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How to change row data when dropdownlist changes?

Hello I have a datagrid with a dropdownlist that has the products,
another column has the price of the product and when the user changes
the product it also must change the price how can I achieve that.


Datagrid html

<asp:datagrid id="dgpedidos" runat="server" Width="100%"
ShowFooter="Tru e" AutoGenerateCol umns="False">
<ItemStyle CssClass="regis tros"></ItemStyle>
<HeaderStyle CssClass="titul ostablas"></HeaderStyle>
<asp:ButtonColu mn Text="Eliminar"
CommandName="De lete"></asp:ButtonColum n>
<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Pro ducto">
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:DropDownLi st id="ddlproducto s" runat="server"> </asp:DropDownLis t>
<FooterTemplate >
<asp:LinkButt on id="LinkButton1 " runat="server"
CommandName="ag regarproducto"> Agregar Producto</asp:LinkButton>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>
<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Can tidad">
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:TextBox id="txtcantidad " runat="server" Width="44px"
CssClass="texto s"></asp:TextBox>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>
<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Pre cio">
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:TextBox id=txtprecio runat="server" Width="60px" CssClass="texto s"
Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval (Container, "DataItem.preci oespecifico") %>'>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>
<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Iva ">
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:TextBox id=txtivaporpro ducto runat="server" Width="36px"
CssClass="texto s" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval (Container, "DataItem.i va",
"{0:N0}%") %>'>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>
<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Sub total">
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:TextBox id="txtsubtotal porproducto" runat="server" Width="68px"
CssClass="texto s"></asp:TextBox>
</asp:TemplateCol umn>

And my codebehind

Dim objconsultas As New LBDatos.consult as

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load

If Not Page.IsPostBack Then

cargarproductos ()

cargardatagrid( )

End If

End Sub

Public Sub cargarproductos ()

Session("produc tos") =
objconsultas.to dosproductoxCia (Session("idcom pania"))

End Sub

Private Sub cargardatagrid( )

Dim ds As DataSet

Dim dc1 As New DataColumn("Sub Total",
System.Type.Get Type("System.De cimal")) 'i am assuming your stored proc
does not contain a column SubTotal

Dim dc2 As New DataColumn("Can tidad",
System.Type.Get Type("System.In t32"))

ds = objconsultas.pr oductoxCia(Sess ion("idcompania "))

ds.Tables(0).Co lumns.Add(dc2)

dc1.Expression = "Cantidad * Precioespecific o"

ds.Tables(0).Co lumns.Add(dc1)

dgpedidos.DataS ource = ds

dgpedidos.DataB ind()

End Sub

Private Sub dgpedidos_ItemD ataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e
As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Data GridItemEventAr gs) Handles
dgpedidos.ItemD ataBound

If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.It em Or e.Item.ItemType =
ListItemType.Al ternatingItem Then

Dim ddlproductos As New DropDownList

ddlproductos.Au toPostBack = True

ddlproductos = e.Item.Cells(1) .FindControl("d dlproductos")

ddlproductos.Da taSource = CType(Session(" productos"),

ddlproductos.Da taTextField = "descripcio n"

ddlproductos.Da taValueField = "idproducto "

ddlproductos.Da taBind()

End If

End Sub

Private Sub dgpedidos_ItemC ommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Data GridCommandEven tArgs) Handles
dgpedidos.ItemC ommand

If e.CommandName = "agregarproduct os" Then

Dim di As DataGridItem


End If

End Sub

Nov 19 '05 #1
2 2350
Hi Luis,

You are on the correct path... make Autopostback property of dropdown to true, when selecttion changes in dropdown it will trigger
ItemCommand event.
in item commend event based on selection retreive more infomation about the product like price and u can assign it to textbox

Jignesh Desai.
"Luis Esteban Valencia" <lu***@epm.net. co> wrote in message news:uE******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP14.phx.gbl...
Hello I have a datagrid with a dropdownlist that has the products, another column has the price of the product and when the user changes the product it also must change the price how can I achieve that.


