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Help on pagination please

64 New Member
I have a pagination function I am using in a file called functions.php as below
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  1. <? //Pagination functions  function getPagingQuery($sql, $itemPerPage = 10) {    if (isset($_GET['page']) && (int)$_GET['page'] > 0)    {       $page = (int)$_GET['page'];    }    else    {       $page = 1;    }        // start fetching from this row number    $offset = ($page - 1) * $itemPerPage;        return $sql . " LIMIT $offset, $itemPerPage"; }  /*    Get the links to navigate between one result page to another.     */ function getPagingLink($sql, $itemPerPage = 10, $strGet = '') {    $result        = dbQuery($sql);    $pagingLink    = '';    $totalResults  = dbNumRows($result);    $totalPages    = ceil($totalResults / $itemPerPage);        // how many link pages to show    $numLinks      = 10;            // create the paging links only if theres more than one page of results    if ($totalPages > 1) {           $self = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ;               if (isset($_GET['page']) && (int)$_GET['page'] > 0) {          $pageNumber = (int)$_GET['page'];       } else {          $pageNumber = 1;       }              // print 'previous' link only if its not       // on page one       if ($pageNumber > 1) {          $page = $pageNumber - 1;          if ($page > 1) {             $prev = " <a href=\"$self?page=$page&$strGet/\">[Prev]</a> ";          } else {             $prev = " <a href=\"$self?$strGet\">[Prev]</a> ";          }                          $first = " <a href=\"$self?$strGet\">[First]</a> ";       } else {          $prev  = ''; // on page one, don't show 'previous' link          $first = ''; // nor 'first page' link       }           // print 'next' link only if its not       // on the last page       if ($pageNumber < $totalPages) {          $page = $pageNumber + 1;          $next = " <a href=\"$self?page=$page&$strGet\">[Next]</a> ";          $last = " <a href=\"$self?page=$totalPages&$strGet\">[Last]</a> ";       } else {          $next = ''; // if on the last page, don't show 'next' link          $last = ''; // nor 'last page' link       }        $start = $pageNumber - ($pageNumber % $numLinks) + 1;       $end   = $start + $numLinks - 1;                    $end   = min($totalPages, $end);              $pagingLink = array();       for($page = $start; $page <= $end; $page++)   {          if ($page == $pageNumber) {             $pagingLink[] = " $page ";   // no need to create a link to current page          } else {             if ($page == 1) {                $pagingLink[] = " <a href=\"$self?$strGet\">$page</a> ";             } else {                   $pagingLink[] = " <a href=\"$self?page=$page&$strGet\">$page</a> ";             }             }           }              $pagingLink = implode(' | ', $pagingLink);              // return the page navigation link       $pagingLink = $first . $prev . $pagingLink . $next . $last;    }        return $pagingLink; } ?>
I include that functions.php in every page because it contains all the functions I need

However, when I add the pagination to my DB functions containing SQLs, it doesn't work. Code below:

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  1. <? function allsales_Today() {    $rowsPerPage = 5;     //$sql = 'SELECT * FROM cstocksales WHERE SaleDate = current_date';    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM cstocksales WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 DAY) <= SaleDate';        //$result = dbQuery($sql);    $result     = dbQuery(getPagingQuery($sql, $rowsPerPage));    $pagingLink = getPagingLink($sql, $rowsPerPage);        if (dbNumRows($result) == 0) //if none       {         echo '<p><font color=#CC0000><h4>No sales for today were found in the records...</h4></font></p>';       echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';    }    else    {       echo "<h5>Today's sales sales:<p></h5>";       echo '<table width="100%"  border="1" bordercolor="#000000">';      echo'<tr>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Sale No</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Category</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Brand</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Quantity </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Paid By: </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Amount </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Date of Sale </th>';     echo'</tr>';      while($row = dbFetchArray($result))     // while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))      {                 echo'<tr>';          echo'<td align="center">';          $SaleID = $row["SaleID"];                   echo $SaleID. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Category = $row["Category"];                   echo $Category. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Brand = $row["Brand"];                   echo $Brand. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Quantity = $row["Quantity"];                   echo $Quantity. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $PaidBy = $row["PaidBy"];                   echo $PaidBy. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Cost = $row["Cost"];                   echo $Cost. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $SaleDate = $row["SaleDate"];                   echo $SaleDate. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';                   echo '</tr>';              }    echo'</table>';        //paginating link    echo $pagingLink;        echo "<br>"; echo "<strong>Sales figures:</strong>"; echo "<hr>";        $sql_total = 'SELECT PaidBy, SUM(Cost) FROM cstocksales WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 DAY) <= SaleDate GROUP BY PaidBy';        $result = dbQuery($sql_total);             while($row = dbFetchArray($result))         {        echo "Total sales by ". $row['PaidBy']. "<font color=#CC0000> =  Kshs <strong>". $row['SUM(Cost)']; echo "</font></strong>";       echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;"; echo"|"; echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;";       }           $sql_total_final = 'SELECT SUM(Cost) FROM cstocksales WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 DAY) <= SaleDate';        $result = dbQuery($sql_total_final);    while($row = dbFetchArray($result))         {       echo "<strong>All sales = <font color=#CC0000> Kshs " .$row['SUM(Cost)']; echo "</font></strong>" ;       }    }     echo "<br>";    echo '<h4><a href="index.php">Back</a> to sales panel.'; } ?>
The first page is displayed well. When I click next, the page is blank and the URL is

The URL for the search should be


Followed by the pagination as a user clicks next or a value in the pagination link

viewsales.php is the file containing sales functions

It only works if I put each function in its own page. My sales functions are many (33 functions) and so they are all in one file called view sales.php in a case statement.

