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ASP.NET 2.0 Custom Controls and Skins

I have a Custom Control which inherits from GridView.

I call it GridViewSort and it is in a namespace "PDS.WebControl s".

I add it to the Toolbox, drop it on my WebForm and it shows up and
works fine. But when I define a skinID for this Custom Control, I am
getting an error when it compiles.

I tried adding the Register directive in the skin file but that doesnot

I have attached the following:
1.SkinID definition
2. Error Message

I see from the messages that the compiler fails on
GetType(PDS.Web Controls.GridVi ewSort).
I do not know how to resolve that.

Any help will be appreciated.

SkinID Definition:
<cc1:GridViewSo rt SkinID="Contrac tListings" runat="server" Width="760"
CellPadding="2" Cellspacing="0" BorderWidth="1p x" BackColor="Whit e"
BorderColor="#2 97B6B">
<HeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" Font-Underline="Fals e" ForeColor="Blue "
</cc1:GridViewSor t>

Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'PDS.WebControl s.GridViewSort' is
not defined.

Source Error:
Line 56: Private Shared __BuildControl_ _control14_skin Key As
Object =
System.Web.UI.P ageTheme.Create SkinKey(GetType (System.Web.UI. WebControls.Lab el),
Line 57:
Line 58: Private Shared __BuildControl_ _control15_skin Key As
Object =
System.Web.UI.P ageTheme.Create SkinKey(GetType (PDS.WebControl s.GridViewSort) ,
"ContractListin gs")
Line 59:
Line 60: Public Sub New()
Source File: c:\WINDOWS\Micr osoft.NET\Frame work\v2.0.50727 \Temporary
ASP.NET Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Theme_PD S.sexg2wte.0.vb
Line: 58

Show Detailed Compiler Output:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE>
"c:\WINDOWS\Mic rosoft.NET\Fram ework\v2.0.5072 7\vbc.exe" /t:library
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_MSI L\System.Xml\2. 0.0.0__b77a5c56 1934e089\System .Xml.dll"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_MSI L\System.Web.Mo bile\ 03f5f7f11d50a3a \System.Web.Mob ile.dll"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_MSI L\System.Drawin g\ 5f7f11d50a3a\Sy stem.Drawing.dl l"
/R:"c:\WINDOWS\M icrosoft.NET\Fr amework\v2.0.50 727\Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Code.f-uu1gjt.dll"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_MSI L\System.Config uration\ __b03f5f7f11d50 a3a\System.Conf iguration.dll"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_32\ System.Web\2.0. 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\System.W eb.dll"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_32\ System.Enterpri seServices\2.0. 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\System.E nterpriseServic es.dll"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_MSI L\System.Web.Se rvices\ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\System.Web.S ervices.dll"
/R:"c:\WINDOWS\M icrosoft.NET\Fr amework\v2.0.50 727\Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\assembly\dl3 \17597bee\b29df b60_bf7ac601\PD SWebControls.DL L"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_32\ System.Data\2.0 .0.0__b77a5c561 934e089\System. Data.dll"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_MSI L\System\2.0.0. 0__b77a5c561934 e089\System.dll "
/out:"c:\WINDOWS \Microsoft.NET\ Framework\v2.0. 50727\Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Theme_PD S.sexg2wte.dll" /D:DEBUG=1
/debug+ /define:_MYTYPE= \"Web\"
/imports:Microso ft.VisualBasic, System,System.C ollections,Syst em.Collections. Specialized,Sys tem.Configurati on,System.Text, System.Text.Reg ularExpressions ,System.Web,Sys tem.Web.Caching ,System.Web.Ses sionState,Syste m.Web.Security, System.Web.Prof ile,System.Web. UI,System.Web.U I.WebControls,S ystem.Web.UI.We bControls.WebPa rts,System.Web. UI.HtmlControls
"c:\WINDOWS\Mic rosoft.NET\Fram ework\v2.0.5072 7\Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Theme_PD S.sexg2wte.0.vb "
"c:\WINDOWS\Mic rosoft.NET\Fram ework\v2.0.5072 7\Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Theme_PD S.sexg2wte.1.vb "
Microsoft (R) Visual Basic Compiler version 8.0.50727.42
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 2.0.50727.42
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

c:\WINDOWS\Micr osoft.NET\Frame work\v2.0.50727 \Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Theme_PD S.sexg2wte.0.vb (58) :
error BC30002: Type 'PDS.WebControl s.GridViewSort' is not defined.

