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Stored Procedures

Hey there,

I think this is not actually VB, but the language im using is VB. Ive
been doing all my code,, NOT using Stored procedures.. so my functions
are like.(in 2003)

visual basic
Public Function vLookup(ByVal table As String, ByVal returnColumn As
String, ByVal checkColumn As String, ByVal checkValue As String) As
Dim StringToReturn As String

StringToReturn = ""
Dim SQL As String
SQL = "SELECT " + returnColumn + " from " + table + " where " +
checkColumn + " = " + checkValue + ""

Dim dataAdapter As System.Data.Ole Db.OleDbDataAda pter
dataAdapter = New System.Data.Ole Db.OleDbDataAda pter(SQL,
Me.OleDbConnect ion1)
Dim dt As System.Data.Dat aTable
dt = New System.Data.Dat aTable
dataAdapter.Fil l(dt)
If dt.Rows.Count 0 Then
If dt.Rows(0).Item Array.Length 0 Then
StringToReturn = CStr(dt.Rows(0) .Item(0))
End If
End If
StringToReturn = "-1"
End Try

Return StringToReturn
End Function

MY question is how do I change this to function to us a stored
procedure that does the same thing. Stored procedures are in SQL server
2000? Now using .net 2005

lets call the stored proecedure stoCustomer

thanx in advance

Sep 12 '06 #1
6 3428
Looking at your SQL statement, a "normal" stored procedure won't be
able to replace it. You'll have to use a stored procedure that uses
dynamic SQL. You may want to search the comp.databases. ms-sqlserver
newsgroup on what this means and how to write one. Also check out
http://support.sas.com/ctx/samples/index.jsp?sid=817 it's a great
article on using both ADO and ADO.NET to call stored procs with VB.NET
and C#. If you need further help please post again and I'll try to walk
you through whatever you need.


Seth Rowe
Bonzol wrote:
Hey there,

I think this is not actually VB, but the language im using is VB. Ive
been doing all my code,, NOT using Stored procedures.. so my functions
are like.(in 2003)

visual basic
Public Function vLookup(ByVal table As String, ByVal returnColumn As
String, ByVal checkColumn As String, ByVal checkValue As String) As
Dim StringToReturn As String

StringToReturn = ""
Dim SQL As String
SQL = "SELECT " + returnColumn + " from " + table + " where " +
checkColumn + " = " + checkValue + ""

Dim dataAdapter As System.Data.Ole Db.OleDbDataAda pter
dataAdapter = New System.Data.Ole Db.OleDbDataAda pter(SQL,
Me.OleDbConnect ion1)
Dim dt As System.Data.Dat aTable
dt = New System.Data.Dat aTable
dataAdapter.Fil l(dt)
If dt.Rows.Count 0 Then
If dt.Rows(0).Item Array.Length 0 Then
StringToReturn = CStr(dt.Rows(0) .Item(0))
End If
End If
StringToReturn = "-1"
End Try

Return StringToReturn
End Function

MY question is how do I change this to function to us a stored
procedure that does the same thing. Stored procedures are in SQL server
2000? Now using .net 2005

lets call the stored proecedure stoCustomer

thanx in advance
Sep 12 '06 #2
Thanx for your reply

Yeah I think I need some help. I had a look, but im only a beginner.

My connection string is

Me.OleDbConnect ion1 = New System.Data.Ole Db.OleDbConnect ion
Me.OleDbConnect ion1.Connection String = "Integrated
Security=SSPI;P acket Size=4096;Data Source=""PIGMAN IA"";Tag with " & _
"column collation when possible=False; Initial
Catalog=Northwi nd;Use Procedure fo" & _
"r Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True; Persist Security
Info=False;Prov ider=""SQLOLEDB .1" & _
""";Worksta tion ID=ASPNET;Use Encryption for Data=False"

that works.

Just showing me how to use that to call a storedprocedure to fill a
datatable(also an example with storeprocedure imputs would be nice),
would be really nice. then I can learn from that example. I found it
hard to find any examples that showed me exactly this.

Thanx in advance

Sep 12 '06 #3
Try this for the data adapter code. -- Not tested

(I would add the below imports statement)
Imports System.Data.Ole Db

' Instantiate the DataAdapter and supply it the target
' stored procedure name and your connection variable
Dim DataAdapter as New OleDbDataAdapte r("stoCustomer" ,
OleDbConnection 1)
' Add the new parameter's name, type, and size
DataAdapter.Sel ectCommand.Para meters.Add("@Cu stName",
OleDbType.VarCh ar, 50)
' Assign the new parameter a value
DataAdapter.Sel ectCommand.Para meters("@CustNa me").Value = "Maria

You should be ok to fill your datatable from there. If not please post


Seth Rowe

Bonzol wrote:
Thanx for your reply

Yeah I think I need some help. I had a look, but im only a beginner.

