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Databinding formatted dates on a tab control

I'm binding date fields from entity objects and formatting the output in the
text box in short date format.


BindDateField(M e.txtCheckIn, "Text", reservation.Boo kingDetail, "CheckIn")
BindDateField(M e.txtCustTravle Date, "Text", reservation.Boo kingDetail,
BindDateField(M e.txtCheckOut, "Text", reservation.Boo kingDetail, "CheckOut")


Public Sub BindDateField(B yVal control As Control, ByVal propertyName As
String, ByVal dataSource As Object, ByVal dataMember As String)

For index = control.DataBin dings.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
dbd = control.DataBin dings.Item(inde x)
If dbd.PropertyNam e = propertyName Then
control.DataBin dings.Remove(db d)
End If
dbd = New Binding(propert yName, dataSource, dataMember)
control.DataBin dings.Add(dbd)

End Sub

Private Sub oBinding_Format (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows. Forms.ConvertEv entArgs) Handles dbd.Format

e.Value = Format(e.Value, "D")

End Sub

When I run the app. the dates in the textboxes are formatted correctly,
however the textboxes are on a tab control and when I click onto a different
tab and then back all the dates show in the format 01/01/2005 00:00:00.

Any ideas?

Nov 21 '05 #1
3 1728

Based on my test, it seems that I can not reproduce the problem.
I binding the textbox to Table, the binding code is as follows.

Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows. Forms.Form

#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "

Public Sub New()

'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
InitializeCompo nent()

'Add any initialization after the InitializeCompo nent() call

End Sub

'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
If disposing Then
If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
components.Disp ose()
End If
End If
MyBase.Dispose( disposing)
End Sub

'Required by the Windows Form Designer
Private components As System.Componen tModel.IContain er