Private Shared __BuildControl_ _control15_skin Key As Object =
System.Web.UI.P ageTheme.Create SkinKey(GetType (PDS.WebControl s.GridViewSort) ,
"ContractListin gs")

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

c:\WINDOWS\Micr osoft.NET\Frame work\v2.0.50727 \Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Theme_PD S.sexg2wte.0.vb (69) :
error BC30002: Type 'PDS.WebControl s.GridViewSort' is not defined.

Me.__controlSki ns(__BuildContr ol__control15_s kinKey) = New
System.Web.UI.C ontrolSkin(GetT ype(PDS.WebCont rols.GridViewSo rt),
AddressOf Me.__BuildContr ol__control15)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

c:\WINDOWS\Micr osoft.NET\Frame work\v2.0.50727 \Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Theme_PD S.sexg2wte.0.vb (427) :
error BC30002: Type 'PDS.WebControl s.GridViewSort' is not defined.

Dim __ctrl As PDS.WebControls .GridViewSort =
CType(ctrl,PDS. WebControls.Gri dViewSort)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

May 19 '06 #1
1 2292
I have been having the same problem, it looks to me as if when the
themes are compiled they are not inheriting the references from the
parent project (well lack of project in this case). Also if you look at
the debugger output you will see that the themes are being generated
using VB. I tried adding in an <%@ imports %> tag to import the correct
assembly but that generated an invalid tag error.

It looks to me as if the ASP.Net 2.0 themes are a massive hack added at
the last minute.

aspnet20vb_mike wrote:
I have a Custom Control which inherits from GridView.

I call it GridViewSort and it is in a namespace "PDS.WebControl s".

I add it to the Toolbox, drop it on my WebForm and it shows up and
works fine. But when I define a skinID for this Custom Control, I am
getting an error when it compiles.

I tried adding the Register directive in the skin file but that doesnot

I have attached the following:
1.SkinID definition
2. Error Message

I see from the messages that the compiler fails on
GetType(PDS.Web Controls.GridVi ewSort).
I do not know how to resolve that.

Any help will be appreciated.

SkinID Definition:
<cc1:GridViewSo rt SkinID="Contrac tListings" runat="server" Width="760"
CellPadding="2" Cellspacing="0" BorderWidth="1p x" BackColor="Whit e"
BorderColor="#2 97B6B">
<HeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" Font-Underline="Fals e" ForeColor="Blue "
</cc1:GridViewSor t>

Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'PDS.WebControl s.GridViewSort' is
not defined.

Source Error:
Line 56: Private Shared __BuildControl_ _control14_skin Key As
Object =
System.Web.UI.P ageTheme.Create SkinKey(GetType (System.Web.UI. WebControls.Lab el),
Line 57:
Line 58: Private Shared __BuildControl_ _control15_skin Key As
Object =
System.Web.UI.P ageTheme.Create SkinKey(GetType (PDS.WebControl s.GridViewSort) ,
"ContractListin gs")
Line 59:
Line 60: Public Sub New()
Source File: c:\WINDOWS\Micr osoft.NET\Frame work\v2.0.50727 \Temporary
ASP.NET Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Theme_PD S.sexg2wte.0.vb
Line: 58

