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Detailed ASP.Net info not displaying in browser

I am developing a web service. In testing in on my enw PC, I am expecting to
see exceptions thrown appear on my browser. Instead I am getting an HTTP 500
Internal Server Error page and I am not seeing my exception details. The
web.config file being used has the setting <customErrors mode="Off"/>. This
should allow me to see the detailed exception info. On a different computer
- same code - same web config - the exception details display. Not sure what
else on my new computer needs set in order to see this info.

Please advise.
Much thanks,
Tim Reynolds
Aug 15 '06
20 4496
Thanks Kevin,
I did use SOAP Toolkit to review the soap messages returned. The SOAP
message being returned from web service on new PC does not include the
exception type and stack trace. That is the difference. New PC not
returning the info - and that makes sense while testing locally why IE
browser only gets the exception message - and not the exception type and
stack trace. Question is, what settings on this new PC are surpressing this
information? I need to get back this data.

Please advise...

Tim Reynolds
"Kevin Yu [MSFT]" wrote:
Hi Tim,

It's better to compare the returned soap message from both web services to
see the difference. You can use any network trace tools you're familiar
with. If you don't have one, I suggest Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 3.0. It can
be downloaded from the following link:

9753-86f052ec8450&Di splayLang=en

Please let me know the results, so that we can make further troubleshooting .

Kevin Yu
Microsoft Online Community Support
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Aug 22 '06 #11
Hi Tim,

Yes, we're trying to analyze what is causing the difference in response.
Now we have compared the response from server, but have you checked the
difference for requests? Also, please make sure that the two clients are
independent machines from the server. So that we might know what are the
differences between two requests besides IP address.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Kevin Yu
Microsoft Online Community Support
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Aug 23 '06 #12
The clients are not two independent machines from the server. Here is the
scenario: I have a PC I've used to develop a while. When an exception is
thrown from a web service hosted on that machine, that machine returns the
stack trace and the exception type along with the exception message. This is
true regardless of whether I call the web service from an IE browser or a
console app - and whether I call it locally or remotely. On the new PC I
have, when an exception is thrown from a web service hosted on that machine,
the machine returns ONLY the exception message. This is also true regardless
of whether I call the web service from an IE browswer or a console app - and
again whether I call it locally or remotely.

Based on Walter Yang's post on this previously, he is indicating then that
the problem may be related to the the web service handler.

I do not know how this 'web service handler' works - but only that one my
new PC it seems to handle the exception and not pass on the exception type
and stack trace.

Is there anything that can be done to expedite the resolution on this? I
really apprecaite it.

Tim Reynolds

"Kevin Yu [MSFT]" wrote:
Hi Tim,

Yes, we're trying to analyze what is causing the difference in response.
Now we have compared the response from server, but have you checked the
difference for requests? Also, please make sure that the two clients are
independent machines from the server. So that we might know what are the
differences between two requests besides IP address.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Kevin Yu
Microsoft Online Community Support
=============== =============== =============== =====

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Aug 24 '06 #13
"Tim Reynolds" <ti**********@o nline.nospamwro te in message
news:C4******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
The clients are not two independent machines from the server. Here is the
scenario: I have a PC I've used to develop a while. When an exception is
thrown from a web service hosted on that machine, that machine returns the
stack trace and the exception type along with the exception message. This
true regardless of whether I call the web service from an IE browser or a
console app - and whether I call it locally or remotely. On the new PC I
have, when an exception is thrown from a web service hosted on that
the machine returns ONLY the exception message. This is also true
of whether I call the web service from an IE browswer or a console app -
again whether I call it locally or remotely.

Based on Walter Yang's post on this previously, he is indicating then that
the problem may be related to the the web service handler.

I do not know how this 'web service handler' works - but only that one my
new PC it seems to handle the exception and not pass on the exception type
and stack trace.

Is there anything that can be done to expedite the resolution on this? I
really apprecaite it.
Tim, if it helps to know that you're not alone in this, then this should
help: I've got the same problem. On Windows Server 2003 systems, I get the
entire stack trace. On Windows XP systems, I do not.

