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Step-thru code - odd behavior

I have a breakpoint in an aspx page that I'm using to try to trap some code
to see what's going on. I'm translating a page that is working in a
traditional ASP page, which takes several session variables, formats a
header, and assigns a sql stored procedure to be run and a report generated
in a web browser.
The odd behavior occurs where I have my breakpoint, which is at the place
where the variable "showblank" is set to = " ". It'll hit the next
couple of lines, then skip down into the middle of the if rstemp.EOF code -
like on the second response.write.

It then skips all over the place within the code, in the middle of if
statements, then on down thru the script at the bottom of the page. It
eventually gives me the error:

"Server Error in '/test' Application.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the
current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information
about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.NullRefe renceException: Object reference not set
to an instance of an object.

Source Error:

[No relevant source lines]
Source File: c:\inetpub\wwwr oot\test\sales\ reportASP.aspx Line: 409

Stack Trace:

[NullReferenceEx ception: Object reference not set to an instance of an

ASP.reportasp_a spx.__Render__c ontrol1(HtmlTex tWriter __output, Control
parameterContai ner) in c:\inetpub\wwwr oot\test\sales\ reportASP.aspx: 409

System.Web.UI.C ontrol.RenderCh ildren(HtmlText Writer
writer)System.W eb.UI.Control.R ender(HtmlTextW riter writer)

System.Web.UI.C ontrol.RenderCo ntrol(HtmlTextW riter writer)

System.Web.UI.P age.ProcessRequ estMain()


Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.432 2.573; ASP.NET
Version:1.1.432 2.573 "

What appears to happen to generate the error is that it skips beyond the end
of the .aspx page.

The parameter files are pieces that were originally Include files that were
supposed to be called when it was run, but I pulled them into the
codebehind. They basically are if statements that set several session
variables that control what stored procedure is run and information we put
on the header of the report page.

I'm lost as to why it skips around like it does. I have several asp pages
in front of this one that have been converted, and they all seem to follow
thru a logical step through, but not this one.

Any advice/help appreciated.


The code follows:

<%@ Page language="vb" src="ReportASP. aspx.vb"
Inherits="repor tASP.ReportASP_ aspx_vb" Codebehind="rep ortasp.aspx.vb"
Debug="true" %>
<%@ Import Namespace = "nce.vbscri pt" %>
<!--#include file="reporthea der.inc"-->
<% Exceptions() %>



<title>My Website Report</title>

<body link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF" topmargin="1">

<table border="0" width="100%">
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <!--#include
file="remheader 4d.inc"--> </td>
FormatReportHea der()


If Ammospool = "" Then
If Session("rpt"). ToString() = "QW" Then %>
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " " & Session("Select ") &
" " & AmmoSelect & " " & Session("ammo") & " " & Session("rankin g")
Else %>
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " Year " &
Session("Select ") & " " & AmmoSelect & " " & Session("ammo") & " " &
Session("rankin g") %><small>
<% End IF
Else %>
If Session("rpt"). ToString() = "TAR" Or Session("rpt"). ToString() =
"MBM" Then
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " Year " &
Session("Select ") & " " & " " & Session("rankin g") %><small>
<% Else
If Session("select ").ToString () = "J7QSUM" Or
Session("select ").ToString () = "J7QDETAIL" Or Session("select ").ToString () =
"J7QSINGLE" Or Session("select ").ToString () = "J7QSKU" Then
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " Year " &
Session("rankin g") %><small>
<% Else %>
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " Year " &
Session("Select ") & " " & Ammospool & " " & Session("rankin g") %><small>
<% End IF
End IF
End IF
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font color="#000000" ><small>Last
Updated: <%= __when %>&nbsp;&nbsp;& nbsp;&nbsp;&nbs p;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Report Date:&nbsp;</small> <small><%= Today()
%></small>&nbsp;&nb sp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nb sp;
<small>&nbsp;&n bsp;&nbsp;&nbsp ;&nbsp;Report
Time:&nbsp;<%= TimeOfDay() %></small> <big><strong>&n bsp;</strong></big>
<% SessionParamete rs() %>
<td width="100%"><s mall><p align="center"> <font color="#000000" ><b>(
Selection: <%= Session("Select ion") & " " & Session("POs")

<% J3Parameters() %>
<% J4Parameters() %>
<% J5Parameters() %>
<% J6Parameters() %>
<% J7Parameters() %>
<% J9Parameters() %>
<% I1Parameters() %>
<% rebateparameter s() %>
<% springparameter s() %>
<% qualificationpa rameters() %>
<% coopparameters( ) %>
<% specialreports( ) %>


showblank = "&nbsp;"
shownull = "-null-"
conntemp = new ADODB.Connectio n()
conntemp.connec tionstring = session("server string")
'conntemp.conne ctiontimeout = 900 ' (Add This line)
conntemp.Comman dTimeout = 2000
Server.ScriptTi meout = 2000
Session.Add("rp tstart", Timer())
rstemp = conntemp.Execut e(mySQL)
If rstemp.EOF Then
Response.Write( "<b>No records matched<br>")
Response.Write( mySQL & "<br>So cannot make table...</b>")
conntemp.Close( )
conntemp = Nothing
End IF
If Session("user") .ToString() = "CHATHAMSC" Then
Response.Write( mySQL)
'for each strkey in session.content s
'response.write "(" & Session.content s.key(strkey) & ") " &
session.content s.item(strkey)& "<BR>"
'' for each strkey in session.content s
'' if session.content s.item(strkey) <> "" then
'' response.write "(" & Session.content s.key(strkey) & ") " &
session.content s.item(strkey)& "<BR>"
'' end if
'' next
End IF

