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Countries and nationalities HTML list

I am looking for a list of countries and nationalities, against the top
level domain.

..ar ==Argentina ==Argentinian
..al ==Albania ==Albanian

etc. etc.
any format it's ok

even better if it's already in the HTML select format:

<select name="country">
<option value="ar">Arge ntina</option>
<option value="al">Alba nia</option>

<select name="nationali ty">
<option value="ar">Arge ntinian</option>
<option value="al">Alba nian</option>

Thanks for any help
Feb 21 '07 #1
22 28322
If anyone needs it, I found this:

Feb 21 '07 #2
On Wed, 21 Feb 2007, Ubi wrote:
I am looking for a list of countries
ISO 3166
and nationalities, against the top level domain.
.ar ==Argentina ==Argentinian
.al ==Albania ==Albanian
.ua ==Ukraine ==??

Might be Ukrainian, Russian, and others.
Feb 21 '07 #3
>and nationalities, against the top level domain.
>.ar ==Argentina ==Argentinian
.al ==Albania ==Albanian

.ua ==Ukraine ==??

Might be Ukrainian, Russian, and others.

The country and the nationality are not meant to be linked to each other,
but to the domain:
..ar ==Argentina .ar==Argentinia n
..al ==Albania .al==Albanian
..ua ==Ukraine .ua==Ukrainian
..ru ==Russia .ru==Russian

They are for 2 different fields in my form (rendered as html selects),
so that a person which has Russian nationality but lives in Ukraine
will select "Ukraine" as the country and "Russian" as the nationality
Feb 21 '07 #4
Ubi wrote:
I am looking for a list of countries and nationalities, against the top
level domain.
Countries or top level domains (TLD)?

Countries is ISO 3166, TLDs are registered on www.iana.org.

Translations and nationalities can be found at wikipedia.

Helmut Wollmersdorfer
Feb 21 '07 #5
Scripsit Ubi:
I am looking for a list of countries and nationalities, against the
top level domain.
Why? It seems that you have already confused _three_ things: countries,
nationalities, and Internet domains. There are resemblances between them -
enough to make the confusion _serious_.

What are you really trying to achieve?
even better if it's already in the HTML select format:
Who wants to use a scrollable dropdown list with over 200 items? Not me -
and I'm one of the minority who knows how to deal with such lists as a user.
I'd rather type in "fi" or "fin" or "finland", thank you. Assuming of course
that I'm going to disclose my citizenship to you. It's not really none of
your business, most of the time, even if you are selling me something.

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")

Feb 21 '07 #6
On 21 Feb, 18:04, "Jukka K. Korpela" <jkorp...@cs.tu t.fiwrote:
Why? It seems that you have already confused _three_ things: countries,
nationalities, and Internet domains. There are resemblances between them -
enough to make the confusion _serious_.
So how about a clear explanation, or a reference to a clear
explanation? Carping is one thing, but it's better to add some content
rather than just picking holes in what's posted.
For that matter, just what _is_ the difference between a country and
an internet TLD ? They're both defined by ISO 3166, for all practical
purposes that accept the validity of ISO 3166. Of course there are
always politics and border disputes to consider, but if we can agree
to accept 3166 as a canonical list for our purposes, then the country
list and the TLD list follow it equally.

Usability wise, "UK" sucks when a substantial number of it's
inhabitants think they live in a country called "Wales" with European
neighbours of "Eire" and "Holland". However whatever these various
countries are called, the country code and the country name both
follow that same ISO list.

Feb 21 '07 #7
Scripsit Andy Dingley:
>Why? It seems that you have already confused _three_ things:
countries, nationalities, and Internet domains. There are
resemblances between them - enough to make the confusion _serious_.

So how about a clear explanation, or a reference to a clear
We don't know the OP's real problem and capabilities of understanding
explanations, but we do know that the issue is wildly off-topic here.

