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How to add extra action to onclick event ?

My element:
<span onclick="alert( 'test')" id="mySpan">tes t</span>

Let's say that I don't know what is in this span's onclick event. Is it
possible to add another action to this element's onclick event ? I've tried
something like this:

oncl = document.getEle mentById('mySpa n').onclick
oncl = oncl + '\n;alert(\'add ed\')'
document.getEle mentById('mySpa n').onclick = oncl

And after this operation there'e no reaction to clicking on the <span>.
Anybody knows how to fix it ?

Best regards,

Jul 23 '05 #1
17 4882

"abs" <no****@wp.pl > wrote in message news:d7******** **@inews.gazeta .pl...
My element:
<span onclick="alert( 'test')" id="mySpan">tes t</span>

Let's say that I don't know what is in this span's onclick event. Is it
possible to add another action to this element's onclick event ? I've tried something like this:

oncl = document.getEle mentById('mySpa n').onclick
oncl = oncl + '\n;alert(\'add ed\')'
document.getEle mentById('mySpa n').onclick = oncl

And after this operation there'e no reaction to clicking on the <span>.
Anybody knows how to fix it ?

Best regards,

I'm probably misunderstandin g the problem, but it would seem easier
to set onclick to a function, then add lines to the -function- dynamically.

<scr ipt>
function mySpanClicked() {
</scr ipt>

<span onclick="mySpan Clicked()" id="mySpan">tes t</span>

<scr ipt>
.... script to add to mySpanClicked()
</scr ipt>

Jul 23 '05 #2
You cant just add another action to the onClick event, but you may find
this handy....

<span onclick="alert( 'test');alert(' second function')"
id="mySpan">tes t</span>

This will now call the 2 actions one after the other. note the
semi-colon in there after the first event.

You can repeat that more to add extra actions.

Best Regards,

Jul 23 '05 #3
On 26/05/2005 20:32, abs wrote:
My element:
<span onclick="alert( 'test')" id="mySpan">tes t</span>

Let's say that I don't know what is in this span's onclick event. Is it
possible to add another action to this element's onclick event ?
The code at the end of this post is a very generic way of adding and
removing listeners from an element, much in the same way as the
addEventListene r method.

Though the code looks daunting, a lot of it is internal. For basic
usage, you need only three methods:

DispatcherFacto ry.createDispat cher()

This creates and returns a dispatcher object. Each dispatcher
maintains a list of listeners that are associated with a type
of event. When the dispatcher is attached to an element, it
forwards all events of this type to the listeners it manages.

The other two important methods are members of the dispatcher objects
returned by createDispatche r.

Dispatcher.add( listener)

This method adds a function to the internal list. Simple.
Dispatcher.atta ch(element, type)

This methods associates the dispatcher with a particular
event type, such as the click event, and a particular element.
If a listener already exists on that element for that type (an
onclick attribute, for example), it will be added to the
internal list before the dispatcher is attached.

So, given:

<span id="mySpan" onclick="alert( 'original');">T est</span>

and a reference to that element:

var element = document.getEle mentById('mySpa n');

you can add a new function with:

var dispatcher = DispatcherFacto ry.createDispat cher();

dispatcher.add( function() {
dispatcher.atta ch(element, 'onclick');

You can call add and attach in any order, and you can add listeners at
any time. You can also attach the same dispatcher to several different
elements with different types, though I doubt you'll have any use for that.

The other two methods you can use are again dispatcher members.

Dispatcher.remo ve(listener)

This searches for the given function. If it exists within the
list, it's discarded.
Dispatcher.deta ch(element, type)

This removes the dispatcher and all of its listeners of the
given type from the element.
There are simpler solutions, but they aren't as flexible. It's
incredibly late now, so someone else will have to continue with those
oncl = document.getEle mentById('mySpa n').onclick
oncl = oncl + '\n;alert(\'add ed\')'
document.getEle mentById('mySpa n').onclick = oncl

There's a misconception here: the onclick property isn't a string. When
a user agent parses attributes like onclick in HTML, it converts the
code to a function. So, it's not simply a matter of added more code. The
dispatcher object below allows you to manage several functions on one

Do ask if you have any questions.

Parts of the code below can be removed. If you won't be removing
listeners, you can eliminate the two remove methods (in Node and
createDispatche r), the detachDispatche r function, and the line:

Dispatcher.deta ch = detachDispatche r;

The code at the very end emulates the call method that should exist on
all functions. JScript versions prior to 5.5 (and so usually IE versions
prior to 5.5) don't include this method so a substitute needs to be
included. The dispatcher code only needs case 1 within the switch
statement, so you could remove the other clauses. They were included to
make the substitute more useful.

var DispatcherFacto ry = (function(globa l) {
function Node(data) {
var next = null;

this.fire = function(elemen t, event) {
var performDefault = next
? next.fire(eleme nt, event)
: true;

return data.call(eleme nt, event) && performDefault;

this.add = function(listen er) {
if(data == listener) {return;}

if(next) {
next.add(listen er);
} else {
next = new Node(listener);
this.remove = function(listen er) {
if(data == listener) {
return next;
} else if(next) {
next = next.remove(lis tener);
return this;

function attachDispatche r(element, type) {
var listener = element[type];

if(('function' == typeof listener)
&& (this.construct or != listener.constr uctor))
this.add(listen er);
element[type] = this;
function detachDispatche r(element, type) {
if(this == element[type]) {
element[type] = null;

return {
createDispatche r : function() {
var list = null;

function Dispatcher(even t) {
return list
? list.fire(this, event || global.event)
: true;
Dispatcher.cons tructor = this;

