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Printing second time fails

I am using a PrintDocument and PrintDialog to print. The first time that I
print it works, but when I try to print a second time without exiting the
entire program I get an "InvalidPrinter Exception was unhandled" error. The
error happens in the third line below. The details of the error are below
my signature. Help?

PrintDialog1.Pr interSettings.P rinterName = sLabelPrinterDe viceName

PrintDialog1.Do cument = PrintDocument1

PrintDialog1.Do cument.Print() ' the error happens in this line

Any ideas?

Rick Lederman
Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.
ri**@soaringsof tware.com

System.Drawing. Printing.Invali dPrinterExcepti on was unhandled
Message="Settin gs to access printer 'Samsung ML-2250 Series (Copy 1)' are
not valid."
Source="System. Drawing"
at System.Drawing. Printing.Printe rSettings.GetHd evmodeInternal( )
at System.Drawing. Printing.Printe rSettings.GetHd evmode(PageSett ings
at System.Drawing. Printing.PrintC ontroller.OnSta rtPrint(PrintDo cument
document, PrintEventArgs e)
System.Windows. Forms.PrintCont rollerWithStatu sDialog.OnStart Print(PrintDocu ment
document, PrintEventArgs e)
at System.Drawing. Printing.PrintC ontroller.Print (PrintDocument
at System.Drawing. Printing.PrintD ocument.Print()
at TCMaxLabelMaker .frmMain.cmdPri ntSequence_Clic k(Object sender,
EventArgs e) in C:\VS2005\Copy (15) of
TCMaxLabelMaker \TCMaxLabelMake r\frmMain.vb:li ne 4932
at System.Windows. Forms.Control.O nClick(EventArg s e)
at System.Windows. Forms.Button.On Click(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows. Forms.Button.On MouseUp(MouseEv entArgs mevent)
at System.Windows. Forms.Control.W mMouseUp(Messag e& m, MouseButtons
button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows. Forms.Control.W ndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows. Forms.ButtonBas e.WndProc(Messa ge& m)
at System.Windows. Forms.Button.Wn dProc(Message& m)
System.Windows. Forms.Control.C ontrolNativeWin dow.OnMessage(M essage& m)
at System.Windows. Forms.Control.C ontrolNativeWin dow.WndProc(Mes sage&
at System.Windows. Forms.NativeWin dow.DebuggableC allback(IntPtr hWnd,
Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
at System.Windows. Forms.UnsafeNat iveMethods.Disp atchMessageW(MS G&
System.Windows. Forms.Applicati on.ComponentMan ager.System.Win dows.Forms.Unsa feNativeMethods .IMsoComponentM anager.FPushMes sageLoop(Int32
dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
System.Windows. Forms.Applicati on.ThreadContex t.RunMessageLoo pInner(Int32
reason, ApplicationCont ext context)
System.Windows. Forms.Applicati on.ThreadContex t.RunMessageLoo p(Int32 reason,
ApplicationCont ext context)
at System.Windows. Forms.Applicati on.Run(Applicat ionContext context)
Microsoft.Visua lBasic.Applicat ionServices.Win dowsFormsApplic ationBase.OnRun ()
Microsoft.Visua lBasic.Applicat ionServices.Win dowsFormsApplic ationBase.DoApp licationModel()
Microsoft.Visua lBasic.Applicat ionServices.Win dowsFormsApplic ationBase.Run(S tring[]
at TCMaxLabelMaker .My.MyApplicati on.Main(String[] Args) in
17d14f5c-a337-4978-8281-53493378c1071.v b:line 81
at System.AppDomai n.nExecuteAssem bly(Assembly assembly, String[]
at System.Runtime. Hosting.Manifes tRunner.Run(Boo lean checkAptModel)
at System.Runtime. Hosting.Manifes tRunner.Execute AsAssembly()
System.Runtime. Hosting.Applica tionActivator.C reateInstance(A ctivationContex t
activationConte xt, String[] activationCusto mData)
System.Runtime. Hosting.Applica tionActivator.C reateInstance(A ctivationContex t
activationConte xt)
Microsoft.Visua lStudio.Hosting Process.HostPro c.RunUsersAssem blyDebugInZone( )
at System.Threadin g.ThreadHelper. ThreadStart_Con text(Object state)
at System.Threadin g.ExecutionCont ext.Run(Executi onContext
executionContex t, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threadin g.ThreadHelper. ThreadStart()
May 21 '06 #1
8 2409

I suspect the problem is in the printdocument's print event.
Could you please post the code in that event.


