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phpinfo() has a "com_dotnet " section.

It's kind of odd.

Here it says...

COM Support: enabled
DCOM Support: disabled
.net Support: enabled

What exactly is COM support?
What exactly is DCOM support?
And what exactly is .net support? And why would it say
enabled when .NET is not installed?

DCOM means an ActiveX file gets used. COM pretty much
means the same thing. Those files tend to be based upon
an object model and have a few extra functions there to
help with various programming environments.

ordinal hint RVA name

1 0 000017A6 DllCanUnloadNow
2 1 0000177A DllGetClassObje ct
3 2 00001790 DllRegisterServ er
4 3 00001764 DllUnregisterSe rver

Other than that COM is not much different than standard

And DCOM... that one seems like it might be a COM file put
into a publicly accessible folder, but I'll need some more
help here, if such is available, because something is not
sitting too well here.


Jim Carlock
Swimming Pool, Spa And Water Feature Builders
Sep 12 '07
185 10743
On Sep 19, 9:14 pm, "Shelly" <sheldonlg.n... @asap-consult.comwrot e:
"Herb" <her...@mail.co mwrote in message
Israel is a democracy. About 25% of the country is Muslim. Yes, it the
Jewish homeland. So?
oh sure, indigenious Palestinians who lived there for untold
generations have equal rights (and voting privileges) to any Jew who
flies in from Chicago. Haha

EVERY nation will follow its self-interest first.
Wrong. The US endangered itself by pursuing the interests of Israel.
That's mainly why Arabs hate us.
>So does England and
Canada. Does that make England and Canada not our allies? Your logic is
so faulty it is not worth pursuing this argument.
quack quack quack

I've had enough of talking to you. Jerry may be looking through blinders,
but at least he is not a bigot.
there you go, the reflex pseudo-argument of the reverse bigot.

I won't answer another one of your posts no
matter what garbage you put there.
okay, bye immature weenie. You will be more comfortable where your own
prejudices are accepted as if they were fact - like on CNN

Sep 20 '07 #161
Herb wrote:
On Sep 19, 9:14 pm, "Shelly" <sheldonlg.n... @asap-consult.comwrot e:
>"Herb" <her...@mail.co mwrote in message
>Israel is a democracy. About 25% of the country is Muslim. Yes, it the
Jewish homeland. So?

oh sure, indigenious Palestinians who lived there for untold
generations have equal rights (and voting privileges) to any Jew who
flies in from Chicago. Haha
As an American jew who would like to see the current nation of Israel
wiped from the map, I can tell you that the urban legends you're
repeating here are simply not true.

But in fact, most Jews don't qualify for that program. It's limited to
certain blood-lines. Everyone else has to apply for citizenship through
the regular bureaucratic process.

And your belief that Muslims aren't part of the voting population,
relegated to the refugee camps - that's not true either.

In fact, Muslims live in peace with their Jewish neighbors all
throughout Israel, and even serve in the Israeli government.

Now, please excuse me while I go wash my mouth out with soap for
defending Israel.
Sep 20 '07 #162

"Herb" <he****@mail.co mwrote in message
news:11******** **************@ o80g2000hse.goo glegroups.com.. .
hey, Stevo, prove you're not a hypocrite. Point to one post you've
made on usenet ever, where you criticize Muslims or Jews in the same
way that you criticize Christians.

Show us one post where you object to NYC establishng a Muslim school,
for instance.
hmmmm. since i've never actually had dialog in usenet with a muslim, i can't
really say your point is well suited to be taken. i really should at least
have had the opportunity to show that i am a hypocrite, right? we are after
all, in this country, innocent until proven guilty? right? are you
predicting future behavior and settling judgement preemptively? why does
that sound like a familiar practice?

ok, i'm ready. give me a muslim who is willing to discuss his religion.
wait...no need. since i have already prepared myself for such a dialog with
christian, judeistic, islamic, mormon, hindu, budhist, and wiccan religious
dogma, several things can be infered.

1) i take the subject of religion seriously
2) i have taken time to *fully* understand the tenents of those listed
3) i am prepared to discuss this topic at any breadth or depth with anyone
4) am not, nor have not, singled out any single religion - especially out of
some vent i may...as you presume.

be assured, if the muslim school in new york city is being pay with public
funds, i'll certainly be up in arms about it. you shouldn't be surprised
though, that this is the first i've heard of it. i keep quite busy
contracting and haven't read the paper or watched the telly in about a
month. again, that would negate my opportunity to engage in hypocrocy.

when you actually get a point to make rather than a reaction to give,
herb...post something valid that we can whittle away with. let me just say,
we won't be getting on well or for very long if the rest of your replies
being with ad-homonyms - and uninformed, assumptive ones at that.