How do I make it work if I have a file that contains all my sales functions and I want to use the pagination in each function?

my pagination function is in a file I call at the top of every page (functions.php)
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  1. <? //Pagination functions  function getPagingQuery($sql, $itemPerPage = 10) {    if (isset($_GET['page']) && (int)$_GET['page'] > 0)    {       $page = (int)$_GET['page'];    }    else    {       $page = 1;    }        // start fetching from this row number    $offset = ($page - 1) * $itemPerPage;        return $sql . " LIMIT $offset, $itemPerPage"; }  /*    Get the links to navigate between one result page to another.     */   function getPagingLink($sql, $itemPerPage = 10, $strGet = '') {    $result        = dbQuery($sql);    $pagingLink    = '';    $totalResults  = dbNumRows($result);    $totalPages    = ceil($totalResults / $itemPerPage);        // how many link pages to show    $numLinks      = 10;            // create the paging links only if theres more than one page of results    if ($totalPages > 1) {           $self = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ;               if (isset($_GET['page']) && (int)$_GET['page'] > 0) {          $pageNumber = (int)$_GET['page'];       } else {          $pageNumber = 1;       }              // print 'previous' link only if its not       // on page one       if ($pageNumber > 1) {          $page = $pageNumber - 1;          if ($page > 1) {             $prev = " <a href=\"$self?page=$page&$strGet/\">[Prev]</a> ";             ||             $prev = " <a href=\"$self?action=$action&$strGet/\">[Prev]</a> ";          } else {             $prev = " <a href=\"$self?$strGet\">[Prev]</a> ";          }                          $first = " <a href=\"$self?$strGet\">[First]</a> ";       } else {          $prev  = ''; // on page one, don't show 'previous' link          $first = ''; // nor 'first page' link       }           // print 'next' link only if its not       // on the last page       if ($pageNumber < $totalPages) {          $page = $pageNumber + 1;          $next = " <a href=\"$self?page=$page&$strGet\">[Next]</a> "; || " <a href=\"$self?action=$action&$strGet/\">[Prev]</a> ";          $last = " <a href=\"$self?page=$totalPages&$strGet\">[Last]</a> "; || " <a href=\"$self?action=$action&$strGet/\">[Prev]</a> ";       } else {          $next = ''; // if on the last page, don't show 'next' link          $last = ''; // nor 'last page' link       }        $start = $pageNumber - ($pageNumber % $numLinks) + 1;       $end   = $start + $numLinks - 1;                    $end   = min($totalPages, $end);              $pagingLink = array();       for($page = $start; $page <= $end; $page++)   {          if ($page == $pageNumber) {             $pagingLink[] = " $page ";   // no need to create a link to current page          } else {             if ($page == 1) {                $pagingLink[] = " <a href=\"$self?$strGet\">$page</a> ";             } else {                   $pagingLink[] = " <a href=\"$self?page=$page&$strGet\">$page</a> ";             }             }           }              $pagingLink = implode(' | ', $pagingLink);              // return the page navigation link       $pagingLink = $first . $prev . $pagingLink . $next . $last;    }        return $pagingLink; } ?>
Like in this page (list.php)

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  1. <?php if (!defined('WEB_ROOT')) {    exit; } $rowsPerPage = 5;  $_SESSION['login_return_url'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; checkUser();  $sql = "SELECT * FROM fragrancestock"; $result     = dbQuery(getPagingQuery($sql, $rowsPerPage)); $pagingLink = getPagingLink($sql, $rowsPerPage);  $errorMessage = (isset($_GET['cstock_error']) && $_GET['cstock_error'] != '') ? $_GET['cstock_error'] : '&nbsp;'; ?> <form action="index.php?view=add" method="post"  name="frmList" id="frmList">   <table width="100%" border="0" align="center">     <tr class="title_text">       <td width="100">Category</td>       <td width="400">Brand</td>       <td width="100" align="center">Stock</td>       <td width="100">Date Added</td>       <td width="50">Details</td>       <td width="50">Add</td>       <td width="50">Delete</td>     </tr>     <?php if (dbNumRows($result) > 0) {    $i = 0;        while($row = dbFetchAssoc($result)) {       extract($row);                 if ($i%2) {          $class = 'row1';       } else {          $class = 'row2';       }              $i += 1; ?>     <tr class="<?php echo $class; ?>">       <td width="100"><?php echo $Category; ?></td>       <td width="400"><?php echo $Brand; ?></td>       <td width="100" class="inner_border"><?php echo $Quantity; ?></td>       <td width="100"><?php echo $DateAddedStock; ?></td>       <td width="50"><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?view=detail&StockID=<?php echo $StockID; ?>">View</a></td>       <td width="50"><a href="javascript:modifyStock(<?php echo $StockID; ?>);"><strong>Add         </strong> </a></td>       <td width="50"><a href="javascript:deleteStock(<?php echo $StockID; ?>);">Delete</a></td>     </tr>     <?php    } // end while   ?>     <tr>       <td colspan="7" align="center">         <?php     echo $pagingLink;    ?>       </td>     </tr>     <?php    } else { ?>     <tr>       <td colspan="7" align="center">No Stock Items Yet</td>     </tr>     <?php } ?>     <tr>       <td colspan="7">&nbsp;</td>     </tr>     <tr>       <td colspan="7" align="right"> <input name="btnAddStock" type="submit" value="New Entry" class="button_image">     </tr>   </table> </form>  <label class="title_text">View Stock:</label> <hr> <table width="100%" border="0">   <tr>     <td><form action="index.php?view=showbybrand" method="post" name="frmByBrand">         <table width="100%" border="0">           <tr>             <td width="200">By Brand:</td>             <td width="200"><select name="sltBrand">                 <option value="0">Select Brand</option>                 <?          $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Brand FROM cstockitems ORDER BY Brand ASC";          $result = dbQuery($sql);                          if(dbNumRows($result))          {             while($row = dbFetchAssoc($result))             {             echo "<option>$row[Brand]</option>";             }          }                 else                {             echo "<option>No Brands Present</option>";                }      ?>               </select></td>             <td width="200"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Show" class="button_image" onClick="return CheckShowBrandByBrand();">             </td>           </tr>         </table>       </form></td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td><form name="frmByCategory" method="post" action="showbycategory.php">         <table width="100%" border="0">           <tr>             <td width="200">By Category:</td>             <td width="200"><select name="sltCategory">                 <option value="0">Select Category</option>                 <?          $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Category FROM cstockitems ORDER BY Category ASC";          $result = dbQuery($sql);                          if(dbNumRows($result))          {             while($row = dbFetchAssoc($result))             {             echo "<option>$row[Category]</option>";             }          }                 else                {             echo "<option>No Categories Present</option>";                }      ?>               </select></td>             <td width="200"><input type="submit" name="Submit2" value="Show" class="button_image" onClick="return CheckShowBrandByCategory();"></td>           </tr>         </table>       </form></td>   </tr>   <tr>     <td><form name="frmSearchBrand" method="post" action="showbysearch.php">         <table width="100%" border="0">           <tr>             <td width="200">Search:</td>             <td width="200"><input type="text" name="txtSearchBrand" size="40"></td>             <td width="200"><input type="submit" name="Submit3" value="Search" class="button_image" onClick="return CheckShowBrandBySearch();"></td>           </tr>         </table>       </form></td>   </tr> </table> <label class="title_text">Print product list for re-stocking:</label> <hr> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">   <tr>     <td><a href="exportoutofstockfile.php">Out of stock:</a></td>     <td><a href="exportlowstockfile.php">Low stock:</a></td>     <td><a href="exportwarningstockfile.php">Stock running low:</a></td>    <td><a href="printstocksheet.php">Print stock sheet</a></td>   </tr> </table>   <script> function CheckShowBrandByBrand() {    form = window.document.frmByBrand;        if (form.sltBrand.selectedIndex == 0)    {       alert('You have not selected a brand to view details!');       return false;       }    else    {    return true;    } }  function CheckShowBrandByCategory() {    form = window.document.frmByCategory;        if (form.sltCategory.selectedIndex == 0)    {       alert('You have not selected a Category to view details!');       return false;       }    else    {    return true;    } }  function CheckShowBrandBySearch() {    form = window.document.frmSearchBrand;        if (form.txtSearchBrand.value == "")    {       alert('You have not entered a brand name to search!');       return false;       }    else    {    return true;    } } </script>
But you can see that page has one function so the pagination works well using the variable ($page)

