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Generic failure, wmi


Im trying to add a A record to a domain name in MS DNS with C#, it's done
from a webpage with this code:

ManagementClass rr = new ManagementClass (@"root\Microso ftDNS",
"MicrosoftDNS_R esourceRecord",
new ObjectGetOption s(null,new TimeSpan(100), true));
string _ResellerDomain Name = "mydomain.net." ;
object rrText = "web IN A ";

rr.InvokeMethod ("CreateInstanc eFromTextRepres entation", new
object[] { ".", _ResellerDomain Name, rrText});

The record is added to the domain but I get this error even thou it worked:

System.Manageme nt.ManagementEx ception: Generic failure at
System.Manageme nt.ManagementEx ception.ThrowWi thExtendedInfo( ManagementStatu s
errorCode) at System.Manageme nt.ManagementOb ject.InvokeMeth od(String
methodName, ManagementBaseO bject inParameters, InvokeMethodOpt ions options)
at System.Manageme nt.ManagementOb ject.InvokeMeth od(String methodName,
Object[] args) at WebDNS.DNSClass .AddRecord() in c:\documents and
settings\anders \vswebcache\web admin\dnsclass. cs:line 30

All permissions must be correct thou the domain is added.
Have seen other with this error but no solutions!
Line 30 is the InvokeMethod
What is causing the error and what can I do to solve it?

Anders Aleborg
Nov 16 '05 #1
24 9701
Forgot to say, the MS DNS is placed on a Windows 2003 Server webedition
Nov 16 '05 #2
Hi Anders,

Sorry for the late response.

For this issue, I think you are running the code in a ASP.NET web
application, right?

Could you please create a console application and run the code to see
whether it has any problem? If there is no exception in console
application, we may isolate the issue to the identity that asp.net web
application running on.

Besides, please also test the following sample code: (it is for console
app, you can change Console.WriteLi ne to response.write for asp.net app)

ManagementClass dnsRRClass = new
ManagementClass (@"\\ServerName Here\root\Micro softDNS",
"MicrosoftDNS_R esourceRecord", null);
ManagementBaseO bject inParams =
dnsRRClass.GetM ethodParameters ("CreateInstanc eFromTextRepres entation");
inParams["DnsServerN ame"] = sServer;
inParams["ContainerN ame"] = sDomainName;
inParams["TextRepresenta tion"] = sTextRepresenta tion;
ManagementBaseO bject outParams =
dnsRRClass.Invo keMethod("Creat eInstanceFromTe xtRepresentatio n", inParams,
Console.WriteLi ne("Executing the method returns {0}",
outParams["ReturnValu e"]);

Thanks very much.

Best regards,
Yanhong Huang
Microsoft Community Support

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Nov 16 '05 #3

Got this error from the consol:

Unhandled Exception: System.Manageme nt.ManagementEx ception: Generic failure
System.Manageme nt.ManagementEx ception.ThrowWi thExtendedInfo( ManagementStat
us errorCode)
at System.Manageme nt.ManagementOb ject.InvokeMeth od(String methodName,
entBaseObject inParameters, InvokeMethodOpt ions options)
at WMITest.Class1. Main(String[] args)

The record was added and is working in the DNS but I still get the error :/

Anders Aleborg

"Yan-Hong Huang[MSFT]" wrote:
Hi Anders,

Sorry for the late response.

For this issue, I think you are running the code in a ASP.NET web
application, right?

Could you please create a console application and run the code to see
whether it has any problem? If there is no exception in console
application, we may isolate the issue to the identity that asp.net web
application running on.

Besides, please also test the following sample code: (it is for console
app, you can change Console.WriteLi ne to response.write for asp.net app)

ManagementClass dnsRRClass = new
ManagementClass (@"\\ServerName Here\root\Micro softDNS",
"MicrosoftDNS_R esourceRecord", null);
ManagementBaseO bject inParams =
dnsRRClass.GetM ethodParameters ("CreateInstanc eFromTextRepres entation");
inParams["DnsServerN ame"] = sServer;
inParams["ContainerN ame"] = sDomainName;
inParams["TextRepresenta tion"] = sTextRepresenta tion;
ManagementBaseO bject outParams =
dnsRRClass.Invo keMethod("Creat eInstanceFromTe xtRepresentatio n", inParams,
Console.WriteLi ne("Executing the method returns {0}",
outParams["ReturnValu e"]);

Thanks very much.

Best regards,
Yanhong Huang
Microsoft Community Support

Get Secure! ¨C www.microsoft.com/security
Register to Access MSDN Managed Newsgroups!
-http://support.microso ft.com/default.aspx?sc id=/servicedesks/msdn/nospam.as

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Nov 16 '05 #4
Hi Anders,

Then that seems not related to ASP.NET security.

Have you tested the code that I pasted before? What is the return value
from the last line? Thanks very much for your update. :)

Best regards,
Yanhong Huang
Microsoft Community Support

Get Secure! ¨C www.microsoft.com/security
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-http://support.microso ft.com/default.aspx?sc id=/servicedesks/msdn/nospam.as

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Nov 16 '05 #5
By the way, if it still returns error, could you please paste you .cs file
here? I will test it on my side and contact our supporting team to look
into it.


