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Dreamweaver Server Behaviors - Insert Record (form "form")

4 New Member
Hello everyone,

Does anyone know why after using the insert record function that Dreamweaver provides for ASP JavaScript page, then you CANNOT pass the value in the text field inside the form to another page??

Please help.

May 13 '07 #1
3 2579
16,027 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
I'm not familiar with this functionality, but if you post some code then it might help to debug your problem.
May 14 '07 #2
4 New Member
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  2. <!--#include file="Connections/VConn.asp" -->
  3. <%
  4.     // *** Edit Operations: declare variables
  5.     // set the form action variable
  6.     var MM_editAction = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME");
  7.     if (Request.QueryString) {
  8.         MM_editAction += "?" + Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString);
  9.     }
  10.     // boolean to abort record edit
  11.     var MM_abortEdit = false;
  12.     // query string to execute
  13.     var MM_editQuery = "";
  14. %>
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%
  2.     // *** Redirect if username exists
  3.     var MM_flag="MM_insert";
  4.     if (String(Request(MM_flag)) != "undefined") {
  5.     var MM_dupKeyRedirect="MemberRegistrationPage.asp";
  6.     var MM_rsKeyConnection=MM_VConn_STRING;
  7.     var MM_dupKeyUsernameValue = String(Request.Form("user_name"));
  8.     var MM_dupKeySQL = "SELECT USER_NAME FROM s2565019.MEMBER WHERE USER_NAME='" + MM_dupKeyUsernameValue.replace(/'/g, "''") + "'"
  9.     var MM_adodbRecordset = "ADODB.Recordset";
  10.     var MM_rsKey = Server.CreateObject(MM_adodbRecordset);
  11.     MM_rsKey.ActiveConnection = MM_rsKeyConnection;
  12.     MM_rsKey.Source = MM_dupKeySQL;
  13.     MM_rsKey.CursorType=0;
  14.     MM_rsKey.CursorLocation=2;
  15.     MM_rsKey.LockType=3;
  16.     MM_rsKey.Open();
  17.     if (!MM_rsKey.EOF || !MM_rsKey.BOF) {
  18.         // the username was found - can not add the requested username
  19.         var MM_qsChar = "?";
  20.         if (MM_dupKeyRedirect.indexOf("?") >= 0) MM_qsChar = "&";
  21.             MM_dupKeyRedirect = MM_dupKeyRedirect + MM_qsChar + "requsername=" + MM_dupKeyUsernameValue;
  22.             Response.Redirect(MM_dupKeyRedirect);
  23.         }
  24.         MM_rsKey.Close();
  25.     }
  26. %>
  27. <%
  28.     // *** Insert Record: set variables
  29.     if (String(Request("MM_insert")) == "form") {
  30.         var MM_editConnection = MM_VConn_STRING;
  31.         var MM_editTable  = "s2565019.MEMBER";
  32.         var MM_editRedirectUrl = "MemberRegistrationPage1.asp";
  33.         var MM_fieldsStr = "user_name|value|pwd|value|u_type|value|f_name|value|l_name|value|dob|value|email|value|address|value|join_date|value|activate|value";
  34.         var MM_columnsStr = "USER_NAME|',none,''|PWD|',none,''|U_TYPE|',none,''|F_NAME|',none,''|L_NAME|',none,''|DOB|',none,NULL|EMAIL|',none,''|ADDRESS|',none,''|JOIN_DATE|',none,NULL|ACTIVATE|',none,''";
  35.         // create the MM_fields and MM_columns arrays
  36.         var MM_fields = MM_fieldsStr.split("|");
  37.         var MM_columns = MM_columnsStr.split("|");
  38.         // set the form values
  39.         for (var i=0; i+1 < MM_fields.length; i+=2) {
  40.             MM_fields[i+1] = String(Request.Form(MM_fields[i]));
  41.         }
  42.         // append the query string to the redirect URL
  43.         if (MM_editRedirectUrl && Request.QueryString && Request.QueryString.Count > 0) {
  44.             MM_editRedirectUrl += ((MM_editRedirectUrl.indexOf('?') == -1)?"?":"&") + Request.QueryString;
  45.         }
  46.     }
  47. %>
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%
  2.     // *** Insert Record: construct a sql insert statement and execute it
  3.     if (String(Request("MM_insert")) != "undefined") {
  4.         // create the sql insert statement
  5.         var MM_tableValues = "", MM_dbValues = "";
  6.         for (var i=0; i+1 < MM_fields.length; i+=2) {
  7.             var formVal = MM_fields[i+1];
  8.             var MM_typesArray = MM_columns[i+1].split(",");
  9.             var delim =    (MM_typesArray[0] != "none") ? MM_typesArray[0] : "";
  10.             var altVal =   (MM_typesArray[1] != "none") ? MM_typesArray[1] : "";
  11.             var emptyVal = (MM_typesArray[2] != "none") ? MM_typesArray[2] : "";
  12.             if (formVal == "" || formVal == "undefined") {
  13.                 formVal = emptyVal;
  14.             } else {
  15.                 if (altVal != "") {
  16.                     formVal = altVal;
  17.                 } else if (delim == "'") { // escape quotes
  18.                     formVal = "'" + formVal.replace(/'/g,"''") + "'";
  19.                 } else {
  20.                     formVal = delim + formVal + delim;
  21.                 }