"Rick Lederman" wrote:
I am using a PrintDocument and PrintDialog to print. The first time that I
print it works, but when I try to print a second time without exiting the
entire program I get an "InvalidPrinter Exception was unhandled" error. The
error happens in the third line below. The details of the error are below
my signature. Help?

PrintDialog1.Pr interSettings.P rinterName = sLabelPrinterDe viceName

PrintDialog1.Do cument = PrintDocument1

PrintDialog1.Do cument.Print() ' the error happens in this line

Any ideas?

Rick Lederman
Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.
ri**@soaringsof tware.com

System.Drawing. Printing.Invali dPrinterExcepti on was unhandled
Message="Settin gs to access printer 'Samsung ML-2250 Series (Copy 1)' are
not valid."
Source="System. Drawing"
at System.Drawing. Printing.Printe rSettings.GetHd evmodeInternal( )
at System.Drawing. Printing.Printe rSettings.GetHd evmode(PageSett ings
at System.Drawing. Printing.PrintC ontroller.OnSta rtPrint(PrintDo cument
document, PrintEventArgs e)
System.Windows. Forms.PrintCont rollerWithStatu sDialog.OnStart Print(PrintDocu ment
document, PrintEventArgs e)
at System.Drawing. Printing.PrintC ontroller.Print (PrintDocument
at System.Drawing. Printing.PrintD ocument.Print()
at TCMaxLabelMaker .frmMain.cmdPri ntSequence_Clic k(Object sender,
EventArgs e) in C:\VS2005\Copy (15) of
TCMaxLabelMaker \TCMaxLabelMake r\frmMain.vb:li ne 4932
at System.Windows. Forms.Control.O nClick(EventArg s e)
at System.Windows. Forms.Button.On Click(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows. Forms.Button.On MouseUp(MouseEv entArgs mevent)
at System.Windows. Forms.Control.W mMouseUp(Messag e& m, MouseButtons
button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows. Forms.Control.W ndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows. Forms.ButtonBas e.WndProc(Messa ge& m)
at System.Windows. Forms.Button.Wn dProc(Message& m)
System.Windows. Forms.Control.C ontrolNativeWin dow.OnMessage(M essage& m)
at System.Windows. Forms.Control.C ontrolNativeWin dow.WndProc(Mes sage&
at System.Windows. Forms.NativeWin dow.DebuggableC allback(IntPtr hWnd,
Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
at System.Windows. Forms.UnsafeNat iveMethods.Disp atchMessageW(MS G&
System.Windows. Forms.Applicati on.ComponentMan ager.System.Win dows.Forms.Unsa feNativeMethods .IMsoComponentM anager.FPushMes sageLoop(Int32
dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
System.Windows. Forms.Applicati on.ThreadContex t.RunMessageLoo pInner(Int32
reason, ApplicationCont ext context)
System.Windows. Forms.Applicati on.ThreadContex t.RunMessageLoo p(Int32 reason,
ApplicationCont ext context)
at System.Windows. Forms.Applicati on.Run(Applicat ionContext context)
Microsoft.Visua lBasic.Applicat ionServices.Win dowsFormsApplic ationBase.OnRun ()
Microsoft.Visua lBasic.Applicat ionServices.Win dowsFormsApplic ationBase.DoApp licationModel()
Microsoft.Visua lBasic.Applicat ionServices.Win dowsFormsApplic ationBase.Run(S tring[]
at TCMaxLabelMaker .My.MyApplicati on.Main(String[] Args) in
17d14f5c-a337-4978-8281-53493378c1071.v b:line 81
at System.AppDomai n.nExecuteAssem bly(Assembly assembly, String[]
at System.Runtime. Hosting.Manifes tRunner.Run(Boo lean checkAptModel)
at System.Runtime. Hosting.Manifes tRunner.Execute AsAssembly()
System.Runtime. Hosting.Applica tionActivator.C reateInstance(A ctivationContex t
activationConte xt, String[] activationCusto mData)
System.Runtime. Hosting.Applica tionActivator.C reateInstance(A ctivationContex t
activationConte xt)
Microsoft.Visua lStudio.Hosting Process.HostPro c.RunUsersAssem blyDebugInZone( )
at System.Threadin g.ThreadHelper. ThreadStart_Con text(Object state)
at System.Threadin g.ExecutionCont ext.Run(Executi onContext
executionContex t, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threadin g.ThreadHelper. ThreadStart()

