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Web Browser Disable Right Click

Hi All,

I'm sure this must have been asked a million times due to it's usefulness,
but are there any sensible solutions for disabling right click (and other
services such as Ctrl+P, Browser hotkeys etc) on a Web-Browser control in

Despite Googling for ideas on and off for a week now, I only found one
solution and this was to implement IMessageFilter on the form and then trap
all the incoming messages. Unfortunately, this also prevents the user from
being able to move my application (something to do with trapping right
clicks), along with other useful things like being able to use the backspace

Is there any other way of doing this? Or is there some way I can trap
messages that go into the Web-browser control BEFORE it processes them and
AFTER my Form has? Surely somebody must have come up with an efficient way
of hosting a customized browser in a .NET WinForm!

Alex Clark
Nov 21 '05
16 9455

This is not for a website, but rather a Windows Forms application which uses
an HTML based GUI. Whereas I agree that disabling right-click on a website
is bad UI practice (and not really a preventative measure), it is
innappropriate in this case for me to allow a user to right click on my
application and get an IE context menu, as it's not intended to behave like
a website, only to take advantage of the HTML processing capabilities of

Kind Regards,
Alex Clark
"C-Services Holland b.v." <cs*@REMOVEcsh4 u.nl> wrote in message
news:Mr******** ************@ze elandnet.nl...
Alex Clark wrote:
Hi All,

I'm sure this must have been asked a million times due to it's
usefulness, but are there any sensible solutions for disabling right
click (and other services such as Ctrl+P, Browser hotkeys etc) on a
Web-Browser control in VB.NET?

Despite Googling for ideas on and off for a week now, I only found one
solution and this was to implement IMessageFilter on the form and then
trap all the incoming messages. Unfortunately, this also prevents the
user from being able to move my application (something to do with
trapping right clicks), along with other useful things like being able to
use the backspace key!

Is there any other way of doing this? Or is there some way I can trap
messages that go into the Web-browser control BEFORE it processes them
and AFTER my Form has? Surely somebody must have come up with an
efficient way of hosting a customized browser in a .NET WinForm!

Alex Clark

What's the point of disabling the rightmousebutto n. I hate websites that
do that since I navigate by using the rightmousebutto n (rightclick and
choose back in mozilla). What is it that you want to prevent? Sourcecode
stealing? Image stealing? If so, just disabling the rightmousebutto n isn't
the way to go since that is just a wax nose. The user can still do all
those things from the menu (i.e. save page to disk).

Rinze van Huizen
C-Services Holland b.v.

Nov 21 '05 #11
Many thanks Charles, I'm trying this out now but it looks as though it's
exactly what I was looking for. I'm surprised that it's been so hard to
come by on the web, and that MS make it so tricky to customize the browser
control. I guess things will be better with the new browser control in
VS2K5, just a shame that it's probably a year away!

Kind Regards,
Alex Clark

"Charles Law" <bl***@nowhere. com> wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP09.phx.gbl. ..
Hi Alex

The interface you need to implement is IDocHostUIHandl er. It has a method
ShowContextMenu . If you return an HRESULT of S_OK in your implementation
of this method this will cancel the context menu on right-click. It also
allows you to implement your own context menu.

In your form that host the WebBrowser control, implement
IDocHostUIHandl er. Then, in the DocumentComplet e event, get the ICustomDoc
interface from the document object, and call SetUIHandler(Me ). Finally,
wait for the readystate to go to complete.

You could have a look at this complete thread:



"Alex Clark" <al**@theclarkh ome.SPAMTIN.net > wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP09.phx.gbl. ..
Hi All,

I'm sure this must have been asked a million times due to it's
usefulness, but are there any sensible solutions for disabling right
click (and other services such as Ctrl+P, Browser hotkeys etc) on a
Web-Browser control in VB.NET?

Despite Googling for ideas on and off for a week now, I only found one
solution and this was to implement IMessageFilter on the form and then
trap all the incoming messages. Unfortunately, this also prevents the
user from being able to move my application (something to do with
trapping right clicks), along with other useful things like being able to
use the backspace key!

