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[C# and WMI] : Programm run to slow


I have write this program that retrieve all directory and subdirectory
recursively of a given directory given in parameter.
For each directory, the script find all user permission for the current
directory and add the username, permission and directory name into MySQL.
The code works fine, but too slow.

He need aproximate 1 hour to scan 200 directory.

How to optimize this code please ?

I know I can improve it but I code with C# just for some days.

1 * Time: 08:59
2 *
3 * To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard
4 */
6 using System;
7 using System.IO;
8 using System.Data;
9 using System.Data.Sql Client;
10 using System.Data.Com mon;
11 using System.Manageme nt;
12 using System.Collecti ons;
13 using ByteFX;
14 using ByteFX.Data.MyS qlClient;
15 using System.Diagnost ics;
16 using System.Componen tModel;
18 namespace System.Manageme nt
20 {
21 class wmi_scan_dossie r
22 {
23 private string _nom_pc;
24 private MySqlConnection _id_con_mysql;
25 private System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope _oMs;
27 private MySqlConnection id_con_mysql
28 {
29 get
30 {
31 return _id_con_mysql;
32 }
33 set
34 {
35 _id_con_mysql = value;
36 }
37 }
39 private System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope oMs
40 {
41 get
42 {
43 return _oMs;
44 }
45 set
46 {
47 oMs = value;
48 }
49 }
51 void connect_mysql()
52 {
53 string ConnectionStrin g = ConnectionStrin g = "Database=toto; Data
Source=localhos t;User Id=root;Passwor d=XXX";
54 MySqlConnection _id_con_mysql = new MySqlConnection (ConnectionStri ng);
55 _id_con_mysql.O pen();
56 this.id_con_mys ql = _id_con_mysql;
57 }
59 void mysql_query(str ing sql)
60 {
61 //this.connect_my sql();
62 MySqlCommand query_ajoute_do ssier = new MySqlCommand(sq l,
this.id_con_mys ql);
63 query_ajoute_do ssier.ExecuteNo nQuery();
64 }
66 void mysql_deconnect ()
67 {
68 this.id_con_mys ql.Close();
69 }
71 public string trouve_nom_pc()
72 {
73 ConnectionOptio ns oConn = new ConnectionOptio ns();
74 //oConn.Username = "stist"; // je specifie le login local (pas
obligatoire si le programme est executer sur la machine local
75 //oConn.Password = "stage2004" ; // je specifie le mot de passe local (pas
obligatoire si le programme est executer sur la machine local
77 //System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope oMs = new
System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope("\\\\Machin eX", oConn);
78 //System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope oMs = new
System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope("\\\\Machin eX");
80 //j appel la liste des dossiers d un repertoire de base donnee
81 System.Manageme nt.ObjectQuery oQueryPc = new
System.Manageme nt.ObjectQuery( "SELECT Name from Win32_ComputerS ystem");
83 //j execute la requete
84 ManagementObjec tSearcher oSearcherPc = new
ManagementObjec tSearcher(this. connect_wmi(),o QueryPc);
86 //je recupere le nom de l ordinateur avec la methode Get
87 ManagementObjec tCollection oReturnCollecti onPc = oSearcherPc.Get ();
89 foreach(Managem entObject oReturnPc in oReturnCollecti onPc)
90 {
91 _nom_pc = oReturnPc["name"].ToString();
92 }
93 return _nom_pc;
94 }
96 public System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope connect_wmi()
97 {
98 // fonction retournant l identifiant de connexion a WMI
99 this._oMs = new System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope("\\\\Machin eX");
100 return this.oMs;
101 }
103 public static void Main(string[] args)
104 {
105 string nom_rep_mysql, sql_ajoute_doss ier, sql_ajoute_acce s, sql_pc;
107 wmi_scan_dossie r un_scan = new wmi_scan_dossie r();
109 ArrayList verif_login = new ArrayList(); // je declare un liste de
tableau dynamique qui contiendra la liste des utilisateurs uniques ayant des
droits sur les répertoires traités pour éviter les doublons
110 bool etre_doublon = false;
112 //Connection credentials to the remote computer - not needed if the
logged in account has access
113 ConnectionOptio ns oConn = new ConnectionOptio ns();
115 //j appel la liste des dossiers d un repertoire de base donnee
116 System.Manageme nt.ObjectQuery oQueryPc = new
System.Manageme nt.ObjectQuery( "SELECT Name from Win32_ComputerS ystem");
118 //j execute la requete
119 ManagementObjec tSearcher oSearcherPc = new
ManagementObjec tSearcher(un_sc an.connect_wmi( ),oQueryPc);
121 //je recupere le nom de l ordinateur avec la methode Get
122 ManagementObjec tCollection oReturnCollecti onPc = oSearcherPc.Get ();