Aug 24 '06 #14
Hi Tim

Thank your for your explanation. I tried to reproduce it on my machine. But
as far as I can see, I only got the stack trace from a local IE access. The
remote IE access and Console app accesses all returned without the server
side stack trace.

I assume there are some differences between our web.config file. Could you
please post your web.config file here?

Kevin Yu
Microsoft Online Community Support
=============== =============== =============== =====

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Aug 25 '06 #15
Sure Kevin.
Both PC's are using the same web config...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Note 1 - This file will need to be availalbe to operation staff,
support staff, & VOSE team for modification in all environments
Note 2 - Formatters must exists in %windir%\system 32 folder -->
<configuratio n>
<configSections >
<section name="eventForm atterSettings"
type="Microsoft .ApplicationBlo cks.Logging.Eve ntSinks.Formatt erConfigHandler ,
Microsoft.Appli cationBlocks.Lo gging.EventSink s, Version= ,
Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= da59d79eb5fd8f1 a"/>

<eventFormatter Settings>
<!-- Formatters referred to by EnterpriseInstr umentation are listed here
They must exists in %windir%\system 32 folder -->
<formatterInf o name="logSinkXs lt"
type="Microsoft .ApplicationBlo cks.Logging.Eve ntSinks.XsltEve ntFormatter,
Microsoft.Appli cationBlocks.Lo gging.EventSink s, Version= ,
Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= da59d79eb5fd8f1 a"
fullyQualifiedD efaultXsltPath= "eventlogtransf orm.xslt"/>
<formatterInf o name="basiclogS inkXslt"
type="Microsoft .ApplicationBlo cks.Logging.Eve ntSinks.XsltEve ntFormatter,
Microsoft.Appli cationBlocks.Lo gging.EventSink s, Version= ,
Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= da59d79eb5fd8f1 a"
fullyQualifiedD efaultXsltPath= "eventlogtransf orm.xslt"/>
<formatterInf o name="sqlSinkXs lt"
type="Microsoft .ApplicationBlo cks.Logging.Eve ntSinks.XsltEve ntFormatter,
Microsoft.Appli cationBlocks.Lo gging.EventSink s, Version= ,
Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= da59d79eb5fd8f1 a"
fullyQualifiedD efaultXsltPath= "eventsqltransf orm.xslt"/>
</eventFormatterS ettings>

<!-- applicationLogL evel is used to determine if event is logged
The event sink in question (ie, event log, or sqlsink) compares the
eventPublishLog Level
with the applicationLogL evel. If eventPublishLog Level is less than or
equal to
applicationLogL evel, the event is logged. Otherwise it is not. To turn
off all logging
for the application, the applicationLogL evel must be set to none. To
turn on all logging,
the applicationLogL evel must be set to debug.
Typically, for production the applicationLogL evel will be set to error.
In development, it will be set to debug.
For GUI & WebServices projects, when the web.config is changed, the change
takes place immediately. For all the rest, the windows service needs
in order for the change to be picked up-->
<add key="applicatio nLogLevel" value="5"/<!--(possible values are
none,always,err or,warning,info rmational,debug )-->
<add key="instrument ationConfigFile "
value="..\..\En terpriseInstrum entation.config "/>
<add key="Defaultcon nstring" value="data source=113.130. 192.177;
database=VOSE_H ;user id=voseapp;pass word=voseapp"/>
<add key="SACCompani esToProcess" value="S C A N M H "/>
<add key="TPACompani esToProcess" value="F K I L G"/>
<add key="VOSE.WebSe rvices.RemoteWe bServices.WebSe rvices"
value="http://localhost/appl02/WebServices.asm x"/>
<add key="VOSE.WebSe rvices.RemoteEs ales.ESales"
<add key="VOSE.WebSe rvices.RemoteSe rviceOrders.Ser viceOrders"
value="http://localhost/appl02/ServiceOrders.a smx"/>
<add key="VOSE.WebSe rvices.RemoteSP IDER.SPIDER"
<add key="VOSE.WebSe rvices.RemoteTP V.TPV"
<add key="VOSE.WebSe rvices.RemoteCr editStatus.Cred itStatus"
value="http://localhost/appl02/CreditStatus.as mx"/>
<add key="VOSE.WebSe rvices.RemoteRe dLightOrderStat us.RedLightOrde rStatus"
value="http://localhost/appl02/RedLightOrderSt atus.asmx"/>