If (Session("Year" ).ToString() = "Sales" Or Session("Year") .ToString() =
"Calendar") AND ((Session("Sele ct").ToString () = "Material Number" AND
Session("matdes c").ToString () <> "") Or (Session("rpt") .ToString() = "J6"
AND Session("select ").ToString () = "Detail") Or (Session("rpt") .ToString() =
"J5" AND Session("select ").ToString () = "Detail")) Or
(Session("rpt") .ToString() = "QD" Or Session("rpt"). ToString() = "QW" Or
Session("rpt"). ToString() = "MBM") Then

<table border="9" align="center"
style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 8pt; border: medium none"
bordercolor="#0 00000">

<td><table border="9" align="center"
style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9pt; border: medium none"
bordercolor="#0 00000">
End IF

'Put Headings On The Table of Field Names
'redim sData(rs.record count,175)
rownumber = 3
colnumber = 0
BeenThere = 0
lcnt = 0
numcols = 0
actualcols = 0
NrGroups = 0
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
thisfield = WhatCol.Name
GroupField(lcnt ) = 0
numcols = numcols + 1

<td bgcolor="#FFFFF F" align="center"> <p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><b><%= thisfield %></b></font></td>
'All 1 Character Field Names are Grouping Fields
'This sets up the grouping with hierachy determined from left to
right in SQL
GroupField(lcnt ) = 1
NrGroups = NrGroups + 1
End IF
actualcols = actualcols + 1
lcnt = lcnt + 1
TBorder = "border:med ium none "
'TBorder = "border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none;
border-top: medium double; border-bottom: medium none"

'Now lets grab all the records
rownumber = 3
bgcolor = "white"
Do Until rstemp.EOF

lcnt = 0
'Prepare Row for Printing
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
'Load data to array
sData(rownumber , lcnt) = WhatCol.Value
'If Data Type is currency, real or float
'response.write "QQ" & whatcol.type & "ZZ"
'response.write "name = " & whatcol.name
If WhatCol.Type = 6 Or WhatCol.Type = 5 Then
GrandTotal(lcnt + 1, 0) = GrandTotal(lcnt + 1, 0) +
End IF
'Suppress Duplicates for Printing
'Set up the first row for Grouping
If rownumber = 3 Then
sData(rownumber - 1, lcnt) = WhatCol.Value
End IF
If (sData(rownumbe r, lcnt) = sData(rownumber - 1, lcnt)) AND
(WhatCol.Type <> 5 AND WhatCol.Type <> 6) Then
If rownumber = 3 Then
thisfield = WhatCol.Value
GroupField(lcnt ) = GroupField(lcnt ) + 1
'Added the linecount < NrGroups times 2 which not
suppress duplicates on any field except Group Fields
'If you need to change it back insert (thisfield =
showblank) in place of If Statement.
If lcnt < (NrGroups * 2) + 1 Then
thisfield = showblank
GroupField(lcnt ) = GroupField(lcnt ) + 1
thisfield = WhatCol.Value
End IF
End IF
thisfield = sData(rownumber , lcnt)
GroupField(lcnt ) = 0
End IF
'Total Rows Field Length is 1 Character
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
If WhatCol.Type = 6 Or WhatCol.Type = 5 Then
thisfield = FormatNumber(CD bl(thisfield), 0)
End IF

<td bgcolor="<%= bgcolor %>" valign="top" align="right"
style="border: medium none"><%= thisfield %>
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
rstemp.MoveNext ()
'set or reset data
ralign = "right"
'Change colors for every other line
If chgcolor = 0 Then
bgcolor = "#FFFFCC"
chgcolor = 1
bgcolor = "White"
chgcolor = 0
End IF
'End Totals and Grouping
lcnt = 0
If Not rstemp.EOF Then
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) = 1 Then
If WhatCol.Value.T oString() <> CStr(sData(rown umber,
lcnt)) Then
PrintTotal(lcnt ) = lcnt
GroupField(lcnt ) = 1
'if rownumber<>3 then
rowCnt(lcnt) = rowCnt(lcnt) + 1
'end if
GroupField(lcnt ) = 0
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
End IF
End IF
If rstemp.EOF Then
lcnt = 0
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) = 1 Then
If sData(rownumber - 1, lcnt) = sData(rownumber , lcnt)
AND CStr(sData(rown umber, lcnt)) <> "" Then
PrintTotal(lcnt ) = lcnt
GroupField(lcnt ) = 1
'rowcnt(lcnt) = rowcnt(lcnt)+1
PrintTotal(lcnt ) = NrGroups + 1
'if rownumber<>3 then
rowCnt(lcnt) = 0
'end if
GroupField(lcnt ) = 0
End IF
'lcnt = lcnt + 1
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
End IF
lcnt = 0
iGroup = 0
For tcnt = 0 To NrGroups
pcnt = NrGroups - tcnt
If CInt(PrintTotal (pcnt)) < NrGroups AND (CInt(GroupFiel d(pcnt))
= 1 AND CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0) Then
GroupField(pcnt ) = 0
'rowcnt(pcnt) = 0
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0 Then
Response.Write( "</tr><tr>")
End IF
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) < 1 AND (WhatCol.Type = 5 AND
WhatCol.Type = 6) Then
GrpTotal(lcnt, PrintTotal(pcnt )) = 0
End IF
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 AND (WhatCol.Type <> 5 AND
WhatCol.Type <> 6) Then
If lcnt = CInt((NrGroups) + PrintTotal(pcnt ))
sTotals = CStr(sData(rown umber, lcnt))
'& "-" & rowcnt(pcnt) & WHATCOL.TYPE
sTotals = showblank
End IF
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0 Then
Response.Write( "<TD style=" & TBorder & "
ALIGN=" & ralign & " BGCOLOR=" & bgcolor & "><STRONG>" & sTotals &
End IF
End IF
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 AND (WhatCol.Type = 5 Or
WhatCol.Type = 6) Then
For colcount = 0 To rowCnt(pcnt)
atotals = sData(rownumber - colcount, lcnt)
+ atotals
atotals = FormatNumber(CD bl(atotals), 0)
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0 Then
Response.Write( "<TD style=" & TBorder & "
ALIGN=" & ralign & " BGCOLOR=" & bgcolor & "><STRONG>" & atotals &
End IF
GrpTotal(lcnt, PrintTotal(pcnt )) = 0
atotals = 0
End IF
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0 Then
Response.Write( "</tr><tr>")
BeenThere = BeenThere + 1
End IF
rowCnt(pcnt) = 0
'Change colors for every other line
If chgcolor = 0 Then
bgcolor = "#FFFFCC"
chgcolor = 1
bgcolor = "White"
chgcolor = 0
End IF
End IF
lcnt = 0
rownumber = rownumber + 1

