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Developing in front end

I design the front end of my app in MyAppName-develop.mdb. When I want to
deploy it I copy it and change the name to MyAppName.mdb. In the development
mdb I want a different start up option then in the mdb for the users: start
up with no database window but with the main menu form of my app. Is there a
way to prevent myself from having to change the start up settings manually
everytime I want to deploy my app. How do you guys do that?
Jun 16 '07 #1
7 1884
Per John:
>I design the front end of my app in MyAppName-develop.mdb. When I want to
deploy it I copy it and change the name to MyAppName.mdb. In the development
mdb I want a different start up option then in the mdb for the users: start
up with no database window but with the main menu form of my app. Is there a
way to prevent myself from having to change the start up settings manually
everytime I want to deploy my app. How do you guys do that?
I go a little further and call it myAppName.001.m db... my
AppName.002.mdb ... depending on it's version.

Set up an AutoExec macro that executes a routine written in VBA
that does stuff like this (starting around line 1070):
Function AutoExec() As Boolean
1000 debugStackPush mModuleName & ":AutoExec"
1001 On Error GoTo AutoExec_err

' PURPOSE: To perform any and all AutoExec processing
' NOTES: 1) Called by "AutoExec" macro

1003 Dim i As Long
Dim myFormName As String
Dim productionMode As Boolean
Dim myUserID As String
Dim myComputerName As String
Dim myLockMessage As String
Dim okToProceed As Boolean
Dim myAppTitle As String
Dim myWorkDbPath As String
Dim myHistoryUpdate dDate As Variant
Dim myDaysToAdd As Long
Dim myLastBackFillD ate As Variant

Const appTitleProblem = "There was a problem in AutoExec
setting application title."
Const moveAfterEnter_ DoNotMove = 0

'LogTime True, "AutoExec - Begin"
1006 myUserID = CurrentUserGet( )
1007 myComputerName = ComputerNameGet ()
1009 IniValue_Put myUserID, Format$(Now(), "yyyy-mm/dd-hh:nn"),
"Logged On"

1010 DoCmd.Hourglass True
' We need to create all work tables before re-conecting them
because if a table does not
' exist, MS Access will not let us alter the connection string

1030 myWorkDbPath = WorkDbPath_Get( )
1031 dataBaseDelete myWorkDbPath 'So the work db does not
get bigger-and-bigger day-after-day
1039 okToProceed = True

1040 If okToProceed = True Then
1041 okToProceed = False
1042 If ConnectRefresh( ) = True Then
'LogTime False, Space(3) & "ConnectRefresh "
1043 myAppTitle = IniValue_Get("P rogramParms", "TitleBar")
1044 If Len(myAppTitle) = 0 Then
1045 myAppTitle = appTitleProblem
1049 End If

1050 If applicationProp ertySet("AppTit le", dbText,
myAppTitle) = True Then
1051 Application.Ref reshTitleBar
1052 okToProceed = True
1053 Else
1054 BugAlert False, appTitleProblem
1059 MsgBox appTitleProblem , vbCritical, "Applicatio n
Cannot Be Run"
1060 End If
1061 okToProceed = True
1062 DoCmd.Hourglass True
1063 End If
1069 End If

' '
' ' In part, want to carve out as much screen space as possible
- given that at least some
' ' people are running their monitors at 800x600
1070 If okToProceed = True Then
1071 okToProceed = False
1072 productionMode = ProductionMode_ Get()
'1073 For i = 0 To Forms.Count - 1 'Subsitutes a
dummy menu bar
'1074 Forms(i).MenuBa r = "mnuDummy"
'1075 Next i
''LogTime False, Space(3) & "Menu Bars dummied"
1076 DeveloperMenusT oggle Not ProductionMode_ Get()
''LogTime False, Space(3) & "DeveloperMenus Toggle"

' This keeps us from jumping from one control to another when
the user presses Enter.
' In the case of a ListBox, we want to capture Enter and call
DblClick processing.