My problem is how to make it work in a page containing multiple functions AND it works in every function
Where should I change without having to make a pagination function for every POST function

My page of functions where I want to use it below:

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <? require_once '../../functions.php';    $_SESSION['login_return_url'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; checkUser();  $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : ''; //$page = $_GET['action'];  switch ($action) {    case 'jan' :       sales_January();    break;           case 'feb' :       sales_February();    break;        case 'mar' :       sales_March();    break;           case 'april' :       sales_April();    break;        case 'may' :       sales_May();    break;           case 'june' :       sales_June();    break;        case 'july' :       sales_July();    break;           case 'aug' :       sales_August();    break;        case 'sept' :       sales_September();    break;           case 'oct' :       sales_October();    break;        case 'nov' :       sales_November();    break;           case 'dec' :       sales_December();    break;           case 'allsalestoday' :       allsales_Today();    break;           case 'allsalessevendays' :       allsales_SevenDays();    break;        case 'salesbycategory' :       salesbyCategory();    break;        case 'salesbybrand' :       salesbyBrand();    break;     default : }  function allsales_Today($action) {    $rowsPerPage = 2;     //$sql = 'SELECT * FROM cstocksales WHERE SaleDate = current_date';    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM cstocksales WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 DAY) <= SaleDate';        //$result = dbQuery($sql);    $result     = dbQuery(getPagingQuery($sql, $rowsPerPage));    $pagingLink = getPagingLink($sql, $rowsPerPage);        if (dbNumRows($result) == 0) //if none       {         echo '<p><font color=#CC0000><h4>No sales for today were found in the records...</h4></font></p>';       echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';    }    else    {       echo "<h5>Today's sales sales:<p></h5>";       echo '<table width="100%"  border="1" bordercolor="#000000">';      echo'<tr>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Sale No</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Category</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Brand</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Quantity </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Paid By: </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Amount </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Date of Sale </th>';     echo'</tr>';      while($row = dbFetchArray($result))     // while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))      {                 echo'<tr>';          echo'<td align="center">';          $SaleID = $row["SaleID"];                   echo $SaleID. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Category = $row["Category"];                   echo $Category. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Brand = $row["Brand"];                   echo $Brand. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Quantity = $row["Quantity"];                   echo $Quantity. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $PaidBy = $row["PaidBy"];                   echo $PaidBy. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Cost = $row["Cost"];                   echo $Cost. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $SaleDate = $row["SaleDate"];                   echo $SaleDate. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';                   echo '</tr>';              }    echo'</table>';        //paginating link    echo $pagingLink;        echo "<br>"; echo "<strong>Sales figures:</strong>"; echo "<hr>";        $sql_total = 'SELECT PaidBy, SUM(Cost) FROM cstocksales WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 DAY) <= SaleDate GROUP BY PaidBy';        $result = dbQuery($sql_total);             while($row = dbFetchArray($result))         {        echo "Total sales by ". $row['PaidBy']. "<font color=#CC0000> =  Kshs <strong>". $row['SUM(Cost)']; echo "</font></strong>";       echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;"; echo"|"; echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;";       }           $sql_total_final = 'SELECT SUM(Cost) FROM cstocksales WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 DAY) <= SaleDate';        $result = dbQuery($sql_total_final);    while($row = dbFetchArray($result))         {       echo "<strong>All sales = <font color=#CC0000> Kshs " .$row['SUM(Cost)']; echo "</font></strong>" ;       }    }     echo "<br>";    echo '<h4><a href="index.php">Back</a> to sales panel.'; }  function allsales_SevenDays() {    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM cstocksales WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 8 DAY) <= SaleDate';       $result = dbQuery($sql);    ///$result     = dbQuery(getPagingQuery($sql, $rowsPerPage));    //$pagingLink = getPagingLink($sql, $rowsPerPage);        if (dbNumRows($result) == 0) //if none       {         echo '<p><font color=#CC0000><h4>No sales for the past seven days were found in the records...</h4></font></p>';       echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';    }    else    {       echo '<h5>Sales in the past seven days:<p></h5>';       echo '<table width="100%"  border="1" bordercolor="#000000">';      echo'<tr>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Sale No</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Category</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Brand</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Quantity </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Paid By: </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Amount </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Date of Sale </th>';     echo'</tr>';      while($row = dbFetchArray($result))      {        echo'<tr>';          echo'<td align="center">';          $SaleID = $row["SaleID"];                   echo $SaleID. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Category = $row["Category"];                   echo $Category. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Brand = $row["Brand"];                   echo $Brand. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Quantity = $row["Quantity"];                   echo $Quantity. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $PaidBy = $row["PaidBy"];                   echo $PaidBy. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Cost = $row["Cost"];                   echo $Cost. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $SaleDate = $row["SaleDate"];                   echo $SaleDate. