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phpinfo() has a "com_dotnet " section.

It's kind of odd.

Here it says...

COM Support: enabled
DCOM Support: disabled
.net Support: enabled

What exactly is COM support?
What exactly is DCOM support?
And what exactly is .net support? And why would it say
enabled when .NET is not installed?

DCOM means an ActiveX file gets used. COM pretty much
means the same thing. Those files tend to be based upon
an object model and have a few extra functions there to
help with various programming environments.

ordinal hint RVA name

1 0 000017A6 DllCanUnloadNow
2 1 0000177A DllGetClassObje ct
3 2 00001790 DllRegisterServ er
4 3 00001764 DllUnregisterSe rver

Other than that COM is not much different than standard

And DCOM... that one seems like it might be a COM file put
into a publicly accessible folder, but I'll need some more
help here, if such is available, because something is not
sitting too well here.


Jim Carlock
Swimming Pool, Spa And Water Feature Builders
Sep 12 '07
185 10745

"Shelly" <sh************ @asap-consult.comwrot e in message
news:13******** *****@corp.supe rnews.com...
"Steve" <no****@example .comwrote in message
news:gf******** *****@newsfe02. lga...
>>And BTW - atheism is a religion, also. This is conveniently
"overlooked " by those espousing it in the name of "freedom". But many
atheists are trying to force their religion on the rest of the country.

if you're not an atheist, don't presume to know what it is outside of a
proper dictionary definition.

atheism is the lack of belief in god or gods.

Sorry, Steve, but you have to give the devil his due here. From

Main Entry: athe·ism
Pronunciation: 'A-thE-"i-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French athéisme, from athée atheist, from Greek atheos
godless, from a- + theos god
2 a : a disbelief in the existence of deity b : the doctrine that there is
no deity

To me those are declarative statements and not passive ones. It is a
"disbelief" rather than a "lack of belief". Also, when you mix "doctrine"
with theology you have "religion".
sorry. to disbelieve something means that there is in fact something in
evidence to believe, and that one is simply not making the same conclusion
with that information. 'give the devil his due'...lol. present evidence of
god and then perhaps i might start 'disbelieving' it. until then, your case
is not ready to present and there is nothing for me to disbelieve.
The point though that Jerry is trying to make is totally wrong, however.
Having an atheist in there, and not allowing mixing of standard religion
with politics is NOT forcing the "religion" of atheism on anyone.
Everyone is free to believe and practice as they wish -- just not mix it
into politics. My earlier statement of the flourishing of religion in the
USA **BECAUSE** of the separation and freedom goes to that point.
which i don't argue. what i do not like in the least is either of you
presuming to know what i believe, even to the point that you feel
comfortable that you can cast labels out. i'm not at all religious. i'm
logical. further, there is no religion in the studies of sciences of old
that i don't believe any longer because of the evidences discovered by
modern sciences. i simply don't think about god because there is no reason
to. i understand that religious people can believe in god but go about their
day in the same way - not thinking of god - however, don't confuse their
lack of commitment in their own beliefs with my lack of merit given to the
notion of god(s) without evidence. god simply doesn't interest me. whatever
evidence you have for him, it certainly should be infered that she has the
same interest level in humanity.

shelly, if your spouse showed you the same level of interest as god - no
flowers from time to time, no 'hope you have a good day at work' note in
your car's driver seat, not even so much as evidence that he'd been sleeping
next to you that night (sheets crinckled and turned back) - would you assume
that he loved you and wanted a relationship with you that warranted your
lifetime commitment? again, what evidence is there that god exists? you have
faith, sure...but that is subjective. what in the natural world in which i'm
engaged, what can i point at and say 'that is god', 'there's your proof'?
think carefully, because all things that have been pointed at throughout
history as 'there's your proof' have all been explained by science...even
down to the origin of the universe.
Sep 18 '07 #81

"Shelly" <sh************ @asap-consult.comwrot e in message
news:13******** *****@corp.supe rnews.com...
Steve, I know that atheists like to claim that it is "lack of belief", but
go to websters at www.m-w.com. It specifically states that it is
"disbelief in the existence of deity". What you call "atheism" is really
"agnosticis m". Again, from Websters:
negative, ghost rider.

