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Huffman Compression

I have ran into a little snag on an old database application I am converting. Out of 63 tables(all seperate files) , two of
them are compressed using Huffman Compression. I have been searching all over the net
(don't hit me too hard if you know a place I didn't look) and MSDN and cannot find anything that explains how to use Huffman in
I need to extract the data on the fly from the files(tables) using Huffman and then put the data into my new Access Database.
Building the new Access DB is easy. Finding out how to uncompress the files is not! Any suggestions??
Nov 21 '05 #1
8 9605
Here's some VB6 code you could convert:

Option Explicit

' Huffman Compression Algorithm
' David Midkiff (md*****@hotmail.com>

Private Const PROGRESS_CALCCRC = 5
Private Const PROGRESS_ENCODING = 88
Private Const PROGRESS_DECODING = 89
Private Const PROGRESS_CHECKCRC = 11

Event Progress(Procent As Integer)

ParentNode As Integer
RightNode As Integer
LeftNode As Integer
Value As Integer
Weight As Long
End Type

Private Type ByteArray
Count As Byte
Data() As Byte
End Type

Private Declare Sub CopyMem Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory"
(Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)

Public Sub EncodeFile(SourceFile As String, DestFile As String)
Dim ByteArray() As Byte, Filenr As Integer

If (Not FileExist(SourceFile)) Then Err.Raise vbObjectError,
"clsHuffman.EncodeFile()", "Source file does not exist"

Filenr = FreeFile
Open SourceFile For Binary As #Filenr
ReDim ByteArray(0 To LOF(Filenr) - 1)
Get #Filenr, , ByteArray()
Close #Filenr

Call EncodeByte(ByteArray(), UBound(ByteArray) + 1)

If (FileExist(DestFile)) Then Kill DestFile

Open DestFile For Binary As #Filenr
Put #Filenr, , ByteArray()
Close #Filenr
End Sub
Public Sub DecodeFile(SourceFile As String, DestFile As String)
Dim ByteArray() As Byte, Filenr As Integer

If (Not FileExist(SourceFile)) Then Err.Raise vbObjectError,
"clsHuffman.DecodeFile()", "Source file does not exist"

Filenr = FreeFile
Open SourceFile For Binary As #Filenr
ReDim ByteArray(0 To LOF(Filenr) - 1)
Get #Filenr, , ByteArray()
Close #Filenr

Call DecodeByte(ByteArray(), UBound(ByteArray) + 1)

If (FileExist(DestFile)) Then Kill DestFile

Open DestFile For Binary As #Filenr
Put #Filenr, , ByteArray()
Close #Filenr
End Sub
Private Sub CreateTree(Nodes() As HUFFMANTREE, NodesCount As Long, Char As
Long, Bytes As ByteArray)
Dim a As Integer, NodeIndex As Long

NodeIndex = 0
For a = 0 To (Bytes.Count - 1)
If (Bytes.Data(a) = 0) Then
If (Nodes(NodeIndex).LeftNode = -1) Then
Nodes(NodeIndex).LeftNode = NodesCount
Nodes(NodesCount).ParentNode = NodeIndex
Nodes(NodesCount).LeftNode = -1
Nodes(NodesCount).RightNode = -1
Nodes(NodesCount).Value = -1
NodesCount = NodesCount + 1
End If
NodeIndex = Nodes(NodeIndex).LeftNode
ElseIf (Bytes.Data(a) = 1) Then
If (Nodes(NodeIndex).RightNode = -1) Then
Nodes(NodeIndex).RightNode = NodesCount
Nodes(NodesCount).ParentNode = NodeIndex
Nodes(NodesCount).LeftNode = -1
Nodes(NodesCount).RightNode = -1
Nodes(NodesCount).Value = -1
NodesCount = NodesCount + 1
End If
NodeIndex = Nodes(NodeIndex).RightNode
End If
Nodes(NodeIndex).Value = Char
End Sub
Public Sub EncodeByte(ByteArray() As Byte, ByteLen As Long)
Dim i As Long, j As Long, Char As Byte, BitPos As Byte, lNode1 As Long
Dim lNode2 As Long, lNodes As Long, lLength As Long, Count As Integer
Dim lWeight1 As Long, lWeight2 As Long, Result() As Byte, ByteValue As
Dim ResultLen As Long, Bytes As ByteArray, NodesCount As Integer,
NewProgress As Integer
Dim CurrProgress As Integer, BitValue(0 To 7) As Byte, CharCount(0 To
255) As Long
Dim Nodes(0 To 511) As HUFFMANTREE, CharValue(0 To 255) As ByteArray