124 int j = args.Length;
126 if(j == 0)
127 {
128 Console.WriteLi ne ("Saisissez un paramètre pour utiliser le logiciel");
129 Console.WriteLi ne ("Exemple de synthaxe : test_ok.exe \"c:\\Apache \"
\"C:\\Docume nts and Settings\"");
130 Console.WriteLi ne ("Cette appel aura pour effet de scanner l'ensemble
des sous dossiers des répertoires c:\\Apache ET C:\\Documents and
132 }
133 else
134 {
135 Console.WriteLi ne ("Début du scan du dossier ... patience ");
136 for(int compteur = 0; compteur < j ; compteur ++)
137 {
138 string nom_dossier = args[compteur].ToString();
139 nom_dossier = nom_dossier.Rep lace ("\\","\\\\" );
140 //j appel la liste des dossiers d un repertoire de base donné en
141 string wql_dossier = "Select Name from Win32_Directory WHERE Name LIKE
'" + nom_dossier + "%'";
142 System.Manageme nt.WqlObjectQue ry oQuery = new
System.Manageme nt.WqlObjectQue ry(wql_dossier) ;
144 //j execute la requete
145 ManagementObjec tSearcher oSearcher = new
ManagementObjec tSearcher(un_sc an.connect_wmi( ),oQuery);
147 oSearcher.Optio ns.ReturnImmedi ately = true;
148 oSearcher.Optio ns.Rewindable = false;
149 oSearcher.Optio ns.DirectRead = true;
151 //je recupere le resultat avec la methode Get
152 ManagementObjec tCollection oReturnCollecti on = oSearcher.Get() ;
154 un_scan.connect _mysql();
156 //loop through found drives and write out info
157 foreach( ManagementObjec t oReturn in oReturnCollecti on )
158 {
159 string nom_rep = oReturn["Name"].ToString();
160 string verif_nom_rep = nom_rep.Replace ("'","\\'"); // je remplace le
caractere ' qui fait planter la requete WMI par \'
162 if (nom_rep == verif_nom_rep) // si les 2 variables sont identiques c
est que le nom du repertoire ne contient pas le caractere '
163 {
164 nom_rep_mysql = nom_rep.Replace ("\\","\\\\" );
165 sql_ajoute_doss ier = "REPLACE INTO repertoire VALUES ('" + nom_rep_mysql
+ "')";
166 un_scan.mysql_q uery(sql_ajoute _dossier);
168 ManagementObjec t LogicalFileSecu ritySetting = new ManagementObjec t( new
ManagementPath( "ROOT\\CIMV2:Wi n32_LogicalFile SecuritySetting .Path='" +
nom_rep + "'"));
169 ManagementBaseO bject inParams = null;
170 bool EnablePrivilege s =
LogicalFileSecu ritySetting.Sco pe.Options.Enab lePrivileges;
171 LogicalFileSecu ritySetting.Sco pe.Options.Enab lePrivileges = true;
172 ManagementBaseO bject outParams =
LogicalFileSecu ritySetting.Inv okeMethod("GetS ecurityDescript or", inParams,
173 ManagementBaseO bject Descriptor =
((ManagementBas eObject)(outPar ams.Properties["Descriptor "].Value));
174 LogicalFileSecu ritySetting.Sco pe.Options.Enab lePrivileges =
EnablePrivilege s;
176 ManagementBaseO bject[] DACLObject = ( ( ManagementBaseO bject[] )(
Descriptor.Prop erties["DACL"].Value ) );
178 System.Collecti ons.Stack stk = new System.Collecti ons.Stack();
180 for(int i = 0; i < DACLObject.Leng th; i++)
181 {
182 ManagementBaseO bject ACE=DACLObject[ i ];
184 stk.Push( ACE );
186 // si cette acces n a pas encore ete verifiee, je lajoute dans le
fichier et da ns mon arrayList
187 sql_ajoute_acce s = "REPLACE INTO acces VALUES ('" + (nom_rep_mysql + "',
'" + ( (ManagementBase Object) DACLObject[
i ].Properties["Trustee"].Value).Propert ies["Name"].Value + "', '" +
DACLObject[i].Properties["AccessMask "].Value + "', '" +
un_scan.trouve_ nom_pc() + "', CURRENT_TIMESTA MP())"); // j ecrit le nom du
repertoire courant, le login et l'AccessMask dans le fichier
188 un_scan.mysql_q uery(sql_ajoute _acces);
190 etre_doublon = false;
192 foreach (string login in verif_login)
193 {
194 if (login == (string)(un_sca n.trouve_nom_pc () + "|" +
((ManagementBas eObject) DACLObject[
i ].Properties["Trustee"].Value).Propert ies["Name"].Value) + "|" +
un_scan.trouve_ nom_pc())
195 {
196 etre_doublon = true;
197 }
198 }
200 verif_login.Add (un_scan.trouve _nom_pc() + "|" + ((ManagementBas eObject)
DACLObject[ i ].Properties["Trustee"].Value).Propert ies["Name"].Value);
202 if (!etre_doublon)
203 {
204 sql_pc = "REPLACE pc VALUES ('" + un_scan.trouve_ nom_pc() + "', '" +
(( (ManagementBase Object) DACLObject[
i ].Properties["Trustee"].Value).Propert ies["Name"].Value + "')"); // j
ajoute le nom de l utilisateur dans la table utilisateur
205 un_scan.mysql_q uery(sql_pc);
206 }
207 }
208 }
209 }
210 }
211 un_scan.mysql_d econnect();
212 Console.WriteLi ne ("Analyse des dossiers terminées");
213 }
214 }
215 }
216 }
Nov 16 '05 #1
11 7079
why are you using WMI? That's got to be the slowest way to get a directory
For the current machine, use the DirectoryInfo class with the name of the
local directory you need to scan.