Is there any other way of doing this? Or is there some way I can trap
messages that go into the Web-browser control BEFORE it processes them
and AFTER my Form has? Surely somebody must have come up with an
efficient way of hosting a customized browser in a .NET WinForm!

Alex Clark

Nov 21 '05 #12
Alex Clark wrote:

This is not for a website, but rather a Windows Forms application which uses
an HTML based GUI. Whereas I agree that disabling right-click on a website
is bad UI practice (and not really a preventative measure), it is
innappropriate in this case for me to allow a user to right click on my
application and get an IE context menu, as it's not intended to behave like
a website, only to take advantage of the HTML processing capabilities of

Kind Regards,
Alex Clark

Ah ok, that makes sense :) I don't know if the IE component has a
mouseclick event, but if it does, maybe you can catch it and compare the
button to the rightbutton and then set e.handled is true or something to
that effect. I don't know if the component takes precedence over the
code though, I 've never used the IE component in my apps.
Rinze van Huizen
C-Services Holland b.v.
Nov 21 '05 #13
Hi Charles,

The code seems to be missing a few bits and bobs, namely the implementation
of the IOleCommandTarg et interface which is required for one of the methods
in the IDocHostUIHandl er. Also, ShowContextMenu does not appear to be a
method within IDocHostUIHandl er anywhere?

Alex Clark

"Charles Law" <bl***@nowhere. com> wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP09.phx.gbl. ..
Hi Alex

The interface you need to implement is IDocHostUIHandl er. It has a method
ShowContextMenu . If you return an HRESULT of S_OK in your implementation
of this method this will cancel the context menu on right-click. It also
allows you to implement your own context menu.

In your form that host the WebBrowser control, implement
IDocHostUIHandl er. Then, in the DocumentComplet e event, get the ICustomDoc
interface from the document object, and call SetUIHandler(Me ). Finally,
wait for the readystate to go to complete.

You could have a look at this complete thread:



"Alex Clark" <al**@theclarkh ome.SPAMTIN.net > wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP09.phx.gbl. ..
Hi All,

I'm sure this must have been asked a million times due to it's
usefulness, but are there any sensible solutions for disabling right
click (and other services such as Ctrl+P, Browser hotkeys etc) on a
Web-Browser control in VB.NET?

Despite Googling for ideas on and off for a week now, I only found one
solution and this was to implement IMessageFilter on the form and then
trap all the incoming messages. Unfortunately, this also prevents the
user from being able to move my application (something to do with
trapping right clicks), along with other useful things like being able to
use the backspace key!

Is there any other way of doing this? Or is there some way I can trap
messages that go into the Web-browser control BEFORE it processes them
and AFTER my Form has? Surely somebody must have come up with an
efficient way of hosting a customized browser in a .NET WinForm!

Alex Clark

Nov 21 '05 #14
Hi Alex

Here are my implementations . ShowContextMenu is the first method in
IDocHostUIHandl er.

' IDocHostUIHandl er interface
<ComVisible(Tru e), ComImport(),
Guid("bd3f23c0-d43e-11cf-893b-00aa00bdce1a"), _
InterfaceTypeAt tribute(ComInte rfaceType.Inter faceIsIUnknown) > _
Public Interface IDocHostUIHandl er

<PreserveSig( )> Function ShowContextMenu (ByVal dwID As Integer, ByRef
ppt As tagPOINT, _
<MarshalAs(Unma nagedType.IUnkn own)> ByVal pcmdtReserved As Object, _
<MarshalAs(Unma nagedType.IDisp atch)> ByVal pdispReserved As Object) As

<PreserveSig( )> Function GetHostInfo(ByR ef pInfo As DOCHOSTUIINFO) As

<PreserveSig( )> Function ShowUI(ByVal dwID As Integer, ByVal
pActiveObject As IOleInPlaceActi veObject, _
ByVal pCommandTarget As IOleCommandTarg et, ByVal pFrame As
IOleInPlaceFram e, ByVal pDoc As IOleInPlaceUIWi ndow) As HRESULT

