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Designer shows combobox but run time does not

I tried to use a datasource with a combobox and it didn't work completely so
I build a small test that was much more straight forward then the app.

The test was to see if the combobox dropdown list displayed the correct

However, although the designer shows the combobox the combobox does not
show at runtime.

If you would be so kind as to cut the code below and paste it into a form
maybe you can easily see why the combobox does not display.


Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows. Forms.Form

'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.

<System.Diagnos tics.DebuggerNo nUserCode()_

Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)

If disposing AndAlso components IsNot Nothing Then

components.Disp ose()

End If

MyBase.Dispose( disposing)

End Sub

Friend WithEvents ComboBox1 As WindowsApplicat ion1.StringWith IntegerComboBox

'Required by the Windows Form Designer

Private components As System.Componen tModel.IContain er

'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer

'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.

'Do not modify it using the code editor.

Private Sub InitializeCompo nent()

Me.ComboBox1 = New WindowsApplicat ion1.StringWith IntegerComboBox

Me.SuspendLayou t()




Me.ComboBox1.Lo cation = New System.Drawing. Point(136, 139)

Me.ComboBox1.Na me = "ComboBox1"

Me.ComboBox1.Si ze = New System.Drawing. Size(235, 21)

Me.ComboBox1.Ta bIndex = 0




Me.AutoScaleDim ensions = New System.Drawing. SizeF(6.0!, 13.0!)

Me.AutoScaleMod e = System.Windows. Forms.AutoScale Mode.Font

Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing. Size(572, 341)

Me.Controls.Add (Me.ComboBox1)

Me.Name = "Form1"

Me.Text = "Form1"

Me.ResumeLayout (False)

End Sub

End Class

Public Class StringWithInteg erComboBox

Inherits System.Windows. Forms.ComboBox

Public Sub New()


Me.DataSource = myList

Me.DisplayMembe r = "Str"

Me.ValueMember = "Value"

myList.Add(New StringWithInteg er("One", 1))

myList.Add(New StringWithInteg er("Two", 2))

myList.Add(New StringWithInteg er("Three", 3))

End Sub

Public myList As List(Of StringWithInteg er) = New List(Of StringWithInteg er)

End Class

Public Class StringWithInteg er

Private mInteger As Integer

Private mString As String

Private mToStringDispla ysInteger As Boolean = False

Public Sub New(ByVal str As String, ByVal value As Integer)

mString = str

mInteger = value

End Sub

Public Function Clone() As StringWithInteg er

Clone = New StringWithInteg er(mString, mInteger)

End Function

Public Overrides Function ToString() As String

If mToStringDispla ysInteger Then

ToString = CStr(mInteger)


ToString = mString

End If

End Function

Public Property Str() As String


Str = mString

End Get

Set(ByVal text As String)

mString = text

End Set

End Property

Public Property ToStringDisplay sSingle() As Boolean


ToStringDisplay sSingle = mToStringDispla ysInteger

End Get

Set(ByVal displayInteger As Boolean)

mToStringDispla ysInteger = displayInteger

End Set

End Property

Public Property Value() As Integer


Value = mInteger

End Get

Set(ByVal numb As Integer)

mInteger = numb

End Set

End Property

End Class
Feb 19 '07 #1
5 1506
Sorry don't have access to VS but it seems that you are adding the entries
after you bind the list to the combobox. Try it the other way or refresh
the combobox after you add the entries. I don't think that adding will
automatically cause the control to know there are entries. When you bound
the list was empty.

Lloyd Sheen
" active" <ac********** @a-znet.comwrote in message
news:ef******** *****@TK2MSFTNG P05.phx.gbl...
>I tried to use a datasource with a combobox and it didn't work completely
so I build a small test that was much more straight forward then the app.

The test was to see if the combobox dropdown list displayed the correct

However, although the designer shows the combobox the combobox does not
show at runtime.

