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Save button using toolbar

143 New Member
Hello everyone,
I m using some button using toolbar such as Add,Save,View,. ... my save button is not working.... it doesnt give me any error but does not save to my database.... or showing in my gird... Plz Help
here is my code for save button
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Private Sub Toolbar1_ButtonClick(ByVal Button As MSComctlLib.Button)
  2. On Error GoTo ChkErr
  3.     If Button.Index = 1 Then
  4.             Mode = "Add"
  5.             Call AddMode
  6.             Call ClearControl
  7.             Toolbar1.Buttons.Item(1).Enabled = False ' Add
  8.             Toolbar1.Buttons.Item(2).Enabled = False ' View
  9.             Toolbar1.Buttons.Item(3).Enabled = False ' Sort
  10.             Toolbar1.Buttons.Item(4).Enabled = False ' Edit
  11.             Toolbar1.Buttons.Item(5).Enabled = True ' save
  12.             Toolbar1.Buttons.Item(9).Enabled = True 'Exit
  14.               End If
  16.     If Button.Index = 4 Then
  17.         'If Val(MSHFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(MSHFlexGrid1.RowSel, 8)) = "0" Then
  18.             Mode = "Edit"
  19.             Toolbar1.Buttons.Item(5).Enabled = True ' save buton
  20.               Call Enable
  21.         Else
  22.             MsgBox " Cannot Edit "
  23.         End If
  25.     If Button.Index = 5 Then
  27.             Call SaveMode
  28.             Call ClearControl
  29.             Call Desable
  30.             MsgBox " Record Saved For Id '" & txtId.Text & "'"
  31.             Toolbar1.Buttons.Item(5).Enabled = False
  32.             Toolbar1.Buttons.Item(1).Enabled = True ' Add
  34.             Call Address
  35.     End If
  37.     'End If
  39.     If Button.Index = 2 Then ' View
  40.         'Toolbar1.Buttons.Item(7).Enabled = False ' Final
  41.         Toolbar1.Buttons.Item(1).Enabled = False ' Add
  42.         Toolbar1.Buttons.Item(4).Enabled = True ' Edit
  44.     End If
  48.     If Button.Index = 7 Then ' Cancel
  49.             Db.Execute "Update Address"
  50.             Call Address
  52.     End If
  55.     If Button.Index = 9 Then ' Exit
  56.             Unload Me
  57.     End If
  59. Exit Sub
  60. ChkErr:
  61.     If Err.Number > 0 Then
  62.     MsgBox Err.Number & vbNewLine & Err.Description
  63.                Call ErrHand(Me.Caption, "cmdSave_Click")
  65.     End If
  66. End Sub
  69. Public Function SaveMode()
  70. 'On Public Function SaveMode()
  71. If Mode = "Add" Then
  72.     ' To Get ReqNo from Mslastdoc
  73.     Dim Rs As New ADODB.Recordset
  74.         If Rs.State = adStateOpen Then Rs.Close
  75.          Rs.Open ("SELECT * FROM MsLastDoc where YY ='" & FinancialYear & "'"), Db, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
  76.                   txtId.Text = Rs("LastDocNo").Value + 1
  77.              Rs.Close
  78.          ' End
  80.     ' Save LastDoc
  81.     Dim LastDoc As New ADODB.Recordset
  82.     Dim DocNo As Integer
  83.                 DocNo = Val(txtId.Text)
  84.                 If LastDoc.State = adStateOpen Then LastDoc.Close
  85.                 LastDoc.Open ("Select * From MsLastDoc where YY ='" & FinancialYear & "' "), Db, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
  86.                 Db.Execute "Update MsLastDoc set LastDocNo ='" & DocNo & "' where YY ='" & FinancialYear & "' "
  87.     ' End Save
  88. End If
  90. Call SaveAddress
  91. Call ClearControl
  93. End Function
  94. Public Function SaveAddress()
  95.     Db.Execute " Delete from Adress where Id = '" & txtId.Text & "' "
  97.         Dim RsAddress As New ADODB.Recordset
  98.        'If RsReqHdr.State = adStateOpen Then RsReqHdr.Close
  99.         RsAddress.Open ("Address"), Db, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
  100.         With RsAddress
  101.         RsAddress.AddNew
  102.                 .Fields("Id") = Val(txtId.Text)
  103.                 .Fields("Addressof") = Val(cmbadrof.Text)
  104.                 .Fields("Address") = Val(txtAddress.Text)
  105.                 .Fields("city") = Val(txtCity.Text)
  106.                 .Fields("Pin") = Val(txtPin.Text)
  107.                 .Fields("entrydt") = Format(DTPentrydt, "DD-MMM-YYYY")
  108.                 .Fields("closedt") = Format(DTPClosedt, "DD-MMM-YYYY")
  110.             .Update
  111.                 End With
  112.             RsAddress.Close
  113. End Function
Jun 16 '08 #1
14 3688
2,364 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
Greetings, squrel!

I am not sure what the problem is, are you having problems with just your save mechanism? Did you know you can run the code in debug mode to follow what is happening. Please write if you need to know how to do that.

Do stay tuned for a better answer on this one, like I said I am not certain how this could go.

In a bit!