'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer
'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
Friend WithEvents TabControl1 As System.Windows. Forms.TabContro l
Friend WithEvents TabPage1 As System.Windows. Forms.TabPage
Friend WithEvents TabPage2 As System.Windows. Forms.TabPage
Friend WithEvents TextBox1 As System.Windows. Forms.TextBox
Friend WithEvents TextBox2 As System.Windows. Forms.TextBox
Friend WithEvents SqlDataAdapter1 As
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter
Friend WithEvents SqlSelectComman d1 As System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
Friend WithEvents SqlInsertComman d1 As System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
Friend WithEvents SqlUpdateComman d1 As System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
Friend WithEvents SqlDeleteComman d1 As System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
Friend WithEvents SqlConnection1 As System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction
Friend WithEvents DataSet11 As TestBinding.Dat aSet1
<System.Diagnos tics.DebuggerSt epThrough()> Private Sub
InitializeCompo nent()
Me.TabControl1 = New System.Windows. Forms.TabContro l
Me.TabPage1 = New System.Windows. Forms.TabPage
Me.TabPage2 = New System.Windows. Forms.TabPage
Me.TextBox1 = New System.Windows. Forms.TextBox
Me.TextBox2 = New System.Windows. Forms.TextBox
Me.SqlDataAdapt er1 = New System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter
Me.SqlSelectCom mand1 = New System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1 = New System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1 = New System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1 = New System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
Me.SqlConnectio n1 = New System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction
Me.DataSet11 = New TestBinding.Dat aSet1
Me.TabControl1. SuspendLayout()
Me.TabPage1.Sus pendLayout()
Me.TabPage2.Sus pendLayout()
CType(Me.DataSe t11,
System.Componen tModel.ISupport Initialize).Beg inInit()
Me.SuspendLayou t()
Me.TabControl1. Controls.Add(Me .TabPage1)
Me.TabControl1. Controls.Add(Me .TabPage2)
Me.TabControl1. Dock = System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Fill
Me.TabControl1. Location = New System.Drawing. Point(0, 0)
Me.TabControl1. Name = "TabControl 1"
Me.TabControl1. SelectedIndex = 0
Me.TabControl1. Size = New System.Drawing. Size(292, 266)
Me.TabControl1. TabIndex = 0
Me.TabPage1.Con trols.Add(Me.Te xtBox1)
Me.TabPage1.Loc ation = New System.Drawing. Point(4, 22)
Me.TabPage1.Nam e = "TabPage1"
Me.TabPage1.Siz e = New System.Drawing. Size(284, 240)
Me.TabPage1.Tab Index = 0
Me.TabPage1.Tex t = "TabPage1"
Me.TabPage2.Con trols.Add(Me.Te xtBox2)
Me.TabPage2.Loc ation = New System.Drawing. Point(4, 22)
Me.TabPage2.Nam e = "TabPage2"
Me.TabPage2.Siz e = New System.Drawing. Size(284, 240)
Me.TabPage2.Tab Index = 1
Me.TabPage2.Tex t = "TabPage2"
Me.TextBox1.Dat aBindings.Add(N ew
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text", Me.DataSet11, "Orders.Shipped Date"))
Me.TextBox1.Loc ation = New System.Drawing. Point(88, 80)
Me.TextBox1.Nam e = "TextBox1"
Me.TextBox1.Tab Index = 0
Me.TextBox1.Tex t = "TextBox1"
Me.TextBox2.Dat aBindings.Add(N ew
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text", Me.DataSet11, "Orders.Shipped Date"))
Me.TextBox2.Loc ation = New System.Drawing. Point(88, 96)
Me.TextBox2.Nam e = "TextBox2"
Me.TextBox2.Tab Index = 0
Me.TextBox2.Tex t = "TextBox2"
'SqlDataAdapter 1
Me.SqlDataAdapt er1.DeleteComma nd = Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1
Me.SqlDataAdapt er1.InsertComma nd = Me.SqlInsertCom mand1
Me.SqlDataAdapt er1.SelectComma nd = Me.SqlSelectCom mand1
Me.SqlDataAdapt er1.TableMappin gs.AddRange(New
System.Data.Com mon.DataTableMa pping() {New
System.Data.Com mon.DataTableMa pping("Table", "Orders", New
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping() {New
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("OrderID ", "OrderID"), New
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("Custome rID", "CustomerID "), New
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("Employe eID", "EmployeeID "), New
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("OrderDa te", "OrderDate" ), New
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("Require dDate", "RequiredDate") , New
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("Shipped Date", "ShippedDat e"), New
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("ShipVia ", "ShipVia"), New
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("Freight ", "Freight"), New
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("ShipNam e", "ShipName") , New
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("ShipAdd ress", "ShipAddres s"), New
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("ShipCit y", "ShipCity") , New
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("ShipReg ion", "ShipRegion "), New
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("ShipPos talCode", "ShipPostalCode "),
New System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("ShipCou ntry", "ShipCountry")} )})
Me.SqlDataAdapt er1.UpdateComma nd = Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1
'SqlSelectComma nd1
Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.CommandTe xt = "SELECT OrderID, CustomerID,
EmployeeID, OrderDate, RequiredDate, ShippedDate, Shi" & _
"pVia, Freight, ShipName, ShipAddress, ShipCity, ShipRegion,
ShipPostalCode, Ship" & _
"Country FROM Orders"
Me.SqlSelectCom mand1.Connectio n = Me.SqlConnectio n1
'SqlInsertComma nd1
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.CommandTe xt = "INSERT INTO Orders(Customer ID,
EmployeeID, OrderDate, RequiredDate, ShippedDate, " & _
"ShipVia, Freight, ShipName, ShipAddress, ShipCity, ShipRegion,
ShipPostalCode, S" & _
"hipCountry ) VALUES (@CustomerID, @EmployeeID, @OrderDate,
@RequiredDate, @Shippe" & _
"dDate, @ShipVia, @Freight, @ShipName, @ShipAddress, @ShipCity,
@ShipRegion, @Shi" & _
"pPostalCod e, @ShipCountry); SELECT OrderID, CustomerID,
EmployeeID, OrderDate, R" & _
"equiredDat e, ShippedDate, ShipVia, Freight, ShipName, ShipAddress,
ShipCity, Shi" & _
"pRegion, ShipPostalCode, ShipCountry FROM Orders WHERE (OrderID =
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.Connectio n = Me.SqlConnectio n1
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Customer ID",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 5, "CustomerID "))
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Employee ID",
System.Data.Sql DbType.Int, 4, "EmployeeID "))