If you would be so kind as to cut the code below and paste it into a form
maybe you can easily see why the combobox does not display.


Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows. Forms.Form

'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.

<System.Diagnos tics.DebuggerNo nUserCode()_

Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)

If disposing AndAlso components IsNot Nothing Then

components.Disp ose()

End If

MyBase.Dispose( disposing)

End Sub

Friend WithEvents ComboBox1 As
WindowsApplicat ion1.StringWith IntegerComboBox

'Required by the Windows Form Designer

Private components As System.Componen tModel.IContain er

'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer

'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.

'Do not modify it using the code editor.

Private Sub InitializeCompo nent()

Me.ComboBox1 = New WindowsApplicat ion1.StringWith IntegerComboBox

Me.SuspendLayou t()




Me.ComboBox1.Lo cation = New System.Drawing. Point(136, 139)

Me.ComboBox1.Na me = "ComboBox1"

Me.ComboBox1.Si ze = New System.Drawing. Size(235, 21)

Me.ComboBox1.Ta bIndex = 0




Me.AutoScaleDim ensions = New System.Drawing. SizeF(6.0!, 13.0!)

Me.AutoScaleMod e = System.Windows. Forms.AutoScale Mode.Font

Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing. Size(572, 341)

Me.Controls.Add (Me.ComboBox1)

Me.Name = "Form1"

Me.Text = "Form1"

Me.ResumeLayout (False)

End Sub

End Class

Public Class StringWithInteg erComboBox

Inherits System.Windows. Forms.ComboBox

Public Sub New()


Me.DataSource = myList

Me.DisplayMembe r = "Str"

Me.ValueMember = "Value"

myList.Add(New StringWithInteg er("One", 1))

myList.Add(New StringWithInteg er("Two", 2))

myList.Add(New StringWithInteg er("Three", 3))

End Sub

Public myList As List(Of StringWithInteg er) = New List(Of
StringWithInteg er)

End Class

Public Class StringWithInteg er

Private mInteger As Integer

Private mString As String

Private mToStringDispla ysInteger As Boolean = False

Public Sub New(ByVal str As String, ByVal value As Integer)

mString = str

mInteger = value

End Sub

Public Function Clone() As StringWithInteg er

Clone = New StringWithInteg er(mString, mInteger)

End Function

Public Overrides Function ToString() As String

If mToStringDispla ysInteger Then

ToString = CStr(mInteger)


ToString = mString

End If

End Function

Public Property Str() As String


Str = mString

End Get

Set(ByVal text As String)

mString = text

End Set

End Property

Public Property ToStringDisplay sSingle() As Boolean


ToStringDisplay sSingle = mToStringDispla ysInteger

End Get

Set(ByVal displayInteger As Boolean)

mToStringDispla ysInteger = displayInteger

End Set

End Property

Public Property Value() As Integer


Value = mInteger

End Get

Set(ByVal numb As Integer)

mInteger = numb

End Set

End Property

End Class

Feb 19 '07 #2
Sorry, I lost the New sub when I copied.
Works Ok with it.
" active" <ac********** @a-znet.comwrote in message
news:ef******** *****@TK2MSFTNG P05.phx.gbl...
>I tried to use a datasource with a combobox and it didn't work completely
so I build a small test that was much more straight forward then the app.

The test was to see if the combobox dropdown list displayed the correct

However, although the designer shows the combobox the combobox does not
show at runtime.

If you would be so kind as to cut the code below and paste it into a form
maybe you can easily see why the combobox does not display.


Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows. Forms.Form

'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.

<System.Diagnos tics.DebuggerNo nUserCode()_

Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)

If disposing AndAlso components IsNot Nothing Then

components.Disp ose()

End If

MyBase.Dispose( disposing)

End Sub

Friend WithEvents ComboBox1 As
WindowsApplicat ion1.StringWith IntegerComboBox

'Required by the Windows Form Designer

Private components As System.Componen tModel.IContain er

'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer

'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.