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';                   echo '</tr>';      }    echo'</table>';    //    echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';    } }   ///////////////////////////// function salesbyCategory() {    $byCategory = $_POST['sltCategory'];        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM cstocksales WHERE Category = "'.$byCategory.'"';        $result = dbQuery($sql);    ///$result     = dbQuery(getPagingQuery($sql, $rowsPerPage));    //$pagingLink = getPagingLink($sql, $rowsPerPage);        if (dbNumRows($result) == 0) //if none       {         echo '<p><font color=#CC0000><h4>No sales for the Category "'.$_POST['sltCategory'].'" were found in the records...</h4></font></p>';       echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';    }    else    {       echo '<h5>"'.$_POST['sltCategory'].'" sales:<p></h5>';       echo '<table width="100%"  border="1" bordercolor="#000000">';      echo'<tr>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Sale No</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Category</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Brand</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Quantity </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Paid By: </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Amount </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Date of Sale </th>';     echo'</tr>';      while($row = dbFetchArray($result))      {        echo'<tr>';          echo'<td align="center">';          $SaleID = $row["SaleID"];                   echo $SaleID. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Category = $row["Category"];                   echo $Category. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Brand = $row["Brand"];                   echo $Brand. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Quantity = $row["Quantity"];                   echo $Quantity. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $PaidBy = $row["PaidBy"];                   echo $PaidBy. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Cost = $row["Cost"];                   echo $Cost. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $SaleDate = $row["SaleDate"];                   echo $SaleDate. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';                   echo '</tr>';      }    echo'</table>';    echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';    } }  function salesbyBrand() {    $byBrand = $_POST['sltBrand'];        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM cstocksales WHERE Brand = "'.$byBrand.'"';        $result = dbQuery($sql);    ///$result     = dbQuery(getPagingQuery($sql, $rowsPerPage));    //$pagingLink = getPagingLink($sql, $rowsPerPage);        if (dbNumRows($result) == 0) //if none       {         echo '<p><font color=#CC0000><h4>No sales for the brand  "'.$_POST['sltBrand'].'" were found in the records...</h4></font></p>';       echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';    }    else    {       echo '<h5>"'.$_POST['sltBrand'].'" slaes:<p></h5>';       echo '<table width="100%"  border="1" bordercolor="#000000">';      echo'<tr>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Sale No</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Category</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Brand</th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Quantity </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Paid By: </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Amount </th>';       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Date of Sale </th>';     echo'</tr>';      while($row = dbFetchArray($result))      {        echo'<tr>';          echo'<td align="center">';          $SaleID = $row["SaleID"];                   echo $SaleID. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Category = $row["Category"];                   echo $Category. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Brand = $row["Brand"];                   echo $Brand. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Quantity = $row["Quantity"];                   echo $Quantity. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $PaidBy = $row["PaidBy"];                   echo $PaidBy. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $Cost = $row["Cost"];                   echo $Cost. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';          echo'<td align="center">';          $SaleDate = $row["SaleDate"];                   echo $SaleDate. "<br>";                   echo'</td align="center">';                   echo '</tr>';      }    echo'</table>';        echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';    } } ?>

I hope I provided clear information...
Oct 7 '08 #1
16 2777
code green
1,726 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
I would forget about your immediate problem and redsign the whole thing.
Are you a self taught programmer?.
I ask because you have developed an unorthordox style.

There is surely no need for one function per month.
The correct way would be one function and pass the month as a parameter.

A function should perform one function not be used as a dump for a mishmash of SQL PHP and HTML

I may be misjudging because I cannot read your code comfortably..
How did you manage to get it all on one line?
Oct 7 '08 #2
64 New Member
I'm a self taught programmer.

I have a drop-down from which one selects to view month (passed as a parameter)

I broke it down just so that one can understand what I mean by having many function but want the same pagination function to work in each.

I copied the code and pasted it.

When you look at my pagination code and my post, how would I use the pagination in a page containing a series of functions?

I would forget about your immediate problem and redesign the whole thing.
Are you a self taught programmer?.
I ask because you have developed an unorthordox style.

There is surely no need for one function per month.
The correct way would be one function and pass the month as a parameter.

A function should perform one function not be used as a dump for a mishmash of SQL PHP and HTML

I may be misjudging because I cannot read your code comfortably..
How did you manage to get it all on one line?
Oct 7 '08 #3
code green
1,726 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
I am sorry. I have tried but cannot read your code in its present format.

Any chance of a moderator stepping in and advising gnawz on what he has done to make his code so unreadable.

I am referring only to the layout within the forum.
All on one line and a proliferation of spaces
Oct 7 '08 #4
6,050 Recognized Expert Expert
I am sorry. I have tried but cannot read your code in its present format.

Any chance of a moderator stepping in and advising gnawz on what he has done to make his code so unreadable.

I am referring only to the layout within the forum.
All on one line and a proliferation of spaces
I attempted to format the code, but there's a hell of a lot and I don't have the time.