The only HTML-related issue is that none of the above should be asked from
the user using a dropdown box (<selectelement ), if all alternatives are to
be allowed. It's far too inconvenient. But this follows from the mere number
of options.
For that matter, just what _is_ the difference between a country and
an internet TLD ?
Wouldn't you like to know that! (Which countries are ".com" and ".ax"?) But
it's still off-topic here.

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")

Feb 21 '07 #8
On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 20:44:54 +0200, "Jukka K. Korpela"
<jk******@cs.tu t.fiwrote:
>(Which countries are ".com" and ".ax"?)
..com is a gTLD not a country-code (ccTLD) as it has more than 2 letters.
If you disagree with that simple rule, take it up with ICANN.

Incidentally IANA themselves also claim ISO 3166 to be authoritative for

"In determining whether new TLDs should be added, the IANA
follows the ISO 3166-1 list as publshed by the ISO 3166
Maintenance Agency."

AFAIR, .ax went into ISO 3166 a couple of years before the ccTLD went
live (last Summer?), so it follows just this principle. Its inhabitants
are of course Hattifatteners.
Feb 21 '07 #9
Well, if anyone needs them, I report the two html selects which I eventually

240 countries and nationalities, both associated to the correspondent top
level domain and sorted alphabetically:

<select name='country'>
<option value='AF'>Afgh anistan</option>
<option value='AL'>Alba nia</option>
<option value='DZ'>Alge ria</option>
<option value='AS'>Amer ican Samoa</option>
<option value='AD'>Ando rra</option>
<option value='AO'>Ango la</option>
<option value='AI'>Angu illa</option>
<option value='AQ'>Anta rctica</option>
<option value='AG'>Anti gua and Barbuda</option>
<option value='AR'>Arge ntina</option>
<option value='AM'>Arme nia</option>
<option value='AW'>Arub a</option>
<option value='AU'>Aust ralia</option>
<option value='AT'>Aust ria</option>
<option value='AZ'>Azer baijan</option>
<option value='BS'>Baha mas</option>
<option value='BH'>Bahr ain</option>
<option value='BD'>Bang ladesh</option>
<option value='BB'>Barb ados</option>
<option value='BY'>Bela rus</option>
<option value='BE'>Belg ium</option>
<option value='BZ'>Beli ze</option>
<option value='BJ'>Beni n</option>
<option value='BM'>Berm uda</option>
<option value='BT'>Bhut an</option>
<option value='BO'>Boli via</option>
<option value='BA'>Bosn ia and Herzegovina</option>
<option value='BW'>Bots wana</option>
<option value='BV'>Bouv et Island</option>
<option value='BR'>Braz il</option>
<option value='IO'>Brit ish Indian Ocean Territory</option>
<option value='VG'>Brit ish Virgin Islands</option>
<option value='BN'>Brun ei</option>
<option value='BG'>Bulg aria</option>
<option value='BF'>Burk ina Faso</option>
<option value='BI'>Buru ndi</option>
<option value='KH'>Camb odia</option>
<option value='CM'>Came roon</option>
<option value='CA'>Cana da</option>
<option value='CV'>Cape Verde</option>
<option value='KY'>Caym an Islands</option>
<option value='CF'>Cent ral African Republic</option>
<option value='TD'>Chad </option>
<option value='CL'>Chil e</option>
<option value='CN'>Chin a</option>
<option value='CX'>Chri stmas Island</option>
<option value='CC'>Coco s (Keeling) Islands</option>
<option value='CO'>Colo mbia</option>
<option value='KM'>Como ros</option>
<option value='CG'>Cong o</option>
<option value='CK'>Cook Islands</option>
<option value='CR'>Cost a Rica</option>