'Grand Total Routine
lcnt = 0
col1 = 0
If NrGroups > 0 Then
'If any 1 character fields where defined, Grand Totals will appear
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If WhatCol.Type = 6 Or WhatCol.Type = 5 Then
sTotal = FormatNumber(CD bl(GrandTotal(l cnt + 1, 0)), 0)

<td bgcolor="<%= bgcolor %>" valign="top" align="right"
style="border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none;
border-top: medium double; border-bottom: medium none"><strong>< %= (sTotal)
sTotal = 0
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
If col1 = 0 Then
sTotal1 = "Grand Total"
col1 = 1
sTotal1 = showblank
End IF
sTotal1 = showblank
End IF
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
<td bgcolor="<%= bgcolor %>" valign="top" align="right"
style="border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none;
border-top: medium double; border-bottom: medium none"><strong>< %= sTotal1
End IF
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
End IF
Session.Add("rp tend", Timer())
Session.Add("rp ttime", FormatNumber(CD bl(Session("rpt end")) -
CDbl(Session("r ptstart")), 1))
rstemp = Nothing
conntemp.Close( )
conntemp = Nothing

Response.Write( "The report ran in " & Session("rpttim e") & " second(s)")

sub window_onload
end sub
Sub UpdateStatus
Status = "<%= mySQL %>"
end sub


Nov 18 '05 #1
2 1736
delete the dll & pdb file in bin folder and rebuild your solution.

Make Unlimited phone calls from your PC to ANY phone in the World!
<me@privacy.net > wrote in message
news:#b******** *****@TK2MSFTNG P11.phx.gbl...
I have a breakpoint in an aspx page that I'm using to try to trap some code to see what's going on. I'm translating a page that is working in a
traditional ASP page, which takes several session variables, formats a
header, and assigns a sql stored procedure to be run and a report generated in a web browser.
The odd behavior occurs where I have my breakpoint, which is at the place
where the variable "showblank" is set to = "&nbsp;". It'll hit the next
couple of lines, then skip down into the middle of the if rstemp.EOF code - like on the second response.write.

It then skips all over the place within the code, in the middle of if
statements, then on down thru the script at the bottom of the page. It
eventually gives me the error:

"Server Error in '/test' Application.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ----
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the
current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information
about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.NullRefe renceException: Object reference not set
to an instance of an object.

Source Error:

[No relevant source lines]
Source File: c:\inetpub\wwwr oot\test\sales\ reportASP.aspx Line: 409

Stack Trace:

[NullReferenceEx ception: Object reference not set to an instance of an

ASP.reportasp_a spx.__Render__c ontrol1(HtmlTex tWriter __output, Control
parameterContai ner) in c:\inetpub\wwwr oot\test\sales\ reportASP.aspx: 409

System.Web.UI.C ontrol.RenderCh ildren(HtmlText Writer
writer)System.W eb.UI.Control.R ender(HtmlTextW riter writer)

System.Web.UI.C ontrol.RenderCo ntrol(HtmlTextW riter writer)

System.Web.UI.P age.ProcessRequ estMain()

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ----

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.432 2.573; ASP.NET Version:1.1.432 2.573 "

What appears to happen to generate the error is that it skips beyond the end of the .aspx page.

The parameter files are pieces that were originally Include files that were supposed to be called when it was run, but I pulled them into the
codebehind. They basically are if statements that set several session
variables that control what stored procedure is run and information we put
on the header of the report page.

I'm lost as to why it skips around like it does. I have several asp pages
in front of this one that have been converted, and they all seem to follow
thru a logical step through, but not this one.

Any advice/help appreciated.