  22.             }
  23.             MM_tableValues += ((i != 0) ? "," : "") + MM_columns[i];
  24.             MM_dbValues += ((i != 0) ? "," : "") + formVal;
  25.         }
  26.         MM_editQuery = "insert into " + MM_editTable + " (" + MM_tableValues + ") values (" + MM_dbValues + ")";
  27.         if (!MM_abortEdit) {
  28.             // execute the insert
  29.             var MM_editCmd = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Command');
  30.             MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = MM_editConnection;
  31.             MM_editCmd.CommandText = MM_editQuery;
  32.             MM_editCmd.Execute();
  33.             MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection.Close();
  34.             if (MM_editRedirectUrl) {
  35.                 Response.Redirect(MM_editRedirectUrl);
  36.             }
  37.         }
  38.     }
  39. %>
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%
  2.     var m_Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset");
  3.     m_Rs.ActiveConnection = MM_VConn_STRING;
  4.     m_Rs.Source = "SELECT *  FROM s2565019.MEMBER";
  5.     m_Rs.CursorType = 0;
  6.     m_Rs.CursorLocation = 2;
  7.     m_Rs.LockType = 1;
  8.     m_Rs.Open();
  9.     var m_Rs_numRows = 0;
  10. %>
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <head>
  2. <script language="javascript" src="MemberRegistrationValidation.js">
  3. </script>
  4. <title>Member Registration Page</title>
  5. </head>
  6. <body onLoad="setTimeout('CurrDate(),CurrMonth(),CurrYear()',100)">
  7.     <form ACTION="<%=MM_editAction%>" METHOD="POST" name="form" onSubmit="return fieldsCheck()">
  8.         <table align="center">    
  9.             <tr>
  10.                 <th align="left"><font color="#FF0000">*</font>
  11.                     User Name
  12.                 </th>
  13.                 <td>
  14.                     <input name="user_name" type="text" title="Enter Your User Name." maxlength="16">
  15.                 </td>
  16.             </tr>
  17.             <tr>
  18.                 <th align="left"><font color="#FF0000">*</font>
  19.                     Password
  20.                 </th>
  21.                 <td>
  22.                     <input name="pwd" type="password" title="Enter 8~16 Characters" maxlength="16">
  23.                 </td>
  24.             </tr>
  25.             <tr>
  26.                 <th align="left"><font color="#FF0000">*</font>
  27.                     Re-type Password
  28.                 </th>
  29.                 <td>
  30.                     <input name="re_pwd" type="password" title="Enter 8~16 Characters" maxlength="16">
  31.                 </td>
  32.             </tr>
  33.             <tr>
  34.                 <th align="left"><font color="#FF0000">*</font>
  35.                     Select User Type
  36.                 </th>
  37.                 <td align="left">
  38.                     <input name="u_type" type="radio" checked title="Limited Functions." align="left" value="Basic">Basic User<br>
  39.                     <input name="u_type" type="radio" title="Advanced Functions." align="left" value="Advanced">Advanced User<br>
  40.                     <input name="u_type" type="radio" title="Ultimate Functions." align="left" value="Premier">Premier User
  41.                 </td>
  42.             </tr>
  43.             <tr>
  44.                 <th align="left"><font color="#FF0000">*</font>
  45.                     First Name
  46.                 </th>
  47.                 <td>
  48.                     <input name="f_name" type="text" title="Enter Your First Name." maxlength="30">
  49.                 </td>
  50.             </tr>
  51.             <tr>
  52.                 <th align="left"><font color="#FF0000">*</font>
  53.                     Last Name
  54.                 </th>
  55.                 <td>
  56.                     <input name="l_name" type="text" title="Enter Your Last Name." maxlength="15">
  57.                 </td>
  58.             </tr>
  59.             <tr>
  60.                 <th align="left"><font color="#FF0000">*</font>
  61.                     Date of Birth
  62.                 </th>
  63.                 <td>
  64.                     <input name="dob" type="hidden">
  65.                     <script language="javascript">
  66.                         document.write("Date ");
  68.                         var dt = new Date();
  69.                         document.write("<input name=\"date\" id=\"date\" type=\"hidden\">");
  70.                         document.write("<select name=\"the_date\" id=\"the_date\">");
  71.                         for(dd = 1; dd < 32; dd++){
  72.                             document.write("<option selected value=" + dd + ">" + dd + "</option>");
  73.                         }
  74.                         document.write("</select>");
  75.                         function CurrDate(){
