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Pages Not rendering In Mozilla Help?

77 New Member
The following 3 pages which are popups on my site are not rendering in mozilla firefox. Source is visible instead. Any idea why?



Nov 14 '07 #1
27 2588
7,435 Recognized Expert Expert
For whatever reason, you are serving that page as text/plain rather than text/html. This is a server problem, not a Firefox one.
Nov 15 '07 #2
77 New Member
For whatever reason, you are serving that page as text/plain rather than text/html. This is a server problem, not a Firefox one.
did I write the page incorrectly? I dont quite understand, it displays perfectly in IE
Nov 15 '07 #3
7,435 Recognized Expert Expert
It doesn't matter how you wrote the page or that it works in IE. Your server is serving it as text/plain, at least to Firefox browsers it is. Some servers can be set up to serve different browsers differently. Most likely there is a setting somewhere causing this, unless your pages are dynamically created and you are doing this yourself.
Nov 16 '07 #4
77 New Member
No these particular pages were not created dynamically. It gets stranger, A freind looked at them on his desktop pc with moz FF and they rendered as intended, but as text/plain on his laptop.
Nov 17 '07 #5
7,435 Recognized Expert Expert
Well, that doesn't make much sense. I don't recall if it's possible or easy to change what Firefox identifies itself as to the server. Opera, for example, can id itself as Opera or IE or other browsers. In any case, only the server determines how the page is served.
Nov 18 '07 #6
77 New Member
I am using the following script to auto-resize and make clickable thumbnails
of large Images. Im using a custom window to display the enlarged images by using A place_holder image which is switched to the images src.

This works perfectly In IE but I have just discovered, It refuses To work in Firefox. I have absolutely no idea why, but im thinking firefox dosent like something about the code? No matter What doctype I use, The display page gets rendered as text/plain instead of text/html.

I used this page as the display page
http://h1.ripway.com/Inny/newviewx.html and it rendered correctly but the enlarged image did not appear in it!!

can somebody who knows how to code well get this working in firefox aswell?

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <body  onload=function(){document.getElementById("place_holder").src = window.opener.document.getElementById("imgurl").value; >
  3. <script>
  4. function ResizeThem() {
  5. maxheight=250;
  6. maxwidth= 250;
  7. imgs=document.getElementsByTagName("img");
  8. for (p=0; p<imgs.length; p++) {
  9. if (imgs[p].getAttribute("alt")=="user posted image") {
  10. w=parseInt(imgs[p].width);
  11. h=parseInt(imgs[p].height);
  12. if (parseInt(imgs[p].width)>maxwidth) {
  13. imgs[p].style.cursor="pointer";
  14. imgs[p].setAttribute('alt','Reduced Image - Click to see full size');
  15. imgs[p].onclick=new Function("document.getElementById('imgurl').value = this.src; iw=window.open('http://inny.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=1342','ImageViewer','resizable=1,scrollbars=1');iw.focus()");
  16. imgs[p].height=(maxwidth/imgs[p].width)*imgs[p].height;
  17. imgs[p].width=maxwidth;
  18. }
  19. if (parseInt(imgs[p].height)>maxheight) {
  20. imgs[p].style.cursor="pointer";
  21. imgs[p].onclick=new Function("document.getElementById('imgurl').value = this.src; iw=window.open('http://inny.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=1342','ImageViewer','resizable=1,scrollbars=1');iw.focus()");
  22. imgs[p].width=(maxheight/imgs[p].height)*imgs[p].width;
  23. imgs[p].height=maxheight;
  24. }
  25. }
  26. }
  27. }
  28. ResizeThem();
  29. </script>
  32. <input type="hidden" id="imgurl">
Display page src