Datagrid html

<asp:datagrid id="dgpedidos" runat="server" Width="100%" ShowFooter="Tru e" AutoGenerateCol umns="False">

<ItemStyle CssClass="regis tros"></ItemStyle>

<HeaderStyle CssClass="titul ostablas"></HeaderStyle>


<asp:ButtonColu mn Text="Eliminar" CommandName="De lete"></asp:ButtonColum n>

<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Pro ducto">

<ItemTemplate >

<asp:DropDownLi st id="ddlproducto s" runat="server"> </asp:DropDownLis t>


<FooterTemplate >

<asp:LinkButt on id="LinkButton1 " runat="server" CommandName="ag regarproducto"> Agregar Producto</asp:LinkButton>


</asp:TemplateCol umn>

<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Can tidad">

<ItemTemplate >

<asp:TextBox id="txtcantidad " runat="server" Width="44px" CssClass="texto s"></asp:TextBox>


</asp:TemplateCol umn>

<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Pre cio">

<ItemTemplate >

<asp:TextBox id=txtprecio runat="server" Width="60px" CssClass="texto s" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval (Container, "DataItem.preci oespecifico") %>'>



</asp:TemplateCol umn>

<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Iva ">

<ItemTemplate >

<asp:TextBox id=txtivaporpro ducto runat="server" Width="36px" CssClass="texto s" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval (Container, "DataItem.i va", "{0:N0}%") %>'>



</asp:TemplateCol umn>

<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Sub total">

<ItemTemplate >

<asp:TextBox id="txtsubtotal porproducto" runat="server" Width="68px" CssClass="texto s"></asp:TextBox>


</asp:TemplateCol umn>



And my codebehind

Dim objconsultas As New LBDatos.consult as

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load

If Not Page.IsPostBack Then

cargarproductos ()

cargardatagrid( )

End If

End Sub

Public Sub cargarproductos ()

Session("produc tos") = objconsultas.to dosproductoxCia (Session("idcom pania"))

End Sub

Private Sub cargardatagrid( )

Dim ds As DataSet

Dim dc1 As New DataColumn("Sub Total", System.Type.Get Type("System.De cimal")) 'i am assuming your stored proc does not contain a column SubTotal

Dim dc2 As New DataColumn("Can tidad", System.Type.Get Type("System.In t32"))

ds = objconsultas.pr oductoxCia(Sess ion("idcompania "))

ds.Tables(0).Co lumns.Add(dc2)

dc1.Expression = "Cantidad * Precioespecific o"

ds.Tables(0).Co lumns.Add(dc1)

dgpedidos.DataS ource = ds

dgpedidos.DataB ind()

End Sub

Private Sub dgpedidos_ItemD ataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Data GridItemEventAr gs) Handles dgpedidos.ItemD ataBound

If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.It em Or e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Al ternatingItem Then

Dim ddlproductos As New DropDownList

ddlproductos.Au toPostBack = True

ddlproductos = e.Item.Cells(1) .FindControl("d dlproductos")

ddlproductos.Da taSource = CType(Session(" productos"), DataSet)

ddlproductos.Da taTextField = "descripcio n"

ddlproductos.Da taValueField = "idproducto "

ddlproductos.Da taBind()

End If

End Sub

Private Sub dgpedidos_ItemC ommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Data GridCommandEven tArgs) Handles dgpedidos.ItemC ommand

If e.CommandName = "agregarproduct os" Then

Dim di As DataGridItem


End If

End Sub

Nov 19 '05 #2
How would it be in code?
"Jignesh Desai" <ji***********@ hotmail.com> escribió en el mensaje news:Oo******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP09.phx.gbl...
Hi Luis,

You are on the correct path... make Autopostback property of dropdown to true, when selecttion changes in dropdown it will trigger
ItemCommand event.
in item commend event based on selection retreive more infomation about the product like price and u can assign it to textbox

Jignesh Desai.
"Luis Esteban Valencia" <lu***@epm.net. co> wrote in message news:uE******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP14.phx.gbl...
Hello I have a datagrid with a dropdownlist that has the products, another column has the price of the product and when the user changes the product it also must change the price how can I achieve that.


