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Multiple images are not uploading to an iframe in firefox

23 New Member
I am using iframe to store uploaded images, it is uploading fine in IE but it is not happening in firefox means first time it is uploading image if i try to upload second image it is not calling even java script function and not uploading the image in firefox. I am using this code in the button onclick event "attach_frame.u pload();" here attach_frame is the iframe name and id to which the uploaded image should add. please can any one help me to solve this problem
Sep 13 '07 #1
4 3715
2,476 Top Contributor
I am using iframe to store uploaded images, it is uploading fine in IE but it is not happening in firefox means first time it is uploading image if i try to upload second image it is not calling even java script function and not uploading the image in firefox. I am using this code in the button onclick event "attach_frame.u pload();" here attach_frame is the iframe name and id to which the uploaded image should add. please can any one help me to solve this problem
Don't do double Post.

Kind regards,
Sep 13 '07 #2
Death Slaught
1,137 Top Contributor
I am using iframe to store uploaded images, it is uploading fine in IE but it is not happening in firefox means first time it is uploading image if i try to upload second image it is not calling even java script function and not uploading the image in firefox. I am using this code in the button onclick event "attach_frame.u pload();" here attach_frame is the iframe name and id to which the uploaded image should add. please can any one help me to solve this problem
Please post your code/site so we can find the possible errors in your code.

Thanks, Death
Sep 13 '07 #3
23 New Member
Please post your code/site so we can find the possible errors in your code.

Thanks, Death
With u r response i am sending link of my site " www.storyclix.c om" in that go to "add my story" and in that media section is there. try to upload multiple images u can find the problem easily. Problem is in firefox not in IE in IE it is uploading correctly.


function Compress_Gen_Th umb_Image($ori_ file, $new_file, $ext)
//echo "<br>Src file = ".$ori_file ." Dest file = ".$new_file ." Ext = ".$ext;
$zzzzz = explode('.',$ne w_file);

$size = 0.99;
list($oriw, $orih) = getimagesize(tr im($ori_file));
//echo "<BR>Origin al : Width = ".$oriw." , Height= ".$orih;
$wid = $oriw;
$hei = $orih;
$dest_file = "";
$filename = "";

$new_file = 'temp/'.$new_file;

while(($wid>65) ||($hei>65))
$wid = $oriw * $size;
$hei = $orih * $size;
$size = $size - 0.01;
//echo "<BR>Thumb : Width = ".$wid." , Height= ".$hei;

if(($ext=='jpg' )||($ext=='jpeg '))
// Resizing the Image
$tn = imagecreatetrue color($wid, $hei);
$image = imagecreatefrom jpeg($ori_file) ;
imagecopyresamp led($tn, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $wid, $hei, $oriw, $orih);

// Outputting a .jpg, you can make this gif or png if you want
//notice we set the quality (third value) to 100
imagejpeg($tn, $new_file, 100);
$tn = imagecreatetrue color($wid, $hei);
$image = imagecreatefrom gif($ori_file);
imagecopyresamp led($tn, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $wid, $hei, $oriw, $orih);
imagegif($tn, $new_file);
$tn = imagecreatetrue color($wid, $hei);
$image = imagecreatefrom png($ori_file);
imagecopyresamp led($tn, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $wid, $hei, $oriw, $orih);
imagepng($tn, $new_file);


function Generate_Versio ning_name($fnam e)

if(file_exists( $fname))
$filee = $fname;
$count = 0;
$temp_splited_d ir = explode('/',$filee);
$filename = $temp_splited_d ir[1];
$temp_splited_f ile = explode('.',$te mp_splited_dir[1]);
$new_f_name = "temp/".$temp_splited _file[0].".".$temp_spli ted_file[1];
$thumb_image = trim($temp_spli ted_file[0])."_1.".trim($t emp_splited_fil e[1]);
$count = 1;
if(file_exists( $new_f_name)==' 1')
while(File_Exis ts_or_Not($new_ f_name)=="true" )
$new_f_name = 'temp/'.$temp_splited _file[0]."_".$count."." .$temp_splited_ file[1];
$thumb_image = trim($temp_spli ted_file[0])."_".$count."_ 1.".trim($temp_ splited_file[1]);
$count = $count + 1;
$newfile = $new_f_name;
$newfile = $new_f_name;
$temp_splited_d ir = explode('/',$fname);
$filename = $temp_splited_d ir[1];
$temp_splited_f ile = explode('.',$te mp_splited_dir[1]);
$thumb_image = trim($temp_spli ted_file[0])."_1.".trim($t emp_splited_fil e[1]);
$newfile = $fname;
return $newfile."#".$t humb_image;

function File_Exists_or_ Not($FILE)
if(file_exists( $FILE))
return "true";
return "false";