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@OrderDat e",
System.Data.Sql DbType.DateTime , 8, "OrderDate" ))
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Required Date",
System.Data.Sql DbType.DateTime , 8, "RequiredDate") )
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShippedD ate",
System.Data.Sql DbType.DateTime , 8, "ShippedDat e"))
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShipVia" , System.Data.Sql DbType.Int,
4, "ShipVia"))
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Freight" , System.Data.Sql DbType.Money,
8, "Freight"))
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShipName ",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 40, "ShipName") )
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShipAddr ess",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 60, "ShipAddres s"))
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShipCity ",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 15, "ShipCity") )
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShipRegi on",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 15, "ShipRegion "))
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShipPost alCode",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 10, "ShipPostalCode "))
Me.SqlInsertCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShipCoun try",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 15, "ShipCountr y"))
'SqlUpdateComma nd1
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.CommandTe xt = "UPDATE Orders SET CustomerID =
@CustomerID, EmployeeID = @EmployeeID, OrderDate =" & _
" @OrderDate, RequiredDate = @RequiredDate, ShippedDate =
@ShippedDate, ShipVia =" & _
" @ShipVia, Freight = @Freight, ShipName = @ShipName, ShipAddress =
@ShipAddress," & _
" ShipCity = @ShipCity, ShipRegion = @ShipRegion, ShipPostalCode =
@ShipPostalCod" & _
"e, ShipCountry = @ShipCountry WHERE (OrderID = @Original_Order ID)
AND (CustomerI" & _
"D = @Original_Custo merID OR @Original_Custo merID IS NULL AND
CustomerID IS NULL)" & _
" AND (EmployeeID = @Original_Emplo yeeID OR @Original_Emplo yeeID IS
NULL AND Empl" & _
"oyeeID IS NULL) AND (Freight = @Original_Freig ht OR
@Original_Freig ht IS NULL AN" & _
"D Freight IS NULL) AND (OrderDate = @Original_Order Date OR
@Original_Order Date I" & _
"S NULL AND OrderDate IS NULL) AND (RequiredDate =
@Original_Requi redDate OR @Ori" & _
"ginal_Required Date IS NULL AND RequiredDate IS NULL) AND
(ShipAddress = @Origina" & _
"l_ShipAddr ess OR @Original_ShipA ddress IS NULL AND ShipAddress IS
NULL) AND (Shi" & _
"pCity = @Original_ShipC ity OR @Original_ShipC ity IS NULL AND
ShipCity IS NULL) A" & _
"ND (ShipCountry = @Original_ShipC ountry OR @Original_ShipC ountry
IS NULL AND Shi" & _
"pCountry IS NULL) AND (ShipName = @Original_ShipN ame OR
@Original_ShipN ame IS NU" & _
"LL AND ShipName IS NULL) AND (ShipPostalCode =
@Original_ShipP ostalCode OR @Orig" & _
"inal_ShipPosta lCode IS NULL AND ShipPostalCode IS NULL) AND
(ShipRegion = @Origi" & _
"nal_ShipRe gion OR @Original_ShipR egion IS NULL AND ShipRegion IS
NULL) AND (Ship" & _
"Via = @Original_ShipV ia OR @Original_ShipV ia IS NULL AND ShipVia
IS NULL) AND (S" & _
"hippedDate = @Original_Shipp edDate OR @Original_Shipp edDate IS
NULL AND ShippedD" & _
"ate IS NULL); SELECT OrderID, CustomerID, EmployeeID, OrderDate,
RequiredDate, S" & _
"hippedDate , ShipVia, Freight, ShipName, ShipAddress, ShipCity,
ShipRegion, ShipP" & _
"ostalCode, ShipCountry FROM Orders WHERE (OrderID = @OrderID)"
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Connectio n = Me.SqlConnectio n1
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Customer ID",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 5, "CustomerID "))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Employee ID",
System.Data.Sql DbType.Int, 4, "EmployeeID "))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@OrderDat e",
System.Data.Sql DbType.DateTime , 8, "OrderDate" ))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Required Date",
System.Data.Sql DbType.DateTime , 8, "RequiredDate") )
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShippedD ate",
System.Data.Sql DbType.DateTime , 8, "ShippedDat e"))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShipVia" , System.Data.Sql DbType.Int,
4, "ShipVia"))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Freight" , System.Data.Sql DbType.Money,
8, "Freight"))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShipName ",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 40, "ShipName") )
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShipAddr ess",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 60, "ShipAddres s"))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShipCity ",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 15, "ShipCity") )
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShipRegi on",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 15, "ShipRegion "))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShipPost alCode",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 10, "ShipPostalCode "))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@ShipCoun try",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 15, "ShipCountr y"))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _OrderID",
System.Data.Sql DbType.Int, 4, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input, False,
CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "OrderID",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _CustomerID",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 5, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "CustomerID ",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _EmployeeID",
System.Data.Sql DbType.Int, 4, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input, False,
CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "EmployeeID ",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _Freight",
System.Data.Sql DbType.Money, 8, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "Freight",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _OrderDate",
System.Data.Sql DbType.DateTime , 8, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "OrderDate" ,
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _RequiredDate",
