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I have been working all too hard trying to figure out how to get
TextCtrlAutoCom plete.py to start another word after it finishes the
last word. I want it to start the autocomplete process all over again
after it finishes the autocomplete process. I have striped down the
program to a smaller version than the orginal. it now works in a
multiline wx.textctrl box. belive that the program only needs one or
two lines to complete the taks and start all over again.

here is a copy of the code

wxPython Custom Widget Collection 20060207
Written By: Edward Flick ()
Michele Petrazzo (michele -=dot=- petrazzo -=at=- unipex
-=dot=- it)
Will Sadkin (wsadkin-=at=- nameconnector -=dot=- com)
Copyright 2006 (c) CDF Inc. ( http://www.cdf-imaging.com )
Contributed to the wxPython project under the wxPython project's


import wx
import sys

import wx.lib.mixins.l istctrl as listmix
class myListCtrl(wx.L istCtrl, listmix.ListCtr lAutoWidthMixin ):
def __init__(self,
pos=wx.DefaultP osition,
size=wx.Default Size,
wx.ListCtrl.__i nit__(self, parent, ID, pos, size, style)
listmix.ListCtr lAutoWidthMixin .__init__(self)

class TextCtrlAutoCom plete (wx.TextCtrl, listmix.ColumnS orterMixin ):

def __init__ ( self, parent, choices = None,
showHead=False, dropDownClick=T rue,
colFetch=-1, colSearch=0, hideOnNoMatch=T rue,
selectCallback= None, entryCallback=N one,
matchFunction=N one,
**therest) :
Constructor works just like wx.TextCtrl except you can pass in
list of choices. You can also change the choice list at any
by calling setChoices.

if therest.has_key ('style'):
therest['style']=wx.TE_PROCESS_ ENTER | therest['style']
therest['style']=wx.TE_PROCESS_ ENTER
wx.TextCtrl.__i nit__(self,pare nt,-1,'',size=(500, 500),style=wx.T E_MULTILINE)
#wx.TextCtrl.__ init__(self, parent, **therest )
self._hideOnNoM atch = hideOnNoMatch
self._selectCal lback = selectCallback
self._matchFunc tion = matchFunction
self._screenhei ght = wx.SystemSettin gs.GetMetric(

#sort variable needed by listmix
self.itemDataMa p = dict()

self.dropdown = wx.PopupWindow( self )

#Control the style
if not (showHead) :
flags = flags | wx.LC_NO_HEADER

#Create the list and bind the events
self.dropdownli stbox = myListCtrl( self.dropdown, style=flags,
pos=wx.Point( 0, 0) )
gp = self
while ( gp != None ) :
gp = gp.GetParent()
self.Bind( wx.EVT_TEXT , self.onEnteredT ext, self )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN , self.onKeyDown, self )
self.dropdownli stbox.Bind(wx.E VT_LEFT_DCLICK,
self.onListDCli ck)

def onListDClick(se lf, evt):
self._setValueF romSelected()

def onEnteredText(s elf, event):
text = event.GetString ()
#print('onEnter dText text: ',text)
if self._entryCall back:
self._entryCall back()
if not text:
# control is empty; hide dropdown if shown:
if self.dropdown.I sShown():
self._showDropD own(False)
found = False
choices = self._choices

for numCh, choice in enumerate(choic es):
if self._matchFunc tion and self._matchFunc tion(text,
found = True
elif choice.lower(). startswith(text .lower()) :
found = True
if found:
self._showDropD own(True)
item = self.dropdownli stbox.GetItem(n umCh)
toSel = item.GetId()
self.dropdownli stbox.Select(to Sel)

if not found:

self.dropdownli stbox.Select(se lf.dropdownlist box.GetFirstSel ected(),
if self._hideOnNoM atch:
self._showDropD own(False)

self._listItemV isible()

event.Skip ()

def onKeyDown ( self, event ) :
""" Do some work when the user press on the keys:
up and down: move the cursor
left and right: move the search
skip = True

sel = self.dropdownli stbox.GetFirstS elected()
visible = self.dropdown.I sShown()

KC = event.GetKeyCod e()
if KC == wx.WXK_DOWN :
if sel < (self.dropdownl istbox.GetItemC ount () - 1) :
self.dropdownli stbox.Select ( sel+1 )
self._listItemV isible()
self._showDropD own ()
skip = False
elif KC == wx.WXK_UP :
if sel > 0 :
self.dropdownli stbox.Select ( sel - 1 )
self._listItemV isible()
self._showDropD own ()
skip = False

if visible :
if event.GetKeyCod e() == wx.WXK_RETURN :
self._setValueF romSelected()
skip = False
if event.GetKeyCod e() == wx.WXK_ESCAPE :
self._showDropD own( False )
skip = False
if skip :

def onListItemSelec ted (self, event):
self._setValueF romSelected()

def onClickToggleDo wn(self, event):
self._lastinser tionpoint = self.GetInserti onPoint()
event.Skip ()

def onClickToggleUp ( self, event ) :
if ( self.GetInserti onPoint() == self._lastinser tionpoint ) :
self._showDropD own ( not self.dropdown.I sShown() )
event.Skip ()
# -- Interfaces methods

def SetChoices(self , choices):

