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Code clj FAQ automation


I'm posting the software for one-FAQ-a-day as described on
(comp.lang.java script, July 18 2006, titled "CLJ newsgroup FAQ)
and on
(comp.lang.java script, July 22 2006, titled "Automation of
comp.lang.javas cript FAQ")

I did a test of all entries to the alt.comp.test newsgroup:

The first chapter of The FAQ ("meta-FAQ meta-questions") is excluded
from the daily messages.

The crontab is set to fire off one message a day at 16:00
Europe/Brussels Time.

I'm posting the code below for general review. Hope you all like it;
comments are welcome of course


############### ############### ############### ############### ########
# comp.lang.javas cript FAQ - Daily sendout to Usenet based upon #
# XML feed in defined format. #
# Message headers can only contain 7bit ASCII chars (RFC2822). #
# I'm using ISO-8859-1 in the message bodies for maximum #
# compatibility with all kinds of newsreaders. #
# Code by Bart Van der Donck - www.dotinternet.be - Aug 2006. #
# This program is free software released under the GNU/GPL; you #
# can redistribute it and/or modify it under the GNU/GPL terms. #
############### ############### ############### ############### ########

############### ############### ############### ############### ########
# Load modules & locale for English formatted date. #
# These modules should be present in default Perl 5.6+ installs. #
############### ############### ############### ############### ########

use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use Net::NNTP;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::Parser;
use HTML::Entities;
use XML::Parser;
use XML::Simple;

setlocale(LC_AL L, 'English (UK)');
############### ############### ############### ############### ########
# Configuration area. #
############### ############### ############### ############### ########

# account on news server (leave both blanco if no authentication
# is needed)
my $account = 'j*********@dot internet.be';
my $password = 'secret';

# server and newsgroup
my $server = 'news.sunsite.d k';
my $ng = 'comp.lang.java script';

# sender data
my $sendername = 'FAQ server';
my $senderaddress = 'j*********@dot internet.be';

# where is the XML file to load ?
my $xml_file = 'http://www.jibbering.c om/faq/index.xml';

# footer of the message
my $footer = <<FOOT
Postings as these are automatically sent once a day. Their goal
is to answer repeated questions, and to offer the content to the
community for continuous evaluation/improvement. The complete
comp.lang.javas cript FAQ is at http://www.jibbering.com/faq/.
The FAQ workers are a group of volunteers.

# where is writable file that keeps track of the counter
# (path must be absolute or relative to this script)
my $writablefile = 'entry2post.cnt ';
my $fc;

# misc. header settings, these should be left untouched
my $mime_version = '1.0';
my $charset = 'iso-8859-1';
my $content_type = 'text/plain';
my $trans_enc = '8bit';
my $organization = 'comp.lang.java script FAQ workers';
my $date = strftime "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", gmtime;

# which regexes for nice Usenet layout
my %regexes = (
"p" ="\n",
"/p" ="\n",
"em" ="_",
"/em" ="_",
"url" ="\n\n",
"/url" ="\n\n",
"ul" ="\n",
"/ul" ="\n",
"li" ="* ",
"/li" ="",
"moreinfo" ="\n\n",
"/moreinfo" ="\n\n",
"resource" ="\n\n",
"/resource" ="\n\n",
"icode" ="`` ",
"/icode" =" ''",
"code" ="\n\n",
"/code" ="\n\n",

# run options
my $sendout = 1; # 1 = send to Usenet, 0 = print to screen.
my $printnrs = 0; # 1 = include FAQ chapter & entry nr,
# 0 = exclude. CAUTION! as it takes this
# data not from XML feed but from this
# porgram's internal counting.