System.Data.Sql DbType.DateTime , 8, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "RequiredDa te",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShipAddress",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 60, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShipAddres s",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShipCity",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 15, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShipCity",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShipCountry",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 15, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShipCountr y",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShipName",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 40, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShipName",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShipPostalCode ",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 10, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShipPostalCode ",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShipRegion",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 15, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShipRegion ",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShipVia",
System.Data.Sql DbType.Int, 4, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input, False,
CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShipVia",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShippedDate",
System.Data.Sql DbType.DateTime , 8, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShippedDat e",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlUpdateCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@OrderID" , System.Data.Sql DbType.Int,
4, "OrderID"))
'SqlDeleteComma nd1
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.CommandTe xt = "DELETE FROM Orders WHERE
(OrderID = @Original_Order ID) AND (CustomerID = @Origina" & _
"l_Customer ID OR @Original_Custo merID IS NULL AND CustomerID IS
NULL) AND (Employ" & _
"eeID = @Original_Emplo yeeID OR @Original_Emplo yeeID IS NULL AND
EmployeeID IS NU" & _
"LL) AND (Freight = @Original_Freig ht OR @Original_Freig ht IS NULL
AND Freight IS" & _
" NULL) AND (OrderDate = @Original_Order Date OR @Original_Order Date
"rderDate IS NULL) AND (RequiredDate = @Original_Requi redDate OR
@Original_Requi r" & _
"edDate IS NULL AND RequiredDate IS NULL) AND (ShipAddress =
@Original_ShipA ddres" & _
"s OR @Original_ShipA ddress IS NULL AND ShipAddress IS NULL) AND
(ShipCity = @Ori" & _
"ginal_Ship City OR @Original_ShipC ity IS NULL AND ShipCity IS NULL)
AND (ShipCoun" & _
"try = @Original_ShipC ountry OR @Original_ShipC ountry IS NULL AND
ShipCountry IS " & _
"NULL) AND (ShipName = @Original_ShipN ame OR @Original_ShipN ame IS
NULL AND ShipN" & _
"ame IS NULL) AND (ShipPostalCode = @Original_ShipP ostalCode OR
@Original_ShipP os" & _
"talCode IS NULL AND ShipPostalCode IS NULL) AND (ShipRegion =
@Original_ShipR egi" & _
"on OR @Original_ShipR egion IS NULL AND ShipRegion IS NULL) AND
(ShipVia = @Origi" & _
"nal_ShipVi a OR @Original_ShipV ia IS NULL AND ShipVia IS NULL) AND
(ShippedDate =" & _
" @Original_Shipp edDate OR @Original_Shipp edDate IS NULL AND
ShippedDate IS NULL)" & _
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Connectio n = Me.SqlConnectio n1
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _OrderID",
System.Data.Sql DbType.Int, 4, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input, False,
CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "OrderID",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _CustomerID",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 5, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "CustomerID ",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _EmployeeID",
System.Data.Sql DbType.Int, 4, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input, False,
CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "EmployeeID ",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _Freight",
System.Data.Sql DbType.Money, 8, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "Freight",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _OrderDate",
System.Data.Sql DbType.DateTime , 8, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "OrderDate" ,
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _RequiredDate",
System.Data.Sql DbType.DateTime , 8, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "RequiredDa te",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShipAddress",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 60, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShipAddres s",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShipCity",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 15, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShipCity",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShipCountry",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 15, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShipCountr y",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShipName",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 40, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShipName",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShipPostalCode ",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 10, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShipPostalCode ",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShipRegion",
System.Data.Sql DbType.NVarChar , 15, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShipRegion ",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShipVia",
System.Data.Sql DbType.Int, 4, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input, False,
CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShipVia",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlDeleteCom mand1.Parameter s.Add(New
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _ShippedDate",
System.Data.Sql DbType.DateTime , 8, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
False, CType(0, Byte), CType(0, Byte), "ShippedDat e",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, Nothing))
Me.SqlConnectio n1.ConnectionSt ring = "workstatio n
id=""SHA-VPHUANG-03"";packet size=4096;integ rated security=SSPI;d ata so" & _
"urce=""sha-test-hf"";persist security info=False;init ial
catalog=Northwi nd"
Me.DataSet11.Da taSetName = "DataSet1"
Me.DataSet11.Lo cale = New System.Globaliz ation.CultureIn fo("zh-CN")
Me.AutoScaleBas eSize = New System.Drawing. Size(5, 13)
Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing. Size(292, 266)
Me.Controls.Add (Me.TabControl1 )
Me.Name = "Form1"
Me.Text = "Form1"
Me.TabControl1. ResumeLayout(Fa lse)
Me.TabPage1.Res umeLayout(False )
Me.TabPage2.Res umeLayout(False )
CType(Me.DataSe t11,
System.Componen tModel.ISupport Initialize).End Init()
Me.ResumeLayout (False)

