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rewrite asp code to php


i'm trying to translate this asp code to php, but i can't get it work right.
could anyone help me? thanks!

Public mArrContent

'Build up the array
Redim mArrContent(30, 5)

mArrContent(1 , 0) = 0
mArrContent(1 , 1) = 42
mArrContent(1 , 2) = "folder"
mArrContent(1 , 3) = "Leistungen "
mArrContent(1 , 4) = 34

mArrContent(2 , 0) = 1
mArrContent(2 , 1) = 48
mArrContent(2 , 2) = "page"
mArrContent(2 , 3) = "Evaluation "
mArrContent(2 , 4) = 42

mArrContent(3 , 0) = 1
mArrContent(3 , 1) = 47
mArrContent(3 , 2) = "page"
mArrContent(3 , 3) = "Forschung"
mArrContent(3 , 4) = 42

mArrContent(4 , 0) = 1
mArrContent(4 , 1) = 49
mArrContent(4, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(4 , 3) = "Beratung"
mArrContent(4 , 4) = 42

mArrContent(5 , 0) = 0
mArrContent(5 , 1) = 43
mArrContent(5 , 2) = "folder"
mArrContent(5 , 3) = "Themen"
mArrContent(5 , 4) = 34
mArrContent(6 , 0) = 1
mArrContent(6 , 1) = 51
mArrContent(6, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(6 , 3) = "Verkehr, Umwelt & Energie"
mArrContent(6 , 4) = 43

mArrContent(7 , 0) = 1
mArrContent(7 , 1) = 52
mArrContent(7 , 2) = "page"
mArrContent(7 , 3) = "Soziale Sicherheit & Integration"
mArrContent(7 , 4) = 43

mArrContent(8 , 0) = 1
mArrContent(8 , 1) = 53
mArrContent(8 , 2) = "page"
mArrContent(8 , 3) = "Bildung & Familie"
mArrContent(8 , 4) = 43

mArrContent(9 , 0) = 1
mArrContent(9 , 1) = 54
mArrContent(9 , 2) = "page"
mArrContent(9 , 3) = "Reformen"
mArrContent(9 , 4) = 43

mArrContent(10 , 0) = 1
mArrContent(10 , 1) = 147
mArrContent(10 , 2) = "page"
mArrContent(10 , 3) = "Gesundheit "
mArrContent(10 , 4) = 43

mArrContent(11 , 0) = 1
mArrContent(11 , 1) = 251
mArrContent(11 , 2) = "page"
mArrContent(11 , 3) = "test"
mArrContent(11, 4) = 43

mArrContent(12 , 0) = 0
mArrContent(12 , 1) = 45
mArrContent(12 , 2) = "folder"
mArrContent(12 , 3) = "Projekte & Publikationen"
mArrContent(12 , 4) = 34

mArrContent(13 , 0) = 1
mArrContent(13 , 1) = 113
mArrContent(13 , 2) = "folder"
mArrContent(13 , 3) = "Projekte"
mArrContent(13 , 4) = 45
mArrContent(14 , 0) = 2
mArrContent(14 , 1) = 138
mArrContent(14 , 2) = "page"
mArrContent(14 , 3) = "Test Projekt"
mArrContent(14 , 4) = 113
mArrContent(15 , 0) = 2
mArrContent(15 , 1) = 154
mArrContent(15 , 2) = "page"
mArrContent(15 , 3) = "Noch ein Testprojekt"
mArrContent(15 , 4) = 113

mArrContent(16 , 0) = 0
mArrContent(16 , 1) = 125
mArrContent(16, 2) = "folder"
mArrContent(16, 3) = "Publikatio nen"
mArrContent(16, 4) = 45
mArrContent(17, 0) = 0
mArrContent(17, 1) = 117
mArrContent(17, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(17, 3) = "Aktuelle Projekte & Publikationen"
mArrContent(17, 4) = 45
mArrContent(18, 0) = 0
mArrContent(18, 1) = 118
mArrContent(18, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(18, 3) = "Verkehr, Umwelt & Energie"
mArrContent(18, 4) = 45
mArrContent(19, 0) = 0
mArrContent(19, 1) = 119
mArrContent(19, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(19, 3) = "Soziale Sicherheit & Integration"
mArrContent(19, 4) = 45
mArrContent(20, 0) = 0
mArrContent(20, 1) = 120
mArrContent(20, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(20, 3) = "Bildung & Familie"
mArrContent(20, 4) = 45

