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Either EOF or BOF is true, or the current record has been deleted.

1 New Member
hi, i am getting the error like..

Either EOF or BOF is true, or the current record has been deleted.Request ed operation requires the current data.

<% 'PriceIt.asp (CV Pricing sheet).
'Project: WEPT
'Created: 6/11/00
'Author: CIH

Option Explicit
Response.AddHea der "Pragma", "No-cache"
Response.Expire s = 0
Response.CacheC ontrol = "no-cache"

If Trim(Request.Co okies("modyr")) ="" Then
Response.Redire ct "../MMMYmenu.asp?UR L=CVPricing/PBatchMenu.asp& LevReqd=MMMY"
End If

Server.ScriptTi meout=3600
Response.Buffer = True

<!-- #INCLUDE FILE = "../CSLincludes.asp " -->

Dim strForm
Dim strHidden
Dim strOutput
Dim objHdrInfo
Dim rstHdrInfo
Dim strHdrInfo
Dim strError
Dim objCVP
Dim rstBatchHdr
Dim rstEntities
Dim intCounter
Dim strVATRate
Dim rstFeatures
Dim sMarket
Dim sModelLine
Dim sModelYear
Dim objAdmin
Dim rstCurrencies
Dim strBatchHdr
Dim strCur
Dim strDesc
Dim strEffDate
Dim strID

strHidden = ""
strForm = ""

'Get header info
sMarket = Request.Cookies ( "mkt" )
sModelLine = Request.Cookies ( "modln" )
sModelYear = Request.Cookies ( "modyr" )
Set objAdmin = Server.CreateOb ject("WEPT_DotN et.clsAdmin")
Call objAdmin.GetHdr Info( CStr( Request.Cookies ( "user" ) ), sMarket, CStr( Request.Cookies ( "lang" ) ), sModelLine, sModelYear )
Set objAdmin = Nothing

If Len( sMarket ) = 0 Or Err.number <> 0 Then
strHdrInfo = "<No description available>"
strHdrInfo = sMarket & " " & sModelLine & " " & sModelYear
End If

'Get batch header
If strError = "" Then
If Request.QuerySt ring("pBatch")= "-1" Then
strBatchHdr = "New Batch" & vbCRLF
Set objCVP = Server.CreateOb ject("WEPT_DotN et.clsCVPricing ")
If Err <> 0 Then
strError = "Error creating WEPT object:" & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Set rstBatchHdr = objCVP.GetBatch Hdr(Request.Coo kies("user"),Re quest.Cookies(" mktISO"), _
Request.QuerySt ring("pbatch"), _
Request.QuerySt ring("source"), _
End If
If strError = "" Then
If rstBatchHdr.EOF Then
strBatchHdr = "<No info available>"
strCur = ""
strDesc = ""
strEffDate = ""
strError = "No data was found for the batch header."
strBatchHdr = Request.QuerySt ring("pbatch") & ": " & rstBatchHdr("De sc")
strCur = rstBatchHdr("Cu r")
strDesc = rstBatchHdr("De sc")
strEffDate = rstBatchHdr("Ef fDate")
End If
rstBatchHdr.Clo se
End If
End If
End If
Set rstBatchHdr = Nothing

If strError = "" Then
strHidden = strHidden & _
"<INPUT TYPE='HIDDEN' NAME=txtSrc VALUE='" & Request.QuerySt ring("source") & "'>" & vbCRLF & _
"<INPUT TYPE='HIDDEN' NAME=txtpBatch VALUE='" & Request.QuerySt ring("pBatch") & "'>" & vbCRLF
strForm = "<TABLE>" & "<TR>"
Set objAdmin = Server.CreateOb ject("WEPT_DotN et.clsAdmin")
Set rstCurrencies = objAdmin.GetCur rencies(Request .Cookies("user" ),Request.Cooki es("mktISO"), strError)
If strError <> "" Then
strForm = strForm & "<TD>Curren cy Code: " & _
"<INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=10 MAXLENGTH=8 NAME=txtCurrenc y VALUE='" & strCur & "'></TD" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "<TD>Curren cy: <SELECT NAME=txtCurrenc y>"
Do While Not rstCurrencies.E OF
If rstCurrencies(" Code") = strCur Then
strForm = strForm & "<OPTION VALUE='" & rstCurrencies(" Code") & "' SELECTED>" & rstCurrencies(" Description") & "</OPTION>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "<OPTION VALUE='" & rstCurrencies(" Code") & "'>" & rstCurrencies(" Description") & "</OPTION>" & vbCRLF
End If
rstCurrencies.M oveNext
rstCurrencies.C lose
Set rstCurrencies = Nothing
strForm = strForm & "</SELECT></TD>" & vbCRLF
End If
strForm = strForm & "<TD>Descriptio n: " & _
"<INPUT TYPE='TEXT' SIZE=20 NAME=txtDesc VALUE=""" & strDesc & """></TD>" & vbCRLF & _
"<TD>Effect ive Date: " & _
"<INPUT TYPE='TEXT' SIZE=10 NAME=txtEffDate VALUE=""" & strEffDate & """>(YYYYMM DD)</TD>" & vbCRLF & _
"<TD>VAT Rate: " & _
"</TR>" & vbCRLF & _
"</TABLE>" & vbCRLF & _
"<BR>" & vbCRLF
Set objAdmin = Nothing
End If

'Begin Entity pricing
If strError = "" Then
Set objCVP = Server.CreateOb ject("WEPT_DotN et.clsCVPricing ")
Set rstEntities = objCVP.GetEntPr icing(Request.C ookies("user"), Request.Cookies ("mktISO"), _
Request.Cookies ("lang"), _
Request.Cookies ("modln"), _
Request.QuerySt ring("pbatch"), _
Request.QuerySt ring("source"), _
End If