End Sub

#End Region

Dim WithEvents db As Binding
Dim WithEvents db1 As Binding
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVa l sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load
db = Me.TextBox1.Dat aBindings(0)
db1 = Me.TextBox2.Dat aBindings(0)
Me.SqlDataAdapt er1.Fill(Me.Dat aSet11)
End Sub

Private Sub db_Format(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows. Forms.ConvertEv entArgs) Handles db.Format
e.Value = Format(e.Value, "D")
End Sub

Private Sub db1_Format(ByVa l sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows. Forms.ConvertEv entArgs) Handles db1.Format
e.Value = Format(e.Value, "d")
End Sub
End Class
Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Nov 21 '05 #2

"funkyMonke y" <fu*********@ne wsgroups.nospam > wrote in message
news:9F******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
I'm binding date fields from entity objects and formatting the output in
text box in short date format.


BindDateField(M e.txtCheckIn, "Text", reservation.Boo kingDetail, "CheckIn")
BindDateField(M e.txtCustTravle Date, "Text", reservation.Boo kingDetail,
BindDateField(M e.txtCheckOut, "Text", reservation.Boo kingDetail,


Public Sub BindDateField(B yVal control As Control, ByVal propertyName As
String, ByVal dataSource As Object, ByVal dataMember As String)

For index = control.DataBin dings.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
dbd = control.DataBin dings.Item(inde x)
If dbd.PropertyNam e = propertyName Then
control.DataBin dings.Remove(db d)
End If
dbd = New Binding(propert yName, dataSource, dataMember)
control.DataBin dings.Add(dbd)

End Sub

Private Sub oBinding_Format (ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows. Forms.ConvertEv entArgs) Handles dbd.Format

e.Value = Format(e.Value, "D")

End Sub
If you use a WithEvents dbd field then you would need one foreach Binding.
Like it is now, at the best all initial formatting works but after that then
only the last binding can work.

Instead of using a WithEvents field you should use AddHandler to add
eventhandlers and RemoveHandler to remove them:

Public Sub BindDateField( ByVal control As Control, ByVal propertyName As
String, ByVal dataSource As Object, ByVal dataMember As String)
Dim bnd As Binding

' remove possible binding
bnd = control.DataBin dings("Text")
If (Not bnd Is Nothing) Then
RemoveHandler bnd.Format, AddressOf FormatDt
control.DataBin dings.Remove(bn d)
End If

' add binding
bnd = New Binding("Text", dataSource, dataMember)
AddHandler bnd.Format, AddressOf FormatDt
control.DataBin dings.Add(bnd)
End Sub

Private Sub FormatDt(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows. Forms.ConvertEv entArgs)
e.Value = Format(e.Value, "D")
End Sub


When I run the app. the dates in the textboxes are formatted correctly,
however the textboxes are on a tab control and when I click onto a
tab and then back all the dates show in the format 01/01/2005 00:00:00.

Any ideas?

Nov 21 '05 #3

That's perfect.
Thank you Bart.
Nov 21 '05 #4

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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