Jun 17 '08 #2
143 New Member
plz tel me how to run it in a dubug mode... and non of my button is working... dont knw why? thank u
Jun 17 '08 #3
1,445 Recognized Expert Top Contributor

First Remove the error Handling and Run the Code.
Keep a BreakPoint on First Line of the Code.
and Check the Run-Sequence..

Jun 17 '08 #4
143 New Member
Hi... i have changed the code to this but still i have error in this line :

'txtAddressId.T ext = GetNextCode("Ad dress", "AdrID")

why my getnextcode is not working? it gives me the error of Sub or function not defined? i dont get wht is the problem.... plz help... thankx

Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Initialize ()
On Error GoTo ChkErr
Db.ConnectionSt ring = pStrConnectionS tring
Db.ConnectionTi meout = 0
Db.CursorLocati on = adUseClient
Exit Sub
If Err.Number > 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Number & vbNewLine & Err.Description
Call ErrHand(Me.Capt ion, "Form_Initializ e")
'Resume Next
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error GoTo ChkErr
FormUpdateSQL1. ConnectionStrin g = pStrConnectionS tring
FormUpdateSQL1. TableName = "Address"
FormUpdateSQL1. FieldList = "AdrId;AdrOf;Ad dress;City;Pin; Entrydt;Closedt ;Ind;"
FormUpdateSQL1. ControlList = "txtId;cmbadrof ;txtAddress;txt City;txtPin;DTP entrydt;DTPclos edt;ChkInd;"
FormUpdateSQL1. ViewFields = "AdrId;AdrOf;Ad dress;City;Pin; Entrydt;Closedt ;Ind;"
FormUpdateSQL1. FormatString = "AdrId;AdrOf;Ad dress;City;Pin; Entrydt;Closedt ;Ind;"
FormUpdateSQL1. DoVisible 4, False
FormUpdateSQL1. DoVisible 6, False
FormUpdateSQL1. DoVisible 8, False
FormUpdateSQL1. AllowEdit = True
FormUpdateSQL1. Refresh
cmbadrof.Enable d = False
Call Grid_Data
Exit Sub
If Err.Number > 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Number & vbNewLine & Err.Description
Call ErrHand("Addres s", "Form_Load" )
'Resume Next
End If

End Sub
Public Sub Grid_Data()
On Error GoTo ChkErr
Adodc1.Connecti onString = pStrConnectionS tring
Adodc1.RecordSo urce = "Select AdrID as ID,Adrof,Addres s,City,Pin,entr ydt as EntryDate,close dt as CloseDate from Address"
MSHFlexGrid1.Co lWidth(1) = 800
MSHFlexGrid1.Co lWidth(2) = 1000
MSHFlexGrid1.Co lWidth(3) = 2000
MSHFlexGrid1.Co lWidth(4) = 1000
MSHFlexGrid1.Co lWidth(5) = 800
MSHFlexGrid1.Co lWidth(6) = 1000
MSHFlexGrid1.Co lWidth(7) = 2000
MSHFlexGrid1.Re fresh
Exit Sub
If Err.Number > 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Number & vbNewLine & Err.Description
Call ErrHand("Addres s", "Grid_Data" )
'Resume Next
End If
End Sub

Private Sub FormUpdateSQL1_ AddClick()
cmbadrof.Enable d = True
'txtAddressId.T ext = GetNextCode("Ad dress", "AdrID")
cmbadrof.Enable d = True
ChkInd.Value = 1
End Sub

Private Sub FormUpdateSQL1_ AfterControlsEn abled()
cmbadrof.Enable d = True
End Sub
Private Sub FormUpdateSQL1_ AfterUpdate()
cmbadrof.Enable d = False
Call Grid_Data
End Sub
Private Sub FormUpdateSQL1_ BeforeValidate( )
If cmbadrof.Text = "" Then
MsgBox " Enter the selected address"
cmbadrof.SetFoc us
Exit Sub
FormUpdateSQL1. CancelEvent = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub MSHFlexGrid1_Db lClick()
FormUpdateSQL1. ViewRecord True, Val(MSHFlexGrid 1.Text)
End Sub
Jun 18 '08 #5
143 New Member
Is anyone can help me in this matter??
Jun 18 '08 #6
1,445 Recognized Expert Top Contributor

txtAddressId.Te xt = GetNextCode("Ad dress", "AdrID")
This looks like you are calling a Function...
and you may not have that Function in your code, and the Error is the same...

Jun 18 '08 #7
143 New Member
In this code how can i get the next Id?? I mean if i have 7 record saved in this, when i press the add button i want the no 8 appears in my txtId... Can anyone help me plz... thankx a lot
Jun 19 '08 #8
143 New Member
Hi Guys..
I need some help here if anyone can.. thankx
Jun 20 '08 #9
1,445 Recognized Expert Top Contributor

Write this Function :

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. Private Function MyNextID() As Long
  2. Dim RSI As New ADODB.RecordSet
  3. MyNextID = 0
  4. RSI.Open "Select Max(ID) From MyTable",Conn
  5. If Not RSI.EOF Then
  6.     RSI.MoveFirst
  7.     MyNextID = Val(RSI(0) & "")
  8. End If
  9. MyNextID = MyNextID + 1
  10. RSI.Close
  11. Set RSI = Nothing
  12. End Function
Call the above Function, In cmdADD_Click
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. txtID.Text = MyNextID
Jun 20 '08 #10

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