<option value='CI'>Côte d'Ivoire</option>
<option value='HR'>Croa tia</option>
<option value='CU'>Cuba </option>
<option value='CY'>Cypr us</option>
<option value='CZ'>Czec h Republic</option>
<option value='CD'>Demo cratic Republic of the Congo</option>
<option value='DK'>Denm ark</option>
<option value='DJ'>Djib outi</option>
<option value='DM'>Domi nica</option>
<option value='DO'>Domi nican Republic</option>
<option value='TL'>East Timor</option>
<option value='EC'>Ecua dor</option>
<option value='EG'>Egyp t</option>
<option value='SV'>El Salvador</option>
<option value='GQ'>Equa torial Guinea</option>
<option value='ER'>Erit rea</option>
<option value='EE'>Esto nia</option>
<option value='ET'>Ethi opia</option>
<option value='FO'>Faer oe Islands</option>
<option value='FK'>Falk land Islands</option>
<option value='FJ'>Fiji </option>
<option value='FI'>Finl and</option>
<option value='FR'>Fran ce</option>
<option value='GF'>Fren ch Guiana</option>
<option value='PF'>Fren ch Polynesia</option>
<option value='TF'>Fren ch Southern Territories</option>
<option value='GA'>Gabo n</option>
<option value='GM'>Gamb ia</option>
<option value='GE'>Geor gia</option>
<option value='DE'>Germ any</option>
<option value='GH'>Ghan a</option>
<option value='GI'>Gibr altar</option>
<option value='GR'>Gree ce</option>
<option value='GL'>Gree nland</option>
<option value='GD'>Gren ada</option>
<option value='GP'>Guad eloupe</option>
<option value='GU'>Guam </option>
<option value='GT'>Guat emala</option>
<option value='GN'>Guin ea</option>
<option value='GW'>Guin ea-Bissau</option>
<option value='GY'>Guya na</option>
<option value='HT'>Hait i</option>
<option value='HM'>Hear d Island and McDonald Islands</option>
<option value='HN'>Hond uras</option>
<option value='HK'>Hong Kong</option>
<option value='HU'>Hung ary</option>
<option value='IS'>Icel and</option>
<option value='IN'>Indi a</option>
<option value='ID'>Indo nesia</option>
<option value='IR'>Iran </option>
<option value='IQ'>Iraq </option>
<option value='IE'>Irel and</option>
<option value='IL'>Isra el</option>
<option value='IT'>Ital y</option>
<option value='JM'>Jama ica</option>
<option value='JP'>Japa n</option>
<option value='JO'>Jord an</option>
<option value='KZ'>Kaza khstan</option>
<option value='KE'>Keny a</option>
<option value='KI'>Kiri bati</option>
<option value='KW'>Kuwa it</option>
<option value='KG'>Kyrg yzstan</option>
<option value='LA'>Laos </option>
<option value='LV'>Latv ia</option>
<option value='LB'>Leba non</option>
<option value='LS'>Leso tho</option>
<option value='LR'>Libe ria</option>
<option value='LY'>Liby a</option>
<option value='LI'>Liec htenstein</option>
<option value='LT'>Lith uania</option>
<option value='LU'>Luxe mbourg</option>
<option value='MO'>Maca u</option>
<option value='MK'>Mace donia</option>
<option value='MG'>Mada gascar</option>
<option value='MW'>Mala wi</option>
<option value='MY'>Mala ysia</option>
<option value='MV'>Mald ives</option>
<option value='ML'>Mali </option>
<option value='MT'>Malt a</option>
<option value='MH'>Mars hall Islands</option>
<option value='MQ'>Mart inique</option>
<option value='MR'>Maur itania</option>
<option value='MU'>Maur itius</option>
<option value='YT'>Mayo tte</option>
<option value='MX'>Mexi co</option>
<option value='FM'>Micr onesia</option>
<option value='MD'>Mold ova</option>
<option value='MC'>Mona co</option>
<option value='MN'>Mong olia</option>
