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date error

18 New Member
I keep getting this error and I can't seem to correct it.

System.InvalidC astException: Cast from string "" to type 'Date' is not valid.

Here's the code.

Sub InsertTempTable s()

'Sub proc that inserts info into temp tables

'Production connection
Dim DBConn As New SqlConnection(A pplication("DBC onn")) 'Open a new connection
Dim cmdInsertTempTa bles As New SqlCommand("spI nsertTempFWPerm itTables", DBConn)
Dim sqldatenull As SqlDateTime
sqldatenull = SqlDateTime.Nul l
cmdInsertTempTa bles.CommandTyp e = CommandType.Sto redProcedure

'Stored proc that inserts record into temp tables

If lstApplicantMI. SelectedItem.Va lue = "Select" Then
lstApplicantMI. SelectedItem.Va lue = ""
End If

strrdate = txtrdate.Text
strddate = txtddate.Text
strdisplaydate = txtdisplaydate. Text
strlname = txtApplicantLas tName.Text
strfname = txtApplicantFir stName.Text
strMI = lstApplicantMI. SelectedItem.Va lue
strhomeph = txtHomePhone1.V alue + txtHomePhone2.V alue + txtHomePhone3.V alue
strworkph = txtBusPhone1.Va lue + txtBusPhone2.Va lue + txtBusPhone3.Va lue
strPCPhone = txtPurchaseCoPh one1.Value + txtPurchaseCoPh one2.Value + txtPurchaseCoPh one3.Value
dtdob = txtDOB1.Value + "/" + txtDOB2.Value + "/" + txtDOB3.Value
strReadyDate = txtreadystand.T ext
strSSN = txtSSN1.Value + txtSSN2.Value + txtSSN3.Value
strAddr1 = txtMailingAddre ss1.Text
strAddr2 = txtMailingAddre ss2.Text
strCity = txtMailingCity. Text
strState = lstMailingState .SelectedItem.V alue
strZip = txtMailingZip.T ext
strConame = txtBusinessName .Text
strCoAddr1 = txtBusAddress1. Text
strCoAddr2 = txtBusAddress2. Text
strCoCity = txtBusCity.Text
strCostate = lstBusState.Sel ectedItem.Value
strCoCounty = lstBusCounty.Se lectedItem.Valu e
strClass = ddlFWClass.Sele ctedItem.Value
strSalesID = txtSalesTaxNo.T ext
strPCName = txtPurchaseCoNa me.Text
strPCAddr1 = txtPurchaseCoAd dress1.Text
strPCaddr2 = txtPurchaseCoAd dress2.Text
strPCCity = txtPurchaseCoCi ty.Text
strPCState = lstPurchaseCoSt ate.SelectedIte m.Value
strPCZip = txtPurchaseCoZi p.Text
strrtime = txtrtime.Text
strdtime = txtdtime.Text
strdisplaytime = txtdisplaytime. Text
strsponsor = txtsponsor.Text
strconductor = txtconductor.Te xt
strFWUserID = Session("FWUser ID")
strTransactionN umber = Session("Transa ctionNumber")


With cmdInsertTempTa bles.Parameters

.Add("@vchmiddl eInitial", strMI)
.Add("@vchrtime ", strrtime)
.Add("@vchdtime ", strdtime)
.Add("@vchdispl aytime", strdisplaytime)
.Add("@vchLastn ame", strlname)
.Add("@vchfirst name", strfname)
.Add("@dtdob", dtdob)
.Add("@vchSSN", strSSN)
.Add("@vchAppli cantAddress1", strAddr1)
.Add("@vchAppli cantAddress2", strAddr2)
.Add("@vchAppli cantCity", strCity)
.Add("@vchAppli cantState", strState)
.Add("@vchAppli cantZip", strZip)
.Add("@vchAppli cantHomePhone", strhomeph)
.Add("@vchAppli cantWorkPhone", strworkph)
.Add("@vchcompa nyname", strConame)
.Add("@vchcompa nyaddress1", strCoAddr1)
.Add("@vchcompa nyaddress2", strCoAddr2)
.Add("@vchcompa nycity", strCoCity)
.Add("@vchcompa nystate", strCostate)
.Add("@vchcount y", strCoCounty)
.Add("@vchFWCla ss", strClass)
.Add("@vchSales ID", strSalesID)
'.Add("@vchAppl icationreason", strReason)
.Add("@vchspons or", strsponsor)
.Add("@vchcondu ctor", strconductor)
.Add("@vchFWUse rID", strFWUserID)
.Add("@vchTrans actionNumber", strTransactionN umber)
.Add("@vchPurCo Name", strPCName)
.Add("@vchPurco address1", strPCAddr1)
.Add("@vchPurco address2", strPCaddr2)
.Add("@vchPurco city", strPCCity)
.Add("@vchPurco State", strPCState)
.Add("@vchPurco Zip", strPCZip)
.Add("@vchPurco phone", strPCPhone)
'.Add("@dtenter ed", txttodaydate.Te xt)

If txttodaydate.Te xt = "" Then
.Add("@dtentere d", sqldatenull)
.Add("@dtentere d", txttodaydate.Te xt)
End If

If strrdate = "" Then
.Add("@dtrdate" , sqldatenull)
.Add("@dtrdate" , CDate(strrdate) )
End If

If strReadyDate = "" Then
.Add("@dtStandR eadyDate", sqldatenull)
.Add("@dtStandR eadyDate", CDate(strReadyD ate))
End If

If strdisplaydate = "" Then
.Add("@dtdispla ydate", sqldatenull)
.Add("@dtdispla ydate", CDate(strdispla ydate))
End If