May 21 '06 #2

Thanks for the help as I am at a loss. Here is the code:
The code looses its format here ... should I post the code some other way?
Rick Lederman
Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.

Dim font As New Font("Times New Roman", CSng(txtFontSiz e.Text),
FontStyle.Regul ar, GraphicsUnit.Po int)

Dim TextWidth As Single

Dim TextHeight As Single

Dim AdjustedBarcode Scale As Single

lCol = -1

lRow = 1

iX = dLeftMargin

iY = dTopMargin

iStart = iCurrent

For iI = iStart To iEnd

tdbLabels.Row = iI

iCopies = CInt(tdbLabels. Columns(2).Valu e)

For iJ = 1 To iCopies

AdjustedBarcode Scale = BarcodeScale

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Code = tdbLabels.Colum ns(0).Text.ToSt ring

Dim BarcodeImage As Image = BarcodeProfessi onal1.GetBarcod eImage()

Dim realBarcodeWidt h As Integer = BarcodeImage.Wi dth * BarcodeScale ' -
BarcodeProfessi onal1.QuietZone Width * 2

Dim realBarcodeHeig ht As Integer = BarcodeImage.He ight * BarcodeScale

If realBarcodeWidt h > (dLabelWidth - dLabelWidth * 0.1) Then

Dim MakeSmaller As Single

MakeSmaller = (dLabelWidth - dLabelWidth * 0.1) / BarcodeImage.Wi dth

AdjustedBarcode Scale = BarcodeScale * MakeSmaller

realBarcodeWidt h = BarcodeImage.Wi dth * AdjustedBarcode Scale

realBarcodeHeig ht = BarcodeImage.He ight * AdjustedBarcode Scale

End If

lCol = lCol + 1

iCurrent = iI

If lCol > lColumns - 1 Then

iX = dLeftMargin + dLabelWidth / 2 - realBarcodeWidt h / 2 ' this does not

iY = iY + dDistanceBetwee nRows + dBarcodeHeight

lRow = lRow + 1

lCol = 0


iX = dLeftMargin + dLabelWidth / 2 - realBarcodeWidt h / 2 + lCol *
(dDistanceBetwe enColumns + dLabelWidth)

End If

If lRow > lRows Then

e.HasMorePages = True

Exit For


e.HasMorePages = False

End If

Dim StringSizeTop As SizeF =
e.Graphics.Meas ureString(txtMe ssage.Text.ToSt ring, font)

TextWidth = StringSizeTop.W idth

TextHeight = StringSizeTop.H eight

e.Graphics.Draw String(txtMessa ge.Text.ToStrin g, font, Brushes.Black, New
PointF(dLeftMar gin + dLabelWidth / 2 - TextWidth / 2 + lCol *
(dDistanceBetwe enColumns + dLabelWidth), iY - TextHeight))

sTemp.Remove(0, sTemp.Length)

sTemp.Append(td bLabels.Columns (0).Text.ToStri ng & " " &
tdbLabels.Colum ns(1).Text.ToSt ring)

Dim StringSizeBotto m As SizeF = e.Graphics.Meas ureString(sTemp .ToString,

TextWidth = StringSizeBotto m.Width

TextHeight = StringSizeBotto m.Height

e.Graphics.Draw String(sTemp.To String, font, Brushes.Black, New
PointF(dLeftMar gin + dLabelWidth / 2 - TextWidth / 2 + lCol *
(dDistanceBetwe enColumns + dLabelWidth), iY + realBarcodeHeig ht))

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DrawOnCan vas(e.Graphics, New PointF(iX, iY),
AdjustedBarcode Scale) ' this is in inches!