<PreserveSig( )> Function HideUI() As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function UpdateUI() As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function EnableModeless( ByVal fEnable As Boolean) As
<PreserveSig( )> Function OnDocWindowActi vate(ByVal fActivate As Boolean)
<PreserveSig( )> Function OnFrameWindowAc tivate(ByVal fActivate As
Boolean) As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function ResizeBorder(By Ref prcBorder As tagRECT, ByVal
pUIWindow As IOleInPlaceUIWi ndow, ByVal fFrameWindow As Boolean) As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function TranslateAccele rator(ByRef lpMsg As MSG, ByRef
pguidCmdGroup As Guid, ByVal nCmdID As Integer) As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function GetOptionKeyPat h(ByRef pbstrKey As IntPtr,
ByVal dw As Integer) As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function GetDropTarget(B yVal pDropTarget As IDropTarget,
ByRef ppDropTarget As IDropTarget) As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function
GetExternal(<Ma rshalAs(Unmanag edType.IDispatc h)> ByRef ppDispatch As Object)
<PreserveSig( )> Function TranslateUrl(By Val dwTranslate As Integer,
ByVal strURLIn As String, ByRef pstrURLOut As String) As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function FilterDataObjec t(ByVal pDO As IDataObject,
ByRef ppDORet As IDataObject) As HRESULT

End Interface

End Enum

<StructLayout(L ayoutKind.Seque ntial)> _
Public Structure OLECMD
Public cmdID As Int32
Public cmdf As Int32
End Structure

<StructLayout(L ayoutKind.Seque ntial, CharSet:=CharSe t.Unicode)> _
Public cmdtextf As OLECMDTEXTF
Public cwActual As Int32
Private cwBuf As Int32 = 256 'Make sure this is the same as SizeConst
<MarshalAs(Unma nagedType.ByVal TStr, SizeConst:=256) > _
Public text As String
End Class

<StructLayout(L ayoutKind.Expli cit)> _
<FieldOffset(0) > Public vt As System.Int16
<FieldOffset(2) > Public wReserved1 As System.Int16
<FieldOffset(4) > Public wReserved2 As System.Int16
<FieldOffset(6) > Public wReserved3 As System.Int16
<FieldOffset(8) > Public lVal As Integer
<FieldOffset(8) > Public iVal As Short
<FieldOffset(8) > Public bstrVal As IntPtr
<FieldOffset(8) > Public pUnkVal As IntPtr
<FieldOffset(8) > Public pArray As IntPtr
<FieldOffset(8) > Public pvRecord As IntPtr
<FieldOffset(12 )> Public pRecInfo As IntPtr

Public Sub Clear()
VariantClear(Me )
End Sub 'Clear

Public Sub LoadString(ByVa l Value As String)

' Identify this as a BSTR
vt = CType(vt Or VarEnum.VT_BSTR , Short)

bstrVal = Marshal.StringT oBSTR(Value)

End Sub

Public Function ToNativeObject( ) As Object
Dim p As IntPtr
'Allocate a buffer to hold the data in this OLEVARIANT
p = Marshal.AllocCo TaskMem(Marshal .SizeOf(Me.GetT ype()))
Marshal.Structu reToPtr(Me, p, False)
Return Marshal.GetObje ctForNativeVari ant(p)
'Called no matter what
Marshal.FreeCoT askMem(p)
End Try
End Function

<DllImport("Ole aut32.dll", PreserveSig:=Fa lse)> _
Private Shared Sub VariantClear(By Val var As OLEVARIANT)
End Sub


' IOleCommandTarg et interface
<ComVisible(Tru e), ComImport(),
Guid("b722bccb-4e68-101b-a2bc-00aa00404770"), _
InterfaceType(C omInterfaceType .InterfaceIsIUn known)> _
Public Interface IOleCommandTarg et

