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Can anyone recommend a Dot Matrix printer for my DB?

OK, I tried getting and old Newbury Data ND2500 working using the "Generic
/Text only" driver in Win XP. It prints, but I could not find a way to set a
custom page size that matches the paper I am using. So there was no way it
would ever work.

The customer is happy to buy another Dot Matrix printer because the ND2500
can be used elsewhere. So which printer should I get that can plug and play
with Access?

Dec 20 '05 #1
4 1894
I used the Epson L1000 driver on a number of 24 pin Epson printers. It did a
fair but slow graphic output. The only driver I ever found that would print
actual text was the "Generic /Text only" driver.

"Paul H" <no****@nospam. com> wrote in message
news:k8******** *********@newsf e2-win.ntli.net...
OK, I tried getting and old Newbury Data ND2500 working using the "Generic
/Text only" driver in Win XP. It prints, but I could not find a way to set a custom page size that matches the paper I am using. So there was no way it
would ever work.

The customer is happy to buy another Dot Matrix printer because the ND2500
can be used elsewhere. So which printer should I get that can plug and play with Access?


Dec 20 '05 #2
1. Does it have to be dot matrix? They're loud and slow and annoying
and bulky... If they're going to buy a new printer, a upscale-model
laser printer is more likely to have the ability to adjust to a number
of different sizes. Alternatively, you could always get one of the
giant commercial high-speed dot matrix printers that looks like a
plotter, but...why?

2.Can you find a more specific or updated driver for your current
printer? http://www.driverguide.com has a whole bunch of different
drivers for any number of different things. You may be able to simply
get a compatible driver and save your client some cash.

Dec 20 '05 #3
On 20 Dec 2005 06:25:13 -0800, "Steve" <th*********@gm ail.com> wrote:
1. Does it have to be dot matrix? They're loud and slow and annoying
and bulky... If they're going to buy a new printer, a upscale-model
laser printer is more likely to have the ability to adjust to a number
of different sizes. Alternatively, you could always get one of the
giant commercial high-speed dot matrix printers that looks like a
plotter, but...why?

I would assume that they have a requirement to use multi layer carbonised paper which requires the impact of a dot
matrix to create the impression on the copy layer(s).

Wayne Gillespie
Gosford NSW Australia
Dec 20 '05 #4
"Paul H" <no****@nospam. com> wrote in
news:k8******** *********@newsf e2-win.ntli.net:
OK, I tried getting and old Newbury Data ND2500 working using the
"Generic /Text only" driver in Win XP. It prints, but I could not find
a way to set a custom page size that matches the paper I am using. So
there was no way it would ever work.

The customer is happy to buy another Dot Matrix printer because the
ND2500 can be used elsewhere. So which printer should I get that can
plug and play with Access?


In the very, very olden days one did not need a driver for a dot matrix
printer (maybe other types too, my memory is misty about that). One could
just send the printer control codes directly to the printer and then the
I found this necessary (at least it seemed necessary) to complete multi-
copy (like carbon copies, don't know the proper name for them) purchase
orders which had boxes for various pieces of information. The regular
drivers just would not put things where they were supposed to go
consistently. Every ten printings or so they screwed up and POs had
numbers which had to be accounted for so, trashing a PO was not

So I wrote my own: (it's amazing how ones style may change over the

Here's the whole module as the naked procedure may need the other
functions to make sense; I left justified the whole thing to try to
minimize evil linebreaking:

Public Function PrintPO(IDNumbe r As Long)
Dim dbs As Database, rcs As Recordset, tdf As TableDef, dbsPathandName As
String, _
criteria As String, Supplier As String, shipTo As String, _
fileName As String, fileNumber As Integer, _
initialize As String, sixLPI As String, tenPitch As String, _
bold As String, doubleStrike As String, halfLine As String, _
eject As String, nonproportional As String, _
printerCodes As String, retVal As Variant, _
lnStr As String, aLines(60) As String, iCount As Integer, _
accTotal As Currency, warnReAccounts As Boolean, nLine As Integer, _
nStartLine As Integer, nStopLine As Integer, _
Description As String, descriptionArra y As Variant, descriptionStri ng As
String, _
asPerAttached As Boolean, whereString As String, _
rcsAccountNumbe rs As Recordset

Dim mString As String, position As Integer, printString As String, _
pst As Currency, gst As Currency, total As Currency, Amount As Currency

initialize = Chr(27) & Chr(64)
sixLPI = Chr(27) & Chr(50)
tenPitch = Chr(27) & Chr(80)
bold = Chr(27) & Chr(69)
doubleStrike = Chr(27) & Chr(71)
nonproportional = Chr(27) & "p0"
eject = Chr(12)
printerCodes = initialize & sixLPI & tenPitch & bold & doubleStrike &

'verify that printer is ready
If MsgBox("Is printer ready and form inserted?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion,
"Print Purchase Order") = vbYes Then