i am without belief in god. remember your latin. i am without belief in god.
whatever you want to call that, that's what i am. i see no evidence for god,
and in such a state, i cannot be agnostic. i do not allow for the
possibility of god's existence due to lack of evidence. agnostics believe
that god could possibly exist, we just cannot know for sure. that is NOT me.

i don't know where i'm losing you here, shelly. perhaps we have different
versions of websters. perhaps as she aged, meriam couldn't help herself
either and started using disbelief - which means there is evidence there is
something in which to believe...a gross presumption. try other dictionaries.
they all differ. hell, dictionary.com definition shows many sources. here's
what i love seeing...it shows complete lack of understanding which is why we
are having this discourse.

american heritage:

disbelief or denial of the existence of god or gods.

right next to:

a lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

doesn't denial mean there is unequivically something in evidence for me to
deny? are you getting my point?
Sep 18 '07 #82

"Shelly" <sh************ @asap-consult.comwrot e in message
news:13******** *****@corp.supe rnews.com...
For the record, while I believe in God, to this very day I leave out the
"under God" when I say the pledge. I was in high school when Eisenhower
pushed that through and I resented its insertion even then. At that time
I was much more active in my religion than I am now, but was I more
concerned with the First Amendment. I have seen what has happened to
religious minorities throughout history when the state had an "official

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
and those who are great scholars are best equipped to easily recreate it.

(man i hate conventional 'wisdom'...but that's another topic altogether)
Sep 18 '07 #83

"Steve" <no****@example .comwrote in message
news:DW******** ***@newsfe12.lg a...
"Shelly" <sh************ @asap-consult.comwrot e in message
news:13******** *****@corp.supe rnews.com...
"Steve" <no****@example .comwrote in message
news:gf******* ******@newsfe02 .lga...
>>>And BTW - atheism is a religion, also. This is conveniently
"overlooke d" by those espousing it in the name of "freedom". But many
atheists are trying to force their religion on the rest of the country.

if you're not an atheist, don't presume to know what it is outside of a
proper dictionary definition.

atheism is the lack of belief in god or gods.

Sorry, Steve, but you have to give the devil his due here. From

Main Entry: athe·ism
Pronunciatio n: 'A-thE-"i-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French athéisme, from athée atheist, from Greek atheos
godless, from a- + theos god
2 a : a disbelief in the existence of deity b : the doctrine that there
is no deity

To me those are declarative statements and not passive ones. It is a
"disbelief" rather than a "lack of belief". Also, when you mix
"doctrine" with theology you have "religion".

sorry. to disbelieve something means that there is in fact something in
evidence to believe, and that one is simply not making the same conclusion
with that information. 'give the devil his due'...lol. present evidence of
I thought you might find that phrase amusing.
god and then perhaps i might start 'disbelieving' it. until then, your
case is not ready to present and there is nothing for me to disbelieve.
Again from www.m-w.com
Main Entry: dis·be·lief
Pronunciation: "dis-b&-'lEf
Function: noun
: the act of disbelieving : mental rejection of something as untrue

These says (in this context) the declarative that "there is no god", not "I
haven't been convinced into believing that there is a god". It is not
"rejecting the belief in a god". It is "rejecting the belief in a god
because the existence is untrue". It is declarative, not passive. I don't
have to present "proof" for you to reject. There is no proof.
>The point though that Jerry is trying to make is totally wrong, however.
Having an atheist in there, and not allowing mixing of standard religion
with politics is NOT forcing the "religion" of atheism on anyone.
Everyone is free to believe and practice as they wish -- just not mix it
into politics. My earlier statement of the flourishing of religion in
the USA **BECAUSE** of the separation and freedom goes to that point.