############### ############### ############### ############### ########
# Get XML file. #
############### ############### ############### ############### ########

# fetch XML file
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->agent("AgentNa me/0.1 " . $ua->agent);
my $req = new HTTP::Request GET =$xml_file;
$req->content_type(' text/xml');
my $res = $ua->request($req );
unless ($res->is_success) {
die "Error: couldn't get $xml_file: $!\n";

# is XML file well-formed ?
my $xml = $res->content;
eval { XML::Parser->new(ErrorConte xt=>1)->parse($xml) };
if ($@) {
die "Error: $xml_file is not well-formed XML\n";

############### ############### ############### ############### ########
# Regexes on XML feed. #
############### ############### ############### ############### ########

# regex the mentionned tags to Usenet layout format
while ( my ($key, $val) = each %regexes ) {
$xml =~ s/<\Q$key\E(?:[^>'"]*|(['"]).*?\1)*>/$val/gsi;

# regex out all other tags except CONTENTS, CONTENT, FAQ, TITLE
my $result_xml = '';
my @report_tags = qw(content contents faq title);
HTML::Parser->new(api_versio n =3,
start_h =[\&tag, 'tokenpos, text'],
process_h =['', ''],
comment_h =['', ''],
declaration_h =[\&decl, 'tagname, text'],
default_h =[\&text, 'text'],
report_tags =\@report_tags,
->parse( $xml );

# check for well-formedness
eval { XML::Parser->new(ErrorConte xt=>1)->parse($result_ xml) };
if ($@) {
die "Error: XML file not well-formed after Usenet format regexes";

############### ############### ############### ############### ########
# Decide which subject/body part we need. #
############### ############### ############### ############### ########

# tie xml to vars
my $xml_ref = XMLin($result_x ml, ForceArray =1);

# load counter file
open my $F, '<', $writablefile
|| die "Error: can't open $writablefile: $!";
flock($F, 1) || die "Error: can't get LOCK_SH on $writablefile: $!";
$fc = $_ while <$F>;
close $F || die "Error: can't close $writablefile: $!";
my ($chap, $cnt) = split /\|/, $fc;

# lookup subject/body in hashed structure
unless ($xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
->{CONTENT}->[$cnt]) {
save4next ( $chap, $cnt );
die "Error: FAQ entry ".($chap+1)."." .($cnt+1).". doesn't exist";

my $part = $xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
my %hash_deref = %$part;
my $subject = $hash_deref{TIT LE};
my $body = $hash_deref{con tent};
############### ############### ############### ############### ########
# Regexes on $body and $subject and compile final $message #
############### ############### ############### ############### ########

# decode num/char HTML entities in subject and in message
$subject = HTML::Entities: :decode($subjec t);
$body = HTML::Entities: :decode($body);

# take care of Euro sign towards ISO-8859-1, just in case
s/€/Euro/ig for ($body, $subject);

# don't allow EOLs and successive blancs in subject lines
$subject =~ s/\n/ /g;
$subject =~ s/\s+/ /g;

# remove 1-6 initial blanks from begin + all from end
my @splitbody = split /\n/, $body;
for (@splitbody) {
s/^\s+http:/http:/g; # issue with leading http on line
$body = join "\n", @splitbody;

# remove more than three EOLs
$body =~ s/\n{3,}/\n\n/gs;

# remove all EOLs from begin and end of $body
for ($body) {

# should we add the FAQ entry chapter/number ? (own counting)
if ($printnrs==1) {
$subject = 'FAQ ' . $chap . '.' . $cnt . '. - ' . $subject ;
else {
$subject = 'FAQ - ' . $subject;

# format full body
$body = "\x2D" x 71 . "\n" . $subject . "\n" . "\x2D" x 71
. "\n" x 2 . $body . "\n" x 3 . $footer;

# remove lines that consist only of 1 dot
$body =~ s/\n\.\n/\n/g;

# compute & store which entry is to send next time
save4next ( $chap, $cnt );

# compile complete message
my $message = <<EOM;
Reply-To: "$sendernam e" <$senderaddress >
From: "$sendernam e" <$senderaddress >
Date: $date
Newsgroups: $ng
Subject: $subject
Organization: $organization
Mime-Version: $mime_version
Content-Type: $content_type; charset="$chars et"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: $trans_enc\n

# should we send the message to Usenet or print to screen ?
if ($sendout != 1) {
print $message;
############### ############### ############### ############### ########
# Fire off the message. #
############### ############### ############### ############### ########

# do some final checks
if ( !$message || $message eq '' || !$body || $body eq ''
|| !$subject || $subject eq '') {
die "Error: didn't send message due to malformed data";

# send action (heavy error checking)
my $nntp = Net::NNTP->new( $server )
|| die "Error: can't connect to $server: $!\n";

