3 = new ccp_03 (pram_ph01_ctrl );

ccp1.create_ctr l_pair_01 ();
ccp2.create_ctr l_pair_02 ();
ccp3.create_ctr l_pair_03 ();
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
public class base_create_ctr l_pair
protected TextBox UserTextBox0x;
protected Button button0x;
protected ControlCollecti on ph01_ctrl;

// constructor
protected base_create_ctr l_pair (ControlCollect ion pram_ph01_ctrl)
{ ph01_ctrl = pram_ph01_ctrl; }

/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
public TextBox create_text_box _control (String text_box_id)
{ // Create UserTextBox TextBox control.
TextBox new_TextBox = new TextBox ();

// Configure the UserTextBox TextBox control.
new_TextBox.ID = text_box_id;

// Add UserTextBox TextBox control to the Controls collection
// of the TextBoxControlP laceHolder PlaceHolder control.
ph01_ctrl.Add (new_TextBox);

return new_TextBox;
/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */

/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
protected void InitializeMyBut ton (String Btn_ID, String Btn_text)
{ // Create and initialize a Button.
button0x = new Button();
ph01_ctrl.Add (button0x);

button0x.ID = Btn_ID;
button0x.Text = Btn_text;

ph01_ctrl.Add ( new LiteralControl( "<br><br>") );

protected void init_single_lin e_text_box (TextBox new_TextBox, int col_sz)
{ new_TextBox.Col umns = col_sz; }

protected void create_ctrl_pai r_0x
(String TB_ID, String DB_ID, String DB_txt)
{ // Create UserTextBox TextBox control.
UserTextBox0x = create_text_box _control (TB_ID);
InitializeMyBut ton (DB_ID, DB_txt);
} /* END: public class base_create_ctr l_pair */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
public class ccp_01 : base_create_ctr l_pair
// constructor
public ccp_01 (ControlCollect ion pram_ph01_ctrl)
: base (pram_ph01_ctrl ) {}

public void create_ctrl_pai r_01 ()
{ create_ctrl_pai r_0x
("UserTextBox1" , "DButton01" , "Submit 01");

button0x.Click += new EventHandler (Submit_Click);

if (!Page.IsPostBa ck)
init_single_lin e_text_box (UserTextBox0x, 22);

ph01_ctrl.Add ( new LiteralControl( "<br><br>") );
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
public class ccp_02 : base_create_ctr l_pair
public ccp_02 (ControlCollect ion pram_ph01_ctrl)
: base (pram_ph01_ctrl ) {}

public void create_ctrl_pai r_02 ()
{ // Create UserTextBox TextBox control.
create_ctrl_pai r_0x
("UserTextBox2" , "DButton02" , "Submit 02");

button0x.Click += new EventHandler (Submit_Click2) ;

if (!Page.IsPostBa ck)
init_single_lin e_text_box (UserTextBox0x, 22);

ph01_ctrl.Add ( new LiteralControl( "<br><br>") );
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
public class ccp_03 : base_create_ctr l_pair
public ccp_03 (ControlCollect ion pram_ph01_ctrl)
: base (pram_ph01_ctrl ) {}

public void create_ctrl_pai r_03 ()
{ // Create UserTextBox TextBox control.
create_ctrl_pai r_0x
("UserTextBox3" , "DButton03" , "Submit 03");

button0x.Click += new EventHandler (Submit_Click3) ;

if (!Page.IsPostBa ck)
init_single_lin e_text_box (UserTextBox0x, 22);

ph01_ctrl.Add ( new LiteralControl( "<br><br>") );
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */



<form runat="server">

<h3> TextBox Constructor Example </h3>

Enter some text and click the Submit button. <br><br>

<asp:PlaceHolde r ID="TextBoxCont rolPlaceHolder" runat="server"/>

<asp:Label ID="Message" runat="server"/>



What follows are the diagnostics:

Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.6001.4
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.