  76.                             var list = document.getElementById("the_date");
  77.                             list.selectedIndex = 0;
  78.                             list.onchange = function(){
  79.                                 document.getElementById("date").value = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;
  80.                                 document.form.dob.value = document.getElementById("date").value + "/" + document.getElementById("month").value + "/" + document.getElementById("year").value;
  81.                             }
  82.                         }
  83.                         document.getElementById("date").value = 1;
  85.                         document.write(" Month ");
  87.                         var mnames = new Array("JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC");
  88.                         var mth = new Date();
  89.                         document.write("<input name=\"month\" id=\"month\" type=\"hidden\">");
  90.                         document.write("<select name=\"the_month\" id=\"the_month\">");
  91.                         for(mm = 1; mm < 13; mm++){
  92.                             document.write("<option selected value=" + mm + ">" + mnames[mm-1] + "</option>");
  93.                         }
  94.                         document.write("</select>");
  95.                         function CurrMonth(){
  96.                             var list = document.getElementById("the_month");
  97.                             list.selectedIndex = mth.getMonth();
  98.                             list.onchange = function(){
  99.                                 document.getElementById("month").value = list.options[list.selectedIndex].text;
  100.                                 document.form.dob.value = document.getElementById("date").value + "/" + document.getElementById("month").value + "/" + document.getElementById("year").value;
  101.                             }
  102.                         }
  103.                         document.getElementById("month").value = mnames[mth.getMonth()];
  105.                         document.write(" Year ");
  107.                         var yyyy = new Date();
  108.                         document.write("<input name=\"year\" id=\"year\" type=\"hidden\">");
  109.                         document.write("<select name=\"the_year\" id=\"the_year\">");
  110.                         for(yy = 1950; yy < 2030; yy++){
  111.                             document.write("<option selected value=" + yy + ">" + yy + "</option>");
  112.                         }
  113.                         document.write("</select>");
  114.                         function CurrYear(){
  115.                             var list = document.getElementById("the_year");
  116.                             list.selectedIndex = 57;
  117.                             list.onchange = function(){
  118.                                 document.getElementById("year").value = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;
  119.                                 document.form.dob.value = document.getElementById("date").value + "/" + document.getElementById("month").value + "/" + document.getElementById("year").value;
  120.                             }
  121.                         }
  122.                         document.getElementById("year").value = yyyy.getFullYear();
  123.                         document.form.dob.value = document.getElementById("date").value + "/" + document.getElementById("month").value + "/" + document.getElementById("year").value;
  124.                     </script>
  125.                 </td>
  126.             </tr>
  127.             <tr>
  128.                 <th align="left"><font color="#FF0000">*</font>
  129.                     Email
  130.                 </th>
  131.                 <td>
  132.                     <input name="email" type="text" title="Enter Your Email." maxlength="40">
  133.                 </td>
  134.             </tr>
  135.             <tr>
  136.                 <th align="left"><font color="#FF0000">*</font>
  137.                     Full Address
  138.                 </th>
  139.                 <td>
  140.                     <input name="address" type="text" title="Enter Your Full Address." maxlength="70">
  141.                 </td>
  142.             </tr>
  143.             <tr>
  144.                 <th align="left"></th>
  145.                 <td>
  146.                     <input name="join_date" type="hidden">
  147.                     <script type="text/javascript">
  148.                         var months=new Array(13);
  149.                         months[1] ="January";
  150.                         months[2] = "February";
  151.                         months[3] = "March";
  152.                         months[4] = "April";
  153.                         months[5] = "May";
  154.                         months[6] = "June";
  155.                         months[7] = "July";