<option value='ME'>Mont enegro</option>
<option value='MS'>Mont serrat</option>
<option value='MA'>Moro cco</option>
<option value='MZ'>Moza mbique</option>
<option value='MM'>Myan mar</option>
<option value='NA'>Nami bia</option>
<option value='NR'>Naur u</option>
<option value='NP'>Nepa l</option>
<option value='NL'>Neth erlands</option>
<option value='AN'>Neth erlands Antilles</option>
<option value='NC'>New Caledonia</option>
<option value='NZ'>New Zealand</option>
<option value='NI'>Nica ragua</option>
<option value='NE'>Nige r</option>
<option value='NG'>Nige ria</option>
<option value='NU'>Niue </option>
<option value='NF'>Norf olk Island</option>
<option value='KP'>Nort h Korea</option>
<option value='MP'>Nort hern Marianas</option>
<option value='NO'>Norw ay</option>
<option value='OM'>Oman </option>
<option value='PK'>Paki stan</option>
<option value='PW'>Pala u</option>
<option value='PA'>Pana ma</option>
<option value='PG'>Papu a New Guinea</option>
<option value='PY'>Para guay</option>
<option value='PE'>Peru </option>
<option value='PH'>Phil ippines</option>
<option value='PN'>Pitc airn Islands</option>
<option value='PL'>Pola nd</option>
<option value='PT'>Port ugal</option>
<option value='PR'>Puer to Rico</option>
<option value='QA'>Qata r</option>
<option value='RE'>Réun ion</option>
<option value='RO'>Roma nia</option>
<option value='RU'>Russ ia</option>
<option value='RW'>Rwan da</option>
<option value='SH'>Sain t Helena</option>
<option value='KN'>Sain t Kitts and Nevis</option>
<option value='LC'>Sain t Lucia</option>
<option value='PM'>Sain t Pierre and Miquelon</option>
<option value='VC'>Sain t Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
<option value='WS'>Samo a</option>
<option value='SM'>San Marino</option>
<option value='ST'>São Tomé and Príncipe</option>
<option value='SA'>Saud i Arabia</option>
<option value='SN'>Sene gal</option>
<option value='RS'>Serb ia</option>
<option value='SC'>Seyc helles</option>
<option value='SL'>Sier ra Leone</option>
<option value='SG'>Sing apore</option>
<option value='SK'>Slov akia</option>
<option value='SI'>Slov enia</option>
<option value='SB'>Solo mon Islands</option>
<option value='SO'>Soma lia</option>
<option value='ZA'>Sout h Africa</option>
<option value='GS'>Sout h Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>
<option value='KR'>Sout h Korea</option>
<option value='ES'>Spai n</option>
<option value='LK'>Sri Lanka</option>
<option value='SD'>Suda n</option>
<option value='SR'>Suri name</option>
<option value='SJ'>Sval bard and Jan Mayen</option>
<option value='SZ'>Swaz iland</option>
<option value='SE'>Swed en</option>
<option value='CH'>Swit zerland</option>
<option value='SY'>Syri a</option>
<option value='TW'>Taiw an</option>
<option value='TJ'>Taji kistan</option>
<option value='TZ'>Tanz ania</option>
<option value='TH'>Thai land</option>
<option value='VA'>the Holy See (Vatican City State)</option>
<option value='TG'>Togo </option>
<option value='TK'>Toke lau</option>
<option value='TO'>Tong a</option>
<option value='TT'>Trin idad and Tobago</option>
<option value='TN'>Tuni sia</option>
<option value='TR'>Turk ey</option>
<option value='TM'>Turk menistan</option>
<option value='TC'>Turk s and Caicos Islands</option>
<option value='TV'>Tuva lu</option>
<option value='UG'>Ugan da</option>
<option value='UA'>Ukra ine</option>
<option value='AE'>Unit ed Arab Emirates</option>
<option value='UK'>Unit ed Kingdom</option>