Gnawz, when you post code in the forums, please format it with indents and new lines so we here can actually read it.

ps: maybe format the code you gave previously and post it again so people can look at it better.
Oct 7 '08 #5
64 New Member
Dear all,

I have re-posted this thread with my code outside code tags as they are difficult to edit and mess all the code

I have a pagination function in function.php

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <?
  2. //Pagination functions
  4. function getPagingQuery($sql, $itemPerPage = 10)
  5. {
  6.    if (isset($_GET['page']) && (int)$_GET['page'] > 0)
  7.    {
  8.       $page = (int)$_GET['page'];
  9.    }
  10.    else
  11.    {
  12.       $page = 1;
  13.    }
  15.    // start fetching from this row number
  16.    $offset = ($page - 1) * $itemPerPage;
  18.    return $sql . " LIMIT $offset, $itemPerPage";
  19. }
  21. /*
  22.    Get the links to navigate between one result page to another.
  24. */
  27. function getPagingLink($sql, $itemPerPage = 10, $strGet = '')
  28. {
  29.    $result        = dbQuery($sql);
  30.    $pagingLink    = '';
  31.    $totalResults  = dbNumRows($result);
  32.    $totalPages    = ceil($totalResults / $itemPerPage);
  34.    // how many link pages to show
  35.    $numLinks      = 10;
  38.    // create the paging links only if theres more than one page of results
  39.    if ($totalPages > 1) {
  41.       $self = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ;
  44.       if (isset($_GET['page']) && (int)$_GET['page'] > 0) {
  45.          $pageNumber = (int)$_GET['page'];
  46.       } else {
  47.          $pageNumber = 1;
  48.       }
  50.       // print 'previous' link only if its not
  51.       // on page one
  52.       if ($pageNumber > 1) {
  53.          $page = $pageNumber - 1;
  54.          if ($page > 1) {
  55.             $prev = " <a href=\"$self?page=$page&$strGet/\">[Prev]</a> ";
  56.             ||
  57.             $prev = " <a href=\"$self?action=$action&$strGet/\">[Prev]</a> ";
  58.          } else {
  59.             $prev = " <a href=\"$self?$strGet\">[Prev]</a> ";
  60.          }   
  62.          $first = " <a href=\"$self?$strGet\">[First]</a> ";
  63.       } else {
  64.          $prev  = ''; // on page one, don't show 'previous' link
  65.          $first = ''; // nor 'first page' link
  66.       }
  68.       // print 'next' link only if its not
  69.       // on the last page
  70.       if ($pageNumber < $totalPages) {
  71.          $page = $pageNumber + 1;
  72.          $next = " <a href=\"$self?page=$page&$strGet\">[Next]</a> "; || " <a href=\"$self?action=$action&$strGet/\">[Prev]</a> ";
  73.          $last = " <a href=\"$self?page=$totalPages&$strGet\">[Last]</a> "; || " <a href=\"$self?action=$action&$strGet/\">[Prev]</a> ";
  74.       } else {
  75.          $next = ''; // if on the last page, don't show 'next' link
  76.          $last = ''; // nor 'last page' link
  77.       }
  79.       $start = $pageNumber - ($pageNumber % $numLinks) + 1;
  80.       $end   = $start + $numLinks - 1;      
  82.       $end   = min($totalPages, $end);
  84.       $pagingLink = array();
  85.       for($page = $start; $page <= $end; $page++)   {
  86.          if ($page == $pageNumber) {
  87.             $pagingLink[] = " $page ";   // no need to create a link to current page
  88.          } else {
  89.             if ($page == 1) {
  90.                $pagingLink[] = " <a href=\"$self?$strGet\">$page</a> ";
  91.             } else {   
  92.                $pagingLink[] = " <a href=\"$self?page=$page&$strGet\">$page</a> ";
  93.             }   
  94.          }
  96.       }
  98.       $pagingLink = implode(' | ', $pagingLink);
  100.       // return the page navigation link
  101.       $pagingLink = $first . $prev . $pagingLink . $next . $last;
  102.    }
  104.    return $pagingLink;
  105. }
  106. ?>
  108. I have used it in  this page (list.php)
  110. <?php
  111. if (!defined('WEB_ROOT')) {
  112.    exit;
  113. }
  114. $rowsPerPage = 5;
  116. $_SESSION['login_return_url'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
  117. checkUser();
  119. $sql = "SELECT * FROM fragrancestock";
  120. $result     = dbQuery(getPagingQuery($sql, $rowsPerPage));
  121. $pagingLink = getPagingLink($sql, $rowsPerPage);
  123. $errorMessage = (isset($_GET['cstock_error']) && $_GET['cstock_error'] != '') ? $_GET['cstock_error'] : '&nbsp;';
  124. ?>
  125. <form action="index.php?view=add" method="post"  name="frmList" id="frmList">
  126.   <table width="100%" border="0" align="center">
  127.     <tr class="title_text">
  128.       <td width="100">Category</td>
  129.       <td width="400">Brand</td>
  130.       <td width="100" align="center">Stock</td>
  131.       <td width="100">Date Added</td>
  132.       <td width="50">Details</td>
  133.       <td width="50">Add</td>
  134.       <td width="50">Delete</td>
  135.     </tr>
  136.     <?php
  137. if (dbNumRows($result) > 0) {
  138.    $i = 0;
  140.    while($row = dbFetchAssoc($result)) {
  141.       extract($row);
  143.       if ($i%2) {
  144.          $class = 'row1';
  145.       } else {
  146.          $class = 'row2';
  147.       }
  149.       $i += 1;
  150. ?>
  151.     <tr class="<?php echo $class; ?>">
  152.       <td width="100"><?php echo $Category; ?></td>
  153.       <td width="400"><?php echo $Brand; ?></td>
  154.       <td width="100" class="inner_border"><?php echo $Quantity; ?></td>
  155.       <td width="100"><?php echo $DateAddedStock; ?></td>
  156.       <td width="50"><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?view=detail&StockID=<?php echo $StockID; ?>">View</a></td>