I:\Virtual Webfolders\Clea n\ViewState02.a spx(109,52): error CS0038:
Cannot access a nonstatic member of outer type 'ASP.ViewState0 2_aspx'
via nested type 'ASP.ViewState0 2_aspx.ccp_01'

I:\Virtual Webfolders\Clea n\ViewState02.a spx(111,21): error CS0120:
An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method,
or property 'System.Web.UI. Page.IsPostBack '

I:\Virtual Webfolders\Clea n\ViewState02.a spx(128,50): error CS0038:
Cannot access a nonstatic member of outer type 'ASP.ViewState0 2_aspx'
via nested type 'ASP.ViewState0 2_aspx.ccp_02'

I:\Virtual Webfolders\Clea n\ViewState02.a spx(130,19): error CS0120:
An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method,
or property 'System.Web.UI. Page.IsPostBack '

I:\Virtual Webfolders\Clea n\ViewState02.a spx(147,50): error CS0038:
Cannot access a nonstatic member of outer type 'ASP.ViewState0 2_aspx'
via nested type 'ASP.ViewState0 2_aspx.ccp_03'

I:\Virtual Webfolders\Clea n\ViewState02.a spx(149,19): error CS0120:
An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method,
or property 'System.Web.UI. Page.IsPostBack '


What baffles me is that, if the compiler can make reference to the IsPostBack member,
and recognise it as being in the proper namespace ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method,
or property 'System.Web.UI. Page.IsPostBack '
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

... then why can't it resolve the reference?
Maybe I need to break down and go buy a good reference for C#,
instead of trying to rely upon my C++ background - and glean what I can
from the MS docs and various websites/forums.

Does anyone have any recomendations?

- wASP
Nov 17 '05 #3
> What baffles me is that, if the compiler can make reference to the
IsPostBack member,
and recognise it as being in the proper namespace ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method,
or property 'System.Web.UI. Page.IsPostBack '
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

... then why can't it resolve the reference?
The namespace is correct, but there is no object. An object is an
instance of a class. Your code is the C++ equivalent of (uncompiled code):

class Class
void Method();

int main()
// This doesn't work; nonstatic method needs an object, not a class
// This will work; we have an instance of the class to call
Class TheObject();
TheObject.Metho d();
return 0;
Maybe I need to break down and go buy a good reference for C#,
instead of trying to rely upon my C++ background - and glean what I can
from the MS docs and various websites/forums.
Well yeah, and you could use a better coding style, if you''ll pardon me.
pram_ph01_ctrl doesn't tell me much about what the variable does.
Consider arrTextControls or m_TextControls or TextControls?
Does anyone have any recomendations?

Take a subscription on Safari (http://oreilly.safari.com) which allows you
to scan books and only read the ones that are really good. Way cheaper
than buying real books :)

Working sample follows.


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup ="True" %>


<script runat="server">

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
String submit_click_st r01 = "The TextBox";

String submit_click_st r02
= " control above is dynamically generated. <br> You entered: ";
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- */
public void Submit_Click(Ob ject sender, EventArgs e)
{ TextBox TempTextBox =
(TextBox)TextBo xControlPlaceHo lder.FindContro l("UserTextBox1 ");
Message.Text = submit_click_st r01 + '1' + submit_click_st r02 +
TempTextBox.Tex t;

protected void Submit_Click2(O bject sender, EventArgs e)
{ TextBox TempTextBox =
(TextBox)TextBo xControlPlaceHo lder.FindContro l("UserTextBox2 ");
Message.Text = submit_click_st r01 + '2' + submit_click_st r02 +
TempTextBox.Tex t;

protected void Submit_Click3(O bject sender, EventArgs e)
{ TextBox TempTextBox =
(TextBox)TextBo xControlPlaceHo lder.FindContro l("UserTextBox3 ");
Message.Text = submit_click_st r01 + '3' + submit_click_st r02 +
TempTextBox.Tex t;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
protected void Page_Load(Objec t sender, EventArgs e)
ControlCollecti on pram_ph01_ctrl =
TextBoxControlP laceHolder.Cont rols;

ccp_01 ccp1 = new ccp_01(pram_ph0 1_ctrl);
ccp_02 ccp2 = new ccp_02(pram_ph0 1_ctrl);
ccp_03 ccp3 = new ccp_03(pram_ph0 1_ctrl);

ccp1.create_ctr l_pair_01(new EventHandler(Su bmit_Click),
this.IsPostBack );
ccp2.create_ctr l_pair_02(new EventHandler(Su bmit_Click2),
this.IsPostBack );
ccp3.create_ctr l_pair_03(new EventHandler(Su bmit_Click3),
this.IsPostBack );
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
public class base_create_ctr l_pair
protected TextBox UserTextBox0x;
protected Button button0x;
protected ControlCollecti on ph01_ctrl;

// constructor
protected base_create_ctr l_pair (ControlCollect ion
{ ph01_ctrl = pram_ph01_ctrl; }

/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
public TextBox create_text_box _control (String text_box_id)
{ // Create UserTextBox TextBox control.
TextBox new_TextBox = new TextBox ();