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  2. <html>
  4. <head>
  5. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  6. <meta name="description" content="Image Viewer">
  7. <meta name="keywords"
  8. content="Reptiles">
  9. <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0">
  11. <title> Image Viewer</title>
  12. <STYLE>
  15. body {background-image:url(http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a345/Instar/greenbgfade17oi.jpg);
  17. scrollbar-3d-light-color:#FFFFFF;scrollbar-arrow-color:#00CC33; scrollbar-base-color:#99FF66 ; scrollbar-dark-shadow-color:#009900 ; scrollbar-face-color:66CC00 ; scrollbar-highlight-color:#FFFFFF; scrollbar-shadow-color:white;}
  19. </STYLE>
  20. </head>
  22. <body oncontextmenu="return false">
  23. <script language="JavaScript1.2">window.onload = function(){document.getElementById("place_holder").src = window.opener.document.getElementById("imgurl").value;}
  24. </script>
  25. <center><img src="http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a345/Instar/please_do_not_hotlink.gif" id="place_holder"></center>
  29. </body>
  30. </html>
Apr 16 '08 #7
392 Recognized Expert Contributor
It refuses To work in Firefox.
Meaning what exactly? What does or does not happen? Is there an error? What debugging have you done? Have you stepped though it with Firebug?

No matter What doctype I use, The display page gets rendered as text/plain instead of text/html.
Again meaning what? Are you seeing text in the page, instead of the HTML content? If so that would explain why your JavaScript is not running. When I checked the sample like the page with Firefox it is rendering as text/html for me.

I used this page as the display page
http://h1.ripway.com/Inny/newviewx.html and it rendered correctly but the enlarged image did not appear in it!!
I see the same picture of a snake in IE6.0 and FF 2.0

It looks like one of the problems is this line. I am not sure what is being tried here, but this is not legal according to any of the DOM references I could find.
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  1. window.opener.document.getElementById("imgurl").value;
I am assuming that all you should need is this.
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. document.getElementById("imgurl").value;
Apr 16 '08 #8
77 New Member
Exactly as I said, In firefox Its rendering as plain text, I think its a server Issue,
since external pages dont do it, however I cannot swap the image with the place holder accross domains.

Id like to try a new Approach, If you could assist, Im sure This is much more Doable. Instead Of opening the enlarged image in a new Page, I want to alter the code to expand the Image in the same page instead.

see example here http://www.webreferenc e.com/programming/javascript/gr/column8/ImageView.htm