#Sets the choices available in the popup wx.ListBox.
#The items will be sorted case insensitively.
self._choices = choices
self._updateDat aList(self._cho ices)
self.dropdownli stbox.InsertCol umn(0, "")
for num, colVal in enumerate(self. _choices):
index =
self.dropdownli stbox.InsertIma geStringItem(sy s.maxint, colVal, -1)
self.dropdownli stbox.SetString Item(index, 0, colVal)
self.dropdownli stbox.SetItemDa ta(index, num)

self._setListSi ze()

# there is only one choice for both search and fetch if setting
a single column:
self._colSearch = 0
self._colFetch = -1
def SetSelectCallba ck(self, cb=None):
self._selectCal lback = cb

def SetEntryCallbac k(self, cb=None):
self._entryCall back = cb

#-- Internal methods
def _setValueFromSe lected( self ) :
Sets the wx.TextCtrl value from the selected wx.ListCtrl item.
Will do nothing if no item is selected in the wx.ListCtrl.
sel = self.dropdownli stbox.GetFirstS elected()
if sel > -1:
if self._colFetch != -1: col = self._colFetch
else: col = self._colSearch
itemtext = self.dropdownli stbox.GetItem(s el, col).GetText()

if self._selectCal lback:
dd = self.dropdownli stbox
values = [dd.GetItem(sel, x).GetText()
for x in xrange(dd.GetCo lumnCount())]
self._selectCal lback( values )
self.SetValue (itemtext)
self.SetInserti onPointEnd ()
self.SetSelecti on ( -1, -1 )
self._showDropD own ( False )

def _showDropDown ( self, show = True ) :
Either display the drop down list (show = True) or hide it
(show = False).

if show :
size = self.dropdown.G etSize()
width, height = self . GetSizeTuple()
x, y = self . ClientToScreenX Y ( wx.CentreX+6, wx.CentreY+6
if size.GetWidth() != width :
size.SetWidth(w idth)
self.dropdown.S etSize(size)

self.dropdownli stbox.SetSize(s elf.dropdown.Ge tClientSize())
if (y + size.GetHeight( )) < self._screenhei ght :
self.dropdown . SetPosition ( wx.Point(x, y) )
self.dropdown . SetPosition ( wx.Point(x, y - height -
size.GetHeight( )) )
self.dropdown.S how ( show )

def _listItemVisibl e( self ) :
Moves the selected item to the top of the list ensuring it is
always visible.
toSel = self.dropdownli stbox.GetFirstS elected ()
if toSel == -1: return
self.dropdownli stbox.EnsureVis ible( toSel )

def _updateDataList (self, choices):
#delete, if need, all the previous data
if self.dropdownli stbox.GetColumn Count() != 0:
self.dropdownli stbox.DeleteAll Columns()
self.dropdownli stbox.DeleteAll Items()

#and update the dict
if choices:
for numVal, data in enumerate(choic es):
self.itemDataMa p[numVal] = data
#print("data is %s",data)
numVal = 0
self.SetColumnC ount(numVal)

def _setListSize(se lf):
choices = self._choices
longest = 0
for choice in choices :
longest = max(len(choice) , longest)

#longest += 3
itemcount = min( len( choices ) , 7 ) + .5
charheight = self.dropdownli stbox.GetCharHe ight()
charwidth = self.dropdownli stbox.GetCharWi dth()
self.popupsize = wx.Size( charwidth*longe st,
charheight*item count )
self.dropdownli stbox.SetSize ( self.popupsize )
self.dropdown.S etClientSize( self.popupsize )

class test:
def __init__(self):
args = dict()
args["selectCallback "] = self.selectCall back

self.dynamic_ch oices = [
'hello world', 'abandon', 'acorn', 'acute',
'aegis', 'ascertain', 'asteroid',
'beautiful', 'bold', 'classic',
'daring', 'dazzling', 'debonair', 'definitive',
'effective', 'elegant',
'http://python.org', 'http://www.google.com' ,
'fabulous', 'fantastic', 'friendly',
'forgiving', 'feature',
'sage', 'scarlet', 'scenic', 'seaside',
'showpiece', 'spiffy',
'www.wxPython.o rg', 'www.osafoundat ion.org'
app = wx.PySimpleApp( )
frm = wx.Frame(None,-1,"Test",
panel = wx.Panel(frm)
self._ctrl = TextCtrlAutoCom plete(panel, **args)
self.onBtDynami cChoices(self.o nBtDynamicChoic es)

def onBtDynamicChoi ces(self, event):
self._ctrl.SetC hoices(self.dyn amic_choices)
self._ctrl.SetE ntryCallback(se lf.setDynamicCh oices)
def match(self, text, choice):
t = text.lower()
c = choice.lower()
#print('The Value is %S',choice)
return c.startswith(t)

def setDynamicChoic es(self):
if wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN == ' ': print "Space bar pressed"
text = self._ctrl.GetV alue().lower()
choices = [choice for choice in self.dynamic_ch oices if
self.match(text , choice)]
self._ctrl.SetC hoices(choices)
#print('The Value is %S',text)

def selectCallback( self, values):
""" Simply function that receive the row values when the
user select an item
print "Select Callback called...:", values
self.wordCheck( values)

def wordCheck(self, values):
pass #print"Word to check:",values
if __name__ == "__main__":

Jun 10 '06 #1
0 2074

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