// Configure the UserTextBox TextBox control.
new_TextBox.ID = text_box_id;

// Add UserTextBox TextBox control to the Controls collection
// of the TextBoxControlP laceHolder PlaceHolder control.
ph01_ctrl.Add (new_TextBox);

return new_TextBox;
/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */

/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
protected void InitializeMyBut ton (String Btn_ID, String
{ // Create and initialize a Button.
button0x = new Button();
ph01_ctrl.Add (button0x);

button0x.ID = Btn_ID;
button0x.Text = Btn_text;

ph01_ctrl.Add ( new LiteralControl( "<br><br>") );

protected void init_single_lin e_text_box (TextBox new_TextBox,
int col_sz)
{ new_TextBox.Col umns = col_sz; }

protected void create_ctrl_pai r_0x
(String TB_ID, String DB_ID, String DB_txt)
{ // Create UserTextBox TextBox control.
UserTextBox0x = create_text_box _control (TB_ID);
InitializeMyBut ton (DB_ID, DB_txt);
} /* END: public class base_create_ctr l_pair */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
public class ccp_01 : base_create_ctr l_pair
// constructor
public ccp_01 (ControlCollect ion pram_ph01_ctrl )
: base (pram_ph01_ctrl ) {}

public void create_ctrl_pai r_01 ( EventHandler oEventHandler,
bool bIsPostback )
{ create_ctrl_pai r_0x
("UserTextBox1" , "DButton01" , "Submit 01");

button0x.Click += oEventHandler;

if (!bIsPostback)
init_single_lin e_text_box (UserTextBox0x, 22);

ph01_ctrl.Add ( new LiteralControl( "<br><br>") );
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
public class ccp_02 : base_create_ctr l_pair
public ccp_02 (ControlCollect ion pram_ph01_ctrl)
: base (pram_ph01_ctrl ) {}

public void create_ctrl_pai r_02 ( EventHandler oEventHandler,
bool bIsPostBack )
{ // Create UserTextBox TextBox control.
create_ctrl_pai r_0x
("UserTextBox2" , "DButton02" , "Submit 02");

button0x.Click += oEventHandler;

if (!bIsPostBack)
init_single_lin e_text_box (UserTextBox0x, 22);

ph01_ctrl.Add ( new LiteralControl( "<br><br>") );
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
public class ccp_03 : base_create_ctr l_pair
public ccp_03 (ControlCollect ion pram_ph01_ctrl)
: base (pram_ph01_ctrl ) {}

public void create_ctrl_pai r_03(EventHandl er oEventHandler, bool
{ // Create UserTextBox TextBox control.
create_ctrl_pai r_0x
("UserTextBox3" , "DButton03" , "Submit 03");

button0x.Click += oEventHandler;

if (!bIsPostBack)
init_single_lin e_text_box (UserTextBox0x, 22);

ph01_ctrl.Add ( new LiteralControl( "<br><br>") );
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */



<form id="Form1" runat="server">

<h3> TextBox Constructor Example </h3>

Enter some text and click the Submit button. <br><br>

<asp:PlaceHolde r ID="TextBoxCont rolPlaceHolder" runat="server"/>

<asp:Label ID="Message" runat="server"/>


Nov 17 '05 #4
On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 22:21:53 +0200, "Wessel Troost" <no*****@like.t he.sun> wrote:
What baffles me is that, if the compiler can make reference to the
IsPostBack member,
and recognise it as being in the proper namespace ...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method,
or property 'System.Web.UI. Page.IsPostBack '
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

... then why can't it resolve the reference?
The namespace is correct, but there is no object. An object is an
instance of a class. Your code is the C++ equivalent of (uncompiled code):

class Class
void Method();

int main()
// This doesn't work; nonstatic method needs an object, not a class
// This will work; we have an instance of the class to call
Class TheObject();
TheObject.Metho d();
return 0;

I understand this, but it's my understanding that a Page object is created
automatically whenever the request is put to the server for the webpage
- so there should be a page object already instantiated.

On top of that, the Page.IsPostBack works OK when in the Page_Load function,
so that proves that SOMETHING is "there" - I just cannot figure out how
to reference it in a class method/function as of yet.

C# isn't as easy to figure out as the books make it out to be.

Maybe I need to break down and go buy a good reference for C#,
instead of trying to rely upon my C++ background - and glean what I can
from the MS docs and various websites/forums.

Well yeah, and you could use a better coding style, if you''ll pardon me.