If you have network access to a machine, you can use the same method
remotely as you can locally. Just use \\servername\c$ \directory as the
format for the string to pass to DirectoryInfo.

--- Nick

"nico" <te*@hotmail.co m> wrote in message
news:ue******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP09.phx.gbl...

I have write this program that retrieve all directory and subdirectory
recursively of a given directory given in parameter.
For each directory, the script find all user permission for the current
directory and add the username, permission and directory name into MySQL.
The code works fine, but too slow.

He need aproximate 1 hour to scan 200 directory.

How to optimize this code please ?

I know I can improve it but I code with C# just for some days.

1 * Time: 08:59
2 *
3 * To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard
4 */
6 using System;
7 using System.IO;
8 using System.Data;
9 using System.Data.Sql Client;
10 using System.Data.Com mon;
11 using System.Manageme nt;
12 using System.Collecti ons;
13 using ByteFX;
14 using ByteFX.Data.MyS qlClient;
15 using System.Diagnost ics;
16 using System.Componen tModel;
18 namespace System.Manageme nt
20 {
21 class wmi_scan_dossie r
22 {
23 private string _nom_pc;
24 private MySqlConnection _id_con_mysql;
25 private System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope _oMs;
27 private MySqlConnection id_con_mysql
28 {
29 get
30 {
31 return _id_con_mysql;
32 }
33 set
34 {
35 _id_con_mysql = value;
36 }
37 }
39 private System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope oMs
40 {
41 get
42 {
43 return _oMs;
44 }
45 set
46 {
47 oMs = value;
48 }
49 }
51 void connect_mysql()
52 {
53 string ConnectionStrin g = ConnectionStrin g = "Database=toto; Data
Source=localhos t;User Id=root;Passwor d=XXX";
54 MySqlConnection _id_con_mysql = new MySqlConnection (ConnectionStri ng);
55 _id_con_mysql.O pen();
56 this.id_con_mys ql = _id_con_mysql;
57 }
59 void mysql_query(str ing sql)
60 {
61 //this.connect_my sql();
62 MySqlCommand query_ajoute_do ssier = new MySqlCommand(sq l,
this.id_con_mys ql);
63 query_ajoute_do ssier.ExecuteNo nQuery();
64 }
66 void mysql_deconnect ()
67 {
68 this.id_con_mys ql.Close();
69 }
71 public string trouve_nom_pc()
72 {
73 ConnectionOptio ns oConn = new ConnectionOptio ns();
74 //oConn.Username = "stist"; // je specifie le login local (pas
obligatoire si le programme est executer sur la machine local
75 //oConn.Password = "stage2004" ; // je specifie le mot de passe local (pas obligatoire si le programme est executer sur la machine local
77 //System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope oMs = new
System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope("\\\\Machin eX", oConn);
78 //System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope oMs = new
System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope("\\\\Machin eX");
80 //j appel la liste des dossiers d un repertoire de base donnee
81 System.Manageme nt.ObjectQuery oQueryPc = new
System.Manageme nt.ObjectQuery( "SELECT Name from Win32_ComputerS ystem");
83 //j execute la requete
84 ManagementObjec tSearcher oSearcherPc = new
ManagementObjec tSearcher(this. connect_wmi(),o QueryPc);
86 //je recupere le nom de l ordinateur avec la methode Get
87 ManagementObjec tCollection oReturnCollecti onPc = oSearcherPc.Get ();
89 foreach(Managem entObject oReturnPc in oReturnCollecti onPc)
90 {
91 _nom_pc = oReturnPc["name"].ToString();
92 }
93 return _nom_pc;
94 }
96 public System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope connect_wmi()
97 {
98 // fonction retournant l identifiant de connexion a WMI
99 this._oMs = new System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope("\\\\Machin eX");
100 return this.oMs;
101 }
103 public static void Main(string[] args)
104 {
105 string nom_rep_mysql, sql_ajoute_doss ier, sql_ajoute_acce s, sql_pc;
107 wmi_scan_dossie r un_scan = new wmi_scan_dossie r();
109 ArrayList verif_login = new ArrayList(); // je declare un liste de
tableau dynamique qui contiendra la liste des utilisateurs uniques ayant des droits sur les répertoires traités pour éviter les doublons
110 bool etre_doublon = false;
112 //Connection credentials to the remote computer - not needed if the
logged in account has access
113 ConnectionOptio ns oConn = new ConnectionOptio ns();
115 //j appel la liste des dossiers d un repertoire de base donnee
116 System.Manageme nt.ObjectQuery oQueryPc = new
System.Manageme nt.ObjectQuery( "SELECT Name from Win32_ComputerS ystem");
118 //j execute la requete