If (ByteLen = 0) Then
ReDim Preserve ByteArray(0 To ByteLen + 3)
If (ByteLen > 0) Then Call CopyMem(ByteArray(4), ByteArray(0),
ByteArray(0) = 72
ByteArray(1) = 69
ByteArray(2) = 48
ByteArray(3) = 13
Exit Sub
End If

ReDim Result(0 To 522)
Result(0) = 72
Result(1) = 69
Result(2) = 51
Result(3) = 13
ResultLen = 4

For i = 0 To (ByteLen - 1)
CharCount(ByteArray(i)) = CharCount(ByteArray(i)) + 1
If (i Mod 1000 = 0) Then
NewProgress = i / ByteLen * PROGRESS_CALCFREQUENCY
If (NewProgress <> CurrProgress) Then
CurrProgress = NewProgress
RaiseEvent Progress(CurrProgress)
End If
End If
For i = 0 To 255
If (CharCount(i) > 0) Then
With Nodes(NodesCount)
.Weight = CharCount(i)
.Value = i
.LeftNode = -1
.RightNode = -1
.ParentNode = -1
End With
NodesCount = NodesCount + 1
End If

For lNodes = NodesCount To 2 Step -1
lNode1 = -1: lNode2 = -1
For i = 0 To (NodesCount - 1)
If (Nodes(i).ParentNode = -1) Then
If (lNode1 = -1) Then
lWeight1 = Nodes(i).Weight
lNode1 = i
ElseIf (lNode2 = -1) Then
lWeight2 = Nodes(i).Weight
lNode2 = i
ElseIf (Nodes(i).Weight < lWeight1) Then
If (Nodes(i).Weight < lWeight2) Then
If (lWeight1 < lWeight2) Then
lWeight2 = Nodes(i).Weight
lNode2 = i
lWeight1 = Nodes(i).Weight
lNode1 = i
End If
lWeight1 = Nodes(i).Weight
lNode1 = i
End If
ElseIf (Nodes(i).Weight < lWeight2) Then
lWeight2 = Nodes(i).Weight
lNode2 = i
End If
End If

With Nodes(NodesCount)
.Weight = lWeight1 + lWeight2
.LeftNode = lNode1
.RightNode = lNode2
.ParentNode = -1
.Value = -1
End With

Nodes(lNode1).ParentNode = NodesCount
Nodes(lNode2).ParentNode = NodesCount
NodesCount = NodesCount + 1

ReDim Bytes.Data(0 To 255)
Call CreateBitSequences(Nodes(), NodesCount - 1, Bytes, CharValue)

For i = 0 To 255
If (CharCount(i) > 0) Then lLength = lLength + CharValue(i).Count *
lLength = IIf(lLength Mod 8 = 0, lLength \ 8, lLength \ 8 + 1)

If ((lLength = 0) Or (lLength > ByteLen)) Then
ReDim Preserve ByteArray(0 To ByteLen + 3)
Call CopyMem(ByteArray(4), ByteArray(0), ByteLen)
ByteArray(0) = 72
ByteArray(1) = 69
ByteArray(2) = 48
ByteArray(3) = 13
Exit Sub
End If