$ftmp = $_FILES['image0']['tmp_name'];
$oname = $_FILES['image0']['name'];
$fname = 'temp/'.$_FILES['image0']['name'];

$exteee = strrev($oname);
$revext = substr($exteee, 0,strrpos($exte ee,'.'));
$ext = strtolower(strr ev($revext));

if(($ext=='jpeg ')||($ext=='jpg ')||($ext=='gif ')||($ext=='png '))
$filetype = 'IMAGE';
$filetype = 'VIDEO';
$filetype = 'AUDIO';
$filee = $fname;
$newfile = Generate_Versio ning_name($fnam e);

$ori_thumb_imag e_names = explode('#',$ne wfile);
$newfile = $ori_thumb_imag e_names[0];
$thumb_image = $ori_thumb_imag e_names[1];
//echo "<br>ori : ".$newfile."<br >thum : ".$thumb_im age;

$ftmp1 = $_FILES['image1']['tmp_name'];
$oname1 = $_FILES['image1']['name'];
$fname1 = 'temp/'.$_FILES['image1']['name'];
$newfile1 = Generate_Versio ning_name($fnam e1);

$ori_thumb_imag e_names = explode('#',$ne wfile1);
$newfile1 = $ori_thumb_imag e_names[0];
$thumb_image = $ori_thumb_imag e_names[1];
//echo "<br>VIDEO ori : ".$newfile1."<b r>VIDEO thum : ".$thumb_im age;

$aaa = move_uploaded_f ile($ftmp1, $newfile1);

$cccccc = explode('.',$th umb_image);

$aa = Compress_Gen_Th umb_Image($newf ile1,$thumb_ima ge,$cccccc[1]);


if(move_uploade d_file($ftmp, $newfile)){

if($filetype==' IMAGE')
$aa = Compress_Gen_Th umb_Image($newf ile,$thumb_imag e,$ext);

<script type="text/javascript" src="ufo.js"></script>
var par = window.parent.d ocument;
var images = par.getElementB yId('images');
var display_str = '';
var totalfiles='';
var filetypes='';
var filedescrips='' ;
var filecontimg='';
var ty='';

ty = '<? echo $filetype; ?>';


var i;
window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('files' ).value = window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('files' ).value + "<? echo $newfile.'#'.$n ewfile1.'#temp/'.$thumb_image; ?>" + "~";
window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('files' ).value = window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('files' ).value + "<? echo $newfile.'#'.'t emp/'.$thumb_image; ?>" + '~';

//window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('files' ).value = window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('files' ).value + '<? echo $newfile; ?>' + '~';

window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('type') .value = window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('type') .value + '<? echo $filetype; ?>' + '~';
window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('file_d esc').value = window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('file_d esc').value + window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('edit[attach_desc]').value +'~';

//Ramesh added
window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('edit[attach_desc]').value = '';
window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('desc_c har_count').inn erHTML = '100';

totalfiles = window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('files' ).value;
FILES = totalfiles.spli t('~');
filetypes = window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('type') .value;
TYPES = filetypes.split ('~');
filedescrips = window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('file_d esc').value;
DESCS = filedescrips.sp lit('~');