Next iJ

If e.HasMorePages = True Then

Exit For

End If

Next iI
May 21 '06 #3

I just took ALL of the code out of the PrintDocument2_ PrintPage event and it
feeds a page the first time that it is run and has the error the second
time! So, it must not be the ocde in the PrintPage event?

Private Sub PrintDocument2_ PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Drawing. Printing.PrintP ageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument2. PrintPage

Here is the code that I use in the Button_Click event (the end of the code

If chkLandscape.Ch eckState = System.Windows. Forms.CheckStat e.Unchecked Then

PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = False


PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = True

End If

PrintDialog2.Pr interSettings.P rinterName = sLabelPrinterDe viceName ' I set
this to the printer name very early in the program

PrintDialog2.Do cument = PrintDocument2

PrintDialog2.Do cument.Print() ' this line works the first time, and errors
the second time. Then I must restart the program.
Rick Lederman
Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.
May 21 '06 #4

I see you are using a variable iCurrent to keep track of the
record number. I do not see where you reset iCurrent to the begining of the
list when you print the second time.


"Rick Lederman" wrote:

I just took ALL of the code out of the PrintDocument2_ PrintPage event and it
feeds a page the first time that it is run and has the error the second
time! So, it must not be the ocde in the PrintPage event?

Private Sub PrintDocument2_ PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Drawing. Printing.PrintP ageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument2. PrintPage

Here is the code that I use in the Button_Click event (the end of the code

If chkLandscape.Ch eckState = System.Windows. Forms.CheckStat e.Unchecked Then

PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = False


PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = True

End If

PrintDialog2.Pr interSettings.P rinterName = sLabelPrinterDe viceName ' I set
this to the printer name very early in the program

PrintDialog2.Do cument = PrintDocument2

PrintDialog2.Do cument.Print() ' this line works the first time, and errors
the second time. Then I must restart the program.
Rick Lederman
Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.

May 21 '06 #5

I reset it at the beginning of the CmdPrint_Click event. THat is the button
that I click to do the print job. And, as I said, I deleted all of the code
in the PrintDocument2_ PrintPage event and it still fails. Here is all of
the code in the CmdPrint_Click event.

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click( ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles cmdPrint.Click

lCol = 0

lRow = 0

MyFlags.Printin gEmployees = False

MyFlags.Printin gTools = True

iStart = 0

iCurrent = 0

iEnd = CInt(tdbLabels. RowCount - 1)

If iStart > iEnd Then

MsgBox(MyLabels .IncorrectSeque nce, MsgBoxStyle.Inf ormation, "Sequence

Exit Sub

End If

iCopies = 1

BarcodeProfessi onal1.AutoSize = True

Select Case cmbBarcodeStyle .SelectedIndex

Case Is = 0

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Code3 9

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 1

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Code9 3

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 2

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.DataM atrix

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xFormat = DataMatrixForma t.Auto

BarcodeScale = CSng(txtCellSiz e.Text) / 14 * 0.39

Case Is = 3

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.DataM atrix

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xFormat = DataMatrixForma t.C12X36

BarcodeScale = CSng(txtCellSiz e.Text) / 14 * 0.39

Case Is = 4

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.DataM atrix

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xFormat = DataMatrixForma t.C16X36

BarcodeScale = CSng(txtCellSiz e.Text) / 14 * 0.39

Case Is = 5

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Code1 28

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 6

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Inter leaved2of5

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 7

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Pdf41 7

BarcodeScale = 1

End Select

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xModuleSize = 4 ' CInt(txtCellSiz e.Text) - 10

dBarcodeHeight = CSng(cZero((txt BarcodeHeight.T ext) * 100))

dBarcodeWidth = CSng(cZero(txtB arcodeWidth.Tex t) * 100)