If strddate = "" Then
.Add("@dtddate" , sqldatenull)
.Add("@dtddate" , CDate(strddate) )
End If

If strReason = "" Then
.Add("@vchAppli cationReason", "")
.Add("@vchAppli cationReason", strReason)
End If

If strdisplaytime = "" Then
.Add("@vchdispl aytime", sqldatenull)
.Add("@vchdispl aytime", strdisplaytime)
End If

If strdtime = "" Then
.Add("@vchdtime ", sqldatenull)
.Add("@vchdtime ", strdtime)
End If

If strrtime = "" Then
.Add("@vchrtime ", sqldatenull)
.Add("@vchrtime ", strrtime)
End If

Dim strAmount As String
Dim date1 As Date
Dim date4 As Date
Dim date3 As Date
Dim strDateDiff, strdatediff2 As String
date1 = txttodaydate.Te xt
date4 = txtddate.Text
date3 = txtdisplaydate. Text
strDateDiff = (DateDiff("d", date1, date4))
strdatediff2 = (DateDiff("d", date1, date3))

If ddlFWClass.Sele ctedItem.Value = "D" Then
strAmount = 2000
End If

If ddlFWClass.Sele ctedItem.Value = "M" Then
strAmount = 2000
End If

If ddlFWClass.Sele ctedItem.Value = "R" Then
strAmount = 200
End If

If ddlFWClass.Sele ctedItem.Value = "W" Then
strAmount = 700
End If

If ddlFWClass.Sele ctedItem.Value = "SR1" Then
strAmount = 100
End If

If ddlFWClass.Sele ctedItem.Value = "SR2" Then
strAmount = 200
End If

.Add("@mAmount" , CDbl(strAmount) )

If ddlFWClass.Sele ctedItem.Value = "PD" Then
If strDateDiff < 10 Then
strAmount = 100
strAmount = 50
End If
End If

If ddlFWClass.Sele ctedItem.Value = "CP" Then
If strdatediff2 < 10 Then
strAmount = 200
strAmount = 100
End If
End If

End With
cmdInsertTempTa bles.ExecuteNon Query()

Catch er As Exception
LogError(er.ToS tring, "Applicatio n")
Exit Try
End Try
End Sub

It was working fine until I entered the datediff code highlighted in bold which I really need. Can someone help me get pass that error?
Aug 14 '07 #1
8 1690
82 New Member
I keep getting this error and I can't seem to correct it... It was working fine until I entered the datediff code highlighted in bold which I really need. Can someone help me get pass that error?
Hey -

Just to be sure that dates are correct and to avoid confusion and error.

All you have to do is convert all dates from a string or text object.
For example, the code below

date1 = txttodaydate.Te xt
date4 = txtddate.Text
date3 = txtdisplaydate. Text

txtdisplaydate. Text is in text / string data type and then, you tried to transfer it into variables in date format (date3).

To be sure that the dates are correctly converted, you may try to use CDATE or FORMAT functions

date4 = CDATE(txtddate. Text)
date3 = Format(txtdispl aydate.Text,"mm/dd/yyyy") ' or yyyy-mm-dd
Aug 15 '07 #2
18 New Member
I have tried that already, but here's the weird thing. If I comment out the bold part, it works just fine. But when I choose either CP or PD the date textboxes that I don't need throws the error. For instance if I choose CP, txtddate, which will be empty, throws the error. If I choose PD, txtdisplaydate, which is going the be empty, throws the error. But I have the code that says if textbox = "' then enter as null. It seems as if it it still wants me to enter those values and I've tried writing other code but none of them seem to work.
Aug 15 '07 #3
8,435 Recognized Expert Expert
Can someone explain to me why these are strings? DateDiff returns a number, and comparing numbers as strings is risky at any time. They tend to be compared alphabetically, which nets you strange results. For example, while it is true that 100 > 15, it's also true that "15" > "100". (Anyone who doesn't believe me should try it before responding. Just go to the immediate window and enter ? "15" > "100")
Aug 16 '07 #4
18 New Member
Killer42 what would you suggest because I've tried declaring datediff as integers and that still don't work? I've tried everything and I still can't seem to get it to work.
Aug 20 '07 #5
8,435 Recognized Expert Expert
Killer42 what would you suggest because I've tried declaring datediff as integers and that still don't work? I've tried everything and I still can't seem to get it to work.
How about this? I use VB6, so my syntax may be off, but hopefully it'll be close enough to show what I mean...
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Dim NumDays As Long
  2. Select Case ddlFWClass.SelectedItem.Value
  3.   Case "PD"
  4.     NumDays = DateDiff("d", CDate(txttodaydate.Text), CDate(txtddate.Text))
  5.     If NumDays < 10 Then
  6.       strAmount = 100
  7.     Else
  8.       strAmount = 50
  9.     End If
  10.   Case "CP"
  11.     NumDays = DateDiff("d", CDate(txttodaydate.Text), CDate(txtdisplaydate.Text))
  12.     If NumDays < 10 Then
  13.       strAmount = 200
  14.     Else
  15.       strAmount = 100
  16.     End If
  17.   Case Else
  18.     ' Apparently we don't do anything in this situation.
  19. End Select
Aug 20 '07 #6
18 New Member
thanks! I'll let you know what happens.
Aug 21 '07 #7
18 New Member
it worked. thank you so much.
Aug 21 '07 #8
8,435 Recognized Expert Expert
it worked. thank you so much.
Great! Glad we could help. :)
Aug 21 '07 #9

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