Char = 0
For i = 0 To (ByteLen - 1)
Char = Char Xor ByteArray(i)
If (i Mod 10000 = 0) Then
NewProgress = i / ByteLen * PROGRESS_CALCCRC +
If (NewProgress <> CurrProgress) Then
CurrProgress = NewProgress
RaiseEvent Progress(CurrProgress)
End If
End If
Result(ResultLen) = Char
ResultLen = ResultLen + 1
Call CopyMem(Result(ResultLen), ByteLen, 4)
ResultLen = ResultLen + 4
BitValue(0) = 2 ^ 0
BitValue(1) = 2 ^ 1
BitValue(2) = 2 ^ 2
BitValue(3) = 2 ^ 3
BitValue(4) = 2 ^ 4
BitValue(5) = 2 ^ 5
BitValue(6) = 2 ^ 6
BitValue(7) = 2 ^ 7
Count = 0
For i = 0 To 255
If (CharValue(i).Count > 0) Then Count = Count + 1
Call CopyMem(Result(ResultLen), Count, 2)
ResultLen = ResultLen + 2
Count = 0
For i = 0 To 255
If (CharValue(i).Count > 0) Then
Result(ResultLen) = i
ResultLen = ResultLen + 1
Result(ResultLen) = CharValue(i).Count
ResultLen = ResultLen + 1
Count = Count + 16 + CharValue(i).Count
End If

ReDim Preserve Result(0 To ResultLen + Count \ 8)

BitPos = 0
ByteValue = 0
For i = 0 To 255
With CharValue(i)
If (.Count > 0) Then
For j = 0 To (.Count - 1)
If (.Data(j)) Then ByteValue = ByteValue +
BitPos = BitPos + 1
If (BitPos = 8) Then
Result(ResultLen) = ByteValue
ResultLen = ResultLen + 1
ByteValue = 0
BitPos = 0
End If
End If
End With
If (BitPos > 0) Then
Result(ResultLen) = ByteValue
ResultLen = ResultLen + 1
End If

ReDim Preserve Result(0 To ResultLen - 1 + lLength)

Char = 0
BitPos = 0
For i = 0 To (ByteLen - 1)
With CharValue(ByteArray(i))
For j = 0 To (.Count - 1)
If (.Data(j) = 1) Then Char = Char + BitValue(BitPos)
BitPos = BitPos + 1
If (BitPos = 8) Then
Result(ResultLen) = Char
ResultLen = ResultLen + 1
BitPos = 0
Char = 0
End If
End With
If (i Mod 10000 = 0) Then
If (NewProgress <> CurrProgress) Then
CurrProgress = NewProgress
RaiseEvent Progress(CurrProgress)
End If
End If

If (BitPos > 0) Then
Result(ResultLen) = Char
ResultLen = ResultLen + 1
End If
ReDim ByteArray(0 To ResultLen - 1)
Call CopyMem(ByteArray(0), Result(0), ResultLen)
If (CurrProgress <> 100) Then RaiseEvent Progress(100)
End Sub
Public Function DecodeString(Text As String) As String
Dim ByteArray() As Byte
ByteArray() = StrConv(Text, vbFromUnicode)
Call DecodeByte(ByteArray, Len(Text))
DecodeString = StrConv(ByteArray(), vbUnicode)
End Function
Public Function EncodeString(Text As String) As String
Dim ByteArray() As Byte
ByteArray() = StrConv(Text, vbFromUnicode)
Call EncodeByte(ByteArray, Len(Text))
EncodeString = StrConv(ByteArray(), vbUnicode)
End Function
Public Sub DecodeByte(ByteArray() As Byte, ByteLen As Long)
Dim i As Long, j As Long, Pos As Long, Char As Byte, CurrPos As Long
Dim Count As Integer, CheckSum As Byte, Result() As Byte, BitPos As
Dim NodeIndex As Long, ByteValue As Byte, ResultLen As Long, NodesCount
As Long
Dim lResultLen As Long, NewProgress As Integer, CurrProgress As Integer,
BitValue(0 To 7) As Byte
Dim Nodes(0 To 511) As HUFFMANTREE, CharValue(0 To 255) As ByteArray