Best regards,
Yanhong Huang
Microsoft Community Support

Get Secure! ¨C www.microsoft.com/security
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-http://support.microso ft.com/default.aspx?sc id=/servicedesks/msdn/nospam.as

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Nov 16 '05 #6
It givs the error I posted!

using System;
using System.Manageme nt;

namespace WMITest
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Class1.
/// </summary>
class Class1
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main(string[] args)
ManagementClass dnsRRClass = new
ManagementClass (@"\\"+ System.Environm ent.MachineName
+@"\root\Micros oftDNS",
"MicrosoftDNS_R esourceRecord", null);

ManagementBaseO bject inParams =
dnsRRClass.GetM ethodParameters ("CreateInstanc eFromTextRepres entation");

inParams["DnsServerN ame"] = ".";
inParams["ContainerN ame"] = "domain.net ";
inParams["TextRepresenta tion"] = "test IN A ";

ManagementBaseO bject outParams =
dnsRRClass.Invo keMethod("Creat eInstanceFromTe xtRepresentatio n", inParams,

Console.WriteLi ne("Executing the method returns {0}",
outParams["ReturnValu e"]);

"Yan-Hong Huang[MSFT]" wrote:
By the way, if it still returns error, could you please paste you .cs file
here? I will test it on my side and contact our supporting team to look
into it.


Best regards,
Yanhong Huang
Microsoft Community Support

Get Secure! ¨C www.microsoft.com/security
Register to Access MSDN Managed Newsgroups!
-http://support.microso ft.com/default.aspx?sc id=/servicedesks/msdn/nospam.as

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Nov 16 '05 #7
Have tried with this code as well, the record is created but it gives me a
generic failure message.

public string AddRecord(strin g domainname, string host, string
recordtype,int MXPrio, string target)
ManagementClass dnsRRClass = new ManagementClass (@"\\"+
System.Environm ent.MachineName +@"\root\Micros oftDNS",
"MicrosoftDNS_" +recordtype+"Ty pe", null);
ManagementBaseO bject inParams =
dnsRRClass.GetM ethodParameters ("CreateInstanc eFromPropertyDa ta");

inParams["DnsServerN ame"] = ".";
inParams["ContainerN ame"] = domainname;
inParams["OwnerName"] = host;

if(recordtype== "A")
inParams["IPAddress"] = target;
if(recordtype== "CNAME")
inParams["PrimaryNam e"] = target;
if(recordtype== "NS")
inParams["NSHost"] = target;
if(recordtype== "MX")
inParams["Preference "] = MXPrio;
inParams["MailExchan ge"] = target;

dnsRRClass.Invo keMethod("Creat eInstanceFromPr opertyData", inParams,
return "ok";
catch(Exception ex)
return ex.ToString()+" <br><br>"+ex.St ackTrace.ToStri ng();
"Yan-Hong Huang[MSFT]" wrote:
By the way, if it still returns error, could you please paste you .cs file
here? I will test it on my side and contact our supporting team to look
into it.


Best regards,
Yanhong Huang
Microsoft Community Support

Get Secure! ¨C www.microsoft.com/security
Register to Access MSDN Managed Newsgroups!
-http://support.microso ft.com/default.aspx?sc id=/servicedesks/msdn/nospam.as

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Nov 16 '05 #8
Hi Anders,

Thanks very much for the detailed update.

I am contacting our support team on it and will reply here as soon as
possible. If you have any more concerns on it, please feel free to post

Best regards,
Yanhong Huang
Microsoft Community Support

Get Secure! ¨C www.microsoft.com/security
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-http://support.microso ft.com/default.aspx?sc id=/servicedesks/msdn/nospam.as

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Nov 16 '05 #9
Yes, I have one more problem, when I try to delete a zone or a record it
takes time, about 40-60 seconds to delete a zone!!! And the CPU goes up to
100% on the server. It can't be normal.

The code:
Delete("Microso ftDNS_Zone", "ContainerName" , "domain.com ")

protected bool Delete(string sTableName, string sFieldName, string
string sQuery = String.Format(" SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1} = '{2}'",
sTableName, sFieldName, sFieldValue);
ManagementScope m_oScope;

m_oScope = new ManagementScope (new ManagementPath( @"\\" +
System.Environm ent.MachineName + @"\root\Microso ftDNS"));
m_oScope.Connec t();

ManagementObjec tSearcher oSearcher = new
ManagementObjec tSearcher(m_oSc ope, new ObjectQuery(sQu ery));
ManagementObjec tCollection oCollection = oSearcher.Get() ;

foreach (ManagementObje ct oObject in oCollection)
oObject.Delete( );
return true;
return false;

Anders Aleborg

"Yan-Hong Huang[MSFT]" wrote:
Hi Anders,

Thanks very much for the detailed update.

I am contacting our support team on it and will reply here as soon as
possible. If you have any more concerns on it, please feel free to post

Best regards,
Yanhong Huang
Microsoft Community Support

Get Secure! ¨C www.microsoft.com/security
Register to Access MSDN Managed Newsgroups!
-http://support.microso ft.com/default.aspx?sc id=/servicedesks/msdn/nospam.as

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Nov 16 '05 #10

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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