BarcodeProfessi onal1.BarHeight = dBarcodeHeight

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DisplayCo de = False

dLabelHeight = CSng(txtBarcode Height.Text) * 100

dLabelWidth = CSng(txtLabelWi dth.Text) * 100

lColumns = CInt(txtNumberO fColumns.Text)

lRows = CInt(txtNumberO fRows.Text)

dLeftMargin = CSng(txtLeftMar gin.Text) * 100

dTopMargin = CSng(txtTopMarg in.Text) * 100

dDistanceBetwee nRows = CSng(txtRowDist ance.Text) * 100

dDistanceBetwee nColumns = CSng(txtColumnD istance.Text) * 100

If chkLandscape.Ch eckState = System.Windows. Forms.CheckStat e.Unchecked Then

PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = False


PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = True

End If

PrintDialog2.Pr interSettings.P rinterName = sLabelPrinterDe viceName

PrintDialog2.Do cument = PrintDocument2

PrintDialog2.Do cument.Print()

End Sub
Rick Lederman
Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.
ri**@soaringsof tware.com

"Ken Tucker [MVP]" <Ke**********@d iscussions.micr osoft.com> wrote in message
news:40******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...

I see you are using a variable iCurrent to keep track of the
record number. I do not see where you reset iCurrent to the begining of
list when you print the second time.


"Rick Lederman" wrote:

I just took ALL of the code out of the PrintDocument2_ PrintPage event and
feeds a page the first time that it is run and has the error the second
time! So, it must not be the ocde in the PrintPage event?

Private Sub PrintDocument2_ PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Drawing. Printing.PrintP ageEventArgs) Handles
PrintDocument2. PrintPage

Here is the code that I use in the Button_Click event (the end of the

If chkLandscape.Ch eckState = System.Windows. Forms.CheckStat e.Unchecked

PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = False


PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = True

End If

PrintDialog2.Pr interSettings.P rinterName = sLabelPrinterDe viceName ' I
this to the printer name very early in the program

PrintDialog2.Do cument = PrintDocument2

PrintDialog2.Do cument.Print() ' this line works the first time, and
the second time. Then I must restart the program.
Rick Lederman
Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.

May 21 '06 #6

Instead of PrintDialog2.Do cument.Print() try printdocument2. print


"Rick Lederman" wrote:

I reset it at the beginning of the CmdPrint_Click event. THat is the button
that I click to do the print job. And, as I said, I deleted all of the code
in the PrintDocument2_ PrintPage event and it still fails. Here is all of
the code in the CmdPrint_Click event.

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click( ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles cmdPrint.Click

lCol = 0

lRow = 0

MyFlags.Printin gEmployees = False

MyFlags.Printin gTools = True

iStart = 0

iCurrent = 0

iEnd = CInt(tdbLabels. RowCount - 1)

If iStart > iEnd Then

MsgBox(MyLabels .IncorrectSeque nce, MsgBoxStyle.Inf ormation, "Sequence

Exit Sub

End If

iCopies = 1

BarcodeProfessi onal1.AutoSize = True

Select Case cmbBarcodeStyle .SelectedIndex

Case Is = 0

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Code3 9

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 1

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Code9 3

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 2

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.DataM atrix

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xFormat = DataMatrixForma t.Auto

BarcodeScale = CSng(txtCellSiz e.Text) / 14 * 0.39

Case Is = 3

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.DataM atrix

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xFormat = DataMatrixForma t.C12X36

BarcodeScale = CSng(txtCellSiz e.Text) / 14 * 0.39

Case Is = 4

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.DataM atrix

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xFormat = DataMatrixForma t.C16X36

BarcodeScale = CSng(txtCellSiz e.Text) / 14 * 0.39

Case Is = 5

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Code1 28

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 6

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Inter leaved2of5

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 7

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Pdf41 7

BarcodeScale = 1

End Select

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xModuleSize = 4 ' CInt(txtCellSiz e.Text) - 10

dBarcodeHeight = CSng(cZero((txt BarcodeHeight.T ext) * 100))

dBarcodeWidth = CSng(cZero(txtB arcodeWidth.Tex t) * 100)