mArrContent(21, 0) = 0
mArrContent(21, 1) = 121
mArrContent(21, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(21, 3) = "Reform & Internationale Entwicklung"
mArrContent(21, 4) = 45

mArrContent(22, 0) = 0
mArrContent(22, 1) = 46
mArrContent(22, 2) = "folder"
mArrContent(22, 3) = "Portrait"
mArrContent(22, 4) = 34

mArrContent(23, 0) = 1
mArrContent(23, 1) = 143
mArrContent(23, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(23, 3) = "Verst‰ndni s"
mArrContent(23, 4) = 46

mArrContent(24, 0) = 1
mArrContent(24, 1) = 58
mArrContent(24, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(24, 3) = "Team"
mArrContent(24, 4) = 46

mArrContent(25, 0) = 1
mArrContent(25, 1) = 144
mArrContent(25, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(25, 3) = "Auftraggeb er"
mArrContent(25, 4) = 46

mArrContent(26, 0) = 1
mArrContent(26, 1) = 146
mArrContent(26, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(26, 3) = "Partner im Ausland"
mArrContent(26, 4) = 46

mArrContent(27, 0) = 1
mArrContent(27, 1) = 145
mArrContent(27, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(27, 3) = "Stellenangebot "
mArrContent(27, 4) = 46

mArrContent(28, 0) = 1
mArrContent(28, 1) = 262
mArrContent(28, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(28, 3) = "Test"
mArrContent(28, 4) = 46

mArrContent(29, 0) = 1
mArrContent(29, 1) = 263
mArrContent(29, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(29, 3) = "so"
mArrContent(29, 4) = 46

mArrContent(30, 0) = 0
mArrContent(30, 1) = 264
mArrContent(30, 2) = "page"
mArrContent(30, 3) = "Sitemap"
mArrContent(30, 4) = 34
'Call the function to Generate the Nested Array
marrMain = GenerateNestedA rray(mArrConten t)

'Call the function to Generate the HTML script
Call GenerateHTML(ma rrMain)
'/*************** *************** ****
'This is the function that generate
'the nested array based on a given
'multidimension al array
'/*************** *************** ****
Function GenerateNestedA rray(ArrContent )
Dim arrMain
Dim arrSub
Dim arrSubContent
Redim arrSub(5)
Redim arrMain(0)
Dim lngCount
For i = 1 to UBound(arrConte nt)
Redim arrSubContent(0 )
if arrContent(i,4) = 34 then
lngCount = lngCount + 1
Redim Preserve arrMain(lngCoun t)
For j = 0 to 4
arrSub(j) = ArrContent(i,j)
arrSub(5) = arrSubContent
arrMain(lngCoun t) = arrSub
for j = 1 to Ubound(arrMain)
For k = 0 to 4
arrSub(k) = arrContent(i,k)
arrSub(5) = arrSubContent
if FindParent(arrM ain(j), arrSub) = true then
exit for
End if
end if
GenerateNestedA rray = arrMain
end function

'/*************** *************** ****
'This is the function that
'recursively find the parent
'folder of a given page or folder
'and then places the data into
'the fifth element of the parent array
'/*************** *************** ****
Function FindParent(arrP arent, arrContent)
On error resume next
Dim arrSub(5)
Dim arrTemp(5)
Dim arrSubContent(0 )
Dim arrSubArray
Dim lngCount
if arrParent(1) = arrContent(4) then
For j = 0 to 4
arrSub(j) = arrContent(j)
arrSub(5) = arrSubContent
if Ubound(arrParen t(5)) = 0 then
lngCount = 1
redim ArrSubArray(1)
arrSubArray(1) = arrSub
lngCount = Ubound(arrParen t(5)) + 1
Redim arrSubArray(lng Count)
for j = 1 to lngCount -1
arrSubArray(j)= arrParent(5)(j)
arrSubArray(lng Count) = arrContent
end if
arrParent(5) = arrSubArray
FindParent = true
Exit Function
elseif Ubound(arrParen t(5)) > 0 then
for i = 1 to Ubound(arrParen t(5))
blnFindParent = FindParent(arrP arent(5)(i), arrContent)
if blnFindParent = true then
Exit function
end if
end if
FindParent = false
End Function

