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Standard Forth versus Python: a case study

I realized that I have a little job on the table that is a fine test of
the Python versus Standard Forth code availability and reusability issue.

Note that I have little experience with either Python or Standard Forth
(but I have much experience with a very nonstandard Forth). I've noodled
around a bit with both gforth and Python, but I've never done a serious
application in either. In my heart, I'm more of a Forth fan: Python is a
bit too much of a black box for my taste. But in the end, I have work to
get done.

The problem:

I have a bunch of image files in FITS format. For each raster row in
each file, I need to determine the median pixel value and subtract it
from all of the pixels in that row, and then write out the results as
new FITS files.

This is a real problem I need to solve, not a made-up toy problem. I was
originally thinking of solving it in C (I know where to get the pieces
in that language), but it seemed like a good test problem for the Python
versus Forth issue.

I looked to import FITS reading/writing, array manipulation, and median
determination. From there, the solution should be pretty easy.

So, first look for a median function in Python. A little googling finds:


Wow! This is good stuff! An embarrassment of riches here! There are even
several FITS modules, and I wasn't even looking for those yet. And just
for further gratification, the page's author is an old student of mine
(but I'll try not to let this influence my attitude). So, I followed the
link to:


From there, I downloaded stats.py, and the two other modules the page
says it requires, and installed them in my site-packages directory. Then
"from stats import median" got me a function to approximately determine
the median of a list. It just worked. The approximation is good enough
for my purposes here.

Pyfits required a little more resourcefulness , in part because STSCI's
ftp server was down yesterday, but I got it installed too. It helps that
when something is missing, the error message gives you a module name. It
needs the numarray module, so I got array manipulation as a side effect.

I haven't finished the program, but I've tried out the pieces and all
looks well here.

OK, now for Forth. Googling for "forth dup swap median" easily found:


At first blush, this looked really good for Forth. The search zeroed in
on just what I wanted, no extras. The algorithm is better than the one
in the Python stats module: it gives exact results, so there's no need
to check that an approximation is good enough. But then, the
disappointment came.

What do you do with this file? It documents the words it depends on, but
not where to get them. I'm looking at a significant effort to assemble
the pieces here, an effort I didn't suffer through with Python. So, my
first question was: "Is it worth it?".

The answer came from searching for FITS support in Forth. If it exists
in public, it must be really well hidden. That's a "show stopper", so
there was no point in pursuing the Forth approach further.

In the end, it was like comparing a muzzle-loading sharpshooter's rifle
with a machine gun: Forth got off one really good shot, but Python just
mowed the problems down.

The advocates of the idea that Standard Forth has been a boon to code
reusability seem mostly to be people with large private libraries of
Forth legacy code. No doubt to them it really has been a boon. But I
think this little experiment shows that for the rest of us, Python has a
published base of reusable code that puts Forth to shame.

John Doty, Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
Specialization is for robots.
Oct 11 '06
42 5463
On 12 Oct 2006 04:40:32 -0700, Paul Rubin
<"http://phr.cx"@nospam. invalidwrote:
Paul Rubin <http://ph****@NOSPAM.i nvalidwrites:
fun median {
var x = 0.
while( *p++) {
if( (*p) x) x = *p.
return x.
I count two variables, p and x.

Also, that finds the maximum, not the median. I had stopped examining
it after seeing it used more than one variable.
Um... isn't 'p' the list in question? There is only one variable used
for the calculation of the return value (yes, it's a maximum), and
that's 'x'.

# p.d.
Oct 12 '06 #21
Peter Decker wrote:
>Also, that finds the maximum, not the median. I had stopped examining
it after seeing it used more than one variable.

Um... isn't 'p' the list in question?
no, it's a pointer to the current item in the list.


Oct 12 '06 #22
Ian McConnell wrote:
If you can use Psyco and your FITS lines are really long (well, maybe
too much, the treshold if about >~3000 in my PC) you can use something
like this instead the builtin timsort:
(To compute the median on a image line the median that uses sort is
probably better in most cases, expecially if you use the built in sort
of numerical libraries.)

sort() sorts all of the data, but you're only after one or two numbers, so
the MODFIND method may be faster for the median:
The modified quicksort I have shown in the cookbook (466330) is O(n)
too, and it modifies the list in place, so you can apply it twice for
lists of even len.


Oct 12 '06 #23
<id****@gmail.c omwrote in message
news:11******** **************@ i42g2000cwa.goo glegroups.com.. .
Paul McGuire wrote:
><id****@gmail. comwrote in message
news:11******* **************@ h48g2000cwc.goo glegroups.com.. .

no sort() is needed to calculate the median of a list.

you just need one temp var.