  157.       <td width="50"><a href="javascript:modifyStock(<?php echo $StockID; ?>);"><strong>Add
  158.         </strong> </a></td>
  159.       <td width="50"><a href="javascript:deleteStock(<?php echo $StockID; ?>);">Delete</a></td>
  160.     </tr>
  161.     <?php
  162.    } // end while
  165. ?>
  166.     <tr>
  167.       <td colspan="7" align="center">
  168.         <?php 
  169.    echo $pagingLink;
  170.    ?>
  171.       </td>
  172.     </tr>
  173.     <?php   
  174. } else {
  175. ?>
  176.     <tr>
  177.       <td colspan="7" align="center">No Stock Items Yet</td>
  178.     </tr>
  179.     <?php
  180. }
  181. ?>
  182.     <tr>
  183.       <td colspan="7">&nbsp;</td>
  184.     </tr>
  185.     <tr>
  186.       <td colspan="7" align="right"> <input name="btnAddStock" type="submit" value="New Entry" class="button_image">
  187.     </tr>
  188.   </table>
  189. </form>
  191. <label class="title_text">View Stock:</label>
  192. <hr>
  193. <table width="100%" border="0">
  194.   <tr>
  195.     <td><form action="index.php?view=showbybrand" method="post" name="frmByBrand">
  196.         <table width="100%" border="0">
  197.           <tr>
  198.             <td width="200">By Brand:</td>
  199.             <td width="200"><select name="sltBrand">
  200.                 <option value="0">Select Brand</option>
  201.                 <?
  202.          $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Brand FROM cstockitems ORDER BY Brand ASC";
  203.          $result = dbQuery($sql);      
  205.          if(dbNumRows($result))
  206.          {
  207.             while($row = dbFetchAssoc($result))
  208.             {
  209.             echo "<option>$row[Brand]</option>";
  210.             }
  211.          }
  212.                 else
  213.                {
  214.             echo "<option>No Brands Present</option>";
  215.                }
  216.      ?>
  217.               </select></td>
  218.             <td width="200"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Show" class="button_image" onClick="return CheckShowBrandByBrand();">
  219.             </td>
  220.           </tr>
  221.         </table>
  222.       </form></td>
  223.   </tr>
  224.   <tr>
  225.     <td><form name="frmByCategory" method="post" action="showbycategory.php">
  226.         <table width="100%" border="0">
  227.           <tr>
  228.             <td width="200">By Category:</td>
  229.             <td width="200"><select name="sltCategory">
  230.                 <option value="0">Select Category</option>
  231.                 <?
  232.          $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Category FROM cstockitems ORDER BY Category ASC";
  233.          $result = dbQuery($sql);      
  235.          if(dbNumRows($result))
  236.          {
  237.             while($row = dbFetchAssoc($result))
  238.             {
  239.             echo "<option>$row[Category]</option>";
  240.             }
  241.          }
  242.                 else
  243.                {
  244.             echo "<option>No Categories Present</option>";
  245.                }
  246.      ?>
  247.               </select></td>
  248.             <td width="200"><input type="submit" name="Submit2" value="Show" class="button_image" onClick="return CheckShowBrandByCategory();"></td>
  249.           </tr>
  250.         </table>
  251.       </form></td>
  252.   </tr>
  253.   <tr>
  254.     <td><form name="frmSearchBrand" method="post" action="showbysearch.php">
  255.         <table width="100%" border="0">
  256.           <tr>
  257.             <td width="200">Search:</td>
  258.             <td width="200"><input type="text" name="txtSearchBrand" size="40"></td>
  259.             <td width="200"><input type="submit" name="Submit3" value="Search" class="button_image" onClick="return CheckShowBrandBySearch();"></td>
  260.           </tr>
  261.         </table>
  262.       </form></td>
  263.   </tr>
  264. </table>
  265. <label class="title_text">Print product list for re-stocking:</label>
  266. <hr>
  267. <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  268.   <tr>
  269.     <td><a href="exportoutofstockfile.php">Out of stock:</a></td>
  270.     <td><a href="exportlowstockfile.php">Low stock:</a></td>
  271.     <td><a href="exportwarningstockfile.php">Stock running low:</a></td>
  272.    <td><a href="printstocksheet.php">Print stock sheet</a></td>
  273.   </tr>
  274. </table>
  277. <script>
  278. function CheckShowBrandByBrand()
  279. {
  280.    form = window.document.frmByBrand;
  282.    if (form.sltBrand.selectedIndex == 0)
  283.    {
  284.       alert('You have not selected a brand to view details!');
  285.       return false;   
  286.    }
  287.    else
  288.    {
  289.    return true;
  290.    }
  291. }
  293. function CheckShowBrandByCategory()
  294. {
  295.    form = window.document.frmByCategory;
  297.    if (form.sltCategory.selectedIndex == 0)
  298.    {
  299.       alert('You have not selected a Category to view details!');
  300.       return false;   
  301.    }
  302.    else
  303.    {
  304.    return true;
  305.    }
  306. }
  308. function CheckShowBrandBySearch()
  309. {
  310.    form = window.document.frmSearchBrand;
  312.    if (form.txtSearchBrand.value == "")
  313.    {
  314.       alert('You have not entered a brand name to search!');
  315.       return false;   
  316.    }
  317.    else
  318.    {
  319.    return true;
  320.    }
  321. }
  322. </script>
  323. <?
  324. ?>
and it has worked well.