'/*************** *************** ****
'This is the function that
'Generates the HTML script
'which then recursively call
'WriteData function to separate
'each group
'/*************** *************** ****
Function GenerateHTML(ar rMain)

For i = 1 to Ubound(arrMain)
Call WriteData(arrMa in(i))
response.write "<br>"
End function
Function WriteData(arrDa ta)
on error resume next
Dim arrSub(5)
response.write "<ul>"
response.write "<li>" & arrData(2) & " " & arrData(3)
if Ubound(arrData( 5)) > 0 then
for j=1 to Ubound(arrData( 5))
Call WriteData(arrDa ta(5)(j))
End if
response.write "</li>"
response.write "</ul>"
End function




//Build up the array
$mArrContent[1][3]="Leistungen ";

$mArrContent[2][3]="Evaluation ";

$mArrContent[3][3]="Forschung" ;


$mArrContent[6][3]="Verkehr, Umwelt & Energie";

$mArrContent[7][3]="Soziale Sicherheit & Integration";

$mArrContent[8][3]="Bildung & Familie";


$mArrContent[10][3]="Gesundheit ";


$mArrContent[12][3]="Projekte & Publikationen";

$mArrContent[14][3]="Test Projekt";
$mArrContent[15][3]="Noch ein Testprojekt";

$mArrContent[16][3]="Publikationen ";
$mArrContent[17][3]="Aktuelle Projekte & Publikationen";
$mArrContent[18][3]="Verkehr, Umwelt & Energie";
$mArrContent[19][3]="Soziale Sicherheit & Integration";
$mArrContent[20][3]="Bildung & Familie";

$mArrContent[21][3]="Reform & Internationale Entwicklung";


$mArrContent[23][3]="Verst‰ndni s";


$mArrContent[25][3]="Auftraggeber" ;

$mArrContent[26][3]="Partner im Ausland";

$mArrContent[27][3]="Stellenangebo t";



//Call the function to Generate the Nested Array

$marrMain=Gener ateNestedArray( $mArrContent);

//Call the function to Generate the HTML script

print GenerateHTML($m arrMain);

///*************** *************** ****
// This is the function that generate
// the nested array based on a given
// multidimensiona l array
///*************** *************** ****

function GenerateNestedA rray($arrConten t) {

$arrMain = array();
$arrSub = array();
$arrSubContent = array();

for ($i=1;$i<=count ($arrContent);$ i++) {

if ($arrContent[$i][4]==34) {
for ($j=0;$j<=4;$j+ +) {
$arrSub[$j] = $arrContent[$i][$j];
$arrSub[5] = $arrSubContent;
$arrMain[$lngCount] = $arrSub;
} else {

for ($j=0;$j<count( $arrMain);$j++) {

for($k=0;$k<4;$ k++){
$arrSub[$k] = $arrContent[$i][$k];
$arrSub[5] = $arrSubContent;
if (FindParent($ar rMain[$j],$arrSub)===fal se) {


return $arrMain;

///*************** *************** ****
// This is the function that
// recursively find the parent
// folder of a given page or folder
// and then places the data into
// the fifth element of the parent array
///*************** *************** ****

function FindParent($arr Parent,$arrCont ent) {

$arrSub = array();
$arrSubContent = array();
$arrSubArray = array();

if ($arrParent[1]==$arrContent[4]) {

for ($j=0;$j<=4;$j+ +) {
$arrSub[$j] = $arrContent[$j];
$arrSub[5] = $arrSubContent;

if(count($arrPa rent[5])==0) {
$lngCount = 1;
$arrSubArray[] = $arrSub;
} else {
$lngCount = count($arrParen t[5])+1;
for($j=1;$i<=$l ngCount-1;$j++) {
$arrSubArray[$j] = $arrParent[5][$j];
$arrSubArray[$j] = $arrContent;