Datagrid html

<asp:datagrid id="dgpedidos" runat="server" Width="100%" ShowFooter="Tru e" AutoGenerateCol umns="False">

<ItemStyle CssClass="regis tros"></ItemStyle>

<HeaderStyle CssClass="titul ostablas"></HeaderStyle>


<asp:ButtonColu mn Text="Eliminar" CommandName="De lete"></asp:ButtonColum n>

<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Pro ducto">

<ItemTemplate >

<asp:DropDownLi st id="ddlproducto s" runat="server"> </asp:DropDownLis t>


<FooterTemplate >

<asp:LinkButt on id="LinkButton1 " runat="server" CommandName="ag regarproducto"> Agregar Producto</asp:LinkButton>


</asp:TemplateCol umn>

<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Can tidad">

<ItemTemplate >

<asp:TextBox id="txtcantidad " runat="server" Width="44px" CssClass="texto s"></asp:TextBox>


</asp:TemplateCol umn>

<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Pre cio">

<ItemTemplate >

<asp:TextBox id=txtprecio runat="server" Width="60px" CssClass="texto s" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval (Container, "DataItem.preci oespecifico") %>'>



</asp:TemplateCol umn>

<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Iva ">

<ItemTemplate >

<asp:TextBox id=txtivaporpro ducto runat="server" Width="36px" CssClass="texto s" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval (Container, "DataItem.i va", "{0:N0}%") %>'>



</asp:TemplateCol umn>

<asp:TemplateCo lumn HeaderText="Sub total">

<ItemTemplate >

<asp:TextBox id="txtsubtotal porproducto" runat="server" Width="68px" CssClass="texto s"></asp:TextBox>


</asp:TemplateCol umn>



And my codebehind

Dim objconsultas As New LBDatos.consult as

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load

If Not Page.IsPostBack Then

cargarproductos ()

cargardatagrid( )

End If

End Sub

Public Sub cargarproductos ()

Session("produc tos") = objconsultas.to dosproductoxCia (Session("idcom pania"))

End Sub

Private Sub cargardatagrid( )

Dim ds As DataSet

Dim dc1 As New DataColumn("Sub Total", System.Type.Get Type("System.De cimal")) 'i am assuming your stored proc does not contain a column SubTotal

Dim dc2 As New DataColumn("Can tidad", System.Type.Get Type("System.In t32"))

ds = objconsultas.pr oductoxCia(Sess ion("idcompania "))

ds.Tables(0).Co lumns.Add(dc2)

dc1.Expression = "Cantidad * Precioespecific o"

ds.Tables(0).Co lumns.Add(dc1)

dgpedidos.DataS ource = ds

dgpedidos.DataB ind()

End Sub

Private Sub dgpedidos_ItemD ataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Data GridItemEventAr gs) Handles dgpedidos.ItemD ataBound

If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.It em Or e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Al ternatingItem Then

Dim ddlproductos As New DropDownList

ddlproductos.Au toPostBack = True

ddlproductos = e.Item.Cells(1) .FindControl("d dlproductos")

ddlproductos.Da taSource = CType(Session(" productos"), DataSet)

ddlproductos.Da taTextField = "descripcio n"

ddlproductos.Da taValueField = "idproducto "

ddlproductos.Da taBind()

End If

End Sub

Private Sub dgpedidos_ItemC ommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Data GridCommandEven tArgs) Handles dgpedidos.ItemC ommand

If e.CommandName = "agregarproduct os" Then

Dim di As DataGridItem


End If

End Sub

Nov 19 '05 #3

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