$nntp->authinfo( $account, $password )
|| die "Error: Net::NNTP->authinfo() failed: $!\n"
if ( defined $account && defined $password
&& $account ne '' && $password ne '');

$nntp->postok() || die "Error: $server said: not allowed to post\n";

$nntp->post( $message )
|| die "Error: can't send message: $!\n";
############### ############### ############### ############### ########
# HTML::Parser and $chap/$cnt counting routines. #
############### ############### ############### ############### ########

sub tag {
my ($pos, $text) = @_;
if (@$pos >= 4) {
my ($k_offset, $k_len, $v_offset, $v_len) = @{$pos}[-4 .. -1];
my $next_attr = $v_offset?$v_of fset+$v_len:$k_ offset+$k_len;
my $edited;
while (@$pos >= 4) {
($k_offset, $k_len, $v_offset, $v_len) = splice @$pos, -4;
$next_attr = $k_offset;
$text =~ s/^(<\w+)\s+>$/$1>/ if $edited;
$result_xml.=$t ext;

sub decl {
my $type = shift;
$result_xml.=sh ift if $type eq 'doctype';

sub text {
$result_xml.= shift;

sub save4next {
my ($ch, $cn) = @_;

# next entry in same chapter exists ?
if ($xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
->{CONTENT}->[$cn+1]) {
writefile( $ch . '|' . ($cn+1) );

# first entry in next chapter exists ?
if ($xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
->{CONTENT}->[0]) {
writefile( ($ch+1).'|0' );

# reset entries if we're at the last entry of the last chapter
if ($xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
->{CONTENT}->[0]) {
writefile( '1|0' );

# last resort: no entry found =reset counter and die
writefile( '1|0' );
die "Error: couldn't find next entry for FAQ ".($ch+1).".".( $cn+1)
."; next time I'll take the first entry again";

sub writefile {
open WR, '>', $writablefile
|| die "Error: can't open $writablefile: $!";
print WR shift;
close WR || die "Error: can't close $writablefile: $!";



Jul 31 '06 #1
2 1420
JRS: In article <11************ *********@m79g2 000cwm.googlegr oups.com>,
dated Mon, 31 Jul 2006 05:32:14 remote, seen in
news:comp.lang. javascript, Bart Van der Donck <ba**@nijlen.co mposted :
>The first chapter of The FAQ ("meta-FAQ meta-questions") is excluded
from the daily messages.

The crontab is set to fire off one message a day at 16:00
Europe/Brussels Time.

Convenient for your test, maybe; but, unless that's specifically chosen
to annoy the Merkins, ISTM that it would be far better to use
midnight UTC, or some arbitrarily-chosen minute of the first hour of the
UTC day if it is felt that too many other things happen at the exact

All intelligent Europeans know what Brussels time is; but it's not
reasonable to expect it to be known by the rest of the world.

© John Stockton, Surrey, UK. ?@merlyn.demon. co.uk Turnpike v4.00 MIME. ©
Web <URL:http://www.merlyn.demo n.co.uk/- w. FAQish topics, links, acronyms
PAS EXE etc : <URL:http://www.merlyn.demo n.co.uk/programs/- see 00index.htm
Dates - miscdate.htm moredate.htm js-dates.htm pas-time.htm critdate.htm etc.
Jul 31 '06 #2

Dr John Stockton wrote:
JRS: In article <11************ *********@m79g2 000cwm.googlegr oups.com>,
dated Mon, 31 Jul 2006 05:32:14 remote, seen in
news:comp.lang. javascript, Bart Van der Donck <ba**@nijlen.co mposted :
The crontab is set to fire off one message a day at 16:00
Europe/Brussels Time.

Convenient for your test, maybe; but, unless that's specifically chosen
to annoy the Merkins, ISTM that it would be far better to use
midnight UTC, or some arbitrarily-chosen minute of the first hour of the
UTC day if it is felt that too many other things happen at the exact
Unfortunately I can only schedule my crontab relative to the machine's
hour, not to anything else. I've set the cronjob to 01:00 AM CET
(Europe/Brussels time). This means that the message will now be sent at
midnight WET (Europe/London time, = UTC+0 in winter and UTC+1 in


Aug 1 '06 #3

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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