119 ManagementObjec tSearcher oSearcherPc = new
ManagementObjec tSearcher(un_sc an.connect_wmi( ),oQueryPc);
121 //je recupere le nom de l ordinateur avec la methode Get
122 ManagementObjec tCollection oReturnCollecti onPc = oSearcherPc.Get ();
124 int j = args.Length;
126 if(j == 0)
127 {
128 Console.WriteLi ne ("Saisissez un paramètre pour utiliser le logiciel"); 129 Console.WriteLi ne ("Exemple de synthaxe : test_ok.exe \"c:\\Apache \"
\"C:\\Docume nts and Settings\"");
130 Console.WriteLi ne ("Cette appel aura pour effet de scanner l'ensemble
des sous dossiers des répertoires c:\\Apache ET C:\\Documents and
132 }
133 else
134 {
135 Console.WriteLi ne ("Début du scan du dossier ... patience ");
136 for(int compteur = 0; compteur < j ; compteur ++)
137 {
138 string nom_dossier = args[compteur].ToString();
139 nom_dossier = nom_dossier.Rep lace ("\\","\\\\" );
140 //j appel la liste des dossiers d un repertoire de base donné en
141 string wql_dossier = "Select Name from Win32_Directory WHERE Name LIKE
'" + nom_dossier + "%'";
142 System.Manageme nt.WqlObjectQue ry oQuery = new
System.Manageme nt.WqlObjectQue ry(wql_dossier) ;
144 //j execute la requete
145 ManagementObjec tSearcher oSearcher = new
ManagementObjec tSearcher(un_sc an.connect_wmi( ),oQuery);
147 oSearcher.Optio ns.ReturnImmedi ately = true;
148 oSearcher.Optio ns.Rewindable = false;
149 oSearcher.Optio ns.DirectRead = true;
151 //je recupere le resultat avec la methode Get
152 ManagementObjec tCollection oReturnCollecti on = oSearcher.Get() ;
154 un_scan.connect _mysql();
156 //loop through found drives and write out info
157 foreach( ManagementObjec t oReturn in oReturnCollecti on )
158 {
159 string nom_rep = oReturn["Name"].ToString();
160 string verif_nom_rep = nom_rep.Replace ("'","\\'"); // je remplace le
caractere ' qui fait planter la requete WMI par \'
162 if (nom_rep == verif_nom_rep) // si les 2 variables sont identiques c
est que le nom du repertoire ne contient pas le caractere '
163 {
164 nom_rep_mysql = nom_rep.Replace ("\\","\\\\" );
165 sql_ajoute_doss ier = "REPLACE INTO repertoire VALUES ('" + nom_rep_mysql + "')";
166 un_scan.mysql_q uery(sql_ajoute _dossier);
168 ManagementObjec t LogicalFileSecu ritySetting = new ManagementObjec t( new ManagementPath( "ROOT\\CIMV2:Wi n32_LogicalFile SecuritySetting .Path='" +
nom_rep + "'"));
169 ManagementBaseO bject inParams = null;
170 bool EnablePrivilege s =
LogicalFileSecu ritySetting.Sco pe.Options.Enab lePrivileges;
171 LogicalFileSecu ritySetting.Sco pe.Options.Enab lePrivileges = true;
172 ManagementBaseO bject outParams =
LogicalFileSecu ritySetting.Inv okeMethod("GetS ecurityDescript or", inParams,
173 ManagementBaseO bject Descriptor =
((ManagementBas eObject)(outPar ams.Properties["Descriptor "].Value));
174 LogicalFileSecu ritySetting.Sco pe.Options.Enab lePrivileges =
EnablePrivilege s;
176 ManagementBaseO bject[] DACLObject = ( ( ManagementBaseO bject[] )(
Descriptor.Prop erties["DACL"].Value ) );
178 System.Collecti ons.Stack stk = new System.Collecti ons.Stack();
180 for(int i = 0; i < DACLObject.Leng th; i++)
181 {
182 ManagementBaseO bject ACE=DACLObject[ i ];
184 stk.Push( ACE );
186 // si cette acces n a pas encore ete verifiee, je lajoute dans le
fichier et da ns mon arrayList
187 sql_ajoute_acce s = "REPLACE INTO acces VALUES ('" + (nom_rep_mysql + "', '" + ( (ManagementBase Object) DACLObject[
i ].Properties["Trustee"].Value).Propert ies["Name"].Value + "', '" +
DACLObject[i].Properties["AccessMask "].Value + "', '" +
un_scan.trouve_ nom_pc() + "', CURRENT_TIMESTA MP())"); // j ecrit le nom du
repertoire courant, le login et l'AccessMask dans le fichier
188 un_scan.mysql_q uery(sql_ajoute _acces);
190 etre_doublon = false;
192 foreach (string login in verif_login)
193 {
194 if (login == (string)(un_sca n.trouve_nom_pc () + "|" +
((ManagementBas eObject) DACLObject[
i ].Properties["Trustee"].Value).Propert ies["Name"].Value) + "|" +
un_scan.trouve_ nom_pc())
195 {
196 etre_doublon = true;
197 }
198 }
200 verif_login.Add (un_scan.trouve _nom_pc() + "|" + ((ManagementBas eObject) DACLObject[ i ].Properties["Trustee"].Value).Propert ies["Name"].Value);
202 if (!etre_doublon)
203 {
204 sql_pc = "REPLACE pc VALUES ('" + un_scan.trouve_ nom_pc() + "', '" +
(( (ManagementBase Object) DACLObject[
i ].Properties["Trustee"].Value).Propert ies["Name"].Value + "')"); // j
ajoute le nom de l utilisateur dans la table utilisateur
205 un_scan.mysql_q uery(sql_pc);
206 }
207 }
208 }
209 }
210 }
211 un_scan.mysql_d econnect();
212 Console.WriteLi ne ("Analyse des dossiers terminées");
213 }
214 }
215 }
216 }

