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Making icon in taskbar flash

431 Contributor
hello good people. i have a chatroom on my website and i was looking for a script that would make the little icon for the browser flash when there is new activity, or make a popup, or something. is there a javascript code i can make that lets the browser know when there is activity. i use a div that is updated with AJAX to hold the content. when a new message is sent i would like to have something blink, a visual notification, and a little ding or some sound that would let people know somebody said something.

Nov 22 '07 #1
7 6087
16,027 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
You can't make the icon flash, but you could play a sound (depending upon support and user preferences). Visual notification would have to be limited to within the browser, not outside.
Nov 23 '07 #2
431 Contributor
thats interesting, because i used meebo and when i get a message the button for firefox flashes. maybe its just really hard. on my page is a div tag that is updated with ajax, i would like to know how to play a sound when a new line is added to the div. can you help me?
Nov 23 '07 #3
16,027 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
There is one possibility: you could change the title repeatedly using setInterval.
Nov 25 '07 #4
431 Contributor
my title already flashes between my sites name and the short url, so i can add another, like, New Message, that will join the cycle and let me know, but i am not ajax savvy and have absolutely no clue on earth how to detect more information in the box. maybe find a difference of scroll height? and how does it know when i view the messages? i could put a onClick in my text entry field... i dont know... thats why im asking for help. please?
Nov 25 '07 #5
16,027 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
You know that it's updated when the Ajax object's readyState is 4.

What does your code look like? Can you post some of it?
Nov 26 '07 #6
431 Contributor
soyatinly... (its a large script)

<?php session_start() ;
if(!isset($_SES SION['userid'])) { exit; } ?>
<title>Ajax Chat 3.1 (Room 1)</title>
<style type="text/css">
#content {
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
<!--username styles goe here-->
<script type="text/javascript">
function moveToBottom()
var div = document.getEle mentById('chatw indow');
h = div.scrollHeigh t;
sh = div.scrollTop;
st = div.offsetHeigh t;
difference = h - sh;
alt = st + 50
if (difference > alt) {
} else {
div.scrollTop = h;

function forceToBottom()
var div = document.getEle mentById('chatw indow');
h = div.scrollHeigh t;
div.scrollTop = h;

var t
function timedCount()
t=setTimeout("m oveToBottom()", 200)
t=setTimeout("t imedCount()",20 0)

<div id="content" style="overflow :hidden;">
<div id="chatwindow " style="overflow :auto; height:300px; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;" height="300px"> </div>
<input id="chatnick" type="hidden" value="<?php echo(''.$_SESSI ON['userid'].''); ?>">
Smilies and other options coming soon! &nbsp;<br>
<input id="chatmsg" type="text" size="60" maxlength="80" onkeyup="keyup( event.keyCode); timedCount();">
<input type="button" value="add" onClick="submit _msg(); timedCount();" style="cursor:p ointer;border:1 px solid gray;">
<input name="button" type="button" style="cursor:p ointer;border:1 px solid gray;" onClick="forceT oBottom();" value="&dArr;">


<script type="text/javascript">

/* Settings you might want to define */
var waittime=10;

/* Internal Variables & Stuff */
document.getEle mentById("chatw indow").innerHT ML = "<center><b><p> <p>Loading... </b></center>";

var xmlhttp = false;
var xmlhttp2 = false;

/* Request for Reading the Chat Content */
function ajax_read(url) {
if(window.XMLHt tpRequest){
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest( );
if(xmlhttp.over rideMimeType){
xmlhttp.overrid eMimeType('text/xml');
} else if(window.Activ eXObject){
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject(" Msxml2.XMLHTTP" );
} catch(e) {
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject(" Microsoft.XMLHT TP");
} catch(e){

if(!xmlhttp) {
alert('Giving up :( Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance');
return false;

xmlhttp.onready statechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyS tate==4) {
document.getEle mentById("chatw indow").innerHT ML = xmlhttp.respons eText;

zeit = new Date();
ms = (zeit.getHours( ) * 24 * 60 * 1000) + (zeit.getMinute s() * 60 * 1000) + (zeit.getSecond s() * 1000) + zeit.getMillise conds();
intUpdate = setTimeout("aja x_read('chat.tx t?x=" + ms + "')", waittime)

xmlhttp.open('G ET',url,true);
xmlhttp.send(nu ll);

/* Request for Writing the Message */
function ajax_write(url) {
if(window.XMLHt tpRequest){
xmlhttp2=new XMLHttpRequest( );
if(xmlhttp2.ove rrideMimeType){
xmlhttp2.overri deMimeType('tex t/xml');
} else if(window.Activ eXObject){
xmlhttp2=new ActiveXObject(" Msxml2.XMLHTTP" );
} catch(e) {
xmlhttp2=new ActiveXObject(" Microsoft.XMLHT TP");
} catch(e){

if(!xmlhttp2) {
alert('Giving up :( Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance');
return false;

xmlhttp2.open(' GET',url,true);
xmlhttp2.send(n ull);