BarcodeProfessi onal1.BarHeight = dBarcodeHeight

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DisplayCo de = False

dLabelHeight = CSng(txtBarcode Height.Text) * 100

dLabelWidth = CSng(txtLabelWi dth.Text) * 100

lColumns = CInt(txtNumberO fColumns.Text)

lRows = CInt(txtNumberO fRows.Text)

dLeftMargin = CSng(txtLeftMar gin.Text) * 100

dTopMargin = CSng(txtTopMarg in.Text) * 100

dDistanceBetwee nRows = CSng(txtRowDist ance.Text) * 100

dDistanceBetwee nColumns = CSng(txtColumnD istance.Text) * 100

If chkLandscape.Ch eckState = System.Windows. Forms.CheckStat e.Unchecked Then

PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = False


PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = True

End If

PrintDialog2.Pr interSettings.P rinterName = sLabelPrinterDe viceName

PrintDialog2.Do cument = PrintDocument2

PrintDialog2.Do cument.Print()

End Sub
Rick Lederman
Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.
ri**@soaringsof tware.com

"Ken Tucker [MVP]" <Ke**********@d iscussions.micr osoft.com> wrote in message
news:40******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...

I see you are using a variable iCurrent to keep track of the
record number. I do not see where you reset iCurrent to the begining of
list when you print the second time.


"Rick Lederman" wrote:

I just took ALL of the code out of the PrintDocument2_ PrintPage event and
feeds a page the first time that it is run and has the error the second
time! So, it must not be the ocde in the PrintPage event?

Private Sub PrintDocument2_ PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Drawing. Printing.PrintP ageEventArgs) Handles
PrintDocument2. PrintPage

Here is the code that I use in the Button_Click event (the end of the

If chkLandscape.Ch eckState = System.Windows. Forms.CheckStat e.Unchecked

PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = False


PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = True

End If

PrintDialog2.Pr interSettings.P rinterName = sLabelPrinterDe viceName ' I
this to the printer name very early in the program

PrintDialog2.Do cument = PrintDocument2

PrintDialog2.Do cument.Print() ' this line works the first time, and
the second time. Then I must restart the program.
Rick Lederman
Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.

May 21 '06 #7
Again, does not work. That is strange, the first thime that I print it
everything works. Click the print button again and I get the same
"InvalidPrinter Exception was unhandled" error. Underneigh that it also says
(same as before) " Settings to access printer 'Samsung ML-2250 'are not
valid." ...

Rick Lederman
Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.
ri**@soaringsof tware.com

"Ken Tucker [MVP]" <Ke**********@d iscussions.micr osoft.com> wrote in message
news:E2******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...

Instead of PrintDialog2.Do cument.Print() try printdocument2. print


"Rick Lederman" wrote:

I reset it at the beginning of the CmdPrint_Click event. THat is the
that I click to do the print job. And, as I said, I deleted all of the
in the PrintDocument2_ PrintPage event and it still fails. Here is all of
the code in the CmdPrint_Click event.

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click( ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles cmdPrint.Click

lCol = 0

lRow = 0

MyFlags.Printin gEmployees = False

MyFlags.Printin gTools = True

iStart = 0

iCurrent = 0

iEnd = CInt(tdbLabels. RowCount - 1)

If iStart > iEnd Then

MsgBox(MyLabels .IncorrectSeque nce, MsgBoxStyle.Inf ormation, "Sequence

Exit Sub

End If

iCopies = 1

BarcodeProfessi onal1.AutoSize = True

Select Case cmbBarcodeStyle .SelectedIndex

Case Is = 0

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Code3 9

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 1

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Code9 3

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 2

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.DataM atrix

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xFormat = DataMatrixForma t.Auto

BarcodeScale = CSng(txtCellSiz e.Text) / 14 * 0.39

Case Is = 3

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.DataM atrix

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xFormat = DataMatrixForma t.C12X36

BarcodeScale = CSng(txtCellSiz e.Text) / 14 * 0.39

Case Is = 4

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.DataM atrix

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xFormat = DataMatrixForma t.C16X36

BarcodeScale = CSng(txtCellSiz e.Text) / 14 * 0.39

Case Is = 5

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Code1 28

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 6

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Inter leaved2of5

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 7

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Pdf41 7

BarcodeScale = 1

End Select

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xModuleSize = 4 ' CInt(txtCellSiz e.Text) -

dBarcodeHeight = CSng(cZero((txt BarcodeHeight.T ext) * 100))

dBarcodeWidth = CSng(cZero(txtB arcodeWidth.Tex t) * 100)