<option value='US'>Unit ed States</option>
<option value='UM'>Unit ed States Minor Outlying Islands</option>
<option value='UY'>Urug uay</option>
<option value='VI'>US Virgin Islands</option>
<option value='UZ'>Uzbe kistan</option>
<option value='VU'>Vanu atu</option>
<option value='VE'>Vene zuela</option>
<option value='VN'>Viet nam</option>
<option value='WF'>Wall is and Futuna</option>
<option value='EH'>West ern Sahara</option>
<option value='YE'>Yeme n</option>
<option value='ZM'>Zamb ia</option>
<option value='ZW'>Zimb abwe</option>
<option value='AX'>Ålan d Islands</option>
<select name='nationali ty'>
<option value='AF'>Afgh an</option>
<option value='AL'>Alba nian</option>
<option value='DZ'>Alge rian</option>
<option value='US'>Amer ican</option>
<option value='AS'>Amer ican Samoan</option>
<option value='AD'>Ando rran</option>
<option value='AO'>Ango lan</option>
<option value='AI'>Angu illan</option>
<option value='AQ'>Anta rctican</option>
<option value='AG'>Anti gua and Barbuda national</option>
<option value='AN'>Anti llean</option>
<option value='AR'>Arge ntinian</option>
<option value='AM'>Arme nian</option>
<option value='AW'>Arub an</option>
<option value='AU'>Aust ralian</option>
<option value='AT'>Aust rian</option>
<option value='AZ'>Azer baijani</option>
<option value='BS'>Baha mian</option>
<option value='BH'>Bahr aini</option>
<option value='BD'>Bang ladeshi</option>
<option value='BB'>Barb adian</option>
<option value='LS'>Baso tho</option>
<option value='BY'>Bela rusian</option>
<option value='BE'>Belg ian</option>
<option value='BZ'>Beli zean</option>
<option value='BJ'>Beni nese</option>
<option value='BM'>Berm udian</option>
<option value='BT'>Bhut anese</option>
<option value='BO'>Boli vian</option>
<option value='BA'>Bosn ia and Herzegovina national</option>
<option value='BW'>Bots wanan</option>
<option value='BV'>Bouv et Island</option>
<option value='BR'>Braz ilian</option>
<option value='IO'>Brit ish Indian Ocean Territory</option>
<option value='VG'>Brit ish Virgin Islander</option>
<option value='UK'>Brit on</option>
<option value='BN'>Brun eian</option>
<option value='BG'>Bulg arian</option>
<option value='BF'>Burk inabe</option>
<option value='MM'>Burm ese</option>
<option value='BI'>Buru ndian</option>
<option value='KH'>Camb odian</option>
<option value='CM'>Came roonian</option>
<option value='CA'>Cana dian</option>
<option value='CV'>Cape Verdean</option>
<option value='KY'>Caym anian</option>
<option value='CF'>Cent ral African</option>
<option value='TD'>Chad ian</option>
<option value='CL'>Chil ean</option>
<option value='CN'>Chin ese</option>
<option value='CX'>Chri stmas Islander</option>
<option value='CC'>Coco s Islander</option>
<option value='CO'>Colo mbian</option>
<option value='KM'>Como rian</option>
<option value='CG'>Cong olese</option>
<option value='CD'>Cong olese</option>
<option value='CK'>Cook Islander</option>
<option value='CR'>Cost a Rican</option>
<option value='HR'>Croa t</option>
<option value='CU'>Cuba n</option>
<option value='CY'>Cypr iot</option>
<option value='CZ'>Czec h</option>
<option value='DK'>Dane </option>
<option value='DJ'>Djib outian</option>
<option value='DO'>Domi nican</option>
<option value='DM'>Domi nican</option>
<option value='TL'>East Timorese</option>
<option value='EC'>Ecua dorian</option>
<option value='EG'>Egyp tian</option>
<option value='AE'>Emir ian</option>
<option value='GQ'>Equa torial Guinean</option>