If strError = "" Then
strForm = strForm & "<H2><CENTER>En tity Pricing</CENTER></H2>" & vbCRLF
If Not rstEntities.BOF Then
strForm = strForm & "<TD BGCOLOR=#909090 ><FONT COLOR=#ffffff>B odystyle</TD>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "<TD BGCOLOR=#909090 ><FONT COLOR=#ffffff>D erivative</TD>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "<TD BGCOLOR=#909090 ><FONT COLOR=#ffffff>E ngine</TD>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "<TD BGCOLOR=#909090 ><FONT COLOR=#ffffff>T ransmission</TD>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "<TD BGCOLOR=#909090 ><FONT COLOR=#ffffff>A xle</TD>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "<TD BGCOLOR=#909090 ><FONT COLOR=#ffffff>N et</TD>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "</TR>" & vbCRLF
intCounter = 0
Do While Not rstEntities.EOF
'Keep the connection alive
'Response.Write "<!-- dummy -->"
strID = CStr(intCounter )
strHidden=strHi dden & "<INPUT TYPE='HIDDEN' NAME=EECd" & strID & " VALUE='" & rstEntities("En tCode") & "'>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "<TR>" & vbCRLF & _
"<TD>" & FormatTD(rstEnt ities("Bodystyl e"), rstEntities("Bo dyCode")) & "</TD>" & _
"<TD>" & FormatTD(rstEnt ities("Derivati ve"), rstEntities("De rivCode")) & "</TD>" & _
"<TD>" & FormatTD(rstEnt ities("Engine") , rstEntities("En gCode")) & "</TD>" & _
"<TD>" & FormatTD(rstEnt ities("Transmis sion"), rstEntities("Tr ansCode")) & "</TD>" & _
"<TD>" & FormatTD(rstEnt ities("Axle"), rstEntities("Ax leCode")) & "</TD>"
If IsNull(rstEntit ies("Net")) Then strOutput = "" Else strOutput = CStr(rstEntitie s("Net"))
strForm = strForm & "<TD><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' SIZE=10 NAME=ENet" & strID & " VALUE='" & strOutput & "'></TD>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "</TR>" & vbCRLF
If rstEntities("VA T") <> "" And strVATRate = "" Then strVATRate = rstEntities("VA T")
rstEntities.Mov eNext
intCounter=intC ounter+1
strHidden=strHi dden & "<INPUT TYPE='HIDDEN' NAME=txtEntRowC ount VALUE='" & intCounter-1 & "'>" & vbCRLF
rstEntities.Clo se
Set rstEntities = Nothing
strForm = strForm & "</TABLE>" & vbCRLF
End If

End If

'Begin Feature Pricing
If strError = "" Then
Set objCVP = Server.CreateOb ject("WEPT_DotN et.clsCVPricing ")
Set rstFeatures = objCVP.GetFeatP ricing(Request. Cookies("user") ,Request.Cookie s("mktISO"), _
Request.Cookies ("lang"), _
Request.Cookies ("modln"), _
Request.QuerySt ring("pbatch"), _
Request.QuerySt ring("source"), _
End If

If strError = "" Then
strForm = strForm & "<H2><CENTER>Fe ature Pricing</CENTER></H2>" & vbCRLF
If Not rstFeatures.BOF Then
strForm = strForm & "<TD BGCOLOR=#909090 ><FONT COLOR=#ffffff>D el?</TD>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "<TD BGCOLOR=#909090 ><FONT COLOR=#ffffff>B odystyle</TD>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "<TD BGCOLOR=#909090 ><FONT COLOR=#ffffff>F eature</TD>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "<TD BGCOLOR=#909090 ><FONT COLOR=#ffffff>N et</TD>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "</TR>" & vbCRLF
intCounter = 0
Do While Not rstFeatures.EOF
'Keep the connection alive
'Response.Write "<!-- dummy -->"
strID = CStr(intCounter )
strHidden=strHi dden & "<INPUT TYPE='HIDDEN' NAME=OBCd" & strID & " VALUE='" & rstFeatures("Bo dyCode") & "'>" & vbCRLF
strHidden=strHi dden & "<INPUT TYPE='HIDDEN' NAME=OFCd" & strID & " VALUE='" & rstFeatures("Fe atCode") & "'>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "<TR>" & vbCRLF & _
"<TD><INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=ODel" & strID & " VALUE='Del'></TD>" & _
"<TD>" & FormatTD(rstFea tures("Bodystyl e"), rstFeatures("Bo dyCode")) & "</TD>" & _
"<TD>" & rstFeatures("Fe atCode") & ": " & FormatTD(rstFea tures("Feature" ), "No description") & "</TD>"
If IsNull(rstFeatu res("Net")) Then strOutput = "" Else strOutput = CStr(rstFeature s("Net"))
strForm = strForm & "<TD><INPUT TYPE='TEXT' SIZE=10 NAME=ONet" & strID & " VALUE='" & strOutput & "'></TD>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "</TR>" & vbCRLF
rstFeatures.Mov eNext
intCounter=intC ounter+1
strHidden=strHi dden & "<INPUT TYPE='HIDDEN' NAME=txtFeatRow Count VALUE='" & intCounter-1 & "'>" & vbCRLF
rstFeatures.Clo se
Set rstFeatures = Nothing
strForm = strForm & "</TABLE>" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "<BR><BR><I NPUT TYPE=BUTTON NAME=BtnSubmit VALUE='Save' onClick=""Submi tForm('Normal') ;"">" & vbCRLF
strForm = strForm & "<INPUT TYPE=button NAME=BtnCancel VALUE='Cancel' onClick='BtnCan cel_OnClick();' >" & vbCRLF
End If

End If
Sep 21 '10 #1
0 1099

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