The code follows:

<%@ Page language="vb" src="ReportASP. aspx.vb"
Inherits="repor tASP.ReportASP_ aspx_vb" Codebehind="rep ortasp.aspx.vb"
Debug="true" %>
<%@ Import Namespace = "nce.vbscri pt" %>
<!--#include file="reporthea der.inc"-->
<% Exceptions() %>



<title>My Website Report</title>

<body link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF" topmargin="1">

<table border="0" width="100%">
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <!--#include
file="remheader 4d.inc"--> </td>
FormatReportHea der()


If Ammospool = "" Then
If Session("rpt"). ToString() = "QW" Then %>
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " " & Session("Select ") & " " & AmmoSelect & " " & Session("ammo") & " " & Session("rankin g")
Else %>
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " Year " &
Session("Select ") & " " & AmmoSelect & " " & Session("ammo") & " " &
Session("rankin g") %><small>
<% End IF
Else %>
If Session("rpt"). ToString() = "TAR" Or Session("rpt"). ToString() = "MBM" Then
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " Year " &
Session("Select ") & " " & " " & Session("rankin g") %><small>
<% Else
If Session("select ").ToString () = "J7QSUM" Or
Session("select ").ToString () = "J7QDETAIL" Or Session("select ").ToString () = "J7QSINGLE" Or Session("select ").ToString () = "J7QSKU" Then
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " Year " &
Session("rankin g") %><small>
<% Else %>
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " Year " &
Session("Select ") & " " & Ammospool & " " & Session("rankin g") %><small>
<% End IF
End IF
End IF
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font color="#000000" ><small>Last
Updated: <%= __when %>&nbsp;&nbsp;& nbsp;&nbsp;&nbs p;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Report Date:&nbsp;</small> <small><%= Today()
%></small>&nbsp;&nb sp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nb sp;
<small>&nbsp;&n bsp;&nbsp;&nbsp ;&nbsp;Report
Time:&nbsp;<%= TimeOfDay() %></small> <big><strong>&n bsp;</strong></big> &nbsp;</font></td>
<% SessionParamete rs() %>
<td width="100%"><s mall><p align="center"> <font color="#000000" ><b>(
Selection: <%= Session("Select ion") & " " & Session("POs")

<% J3Parameters() %>
<% J4Parameters() %>
<% J5Parameters() %>
<% J6Parameters() %>
<% J7Parameters() %>
<% J9Parameters() %>
<% I1Parameters() %>
<% rebateparameter s() %>
<% springparameter s() %>
<% qualificationpa rameters() %>
<% coopparameters( ) %>
<% specialreports( ) %>


showblank = "&nbsp;"
shownull = "-null-"
conntemp = new ADODB.Connectio n()
conntemp.connec tionstring = session("server string")
'conntemp.conne ctiontimeout = 900 ' (Add This line)
conntemp.Comman dTimeout = 2000
Server.ScriptTi meout = 2000
Session.Add("rp tstart", Timer())
rstemp = conntemp.Execut e(mySQL)
If rstemp.EOF Then
Response.Write( "<b>No records matched<br>")
Response.Write( mySQL & "<br>So cannot make table...</b>")
conntemp.Close( )
conntemp = Nothing
End IF
If Session("user") .ToString() = "CHATHAMSC" Then
Response.Write( mySQL)
'for each strkey in session.content s
'response.write "(" & Session.content s.key(strkey) & ") " &
session.content s.item(strkey)& "<BR>"
'' for each strkey in session.content s
'' if session.content s.item(strkey) <> "" then
'' response.write "(" & Session.content s.key(strkey) & ") " &
session.content s.item(strkey)& "<BR>"
'' end if
'' next
End IF

If (Session("Year" ).ToString() = "Sales" Or Session("Year") .ToString() = "Calendar") AND ((Session("Sele ct").ToString () = "Material Number" AND
Session("matdes c").ToString () <> "") Or (Session("rpt") .ToString() = "J6"
AND Session("select ").ToString () = "Detail") Or (Session("rpt") .ToString() = "J5" AND Session("select ").ToString () = "Detail")) Or
(Session("rpt") .ToString() = "QD" Or Session("rpt"). ToString() = "QW" Or
Session("rpt"). ToString() = "MBM") Then

<table border="9" align="center"
style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 8pt; border: medium none"
bordercolor="#0 00000">

<td><table border="9" align="center"
style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9pt; border: medium none"
bordercolor="#0 00000">
End IF

'Put Headings On The Table of Field Names
'redim sData(rs.record count,175)
rownumber = 3
colnumber = 0
BeenThere = 0
lcnt = 0
numcols = 0
actualcols = 0
NrGroups = 0
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
thisfield = WhatCol.Name
GroupField(lcnt ) = 0
numcols = numcols + 1

<td bgcolor="#FFFFF F" align="center"> <p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><b><%= thisfield %></b></font></td>
'All 1 Character Field Names are Grouping Fields
'This sets up the grouping with hierachy determined from left to right in SQL
GroupField(lcnt ) = 1
NrGroups = NrGroups + 1
End IF
actualcols = actualcols + 1
lcnt = lcnt + 1
TBorder = "border:med ium none "
'TBorder = "border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none;
border-top: medium double; border-bottom: medium none"