which i don't argue. what i do not like in the least is either of you
presuming to know what i believe, even to the point that you feel
I understand what you believe. I totally understand it. I was almost there
once, myself. I am giving you the dictionary definition of the words
atheist and agnostic. What you call atheist, is more properly classified
encompassing both [dictionary] atheist and agnostic.
comfortable that you can cast labels out. i'm not at all religious. i'm
logical. further, there is no religion in the studies of sciences of old
that i don't believe any longer because of the evidences discovered by
modern sciences. i simply don't think about god because there is no reason
to. i understand that religious people can believe in god but go about
their day in the same way - not thinking of god - however, don't confuse
their lack of commitment in their own beliefs with my lack of merit given
to the notion of god(s) without evidence. god simply doesn't interest me.
whatever evidence you have for him, it certainly should be infered that
she has the same interest level in humanity.

shelly, if your spouse showed you the same level of interest as god - no
flowers from time to time, no 'hope you have a good day at work' note in
I should by her flowers every now and again, now that you mention it.
your car's driver seat, not even so much as evidence that he'd been
I have been married to my wife for over 44 years.
next to you that night (sheets crinckled and turned back) - would you
assume that he loved you and wanted a relationship with you that warranted
your lifetime commitment? again, what evidence is there that god exists?
you have
I have NO evidence that God exists because there is none. I simply take it
on faith after taking my logic to the point where I cannot go any further
without invoking the supernatural. I don't presume to try to prove it,
because it cannot be done.
faith, sure...but that is subjective. what in the natural world in which
i'm engaged, what can i point at and say 'that is god', 'there's your
think carefully, because all things that have been pointed at throughout
history as 'there's your proof' have all been explained by science...even
down to the origin of the universe.
....err, with that last one there are theories -- and only that. I find even
the "Big Bang" uncomfortable (and I am a scientist) because I then question
"where did all that super-condensed matter come from in the first place". I
guess the best definition of "God" is "that which is beyond mankind's
ultimate understanding". No, I do not believe in an interactive God.

Shelly (Sheldon)
Sep 18 '07 #84

"Steve" <no****@example .comwrote in message
news:zZ******** ***@newsfe12.lg a...
"Shelly" <sh************ @asap-consult.comwrot e in message
news:13******** *****@corp.supe rnews.com...
>I LOVE that last statement. Down with the Unpatriot Act! Next year it
is "So long Bush, it's not been good to know ya".

unless we go to war. in which case, he cannot be removed from office. ;^)
Where did that come from? I don't believe there are any such qualifiers on
the two-term limit for the presidency. Come the middle of January 2009, he
is [bad] history.

Sep 18 '07 #85

"Steve" <no****@example .comwrote in message
news:0b******** ***@newsfe12.lg a...
"Shelly" <sh************ @asap-consult.comwrot e in message
news:13******** *****@corp.supe rnews.com...
>Steve, I know that atheists like to claim that it is "lack of belief",
but go to websters at www.m-w.com. It specifically states that it is
"disbelief in the existence of deity". What you call "atheism" is really
"agnosticism ". Again, from Websters:

negative, ghost rider.

i am without belief in god. remember your latin. i am without belief in
god. whatever you want to call that, that's what i am. i see no evidence
for god, and in such a state, i cannot be agnostic. i do not allow for the
possibility of god's existence due to lack of evidence. agnostics believe
that god could possibly exist, we just cannot know for sure. that is NOT

i don't know where i'm losing you here, shelly. perhaps we have different
versions of websters. perhaps as she aged, meriam couldn't help herself
either and started using disbelief - which means there is evidence there
is something in which to believe...a gross presumption. try other
dictionaries. they all differ. hell, dictionary.com definition shows many
sources. here's what i love seeing...it shows complete lack of
understanding which is why we are having this discourse.

american heritage:

disbelief or denial of the existence of god or gods.

right next to:

a lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

doesn't denial mean there is unequivically something in evidence for me to
deny? are you getting my point?
No, and yes. Example:

Statgement: "I watched TV last night"
Denial: No you didn't.

Where is there something in unequivocably in evidence for having watched TV
last night? It is still a "denial".

OK, you can live with your definition from American Heritage. All my life,
we always referred to Websters, so I'll live with mine.