However, I need help on how to use it in a page with multiple functions as below

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <?
  2. require_once '../../functions.php';
  5. $_SESSION['login_return_url'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
  6. checkUser();
  8. $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '';
  9. //$page = $_GET['action'];
  11. switch ($action)
  12. {
  13.       case 'allsalestoday' :
  14.       allsales_Today();
  15.    break;
  17.       case 'allsalessevendays' :
  18.       allsales_SevenDays();
  19.    break;
  21.    case 'salesbycategory' :
  22.       salesbyCategory();
  23.    break;
  25.    case 'salesbybrand' :
  26.       salesbyBrand();
  27.    break;
  29. default :
  30. }
  32. $_SESSION['login_return_url'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
  33. checkUser();
  35. $action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '';
  36. //$page = $_GET['action'];
  38. switch ($action)
  39. {
  42. default :
  43. }
  45. function allsales_Today($action)
  46. {
  47.    $rowsPerPage = 2;
  49.    //$sql = 'SELECT * FROM cstocksales WHERE SaleDate = current_date';
  50.    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM cstocksales WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 DAY) <= SaleDate';
  52.    //$result = dbQuery($sql);
  53.    $result     = dbQuery(getPagingQuery($sql, $rowsPerPage));
  54.    $pagingLink = getPagingLink($sql, $rowsPerPage);
  56.    if (dbNumRows($result) == 0) //if none   
  57.    {
  58.         echo '<p><font color=#CC0000><h4>No sales for today were found in the records...</h4></font></p>';
  59.       echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';
  60.    }
  61.    else
  62.    {
  63.       echo "<h5>Today's sales sales:<p></h5>";
  64.       echo '<table width="100%"  border="1" bordercolor="#000000">';
  65.      echo'<tr>';
  66.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Sale No</th>';
  67.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Category</th>';
  68.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Brand</th>';
  69.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Quantity </th>';
  70.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Paid By: </th>';
  71.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Amount </th>';
  72.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Date of Sale </th>';
  73.     echo'</tr>';
  74.      while($row = dbFetchArray($result))
  75.     // while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  76.      {
  78.        echo'<tr>';
  79.          echo'<td align="center">';
  80.          $SaleID = $row["SaleID"];
  81.                   echo $SaleID. "<br>";
  82.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  83.          echo'<td align="center">';
  84.          $Category = $row["Category"];
  85.                   echo $Category. "<br>";
  86.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  87.          echo'<td align="center">';
  88.          $Brand = $row["Brand"];
  89.                   echo $Brand. "<br>";
  90.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  91.          echo'<td align="center">';
  92.          $Quantity = $row["Quantity"];
  93.                   echo $Quantity. "<br>";
  94.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  95.          echo'<td align="center">';
  96.          $PaidBy = $row["PaidBy"];
  97.                   echo $PaidBy. "<br>";
  98.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  99.          echo'<td align="center">';
  100.          $Cost = $row["Cost"];
  101.                   echo $Cost. "<br>";
  102.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  103.          echo'<td align="center">';
  104.          $SaleDate = $row["SaleDate"];
  105.                   echo $SaleDate. "<br>";
  106.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  108.         echo '</tr>';
  110.      }
  111.    echo'</table>';
  113.    //paginating link
  114.    echo $pagingLink;
  116.    echo "<br>"; echo "<strong>Sales figures:</strong>"; echo "<hr>";
  118.    $sql_total = 'SELECT PaidBy, SUM(Cost) FROM cstocksales WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 DAY) <= SaleDate GROUP BY PaidBy';
  120.    $result = dbQuery($sql_total);
  124.    while($row = dbFetchArray($result))
  125.         {
  126.        echo "Total sales by ". $row['PaidBy']. "<font color=#CC0000> =  Kshs <strong>". $row['SUM(Cost)']; echo "</font></strong>";
  127.       echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;"; echo"|"; echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
  128.       }
  130.    $sql_total_final = 'SELECT SUM(Cost) FROM cstocksales WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 1 DAY) <= SaleDate';
  132.    $result = dbQuery($sql_total_final);
  133.    while($row = dbFetchArray($result))
  134.         {
  135.       echo "<strong>All sales = <font color=#CC0000> Kshs " .$row['SUM(Cost)']; echo "</font></strong>" ;
  136.       }
  137.    }
  139.    echo "<br>";
  140.    echo '<h4><a href="index.php">Back</a> to sales panel.';
  141. }
  143. function allsales_SevenDays()
  144. {
  145.    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM cstocksales WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 8 DAY) <= SaleDate';   
  146.    $result = dbQuery($sql);
  147.    ///$result     = dbQuery(getPagingQuery($sql, $rowsPerPage));
  148.    //$pagingLink = getPagingLink($sql, $rowsPerPage);
  150.    if (dbNumRows($result) == 0) //if none   
  151.    {
  152.         echo '<p><font color=#CC0000><h4>No sales for the past seven days were found in the records...</h4></font></p>';
  153.       echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';
  154.    }
  155.    else
  156.    {
  157.       echo '<h5>Sales in the past seven days:<p></h5>';
  158.       echo '<table width="100%"  border="1" bordercolor="#000000">';
  159.      echo'<tr>';
  160.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Sale No</th>';
  161.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Category</th>';
  162.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Brand</th>';
  163.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Quantity </th>';
  164.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Paid By: </th>';
  165.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Amount </th>';
  166.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Date of Sale </th>';
  167.     echo'</tr>';
  168.      while($row = dbFetchArray($result))
  169.      {
  170.        echo'<tr>';
  171.          echo'<td align="center">';
  172.          $SaleID = $row["SaleID"];
  173.                   echo $SaleID. "<br>";
  174.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  175.          echo'<td align="center">';
  176.          $Category = $row["Category"];
  177.                   echo $Category. "<br>";
  178.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  179.          echo'<td align="center">';
  180.          $Brand = $row["Brand"];
  181.                   echo $Brand. "<br>";
  182.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  183.          echo'<td align="center">';
  184.          $Quantity = $row["Quantity"];
  185.                   echo $Quantity. "<br>";
  186.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  187.          echo'<td align="center">';
  188.          $PaidBy = $row["PaidBy"];
  189.                   echo $PaidBy. "<br>";
  190.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  191.          echo'<td align="center">';
  192.          $Cost = $row["Cost"];
  193.                   echo $Cost. "<br>";
  194.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  195.          echo'<td align="center">';
  196.          $SaleDate = $row["SaleDate"];