Nov 16 '05 #2

"Nick Malik" <ni*******@hotm ail.nospam.com> a écrit dans le message de
news:WNUHc.6248 0$XM6.61369@att bi_s53...
why are you using WMI? That's got to be the slowest way to get a directory listing.
For the current machine, use the DirectoryInfo class with the name of the
local directory you need to scan.

If you have network access to a machine, you can use the same method
remotely as you can locally. Just use \\servername\c$ \directory as the
format for the string to pass to DirectoryInfo.

--- Nick

Ok thanks but if I scan all directory recursively, I will have too connect
to WMI X time where X is the number of directory that I need to scan.

By using a WQL QUERY I need to connect only one time to WMI and brownse the
array of object.
Nov 16 '05 #3
I perhaps was not clear.

The DirectoryInfo class does not use WMI. It is fast. I can scan thousands
of files and directories in a few seconds.

I will repeat my first question, in a different form:
I do not understand what business reason you have for using WMI?
Please explain so I can help you find a better solution.

--- Nick

"nico" <te*@hotmail.co m> wrote in message
news:On******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP12.phx.gbl...

"Nick Malik" <ni*******@hotm ail.nospam.com> a écrit dans le message de
news:WNUHc.6248 0$XM6.61369@att bi_s53...
why are you using WMI? That's got to be the slowest way to get a directory
For the current machine, use the DirectoryInfo class with the name of the local directory you need to scan.

If you have network access to a machine, you can use the same method
remotely as you can locally. Just use \\servername\c$ \directory as the
format for the string to pass to DirectoryInfo.

--- Nick

Ok thanks but if I scan all directory recursively, I will have too connect
to WMI X time where X is the number of directory that I need to scan.

By using a WQL QUERY I need to connect only one time to WMI and brownse

the array of object.

Nov 16 '05 #4

"Nick Malik" <ni*******@hotm ail.nospam.com> a écrit dans le message de
news:G06Ic.5690 3$IQ4.15869@att bi_s02...
I perhaps was not clear.

The DirectoryInfo class does not use WMI. It is fast. I can scan thousands of files and directories in a few seconds.

I will repeat my first question, in a different form:
I do not understand what business reason you have for using WMI?
Please explain so I can help you find a better solution.

--- Nick

I need WMI because I need to retrieve all permission for all local user for
all directory on my computer and write the AccessMask and Username and
Directory into a MySQL database.
Nov 16 '05 #5
> The DirectoryInfo class does not use WMI. It is fast. I can scan thousands
of files and directories in a few seconds.

actually in my experience it is not fast.

my task was to write code to search for files on disk - and email the
contents using SMTP - I wrote this first in Perl (using fork to
'multithread' the emailing bit).

I then re-wrote in C# because I thought the multithreading code but
would be cleaner using threads than fork - it was, but I found the
that searching for the files on disk was *much* slower in C#.