display_str = '<DIV id="Total_Image s_DIV" name="Total_Ima ges_DIV" style="overflow :auto; width:850px; border:1px solid black; height:270px; display:block;" >';
display_str += "<table border=0 width=10% height=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 valign=top><tr> ";
for(i=0;i<TYPES .length-1;i++)
display_str += "<td valign=top><DIV valign=middle name='Table"+i+ "' id='Table"+i+"' style='display: block;width:200 px;height:250px ;overflow:auto; '>";
display_str += "<table border=0 width=98% height=96% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 valign=top>";
display_str += "<tr height=1><td align=center><b >"+TYPES[i]+"</b></td></tr>";
var cccc = FILES[i].split('#');
display_str += "<tr height='100' valing='middle' ><td align=center><i nput type=hidden id='main_hidd" + i + "' name='main_hidd " + i + "' value='0'><img src='" + cccc[1] + "' border=0></img></td></tr>";
display_str += "<tr height='100' valing='middle' ><td align=center><i nput type=hidden id='main_hidd" + i + "' name='main_hidd " + i + "' value='0'>";
var ddd = FILES[i].split('#');
display_str += " <OBJECT codeBase='http://download.macrom edia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#ver sion=7,0,0,0' height='100' width='100' classid=clsid:D 27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000>";
display_str += ' <param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" />';
display_str += ' <param name="flashvars " value="file=' + ddd[0] + '&image=preview .jpg&autostart= false&repeat=fa lse&showfsbutto n=true" />';
display_str += ' <param name="allowfull screen" value="true" />';
display_str += ' <param name="movie" value="flvplaye r.swf" />';
display_str += ' </OBJECT>';
//display_str += "<img src='"+ddd[1]+"' border=0 width=100 height=100>";
display_str += "<img src='"+ddd[2]+"' border=0>";
display_str += "</td></tr>";
display_str += "<tr height='100'><t d align=center><i mg src='images/audio.png' border=0 width=100 height=100></td></tr>";
display_str += "<tr height='100'><t d name='file_desc " + i + "' id='file_desc" + i + "' align=left>" + DESCS[i] + "</td></tr>";
if ((TYPES[i]=='IMAGE')||(TY PES[i]=='VIDEO'))
display_str += "<tr height=1><td align=center><t able border=0 width='180' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>" ;
display_str += "<tr>";
display_str += "<td align=left valign=middle style='WHITE-SPACE : nowrap;'>";

// variable 'isFirstUpload' is required only for checking first time upload(if value is 1) it is always incrementing
// variable 'cont_images' is for apearing 'tick image' when delete (from this hidden variable,taking the value and comparing, if equal tick the image)
// number is concat with this bcz if the same filename exist 'comparing will confuse'
// variable 'whichIsTick' very important for geting no of images and for concat with files...

var isFu = window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('isFirs tUpload').value ;
if(isFu == 1){
window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('cont_i mages').value = (i+1)+"~"+FILES[i];
//display_str += "&nbsp;&nbs p;<a href='#' onclick=\"PHP_M EDIA_make_main_ image_link('" + i + "'); return false;\">Main Image &nbsp;</a></td><td name='make_main _image" + i + "' id='make_main_i mage" + i + "'><img border=0 src='images/make_main_img_f lag.gif'></img>&nbsp;";
display_str += "&nbsp;&nbs p;<a href='#' onclick=\"PHP_M EDIA_make_main_ image_link('" + i + "'); return false;\">Main Image &nbsp;</a></td><td name='make_main _image" + i + "' id='make_main_i mage" + i + "'><img border=0 src='images/make_main_img_f lag1.gif'></img>&nbsp;";
var mimg = window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('cont_i mages').value;
if(mimg==((i+1) +"~"+FILES[i])) {
//display_str += "&nbsp;&nbs p;<a href='#' onclick=\"PHP_M EDIA_make_main_ image_link('" + i + "'); return false;\">Main Image &nbsp;</a></td><td name='make_main _image" + i + "' id='make_main_i mage" + i + "'><img border=0 src='images/make_main_img_f lag.gif'></img>&nbsp;";
display_str += "&nbsp;&nbs p;<a href='#' onclick=\"PHP_M EDIA_make_main_ image_link('" + i + "'); return false;\">Main Image &nbsp;</a></td><td name='make_main _image" + i + "' id='make_main_i mage" + i + "'><img border=0 src='images/make_main_img_f lag1.gif'></img>&nbsp;";
//display_str += "&nbsp;&nbs p;<a href='#' onclick=\"PHP_M EDIA_make_main_ image_link('" + i + "'); return false;\">Main Image</a>&nbsp;</td><td name='make_main _image" + i + "' id='make_main_i mage" + i + "'></td>";
display_str += "&nbsp;&nbs p;<a href='#' onclick=\"PHP_M EDIA_make_main_ image_link('" + i + "'); return false;\">Main Image</a>&nbsp;</td><td name='make_main _image" + i + "' id='make_main_i mage" + i + "'></td>";
display_str += "<tr height=1><td><t able border=0 width='180' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>" ;
display_str += "<tr>";

display_str += "<td align=center valign=middle style='WHITE-SPACE : nowrap;'>&nbsp; <a href='#' onclick=\"del_u ploaded_files(' " + i + "'); return false;\">Delete </a>&nbsp;</td>";
display_str += "<td align=center valign=middle style='WHITE-SPACE : nowrap;'>&nbsp; <a href='#' name='pos_right " + i + "' id='pos_right" + i + "' onclick=\"Open_ EDIT_POPUP('tot al_table', 'Edit_File_Desc ', '" + i + "'); return false;\">Edit</a>&nbsp;</td>";
display_str += "</tr></table>";
display_str += "</td></tr></table>";
display_str += "</DIV></td>";
display_str += "</tr></table></DIV>";
images.innerHTM L = display_str;
//alert(display_s tr)
//par.getElementB yId('iframe').i nnerHTML ='';
par.getElementB yId('iframe').i nnerHTML ='<iframe src="upload.php " style="width:85 0px; height:120px;" frameborder="0" name="attach_fr ame" id="attach_fram e"></iframe>'