If (ByteArray(0) <> 72) Or (ByteArray(1) <> 69) Or (ByteArray(3) <> 13)
ElseIf (ByteArray(2) = 48) Then
Call CopyMem(ByteArray(0), ByteArray(4), ByteLen - 4)
ReDim Preserve ByteArray(0 To ByteLen - 5)
Exit Sub
ElseIf (ByteArray(2) <> 51) Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError, "HuffmanDecode()", "The data either was not
compressed with HE3 or is corrupt (identification string not found)"
Exit Sub
End If

CurrPos = 5
CheckSum = ByteArray(CurrPos - 1)
CurrPos = CurrPos + 1

Call CopyMem(ResultLen, ByteArray(CurrPos - 1), 4)
CurrPos = CurrPos + 4
lResultLen = ResultLen
If (ResultLen = 0) Then Exit Sub
ReDim Result(0 To ResultLen - 1)
Call CopyMem(Count, ByteArray(CurrPos - 1), 2)
CurrPos = CurrPos + 2

For i = 1 To Count
With CharValue(ByteArray(CurrPos - 1))
CurrPos = CurrPos + 1
.Count = ByteArray(CurrPos - 1)
CurrPos = CurrPos + 1
ReDim .Data(0 To .Count - 1)
End With

BitValue(0) = 2 ^ 0
BitValue(1) = 2 ^ 1
BitValue(2) = 2 ^ 2
BitValue(3) = 2 ^ 3
BitValue(4) = 2 ^ 4
BitValue(5) = 2 ^ 5
BitValue(6) = 2 ^ 6
BitValue(7) = 2 ^ 7

ByteValue = ByteArray(CurrPos - 1)
CurrPos = CurrPos + 1
BitPos = 0

For i = 0 To 255
With CharValue(i)
If (.Count > 0) Then
For j = 0 To (.Count - 1)
If (ByteValue And BitValue(BitPos)) Then .Data(j) = 1
BitPos = BitPos + 1
If (BitPos = 8) Then
ByteValue = ByteArray(CurrPos - 1)
CurrPos = CurrPos + 1
BitPos = 0
End If
End If
End With

If (BitPos = 0) Then CurrPos = CurrPos - 1

NodesCount = 1
Nodes(0).LeftNode = -1
Nodes(0).RightNode = -1
Nodes(0).ParentNode = -1
Nodes(0).Value = -1

For i = 0 To 255
Call CreateTree(Nodes(), NodesCount, i, CharValue(i))

ResultLen = 0
For CurrPos = CurrPos To ByteLen
ByteValue = ByteArray(CurrPos - 1)
For BitPos = 0 To 7
If (ByteValue And BitValue(BitPos)) Then NodeIndex =
Nodes(NodeIndex).RightNode Else NodeIndex = Nodes(NodeIndex).LeftNode
If (Nodes(NodeIndex).Value > -1) Then
Result(ResultLen) = Nodes(NodeIndex).Value
ResultLen = ResultLen + 1
If (ResultLen = lResultLen) Then GoTo DecodeFinished
NodeIndex = 0
End If
If (CurrPos Mod 10000 = 0) Then
NewProgress = CurrPos / ByteLen * PROGRESS_DECODING
If (NewProgress <> CurrProgress) Then
CurrProgress = NewProgress
RaiseEvent Progress(CurrProgress)
End If
End If