'Now lets grab all the records
rownumber = 3
bgcolor = "white"
Do Until rstemp.EOF

lcnt = 0
'Prepare Row for Printing
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
'Load data to array
sData(rownumber , lcnt) = WhatCol.Value
'If Data Type is currency, real or float
'response.write "QQ" & whatcol.type & "ZZ"
'response.write "name = " & whatcol.name
If WhatCol.Type = 6 Or WhatCol.Type = 5 Then
GrandTotal(lcnt + 1, 0) = GrandTotal(lcnt + 1, 0) +
End IF
'Suppress Duplicates for Printing
'Set up the first row for Grouping
If rownumber = 3 Then
sData(rownumber - 1, lcnt) = WhatCol.Value
End IF
If (sData(rownumbe r, lcnt) = sData(rownumber - 1, lcnt)) AND
(WhatCol.Type <> 5 AND WhatCol.Type <> 6) Then
If rownumber = 3 Then
thisfield = WhatCol.Value
GroupField(lcnt ) = GroupField(lcnt ) + 1
'Added the linecount < NrGroups times 2 which not
suppress duplicates on any field except Group Fields
'If you need to change it back insert (thisfield =
showblank) in place of If Statement.
If lcnt < (NrGroups * 2) + 1 Then
thisfield = showblank
GroupField(lcnt ) = GroupField(lcnt ) + 1
thisfield = WhatCol.Value
End IF
End IF
thisfield = sData(rownumber , lcnt)
GroupField(lcnt ) = 0
End IF
'Total Rows Field Length is 1 Character
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
If WhatCol.Type = 6 Or WhatCol.Type = 5 Then
thisfield = FormatNumber(CD bl(thisfield), 0)
End IF

<td bgcolor="<%= bgcolor %>" valign="top" align="right"
style="border: medium none"><%= thisfield %>
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
rstemp.MoveNext ()
'set or reset data
ralign = "right"
'Change colors for every other line
If chgcolor = 0 Then
bgcolor = "#FFFFCC"
chgcolor = 1
bgcolor = "White"
chgcolor = 0
End IF
'End Totals and Grouping
lcnt = 0
If Not rstemp.EOF Then
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) = 1 Then
If WhatCol.Value.T oString() <> CStr(sData(rown umber,
lcnt)) Then
PrintTotal(lcnt ) = lcnt
GroupField(lcnt ) = 1
'if rownumber<>3 then
rowCnt(lcnt) = rowCnt(lcnt) + 1
'end if
GroupField(lcnt ) = 0
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
End IF
End IF
If rstemp.EOF Then
lcnt = 0
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) = 1 Then
If sData(rownumber - 1, lcnt) = sData(rownumber , lcnt)
AND CStr(sData(rown umber, lcnt)) <> "" Then
PrintTotal(lcnt ) = lcnt
GroupField(lcnt ) = 1
'rowcnt(lcnt) = rowcnt(lcnt)+1
PrintTotal(lcnt ) = NrGroups + 1
'if rownumber<>3 then
rowCnt(lcnt) = 0
'end if
GroupField(lcnt ) = 0
End IF
'lcnt = lcnt + 1
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
End IF
lcnt = 0
iGroup = 0
For tcnt = 0 To NrGroups
pcnt = NrGroups - tcnt
If CInt(PrintTotal (pcnt)) < NrGroups AND (CInt(GroupFiel d(pcnt)) = 1 AND CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0) Then
GroupField(pcnt ) = 0
'rowcnt(pcnt) = 0
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0 Then
Response.Write( "</tr><tr>")
End IF
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) < 1 AND (WhatCol.Type = 5 AND WhatCol.Type = 6) Then
GrpTotal(lcnt, PrintTotal(pcnt )) = 0
End IF
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 AND (WhatCol.Type <> 5 AND WhatCol.Type <> 6) Then
If lcnt = CInt((NrGroups) + PrintTotal(pcnt ))
sTotals = CStr(sData(rown umber, lcnt))
'& "-" & rowcnt(pcnt) & WHATCOL.TYPE
sTotals = showblank
End IF
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0 Then
Response.Write( "<TD style=" & TBorder & "
ALIGN=" & ralign & " BGCOLOR=" & bgcolor & "><STRONG>" & sTotals &
End IF
End IF
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 AND (WhatCol.Type = 5 Or
WhatCol.Type = 6) Then
For colcount = 0 To rowCnt(pcnt)
atotals = sData(rownumber - colcount, lcnt) + atotals
atotals = FormatNumber(CD bl(atotals), 0)
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0 Then
Response.Write( "<TD style=" & TBorder & "
ALIGN=" & ralign & " BGCOLOR=" & bgcolor & "><STRONG>" & atotals &
End IF
GrpTotal(lcnt, PrintTotal(pcnt )) = 0
atotals = 0
End IF
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0 Then
Response.Write( "</tr><tr>")
BeenThere = BeenThere + 1
End IF
rowCnt(pcnt) = 0
'Change colors for every other line
If chgcolor = 0 Then
bgcolor = "#FFFFCC"
chgcolor = 1
bgcolor = "White"
chgcolor = 0
End IF
End IF
lcnt = 0
rownumber = rownumber + 1

'Grand Total Routine
lcnt = 0
col1 = 0
If NrGroups > 0 Then
'If any 1 character fields where defined, Grand Totals will appear
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If WhatCol.Type = 6 Or WhatCol.Type = 5 Then
sTotal = FormatNumber(CD bl(GrandTotal(l cnt + 1, 0)), 0)

<td bgcolor="<%= bgcolor %>" valign="top" align="right"
style="border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none;
border-top: medium double; border-bottom: medium none"><strong>< %= (sTotal) %></strong>
sTotal = 0
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
If col1 = 0 Then
sTotal1 = "Grand Total"
col1 = 1
sTotal1 = showblank
End IF
sTotal1 = showblank
End IF
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
<td bgcolor="<%= bgcolor %>" valign="top" align="right"
style="border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none;
border-top: medium double; border-bottom: medium none"><strong>< %= sTotal1
End IF
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
End IF
Session.Add("rp tend", Timer())
Session.Add("rp ttime", FormatNumber(CD bl(Session("rpt end")) -
CDbl(Session("r ptstart")), 1))
rstemp = Nothing
conntemp.Close( )
conntemp = Nothing

Response.Write( "The report ran in " & Session("rpttim e") & " second(s)") %>

sub window_onload
end sub
Sub UpdateStatus
Status = "<%= mySQL %>"
end sub



Nov 18 '05 #2
I tried this. Went in, found the dll & pdb file, and deleted them, then
opened Visual Studio 2003 and ran the application, hitting the same
breakpoint in the code. The breakpoint cursor would then skip about to the
same lines in the code (i.e. the 3rd statement inside an IF statement,
without ever hitting the if statement), until it appeared to be trying to
run beyond the end of the report.aspx file.