I normally do.

REMEMBER: This is just a TOY - not something intended as an end-product.

pram_ph01_ct rl doesn't tell me much about what the variable does.
Consider arrTextControls or m_TextControls or TextControls?
I normally use VERY long variable/reference names - I just didn't do it in
the cases that you're refering to - sorry - I should have used search & substitute
to give those symbols more descriptive names before posting it - my appologies
to you and to anyone else who is reading this. I was just in a hurry to get it posted
- so I can get this problem resolved - and move on to the next problem.

Does anyone have any recomendations?

Take a subscription on Safari (http://oreilly.safari.com) which allows you
to scan books and only read the ones that are really good. Way cheaper
than buying real books :)

DAMMIT! Too late to tell me that - I made a quick trip to Barnes & Nobles
this afternoon to grab a few books - I couldn't wait for a response that
might or might not come.

OTOH: I suppose there's no reason why I couldn't go ahead and subscribe anyway
- it would give me more sources to draw from - and you can never have too many.

Sooooo - THANKS!

Working sample follows.

I appreciate the effort - and I have saved it to my forum message folder
(it will be there throughout all eternity as I never delete anything)
- but it doesn't really answer my original question:
How do I invoke those functions/clases/methods within the class methods
without having to pass references as parameters in the arglist?

REMEMBER: This is just a TOY - I'm not really trying to solve specific problems
related to the functioning of my little toy - but to resolve the basic issues
that this toy might raise - and HAS raised. I know that I never did have
this kind of a problem with C++.

Can you tell that this is frustrating the HELL out of me?

... well it IS!
I've been reading my books, and I'll make another post after I get a bit better
educated on this matter. Stay tuned for further developments ...
Thanks Wessel!
- wASP
Nov 17 '05 #5
> On top of that, the Page.IsPostBack works OK when in the Page_Load
so that proves that SOMETHING is "there" - I just cannot figure out how
to reference it in a class method/function as of yet.
That must be the source of the confusion. Page_Load is actually a member
function of the Page class, so it has access to the page class. But if
you define a new class, it has no relation to the Page class, even though
it is declared inside the page.

You can't just call IsPostback from anywhere; it has to be from inside the
Page object, or using a reference to the page object.
How do I invoke those functions/clases/methods within the class methods
without having to pass references as parameters in the arglist?

From a class member, just call:
this.IsPostback ()

From a class that is unrelated, you have to call:
System.Web.UI.P age ThePage = ...;
ThePage.IsPostb ack()

Nov 17 '05 #6
On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 09:24:48 +0200, "Wessel Troost" <no*****@like.t he.sun> wrote:
On top of that, the Page.IsPostBack works OK when in the Page_Load
so that proves that SOMETHING is "there" - I just cannot figure out how
to reference it in a class method/function as of yet.

That must be the source of the confusion. Page_Load is actually a member
function of the Page class, so it has access to the page class. But if
you define a new class, it has no relation to the Page class, even though
it is declared inside the page.

You can't just call IsPostback from anywhere; it has to be from inside the
Page object, or using a reference to the page object.

Golly geeeeeee whizzzz - I did not know that
- and I'm NOT being sarcastic when I tell you that
- so don't take it that way.

I did not know that - seriously.

For some strange reason, I thought that the page object was global to
anything and everything on the page - so this comes as a bit of a stunner.
A big part of my problem in all of this is that I don't have a firm understanding
of the nature of scoping in C# - but now you've given me a clue about it.

Has anyone told you that you're wonderful, Wessel?

Well I'll tell you: You're wonderful, Wessel.

How do I invoke those functions/clases/methods within the class methods
without having to pass references as parameters in the arglist?

From a class member, just call:
this.IsPostback ()

From a class that is unrelated, you have to call:
System.Web.UI.P age ThePage = ...;
ThePage.IsPostb ack()

Yes, but my problem is with the ellipsis - those 3 dots after “ThePage.”