//par.getElementB yId('_Confirm_b uttons').style. display = 'none';
//par.getElementB yId('_Upload_bu ttons').style.d isplay = 'block';

<link rel="stylesheet " href="themes/wakapa/style.css" type="text/css">

<script language="javas cript">

function upload()
var fileurl='';;
var i;
var urllength;
var urllength1;
var revstr='',revst r1='';
var ext='',ext1='';
var revext='',revex t1='';
var extlen,extlen1;
var FileDesc='';
var _errMsg='';

var par = window.parent.d ocument;
var images = par.getElementB yId('images');
fileurl = document.getEle mentById('image 0').value;
fileurl1 = document.getEle mentById('image 1').value;
urllength = fileurl.length;
urllength1 = fileurl1.length ;

if(fileurl1!='' )
for(i=urllength 1;i>=0;i--)
// reverse the thumbnail file path to get Extension
revstr1 = revstr1 + fileurl1.substr ing(i,i-1);
for(i=urllength ;i>=0;i--)
// reverse the file path to get Extension
revstr = revstr + fileurl.substri ng(i,i-1);
// Get the extension in reverse format
revext = revstr.substrin g(0,(revstr.ind exOf('.')));
revext1 = revstr1.substri ng(0,(revstr1.i ndexOf('.')));
// length of extension
extlen = revext.length;
extlen1 = revext1.length;

for(i=extlen;i> =0;i--)
// get the real extension from reversed format of ext.
ext = ext + revext.substrin g(i,i-1);
for(i=extlen1;i >=0;i--)
// get the real extension from reversed format of ext.
ext1 = ext1 + revext1.substri ng(i,i-1);
FileDesc = window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('edit[attach_desc]').value;

if((ext=='jpeg' )||(ext=='jpg') ||(ext=='gif')| |(ext=='png')|| (ext=='flv')||( ext=='mp3')||(e xt=='JPEG')||(e xt=='JPG')||(ex t=='GIF')||(ext =='PNG')||(ext= ='FLV')||(ext== 'MP3'))
if((ext=='jpeg' )||(ext=='jpg') ||(ext=='gif')| |(ext=='png')|| (ext=='JPEG')|| (ext=='JPG')||( ext=='GIF')||(e xt=='PNG'))
if(fileurl1!='' )
_errMsg = "Images file won't need Thumbnail" + "\n";
/*if(fileurl1==' ')
_errMsg = "Video file need Thumbnail image" + "\n";
if((ext1!='jpeg ')&&(ext1!='jpg ')&&(ext1!='gif ')&&(ext1!='png ')&&(ext1!='JPE G')&&(ext1!='JP G')&&(ext1!='GI F')&&(ext1!='PN G'))
_errMsg = 'Video thumbnail must be the following file types:\nImages: jpg, jpeg and gif\nVideo: flv\nAudio: MP3\n\nPlease check the media type and try again. \n\n[OK]';
if(fileurl1!='' )
if((ext1!='jpeg ')&&(ext1!='jpg ')&&(ext1!='gif ')&&(ext1!='png ')&&(ext1!='JPE G')&&(ext1!='JP G')&&(ext1!='GI F')&&(ext1!='PN G'))
_errMsg = 'Video thumbnail must be the following file types:\nImages: jpg, jpeg and gif\nVideo: flv\nAudio: MP3\n\nPlease check the media type and try again. \n\n[OK]';
if(FileDesc=='' )
_errMsg = 'Description is Empty...';
_errMsg = 'Media uploads must be the following file types:\nImages: jpg, jpeg and gif\nVideo: flv\nAudio: MP3\n\nPlease check the media type and try again. \n\n[OK]';

//Ramesh added
var aa = parseInt(window .parent.documen t.getElementByI d('isFirstUploa d').value);
var isFirstUpload = aa + 1;
window.parent.d ocument.getElem entById('isFirs tUpload').value = isFirstUpload;

