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How to enlarge image on mouseover in gridview

40 New Member

Im using a gridview to display images in 1 of the column...but the size of the images is very small.is there anyway to enlarge the image on mouseover or even without mouseover by adjusting the column width or something.i would prefer doing it by mouseover.can anybody help me...my code is below

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  225.                         <tr>
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  232.                         <tr>
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May 24 '10 #1
1 4663
9,735 Recognized Expert Moderator Expert
No where in your code (that I can see) do you have any JavaScript that handles the mouseover event. You need to implement a method that does so.

If you don't want the image resize to have an effect on your column width then, in the method that handles the mouseover event for the image, set the image's position to "absolute". This will remove the image from the natural flow of the page so that when you resize it, the column will not be affected.

May 27 '10 #2

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