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check point inside "cirkle" (basketball)

Hi group,

I've got this bit of code (see below) which draws a basketball field in a
picturebox (width:198, height:368)
but now I was wondering what would be the easiest way to check inside the
picturebox mouseup event if I clicked inside or outside the 3point area,
because the 3point area isn't a real cirkle

Any hints or tips are welcome.

Thanks in advance and greetz Peter
Dim myNewBmp As Bitmap
Dim g As Graphics

myNewBmp = New Bitmap(197, 366)
g = Graphics.FromIm age(myNewBmp)
g.Clear(Color.W hite)
g.DrawRectangle (Pens.Black, 0, 0, 196, 365)

'division line
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 0, 183, 196, 183)

'tipoff cirkel
g.DrawEllipse(P ens.Black, 74, 159, 48, 48)

'basket below
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 86, 344, 110, 344)
g.DrawEllipse(P ens.Black, 93, 334, 10, 10)

'basket top
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 86, 21, 110, 21)
g.DrawEllipse(P ens.Black, 93, 21, 10, 10)

'bucket below
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 74, 289, 122, 289)
g.DrawEllipse(P ens.Black, 74, 265, 48, 48)
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 74, 289, 35, 365)
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 122, 289, 161, 365)

'bucket top
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 74, 76, 122, 76)
g.DrawEllipse(P ens.Black, 74, 52, 48, 48)
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 74, 76, 35, 0)
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 122, 76, 161, 0)

'3point line
'g.DrawArc(Pens .Black, 17, 365, 179, 102, 180, 180)
g.DrawEllipse(P ens.Black, 17, 263, 162, 200)

'3point line
'g.DrawArc(Pens .Black, 17, 365, 179, 102, 180, 180)
g.DrawEllipse(P ens.Black, 17, -98, 162, 200)
PictureBox1.Ima ge = myNewBmp

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce
bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. (Rich Cook)
Feb 15 '06 #1
3 1663

Peter Proost wrote:
Hi group,

I've got this bit of code (see below) which draws a basketball field in a
picturebox (width:198, height:368)
but now I was wondering what would be the easiest way to check inside the
picturebox mouseup event if I clicked inside or outside the 3point area,
because the 3point area isn't a real cirkle

Define a GraphicsPath that is made up of the border of the 3point area.
Define a Region based on this GraphicsPath. Vary as necessary the
following sample to see if a point is within the Region:

(code from MSDN, topic titled "Hit Testing with a Region")
The purpose of hit testing is to determine whether the cursor is over a
given object, such as an icon or a button. The following example
creates a plus-shaped region by forming the union of two rectangular
regions. Assume that the variable point holds the location of the most
recent click. The code checks to see whether point is in the
plus-shaped region. If the point is in the region (a hit), the region
is filled with an opaque red brush. Otherwise, the region is filled
with a semitransparent red brush.

[Visual Basic]
Dim point As New Point(60, 10)

' Assume that the variable "point" contains the location of the
' most recent mouse click.
' To simulate a hit, assign (60, 10) to point.
' To simulate a miss, assign (0, 0) to point.

Dim solidBrush As New SolidBrush(Colo r.Black)
Dim region1 As New [Region](New Rectangle(50, 0, 50, 150))
Dim region2 As New [Region](New Rectangle(0, 50, 150, 50))

' Create a plus-shaped region by forming the union of region1 and
' The union replaces region1.
region1.Union(r egion2)

If region1.IsVisib le(point, e.Graphics) Then
' The point is in the region. Use an opaque brush.
solidBrush.Colo r = Color.FromArgb( 255, 255, 0, 0)
' The point is not in the region. Use a semitransparent brush.
solidBrush.Colo r = Color.FromArgb( 64, 255, 0, 0)
End If

e.Graphics.Fill Region(solidBru sh, region1)

Larry Lard
Replies to group please

Feb 15 '06 #2
Thanks for the reply Larry I'll check it out

Thanks again

Greetz Peter

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce
bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. (Rich Cook)

"Larry Lard" <la*******@hotm ail.com> schreef in bericht
news:11******** **************@ o13g2000cwo.goo glegroups.com.. .

Peter Proost wrote:
Hi group,

I've got this bit of code (see below) which draws a basketball field in a
picturebox (width:198, height:368)
but now I was wondering what would be the easiest way to check inside the picturebox mouseup event if I clicked inside or outside the 3point area,
because the 3point area isn't a real cirkle

Define a GraphicsPath that is made up of the border of the 3point area.
Define a Region based on this GraphicsPath. Vary as necessary the
following sample to see if a point is within the Region:

(code from MSDN, topic titled "Hit Testing with a Region")
The purpose of hit testing is to determine whether the cursor is over a
given object, such as an icon or a button. The following example
creates a plus-shaped region by forming the union of two rectangular
regions. Assume that the variable point holds the location of the most
recent click. The code checks to see whether point is in the
plus-shaped region. If the point is in the region (a hit), the region
is filled with an opaque red brush. Otherwise, the region is filled
with a semitransparent red brush.

[Visual Basic]
Dim point As New Point(60, 10)

' Assume that the variable "point" contains the location of the
' most recent mouse click.
' To simulate a hit, assign (60, 10) to point.
' To simulate a miss, assign (0, 0) to point.