'Do not modify it using the code editor.

Private Sub InitializeCompo nent()

Me.ComboBox1 = New WindowsApplicat ion1.StringWith IntegerComboBox

Me.SuspendLayou t()




Me.ComboBox1.Lo cation = New System.Drawing. Point(136, 139)

Me.ComboBox1.Na me = "ComboBox1"

Me.ComboBox1.Si ze = New System.Drawing. Size(235, 21)

Me.ComboBox1.Ta bIndex = 0




Me.AutoScaleDim ensions = New System.Drawing. SizeF(6.0!, 13.0!)

Me.AutoScaleMod e = System.Windows. Forms.AutoScale Mode.Font

Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing. Size(572, 341)

Me.Controls.Add (Me.ComboBox1)

Me.Name = "Form1"

Me.Text = "Form1"

Me.ResumeLayout (False)

End Sub

End Class

Public Class StringWithInteg erComboBox

Inherits System.Windows. Forms.ComboBox

Public Sub New()


Me.DataSource = myList

Me.DisplayMembe r = "Str"

Me.ValueMember = "Value"

myList.Add(New StringWithInteg er("One", 1))

myList.Add(New StringWithInteg er("Two", 2))

myList.Add(New StringWithInteg er("Three", 3))

End Sub

Public myList As List(Of StringWithInteg er) = New List(Of
StringWithInteg er)

End Class

Public Class StringWithInteg er

Private mInteger As Integer

Private mString As String

Private mToStringDispla ysInteger As Boolean = False

Public Sub New(ByVal str As String, ByVal value As Integer)

mString = str

mInteger = value

End Sub

Public Function Clone() As StringWithInteg er

Clone = New StringWithInteg er(mString, mInteger)

End Function

Public Overrides Function ToString() As String

If mToStringDispla ysInteger Then

ToString = CStr(mInteger)


ToString = mString

End If

End Function

Public Property Str() As String


Str = mString

End Get

Set(ByVal text As String)

mString = text

End Set

End Property

Public Property ToStringDisplay sSingle() As Boolean


ToStringDisplay sSingle = mToStringDispla ysInteger

End Get

Set(ByVal displayInteger As Boolean)

mToStringDispla ysInteger = displayInteger

End Set

End Property

Public Property Value() As Integer


Value = mInteger

End Get

Set(ByVal numb As Integer)

mInteger = numb

End Set

End Property

End Class

Feb 19 '07 #3
This test case works OK, but my app doesn't.

I'll try what you suggested on the app.


"Lloyd Sheen" <a@b.cwrote in message
news:5E******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
Sorry don't have access to VS but it seems that you are adding the entries
after you bind the list to the combobox. Try it the other way or refresh
the combobox after you add the entries. I don't think that adding will
automatically cause the control to know there are entries. When you bound
the list was empty.

Lloyd Sheen
" active" <ac********** @a-znet.comwrote in message
news:ef******** *****@TK2MSFTNG P05.phx.gbl...
>>I tried to use a datasource with a combobox and it didn't work completely
so I build a small test that was much more straight forward then the app.

The test was to see if the combobox dropdown list displayed the correct

However, although the designer shows the combobox the combobox does not
show at runtime.

If you would be so kind as to cut the code below and paste it into a form
maybe you can easily see why the combobox does not display.


Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows. Forms.Form

'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.

<System.Diagno stics.DebuggerN onUserCode()_

Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)

If disposing AndAlso components IsNot Nothing Then

components.Dis pose()

End If

MyBase.Dispose (disposing)

End Sub

Friend WithEvents ComboBox1 As
WindowsApplica tion1.StringWit hIntegerComboBo x

'Required by the Windows Form Designer

Private components As System.Componen tModel.IContain er

'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer

'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.

'Do not modify it using the code editor.