Actually I used the Directory class instead of DirectoryInfo - which
should be the faster choice in my scenario.

anyone know the *fastest* way to do a recursive file search in C# ?
Nov 16 '05 #6
This is very useful information Oliver. I thank you.

Compared to WMI, Directory and DirectoryInfo are both about 100 times

WMI is the slowest possible method for gaining access to this information,
and that is the course of this thread.

--- N

"Oliver" <sp************ *@yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:58******** *************** ***@posting.goo gle.com...
The DirectoryInfo class does not use WMI. It is fast. I can scan thousands of files and directories in a few seconds.

actually in my experience it is not fast.

my task was to write code to search for files on disk - and email the
contents using SMTP - I wrote this first in Perl (using fork to
'multithread' the emailing bit).

I then re-wrote in C# because I thought the multithreading code but
would be cleaner using threads than fork - it was, but I found the
that searching for the files on disk was *much* slower in C#.

Actually I used the Directory class instead of DirectoryInfo - which
should be the faster choice in my scenario.

anyone know the *fastest* way to do a recursive file search in C# ?

Nov 16 '05 #7
> > I do not understand what business reason you have for using WMI?
Please explain so I can help you find a better solution.

--- Nick
I need WMI because I need to retrieve all permission for all local user

for all directory on my computer and write the AccessMask and Username and
Directory into a MySQL database.

No, you do not need WMI to do that.

There are at least three and perhaps four ways to get the information that
you want. Each way has its advantages and disadvantages. The method you
chose, WMI, has the disadvantage of being very very slow.

I'm trying to get you to consider a different way.

(Analogy: You are driving on a crowded city street, where there is a major
highway one mile a way that will take you where you want to go... I'm trying
to get you to look for the signs to the highway).

See DirectoryInfo at:

See Directory at:

To get the ACL of a directory or file, use the following object:

Hope this helps,
--- N
Nov 16 '05 #8

Your query is wrong, you need to include the drive as search criteria,
otherwise you will scan ALL logical drives attached to the system including
the mapped network shares (No wonder it is slow :-) this can take hours when
a lot of drives are mapped).

Change your query into:
Select Name from Win32_Directory WHERE drive='c:' and Name LIKE '.....'
"nico" <te*@hotmail.co m> wrote in message
news:ue******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP09.phx.gbl...

I have write this program that retrieve all directory and subdirectory
recursively of a given directory given in parameter.
For each directory, the script find all user permission for the current
directory and add the username, permission and directory name into MySQL.
The code works fine, but too slow.

He need aproximate 1 hour to scan 200 directory.

How to optimize this code please ?

I know I can improve it but I code with C# just for some days.