Sep 20 '07 #163

"Jerry Stuckle" <js*******@attg lobal.netwrote in message
news:hJ******** *************** *******@comcast .com...
Steve wrote:
>"Jerry Stuckle" <js*******@attg lobal.netwrote in message
news:WP******* *************** ********@comcas t.com...
>>The Natural Philosopher wrote:
Jerry Stuckle wrote:

And BTW - atheism is a religion, also.
Only to religious people.

And Websters...

i have an old copy of websters that is nothing like their current
definition. plus, every dictionary has a different definition of atheism.
it just means no one really understands what it is...except atheists. we
don't mind. we're only about 2% of the world's population. even so, that
doesn't make your snappy come-back, very snappy.


Gee, word meanings change. Maybe you should get a copy which has been
published this century. Or at least last century.
>>>To atheists it is merely sidelining religion as irrelevant and getting
on with the job.

This is conveniently
"overlooked " by those espousing it in the name of "freedom".
This is conveniently overlooked by those who cannot concieve of a
person who believes in nothing other than his sensory apparatus and
what it tells him.

Not at all. I can conceive of those people. But, unlike them, I don't
try to force them to practice my religion - but they want to prohibit me
from practicing it.

wow. now would be the time for you to say what happened to you
*specificall y* so we don't just discard such a statement as a generalized
blurt that is unfounded and meaningless.

you still haven't said how you reconsile your apparent aversion to
fulfilling the great commission. you may not actively tie us down, but
you're certainly supposed to tell us "the good news". btw, there is more
religious proliferation in public forums than atheists standing outside
your church's doors blocking your entrance on sunday morning. just who is
forcing whom?

Those who won't let me pray on school grounds, for instance. A perfect
example - when I lived in Raleigh (NC), our church had a fire (old
wiring). For a while we rented a junior high gymnasium for our Sunday
services while the church was being renovated. Then an atheist group
threatened to sue the country Board of Education for allowing a religious
group to meet on school property.

This was a publicly owned building, and open to any other group willing to
pay the same rent we did. But even though we were members of the public
and payed the taxes to build the building, we were barred from using it
during non-school hours, when no one else was around, because we were
holding a religious function.
jerry, my church meets in an elementary school. and while i see no problems
with that argument (especially because you'd actually be paying rent thereby
allowing my taxes to work somewhere else) if equal access is afforded. it is
quite a different proposal than most situations...in that the main themes
are seperation and equal access. this instead of seperation and endorsement.
everyone who comes to church in such a situation is doing so of their own

much different is the actual endorsement of religion given the genre of
examples we've given you. all of that said though, i likewise understand the
reaction that was received. i'd be more lax about it, but i can see fighting
for the principle of the matter. that's a worthy cause. not only that, i'd
rather have an over-reaction by *any* group of protesters since it would
reinforce the walls of seperation rather than letting gray areas creep into
the mix. remember, its a slippery slope.
>>>>But many atheists are trying to force their religion on the rest of
the country.
They can't. Atheism by definition is the absence of religion.

Wrong, again.


a latin: without
theism latin: belief in god

i know you don't care about word origins, lexicons, or etymology in
general (your s.a.t scores must have s.u.c.k.e.d), however when there is
a dispute as the the modern interpretation of a word, the latin or greek
roots are the foundation of any definition. the one above is the simple
raw data. you can certainly appreciate at least that, being a programmer.

Nope. Word origins don't mean anything other than where the words came
from. Current usage is what counts.
you missed the point again. however at this point, i can predict how many
threads it would take for me to bring it home to you, given this thread's
history...and i'll tell you now...it just aint worth it. ;^)
>>>>The first amendment had to do with TOLERANCE. You worship your way
and I worship mine. You don't try to tell me what I can and cannot
do, and I don't try to tell you the same.
I don't worship.

No, you don't worship a god.

no, you don't know him well enough to say that. you must take him at his
word that he doesn't worship...anyth ing. you keep acting like you are on
familiar terms with everyone. that's rather arrogant.

I was just more specific about it. If he doesn't worship anything, then
the logical conclusion is that he doesn't worship a god, either.
jerry! you aren't dumb!!! you expect us to swollow that bullshit?!!! you
could have just as easily said he doesn't worship dog shit, were that the
true case. you obviously didn't just intend to *just* be more specific about
Sep 20 '07 #164

"Jerry Stuckle" <js*******@attg lobal.netwrote in message
news:hJ******** *************** *******@comcast .com...
Steve wrote:
>"Jerry Stuckle" <js*******@attg lobal.netwrote in message
news:ms******* *************** ********@comcas t.com...
>>Sanders Kaufman wrote:
Jerry Stuckle wrote:
Sanders Kaufman wrote:
>But it seems that the same people who are stupid and irresponsible
>enough to vote themselves a tax break when there's an outstanding and
>past-due, mutli-generational debt to pay...
Yea, and you know what? After that tax break, the economy improved,
and federal tax revenue INCREASED. You need to go back to Economics
I CLEP'd Eco101 and 102.
Then you need to go back to school.