The js Of the example
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. function ImageExpander(oThumb, sImgSrc)
  2. {
  3.     // store thumbnail image and overwrite its onclick handler.
  4.     this.oThumb = oThumb;
  5.     this.oThumb.expander = this;
  6.     this.oThumb.onclick = function() { this.expander.expand(); }
  8.     // record original size
  9.     this.smallWidth = oThumb.offsetWidth;
  10.     this.smallHeight = oThumb.offsetHeight;    
  12.     this.bExpand = true;
  13.     this.bTicks = false;
  15.     // self organized list
  16.     if ( !window.aImageExpanders )
  17.     {
  18.         window.aImageExpanders = new Array();
  19.     }
  20.     window.aImageExpanders.push(this);
  22.     // create the full sized image.
  23.     this.oImg = new Image();
  24.     this.oImg.expander = this;
  25.     this.oImg.onload = function(){this.expander.onload();}
  26.     this.oImg.src = sImgSrc;
  27. }
  29. ImageExpander.prototype.onload = function()
  30. {
  31.     this.oDiv = document.createElement("div");
  32.     document.body.appendChild(this.oDiv);
  33.     this.oDiv.appendChild(this.oImg);
  34.     this.oDiv.style.position = "absolute";
  35.     this.oDiv.expander = this;
  36.     this.oDiv.onclick = function() {this.expander.toggle();};
  37.     this.oImg.title = "Click to reduce.";
  38.     this.bigWidth = this.oImg.width;
  39.     this.bigHeight = this.oImg.height;
  41.     if ( this.bExpand )
  42.     {
  43.         this.expand();
  44.     }
  45.     else
  46.     {
  47.         this.oDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";
  48.         this.oImg.style.visibility = "hidden";
  49.     }
  50. }
  51. ImageExpander.prototype.toggle = function()
  52. {
  53.     this.bExpand = !this.bExpand;
  54.     if ( this.bExpand )
  55.     {
  56.         for ( var i in window.aImageExpanders )
  57.             if ( window.aImageExpanders[i] !== this )
  58.                 window.aImageExpanders[i].reduce();
  59.     }
  60. }
  61. ImageExpander.prototype.expand = function()
  62. {
  63.     // set direction of expansion.
  64.     this.bExpand = true;
  66.     // set all other images to reduce
  67.     for ( var i in window.aImageExpanders )
  68.         if ( window.aImageExpanders[i] !== this )
  69.             window.aImageExpanders[i].reduce();
  71.     // if not loaded, don't continue just yet
  72.     if ( !this.oDiv ) return;
  74.     // hide the thumbnail
  75.     this.oThumb.style.visibility = "hidden";
  77.     // calculate initial dimensions
  78.     this.x = this.oThumb.offsetLeft;
  79.     this.y = this.oThumb.offsetTop;
  80.     this.w = this.oThumb.clientWidth;
  81.     this.h = this.oThumb.clientHeight;
  83.     this.oDiv.style.left = this.x + "px";
  84.     this.oDiv.style.top = this.y + "px";
  85.     this.oImg.style.width = this.w + "px";
  86.     this.oImg.style.height = this.h + "px";
  87.     this.oDiv.style.visibility = "visible";
  88.     this.oImg.style.visibility = "visible";
  90.     // start the animation engine.
  91.     if ( !this.bTicks )
  92.     {
  93.         this.bTicks = true;
  94.         var pThis = this;
  95.         window.setTimeout(function(){pThis.tick();},25);    
  96.     }
  97. }
  98. ImageExpander.prototype.reduce = function()
  99. {
  100.     // set direction of expansion.
  101.     this.bExpand = false;
  102. }
  103. ImageExpander.prototype.tick = function()
  104. {
  105.     // calculate screen dimensions
  106.     var cw = document.body.clientWidth;
  107.     var ch = document.body.clientHeight;
  108.     var cx = document.body.scrollLeft + cw / 2;
  109.     var cy = document.body.scrollTop + ch / 2;
  111.     // calculate target
  112.     var tw,th,tx,ty;
  113.     if ( this.bExpand )
  114.     {
  115.         tw = this.bigWidth;
  116.         th = this.bigHeight;
  117.         if ( tw > cw )
  118.         {
  119.             th *= cw / tw;
  120.             tw = cw;
  121.         }    
  122.         if ( th > ch )
  123.         {
  124.             tw *= ch / th;
  125.             th = ch;
  126.         }
  127.         tx = cx - tw / 2;
  128.         ty = cy - th / 2; 
  129.     }
  130.     else
  131.     {
  132.         tw = this.smallWidth;
  133.         th = this.smallHeight;
  134.         tx = this.oThumb.offsetLeft;
  135.         ty = this.oThumb.offsetTop;
  136.     }    
  137.     // move 5% closer to target
  138.     var nHit = 0;
  139.     var fMove = function(n,tn) 
  140.     {
  141.         var dn = tn - n;
  142.         if ( Math.abs(dn) < 3 )
  143.         {
  144.             nHit++;
  145.             return tn;
  146.         }
  147.         else
  148.         {
  149.             return n + dn / 10;
  150.         }
  151.     }
  152.     this.x = fMove(this.x, tx);
  153.     this.y = fMove(this.y, ty);
  154.     this.w = fMove(this.w, tw);
  155.     this.h = fMove(this.h, th);
  157.     this.oDiv.style.left = this.x + "px";
  158.     this.oDiv.style.top = this.y + "px";
  159.     this.oImg.style.width = this.w + "px";
  160.     this.oImg.style.height = this.h + "px";
  162.     // if reducing and size/position is a match, stop the tick    
  163.     if ( !this.bExpand && (nHit == 4) )
  164.     {
  165.         this.oImg.style.visibility = "hidden";
  166.         this.oDiv.style.visibility = "hidden";
  167.         this.oThumb.style.visibility = "visible";
  169.         this.bTicks = false;
  170.     }
  172.     if ( this.bTicks )
  173.     {
  174.         var pThis = this;
  175.         window.setTimeout(function(){pThis.tick();},25);
  176.     }
  177. }
And You would write your thumbnail like so