Sub QueryStatus(ByR ef pguidCmdGroup As Guid, ByVal cCmds As Int32, _
<InAttribute( ), Out(), MarshalAs(Unman agedType.LPArra y,
SizeParamIndex: =1)> ByVal prgCmds() As OLECMD, <InAttribute( ), Out()> ByVal

Sub Exec(ByRef pguidCmdGroup As Guid, ByVal nCmdId As Int32, _
ByVal nCmdExecOpt As Int32, ByVal pvaIn As OLEVARIANT, ByVal pvaOut

End Interface

Let me know if I have missed anything else.


"Alex Clark" <al**@theclarkh ome.SPAMTIN.net > wrote in message
news:ei******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP15.phx.gbl...
Hi Charles,

The code seems to be missing a few bits and bobs, namely the
implementation of the IOleCommandTarg et interface which is required for
one of the methods in the IDocHostUIHandl er. Also, ShowContextMenu does
not appear to be a method within IDocHostUIHandl er anywhere?

Alex Clark

"Charles Law" <bl***@nowhere. com> wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP09.phx.gbl. ..
Hi Alex

The interface you need to implement is IDocHostUIHandl er. It has a method
ShowContextMenu . If you return an HRESULT of S_OK in your implementation
of this method this will cancel the context menu on right-click. It also
allows you to implement your own context menu.

In your form that host the WebBrowser control, implement
IDocHostUIHandl er. Then, in the DocumentComplet e event, get the
ICustomDoc interface from the document object, and call SetUIHandler(Me ).
Finally, wait for the readystate to go to complete.

You could have a look at this complete thread:



"Alex Clark" <al**@theclarkh ome.SPAMTIN.net > wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP09.phx.gbl. ..
Hi All,

I'm sure this must have been asked a million times due to it's
usefulness, but are there any sensible solutions for disabling right
click (and other services such as Ctrl+P, Browser hotkeys etc) on a
Web-Browser control in VB.NET?

Despite Googling for ideas on and off for a week now, I only found one
solution and this was to implement IMessageFilter on the form and then
trap all the incoming messages. Unfortunately, this also prevents the
user from being able to move my application (something to do with
trapping right clicks), along with other useful things like being able
to use the backspace key!

Is there any other way of doing this? Or is there some way I can trap
messages that go into the Web-browser control BEFORE it processes them
and AFTER my Form has? Surely somebody must have come up with an
efficient way of hosting a customized browser in a .NET WinForm!

Alex Clark

Nov 21 '05 #15
Hi Charles,

Can I assume all the HRESULT function returns should be replaced with an
Integer return?
eg <PreserveSig( )> Function GetHostInfo(ByR ef pInfo As DOCHOSTUIINFO) As

.... should be As Integer?

Also, there are many references to tagPOINT and tagRECT in the code, can I
safely assume these are identical to the POINT and RECT types declared in
the Win32 API, or is there something special about their layout?

Many thanks,
Alex Clark

"Charles Law" <bl***@nowhere. com> wrote in message
news:OP******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP14.phx.gbl...
Hi Alex

Here are my implementations . ShowContextMenu is the first method in
IDocHostUIHandl er.

' IDocHostUIHandl er interface
<ComVisible(Tru e), ComImport(),
Guid("bd3f23c0-d43e-11cf-893b-00aa00bdce1a"), _
InterfaceTypeAt tribute(ComInte rfaceType.Inter faceIsIUnknown) > _
Public Interface IDocHostUIHandl er

<PreserveSig( )> Function ShowContextMenu (ByVal dwID As Integer, ByRef
ppt As tagPOINT, _
<MarshalAs(Unma nagedType.IUnkn own)> ByVal pcmdtReserved As Object, _
<MarshalAs(Unma nagedType.IDisp atch)> ByVal pdispReserved As Object) As