/* Submit the Message */
function submit_msg(){
nick = document.getEle mentById("chatn ick").value;
msg = document.getEle mentById("chatm sg").value;

if (nick == "") {
check = prompt("please enter username:");
if (check === null) return 0;
if (check == "") check = "anonymous" ;
document.getEle mentById("chatn ick").value = check;
nick = check;

document.getEle mentById("chatm sg").value = "";
ajax_write("w.p hp?m=" + msg + "&n=" + nick);

/* Check if Enter is pressed */
function keyup(arg1) {
if (arg1 == 13) submit_msg();

/* Start the Requests! ;) */
var intUpdate = setTimeout("aja x_read('chat.tx t')", waittime);


and theres another page, see next post
Nov 28 '07 #7
431 Contributor

session_start() ;
date_default_ti mezone_set('Ame rica/New_York');
/* author: chris at linuxuser.at
licence: GPLv2

$fn = "chat.txt";
$maxlines = 180000;
$nick_length = 100;

/* Set this to a minimum wait time between posts (in sec) */
$waittime_sec = 0;

/* spam keywords */

/* IP's to block */
$blockip[] = "72.60.167. 89";

/* spam, if message IS exactly that string */
$espam[] = "ajax";

/* Get Message & Nick from the Request and Escape them */
$msg = $_REQUEST["m"];
$msg = htmlspecialchar s(stripslashes( $msg));

$n = $_REQUEST["n"];
$n = htmlspecialchar s(stripslashes( $n));

if (strlen($n) >= $nick_length) {
$n = substr($n, 0, $nick_length);
} else {
for ($i=strlen($n); $i<$nick_length ; $i++) $n .= "";

if ($waittime_sec > 0) {
$lastvisit = $_COOKIE["lachatlv"];
setcookie("lach atlv", time());

if ($lastvisit != "") {
$diff = time() - $lastvisit;
if ($diff < 5) { die(); }

if ($msg != "") {
if (strlen($msg) < 2) { die(); }
if (strlen($msg) > 3) {
/* Smilies are ok */
if (strtoupper($ms g) == $msg) { die(); }
if (strlen($msg) > 150) { die(); }
if (strlen($msg) > 15) {
if (substr_count($ msg, substr($msg, 6, 8)) > 1) { die(); }

foreach ($blockip as $a) {
if ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADD R"] == $a) { die(); }

$mystring = strtoupper($msg );
foreach ($spam as $a) {
if (strpos($mystri ng, strtoupper($a)) === false) {
/* Everything Ok Here */
} else {

foreach ($espam as $a) {
if (strtoupper($ms g) == strtoupper($a)) { die(); }

$handle = fopen ($fn, 'r');
$chattext = fread($handle, filesize($fn)); fclose($handle) ;

$arr1 = explode("\n", $chattext);

if (count($arr1) > $maxlines) {
/* Pruning */
$arr1 = array_reverse($ arr1);
for ($i=0; $i<$maxlines; $i++) { $arr2[$i] = $arr1[$i];
$arr2 = array_reverse($ arr2);
} else {
$arr2 = $arr1;

$chattext = implode("\n", $arr2);

if (substr_count($ chattext, $msg) > 2) { die(); }
//Now we add the time:
$today = date("g:i A");

$out = $chattext . "<font class=\"".$_SES SION['userid']."\">[".$today."] " . $n . ":</font> " . $msg . "<br>\n";
$out = str_replace("\' ", "'", $out);
$out = str_replace("\\ \"", "\"", $out);

// lovely smilies :)
$raw = array(
$happy = array(
"<img src=\"../images/smile/1.gif\" />",
"<img src=\"../images/smile/2.gif\" />",
"<img src=\"../images/smile/5.gif\" />",
"<img src=\"../images/smile/3.gif\" />",
"<img src=\"../images/smile/6.gif\" />",
"<img src=\"../images/smile/8.gif\" />",
"<img src=\"../images/smile/4.gif\" />",
"<img src=\"../images/smile/9.gif\" />",
"<img src=\"../images/smile/7.gif\" />"
$outs = str_replace($ra w, $happy, $out);

$handle = fopen ($fn, 'w'); fwrite ($handle, $outs); fclose($handle) ;
yay php. this one is the trimmer that cleans up the posts. if you want i would be more than happy if you cleaned it up, also, if you made a way to have multiple rooms in onw by setting a get paramatre in cht.php so it writes to a different text file. also, how do i get ajax to stop refreshing my smilies every second, it gets annoying... thanks!
Nov 28 '07 #8

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