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This is a clip from the new book Learning the Yahoo! User Interface
Library ...

(An example of doing things and not using YUI)

Why does this return a NS_ERROR_DOM_HI ERARCHY_REQUEST _ERR code 3


/Users/emmett>cd Desktop
/Users/emmett/Desktop>ls yui*.zip
ls: yui*.zip: No such file or directory
/Users/emmett/Desktop>ls *.zip
ls: *.zip: No such file or directory
/Users/emmett/Desktop>ls y*
Icon? Info.plist yui_2.5.1.zip
/Users/emmett/Desktop>ls y*
Icon? Info.plist yui_2.5.1.zip
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ls: *.zip: No such file or directory
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README assets/ build/ docs/
examples/ index.html tests/
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fonts/ menu/ tabview/
assets/ cookie/
get/ profiler/ treeview/
autocomplete/ datasource/
grids/ profilerviewer/ uploader/
base/ datatable/
history/ reset/ utilities/
button/ dom/
imagecropper/ reset-fonts/ yahoo/
calendar/ dragdrop/
imageloader/ reset-fonts-grids/ yahoo-dom-event/
charts/ editor/
json/ resize/ yuiloader/
colorpicker/ element/
layout/ selector/ yuiloader-dom-event/
connection/ event/
logger/ slider/ yuitest/
/Users/emmett/Desktop/yui/build>ls docs
ls: docs: No such file or directory
/Users/emmett/Desktop/yui/build>cd ..
/Users/emmett/Desktop/yui>ls docs
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YAHOO.widget.Ba rChart.html
YAHOO.widget.Ba rSeries.html
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YAHOO.widget.Bu tton.html
CalendarGroup.j s.html
YAHOO.widget.Bu ttonGroup.html
CalendarNavigat or.js.html
YAHOO.widget.Ca lendar.html
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YAHOO.widget.Co ntextMenu.html
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YAHOO.widget.Fl ashAdapter.html
EventProvider.j s.html
YAHOO.widget.HT MLNode.html
FlashAdapter.js .html
YAHOO.widget.Im ageCropper.html
YAHOO.widget.La yout.html
HTMLNode.js.htm l
YAHOO.widget.La youtUnit.html
ImageLoader.js. html
YAHOO.widget.Li neChart.html
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YAHOO.widget.Me nuNode.html
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YAHOO.widget.Pa ginator.ui.Rows PerPageDropdown .html
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YAHOO.widget.TV FadeOut.html
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TextNode.js.htm l
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TimeAxis.js.htm l
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YAHOO.tool.Test Logger.html
contextmenu.js. html
YAHOO.tool.Test Manager.html
contextmenuitem .js.html
YAHOO.tool.Test Node.html crop.js.html
YAHOO.tool.Test Reporter.html editor.js.html
YAHOO.tool.Test Runner.html
YAHOO.tool.Test Suite.html index.html
YAHOO.util.Anim .html index.json
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YAHOO.util.Arra yAssert.html
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menubaritem.js. html
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YAHOO.util.Colu mnResizer.html
module_charts.h tml
YAHOO.util.Comp arisonFailure.h tml
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module_connecti on.html
YAHOO.util.Conn ect.html
module_containe r.html
YAHOO.util.Cook ie.html
module_cookie.h tml
YAHOO.util.Cust omEvent.html
module_datasour ce.html
YAHOO.util.DD.h tml
module_datatabl e.html
YAHOO.util.DDPr oxy.html
YAHOO.util.DDTa rget.html
module_dragdrop .html
YAHOO.util.Data Source.html
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YAHOO.util.Date .html
module_element. html
YAHOO.util.Date Assert.html
module_event.ht ml
YAHOO.util.Dom. html
YAHOO.util.Drag Drop.html
module_history. html
YAHOO.util.Drag DropMgr.Element Wrapper.html
module_imagecro pper.html
YAHOO.util.Drag DropMgr.html
module_imageloa der.html
YAHOO.util.Easi ng.html
module_json.htm l
YAHOO.util.Elem ent.html
module_layout.h tml
YAHOO.util.Even t.html
module_logger.h tml
YAHOO.util.Even tProvider.html
module_menu.htm l
YAHOO.util.Get. html
module_profiler .html
YAHOO.util.Hist ory.html
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module_resize.h tml
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YAHOO.util.Imag eLoader.pngBgIm gObj.html
module_tabview. html
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YAHOO.util.KeyL istener.html
module_uploader .html
YAHOO.util.Moti on.html
module_yahoo.ht ml
YAHOO.util.Numb er.html
module_yuiloade r.html
YAHOO.util.Obje ctAssert.html
module_yuitest. html
YAHOO.util.Poin t.html
profilerviewer. js.html
YAHOO.util.Regi on.html raw.json
YAHOO.util.Resi ze.html resize.js.html
YAHOO.util.Scro ll.html simple-
YAHOO.util.Sele ctor.html
swfobject.js.ht ml
YAHOO.util.Shou ldError.html toolbar-
YAHOO.util.Shou ldFail.html
YAHOO.util.Sort .html
yuiloader.js.ht ml
/Users/emmett/Desktop/yui>open toolbar.js.html
2008-04-19 20:23:56.136 open[724] No such file: /Users/emmett/Desktop/