Private Sub InitializeCompo nent()

Me.ComboBox1 = New WindowsApplicat ion1.StringWith IntegerComboBox

Me.SuspendLayo ut()




Me.ComboBox1.L ocation = New System.Drawing. Point(136, 139)

Me.ComboBox1.N ame = "ComboBox1"

Me.ComboBox1.S ize = New System.Drawing. Size(235, 21)

Me.ComboBox1.T abIndex = 0




Me.AutoScaleDi mensions = New System.Drawing. SizeF(6.0!, 13.0!)

Me.AutoScaleMo de = System.Windows. Forms.AutoScale Mode.Font

Me.ClientSiz e = New System.Drawing. Size(572, 341)

Me.Controls.Ad d(Me.ComboBox1)

Me.Name = "Form1"

Me.Text = "Form1"

Me.ResumeLayou t(False)

End Sub

End Class

Public Class StringWithInteg erComboBox

Inherits System.Windows. Forms.ComboBox

Public Sub New()


Me.DataSourc e = myList

Me.DisplayMemb er = "Str"

Me.ValueMemb er = "Value"

myList.Add(N ew StringWithInteg er("One", 1))

myList.Add(N ew StringWithInteg er("Two", 2))

myList.Add(N ew StringWithInteg er("Three", 3))

End Sub

Public myList As List(Of StringWithInteg er) = New List(Of
StringWithInte ger)

End Class

Public Class StringWithInteg er

Private mInteger As Integer

Private mString As String

Private mToStringDispla ysInteger As Boolean = False

Public Sub New(ByVal str As String, ByVal value As Integer)

mString = str

mInteger = value

End Sub

Public Function Clone() As StringWithInteg er

Clone = New StringWithInteg er(mString, mInteger)

End Function

Public Overrides Function ToString() As String

If mToStringDispla ysInteger Then

ToString = CStr(mInteger)


ToString = mString

End If

End Function

Public Property Str() As String


Str = mString

End Get

Set(ByVal text As String)

mString = text

End Set

End Property

Public Property ToStringDisplay sSingle() As Boolean


ToStringDispla ysSingle = mToStringDispla ysInteger

End Get

Set(ByVal displayInteger As Boolean)

mToStringDispl aysInteger = displayInteger

End Set

End Property

Public Property Value() As Integer


Value = mInteger

End Get

Set(ByVal numb As Integer)

mInteger = numb

End Set

End Property

End Class

Feb 19 '07 #4
You got that right. If I delay Binding until after I've filled the list it
displays OK.

Refreshing the combobox didn't work.

After I've changed data in the list I need a way to "unbind" the list and
"rebind" it.

How do you think I should do that?

Thanks for the help
"Lloyd Sheen" <a@b.cwrote in message
news:5E******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
Sorry don't have access to VS but it seems that you are adding the entries
after you bind the list to the combobox. Try it the other way or refresh
the combobox after you add the entries. I don't think that adding will
automatically cause the control to know there are entries. When you bound
the list was empty.

Lloyd Sheen

Feb 19 '07 #5
Ok , still don't have access to code but if the refresh doesn't work then
you just need to rebind the datasource. When you bind it will refresh the
contents according to the new content. Just resetting the datasource
property should do it.

" active" <ac********** @a-znet.comwrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP04.phx.gbl. ..
You got that right. If I delay Binding until after I've filled the list it
displays OK.

Refreshing the combobox didn't work.

After I've changed data in the list I need a way to "unbind" the list and
"rebind" it.

How do you think I should do that?

Thanks for the help
"Lloyd Sheen" <a@b.cwrote in message
news:5E******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
>Sorry don't have access to VS but it seems that you are adding the
entries after you bind the list to the combobox. Try it the other way or
refresh the combobox after you add the entries. I don't think that
adding will automatically cause the control to know there are entries.
When you bound the list was empty.

Lloyd Sheen

Feb 19 '07 #6

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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