"Manish" <jm*****@hotmai l.com> wrote in message
news:uT******** ******@TK2MSFTN GP10.phx.gbl...
delete the dll & pdb file in bin folder and rebuild your solution.

Make Unlimited phone calls from your PC to ANY phone in the World!
<me@privacy.net > wrote in message
news:#b******** *****@TK2MSFTNG P11.phx.gbl...
I have a breakpoint in an aspx page that I'm using to try to trap some code
to see what's going on. I'm translating a page that is working in a
traditional ASP page, which takes several session variables, formats a
header, and assigns a sql stored procedure to be run and a report

in a web browser.
The odd behavior occurs where I have my breakpoint, which is at the place where the variable "showblank" is set to = "&nbsp;". It'll hit the next
couple of lines, then skip down into the middle of the if rstemp.EOF

code -
like on the second response.write.

It then skips all over the place within the code, in the middle of if
statements, then on down thru the script at the bottom of the page. It
eventually gives me the error:

"Server Error in '/test' Application.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the
current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information
about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.NullRefe renceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:

[No relevant source lines]
Source File: c:\inetpub\wwwr oot\test\sales\ reportASP.aspx Line: 409

Stack Trace:

[NullReferenceEx ception: Object reference not set to an instance of an

ASP.reportasp_a spx.__Render__c ontrol1(HtmlTex tWriter __output, Control
parameterContai ner) in c:\inetpub\wwwr oot\test\sales\ reportASP.aspx: 409

System.Web.UI.C ontrol.RenderCh ildren(HtmlText Writer
writer)System.W eb.UI.Control.R ender(HtmlTextW riter writer)

System.Web.UI.C ontrol.RenderCo ntrol(HtmlTextW riter writer)

System.Web.UI.P age.ProcessRequ estMain()


Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.432 2.573;

Version:1.1.432 2.573 "

What appears to happen to generate the error is that it skips beyond the

of the .aspx page.

The parameter files are pieces that were originally Include files that

supposed to be called when it was run, but I pulled them into the
codebehind. They basically are if statements that set several session
variables that control what stored procedure is run and information we put on the header of the report page.

I'm lost as to why it skips around like it does. I have several asp pages in front of this one that have been converted, and they all seem to follow thru a logical step through, but not this one.

Any advice/help appreciated.


The code follows:

<%@ Page language="vb" src="ReportASP. aspx.vb"
Inherits="repor tASP.ReportASP_ aspx_vb" Codebehind="rep ortasp.aspx.vb"
Debug="true" %>
<%@ Import Namespace = "nce.vbscri pt" %>
<!--#include file="reporthea der.inc"-->
<% Exceptions() %>



<title>My Website Report</title>

<body link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF" topmargin="1">

<table border="0" width="100%">
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <!--#include
file="remheader 4d.inc"--> </td>
FormatReportHea der()


If Ammospool = "" Then
If Session("rpt"). ToString() = "QW" Then %>
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " " & Session("Select ") &
" " & AmmoSelect & " " & Session("ammo") & " " & Session("rankin g")
Else %>
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " Year " &
Session("Select ") & " " & AmmoSelect & " " & Session("ammo") & " " &
Session("rankin g") %><small>
<% End IF
Else %>
If Session("rpt"). ToString() = "TAR" Or
Session("rpt"). ToString() =
"MBM" Then
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " Year " &
Session("Select ") & " " & " " & Session("rankin g") %><small>
<% Else
If Session("select ").ToString () = "J7QSUM" Or
Session("select ").ToString () = "J7QDETAIL" Or
Session("select ").ToString () =
"J7QSINGLE" Or Session("select ").ToString () = "J7QSKU" Then
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " Year " &
Session("rankin g") %><small>
<% Else %>
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><strong><small >Report:&nbsp ; </small><%=
Session("RptJnu mber") & " " & Session("rptYea r") & " Year " &
Session("Select ") & " " & Ammospool & " " & Session("rankin g") %><small>
<% End IF
End IF
End IF
<td width="100%"><p align="center"> <font color="#000000" ><small>Last
Updated: <%= __when %>&nbsp;&nbsp;& nbsp;&nbsp;&nbs p;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Report Date:&nbsp;</small> <small><%= Today()
%></small>&nbsp;&nb sp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nb sp;
<small>&nbsp;&n bsp;&nbsp;&nbsp ;&nbsp;Report
Time:&nbsp;<%= TimeOfDay() %></small> <big><strong>&n bsp;</strong></big>
<% SessionParamete rs() %>
<td width="100%"><s mall><p align="center"> <font color="#000000" ><b>(
Selection: <%= Session("Select ion") & " " & Session("POs")