<option value='ER'>Erit rean</option>
<option value='EE'>Esto nian</option>
<option value='ET'>Ethi opian</option>
<option value='FO'>Faer oese</option>
<option value='FK'>Falk land Islander</option>
<option value='FJ'>Fiji Islander</option>
<option value='PH'>Fili pino</option>
<option value='FI'>Finn </option>
<option value='FR'>Fren ch</option>
<option value='TF'>Fren ch Southern Territories</option>
<option value='GA'>Gabo nese</option>
<option value='GM'>Gamb ian</option>
<option value='GE'>Geor gian</option>
<option value='DE'>Germ an</option>
<option value='GH'>Ghan aian</option>
<option value='GI'>Gibr altarian</option>
<option value='GR'>Gree k</option>
<option value='GL'>Gree nlander</option>
<option value='GD'>Gren adian</option>
<option value='GP'>Guad eloupean</option>
<option value='GU'>Guam anian</option>
<option value='GT'>Guat emalan</option>
<option value='GF'>Guia nese</option>
<option value='GW'>Guin ea-Bissau national</option>
<option value='GN'>Guin ean</option>
<option value='GY'>Guya nese</option>
<option value='HT'>Hait ian</option>
<option value='HM'>Hear d Island and McDonald Islands</option>
<option value='HN'>Hond uran</option>
<option value='HK'>Hong Kong Chinese</option>
<option value='HU'>Hung arian</option>
<option value='IS'>Icel ander</option>
<option value='IN'>Indi an</option>
<option value='ID'>Indo nesian</option>
<option value='IR'>Iran ian</option>
<option value='IQ'>Iraq i</option>
<option value='IE'>Iris h</option>
<option value='IL'>Isra eli</option>
<option value='IT'>Ital ian</option>
<option value='CI'>Ivor ian</option>
<option value='JM'>Jama ican</option>
<option value='JP'>Japa nese</option>
<option value='JO'>Jord anian</option>
<option value='KZ'>Kaza kh</option>
<option value='KE'>Keny an</option>
<option value='KI'>Kiri batian</option>
<option value='KW'>Kuwa iti</option>
<option value='KG'>Kyrg yz</option>
<option value='LA'>Lao</option>
<option value='LV'>Latv ian</option>
<option value='LB'>Leba nese</option>
<option value='LR'>Libe rian</option>
<option value='LY'>Liby an</option>
<option value='LI'>Liec htensteiner</option>
<option value='LT'>Lith uanian</option>
<option value='LU'>Luxe mbourger</option>
<option value='MO'>Maca nese</option>
<option value='MK'>Mace donian</option>
<option value='YT'>Maho rais</option>
<option value='MG'>Mala gasy</option>
<option value='MW'>Mala wian</option>
<option value='MY'>Mala ysian</option>
<option value='MV'>Mald ivian</option>
<option value='ML'>Mali an</option>
<option value='MT'>Malt ese</option>
<option value='MH'>Mars hallese</option>
<option value='MQ'>Mart inican</option>
<option value='MR'>Maur itanian</option>
<option value='MU'>Maur itian</option>
<option value='MX'>Mexi can</option>
<option value='FM'>Micr onesian</option>
<option value='MD'>Mold ovan</option>
<option value='MC'>Mone gasque</option>
<option value='MN'>Mong olian</option>
<option value='ME'>Mont enegrian</option>
<option value='MS'>Mont serratian</option>
<option value='MA'>Moro ccan</option>
<option value='MZ'>Moza mbican</option>
<option value='NA'>Nami bian</option>
<option value='NR'>Naur uan</option>
<option value='NP'>Nepa lese</option>
<option value='NL'>Neth erlander</option>
<option value='NC'>New Caledonian</option>
<option value='NZ'>New Zealander</option>
<option value='NI'>Nica raguan</option>
<option value='NG'>Nige rian</option>
<option value='NE'>Nige rien</option>
<option value='NU'>Niue an</option>