Ok, I'll bite. How do you compute the median of a list using just a
temp var?

-- Paul

hi Paul; well when this was a stats-class assignment (back when pascal
was popular :) i just stepped through the vector and compared it


ptr p = [with values].

fun median {
var x = 0.
while( *p++) {
if( (*p) x) x = *p.
return x.

of course, pascal is more verbose but that's median()
No, that's the maximum. The median value is the value that is in the middle
of the list when the list is sorted. Many analyses prefer median to mean
(also known as "average") because the median is less sensitive to wild
outlier points.

My original question was in response to your post, that sort() wasn't
required but only a temp variable. I am very interested in seeing your
solution that does not require the data to be sorted. (This is not just an
academic exercise - given a large historical data set, sorting the data is
one of the costliest parts of computing the median, and I would greatly
appreciate seeing an alternative algorithm.)

-- Paul
Oct 12 '06 #24
Paul McGuire wrote:
My original question was in response to your post, that sort() wasn't required but only a temp
variable. I am very interested in seeing your solution that does not require the data to be
sorted. (This is not just an academic exercise - given a large historical data set, sorting the
data is one of the costliest parts of computing the median, and I would greatly appreciate seeing
an alternative algorithm.)
if you absolutely definitely cannot afford to modify or copy the input data set, but can
read the data sequentially multiple times reasonably fast, you can do what's basically a
binary search for the median, by counting how many values you have that's above or
below the current guess, and repeating until you find the right value. see e.g.



Oct 12 '06 #25
"Paul McGuire" <pt***@austin.r r._bogus_.comwr ites:
My original question was in response to your post, that sort() wasn't
required but only a temp variable. I am very interested in seeing your
solution that does not require the data to be sorted. (This is not just an
academic exercise - given a large historical data set, sorting the data is
one of the costliest parts of computing the median, and I would greatly
appreciate seeing an alternative algorithm.)
There are well known algorithms for finding the median in expected
O(n) time, the most straightforward of which is a modified quicksort.
You do the traditional quicksort pivot step, figure out which
partition the median is in, and recurse on just that partition instead
of on both of them. Expected running time is n + n/2 + n/4 + ...
which is approx 2n.

Tarjan discovered a guaranteed O(n) algorithm in the 1970's(?) whose
operation is much different and quite complex. But all of these need
more than one temp var. See an algorithms book like CLRS or Knuth
for more info.
Oct 12 '06 #26
Paul Rubin <http://ph****@NOSPAM.i nvalidwrites:
Tarjan discovered a guaranteed O(n) algorithm in the 1970's(?) whose
operation is much different and quite complex. But all of these need
more than one temp var. See an algorithms book like CLRS or Knuth
for more info.
Ehh, make that Blum, Floyd, Pratt, Rivest, and Tarjan, and the main
different part is selecting the pivot, plus the complexity analysis.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selection_algorithm (see "median of
medians algorithm")
Oct 12 '06 #27

"Fredrik Lundh" <fr*****@python ware.comwrote in message
news:ma******** *************** *************** @python.org...
Paul McGuire wrote:
>My original question was in response to your post, that sort() wasn't
required but only a temp variable. I am very interested in seeing your
solution that does not require the data to be sorted. (This is not just
an academic exercise - given a large historical data set, sorting the
data is one of the costliest parts of computing the median, and I would
greatly appreciate seeing an alternative algorithm.)

if you absolutely definitely cannot afford to modify or copy the input
data set, but can
read the data sequentially multiple times reasonably fast, you can do
what's basically a
binary search for the median, by counting how many values you have that's
above or
below the current guess, and repeating until you find the right value.
see e.g.



-- Paul
Oct 12 '06 #28
On 2006-10-12, Paul Rubin <httpwrote:
Tarjan discovered a guaranteed O(n) algorithm in the 1970's(?)
Huhn! I thought Tarjan was just the big bad evil guy in Bard's
Tale 2 who was creating eternal winter. I'm glad he also
contributed to our stock of *useful* algorithms.

Neil Cerutti
We will not have an all volunteer army. We *will* have an all
volunteer army. --George W. Bush
Oct 12 '06 #29
Paul McGuire wrote:
<id****@gmail.c omwrote in message
news:11******** **************@ i42g2000cwa.goo glegroups.com.. .
>Paul McGuire wrote:
>><id****@gmail .comwrote in message
news:11****** *************** @h48g2000cwc.go oglegroups.com. ..

no sort() is needed to calculate the median of a list.

you just need one temp var.

Ok, I'll bite. How do you compute the median of a list using just a
temp var?