' get the data
' the connect property of the linked tables gives us the path
' for the tables
' we have to open them directly to use their indexes
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs(" Accounts")
dbsPathandName = Mid(tdf.Connect , 11)

Set dbs = OpenDatabase(db sPathandName)

' fill the aLines array wiith strings of 80 blank characters
lnStr = Space(80)
For iCount = 1 To 60
aLines(iCount) = lnStr

'deal with accounts first
Set rcs = dbs.OpenRecords et("Accounts Charged", dbOpenTable)
rcs.Index = "Order ID Number"
rcs.Seek "=", IDNumber
Set rcsAccountNumbe rs = dbs.OpenRecords et("Accounts", dbOpenTable)
rcsAccountNumbe rs.Index = "Account Number"

iCount = 4
accTotal = 0
Do While rcs![Order ID Number] = IDNumber
If iCount < 9 Then
If fUseNewNumbers Then
rcsAccountNumbe rs.Seek "=", rcs![Account Number]
aLines(iCount) = stuff(aLines(iC ount), 35, Trim(rcsAccount Numbers![New
Account Number]))
aLines(iCount) = AccountFormat(r cs![Account Number], aLines(iCount))
End If
aLines(iCount) = stuff(aLines(iC ount), 68, padleft(Format( rcs![Amount],
"currency") , 11))
End If
iCount = iCount + 2
accTotal = accTotal + rcs![Amount]
If rcs.EOF Then
Exit Do
End If

aLines(10) = stuff(aLines(10 ), 68, padleft(Format( accTotal, "currency") ,
warnReAccounts = iCount > 8


' sundry data from orders
Set rcs = dbs.OpenRecords et("Orders", dbOpenTable)
rcs.Index = "PrimaryKey "
rcs.Seek "=", IDNumber

aLines(4) = stuff(aLines(4) , 2, rcs![Date])
aLines(4) = stuff(aLines(4) , 13, rcs![Requisitioned By])
aLines(6) = stuff(aLines(6) , 2, rcs![Authorized By])

If rcs![US Funds] Then
aLines(10) = stuff(aLines(10 ), 35, "US Funds")
aLines(57) = stuff(aLines(58 ), 35, "US Funds")
End If

Supplier = rcs![Supplier]
shipTo = rcs![Ship To]


' supplier
aLines(19) = stuff(aLines(19 ), 6, Supplier)

Set rcs = dbs.OpenRecords et("Suppliers" , dbOpenTable)
rcs.Index = "PrimaryKey "
rcs.Seek "=", Supplier
mString = rcs![Address]

iCount = 1
Do While Len(mString) > 0
position = InStr(1, mString, Chr(13) + Chr(10), 0)
Select Case position
Case Is > 0
printString = Left(mString, position - 1)
mString = Mid(mString, position + 2)
Case Else
printString = mString
mString = ""
End Select
aLines(19 + iCount) = stuff(aLines(19 + iCount), 6, printString)
iCount = iCount + 1

' Ship To
aLines(19) = stuff(aLines(19 ), 46, shipTo)

Set rcs = dbs.OpenRecords et("Ship To", dbOpenTable)
rcs.Index = "PrimaryKey "
rcs.Seek "=", shipTo
mString = rcs![Address]

iCount = 1
Do While Len(mString) > 0
position = InStr(1, mString, Chr(13) + Chr(10), 0)
Select Case position
Case Is > 0
printString = Left(mString, position - 1)
mString = Mid(mString, position + 2)
Case Else
printString = mString
mString = ""
End Select
aLines(19 + iCount) = stuff(aLines(19 + iCount), 46, printString)
iCount = iCount + 1

Set rcs = dbs.OpenRecords et("Items Ordered", dbOpenTable)
rcs.Index = "Order ID Number"
rcs.Seek "=", IDNumber

gst = 0
pst = 0
total = 0
nLine = 28

Do While rcs![Order ID Number] = IDNumber
If Not rcs![Unit] = 0 Then
Amount = rcs![Quantity] / rcs![Unit] * rcs![Price]
Amount = 0
End If

nLine = nLine + 1
If nLine < 52 Then
If rcs![Quantity] > 0 Then
aLines(nLine) = stuff(aLines(nL ine), 2, padleft(rcs![Quantity], 6))
aLines(nLine) = stuff(aLines(nL ine), 55, padleft(Format( rcs![Price],
"currency") , 11))
aLines(nLine) = stuff(aLines(nL ine), 66, padleft(rcs![Unit], 4))
aLines(nLine) = stuff(aLines(nL ine), 70, padleft(Format( Amount,
"currency") , 11))
End If
Description = Nz(rcs![Description])
descriptionArra y = memoLines(Descr iption, 45)
nStartLine = LBound(descript ionArray)
nStopLine = UBound(descript ionArray)

For iCount = nStartLine To nStopLine
If nLine < 52 Then
descriptionStri ng = descriptionArra y(iCount)
aLines(nLine) = stuff(aLines(nL ine), 10, descriptionStri ng)
nLine = nLine + 1
Exit For
End If
End If