Show Detailed Compiler Output:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE>
"c:\WINDOWS\Mic rosoft.NET\Fram ework\v2.0.5072 7\vbc.exe" /t:library
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_MSI L\System.Xml\2. 0.0.0__b77a5c56 1934e089\System .Xml.dll"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_MSI L\System.Web.Mo bile\ 03f5f7f11d50a3a \System.Web.Mob ile.dll"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_MSI L\System.Drawin g\ 5f7f11d50a3a\Sy stem.Drawing.dl l"
/R:"c:\WINDOWS\M icrosoft.NET\Fr amework\v2.0.50 727\Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Code.f-uu1gjt.dll"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_MSI L\System.Config uration\ __b03f5f7f11d50 a3a\System.Conf iguration.dll"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_32\ System.Web\2.0. 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\System.W eb.dll"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_32\ System.Enterpri seServices\2.0. 0.0__b03f5f7f11 d50a3a\System.E nterpriseServic es.dll"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_MSI L\System.Web.Se rvices\ _b03f5f7f11d50a 3a\System.Web.S ervices.dll"
/R:"c:\WINDOWS\M icrosoft.NET\Fr amework\v2.0.50 727\Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\assembly\dl3 \17597bee\b29df b60_bf7ac601\PD SWebControls.DL L"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_32\ System.Data\2.0 .0.0__b77a5c561 934e089\System. Data.dll"
/R:"C:\WINDOWS\a ssembly\GAC_MSI L\System\2.0.0. 0__b77a5c561934 e089\System.dll "
/out:"c:\WINDOWS \Microsoft.NET\ Framework\v2.0. 50727\Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Theme_PD S.sexg2wte.dll" /D:DEBUG=1
/debug+ /define:_MYTYPE= \"Web\"
/imports:Microso ft.VisualBasic, System,System.C ollections,Syst em.Collections. Specialized,Sys tem.Configurati on,System.Text, System.Text.Reg ularExpressions ,System.Web,Sys tem.Web.Caching ,System.Web.Ses sionState,Syste m.Web.Security, System.Web.Prof ile,System.Web. UI,System.Web.U I.WebControls,S ystem.Web.UI.We bControls.WebPa rts,System.Web. UI.HtmlControls
"c:\WINDOWS\Mic rosoft.NET\Fram ework\v2.0.5072 7\Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Theme_PD S.sexg2wte.0.vb "
"c:\WINDOWS\Mic rosoft.NET\Fram ework\v2.0.5072 7\Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Theme_PD S.sexg2wte.1.vb "
Microsoft (R) Visual Basic Compiler version 8.0.50727.42
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 2.0.50727.42
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

c:\WINDOWS\Micr osoft.NET\Frame work\v2.0.50727 \Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Theme_PD S.sexg2wte.0.vb (58) :
error BC30002: Type 'PDS.WebControl s.GridViewSort' is not defined.

Private Shared __BuildControl_ _control15_skin Key As Object =
System.Web.UI.P ageTheme.Create SkinKey(GetType (PDS.WebControl s.GridViewSort) ,
"ContractListin gs")

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

c:\WINDOWS\Micr osoft.NET\Frame work\v2.0.50727 \Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Theme_PD S.sexg2wte.0.vb (69) :
error BC30002: Type 'PDS.WebControl s.GridViewSort' is not defined.

Me.__controlSki ns(__BuildContr ol__control15_s kinKey) = New
System.Web.UI.C ontrolSkin(GetT ype(PDS.WebCont rols.GridViewSo rt),
AddressOf Me.__BuildContr ol__control15)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

c:\WINDOWS\Micr osoft.NET\Frame work\v2.0.50727 \Temporary ASP.NET
Files\etchweb2\ 7dbaa6bc\543bc0 72\App_Theme_PD S.sexg2wte.0.vb (427) :
error BC30002: Type 'PDS.WebControl s.GridViewSort' is not defined.

Dim __ctrl As PDS.WebControls .GridViewSort =
CType(ctrl,PDS. WebControls.Gri dViewSort)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

May 22 '06 #2

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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