<PreserveSig( )> Function GetHostInfo(ByR ef pInfo As DOCHOSTUIINFO) As

<PreserveSig( )> Function ShowUI(ByVal dwID As Integer, ByVal
pActiveObject As IOleInPlaceActi veObject, _
ByVal pCommandTarget As IOleCommandTarg et, ByVal pFrame As
IOleInPlaceFram e, ByVal pDoc As IOleInPlaceUIWi ndow) As HRESULT

<PreserveSig( )> Function HideUI() As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function UpdateUI() As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function EnableModeless( ByVal fEnable As Boolean) As
<PreserveSig( )> Function OnDocWindowActi vate(ByVal fActivate As
Boolean) As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function OnFrameWindowAc tivate(ByVal fActivate As
Boolean) As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function ResizeBorder(By Ref prcBorder As tagRECT, ByVal
pUIWindow As IOleInPlaceUIWi ndow, ByVal fFrameWindow As Boolean) As
<PreserveSig( )> Function TranslateAccele rator(ByRef lpMsg As MSG, ByRef
pguidCmdGroup As Guid, ByVal nCmdID As Integer) As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function GetOptionKeyPat h(ByRef pbstrKey As IntPtr,
ByVal dw As Integer) As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function GetDropTarget(B yVal pDropTarget As
IDropTarget, ByRef ppDropTarget As IDropTarget) As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function
GetExternal(<Ma rshalAs(Unmanag edType.IDispatc h)> ByRef ppDispatch As
Object) As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function TranslateUrl(By Val dwTranslate As Integer,
ByVal strURLIn As String, ByRef pstrURLOut As String) As HRESULT
<PreserveSig( )> Function FilterDataObjec t(ByVal pDO As IDataObject,
ByRef ppDORet As IDataObject) As HRESULT

End Interface

End Enum

<StructLayout(L ayoutKind.Seque ntial)> _
Public Structure OLECMD
Public cmdID As Int32
Public cmdf As Int32
End Structure

<StructLayout(L ayoutKind.Seque ntial, CharSet:=CharSe t.Unicode)> _
Public cmdtextf As OLECMDTEXTF
Public cwActual As Int32
Private cwBuf As Int32 = 256 'Make sure this is the same as
SizeConst below
<MarshalAs(Unma nagedType.ByVal TStr, SizeConst:=256) > _
Public text As String
End Class

<StructLayout(L ayoutKind.Expli cit)> _
<FieldOffset(0) > Public vt As System.Int16
<FieldOffset(2) > Public wReserved1 As System.Int16
<FieldOffset(4) > Public wReserved2 As System.Int16
<FieldOffset(6) > Public wReserved3 As System.Int16
<FieldOffset(8) > Public lVal As Integer
<FieldOffset(8) > Public iVal As Short
<FieldOffset(8) > Public bstrVal As IntPtr
<FieldOffset(8) > Public pUnkVal As IntPtr
<FieldOffset(8) > Public pArray As IntPtr
<FieldOffset(8) > Public pvRecord As IntPtr
<FieldOffset(12 )> Public pRecInfo As IntPtr

Public Sub Clear()
VariantClear(Me )
End Sub 'Clear

Public Sub LoadString(ByVa l Value As String)

' Identify this as a BSTR
vt = CType(vt Or VarEnum.VT_BSTR , Short)

bstrVal = Marshal.StringT oBSTR(Value)

End Sub

Public Function ToNativeObject( ) As Object
Dim p As IntPtr
'Allocate a buffer to hold the data in this OLEVARIANT
p = Marshal.AllocCo TaskMem(Marshal .SizeOf(Me.GetT ype()))
Marshal.Structu reToPtr(Me, p, False)
Return Marshal.GetObje ctForNativeVari ant(p)
'Called no matter what
Marshal.FreeCoT askMem(p)
End Try
End Function

<DllImport("Ole aut32.dll", PreserveSig:=Fa lse)> _
Private Shared Sub VariantClear(By Val var As OLEVARIANT)
End Sub