In any case, after I read your most recent post on this matter,
and become better enlightened, I’ve been re-engineering my little toy
- and I’ve gotten the latest version of it to work:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup ="True" %>


<script runat="server">

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- */
// protected class sys_obj_class
public class sys_obj_class
private ControlCollecti on pram_ph01_ctrl;
public ControlCollecti on Get_pram_ph01_c trl
{ get { return pram_ph01_ctrl; } }

private Page this_page01;
public Page Get_this_page01
{ get { return this_page01; } }

private PlaceHolder Obj_Dyn_Ctrl_Pl aceholder;
public PlaceHolder Get_Obj_Dyn_Ctr l_Placeholder
{ get { return Obj_Dyn_Ctrl_Pl aceholder; } }

private Label Obj_Dyn_Label01 ;
public Label Get_Obj_Dyn_Lab el01
{ get { return Obj_Dyn_Label01 ; } }
public sys_obj_class
(PlaceHolder Dyn_Ctrl_Placeh older, Label Dyn_Label)
{ pram_ph01_ctrl = Dyn_Ctrl_Placeh older.Controls;
this_page01 = Dyn_Ctrl_Placeh older.Page;
Obj_Dyn_Ctrl_Pl aceholder = Dyn_Ctrl_Placeh older;
Obj_Dyn_Label01 = Dyn_Label;

/* -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- */
/* public static void Submit_Click (Object sender, EventArgs e) */
/* -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- */

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
protected void Page_Load (Object sender, EventArgs e)
PlaceHolder plc_hldr = (PlaceHolder) FindControl ("Dyn_Control_P laceholder");
Label lbl_msg01 = (Label) FindControl ("Message01" );
sys_obj_class sys_obj = new sys_obj_class (plc_hldr, lbl_msg01);

ctrl_pair_creat ion_01 ccp1 = new ctrl_pair_creat ion_01 (sys_obj);
ctrl_pair_creat ion_02 ccp2 = new ctrl_pair_creat ion_02 (sys_obj);
ctrl_pair_creat ion_03 ccp3 = new ctrl_pair_creat ion_03 (sys_obj);

ccp1.create_ctr l_pair_01 ();
ccp2.create_ctr l_pair_02 ();
ccp3.create_ctr l_pair_03 ();
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
protected class base_create_ctr l_pair
protected TextBox UserTextBox0x;
protected Button button0x;
protected ControlCollecti on ph01_ctrl;
protected PlaceHolder base_Dyn_Ctrl_P laceholder;
protected Label Dyn_Lbl_msg01;

// constructor
protected base_create_ctr l_pair (sys_obj_class sys_obj)
{ ph01_ctrl = sys_obj.Get_pra m_ph01_ctrl;
base_Dyn_Ctrl_P laceholder = sys_obj.Get_Obj _Dyn_Ctrl_Place holder;
Dyn_Lbl_msg01 = sys_obj.Get_Obj _Dyn_Label01;

protected TextBox create_text_box _control (String text_box_id)
{ // Create UserTextBox TextBox control.
TextBox new_TextBox = new TextBox ();

// Configure the UserTextBox TextBox control.
new_TextBox.ID = text_box_id;

// Add UserTextBox TextBox control to the Controls collection
// of the Dyn_Control_Pla ceholder PlaceHolder control.
ph01_ctrl.Add (new_TextBox);

return new_TextBox;

/* --------------------------------------------------------- *
Example: The following example creates a Button,
sets its DialogResult property to DialogResult.OK ,
and adds it to a Form.
* --------------------------------------------------------- */
protected void InitializeMyBut ton (String Btn_ID, String Btn_text)
{ // Create and initialize a Button.
button0x = new Button();
button0x.ID = Btn_ID;
button0x.Text = Btn_text;

ph01_ctrl.Add ( new LiteralControl( "<br><br>") );
ph01_ctrl.Add (button0x);

protected void init_single_lin e_text_box (TextBox new_TextBox, int col_sz)
{ new_TextBox.Col umns = col_sz; }

protected void create_ctrl_pai r_0x
(String TB_ID, String DB_ID, String DB_txt)
{ // Create UserTextBox TextBox control.
UserTextBox0x = create_text_box _control (TB_ID);
InitializeMyBut ton(DB_ID, DB_txt);

/* -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- */
private String submit_click_st r01 = "The TextBox";

private String submit_click_st r02
= " control above is dynamically generated. <br> You entered: ";
public void Submit_Click (Object sender, EventArgs e)
{ // Retrieve the UserTextBox TextBox control from the
Dyn_Control_Pla ceholder
// PlaceHolder control.
TextBox TempTextBox = (TextBox)
base_Dyn_Ctrl_P laceholder.Find Control("UserTe xtBox1");