Sep 18 '07 #86

"Shelly" <sh************ @asap-consult.comwrot e in message
news:13******** *****@corp.supe rnews.com...
"Steve" <no****@example .comwrote in message
news:0b******** ***@newsfe12.lg a...
"Shelly" <sh************ @asap-consult.comwrot e in message
news:13******* ******@corp.sup ernews.com...
>>Steve, I know that atheists like to claim that it is "lack of belief",
but go to websters at www.m-w.com. It specifically states that it is
"disbelief in the existence of deity". What you call "atheism" is
really "agnosticis m". Again, from Websters:

negative, ghost rider.

i am without belief in god. remember your latin. i am without belief in
god. whatever you want to call that, that's what i am. i see no evidence
for god, and in such a state, i cannot be agnostic. i do not allow for
the possibility of god's existence due to lack of evidence. agnostics
believe that god could possibly exist, we just cannot know for sure. that
is NOT me.

i don't know where i'm losing you here, shelly. perhaps we have different
versions of websters. perhaps as she aged, meriam couldn't help herself
either and started using disbelief - which means there is evidence there
is something in which to believe...a gross presumption. try other
dictionaries . they all differ. hell, dictionary.com definition shows many
sources. here's what i love seeing...it shows complete lack of
understandin g which is why we are having this discourse.

american heritage:

disbelief or denial of the existence of god or gods.

right next to:

a lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

doesn't denial mean there is unequivically something in evidence for me
to deny? are you getting my point?

No, and yes. Example:

Statgement: "I watched TV last night"
Denial: No you didn't.

Where is there something in unequivocably in evidence for having watched
TV last night? It is still a "denial".
good point. however, it is what is done after 'denial' that makes an atheist
or agnostic.
OK, you can live with your definition from American Heritage. All my
life, we always referred to Websters, so I'll live with mine.
i perfer not being labeled at all. ;^)
Sep 18 '07 #87
Steve wrote:
>Ah, but whether you like it or not, atheism is a religion. It is not a
"lack of belief" - it is a specifically belief there is no god.

Try to deny it all you want. It won't work.

negative, ghost rider.

'a' latin: without
'theism' latin: belief in god(s)

try websters instead of your own opinion.
Which does not mean it is not a religion.
tell me, what rites, what cerimonies, what traditions do atheists observe?
where do we congregate? what activities do we engage that resembles anything
Not necessary. You profess a belief in no god. That in itself is a belief.
as i said, there is no objective evidence that would lead me to believe that
god exists. no more *subjective* evidence for god than for santa clause or
the toothfairy or the boogy man. are you saying that this critical
observation makes me a religious atoothfarian or a asanta-clausian?
That's fine. It's your opinion and you're welcome to it. But don't try
to convince me my opinion is wrong.

As for proof - I have no proof you exist. All I see is some text on my
screen. It could have been generated by a computer. So by your
reasoning, I should not believe you exist. But I have faith that you do.
'it won't work'...lol. a lack of belief in something does not a religion
make. specifically, it is the belief *IN* something that would be the start
of religion.

And you have a belief in the lack of a god.

=============== ===
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
js*******@attgl obal.net
=============== ===
Sep 18 '07 #88
Shelly wrote:
"Steve" <no****@example .comwrote in message
news:gf******** *****@newsfe02. lga...
>>And BTW - atheism is a religion, also. This is conveniently "overlooked "
by those espousing it in the name of "freedom". But many atheists are
trying to force their religion on the rest of the country.
if you're not an atheist, don't presume to know what it is outside of a
proper dictionary definition.

atheism is the lack of belief in god or gods.

Sorry, Steve, but you have to give the devil his due here. From www.m-w.com

Main Entry: athe·ism
Pronunciation: 'A-thE-"i-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French athéisme, from athée atheist, from Greek atheos
godless, from a- + theos god
2 a : a disbelief in the existence of deity b : the doctrine that there is
no deity

To me those are declarative statements and not passive ones. It is a
"disbelief" rather than a "lack of belief". Also, when you mix "doctrine"
with theology you have "religion".

The point though that Jerry is trying to make is totally wrong, however.
Having an atheist in there, and not allowing mixing of standard religion
with politics is NOT forcing the "religion" of atheism on anyone. Everyone
is free to believe and practice as they wish -- just not mix it into
politics. My earlier statement of the flourishing of religion in the USA
**BECAUSE** of the separation and freedom goes to that point.
I'm not saying there has to be a mix of religion and politics. But I am
saying the President is also a citizen, and welcome to practice his beliefs.