1077 Application.Set Option "Move After Enter",
moveAfterEnter_ DoNotMove
1078 okToProceed = True
1079 End If

' Ensure that each tranche has a payment record and a price
record for each day since
' a certain date

1090 StatusSet "Updating Payment/Price History Tables..."
1091 myHistoryUpdate dDate = IniValue_Get(gP rogramParms,
"HistoryUpdated Date")
1092 If IsDate(myHistor yUpdatedDate) Then
1093 myDaysToAdd = DateDiff("d", Date, myHistoryUpdate dDate)
1094 myDaysToAdd = Abs(myDaysToAdd )
1095 If myDaysToAdd <0 Then
1096 StatusSet "Updating Payment/Price History Tables..."
'1097 Payment_EmptyRe cordsAppend_All Tranches
myHistoryUpdate dDate, myDaysToAdd
1098 PriceHistory_Em ptyRecordsAppen d_AllTranches
myHistoryUpdate dDate, myDaysToAdd
1099 IniValue_Put gProgramParms, "HistoryUpdated Date", Date
1100 End If
1199 End If

' Backfill tblGlobalMarket Value if necessary

1210 myLastBackFillD ate = IniValue_Get(gP rogramParms,
"LastBackFillDa te")
1211 If IsDate(myLastBa ckFillDate) Then
1212 If DateDiff("d", Date, myLastBackFillD ate) <0 Then
1214 GlobalMarketVal ues_BackFill False
1215 IniValue_Put gProgramParms, "LastBackFillDa te", Date
'It's been done, but not today... so do it
1216 End If
1219 Else
1221 GlobalMarketVal ues_BackFill False 'It's never, ever been
done... so do it
1222 IniValue_Put gProgramParms, "LastBackFillDa te", Date
1229 End If

1310 If okToProceed = True Then
1311 okToProceed = False
1313 StatusSet ""
1314 MonthlyCheck_Re ferenceRates
1315 MonthlyCheck_Gl obalMarketValue s
1316 DoCmd.OpenForm "frmHome"
1329 End If

'LogTime False, "AutoExec - End"
1990 DoCmd.Hourglass False

On Error Resume Next
Exit Function

BugAlert True, ""
Resume AutoExec_xit
End Function
Private Function applicationProp ertySet(ByVal thePropertyName As
String, ByVal thePropertyType As Variant, ByVal thePropertyValu e
As Variant) As Integer
debugStackPush mModuleName & ": applicationProp ertySet"
On Error GoTo applicationProp ertySet_err

' PURPOSE: To set the named application property or, if it
doesn't exist, create it and then set it.
' ACCEPTS: - Name of the property
' - Type of the property
' - Value we want the property set to
' RETURNS: True or False depending on success
' NOTES: If this is used to set the AppTitle, the call to this
routine must be followed
' by an "Application.Re freshTitleBar" or you will not
see the new title until the
' app has been closed and then re-opened.

Dim myProperty As Property

Const propertyNotFoun d = 3270

curDB().Propert ies(theProperty Name) = thePropertyValu e

applicationProp ertySet = True

applicationProp ertySet_xit:
On Error Resume Next
Exit Function

applicationProp ertySet_err:
If Err = propertyNotFoun d Then
Set myProperty = curDB().CreateP roperty(theProp ertyName,
thePropertyType , thePropertyValu e)
curDB().Propert ies.Append myProperty
BugAlert True, "Property Name = '" & thePropertyName & "',
Type = '" & thePropertyType & "', Value = '" & thePropertyValu e
& "'."
End If
End Function
Jun 16 '07 #2
"John" <jo@hn.comwro te in
news:f5******** ***@textnews.wa nadoo.nl:
I design the front end of my app in MyAppName-develop.mdb.
When I want to deploy it I copy it and change the name to
MyAppName.mdb. In the development mdb I want a different start
up option then in the mdb for the users: start up with no
database window but with the main menu form of my app. Is
there a way to prevent myself from having to change the start
up settings manually everytime I want to deploy my app. How do
you guys do that? thanks,
I just set a variable to environ("userna me") ="RQuintal"
and branch to the appropriate code.to show database window, etc. if
it returns true.

Bob Quintal

PA is y I've altered my email address.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com

Jun 17 '07 #3
Thanks Bob en Pete. That helps.

"Bob Quintal" <rq******@sPAmp atico.caschreef in bericht
news:Xn******** **************@ .
"John" <jo@hn.comwro te in
news:f5******** ***@textnews.wa nadoo.nl:
>I design the front end of my app in MyAppName-develop.mdb.
When I want to deploy it I copy it and change the name to
MyAppName.md b. In the development mdb I want a different start
up option then in the mdb for the users: start up with no
database window but with the main menu form of my app. Is
there a way to prevent myself from having to change the start
up settings manually everytime I want to deploy my app. How do
you guys do that? thanks,

I just set a variable to environ("userna me") ="RQuintal"
and branch to the appropriate code.to show database window, etc. if
it returns true.

Bob Quintal

PA is y I've altered my email address.

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com

Jun 17 '07 #4
No need to re-name the mdb....

distibite a mde to your users....