// Display the Text property.
Dyn_Lbl_msg01.T ext = submit_click_st r01 + '1' + submit_click_st r02 +
TempTextBox.Tex t;

public void Submit_Click2(O bject sender, EventArgs e)
{ TextBox TempTextBox = (TextBox)
base_Dyn_Ctrl_P laceholder.Find Control("UserTe xtBox2");
Dyn_Lbl_msg01.T ext = submit_click_st r01 + '2' + submit_click_st r02 +
TempTextBox.Tex t;

public void Submit_Click3(O bject sender, EventArgs e)
{ TextBox TempTextBox = (TextBox)
base_Dyn_Ctrl_P laceholder.Find Control("UserTe xtBox3");
Dyn_Lbl_msg01.T ext = submit_click_st r01 + '3' + submit_click_st r02 +
TempTextBox.Tex t;
/* -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- */

/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
protected class ctrl_pair_creat ion_01 : base_create_ctr l_pair
private sys_obj_class lcl_sys_obj;

public ctrl_pair_creat ion_01 (sys_obj_class sys_obj) : base (sys_obj)
{ lcl_sys_obj = sys_obj; }
//{ base_create_ctr l_pair (pram_ph01_ctrl ); }

/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
public void create_ctrl_pai r_01 ()
{ create_ctrl_pai r_0x
("UserTextBox1" , "DButton01" , "Submit 01");

button0x.Click += new EventHandler (Submit_Click);

if (!lcl_sys_obj.G et_this_page01. IsPostBack)
init_single_lin e_text_box (UserTextBox0x, 22);

ph01_ctrl.Add ( new LiteralControl( "<br><br>") );
/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
protected class ctrl_pair_creat ion_02 : base_create_ctr l_pair
private sys_obj_class lcl_sys_obj;

public ctrl_pair_creat ion_02 (sys_obj_class sys_obj) : base (sys_obj)
{ lcl_sys_obj = sys_obj; }
//{ base_create_ctr l_pair (pram_ph01_ctrl ); }

/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
public void create_ctrl_pai r_02 ()
{ // Create UserTextBox TextBox control.
create_ctrl_pai r_0x
("UserTextBox2" , "DButton02" , "Submit 02");

button0x.Click += new EventHandler (Submit_Click2) ;

if (!lcl_sys_obj.G et_this_page01. IsPostBack)
init_single_lin e_text_box (UserTextBox0x, 22);

ph01_ctrl.Add ( new LiteralControl( "<br><br>") );
/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
protected class ctrl_pair_creat ion_03 : base_create_ctr l_pair
private sys_obj_class lcl_sys_obj;

public ctrl_pair_creat ion_03 (sys_obj_class sys_obj) : base (sys_obj)
{ lcl_sys_obj = sys_obj; }
//{ base_create_ctr l_pair (pram_ph01_ctrl ); }

/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
public void create_ctrl_pai r_03 ()
{ // Create UserTextBox TextBox control.
create_ctrl_pai r_0x
("UserTextBox3" , "DButton03" , "Submit 03");

button0x.Click += new EventHandler (Submit_Click3) ;

if (!lcl_sys_obj.G et_this_page01. IsPostBack)
init_single_lin e_text_box (UserTextBox0x, 22);

ph01_ctrl.Add ( new LiteralControl( "<br><br>") );
/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */



<form runat="server">

<h3> TextBox Constructor Example </h3>

Enter some text and click the Submit button. <br><br>

<asp:PlaceHolde r ID="Dyn_Control _Placeholder" runat="server"/>

<asp:Label ID="Message01" runat="server"/>




As you can see, I’ve gathered up all of the needed objects,
and encapsulated them in a sys_obj (public class sys_obj_class)
- and now it’s just a matter of passing that object around
to the control-construction classes. If I want to construct
any controls for any additional placeholder/label pairs,
all I have to do is to pass the ID’s for each respective
pair to the FindControl functions (to get the associated objects),
then construct a corresponding sys_obj for that pair:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
plc_hldr = (PlaceHolder) FindControl ("Dyn_Control_P laceholder02");
lbl_msg01 = (Label) FindControl ("Message02" );
sys_obj_class sys_obj02 = new sys_obj_class (plc_hldr, lbl_msg01);
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

... and place the necessary tags in the HTML section of course.
The next step is to create and manage viewstate for each respective
dynamic web control. By doing that, I can make random insertions
(“addat”) and deletions to the hierarchy without messing up
the viewstate for the page as a whole. I was looking through some
of the docs for that, but I’m not sure if I have a good understanding
of what I was reading as of yet. I’m thinking that my C# books will
give me a better idea.

... and then there’ll be input validation to attach to this mess.
Thanks a lot Wessel - you're wonderful.
- wASP
Nov 17 '05 #7

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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