Char = 0
For i = 0 To (ResultLen - 1)
Char = Char Xor Result(i)
If (i Mod 10000 = 0) Then
NewProgress = i / ResultLen * PROGRESS_CHECKCRC +
If (NewProgress <> CurrProgress) Then
CurrProgress = NewProgress
RaiseEvent Progress(CurrProgress)
End If
End If
If (Char <> CheckSum) Then Err.Raise vbObjectError,
"clsHuffman.Decode()", "The data might be corrupted (checksum did not match
expected value)"
ReDim ByteArray(0 To ResultLen - 1)
Call CopyMem(ByteArray(0), Result(0), ResultLen)
If (CurrProgress <> 100) Then RaiseEvent Progress(100)
End Sub
Private Sub CreateBitSequences(Nodes() As HUFFMANTREE, ByVal NodeIndex As
Integer, Bytes As ByteArray, CharValue() As ByteArray)
Dim NewBytes As ByteArray
If (Nodes(NodeIndex).Value > -1) Then
CharValue(Nodes(NodeIndex).Value) = Bytes
Exit Sub
End If
If (Nodes(NodeIndex).LeftNode > -1) Then
NewBytes = Bytes
NewBytes.Data(NewBytes.Count) = 0
NewBytes.Count = NewBytes.Count + 1
Call CreateBitSequences(Nodes(), Nodes(NodeIndex).LeftNode,
NewBytes, CharValue)
End If
If (Nodes(NodeIndex).RightNode > -1) Then
NewBytes = Bytes
NewBytes.Data(NewBytes.Count) = 1
NewBytes.Count = NewBytes.Count + 1
Call CreateBitSequences(Nodes(), Nodes(NodeIndex).RightNode,
NewBytes, CharValue)
End If
End Sub

Private Function FileExist(Filename As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo FileDoesNotExist
Call FileLen(Filename)
FileExist = True
Exit Function

FileExist = False
End Function


Here is a pre-built VB6 program:


Another VB6 code:


Sorry, but I haven't found any in VB.NET so far. I will keep looking for
you. The code above is simple to convert though
Nov 21 '05 #2
You said you haven't found any info on it. Here's how it works:


I'll post more when I find a VB.NET one if it exists.
Nov 21 '05 #3
What I said is I have not found any info on Huffman in VB.NET. I have found the link you posted here (and bookmarked it).
I have found a ton of stuff on Huffman, but, nothing that explains how to use it with VB.NET. And the VB6 code you posted in
your previous post (thank you for posting it) is the first VB related code for Huffman I have seen. I found a VB6 example
program on Planet Source Code, but, the link to the actual code was broken. ( the same link you posted in your previous message
to the same code) For whatever reason, Planet Source Code (or the author) pulled the sample code and then page was never
removed from their server.
I really do appreciate your help.

"Crouchie1998" <Cr**********@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
news:B6**********************************@microsof t.com...
You said you haven't found any info on it. Here's how it works:


I'll post more when I find a VB.NET one if it exists.

Nov 21 '05 #4

I actually found that sample on Planet Source Code too & if you read it, the
use needs help with the decoding part, which is of no use to you when that's
the part you need.

The reason why that code was unavailable is because the PSC website is
moving to a different ISP for increased bandwidth. It says the site would be
down until Monday morning PST.

I cannot see why you cannot convert the code.
Nov 21 '05 #5
Sorry, I wasn't saying I could not convert the code you posted. And I appreciate your help. I had found the link to the sample
on PSC using Google and when I tried to download it, I got the Page not Available screen in Internet Explorer. I was not aware
that PSC was moving their site.
I will be working on converting the code you posted. Thank you for your time and help.

"Crouchie1998" <Cr**********@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
news:71**********************************@microsof t.com...

I actually found that sample on Planet Source Code too & if you read it, the
use needs help with the decoding part, which is of no use to you when that's
the part you need.

The reason why that code was unavailable is because the PSC website is
moving to a different ISP for increased bandwidth. It says the site would be
down until Monday morning PST.

I cannot see why you cannot convert the code.

Nov 21 '05 #6
I think the only problem with converting the code will be in the decoding
when you check the 'char' variable against the 'checksum'. Obviously, 'char'
cannot be used as a variable name.
Nov 21 '05 #7
Here's a C# example by Microsoft:

Nov 21 '05 #8
Thanks! I do appreciate your help.

"Crouchie1998" <Cr**********@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
news:74**********************************@microsof t.com...
Here's a C# example by Microsoft:


Nov 21 '05 #9

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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