BarcodeProfessi onal1.BarHeight = dBarcodeHeight

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DisplayCo de = False

dLabelHeight = CSng(txtBarcode Height.Text) * 100

dLabelWidth = CSng(txtLabelWi dth.Text) * 100

lColumns = CInt(txtNumberO fColumns.Text)

lRows = CInt(txtNumberO fRows.Text)

dLeftMargin = CSng(txtLeftMar gin.Text) * 100

dTopMargin = CSng(txtTopMarg in.Text) * 100

dDistanceBetwee nRows = CSng(txtRowDist ance.Text) * 100

dDistanceBetwee nColumns = CSng(txtColumnD istance.Text) * 100

If chkLandscape.Ch eckState = System.Windows. Forms.CheckStat e.Unchecked

PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = False


PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = True

End If

PrintDialog2.Pr interSettings.P rinterName = sLabelPrinterDe viceName

PrintDialog2.Do cument = PrintDocument2

PrintDialog2.Do cument.Print()

End Sub
Rick Lederman
Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.
ri**@soaringsof tware.com

"Ken Tucker [MVP]" <Ke**********@d iscussions.micr osoft.com> wrote in
news:40******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
> Rick,
> I see you are using a variable iCurrent to keep track of the
> record number. I do not see where you reset iCurrent to the begining
> of
> the
> list when you print the second time.
> Ken
> -------------------------
> "Rick Lederman" wrote:
>> Ken,
>> I just took ALL of the code out of the PrintDocument2_ PrintPage event
>> and
>> it
>> feeds a page the first time that it is run and has the error the
>> second
>> time! So, it must not be the ocde in the PrintPage event?
>> Private Sub PrintDocument2_ PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e
>> As
>> System.Drawing. Printing.PrintP ageEventArgs) Handles
>> PrintDocument2. PrintPage
>> Here is the code that I use in the Button_Click event (the end of the
>> code
>> anyway)
>> If chkLandscape.Ch eckState = System.Windows. Forms.CheckStat e.Unchecked
>> Then
>> PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = False
>> Else
>> PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = True
>> End If
>> PrintDialog2.Pr interSettings.P rinterName = sLabelPrinterDe viceName '
>> I
>> set
>> this to the printer name very early in the program
>> PrintDialog2.Do cument = PrintDocument2
>> PrintDialog2.Do cument.Print() ' this line works the first time, and
>> errors
>> the second time. Then I must restart the program.
>> --
>> Rick Lederman
>> Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.

May 21 '06 #8
To test things I put the following into the program

If PrintDialog2.Pr interSettings.I sValid = True Then

PrintDialog2.Do cument.Print() ' this was already there

End If

And, imagine that the IsValid returns False on the second print job. So the
question remains what makes the PrinterSettings become false after using it

And, during a program run, I set the printer to a different printer, and the
first time that it ran it printed OK, the second time that I tried to print,
IT RETURNED TRUE and ran OK! And it continues to work for the new printer.

So, I change the printer selector back to the original printer. And it
WORKS ... these kinds of problems I really don't need, but for now it is all

Ken, thanks for your help. I have no idea what was going on within this PC
but simply printing to a different printer then switching back to this
printer seems to have fixed it. The magic of Windows!

Rick Lederman
Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.
ri**@soaringsof tware.com

"Ken Tucker [MVP]" <Ke**********@d iscussions.micr osoft.com> wrote in message
news:E2******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...

Instead of PrintDialog2.Do cument.Print() try printdocument2. print


"Rick Lederman" wrote:

I reset it at the beginning of the CmdPrint_Click event. THat is the
that I click to do the print job. And, as I said, I deleted all of the
in the PrintDocument2_ PrintPage event and it still fails. Here is all of
the code in the CmdPrint_Click event.