<defaultProxy >
<proxy usesystemdefaul t="false"/>
<connectionMana gement>
<add address="*" maxconnection=" 1000"/>
</connectionManag ement>


Set compilation debug="true" to enable ASPX debugging. Otherwise,
setting this value to
false will improve runtime performance of this application.
Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging symbols (.pdb
into the compiled page. Because this creates a larger file that
more slowly, you should set this value to true only when debugging
and to
false at all other times. For more information, refer to the
documentation about
debugging ASP.NET files.
<compilation defaultLanguage ="c#" debug="true"/>
Set customErrors mode="On" or "RemoteOnly " to enable custom error
messages, "Off" to disable.
Add <errortags for each of the errors you want to handle.

"On" Always display custom (friendly) messages.
"Off" Always display detailed ASP.NET error information.
"RemoteOnly " Display custom (friendly) messages only to users not
on the local Web server. This setting is recommended for security
purposes, so
that you do not display application detail information to remote
<customErrors mode="Off"/>

This section sets the authentication policies of the application.
Possible modes are "Windows",
"Forms", "Passport" and "None"

"None" No authentication is performed.
"Windows" IIS performs authentication (Basic, Digest, or
Integrated Windows) according to
its settings for the application. Anonymous access must be
disabled in IIS.
"Forms" You provide a custom form (Web page) for users to enter
their credentials, and then
you authenticate them in your application. A user credential
token is stored in a cookie.
"Passport" Authentication is performed via a centralized
authentication service provided
by Microsoft that offers a single logon and core profile services
for member sites.
<authenticati on mode="Windows"/>

This section sets the authorization policies of the application.
You can allow or deny access
to application resources by user or role. Wildcards: "*" mean
everyone, "?" means anonymous
(unauthenticate d) users.

<authorizatio n>
<allow users="*"/<!-- Allow all users -->
<!-- <allow users="[comma separated list of users]"
roles="[comma separated list of roles]"/>
<deny users="[comma separated list of users]"
roles="[comma separated list of roles]"/>

Application-level tracing enables trace log output for every page
within an application.
Set trace enabled="true" to enable application trace logging. If
pageOutput="tru e", the
trace information will be displayed at the bottom of each page.
Otherwise, you can view the
application trace log by browsing the "trace.axd" page from your
web application
<trace enabled="false" requestLimit="1 0" pageOutput="fal se"
traceMode="Sort ByTime" localOnly="true "/>

By default ASP.NET uses cookies to identify which requests belong
to a particular session.
If cookies are not available, a session can be tracked by adding a
session identifier to the URL.
To disable cookies, set sessionState cookieless="tru e".
<!--<sessionState mode="InProc"
stateConnection String="tcpip=1" sqlConnectionSt ring="data
source=127.0.0. 1;Trusted_Conne ction=yes" cookieless="fal se" timeout="20"/>
<sessionState mode="SQLServer "
stateConnection String="tcpip=1" sqlConnectionSt ring="data
source=113.130. 192.177;user id=voseapp;pass word=voseapp" cookieless="fal se"
This section sets the globalization settings of the application.
<globalizatio n requestEncoding ="utf-8" responseEncodin g="utf-8"/>
<add name="HttpGet"/>
<add name="HttpPost"/>


"Kevin Yu [MSFT]" wrote:
Hi Tim

Thank your for your explanation. I tried to reproduce it on my machine. But
as far as I can see, I only got the stack trace from a local IE access. The
remote IE access and Console app accesses all returned without the server
side stack trace.

I assume there are some differences between our web.config file. Could you
please post your web.config file here?