// hide old iframe

// add image progress

//var new_div = par.createEleme nt('div');
//var new_img = par.createEleme nt('img');
//new_img.src = 'indicator.gif' ;
//new_img.classNa me = 'load';
//new_div.appendC hild(new_img);
//images.appendCh ild(new_div);

// send
var imgnum = images.getEleme ntsByTagName('d iv').length - 1;

document.iform. imgnum.value = imgnum;
setTimeout("doc ument.iform.sub mit()",1000);


<form name="iform" id="iform" method="post" enctype="multip art/form-data">
<div class="form-item">
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%>
<p id="player"></p>
<label for="Attach file" style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">F ile name (must be in jpg, jpeg, gif, mp3 or flv format)</label>
<input id="image0" type="file" style="width:60 0px;" name="image0" class="form-text"/><br>
<label for="Attach file" style="font-size:13px;font-weight:bold;">I f this file is a video (FLV format), please also upload a thumbnail image for the video.<br/> Otherwise, the first frame of the video will be used</label>
<input id="image1" type="file" style="width:60 0px;" name="image1" class="form-text"/>
<input type="hidden" name="imgnum" />

the above code is upload.php
<div id="main" name="main" style="width:85 0px; height:120px;">
<!--<label for="Attach file" class="label_ti tle_bold">Attac h new file</label>-->
<div id="iframe" name="iframe" style="width:85 0px; height:120px;ov erflow:visible; display:block">
<iframe name="attach_fr ame" id="attach_fram e" src="upload.php " style="width:85 0px; height:120px;" frameborder="0" ></iframe>

<div class="form-item" name="_Confirm_ buttons" id="_Confirm_bu ttons">
<input type="button" value="Add media" class="form-submit" onclick="attach _frame.upload() ;">

this is the area where i am adding images

plz can u help me in solving this problem
Sep 14 '07 #4
7,435 Recognized Expert Expert
The problem, as always, is IE. Your doctype is incomplete and throws IE into 'quirks mode'. You then designed your page using quirks and thought it would work in modern browsers. It won't.

In addition to that, there are 766 other html errors, possibly the worst I have ever seen. Until all those are fixed, I wouldn't expect modern browsers to ever display the page properly.
Sep 14 '07 #5

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Hello folks, I am unable to find appropriate documentation on the type promotion of bit-fields when using the generalised comparison operator "<=>". The problem is that using the GNU compilers, it seems that the internal comparison operator "<=>" tries to promote arguments from unsigned to signed. This is as boiled down as I can make it. Here is my compilation command: g++-12 -std=c++20 -Wnarrowing bit_field.cpp Here is the code in...
by: jinu1996 | last post by:
In today's digital age, having a compelling online presence is paramount for businesses aiming to thrive in a competitive landscape. At the heart of this digital strategy lies an intricately woven tapestry of website design and digital marketing. It's not merely about having a website; it's about crafting an immersive digital experience that captivates audiences and drives business growth. The Art of Business Website Design Your website is...
by: Hystou | last post by:
Overview: Windows 11 and 10 have less user interface control over operating system update behaviour than previous versions of Windows. In Windows 11 and 10, there is no way to turn off the Windows Update option using the Control Panel or Settings app; it automatically checks for updates and installs any it finds, whether you like it or not. For most users, this new feature is actually very convenient. If you want to control the update process,...
by: tracyyun | last post by:
Dear forum friends, With the development of smart home technology, a variety of wireless communication protocols have appeared on the market, such as Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. Each protocol has its own unique characteristics and advantages, but as a user who is planning to build a smart home system, I am a bit confused by the choice of these technologies. I'm particularly interested in Zigbee because I've heard it does some...
by: agi2029 | last post by:
Let's talk about the concept of autonomous AI software engineers and no-code agents. These AIs are designed to manage the entire lifecycle of a software development project—planning, coding, testing, and deployment—without human intervention. Imagine an AI that can take a project description, break it down, write the code, debug it, and then launch it, all on its own.... Now, this would greatly impact the work of software developers. The idea...
by: conductexam | last post by:
I have .net C# application in which I am extracting data from word file and save it in database particularly. To store word all data as it is I am converting the whole word file firstly in HTML and then checking html paragraph one by one. At the time of converting from word file to html my equations which are in the word document file was convert into image. Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Select();...
by: muto222 | last post by:
How can i add a mobile payment intergratation into php mysql website.

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