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <a href="spike.jpg" onclick="this.href = 'javascript:void(0);';">
  2.         <img src="spike_thumb.jpg" title="click to expand." style="float:right;" onclick="new ImageExpander(this, 'spike.jpg');">
  3.     </a>
Can I alter The code Below to expand in this way onclick after it resizes the images?

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  1. <script type='text/javascript'>
  2. <!--
  3. function ResizeThem(){
  4. maxheight=250;
  5. maxwidth= 250;
  6. imgs=document.getElementsByTagName("img");
  7. for (p=0; p<imgs.length; p++) {
  8. if (imgs[p].getAttribute("alt")=="user posted image") {
  9. w=parseInt(imgs[p].width);
  10. h=parseInt(imgs[p].height);
  11. if (parseInt(imgs[p].width)>maxwidth) {
  12. imgs[p].style.cursor="pointer";
  13. imgs[p].setAttribute('title','Reduced Image - Click to see full size');
  14. imgs[p].onclick=new Function("iw=window.open(this.src,'ImageViewer','resizable=1,scrollbars=1');iw.focus()");
  15. imgs[p].height=(maxwidth/imgs[p].width)*imgs[p].height;
  16. imgs[p].width=maxwidth;}
  17. if (parseInt(imgs[p].height)>maxheight) {
  18. imgs[p].style.cursor="pointer";
  19. imgs[p].onclick=new
  20. Function("iw=window.open(this.src,'ImageViewer','resizable=1,scrollbars=1');iw.focus()");
  21. imgs[p].width=(maxheight/imgs[p].height)*imgs[p].width;
  22. imgs[p].height=maxheight;}}}}
  23. ResizeThem()
  24. //-->
  25. </script>
I have tried for several hours but just cannot get it to work, I know I have to replace this line both times in the script but I dont know how to write it correctly.

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. imgs[p].onclick=new
  2. Function("iw=window.open(this.src,'ImageViewer','resizable=1,scrollbars=1');iw.focus()");
Apr 17 '08 #9
7,435 Recognized Expert Expert
Here is the corrected HTML from the first post.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="descripti on" content="Image Viewer">
<meta name="keywords"
content="Reptil es">

<title> Image Viewer</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {background-image:url(http://i14.photobucket .com/albums/a345/Instar/greenbgfade17oi .jpg);
scrollbar-3d-light-color:#FFFFFF;s crollbar-arrow-color:#00CC33; scrollbar-base-color:#99FF66 ;
scrollbar-dark-shadow-color:#009900 ; scrollbar-face-color:66CC00 ; scrollbar-highlight-color:#FFFFFF;
<body oncontextmenu=" return false">
<script type="text/javascript">win dow.onload = function(){docu ment.getElement ById("place_hol der").src = window.opener.d ocument.getElem entById("imgurl ").value;}
<center><img src="http://i14.photobucket .com/albums/a345/Instar/please_do_not_h otlink.gif" id="place_holde r"></center>


"oncontextm enu" is a HTML5 event and I don't know who supports that yet, if anyone, since HTML5 is still in draft stage.
All that scrollbar styling only works in IE and is non-standard.
Your doctype is incorrect.
There is no such thing as "language=
You should replace <center> with CSS styling.
Apr 17 '08 #10

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