Kevin Yu
Microsoft Online Community Support
=============== =============== =============== =====

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Aug 25 '06 #16
Hi Tim,

I was out of office last week so my colleague Kevin helped me on this case.

Would you please give me following information:

1. The OS version of your "old pc" and "new pc".
2. The configured ASP.NET version of your web service in IIS (you can
verify this by open IIS manager and check the properties dialog of the web
service, there's a Combox named "ASP.NET version" on the tab named

Per John's information on the difference behavior of Windows Server 2003
and XP, I didn't reproduce the issue with the minimum HelloWorld service.

Since the "new pc" didn't produce the exception stack trace even tested
locally, I think the "customErro rs" setting in web.config is not related.
And the setting:

<add name="HttpGet"/>
<add name="HttpPost"/>

is also related to remote invoking the webservice, which I also think is
irrelevant. So I assume removing web.config for the HelloWorld service will
also reproduce the issue on your "new pc". Then it may be related to the
installed .NET runtime, I recommend you to reinstall .NET runtime to see
whether this will fix the problem.
Walter Wang (wa****@online. microsoft.com, remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Aug 28 '06 #17
Thank you, Walter.

Old PC - XP Pro Version 2002 Service Pack 2
New PC - XP Pro Version 2002 Service Pack 1

(Note here - by memory- -when my old PC was service Pack 1 - which it was
for a long time - it always would return stack trace and exception type -
Therefore I do not believe the difference in Service Pack answers this issue).

As for the ASP.Net version, I cannot find the 'ASP.NET' tab on properties of
the web service in IIS. The only tabs I see are Virtual Directory,
Documents, Directory Security, HTTP Headers, and Custom Errors. However, on
both PC's, in Windows Explorer I find
C:\Inetpub\wwwr oot\aspnet_clie nt\system_web\1 _1_4322. So I'm guessing it
would be version 1.1.4322....for both..

As for reinstalling .Net Framework, I belive this was the Visual Studio .Net
2003 Prerequisites (disk 2072 from MDSN media kit) that I originally
installed on this PC.

Is this what you are recommending me to reinstall?

Tim Reynolds

"Walter Wang [MSFT]" wrote:
Hi Tim,

I was out of office last week so my colleague Kevin helped me on this case.

Would you please give me following information:

1. The OS version of your "old pc" and "new pc".
2. The configured ASP.NET version of your web service in IIS (you can
verify this by open IIS manager and check the properties dialog of the web
service, there's a Combox named "ASP.NET version" on the tab named

Per John's information on the difference behavior of Windows Server 2003
and XP, I didn't reproduce the issue with the minimum HelloWorld service.

Since the "new pc" didn't produce the exception stack trace even tested
locally, I think the "customErro rs" setting in web.config is not related.
And the setting:

<add name="HttpGet"/>
<add name="HttpPost"/>

is also related to remote invoking the webservice, which I also think is
irrelevant. So I assume removing web.config for the HelloWorld service will
also reproduce the issue on your "new pc". Then it may be related to the
installed .NET runtime, I recommend you to reinstall .NET runtime to see
whether this will fix the problem.
Walter Wang (wa****@online. microsoft.com, remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
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Aug 28 '06 #18
Hi Tim,

First, I suggest you use following steps to compare the .NET Framework
version on your "old pc" and "new pc":

#How to determine which versions of the .NET Framework are installed and
whether service packs have been applied

Then I suggest you reinstall .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 on "new pc":


Walter Wang (wa****@online. microsoft.com, remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
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Aug 29 '06 #19
Hi Walter,
Old PC - 1.1.4322.573 - Original RTM
New PC - 1.1.4322.2032 - Service Pack 1

Please advise what to do since new PC DOES have Service Pack 1.


"Walter Wang [MSFT]" wrote:
Hi Tim,

First, I suggest you use following steps to compare the .NET Framework
version on your "old pc" and "new pc":

#How to determine which versions of the .NET Framework are installed and
whether service packs have been applied

Then I suggest you reinstall .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 on "new pc":


Walter Wang (wa****@online. microsoft.com, remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.
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This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Aug 29 '06 #20

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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