/Users/emmett/Desktop/yui>#open toolbar.js.html
/Users/emmett/Desktop/yui>ls toolbar.js.html
ls: toolbar.js.html : No such file or directory
/Users/emmett/Desktop/yui>cd docs
/Users/emmett/Desktop/yui/docs>#open toolbar.js.html
/Users/emmett/Desktop/yui/docs>open toolbar.js.html
/Users/emmett/Desktop/yui/docs>cd ..
/Users/emmett/Desktop/yui>cd examples
animation/ charts/ datatable/ fonts/
imageloader/ menu/ selector/ yahoo/
autocomplete/ colorpicker/ dom/ get/
index.html profiler/ slider/ yuiloader/
base/ connection/ dragdrop/ grids/
json/ profilerviewer/ tabview/ yuitest/
button/ container/ editor/ history/
layout/ reset/ treeview/
calendar/ cookie/ event/ imagecropper/
logger/ resize/ uploader/
/Users/emmett/Desktop/yui/examples>open index.html
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imageloader/ menu/ selector/ yahoo/
autocomplete/ colorpicker/ dom/ get/
index.html profiler/ slider/ yuiloader/
base/ connection/ dragdrop/ grids/
json/ profilerviewer/ tabview/ yuitest/
button/ container/ editor/ history/
layout/ reset/ treeview/
calendar/ cookie/ event/ imagecropper/
logger/ resize/ uploader/
/Users/emmett/Desktop/yui/examples>cd ..
README assets/ build/ docs/
examples/ index.html tests/
/Users/emmett/Desktop/yui>cd assets
YUIexamples.js dpSyntaxHighlig hter.js yui-
candy.jpg yuiDistribution .css
bg_hd.gif example-hd-bg.gif
dpSyntaxHighlig hter.css title_h_bg.gif
/Users/emmett>mkdir yuisite
/Users/emmett>cd yuisite
/Users/emmett/yuisite>mv ../Desktop/yui .
/Users/emmett/yuisite>cd *
/Users/emmett/yuisite/yui>ls examples
animation/ charts/ datatable/ fonts/
imageloader/ menu/ selector/ yahoo/
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index.html profiler/ slider/ yuiloader/
base/ connection/ dragdrop/ grids/
json/ profilerviewer/ tabview/ yuitest/
button/ container/ editor/ history/
layout/ reset/ treeview/
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logger/ resize/ uploader/
/Users/emmett/yuisite/yui>ls examples/calendar
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minmax_clean.ht ml render_log.html
calnavigator_cl ean.html formtxt_clean.h tml
calskin.html formtxt_log.htm l
multi_clean.htm l
events.html germany.html
/Users/emmett/yuisite/yui>ls examples/calendar/index.html
/Users/emmett/yuisite/yui>open examples/calendar/index.html
/Users/emmett/yuisite/yui>grep link a.html
grep: a.html: No such file or directory
/Users/emmett/yuisite/yui>cd ..
/Users/emmett/yuisite>grep link a.html
<link rel="stylesheet " type="text/css" href="yui/build/calendar/assets/
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<script type="text/javascript" src="yui/build/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-
<script type="text/javascript" src="yui/build/calendar/calendar-
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/Users/emmett/yuisite>ls yui/build/calendar/calendar-min.js
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/Users/emmett/yuisite>vi a.html
/Users/emmett/yuisite>open a.html
/Users/emmett/yuisite>vi a.html
/Users/emmett/yuisite>open a.html
/Users/emmett/yuisite>vi a.html
/Users/emmett/yuisite>open a.html
/Users/emmett/yuisite>vi a.html
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/Users/emmett/yuisite>vi b.html
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/Users/emmett/yuisite>vi a.html
/Users/emmett/yuisite>cp b.html c.html
/Users/emmett/yuisite>vi c.html
/Users/emmett/yuisite>find . -name '*reset*.css'
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/Users/emmett/yuisite>vi c.html
/Users/emmett/yuisite>vi d.html

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Traditio nal DOM Example</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkInput() {
var input = document.getEle mentById("input 1").value;
if ( "" == input ) {
var newspan = document.create Element("span") ;
var newtext = document.create TextNode("Enter
var newparent = document.getEle mentById("conta iner");
newspan.appendC hild(newtext);
newspan.appendC hild(newspan);
return false;

function init() {
if (document.addEv entListener) {

document.getEle mentById("form" ).addEventListe ner("submit",ch eckInput,false) ;
} else {

document.getEle mentById("form" ).attachEvent(" onsubmit",check Input);
window.onload = init;

<form id="form" action="">
<div id="container" >
<label for="input1">En ter some test</label>
<input type="text" id="input1">
<button id="submit" type="submit">S ubmit</button>

Jun 27 '08 #1
1 1847
gi************* ******@yahoo.co m wrote:
This is a clip from the new book Learning the Yahoo!
User Interface
Library ...

(An example of doing things and not using YUI)

Why does this return a NS_ERROR_DOM_HI ERARCHY_REQUEST _ERR code 3
newspan.appendC hild(newspan);

Trying to append an element as the last child of itself is extremely
unlikely to have a successful outcome.

Jun 27 '08 #2

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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