Where your logic fails is in your use of just ONE side of the economic

And which side is that, Sanders? It must be the same side every
recognized economics expert in the world is on, though, so I guess I'm
in good company.

uhhhh...humm mm (trying not to laugh).

well, our friend alan and most other economists like levitt and company,
clearly see two sides to manipulating and predicting ecomonomic states.
being that you're such an expert (really holding it in now) on the
matter, i find it a bit odd that you don't know that sanders is talking
about the supply side rather than the demand side...duely recognizing
that either is typically and respectively the sole target of republicans
and democrats.

me thinks the 'side' your standing on now is the one where the crickets
can clearly be heard chirping.

(now letting loose the supressed hilarity)

No, I understand what he's saying. But the two sides are not separate.
They are intimately intertwined. Without one, the other is worthless. And
you cannot consider one without the other.
ah jerry! you just blurted out the first thing that came to mind before you
read what he was saying. PLEASE, tell me that was the case. i'd hate to have
to consider that you just backpeddled to save face since you actually
*didn't* know what supply/demand side manipulation is.
Sep 20 '07 #165
Shelly wrote:
Israel is a democracy. About 25% of the country is Muslim. Yes, it the
Jewish homeland. So?
What proportion of the *electorate* is Muslim, tho?
Sep 20 '07 #166

"The Natural Philosopher" <a@b.cwrote in message
news:11******** ********@iris.u k.clara.net...
Shelly wrote:
>Israel is a democracy. About 25% of the country is Muslim. Yes, it the
Jewish homeland. So?

What proportion of the *electorate* is Muslim, tho?
even if you have a point, aren't we supporting the nation (the people) of
israel and not just their gubment?
Sep 20 '07 #167
Steve wrote:
>But when they refuse to allow someone to place a cheche or menorah on city
property (at no government expense), that's exactly what they are doing -
interfering with someone's right to practice their religion. And such a
display does *such great harm* to believers in other religions. It's
public property and should be available to all, as long as it is in good
taste (i.e. no displays from "The Honorable Church of the Naturalists".

'such great harm'...lol. and the slippery slope rises from no less than
these words.

i'm sure the wiccan symbol of an upside-down cross would not offend many. or
how about a swastika (yes, a religious symbol) would not offend anyone. and
how about pentagrams? who says what good taste is?
The upside-down cross or pentagram would offend me, but I would take it
in stride. It's nothing worth getting upset over. The swastika is
another story - not because of its religious nature, but what else it
represent. I think that would be out of line.
if the government allows such things on their properties, they sanction them
No, they allow the use of public property by the public. There is no
the fact that you feel like i'm hindering you by not allowing you to market
your filth in public places of operation (court houses, schools, etc.), is
absurd. you keep saying you don't try to 'convert' anyone. what other
purpose could there be? are you going to say, 'for historic reasons'? quit
playing dumb! you have churches, homes, any place that allows you to
proliferate your divel...just don't do it through the vehicle of government.
Who said I was trying to convert anyone? I'm proud of my faith, and
want to display it. I don't get upset when I see symbols of other
religions. Why does it upset you so much? Maybe you've got a problem?
>>In short its best hope is to act as if it were completely a-theistic. Not
to deny or affirm God, but simply to keep its mucky paws out of that area
altogether. Almost any other course is a recipe for dissent and
ultimately revolution.
They should act such that religions can have the same access to public
facilities as any non-religious group.

uhmmm...they do. both should have NONE provided by the government! period.

They are public places, paid for with my tax dollars. I see no problem
with renting those spaces out, as long as the rent covers the cost of
maintenance, cleaning, etc.

Government buildings have always been open to the public for public
functions - stretching way back to the colonial days, when people could
meet in town halls. And it continues to this day.

=============== ===
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
js*******@attgl obal.net
=============== ===
Sep 20 '07 #168

"Steve" <no****@example .comwrote in message
news:0T******** *******@newsfe1 2.lga...
"Herb" <he****@mail.co mwrote in message
news:11******** ************@57 g2000hsv.google groups.com...
shelly, i kind of got the feeling that this was one of those kind of
nut-jobs from his first post. now i guess we both know.

loose nut on the keyboard! alert, alert...killfil e, killfile.
Already done yesterday,

Sep 20 '07 #169

"Steve" <no****@example .comwrote in message
news:Sb******** *******@newsfe1 2.lga...
(he smiles as he tries to playfully edge jerry ever so close to a
forth-coming godwin)
I don't think many people understand that reference. I won't explain it
because in doing so I would be doing it and hence would the loser of the

Sep 20 '07 #170

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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