  156.                         months[8] = "August";
  157.                         months[9] = "September";
  158.                         months[10]= "October";
  159.                         months[11]= "November";
  160.                         months[12]= "December";
  161.                         var time=new Date();
  162.                         var lmonth=months[time.getMonth() + 1];
  163.                         var date = time.getDate();
  164.                         var year = time.getFullYear()
  165.                         document.form.join_date.value = date + "/" + lmonth + "/" + year;
  166.                     </script>
  167.                 </td>
  168.             </tr>
  169.             <tr>
  170.                 <td>
  171.                     <input name="activate" type="hidden">
  172.                 </td>
  173.             </tr>
  174.             <tr align="left">
  175.                 <th></th>
  176.                 <td align="left">
  177.                     <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit">
  178.                     <input name="Reset" type="reset" value="Reset All">
  179.                 </td>
  180.             </tr>
  181.         </table>
  182.         <input type="hidden" name="MM_insert" value="form">
  183.     </form>
  184.     <form action="MemberRegistrationPage1.asp" method="link">
  185.         <input name="uname" type="text" title="Enter Your User Name." maxlength="16">
  186.         <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
  187.             document.getElementById("user_name").onkeyup = function(){
  188.                 document.getElementById("uname").value = this.value;
  189.             }
  190.             setTimeout('document.getElementById("user_name").value = "";document.getElementById("uname").value = ""',200);
  191.         </script>
  192.     </form>
  193. </body>
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. <%
  2.     m_Rs.Close();
  3. %>
Input name UNAME should be pass to the other web site which it doesn't.

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  2. <!--#include file="Connections/VConn.asp" -->
  3. <%
  4.     var Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset");
  5.     Rs.ActiveConnection = MM_VConn_STRING;
  6.     Rs.Source = "SELECT *  FROM s2565019.PAYMENT_DETAIL  ORDER BY PD_ID DESC";
  7.     Rs.CursorType = 0;
  8.     Rs.CursorLocation = 2;
  9.     Rs.LockType = 1;
  10.     Rs.Open();
  11.     var Rs_numRows = 0;
  12. %>
  13. <%
  14.     // *** Edit Operations: declare variables    
  15.     // set the form action variable
  16.     var MM_editAction = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME");
  17.     if (Request.QueryString) {
  18.           MM_editAction += "?" + Server.HTMLEncode(Request.QueryString);
  19.     }
  20.     // boolean to abort record edit
  21.     var MM_abortEdit = false;
  22.     // query string to execute
  23.     var MM_editQuery = "";
  24. %>
  25. <%
  26.     // *** Insert Record: set variables
  27.     if (String(Request("MM_insert")) == "form") {
  28.         var MM_editConnection = MM_VConn_STRING;
  29.         var MM_editTable  = "s2565019.PAYMENT_DETAIL";
  30.         var MM_editRedirectUrl = "Test.asp";
  31.         var MM_fieldsStr = "pd_id|value|card_type|value|card_no|value|card_scrt_no|value|exp_date|value|card_holder|value";
  32.         var MM_columnsStr = "pd_id|none,none,NULL|CARD_TYPE|',none,''|CARD_NO|',none,''|CARD_SCRT_NO|none,none,NULL|EXP_DATE|none,none,NULL|CARD_HOLDER|',none,''";
  33.         // create the MM_fields and MM_columns arrays
  34.         var MM_fields = MM_fieldsStr.split("|");
  35.         var MM_columns = MM_columnsStr.split("|");
  36.         // set the form values
  37.         for (var i=0; i+1 < MM_fields.length; i+=2) {
  38.             MM_fields[i+1] = String(Request.Form(MM_fields[i]));
  39.         }        
  40.         // append the query string to the redirect URL
  41.         if (MM_editRedirectUrl && Request.QueryString && Request.QueryString.Count > 0) {
  42.             MM_editRedirectUrl += ((MM_editRedirectUrl.indexOf('?') == -1)?"?":"&") + Request.QueryString;
  43.         }
  44.     }
  45. %>
  46. <%
  47.     // *** Insert Record: construct a sql insert statement and execute it
  48.     if (String(Request("MM_insert")) != "undefined") {    
  49.         // create the sql insert statement
  50.         var MM_tableValues = "", MM_dbValues = "";
  51.         for (var i=0; i+1 < MM_fields.length; i+=2) {
  52.             var formVal = MM_fields[i+1];
  53.             var MM_typesArray = MM_columns[i+1].split(",");
  54.             var delim =    (MM_typesArray[0] != "none") ? MM_typesArray[0] : "";
  55.             var altVal =   (MM_typesArray[1] != "none") ? MM_typesArray[1] : "";
  56.             var emptyVal = (MM_typesArray[2] != "none") ? MM_typesArray[2] : "";
  57.             if (formVal == "" || formVal == "undefined") {