You most certainly can, and should hide all of the ms-access interface. The
options to complete hide and keep people out of the ms-access interface can
easily be done using the tools->start-up options. Using those options allows
you to complete hide the ms-access interface (tool bars, database window

Also, using these options means you do not have to bother setting up

Try downloading and running the 3rd example at my following web site that
shows a hidden ms-access interface, and NO CODE is required to do
this....but just some settings in the start-up.

Check out:


After you try the application, you can exit, and then re-load the
application, but hold down the shift key to by-pass the start-up options. If
want, you can even disable the shift key by pass. I have a sample mdb file
that will let you "set" the shift key bypass on any application you want.

You can get this at:


Of course, during development, you will hold down the shift key so your
startup settings don't run. You then develop for awhile, and then to test in
"user" mode, you exit..and then re-enter the application without the shift
key bypassed. You will likely do this dance all day long as you run/test as
user mode, and then flip back in to developer mode (shift key used..so you
don't get the main custom menu). So, you can't develop, or really modify
things when you run your application with the startup settings...so you must
shift-by-pass them when you want to work.

And, in fact, I use alt-f4 to exit the application...t he mdb file should
still be highlighted in the windows explore..so, then you hit enter key
(and, hold down shift key if you need be). This key stroke sequence and
exiting and re-entering the application will occur CONSTANTLY all day long
when you are developing.

When you finally have things just right...you create the mde
you plan to distribute...

You mdb will have all of the startup set so you can easlily "test" the
featurs. You can't set a bunch of startup stuff..and never test it......

Albert D. Kallal (Access MVP)
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
pl************* ****@msn.com
Jun 17 '07 #5
Thanks Albert, that sounds good. I just tried a couple of times to make an
mde but that makes my Access crash. I'll do some more checking later.

"Albert D. Kallal" <Pl************ *******@msn.com schreef in bericht
news:mugdi.3413 6$NV3.31720@pd7 urf2no...
No need to re-name the mdb....

distibite a mde to your users....

You most certainly can, and should hide all of the ms-access interface.
options to complete hide and keep people out of the ms-access interface
easily be done using the tools->start-up options. Using those options
allows you to complete hide the ms-access interface (tool bars, database
window etc).

Also, using these options means you do not have to bother setting up

Try downloading and running the 3rd example at my following web site that
shows a hidden ms-access interface, and NO CODE is required to do
this....but just some settings in the start-up.

Check out:


After you try the application, you can exit, and then re-load the
application, but hold down the shift key to by-pass the start-up options.
If want, you can even disable the shift key by pass. I have a sample mdb
file that will let you "set" the shift key bypass on any application you

You can get this at:


Of course, during development, you will hold down the shift key so your
startup settings don't run. You then develop for awhile, and then to test
"user" mode, you exit..and then re-enter the application without the shift
key bypassed. You will likely do this dance all day long as you run/test
user mode, and then flip back in to developer mode (shift key used..so you
don't get the main custom menu). So, you can't develop, or really modify
things when you run your application with the startup settings...so you
shift-by-pass them when you want to work.

And, in fact, I use alt-f4 to exit the application...t he mdb file should
still be highlighted in the windows explore..so, then you hit enter key
(and, hold down shift key if you need be). This key stroke sequence and
exiting and re-entering the application will occur CONSTANTLY all day long
when you are developing.

When you finally have things just right...you create the mde
you plan to distribute...

You mdb will have all of the startup set so you can easlily "test" the
featurs. You can't set a bunch of startup stuff..and never test it......

Albert D. Kallal (Access MVP)
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
pl************* ****@msn.com

Jun 17 '07 #6
John wrote:
way to prevent myself from having to change the start up settings manually
everytime I want to deploy my app. How do you guys do that?
No offence meant, John, but this sounds like a big fuss. Just put a
copy of the FE and BE in a development folder and have at it. I keep
all versions of FE/BE in folders named after the version number, ie,
1.00.02, etc. Then, when done, refresh your links to the prodiction
back end and plop the FE whereever you need it.

Tim http://www.ucs.mun.ca/~tmarshal/
/#) "Burp-beep, burp-beep, burp-beep?" - Quaker Jake
/^^ "What's UP, Dittoooooo?" - Ditto
Jun 17 '07 #7
Per Tim Marshall:
I keep
all versions of FE/BE in folders named after the version number, ie,
1.00.02, etc.
Call me obsessive, but I keep all my old versions as .Zip files.

That way I know for sure that I won't fat-finger any of the code
- as in opening up an old version to clone some code into another
Jun 18 '07 #8

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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