$arrParent[5] = $arrSubArray;
return true;

} else if (count($arrPare nt[5])>0) {

for ($i=1;$i<=count ($arrParent[5]);$i++) {
$blnFindParent = FindParent($arr Parent[5][$i],$arrContent);
if ($blnFindParent == true) {

return false;

///*************** *************** ****

//This is the function that

//Generates the HTML script

//which then recursively call

//WriteData function to separate

//each group

///*************** *************** ****

function GenerateHTML($a rrMain)

for ($i=1; $i<=count($arrM ain); $i=$i+1)

WriteData($arrM ain[$i]);
print "<br>";


return $function_ret;
function WriteData($arrD ata)
extract($GLOBAL S);
print "<ul>";
print "<li>".$arr Data[2]." ".$arrData[3];
if (count($arrData[5])>0)

for ($j=1; $j<=count($arrD ata[5]); $j=$j+1)

WriteData($arrD ata[5]($j));



print "</li>";
print "</ul>";

Jul 17 '05 #1
3 1824
Aldo wrote:
i'm trying to translate this asp code to php, but i can't get it work right.
could anyone help me? thanks!

[snip code]

maybe http://www.google.com/search?q=asp%20to%20php

USENET would be a better place if everybody read:
Jul 17 '05 #2
*** Aldo escribió/wrote (11 Oct 2004 10:16:16 -0700):
i'm trying to translate this asp code to php, but i can't get it work right.
could anyone help me?

Maybe if you could shorten the question... Nobody's going to check six
hundred lines of code for you.
-+ Álvaro G. Vicario - Burgos, Spain
+- http://www.demogracia.com (la web de humor barnizada para la intemperie)
++ Las dudas informáticas recibidas por correo irán directas a la papelera
-+ I'm not a free help desk, please don't e-mail me your questions
Jul 17 '05 #3
Yes i think you're right ;-)…

here the two functions I can't get to work in php.
the array who is feeding the function "GenerateNested Array" has this structure:
$mArrContent[1][0]=0; 'counter
$mArrContent[1][1]=42; 'id
$mArrContent[1][2]="folder"; 'folder or page
$mArrContent[1][3]="Leistungen "; 'title
$mArrContent[1][4]=34; 'parent id

my goal is to build a multidimensiona l array with the right folder structure
'Call the function to Generate the Nested Array
marrMain = GenerateNestedA rray(mArrConten t)

'/*************** *************** ****
'This is the function that generate
'the nested array based on a given
'multidimension al array
'/*************** *************** ****
Function GenerateNestedA rray(ArrContent )
Dim arrMain
Dim arrSub
Dim arrSubContent
Redim arrSub(5)
Redim arrMain(0)
Dim lngCount
For i = 1 to UBound(arrConte nt)
Redim arrSubContent(0 )
if arrContent(i,4) = 34 then
lngCount = lngCount + 1
Redim Preserve arrMain(lngCoun t)
For j = 0 to 4
arrSub(j) = ArrContent(i,j)
arrSub(5) = arrSubContent
arrMain(lngCoun t) = arrSub
for j = 1 to Ubound(arrMain)
For k = 0 to 4
arrSub(k) = arrContent(i,k)
arrSub(5) = arrSubContent
if FindParent(arrM ain(j), arrSub) = true then
exit for
End if
end if
GenerateNestedA rray = arrMain
end function

