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Repost: Javascript Rollovers not Refreshing on Dynamic Webpages.

I appologise for reposting this but I have been trying to find a solution
all week with no avail and I was hoping a repost might help somebody more
knowledgable than myself to spot the message...

I am trying to write a webpage in Javascript. The page loads with three
frames, a top, left and right frame.

Depending on the users actions the background page rewrites the code for the
relevant frames.

The problem I am having is that I have four rollover states for each button.

"Unused", "Unused with mouseover", "Used", and "Used with mouseover".

The "Unused" state has a slightly lighter shadow than the "Used" state and
the mouseover actions place a fingerprint over the icon the user is about to

The problem is that the images do not seem to be loading and refreshing

A link to the page in progress can be seen below:


Failing that the original code follows below.

Thankyou for taking the time to read this and any help will be greatly

John Ortt.

Code Follows:
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\


<title>Welcom e to John Ortt's Homepage</title>

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=is o-8859-1">
<title>Welcom e to John Ortt's Internet Site</title>

<SCRIPT language=javasc ript type=text/javascript>
<!-- Hide Me

if (top.location != self.location) {top.location = self.location}

if (document.image s)


up = new Array("Up.gif", "UpF.gif","UpP. gif","UpFP.gif" );
aboutMe = new
Array("AboutMe. gif","AboutMeF. gif","AboutMeP. gif","AboutMeFP .gif");
myCv = new Array("MyCV.gif ","MyCVF.gif"," MyCVP.gif","MyC VFP.gif");
javaScript = new
Array("Javascri pt.gif","Javasc riptF.gif","Jav ascriptP.gif"," JavascriptFP.gi f
projects = new
Array("Projects .gif","Projects F.gif","Project sP.gif","Projec tsFP.gif");

var up_1=0
var up_2=0
var about_me=0
var my_cv=0
var java_script=0
var projects_1=0




up = "";
document.up = "";
aboutMe = "";
document.aboutm e = "";
myCV = "";
document.myCV = "";
javaScript= "";
document.javaSc ript = "";
projects = "";
document.projec ts = "";

function evalRollon(item )

if (item==98) Left.up.src = (up_1==0) ? up[1] : up[3]
if (item==99) Left.up.src = (up_2==0) ? up[1] : up[3]
if (item==1) Left.about.src = (about_me==0) ? aboutMe[1] : aboutMe[3]
if (item==2) Left.cv.src = (my_cv==0) ? myCv[1] : myCv[3]
if (item==6) Left.java.src = (java_script==0 ) ? javaScript[1] :
if (item==8) Left.projects.s rc = (projects_1==0) ? projects[1] :

function evalImage(item)

if (item==98) Left.up.src = (up_1==0) ? up[0] : up[2]
if (item==99) Left.up.src = (up_2==0) ? up[0] : up[2]
if (item==1) Left.about.src = (about_me==0) ? aboutMe[0] : aboutMe[2]
if (item==2) Left.cv.src = (my_cv==0) ? myCv[0] : myCv[2]
if (item==6) Left.java.src = (java_script==0 ) ? javaScript[0] :
if (item==8) Left.projects.s rc = (projects_1==0) ? projects[0] :
function mainMenu()

parent.Left.doc ument.close()
parent.Left.doc ument.open()
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' <html><head
onLoad="top.eva lImage(1)","top .evalImage(8)," top.evalImage(9 8)">')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(" <TITLE>Welcom e to John Ortts Internet Page -
Contents Menu</TITLE>")
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' </head><body bgcolour="white ">')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' <P><A target=Left')

parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onclick="top.ab outmemenu()";"t op.about_me++"' )
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onmouseout="top .evalImage(1)"' )
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onmouseover="to p.evalRollon(1) ">')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' <img src="AboutMe.gi f" alt="About Me"
width=250 height=50 border=0 name="about"></A>')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' </P><P><A href="top.proje cts()"
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onclick="top.pr ojectsmenu()";
"top.projects_1 ++"')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onmouseout="top .evalImage(8)"' )
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onmouseover="to p.evalRollon(8) ">')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' <img src="Projects.g if" alt="Projects"
width=250 height=50 border=0 name="projects" ></A>')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' </P>')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(" </body></html>")

parent.Top.docu ment.close()
parent.Top.docu ment.open()
parent.Top.docu ment.writeln('< html><head><TIT LE>Welcome to Johns Internet
parent.Top.docu ment.writeln('< body bgcolour="white "><p>Title Goes

function aboutmemenu()

parent.Left.doc ument.close()
parent.Left.doc ument.open()
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' <html><head
onLoad="top.eva lImage(98)","to p.evalImage(2)" >')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(" <TITLE>Welcom e to John Ortts Internet Page -
About Me Menu</TITLE>")
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' </head><body bgcolour="white ">')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' <P><A target=Left')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onclick="top.ma inMenu()"; "top.up_1++ "')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onmouseout="top .evalImage(98)" ')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onmouseover="to p.evalRollon(98 )"')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onLoad="top.eva lImage(98)">')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' <img src=top.evalIma ge(98) alt="Up" width=250
height=50 border=0 name="up"></A>')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' </P><P><A href="mycv.html " target=Right')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onclick="top.my _cv++"')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onmouseout="top .evalImage(2)"' )
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onmouseover="to p.evalRollon(2) "')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onLoad=top.eval Image(2)>')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' <img src="top.evalIm age(2)" alt="My CV"
width=250 height=50 border=0 name="cv"></A>')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' </P>')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(" </body></html>")