' IOleCommandTarg et interface
<ComVisible(Tru e), ComImport(),
Guid("b722bccb-4e68-101b-a2bc-00aa00404770"), _
InterfaceType(C omInterfaceType .InterfaceIsIUn known)> _
Public Interface IOleCommandTarg et

Sub QueryStatus(ByR ef pguidCmdGroup As Guid, ByVal cCmds As Int32, _
<InAttribute( ), Out(), MarshalAs(Unman agedType.LPArra y,
SizeParamIndex: =1)> ByVal prgCmds() As OLECMD, <InAttribute( ), Out()>

Sub Exec(ByRef pguidCmdGroup As Guid, ByVal nCmdId As Int32, _
ByVal nCmdExecOpt As Int32, ByVal pvaIn As OLEVARIANT, ByVal pvaOut

End Interface

Let me know if I have missed anything else.


"Alex Clark" <al**@theclarkh ome.SPAMTIN.net > wrote in message
news:ei******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP15.phx.gbl...
Hi Charles,

The code seems to be missing a few bits and bobs, namely the
implementation of the IOleCommandTarg et interface which is required for
one of the methods in the IDocHostUIHandl er. Also, ShowContextMenu does
not appear to be a method within IDocHostUIHandl er anywhere?

Alex Clark

"Charles Law" <bl***@nowhere. com> wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP09.phx.gbl. ..
Hi Alex

The interface you need to implement is IDocHostUIHandl er. It has a
method ShowContextMenu . If you return an HRESULT of S_OK in your
implementation of this method this will cancel the context menu on
right-click. It also allows you to implement your own context menu.

In your form that host the WebBrowser control, implement
IDocHostUIHandl er. Then, in the DocumentComplet e event, get the
ICustomDoc interface from the document object, and call
SetUIHandler(Me ). Finally, wait for the readystate to go to complete.

You could have a look at this complete thread:



"Alex Clark" <al**@theclarkh ome.SPAMTIN.net > wrote in message
news:%2******** ********@TK2MSF TNGP09.phx.gbl. ..
Hi All,

I'm sure this must have been asked a million times due to it's
usefulness, but are there any sensible solutions for disabling right
click (and other services such as Ctrl+P, Browser hotkeys etc) on a
Web-Browser control in VB.NET?

Despite Googling for ideas on and off for a week now, I only found one
solution and this was to implement IMessageFilter on the form and then
trap all the incoming messages. Unfortunately, this also prevents the
user from being able to move my application (something to do with
trapping right clicks), along with other useful things like being able
to use the backspace key!

Is there any other way of doing this? Or is there some way I can trap
messages that go into the Web-browser control BEFORE it processes them
and AFTER my Form has? Surely somebody must have come up with an
efficient way of hosting a customized browser in a .NET WinForm!

Alex Clark

Nov 21 '05 #16
Wooohoo! I think that's got it, thanks for your help Charles :-D

Kind Regards,
Alex Clark
Nov 21 '05 #17

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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by: TSSRALBI | last post by:
Hello I'm a network technician in training and I need your help. I am currently learning how to create and manage the different types of VPNs and I have a question about LAN-to-LAN VPNs. The last exercise I practiced was to create a LAN-to-LAN VPN between two Pfsense firewalls, by using IPSEC protocols. I succeeded, with both firewalls in the same network. But I'm wondering if it's possible to do the same thing, with 2 Pfsense firewalls...
by: 6302768590 | last post by:
Hai team i want code for transfer the data from one system to another through IP address by using C# our system has to for every 5mins then we have to update the data what the data is updated we have to send another system
by: bsmnconsultancy | last post by:
In today's digital era, a well-designed website is crucial for businesses looking to succeed. Whether you're a small business owner or a large corporation in Toronto, having a strong online presence can significantly impact your brand's success. BSMN Consultancy, a leader in Website Development in Toronto offers valuable insights into creating effective websites that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well. In this comprehensive...

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