  197.                   echo $SaleDate. "<br>";
  198.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  200.         echo '</tr>';
  201.      }
  202.    echo'</table>';
  203.    //
  204.    echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';
  205.    }
  206. }
  209. /////////////////////////////
  210. function salesbyCategory()
  211. {
  212.    $byCategory = $_POST['sltCategory'];
  214.    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM cstocksales WHERE Category = "'.$byCategory.'"';
  216.    $result = dbQuery($sql);
  217.    ///$result     = dbQuery(getPagingQuery($sql, $rowsPerPage));
  218.    //$pagingLink = getPagingLink($sql, $rowsPerPage);
  220.    if (dbNumRows($result) == 0) //if none   
  221.    {
  222.         echo '<p><font color=#CC0000><h4>No sales for the Category "'.$_POST['sltCategory'].'" were found in the records...</h4></font></p>';
  223.       echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';
  224.    }
  225.    else
  226.    {
  227.       echo '<h5>"'.$_POST['sltCategory'].'" sales:<p></h5>';
  228.       echo '<table width="100%"  border="1" bordercolor="#000000">';
  229.      echo'<tr>';
  230.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Sale No</th>';
  231.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Category</th>';
  232.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Brand</th>';
  233.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Quantity </th>';
  234.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Paid By: </th>';
  235.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Amount </th>';
  236.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Date of Sale </th>';
  237.     echo'</tr>';
  238.      while($row = dbFetchArray($result))
  239.      {
  240.        echo'<tr>';
  241.          echo'<td align="center">';
  242.          $SaleID = $row["SaleID"];
  243.                   echo $SaleID. "<br>";
  244.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  245.          echo'<td align="center">';
  246.          $Category = $row["Category"];
  247.                   echo $Category. "<br>";
  248.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  249.          echo'<td align="center">';
  250.          $Brand = $row["Brand"];
  251.                   echo $Brand. "<br>";
  252.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  253.          echo'<td align="center">';
  254.          $Quantity = $row["Quantity"];
  255.                   echo $Quantity. "<br>";
  256.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  257.          echo'<td align="center">';
  258.          $PaidBy = $row["PaidBy"];
  259.                   echo $PaidBy. "<br>";
  260.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  261.          echo'<td align="center">';
  262.          $Cost = $row["Cost"];
  263.                   echo $Cost. "<br>";
  264.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  265.          echo'<td align="center">';
  266.          $SaleDate = $row["SaleDate"];
  267.                   echo $SaleDate. "<br>";
  268.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  270.         echo '</tr>';
  271.      }
  272.    echo'</table>';
  273.    echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';
  274.    }
  275. }
  277. function salesbyBrand()
  278. {
  279.    $byBrand = $_POST['sltBrand'];
  281.    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM cstocksales WHERE Brand = "'.$byBrand.'"';
  283.    $result = dbQuery($sql);
  284.    ///$result     = dbQuery(getPagingQuery($sql, $rowsPerPage));
  285.    //$pagingLink = getPagingLink($sql, $rowsPerPage);
  287.    if (dbNumRows($result) == 0) //if none   
  288.    {
  289.         echo '<p><font color=#CC0000><h4>No sales for the brand  "'.$_POST['sltBrand'].'" were found in the records...</h4></font></p>';
  290.       echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';
  291.    }
  292.    else
  293.    {
  294.       echo '<h5>"'.$_POST['sltBrand'].'" slaes:<p></h5>';
  295.       echo '<table width="100%"  border="1" bordercolor="#000000">';
  296.      echo'<tr>';
  297.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Sale No</th>';
  298.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Category</th>';
  299.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Brand</th>';
  300.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Quantity </th>';
  301.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Paid By: </th>';
  302.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Amount </th>';
  303.       echo'<th scope="col" bgcolor="#66FFFF">Date of Sale </th>';
  304.     echo'</tr>';
  305.      while($row = dbFetchArray($result))
  306.      {
  307.        echo'<tr>';
  308.          echo'<td align="center">';
  309.          $SaleID = $row["SaleID"];
  310.                   echo $SaleID. "<br>";
  311.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  312.          echo'<td align="center">';
  313.          $Category = $row["Category"];
  314.                   echo $Category. "<br>";
  315.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  316.          echo'<td align="center">';
  317.          $Brand = $row["Brand"];
  318.                   echo $Brand. "<br>";
  319.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  320.          echo'<td align="center">';
  321.          $Quantity = $row["Quantity"];
  322.                   echo $Quantity. "<br>";
  323.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  324.          echo'<td align="center">';
  325.          $PaidBy = $row["PaidBy"];
  326.                   echo $PaidBy. "<br>";
  327.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  328.          echo'<td align="center">';
  329.          $Cost = $row["Cost"];
  330.                   echo $Cost. "<br>";
  331.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  332.          echo'<td align="center">';
  333.          $SaleDate = $row["SaleDate"];
  334.                   echo $SaleDate. "<br>";
  335.                   echo'</td align="center">';
  337.         echo '</tr>';
  338.      }
  339.    echo'</table>';
  341.    echo 'Go back <a href="index.php">Here</a> for another search.';
  342.    }
  343. }
  344. ?>
When I use it in functions that are contained in one page, I shows the first page but when I click next, it goes blank as it only recognises the page, not the function or action

Eg it shows this for page 2 which is blank....


yet I would like it to show


and so on... ie It should maintain the search action (function) in subsequent paginations.

Some body help
Oct 7 '08 #6
6,050 Recognized Expert Expert
I won't give you a formal warning for not using code tags, as I believe you knowingly did it with the best intentions. But you must use code tags.
Oct 7 '08 #7
1,584 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
Merged with duplicate thread (thread843785.h tml). Thanks
Oct 7 '08 #8
code green
1,726 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
This is an awful lot of code, and that is in both sense of the word awful.Neverthel ess I cannot see where you have written the 'action' value in the URL.
that you are trying to read. [PHP]$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '';[/PHP]
But the code meanders and repeats itself so much it is too tiring to decipher.
I still stand by my first suggestion
Oct 7 '08 #9
5,821 Recognized Expert Expert
Hey, y'all. Please keep the unnecessary criticisms to a minimum and focus on solving the OP's problem.

We've all been beginners at one point or another; it's a stage everyone goes through, and code improves with experience.

gnawz, thanks for re-posting your code. I'll have a look at it shortly.
Oct 9 '08 #10

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