1 * Time: 08:59
2 *
3 * To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard
4 */
6 using System;
7 using System.IO;
8 using System.Data;
9 using System.Data.Sql Client;
10 using System.Data.Com mon;
11 using System.Manageme nt;
12 using System.Collecti ons;
13 using ByteFX;
14 using ByteFX.Data.MyS qlClient;
15 using System.Diagnost ics;
16 using System.Componen tModel;
18 namespace System.Manageme nt
20 {
21 class wmi_scan_dossie r
22 {
23 private string _nom_pc;
24 private MySqlConnection _id_con_mysql;
25 private System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope _oMs;
27 private MySqlConnection id_con_mysql
28 {
29 get
30 {
31 return _id_con_mysql;
32 }
33 set
34 {
35 _id_con_mysql = value;
36 }
37 }
39 private System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope oMs
40 {
41 get
42 {
43 return _oMs;
44 }
45 set
46 {
47 oMs = value;
48 }
49 }
51 void connect_mysql()
52 {
53 string ConnectionStrin g = ConnectionStrin g = "Database=toto; Data
Source=localhos t;User Id=root;Passwor d=XXX";
54 MySqlConnection _id_con_mysql = new MySqlConnection (ConnectionStri ng);
55 _id_con_mysql.O pen();
56 this.id_con_mys ql = _id_con_mysql;
57 }
59 void mysql_query(str ing sql)
60 {
61 //this.connect_my sql();
62 MySqlCommand query_ajoute_do ssier = new MySqlCommand(sq l,
this.id_con_mys ql);
63 query_ajoute_do ssier.ExecuteNo nQuery();
64 }
66 void mysql_deconnect ()
67 {
68 this.id_con_mys ql.Close();
69 }
71 public string trouve_nom_pc()
72 {
73 ConnectionOptio ns oConn = new ConnectionOptio ns();
74 //oConn.Username = "stist"; // je specifie le login local (pas
obligatoire si le programme est executer sur la machine local
75 //oConn.Password = "stage2004" ; // je specifie le mot de passe local
obligatoire si le programme est executer sur la machine local
77 //System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope oMs = new
System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope("\\\\Machin eX", oConn);
78 //System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope oMs = new
System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope("\\\\Machin eX");
80 //j appel la liste des dossiers d un repertoire de base donnee
81 System.Manageme nt.ObjectQuery oQueryPc = new
System.Manageme nt.ObjectQuery( "SELECT Name from Win32_ComputerS ystem");
83 //j execute la requete
84 ManagementObjec tSearcher oSearcherPc = new
ManagementObjec tSearcher(this. connect_wmi(),o QueryPc);
86 //je recupere le nom de l ordinateur avec la methode Get
87 ManagementObjec tCollection oReturnCollecti onPc = oSearcherPc.Get ();
89 foreach(Managem entObject oReturnPc in oReturnCollecti onPc)
90 {
91 _nom_pc = oReturnPc["name"].ToString();
92 }
93 return _nom_pc;
94 }
96 public System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope connect_wmi()
97 {
98 // fonction retournant l identifiant de connexion a WMI
99 this._oMs = new System.Manageme nt.ManagementSc ope("\\\\Machin eX");
100 return this.oMs;
101 }
103 public static void Main(string[] args)
104 {
105 string nom_rep_mysql, sql_ajoute_doss ier, sql_ajoute_acce s, sql_pc;
107 wmi_scan_dossie r un_scan = new wmi_scan_dossie r();
109 ArrayList verif_login = new ArrayList(); // je declare un liste de
tableau dynamique qui contiendra la liste des utilisateurs uniques ayant
droits sur les répertoires traités pour éviter les doublons
110 bool etre_doublon = false;
112 //Connection credentials to the remote computer - not needed if the
logged in account has access
113 ConnectionOptio ns oConn = new ConnectionOptio ns();
115 //j appel la liste des dossiers d un repertoire de base donnee
116 System.Manageme nt.ObjectQuery oQueryPc = new
System.Manageme nt.ObjectQuery( "SELECT Name from Win32_ComputerS ystem");
118 //j execute la requete
119 ManagementObjec tSearcher oSearcherPc = new
ManagementObjec tSearcher(un_sc an.connect_wmi( ),oQueryPc);
121 //je recupere le nom de l ordinateur avec la methode Get
122 ManagementObjec tCollection oReturnCollecti onPc = oSearcherPc.Get ();
124 int j = args.Length;
126 if(j == 0)
127 {
128 Console.WriteLi ne ("Saisissez un paramètre pour utiliser le
129 Console.WriteLi ne ("Exemple de synthaxe : test_ok.exe \"c:\\Apache \"
\"C:\\Docume nts and Settings\"");
130 Console.WriteLi ne ("Cette appel aura pour effet de scanner l'ensemble
des sous dossiers des répertoires c:\\Apache ET C:\\Documents and
132 }
133 else
134 {
135 Console.WriteLi ne ("Début du scan du dossier ... patience ");
136 for(int compteur = 0; compteur < j ; compteur ++)
137 {
138 string nom_dossier = args[compteur].ToString();
139 nom_dossier = nom_dossier.Rep lace ("\\","\\\\" );
140 //j appel la liste des dossiers d un repertoire de base donné en
141 string wql_dossier = "Select Name from Win32_Directory WHERE Name LIKE
'" + nom_dossier + "%'";
142 System.Manageme nt.WqlObjectQue ry oQuery = new
System.Manageme nt.WqlObjectQue ry(wql_dossier) ;
144 //j execute la requete
145 ManagementObjec tSearcher oSearcher = new
ManagementObjec tSearcher(un_sc an.connect_wmi( ),oQuery);
147 oSearcher.Optio ns.ReturnImmedi ately = true;
148 oSearcher.Optio ns.Rewindable = false;
149 oSearcher.Optio ns.DirectRead = true;
151 //je recupere le resultat avec la methode Get
152 ManagementObjec tCollection oReturnCollecti on = oSearcher.Get() ;
154 un_scan.connect _mysql();
156 //loop through found drives and write out info
157 foreach( ManagementObjec t oReturn in oReturnCollecti on )
158 {
159 string nom_rep = oReturn["Name"].ToString();
160 string verif_nom_rep = nom_rep.Replace ("'","\\'"); // je remplace le
caractere ' qui fait planter la requete WMI par \'
162 if (nom_rep == verif_nom_rep) // si les 2 variables sont identiques c
est que le nom du repertoire ne contient pas le caractere '
163 {
164 nom_rep_mysql = nom_rep.Replace ("\\","\\\\" );
165 sql_ajoute_doss ier = "REPLACE INTO repertoire VALUES ('" +
+ "')";
166 un_scan.mysql_q uery(sql_ajoute _dossier);
168 ManagementObjec t LogicalFileSecu ritySetting = new ManagementObjec t(
ManagementPath( "ROOT\\CIMV2:Wi n32_LogicalFile SecuritySetting .Path='" +
nom_rep + "'"));
169 ManagementBaseO bject inParams = null;
170 bool EnablePrivilege s =
LogicalFileSecu ritySetting.Sco pe.Options.Enab lePrivileges;
171 LogicalFileSecu ritySetting.Sco pe.Options.Enab lePrivileges = true;
172 ManagementBaseO bject outParams =
LogicalFileSecu ritySetting.Inv okeMethod("GetS ecurityDescript or", inParams,
173 ManagementBaseO bject Descriptor =
((ManagementBas eObject)(outPar ams.Properties["Descriptor "].Value));
174 LogicalFileSecu ritySetting.Sco pe.Options.Enab lePrivileges =
EnablePrivilege s;
176 ManagementBaseO bject[] DACLObject = ( ( ManagementBaseO bject[] )(
Descriptor.Prop erties["DACL"].Value ) );
178 System.Collecti ons.Stack stk = new System.Collecti ons.Stack();
180 for(int i = 0; i < DACLObject.Leng th; i++)
181 {
182 ManagementBaseO bject ACE=DACLObject[ i ];
184 stk.Push( ACE );
186 // si cette acces n a pas encore ete verifiee, je lajoute dans le
fichier et da ns mon arrayList
187 sql_ajoute_acce s = "REPLACE INTO acces VALUES ('" + (nom_rep_mysql +
'" + ( (ManagementBase Object) DACLObject[
i ].Properties["Trustee"].Value).Propert ies["Name"].Value + "', '" +
DACLObject[i].Properties["AccessMask "].Value + "', '" +
un_scan.trouve_ nom_pc() + "', CURRENT_TIMESTA MP())"); // j ecrit le nom du
repertoire courant, le login et l'AccessMask dans le fichier
188 un_scan.mysql_q uery(sql_ajoute _acces);
190 etre_doublon = false;
192 foreach (string login in verif_login)
193 {
194 if (login == (string)(un_sca n.trouve_nom_pc () + "|" +
((ManagementBas eObject) DACLObject[
i ].Properties["Trustee"].Value).Propert ies["Name"].Value) + "|" +
un_scan.trouve_ nom_pc())
195 {
196 etre_doublon = true;
197 }
198 }
200 verif_login.Add (un_scan.trouve _nom_pc() + "|" +
((ManagementBas eObject)
DACLObject[ i ].Properties["Trustee"].Value).Propert ies["Name"].Value);
202 if (!etre_doublon)
203 {
204 sql_pc = "REPLACE pc VALUES ('" + un_scan.trouve_ nom_pc() + "', '" +
(( (ManagementBase Object) DACLObject[
i ].Properties["Trustee"].Value).Propert ies["Name"].Value + "')"); // j
ajoute le nom de l utilisateur dans la table utilisateur
205 un_scan.mysql_q uery(sql_pc);
206 }
207 }
208 }
209 }
210 }
211 un_scan.mysql_d econnect();
212 Console.WriteLi ne ("Analyse des dossiers terminées");
213 }
214 }
215 }
216 }