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click( ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles cmdPrint.Click

lCol = 0

lRow = 0

MyFlags.Printin gEmployees = False

MyFlags.Printin gTools = True

iStart = 0

iCurrent = 0

iEnd = CInt(tdbLabels. RowCount - 1)

If iStart > iEnd Then

MsgBox(MyLabels .IncorrectSeque nce, MsgBoxStyle.Inf ormation, "Sequence

Exit Sub

End If

iCopies = 1

BarcodeProfessi onal1.AutoSize = True

Select Case cmbBarcodeStyle .SelectedIndex

Case Is = 0

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Code3 9

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 1

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Code9 3

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 2

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.DataM atrix

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xFormat = DataMatrixForma t.Auto

BarcodeScale = CSng(txtCellSiz e.Text) / 14 * 0.39

Case Is = 3

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.DataM atrix

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xFormat = DataMatrixForma t.C12X36

BarcodeScale = CSng(txtCellSiz e.Text) / 14 * 0.39

Case Is = 4

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.DataM atrix

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xFormat = DataMatrixForma t.C16X36

BarcodeScale = CSng(txtCellSiz e.Text) / 14 * 0.39

Case Is = 5

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Code1 28

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 6

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Inter leaved2of5

BarcodeScale = 1

Case Is = 7

BarcodeProfessi onal1.Symbology = Symbology.Pdf41 7

BarcodeScale = 1

End Select

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DataMatri xModuleSize = 4 ' CInt(txtCellSiz e.Text) -

dBarcodeHeight = CSng(cZero((txt BarcodeHeight.T ext) * 100))

dBarcodeWidth = CSng(cZero(txtB arcodeWidth.Tex t) * 100)

BarcodeProfessi onal1.BarHeight = dBarcodeHeight

BarcodeProfessi onal1.DisplayCo de = False

dLabelHeight = CSng(txtBarcode Height.Text) * 100

dLabelWidth = CSng(txtLabelWi dth.Text) * 100

lColumns = CInt(txtNumberO fColumns.Text)

lRows = CInt(txtNumberO fRows.Text)

dLeftMargin = CSng(txtLeftMar gin.Text) * 100

dTopMargin = CSng(txtTopMarg in.Text) * 100

dDistanceBetwee nRows = CSng(txtRowDist ance.Text) * 100

dDistanceBetwee nColumns = CSng(txtColumnD istance.Text) * 100

If chkLandscape.Ch eckState = System.Windows. Forms.CheckStat e.Unchecked

PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = False


PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = True

End If

PrintDialog2.Pr interSettings.P rinterName = sLabelPrinterDe viceName

PrintDialog2.Do cument = PrintDocument2

PrintDialog2.Do cument.Print()

End Sub
Rick Lederman
Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.
ri**@soaringsof tware.com

"Ken Tucker [MVP]" <Ke**********@d iscussions.micr osoft.com> wrote in
news:40******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
> Rick,
> I see you are using a variable iCurrent to keep track of the
> record number. I do not see where you reset iCurrent to the begining
> of
> the
> list when you print the second time.
> Ken
> -------------------------
> "Rick Lederman" wrote:
>> Ken,
>> I just took ALL of the code out of the PrintDocument2_ PrintPage event
>> and
>> it
>> feeds a page the first time that it is run and has the error the
>> second
>> time! So, it must not be the ocde in the PrintPage event?
>> Private Sub PrintDocument2_ PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e
>> As
>> System.Drawing. Printing.PrintP ageEventArgs) Handles
>> PrintDocument2. PrintPage
>> Here is the code that I use in the Button_Click event (the end of the
>> code
>> anyway)
>> If chkLandscape.Ch eckState = System.Windows. Forms.CheckStat e.Unchecked
>> Then
>> PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = False
>> Else
>> PrintDocument2. DefaultPageSett ings.Landscape = True
>> End If
>> PrintDialog2.Pr interSettings.P rinterName = sLabelPrinterDe viceName '
>> I
>> set
>> this to the printer name very early in the program
>> PrintDialog2.Do cument = PrintDocument2
>> PrintDialog2.Do cument.Print() ' this line works the first time, and
>> errors
>> the second time. Then I must restart the program.
>> --
>> Rick Lederman
>> Soaring Software Solutions, Inc.

May 22 '06 #9

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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