<% J3Parameters() %>
<% J4Parameters() %>
<% J5Parameters() %>
<% J6Parameters() %>
<% J7Parameters() %>
<% J9Parameters() %>
<% I1Parameters() %>
<% rebateparameter s() %>
<% springparameter s() %>
<% qualificationpa rameters() %>
<% coopparameters( ) %>
<% specialreports( ) %>


showblank = "&nbsp;"
shownull = "-null-"
conntemp = new ADODB.Connectio n()
conntemp.connec tionstring = session("server string")
'conntemp.conne ctiontimeout = 900 ' (Add This line)
conntemp.Comman dTimeout = 2000
Server.ScriptTi meout = 2000
Session.Add("rp tstart", Timer())
rstemp = conntemp.Execut e(mySQL)
If rstemp.EOF Then
Response.Write( "<b>No records matched<br>")
Response.Write( mySQL & "<br>So cannot make table...</b>")
conntemp.Close( )
conntemp = Nothing
End IF
If Session("user") .ToString() = "CHATHAMSC" Then
Response.Write( mySQL)
'for each strkey in session.content s
'response.write "(" & Session.content s.key(strkey) & ") " &
session.content s.item(strkey)& "<BR>"
'' for each strkey in session.content s
'' if session.content s.item(strkey) <> "" then
'' response.write "(" & Session.content s.key(strkey) & ") "

& session.content s.item(strkey)& "<BR>"
'' end if
'' next
End IF

If (Session("Year" ).ToString() = "Sales" Or Session("Year") .ToString() =
"Calendar") AND ((Session("Sele ct").ToString () = "Material Number" AND
Session("matdes c").ToString () <> "") Or (Session("rpt") .ToString() =
"J6" AND Session("select ").ToString () = "Detail") Or (Session("rpt") .ToString() =
"J5" AND Session("select ").ToString () = "Detail")) Or
(Session("rpt") .ToString() = "QD" Or Session("rpt"). ToString() = "QW" Or
Session("rpt"). ToString() = "MBM") Then

<table border="9" align="center"
style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 8pt; border: medium none"
bordercolor="#0 00000">

<td><table border="9" align="center"
style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 9pt; border: medium none"
bordercolor="#0 00000">
End IF

'Put Headings On The Table of Field Names
'redim sData(rs.record count,175)
rownumber = 3
colnumber = 0
BeenThere = 0
lcnt = 0
numcols = 0
actualcols = 0
NrGroups = 0
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
thisfield = WhatCol.Name
GroupField(lcnt ) = 0
numcols = numcols + 1

<td bgcolor="#FFFFF F" align="center"> <p align="center"> <font
color="#000000" ><b><%= thisfield %></b></font></td>
'All 1 Character Field Names are Grouping Fields
'This sets up the grouping with hierachy determined from
left to
right in SQL
GroupField(lcnt ) = 1
NrGroups = NrGroups + 1
End IF
actualcols = actualcols + 1
lcnt = lcnt + 1
TBorder = "border:med ium none "
'TBorder = "border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none;
border-top: medium double; border-bottom: medium none"

'Now lets grab all the records
rownumber = 3
bgcolor = "white"
Do Until rstemp.EOF

lcnt = 0
'Prepare Row for Printing
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
'Load data to array
sData(rownumber , lcnt) = WhatCol.Value
'If Data Type is currency, real or float
'response.write "QQ" & whatcol.type & "ZZ"
'response.write "name = " & whatcol.name
If WhatCol.Type = 6 Or WhatCol.Type = 5 Then
GrandTotal(lcnt + 1, 0) = GrandTotal(lcnt + 1, 0) +
End IF
'Suppress Duplicates for Printing
'Set up the first row for Grouping
If rownumber = 3 Then
sData(rownumber - 1, lcnt) = WhatCol.Value
End IF
If (sData(rownumbe r, lcnt) = sData(rownumber - 1, lcnt)) AND
(WhatCol.Type <> 5 AND WhatCol.Type <> 6) Then
If rownumber = 3 Then
thisfield = WhatCol.Value
GroupField(lcnt ) = GroupField(lcnt ) + 1
'Added the linecount < NrGroups times 2 which not
suppress duplicates on any field except Group Fields
'If you need to change it back insert (thisfield =
showblank) in place of If Statement.
If lcnt < (NrGroups * 2) + 1 Then
thisfield = showblank
GroupField(lcnt ) = GroupField(lcnt ) + 1
thisfield = WhatCol.Value
End IF
End IF
thisfield = sData(rownumber , lcnt)
GroupField(lcnt ) = 0
End IF
'Total Rows Field Length is 1 Character
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
If WhatCol.Type = 6 Or WhatCol.Type = 5 Then
thisfield = FormatNumber(CD bl(thisfield), 0)
End IF

<td bgcolor="<%= bgcolor %>" valign="top" align="right"
style="border: medium none"><%= thisfield %>
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
rstemp.MoveNext ()
'set or reset data
ralign = "right"
'Change colors for every other line
If chgcolor = 0 Then
bgcolor = "#FFFFCC"
chgcolor = 1
bgcolor = "White"
chgcolor = 0
End IF
'End Totals and Grouping
lcnt = 0
If Not rstemp.EOF Then
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) = 1 Then
If WhatCol.Value.T oString() <> CStr(sData(rown umber,
lcnt)) Then
PrintTotal(lcnt ) = lcnt
GroupField(lcnt ) = 1
'if rownumber<>3 then
rowCnt(lcnt) = rowCnt(lcnt) + 1
'end if
GroupField(lcnt ) = 0
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
End IF
End IF
If rstemp.EOF Then
lcnt = 0
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) = 1 Then
If sData(rownumber - 1, lcnt) = sData(rownumber ,

lcnt) AND CStr(sData(rown umber, lcnt)) <> "" Then
PrintTotal(lcnt ) = lcnt
GroupField(lcnt ) = 1
'rowcnt(lcnt) = rowcnt(lcnt)+1
PrintTotal(lcnt ) = NrGroups + 1
'if rownumber<>3 then
rowCnt(lcnt) = 0
'end if
GroupField(lcnt ) = 0
End IF
'lcnt = lcnt + 1
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
End IF
lcnt = 0
iGroup = 0
For tcnt = 0 To NrGroups
pcnt = NrGroups - tcnt
If CInt(PrintTotal (pcnt)) < NrGroups AND