' add amounts to totaling variables
total = total + Amount
gst = gst + rcs![GST Rate] * Amount
pst = pst + rcs![PST Rate] * Amount

If rcs.EOF Then
Exit Do
End If

rcsAccountNumbe rs.Close

asPerAttached = (nLine > 51)

If asPerAttached Then
For iCount = 28 To 51
aLines(iCount) = lnStr
aLines(28) = stuff(aLines(28 ), 10, "As Per Attached")
MsgBox "There are too many items to be printed on one Purchase Order" & _
Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "Items will be printed on an attachment."
End If

aLines(51) = stuff(aLines(48 ), 70, padleft(Format( total, "currency") ,
aLines(53) = stuff(aLines(48 ), 70, padleft(Format( gst, "currency") , 11))
aLines(55) = stuff(aLines(48 ), 70, padleft(Format( pst, "currency") , 11))
aLines(57) = stuff(aLines(48 ), 70, padleft(Format( gst + pst + total,
"currency") , 11))

' open the print file
fileName = DLookup("Port", "Printer Port", "ID = 1")
fileNumber = FreeFile()
Open fileName For Output As fileNumber

' printer codes
Print #fileNumber, printerCodes

' data
For iCount = 1 To 60
Print #fileNumber, aLines(iCount)

' return printer to original state
Print #fileNumber, initialize

Close #fileNumber

If warnReAccounts Then
retVal = MsgBox("There are more than three account entries; Please, enter
the extra entries manually after the PO is printed.", vbCritical,
End If

If asPerAttached Then
whereString = "[Order ID Number] =" & IDNumber
DoCmd.OpenRepor t "As Per Attached", acViewPreview, , whereString
End If

End If
End Function

Private Function AccountFormat(a ccountNumber As String, lnStr As String)
As String

accountNumber = padRight(accoun tNumber, 20)
lnStr = stuff(lnStr, 35, Mid(accountNumb er, 1, 2))
lnStr = stuff(lnStr, 39, Mid(accountNumb er, 4, 3))
lnStr = stuff(lnStr, 45, Mid(accountNumb er, 8, 3))
lnStr = stuff(lnStr, 50, Mid(accountNumb er, 12, 3))
lnStr = stuff(lnStr, 55, Mid(accountNumb er, 16, 1))
lnStr = stuff(lnStr, 58, Mid(accountNumb er, 18, 3))
AccountFormat = lnStr

End Function

Private Function padRight(cStrin g, pad As Integer) As String
cString = Trim(cString)
Select Case Len(cString)
Case Is < pad
padRight = cString & String(pad - Len(cString), " ")
Case Is > pad
padRight = Left(cString, pad)
Case Else
padRight = cString
End Select
End Function
Private Function padleft(cString , pad As Integer) As String
cString = Trim(cString)
Select Case Len(cString)
Case Is < pad
padleft = String(pad - Len(cString), " ") & cString
Case Is > pad
padleft = Right(cString, pad)
Case Else
padleft = cString
End Select
End Function

Private Function stuff(original As String, position As Integer, INSERT As
Dim leftPart As String, rightPart As String
leftPart = Left(original, position - 1)
rightPart = Mid(original, position + Len(INSERT))
stuff = leftPart & INSERT & rightPart
End Function

Private Function memoLines(memo As String, lineLength As Integer) As

Dim workingString As String, iCount As Integer, element As Integer,
character As String
ReDim lineArray(0) As String

workingString = Trim(memo)
element = 0

Do While Len(workingStri ng) > lineLength
ReDim Preserve lineArray(eleme nt)
If (InStr(1, workingString, " ") > lineLength) Or (InStr(1,
workingString, Chr(13)) > lineLength) Then
lineArray(eleme nt) = Trim(Left(worki ngString, lineLength))
workingString = Trim(Mid(workin gString, lineLength + 1))
For iCount = lineLength To 1 Step -1
character = Mid(workingStri ng, iCount, 1)
Select Case character
Case Is = " "
lineArray(eleme nt) = Trim(Left(worki ngString, iCount - 1))
workingString = Trim(Mid(workin gString, iCount + 1))
Exit For
Case Is = Chr(10)
lineArray(eleme nt) = Trim(Left(worki ngString, iCount - 2))
workingString = Trim(Mid(workin gString, iCount + 1))
Exit For
End Select
Next iCount
End If
element = element + 1
Do While InStr(1, workingString, Chr(13)) > 0
ReDim Preserve lineArray(eleme nt)
iCount = InStr(1, workingString, Chr(13))
lineArray(eleme nt) = Trim(Left(worki ngString, iCount - 1))
workingString = Trim(Mid(workin gString, iCount + 2))
element = element + 1
If Len(workingStri ng) > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve lineArray(eleme nt)
lineArray(eleme nt) = workingString
End If
memoLines = lineArray

End Function

Lyle Fairfield
Dec 20 '05 #5

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