Dim solidBrush As New SolidBrush(Colo r.Black)
Dim region1 As New [Region](New Rectangle(50, 0, 50, 150))
Dim region2 As New [Region](New Rectangle(0, 50, 150, 50))

' Create a plus-shaped region by forming the union of region1 and
' The union replaces region1.
region1.Union(r egion2)

If region1.IsVisib le(point, e.Graphics) Then
' The point is in the region. Use an opaque brush.
solidBrush.Colo r = Color.FromArgb( 255, 255, 0, 0)
' The point is not in the region. Use a semitransparent brush.
solidBrush.Colo r = Color.FromArgb( 64, 255, 0, 0)
End If

e.Graphics.Fill Region(solidBru sh, region1)

Larry Lard
Replies to group please

Feb 15 '06 #3
Hi again, this is how I implemented Larry's tip, and it works ok for me

Thanks again to Larry

At the top:

Private DriePuntPathB As GraphicsPath
Private driePuntRegB As Region
Private DriePuntPathO As GraphicsPath
Private driePuntRegO As Region
Dim myNewBmp As Bitmap
Dim g As Graphics

myNewBmp = New Bitmap(197, 366) '196,365 zijn de echte maten
g = Graphics.FromIm age(myNewBmp)
g.Clear(Color.W hite)
g.DrawRectangle (Pens.Black, 0, 0, 196, 365)

'division line
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 0, 183, 196, 183)

'tipoff cirkel
g.DrawEllipse(P ens.Black, 74, 159, 48, 48)

'basket below
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 86, 344, 110, 344)
g.DrawEllipse(P ens.Black, 93, 334, 10, 10)

'basket top
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 86, 21, 110, 21)
g.DrawEllipse(P ens.Black, 93, 21, 10, 10)

'bucket below
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 74, 289, 122, 289)
g.DrawEllipse(P ens.Black, 74, 265, 48, 48)
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 74, 289, 35, 365)
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 122, 289, 161, 365)

'bucket top
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 74, 76, 122, 76)
g.DrawEllipse(P ens.Black, 74, 52, 48, 48)
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 74, 76, 35, 0)
g.DrawLine(Pens .Black, 122, 76, 161, 0)

'3point line bottom
'g.DrawArc(Pens .Black, 17, 365, 179, 102, 180, 180)

DriePuntPathO = New GraphicsPath
DriePuntPathO.A ddEllipse(17, 263, 162, 200)
driePuntRegO = New Region(DriePunt PathO)
g.DrawEllipse(P ens.Black, 17, 263, 162, 200)

'3point line top
'g.DrawArc(Pens .Black, 17, 365, 179, 102, 180, 180)
g.DrawEllipse(P ens.Black, 17, -98, 162, 200)
DriePuntPathB = New GraphicsPath
DriePuntPathB.A ddEllipse(17, -98, 162, 200)
driePuntRegB = New Region(DriePunt PathB)
PictureBox1.Ima ge = myNewBmp

Private Sub PictureBox1_Mou seUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows. Forms.MouseEven tArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Mou seUp
If e.Button = MouseButtons.Le ft Then
If driePuntRegB.Is Visible(e.X, e.Y) Then
If driePuntRegO.Is Visible(e.X, e.Y) Then
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce
bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. (Rich Cook)

"Peter Proost" <pp*****@nospam .hotmail.com> schreef in bericht
news:#0******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP11.phx.gbl...
Thanks for the reply Larry I'll check it out

Thanks again

Greetz Peter

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce
bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning. (Rich Cook)

"Larry Lard" <la*******@hotm ail.com> schreef in bericht
news:11******** **************@ o13g2000cwo.goo glegroups.com.. .

Peter Proost wrote:
Hi group,

I've got this bit of code (see below) which draws a basketball field in
picturebox (width:198, height:368)
but now I was wondering what would be the easiest way to check inside the picturebox mouseup event if I clicked inside or outside the 3point

area, because the 3point area isn't a real cirkle

Define a GraphicsPath that is made up of the border of the 3point area.
Define a Region based on this GraphicsPath. Vary as necessary the
following sample to see if a point is within the Region:

(code from MSDN, topic titled "Hit Testing with a Region")

The purpose of hit testing is to determine whether the cursor is over a
given object, such as an icon or a button. The following example
creates a plus-shaped region by forming the union of two rectangular
regions. Assume that the variable point holds the location of the most
recent click. The code checks to see whether point is in the
plus-shaped region. If the point is in the region (a hit), the region
is filled with an opaque red brush. Otherwise, the region is filled
with a semitransparent red brush.

[Visual Basic]
Dim point As New Point(60, 10)

' Assume that the variable "point" contains the location of the
' most recent mouse click.
' To simulate a hit, assign (60, 10) to point.
' To simulate a miss, assign (0, 0) to point.

Dim solidBrush As New SolidBrush(Colo r.Black)
Dim region1 As New [Region](New Rectangle(50, 0, 50, 150))
Dim region2 As New [Region](New Rectangle(0, 50, 150, 50))

' Create a plus-shaped region by forming the union of region1 and
' The union replaces region1.
region1.Union(r egion2)

If region1.IsVisib le(point, e.Graphics) Then
' The point is in the region. Use an opaque brush.
solidBrush.Colo r = Color.FromArgb( 255, 255, 0, 0)
' The point is not in the region. Use a semitransparent brush.
solidBrush.Colo r = Color.FromArgb( 64, 255, 0, 0)
End If

e.Graphics.Fill Region(solidBru sh, region1)

Larry Lard
Replies to group please

Feb 15 '06 #4

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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