  58.                 formVal = emptyVal;
  59.             } else {
  60.                 if (altVal != "") {
  61.                     formVal = altVal;
  62.                 } else if (delim == "'") { // escape quotes
  63.                     formVal = "'" + formVal.replace(/'/g,"''") + "'";
  64.                 } else {
  65.                     formVal = delim + formVal + delim;
  66.                 }
  67.             }
  68.             MM_tableValues += ((i != 0) ? "," : "") + MM_columns[i];
  69.             MM_dbValues += ((i != 0) ? "," : "") + formVal;
  70.         }
  71.         MM_editQuery = "insert into " + MM_editTable + " (" + MM_tableValues + ") values (" + MM_dbValues + ")";
  72.         if (!MM_abortEdit) {
  73.             // execute the insert
  74.             var MM_editCmd = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Command');
  75.             MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = MM_editConnection;
  76.             MM_editCmd.CommandText = MM_editQuery;
  77.             MM_editCmd.Execute();
  78.             MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection.Close();
  79.             if (MM_editRedirectUrl) {
  80.                 Response.Redirect(MM_editRedirectUrl);
  81.             }
  82.         }
  83.     }
  84. %>
  85. <html>
  86. <head>
  87. <script language="javascript" src="MemberRegistrationValidation.js">
  88. </script>
  89. <title>Member Registration Page</title>
  90. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=big5">
  91. </head>
  92. <body onLoad="setTimeout('selCurrMonth(),selCurrYear()',100)">
  93.     <form name="form1">
  94.         <input name="user_name" type="hidden">
  95.         <script language="javascript">
  96.             var locate = window.location
  97.             document.form1.user_name.value = locate
  99.             var text = document.form1.user_name.value
  101.             function delineate(str)
  102.             {
  103.                 theleft = str.indexOf("=") + 1;
  104.                 theright = str.lastIndexOf("&");
  105.                 return(str.substring(theleft, theright));
  106.             }
  108.             function delineate2(str)
  109.             {
  110.                 point = str.lastIndexOf("=");
  111.                 return(str.substring(point+1,str.length));
  112.             }
  113.         </script>
  114.     </form>
  115.     <form onSubmit="return fieldsCheck()" action="<%=MM_editAction%>" METHOD="POST" name="form">
  116.         <table align="center">
  117.             <tr>
  118.                 <td>
  119.                     <input name="id" type="hidden" value="<%=Rs.Fields("pd_id")%>">
  120.                     <script>
  121.                         var num = parseInt(document.form.id.value);
  122.                         var sum = 1;
  123.                         sum += num;
  124.                         document.write("<input name=\"pd_id\" type=\"text\">");
  125.                         document.form.pd_id.value = sum;
  126.                     </script>
  127.                 </td>
  128.             </tr>
  129.             <tr>
  130.                 <td>
  131.                     <input name="uname" type="text">
  132.                     <script language="javascript">
  133.                         var Data = delineate2(text)
  134.                         document.form.uname.value = Data
  135.                     </script>
  136.                 </td>
  137.             </tr>
  138.             <tr>
  139.                 <th align="left"><font color="#FF0000">*</font>
  140.                     Credit Card Type
  141.                 </th>
  142.                 <td>
  143.                     <select name="card_type" style = "width:3.9cm">
  144.                         <optgroup label="Credit Card Type">
  145.                             <option selected="selected">Visa</option>
  146.                             <option>MasterCard</option>
  147.                             <option>AmericanExpress</option>
  148.                         </optgroup>
  149.                   </select>
  150.                 </td>
  151.             </tr>
  152.             <tr>
  153.                 <th align="left"><font color="#FF0000">*</font>
  154.                     Card Number
  155.                 </th>
  156.                 <td>
  157.                     <input name="card_no" type="text" maxlength="16" onKeyUp="javascript:checkNumber(form.card_no);">
  158.                 </td>
  159.             </tr>
  160.             <tr>
  161.                 <th align="left"><font color="#FF0000">*</font>
  162.                     Security Number
  163.                 </th>
  164.                 <td>
  165.                     <input name="card_scrt_no" type="password" maxlength="4" onKeyUp="javascript:checkNumber(form.card_scrt_no);">
  166.                 </td>
  167.             </tr>
  168.             <tr>