Personally, I would rather have a President with certain moral values
which are taught by religion. He could be Christian (my belief),
Jewish, Muslim or any of a number of different religions which share
those same core values. I'm not saying I would not vote for an atheist,
but it is one of the things I take into consideration when looking at

Not to say all people who are religious follow those values - take
Clinton for example - getting caught with his pants down (literally).
That is something that I, as a Christian, have never done and will never
do, and I find that behavior abhorrent. My values are higher than that.

=============== ===
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
js*******@attgl obal.net
=============== ===
Sep 18 '07 #89

"Jerry Stuckle" <js*******@attg lobal.netwrote in message
news:EM******** *************** *******@comcast .com...
Steve wrote:
>>Ah, but whether you like it or not, atheism is a religion. It is not a
"lack of belief" - it is a specifically belief there is no god.

Try to deny it all you want. It won't work.

negative, ghost rider.

'a' latin: without
'theism' latin: belief in god(s)

try websters instead of your own opinion.

Which does not mean it is not a religion.
so that means it does?! come one jerry, you're more logical than that!

>tell me, what rites, what cerimonies, what traditions do atheists
observe? where do we congregate? what activities do we engage that
resembles anything religious?

Not necessary. You profess a belief in no god. That in itself is a
i 'believe' i *observe no evidence* that would allow me to *logically* lead
to me to a conclusion that god exists.

that is a PROCESS and not a belief. it is called scientific method. i'm sure
your response will be that science, too, is a religion. just a prediction.

>as i said, there is no objective evidence that would lead me to believe
that god exists. no more *subjective* evidence for god than for santa
clause or the toothfairy or the boogy man. are you saying that this
critical observation makes me a religious atoothfarian or a

That's fine. It's your opinion and you're welcome to it. But don't try to
convince me my opinion is wrong.
sorry, religious people are in the *business* of converting. as for opinion?
we cannot both be right. and as you have NO evidence to support that there
is a god, the logical conclusion that should be drawn is that there, in
fact, is none. further, that our notions of god(s) evolve over time to match
our changing sophistication of thought is more proof for the idea that man
created god rather than vice versa. so much the case is this, that we have
nietche proclaiming that 'god is dead'!
As for proof - I have no proof you exist. All I see is some text on my
screen. It could have been generated by a computer. So by your
reasoning, I should not believe you exist. But I have faith that you do.
well, you have proof that something respondse to you. what you infer about
that is up to you. however, you have *objective* evidence from which you can
draw such conclusions.

this is something no one can do for god. subjective evidence is as
interpretationa lly valid as the delusions of an insane person.
>'it won't work'...lol. a lack of belief in something does not a religion
make. specifically, it is the belief *IN* something that would be the
start of religion.

And you have a belief in the lack of a god.
negative ghost rider,

i have drawn the conclusion that god does not exist because there is NO
objective evidence that he does. one is a conclusion and the other, fact.
there is no belief in that equation.
Sep 18 '07 #90

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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Let's talk about the concept of autonomous AI software engineers and no-code agents. These AIs are designed to manage the entire lifecycle of a software development project—planning, coding, testing, and deployment—without human intervention. Imagine an AI that can take a project description, break it down, write the code, debug it, and then launch it, all on its own.... Now, this would greatly impact the work of software developers. The idea...
by: TSSRALBI | last post by:
Hello I'm a network technician in training and I need your help. I am currently learning how to create and manage the different types of VPNs and I have a question about LAN-to-LAN VPNs. The last exercise I practiced was to create a LAN-to-LAN VPN between two Pfsense firewalls, by using IPSEC protocols. I succeeded, with both firewalls in the same network. But I'm wondering if it's possible to do the same thing, with 2 Pfsense firewalls...
by: adsilva | last post by:
A Windows Forms form does not have the event Unload, like VB6. What one acts like?
by: 6302768590 | last post by:
Hai team i want code for transfer the data from one system to another through IP address by using C# our system has to for every 5mins then we have to update the data what the data is updated we have to send another system

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