'/*************** *************** ****
'This is the function that
'recursively find the parent
'folder of a given page or folder
'and then places the data into
'the fifth element of the parent array
'/*************** *************** ****
Function FindParent(arrP arent, arrContent)
On error resume next
Dim arrSub(5)
Dim arrTemp(5)
Dim arrSubContent(0 )
Dim arrSubArray
Dim lngCount
if arrParent(1) = arrContent(4) then
For j = 0 to 4
arrSub(j) = arrContent(j)
arrSub(5) = arrSubContent
if Ubound(arrParen t(5)) = 0 then
lngCount = 1
redim ArrSubArray(1)
arrSubArray(1) = arrSub
lngCount = Ubound(arrParen t(5)) + 1
Redim arrSubArray(lng Count)
for j = 1 to lngCount -1
arrSubArray(j)= arrParent(5)(j)
arrSubArray(lng Count) = arrContent
end if
arrParent(5) = arrSubArray
FindParent = true
Exit Function
elseif Ubound(arrParen t(5)) > 0 then
for i = 1 to Ubound(arrParen t(5))
blnFindParent = FindParent(arrP arent(5)(i), arrContent)
if blnFindParent = true then
Exit function
end if
end if
FindParent = false
End Function


//Call the function to Generate the Nested Array
$marrMain=Gener ateNestedArray( $mArrContent);

//Call the function to Generate the HTML script
GenerateHTML($m arrMain);

///*************** *************** ****
// This is the function that generate
// the nested array based on a given
// multidimensiona l array
///*************** *************** ****
function GenerateNestedA rray($arrConten t) {

$arrMain = array();
$arrSub = array();
$arrSubContent = array();

for ($i=1;$i<=count ($arrContent);$ i++) {

if ($arrContent[$i][4]==34) {
for ($j=0;$j<=4;$j+ +) {
$arrSub[$j] = $arrContent[$i][$j];
$arrSub[5] = $arrSubContent;
$arrMain[$lngCount] = $arrSub;

} else {

for ($j=1;$j<=count ($arrMain);$j++ ) {

for($k=0;$k<4;$ k++){
$arrSub[$k] = $arrContent[$i][$k];
$arrSub[5] = $arrSubContent;
if (FindParent($ar rMain[$j],$arrSub)===fal se) {


return $arrMain;

///*************** *************** ****
// This is the function that
// recursively find the parent
// folder of a given page or folder
// and then places the data into
// the fifth element of the parent array
///*************** *************** ****
function FindParent($arr Parent,$arrCont ent) {

$arrSub = array();
$arrSubContent = array();
$arrSubArray = array();

if ($arrParent[1]==$arrContent[4]) {

for ($j=0;$j<=4;$j+ +) {
$arrSub[$j] = $arrContent[$j];
$arrSub[5] = $arrSubContent;

if(count($arrPa rent[5])==0) {
$lngCount = 1;
$arrSubArray[] = $arrSub;
} else {
$lngCount = count($arrParen t[5])+1;
for($j=1;$i<=$l ngCount-1;$j++) {
$arrSubArray[$j] = $arrParent[5][$j];
$arrSubArray[$j] = $arrContent;

$arrParent[5] = $arrSubArray;
return true;

} else if (count($arrPare nt[5])>0) {

for ($i=1;$i<=count ($arrParent[5]);$i++) {
$blnFindParent = FindParent($arr Parent[5][$i],$arrContent);
if ($blnFindParent == true) {

return false;


"Alvaro G. Vicario" <kA************ *****@terra.es> wrote in message news:<lg******* *************** ******@40tude.n et>...
*** Aldo escribió/wrote (11 Oct 2004 10:16:16 -0700):
i'm trying to translate this asp code to php, but i can't get it work right.
could anyone help me?

Maybe if you could shorten the question... Nobody's going to check six
hundred lines of code for you.

Jul 17 '05 #4

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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by: TSSRALBI | last post by:
Hello I'm a network technician in training and I need your help. I am currently learning how to create and manage the different types of VPNs and I have a question about LAN-to-LAN VPNs. The last exercise I practiced was to create a LAN-to-LAN VPN between two Pfsense firewalls, by using IPSEC protocols. I succeeded, with both firewalls in the same network. But I'm wondering if it's possible to do the same thing, with 2 Pfsense firewalls...
by: adsilva | last post by:
A Windows Forms form does not have the event Unload, like VB6. What one acts like?
by: 6302768590 | last post by:
Hai team i want code for transfer the data from one system to another through IP address by using C# our system has to for every 5mins then we have to update the data what the data is updated we have to send another system

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