-- Paul
hi Paul; well when this was a stats-class assignment (back when pascal
was popular :) i just stepped through the vector and compared it


ptr p = [with values].

fun median {
var x = 0.
while( *p++) {
if( (*p) x) x = *p.
return x.

of course, pascal is more verbose but that's median()

No, that's the maximum. The median value is the value that is in the middle
of the list when the list is sorted. Many analyses prefer median to mean
(also known as "average") because the median is less sensitive to wild
outlier points.

My original question was in response to your post, that sort() wasn't
required but only a temp variable. I am very interested in seeing your
solution that does not require the data to be sorted. (This is not just an
academic exercise - given a large historical data set, sorting the data is
one of the costliest parts of computing the median, and I would greatly
appreciate seeing an alternative algorithm.)
Here's a K&R C function I wrote almost 20 years ago. It's a general
purpose quantile. The essential idea is to choose an element at random
(thus mostly avoiding perverse behavior with already sorted data) and
divide the set into two pieces around it. Then you figure out which
piece contains the quantile you want, and what quantile it is within
that piece, and recurse. When you see enough identical elements in the
piece you're processing, it's done. In the extreme case you'll get down
to one element.

ixrand(n) generates a random integer in the range 0..n-1. I think that's
the only nonstandard function used.

The style is torqued by what Unisoft C could and couldn't optimize: I
wouldn't write it quite like that today. One of my students pointed out
that all of the recursion is tail recursion so it should be easy to
flatten. Left as an exercise to the reader...

Somewhere, in Knuth I think, I saw a somewhat similar algorithm that
promised a little better performance by estimating the median from a
sample of the data, breaking the data up there, and then looking for a
quantile (statistically guaranteed to be) close to the min or max of one
of the subsets.

It shouldn't be hard to recode in Python, Forth, or whatever. That
wasn't my purpose in the exercise that started the thread though: I
wanted to see if I could import modules good enough to do the job from
public sources. In Python I could, and the entire image processing
program is 15 lines. In Forth I couldn't.

Anyway, here it is:

/* Find the nth from the minimum value in an array */
/* Monte Carlo method intended for finding medians */
/* 2/13/85 jpd */

/* For random data, this routine takes about */
/* 2.6*numdata + O( log( numdata )) comparisons */
/* If the data is tightly clustered about the mean, */
/* there is a speedup; it may take as few as
/* 0.5*numdata comparisons. */
/* There is a slight penalty if the array is completely */
/* or partially sorted; it is at most 25%. */

/* NTH will be nthi, nths, etc., depending on DATATYPE */

NTH( data, numdata, n )
DATATYPE data[]; /* Data array (will be scrambled on return) */
int numdata; /* lemgth of data array */
int n; /* index if item to find:
1 <= n <= numdata */
register DATATYPE boundary, thisdata;
register DATATYPE *lowp, *highp;
DATATYPE v1, v2;
int nlowbin;

lowp = data; /* Init data pointer */

v1 = data[ ixrand( numdata )];
register DATATYPE v1r = v1;
int nc = 1 + numdata - n; /* "Complement " of n */

if( nc n )
highp = lowp + nc;
highp = lowp + n; /* Limit to test for done */

/* Scan for the first point which
doesn't match the boundary point.
If we encounter enough
matching points,
the boundary is the answer */
while( *lowp++ == v1r ) {
if( lowp >= highp ) return( v1r );
v2 = *--lowp; /* Back up to get point */

boundary = ( v1 >1 ) + ( v2 >1 ); /* Beware overflows */

highp = data + numdata; /* Now process the whole thing */
thisdata = *lowp; /* Prime the pump */

if( v2 < v1 ) { /* Bin 2 is low bin */
for( ; lowp < highp; thisdata = *lowp ) {
if( thisdata <= boundary ) { /* Bin 2 */
*lowp = *--highp; /* Exchange */
*highp = thisdata;
else ++lowp; /* Data point in right place */

nlowbin = numdata - ( lowp - data );
if( nlowbin >= n ) return( NTH( highp, nlowbin, n ));
else return( NTH( data, lowp - data, n - nlowbin ));

else { /* Primary bin is low bin */
for( ; lowp < highp; thisdata = *lowp ) {
if( thisdata boundary ) { /* Bin 2 */
*lowp = *--highp; /* Exchange */
*highp = thisdata;
else ++lowp; /* Don't move point */

nlowbin = ( lowp - data );
if( nlowbin >= n ) return( NTH( data, nlowbin, n ));
else return( NTH( highp, numdata - nlowbin, n - nlowbin ));

John Doty, Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
Specialization is for robots.
Oct 12 '06 #30

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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