function projectsmenu()

parent.Left.doc ument.close()
parent.Left.doc ument.open()
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(" <html><head>" )
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(" <TITLE>Welcom e to John Ortts Internet Page -
About Me Menu</TITLE>")
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' </head><body bgcolour="white ">')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' <P><A target=Left')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onclick="top.ma inMenu()"; "top.up_2++ "')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onmouseout="top .evalImage(99)" ')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onmouseover="to p.evalRollon(99 )"')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onLoad="top.eva lImage(99)" return="false"> ')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' <img src="top.evalIm age(99)" alt="Up"
width=250 height=50 border=0 name="up"></A>')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' </P><P><A href="javascrip t.html"
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onclick="top.ja va_script++"')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onmouseout="top .evalImage(6)"' )
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onmouseover="to p.evalRollon(6) "')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' onLoad="top.eva lImage(6)" return="false"> ')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' <img src="top.evalIm age(6)" alt="Java"
width=250 height=50 border=0 name="java"></A>')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(' </P>')
parent.Left.doc ument.writeln(" </body></html>")

// Stop Hiding Me. -->

<frameset rows="80,*" framespacing="0 " border="0" frameborder="NO ">
<frame name="Top" noresize>

<frameset cols="250,*" framespacing="0 " border="0" frameborder="NO "
onload="mainMen u()">
<frame name="Left" noresize>
<frame src="Right.html " name="Right" noresize>





Jul 23 '05 #1
3 2168
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 10:13:36 -0000, John Ortt
<Jo******@Idont wantspamsonoret urnaddress.com> wrote:
I am trying to write a webpage in Javascript. The page loads with three
frames, a top, left and right frame.
Stop right there. Don't use frames. Looking at your page, they are
certainly not necessary. Moreover, resorting to Javascript to provide
navigation is, well, stupid. Relying on it to provide your entire content,
which is what you seem to be doing, is even worse!

You also have several mark-up errors, both in your actual page, and the
HTML you would write to the frames. See <URL:http://validator.w3.or g/>.
Depending on the users actions the background page rewrites the code for
the relevant frames.
So why don't you have actual pages?
The problem I am having is that I have four rollover states for each

"Unused", "Unused with mouseover", "Used", and "Used with mouseover".
How are these states determined? I imagine this problem disappears
entirely if you stop using frames.

The problem is that the images do not seem to be loading and refreshing

Take a look at <URL:http://www.mlwinter.pw p.blueyonder.co .uk/image-swap/>
for an easier approach to scripted mouse-overs.



Michael Winter
Replace ".invalid" with ".uk" to reply by e-mail.
Jul 23 '05 #2
Thanks Mike, I'll check out the sites you suggest.

How should I write the page without using frames if I want a Title at the
top and a menu on the left hand side?

Thanks again for the feedback, I am still relatively new to all this and any
help is greatly appreciated.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Winter" <M.******@bluey onder.co.invali d>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.javas cript
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: Repost: Javascript Rollovers not Refreshing on Dynamic

<Lots of useful advice snip'd>
Jul 23 '05 #3
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 13:23:50 -0000, John Ortt
<Jo******@Idont wantspamsonoret urnaddress.com> wrote:
How should I write the page without using frames if I want a Title at
the top and a menu on the left hand side?
First, mark-up the content semantically. That is, use elements that best
describe, not present, the content. How that's best done depends on your
content and, to some extent, how you want to lay out the document. For
example, you might want to use a DIV to group together some related
elements, and position that DIV somewhere.

Once you've done that, you apply presentation - position, colour, etc. -
through Cascading Style Sheets (CSS - <URL:http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/>).

At a basic level, you might have:

<h1>Page title</h1>
<li><a href="...">Link to another section</a></li>
<li><a href="...">Link to another section</a></li>
<li><a href="...">Link to another section</a></li>
Your content

Styling that would involve at least:

- Changing the size, and probably style too, of the title.
- Removing the padding and list markers from the list of links, and
- Moving the list to a position on the left of the viewport, and
the content to the right of that.

Be aware that some will argue that navigation links should be last in the
source and moved to the right location by CSS:

<h1>Page title</h1>
<!-- The link below would be hidden for normal visitors, --
-- but rendered for disabled users and text browsers. -->
<a href="#navigati on">Skip to navigation links</a>
Your content
<ul id="navigation" >
<li><a href="...">Link to another section</a></li>
<li><a href="...">Link to another section</a></li>
<li><a href="...">Link to another section</a></li>

The reason is that visitors using screen readers and other accessibility
devices, or visitors using text browsers or browsers that don't support
the CSS used, won't be bombarded by a large list of links at the start of
the page.

The better place to ask about this is in alt.html or
comp.infosystem s.www.authoring.html. CSS questions should be directed to
comp.infosystem s.www.authoring.stylesheets.
Thanks again for the feedback, I am still relatively new to all this and
any help is greatly appreciated.

By the way, it's very misleading to have "Java" as the alt text for your
Javascript image. Javascript is not Java.


Good luck,

Michael Winter
Replace ".invalid" with ".uk" to reply by e-mail.
Jul 23 '05 #4

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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