  169.                 <th align="left"><font color="#FF0000">*</font>
  170.                     Expiry Date
  171.                 </th>
  172.                 <td>
  173.                     <input name="exp_date" type="hidden">
  174.                     <span>Month </span>
  175.                     <script language="javascript">
  176.                         //var mnames = new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
  177.                         var mth = new Date();
  178.                         //document.write("<p>Current option text: <input name=\"curtxt\" id=\"curtxt\" size=\"10\"></p>");
  179.                         document.write("<input name=\"month\" id=\"month\" type=\"hidden\">");
  180.                         //document.write("<p>Current option selectedIndex: <input name=\"curselind\" id=\"curselind\" size=\"10\"></p>");
  181.                         document.write("<select name=\"the_month\" id=\"the_month\">");
  182.                         for(mm = 1; mm < 13; mm++){
  183.                             document.write("<option selected value=" + mm + ">" + mm + "</option>");
  184.                         }
  185.                         document.write("</select>");
  186.                         function selCurrMonth(){
  187.                             var list = document.getElementById("the_month");
  188.                             list.selectedIndex = mth.getMonth();
  189.                             list.onchange = function(){
  190.                                 //document.getElementById("curtxt").value = list.options[list.selectedIndex].text;
  191.                                 document.getElementById("month").value = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;
  192.                                 document.form.exp_date.value = document.getElementById("month").value + "" + document.getElementById("year").value;
  193.                                 //document.getElementById("curselind").value = list.selectedIndex+1;
  194.                                 //window.alert("Selected month is " + list.options[list.selectedIndex].text + " and its option value is " + list.options[list.selectedIndex].value);
  195.                             }
  196.                         }
  197.                         document.getElementById("month").value = mth.getMonth()+1;
  199.                         document.write(" Year ");
  201.                         var yyyy = new Date();
  202.                         document.write("<input name=\"year\" id=\"year\" type=\"hidden\">");
  203.                         document.write("<select name=\"the_year\" id=\"the_year\">");
  204.                         for(yy = yyyy.getFullYear(); yy < 2029; yy++){
  205.                             document.write("<option selected value=" + yy + ">" + yy + "</option>");
  206.                         }
  207.                         document.write("</select>");
  208.                         function selCurrYear(){
  209.                             var list = document.getElementById("the_year");
  210.                             list.selectedIndex = 0;
  211.                             list.onchange = function(){
  212.                                 document.getElementById("year").value = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;
  213.                                 document.form.exp_date.value = document.getElementById("month").value + "" + document.getElementById("year").value;
  214.                             }
  215.                         }
  216.                         document.getElementById("year").value = yyyy.getFullYear();
  217.                         document.form.exp_date.value = document.getElementById("month").value + "" + document.getElementById("year").value;
  218.                     </script>
  219.                 </td>
  220.             </tr>
  221.             <tr>
  222.                 <th align="left"><font color="#FF0000">*</font>
  223.                     Card Holder
  224.                 </th>
  225.                 <td>
  226.                     <input name="card_holder" type="text" maxlength="50">
  227.                 </td>
  228.             </tr>
  229.             <tr align="left">
  230.                 <th></th>
  231.                 <td align="left">
  232.                     <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit">
  233.                     <input name="Reset" type="reset" value="Reset All">
  234.                 </td>
  235.             </tr>
  236.         </table>
  237.         <input type="hidden" name="MM_insert" value="form">
  238.     </form>
  239. </body>
  240. </html>
  241. <%
  242.     Rs.Close();
  243. %>
May 14 '07 #3
16,027 Recognized Expert Moderator MVP
Phew, that was a lot of work putting your code in tags.

I can't be bothered going through all that. Can you pinpoint where you think the error is and just post that instead.
May 15 '07 #4

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