My connection string is

Me.OleDbConnect ion1 = New System.Data.Ole Db.OleDbConnect ion
Me.OleDbConnect ion1.Connection String = "Integrated
Security=SSPI;P acket Size=4096;Data Source=""PIGMAN IA"";Tag with " & _
"column collation when possible=False; Initial
Catalog=Northwi nd;Use Procedure fo" & _
"r Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True; Persist Security
Info=False;Prov ider=""SQLOLEDB .1" & _
""";Worksta tion ID=ASPNET;Use Encryption for Data=False"

that works.

Just showing me how to use that to call a storedprocedure to fill a
datatable(also an example with storeprocedure imputs would be nice),
would be really nice. then I can learn from that example. I found it
hard to find any examples that showed me exactly this.

Thanx in advance
Sep 12 '06 #4
oh I got it! took all night but I figure it out on my own.

thanx for your help anyway, appreciate it greatly.
rowe_newsgroups wrote:
Try this for the data adapter code. -- Not tested

(I would add the below imports statement)
Imports System.Data.Ole Db

' Instantiate the DataAdapter and supply it the target
' stored procedure name and your connection variable
Dim DataAdapter as New OleDbDataAdapte r("stoCustomer" ,
OleDbConnection 1)
' Add the new parameter's name, type, and size
DataAdapter.Sel ectCommand.Para meters.Add("@Cu stName",
OleDbType.VarCh ar, 50)
' Assign the new parameter a value
DataAdapter.Sel ectCommand.Para meters("@CustNa me").Value = "Maria

You should be ok to fill your datatable from there. If not please post


Seth Rowe

Bonzol wrote:
Thanx for your reply

Yeah I think I need some help. I had a look, but im only a beginner.

My connection string is

Me.OleDbConnect ion1 = New System.Data.Ole Db.OleDbConnect ion
Me.OleDbConnect ion1.Connection String = "Integrated
Security=SSPI;P acket Size=4096;Data Source=""PIGMAN IA"";Tag with " & _
"column collation when possible=False; Initial
Catalog=Northwi nd;Use Procedure fo" & _
"r Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True; Persist Security
Info=False;Prov ider=""SQLOLEDB .1" & _
""";Worksta tion ID=ASPNET;Use Encryption for Data=False"

that works.

Just showing me how to use that to call a storedprocedure to fill a
datatable(also an example with storeprocedure imputs would be nice),
would be really nice. then I can learn from that example. I found it
hard to find any examples that showed me exactly this.

Thanx in advance
Sep 12 '06 #5
oh wait

now im trying some other things

Dim stringtoreturn As System.Data.Dat aTable
' Try
Me.SqlConnectio n1.Open()
Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.CommandTe xt = "[CustOrdersOrder s]"
Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.Parameter s("@CustomerID" ).Value = "VINET"
Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.ExecuteNo nQuery()
Me.SqlDataAdapt er1 = New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter(Me.SqlSe lectCommand1.Co mmandText,
Me.SqlConnectio n1)
Dim dt As System.Data.Dat aTable
dt = New System.Data.Dat aTable
Me.SqlDataAdapt er1.Fill(dt)

Me.SqlConnectio n1.Close()
stringtoreturn = dt

'End Try
Return stringtoreturn

I seem unable to send anything to the stored procedure

error I get is this

{"An SqlParameter with ParameterName '@CustomerID' is not contained by
this SqlParameterCol lection."}

the stored procedure defiantly needs that @customerID

Sep 12 '06 #6
Looks like you forgot to add the parameter first. Try changing this:
Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.CommandTe xt = "[CustOrdersOrder s]"
Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.Parameter s("@CustomerID" ).Value = "VINET"
Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.ExecuteNo nQuery()
to this: (Note, I'm not sure of the type for the parameter.)

Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.CommandTe xt = "[CustOrdersOrder s]"
--- Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.Parameter s.Add("@Custome rID", BigInt)
Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.Parameter s("@CustomerID" ).Value = "VINET"
Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.ExecuteNo nQuery()

Have Fun!

Seth Rowe

Bonzol wrote:
oh wait

now im trying some other things

Dim stringtoreturn As System.Data.Dat aTable
' Try
Me.SqlConnectio n1.Open()
Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.CommandTe xt = "[CustOrdersOrder s]"
Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.Parameter s("@CustomerID" ).Value = "VINET"
Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.ExecuteNo nQuery()
Me.SqlDataAdapt er1 = New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter(Me.SqlSe lectCommand1.Co mmandText,
Me.SqlConnectio n1)
Dim dt As System.Data.Dat aTable
dt = New System.Data.Dat aTable
Me.SqlDataAdapt er1.Fill(dt)

Me.SqlConnectio n1.Close()
stringtoreturn = dt

'End Try
Return stringtoreturn

I seem unable to send anything to the stored procedure

error I get is this

{"An SqlParameter with ParameterName '@CustomerID' is not contained by
this SqlParameterCol lection."}

the stored procedure defiantly needs that @customerID
Sep 12 '06 #7

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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