(CInt(GroupFiel d(pcnt))
= 1 AND CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0) Then
GroupField(pcnt ) = 0
'rowcnt(pcnt) = 0
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0 Then
Response.Write( "</tr><tr>")
End IF
For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) < 1 AND (WhatCol.Type = 5

WhatCol.Type = 6) Then
GrpTotal(lcnt, PrintTotal(pcnt )) = 0
End IF
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 AND (WhatCol.Type <> 5

WhatCol.Type <> 6) Then
If lcnt = CInt((NrGroups) + PrintTotal(pcnt )) Then
sTotals = CStr(sData(rown umber, lcnt))
'& "-" & rowcnt(pcnt) & WHATCOL.TYPE
sTotals = showblank
End IF
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0 Then
Response.Write( "<TD style=" & TBorder & " ALIGN=" & ralign & " BGCOLOR=" & bgcolor & "><STRONG>" & sTotals &
End IF
End IF
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 AND (WhatCol.Type = 5 Or WhatCol.Type = 6) Then
For colcount = 0 To rowCnt(pcnt)
atotals = sData(rownumber - colcount,

+ atotals
atotals = FormatNumber(CD bl(atotals), 0)
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0 Then
Response.Write( "<TD style=" & TBorder & " ALIGN=" & ralign & " BGCOLOR=" & bgcolor & "><STRONG>" & atotals &
End IF
GrpTotal(lcnt, PrintTotal(pcnt )) = 0
atotals = 0
End IF
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
If CInt(rowCnt(pcn t)) > 0 Then
Response.Write( "</tr><tr>")
BeenThere = BeenThere + 1
End IF
rowCnt(pcnt) = 0
'Change colors for every other line
If chgcolor = 0 Then
bgcolor = "#FFFFCC"
chgcolor = 1
bgcolor = "White"
chgcolor = 0
End IF
End IF
lcnt = 0
rownumber = rownumber + 1

'Grand Total Routine
lcnt = 0
col1 = 0
If NrGroups > 0 Then
'If any 1 character fields where defined, Grand Totals will appear For Each WhatCol In rstemp.Fields
If WhatCol.Type = 6 Or WhatCol.Type = 5 Then
sTotal = FormatNumber(CD bl(GrandTotal(l cnt + 1, 0)), 0)

<td bgcolor="<%= bgcolor %>" valign="top" align="right"
style="border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none;
border-top: medium double; border-bottom: medium none"><strong>< %=

sTotal = 0
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
If col1 = 0 Then
sTotal1 = "Grand Total"
col1 = 1
sTotal1 = showblank
End IF
sTotal1 = showblank
End IF
If Len(WhatCol.Nam e) <> 1 Then
<td bgcolor="<%= bgcolor %>" valign="top" align="right"
style="border-left: medium none; border-right: medium none;
border-top: medium double; border-bottom: medium none"><strong>< %= sTotal1 %></strong>
End IF
End IF
lcnt = lcnt + 1
End IF
Session.Add("rp tend", Timer())
Session.Add("rp ttime", FormatNumber(CD bl(Session("rpt end")) -
CDbl(Session("r ptstart")), 1))
rstemp = Nothing
conntemp.Close( )
conntemp = Nothing

Response.Write( "The report ran in " & Session("rpttim e") & "


sub window_onload
end sub
Sub UpdateStatus
Status = "<%= mySQL %>"
end sub



Nov 18 '05 #3

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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The next Access Europe User Group meeting will be on Wednesday 1 May 2024 starting at 18:00 UK time (6PM UTC+1) and finishing by 19:30 (7.30PM). In this session, we are pleased to welcome a new presenter, Adolph Dupré who will be discussing some powerful techniques for using class modules. He will explain when you may want to use classes instead of User Defined Types (UDT). For example, to manage the data in unbound forms. Adolph will...
by: conductexam | last post by:
I have .net C# application in which I am extracting data from word file and save it in database particularly. To store word all data as it is I am converting the whole word file firstly in HTML and then checking html paragraph one by one. At the time of converting from word file to html my equations which are in the word document file was convert into image. Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Select();...
by: TSSRALBI | last post by:
Hello I'm a network technician in training and I need your help. I am currently learning how to create and manage the different types of VPNs and I have a question about LAN-to-LAN VPNs. The last exercise I practiced was to create a LAN-to-LAN VPN between two Pfsense firewalls, by using IPSEC protocols. I succeeded, with both firewalls in the same network. But I'm wondering if it's possible to do the same thing, with 2 Pfsense firewalls...
by: 6302768590 | last post by:
Hai team i want code for transfer the data from one system to another through IP address by using C# our system has to for every 5mins then we have to update the data what the data is updated we have to send another system
by: muto222 | last post by:
How can i add a mobile payment intergratation into php mysql website.

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