<option value='NF'>Norf olk Islander</option>
<option value='KP'>Nort h Korean</option>
<option value='MP'>Nort hern Mariana Islander</option>
<option value='NO'>Norw egian</option>
<option value='OM'>Oman i</option>
<option value='PK'>Paki stani</option>
<option value='PW'>Pala uan</option>
<option value='PA'>Pana manian</option>
<option value='PG'>Papu a New Guinean</option>
<option value='PY'>Para guayan</option>
<option value='PE'>Peru vian</option>
<option value='PN'>Pitc airner</option>
<option value='PL'>Pole </option>
<option value='PF'>Poly nesian</option>
<option value='PT'>Port uguese</option>
<option value='PR'>Puer to Rican</option>
<option value='QA'>Qata ri</option>
<option value='RE'>Reun ionese</option>
<option value='RO'>Roma nian</option>
<option value='RU'>Russ ian</option>
<option value='RW'>Rwan dan</option>
<option value='EH'>Sahr awi</option>
<option value='SH'>Sain t Helenian</option>
<option value='KN'>Sain t Kitts and Nevis national</option>
<option value='LC'>Sain t Lucian</option>
<option value='PM'>Sain t Pierre and Miquelon national</option>
<option value='SV'>Salv adorian</option>
<option value='WS'>Samo an</option>
<option value='SM'>San Marinese</option>
<option value='ST'>São Toméan</option>
<option value='SA'>Saud i Arabian</option>
<option value='SN'>Sene galese</option>
<option value='RS'>Serb ian</option>
<option value='SC'>Seyc hellois</option>
<option value='SL'>Sier ra Leonean</option>
<option value='SG'>Sing aporean</option>
<option value='SK'>Slov ak</option>
<option value='SI'>Slov ene</option>
<option value='SB'>Solo mon Islander</option>
<option value='SO'>Soma li</option>
<option value='ZA'>Sout h African</option>
<option value='GS'>Sout h Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>
<option value='KR'>Sout h Korean</option>
<option value='ES'>Span iard</option>
<option value='LK'>Sri Lankan</option>
<option value='SD'>Suda nese</option>
<option value='SR'>Suri namer</option>
<option value='SJ'>Sval bard and Jan Mayen</option>
<option value='SZ'>Swaz i</option>
<option value='SE'>Swed e</option>
<option value='CH'>Swis s</option>
<option value='SY'>Syri an</option>
<option value='TW'>Taiw anese</option>
<option value='TJ'>Taji k</option>
<option value='TZ'>Tanz anian</option>
<option value='TH'>Thai </option>
<option value='TG'>Togo lese</option>
<option value='TK'>Toke lauan</option>
<option value='TO'>Tong an</option>
<option value='TT'>Trin idad and Tobago national</option>
<option value='TN'>Tuni sian</option>
<option value='TR'>Turk </option>
<option value='TM'>Turk men</option>
<option value='TC'>Turk s and Caicos Islander</option>
<option value='TV'>Tuva luan</option>
<option value='UG'>Ugan dan</option>
<option value='UA'>Ukra inian</option>
<option value='UM'>Unit ed States Minor Outlying Islands</option>
<option value='UY'>Urug uayan</option>
<option value='VI'>US Virgin Islander</option>
<option value='UZ'>Uzbe k</option>
<option value='VU'>Vanu atuan</option>
<option value='VA'>Vati can</option>
<option value='VE'>Vene zuelan</option>
<option value='VN'>Viet namese</option>
<option value='VC'>Vinc entian</option>
<option value='WF'>Wall is and Futuna Islander</option>
<option value='YE'>Yeme ni</option>
<option value='ZM'>Zamb ian</option>
<option value='ZW'>Zimb abwean</option>
<option value='AX'>Ålan d Islander</option>

Feb 21 '07 #10

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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