Nov 16 '05 #9

"Nick Malik" <ni*******@hotm ail.nospam.com> wrote in message
news:C0xIc.6247 5$%_6.4386@attb i_s01...
This is very useful information Oliver. I thank you.

Compared to WMI, Directory and DirectoryInfo are both about 100 times

WMI is the slowest possible method for gaining access to this information,
and that is the course of this thread.

--- N

Hmmm.... Why using WMI?
Simply because this is the most simple way to do without resorting to
unmanaged code.
DirectoryInfo has not the features offered by the WIn32_Directory (tough not
used here), nor give it back the NTFS security info.

Sure WMI WIn32_Directory is slower than DirectoryInfo but not 100 times as
you incorrectly state, but only 10 times.

F.I scanning c:\program files (1598 subdirs) on a fast 7200RPM local drive
0.22 sec. using DirectoryInfo
1.12 sec. using WMI
This is only 5 times slower.

However over a network (and that's exactly what OP is doing)
6.0 sec. using DirectoryInfo
0.72 sec the second run (effect of server side caching)
7.2 sec. using WMI
2.2 sec the second run (effect of server side caching)
Here it's only 3 times slower.

Now it's up to you to decide it's fast enough, but there's more, the caller
needs access permission to whole directory tree using DirectoryInfo using an
UNC path, so he needs to run with admin privileges on the remote server,
this while WMI only needs to impersonate the caller's credentials supplied
in code.
And last but not least, OP needs NTFS security info (but hell I don't know
why he ever needs to store this in a DB) from the scanned dirs, something
that can easily be done (but you should never do whatever technology you
use) using ... right WMI.

And this http://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/ntsecuritynet.asp can only be
used for local drives.

Nov 16 '05 #10

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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