Dispatcher.add = function(listen er) {
if(list) {
list.add(listen er);
} else {
list = new Node(listener);
Dispatcher.remo ve = function(listen er) {
if(list) {
list = list.remove(lis tener);

Dispatcher.atta ch = attachDispatche r;
Dispatcher.deta ch = detachDispatche r;

if('function' != typeof Function.protot ype.call) {
Function.protot ype.call = function(object ) {
var property = '__call', result, undef;

while('undefine d' != typeof object[property]) {
property = '__' + property;
object[property] = this;

switch(argument s.length - 1) {
case 0:
result = object[property]();
case 1:
result = object[property](arguments[1]);
case 2:
result = object[property](arguments[1], arguments[2]);
case 3:
result = object[property](arguments[1], arguments[2],
case 4:
result = object[property](arguments[1], arguments[2],
arguments[3], arguments[4]);
case 5:
result = object[property](arguments[1], arguments[2],
arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5]);
default: alert('Too many arguments!');
object[property] = undef;

return result;

Michael Winter
Replace ".invalid" with ".uk" to reply by e-mail.
Jul 23 '05 #4
On 27/05/2005 03:26, Michael Winter wrote:

function Dispatcher(even t) {
return list
? list.fire(this, event || global.event)
: true;

I don't know where that closing brace came from, but it shouldn't be there.

I'll make the disclaimer now: this code is untested, and will remain so
until I wake up tomorrow. I don't think there are any more problems, but
I'm too tired to make any kind of guarantee.


Michael Winter
Replace ".invalid" with ".uk" to reply by e-mail.
Jul 23 '05 #5
Michael Winter wrote:
I'll make the disclaimer now: this code is untested, and will remain
so until I wake up tomorrow. I don't think there are any more
problems, but I'm too tired to make any kind of guarantee.

First, thank you so much for your post containing so lot of knowledge.
I've got one problem with that: when I call:

dispatcher.add( function() {

Firefox, throws an error: 'dispatcher has no properties'. I'm trying to fix
it by myself, but until now I couldn't see any mistakes in the code.

Best regards,
Jul 23 '05 #6
alu wrote:
I'm probably misunderstandin g the problem, but it would seem easier
to set onclick to a function, then add lines to the -function-

Thanks, but it's impossible. This is a part of bigger project and it has to
be universal, I don't even know the name of the function of onclick.

Jul 23 '05 #7
And another question: will I be able to pass the parameter to added function

Jul 23 '05 #8
var success = (window.addEven tListener)?
someObject.addE ventListener('c lick',
functionPointer , false) :
someObject.atta chEvent('onclic k',
functionPointer );

You can add/attach any amount of functions to any object. Three points
to pay attention to:

1. With multiple event handlers each event handler will be called in a
random order (so you don't know which one will be called 1st, 2nd, 3rd,

2. attachEvent in IE requires function pointer as its argument, so you
cannot use anonymous function declaration instead. You can bypass it by
var newFun = new Function(...);
someObject.atta chEvent('onclic k', newFun);

3. in IE event names are always "onevent" (starts with "on"). In FF a
semi-philologic approach is chosen, so
obj.onevent = (with "on") but addEventListene r('event'...) (without
"on") Not really a problem but easy to mistype.

If you really need to call handlers in a fixed sequence (kinda
pointless because native JavaScript does not have synchronized methods)
you may use a function wrapper:
var newFun = new Function("metho d1; method2; method3;...");
var success = (window.addEven tListener)?
someObject.addE ventListener('c lick', newFun,
false) :
someObject.atta chEvent('onclic k', newFun);

Jul 23 '05 #9
VK wrote:
var success = (window.addEven tListener)?
someObject.addE ventListener('c lick',
The W3C events DOM - addEventListene r - method is specified as a
property of Node objects. The - window - is not a Node object and so is
not specified as having such a property, and in some environments
supporting the events DOM the window does not have such a method. The
obviously correct test to use in this context is the test that has a
one-to-one relationship with the action to be taken; -
(someObj.addEve ntListener)?som eObject.addEven tListener -.
functionPointer , false) :
someObject.atta chEvent('onclic k',
Not all browsers that do not implement a - window.addEvent Listener -
method implement an - attachEvent - method on elements. Indeed I can
only think of two that do. In the absence of such a method this code
would error-out with the call to a non-existent method, which is pretty
poor scripting.

<snip> 2. attachEvent in IE requires function pointer as its
argument, so you cannot use anonymous function declaration
There is no such thing as an 'anonymous function declaration'; the
function name Identifier is not optional in a function declaration.
You can bypass it by doing:
var newFun = new Function(...);
someObject.atta chEvent('onclic k', newFun);


Bypass what? A function object is a function object regardless of how it
is created.

Jul 23 '05 #10

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