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How to auto generate interface implementations

I've created an "Add Item" wizard for VB.NET 2003 that allows a user to add a
specialized class that works with my application framework. In the wizard,
the user can select the interfaces they would like to support. During the
code generation phase, I add an "Implements Ixxx" for each interface they
select, but I've not yet figured out how to add the skeleton implementation
for those interfaces. Once the user opens the class in the VS IDE, they
can position the cursor after the interface name and hit return to
auto-generate the implementation. Is there a way to programmaticall y cause
VB.NET to generate the skeleton implementation for these interfaces using the
extensibility model?

Nov 21 '05 #1
8 5822

Based on my knowledge, this job done by VS.NET IDE is achieved by
Intellisense which is not exposed by DTE(IDE) Object Modal.
So far I think we have to do that ourselves.
Here is a similar issue about get...set generator.

If you have question about the DTE object modal, you may try to post in the
specifed VS.NET IDE extensive newsgroup.
microsoft.publi c.vstudio.exten sibility

If you still have any concern please feel free to post here.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Nov 21 '05 #2
In addition to Peter's comments.

What are you using to generate the class itself?

Have you considered using Reflection to read the definition of the
Interface, then adding those members to the code that you are creating?

I will try to post an example of using Reflection to read the definition of
an Interface to generate code later...

Hope this helps

"Bill Rust" <n5****@communi ty.nospam> wrote in message
news:34******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
| I've created an "Add Item" wizard for VB.NET 2003 that allows a user to
add a
| specialized class that works with my application framework. In the
| the user can select the interfaces they would like to support. During the
| code generation phase, I add an "Implements Ixxx" for each interface they
| select, but I've not yet figured out how to add the skeleton
| for those interfaces. Once the user opens the class in the VS IDE, they
| can position the cursor after the interface name and hit return to
| auto-generate the implementation. Is there a way to programmaticall y
| VB.NET to generate the skeleton implementation for these interfaces using
| extensibility model?
| Thanks!
| Bill
Nov 21 '05 #3
Hi Peter,

Thanks for your suggestions. I'll take a look at the PropertyGenerat or
example you cited.

Best regards,

""Peter Huang" [MSFT]" wrote:

Based on my knowledge, this job done by VS.NET IDE is achieved by
Intellisense which is not exposed by DTE(IDE) Object Modal.
So far I think we have to do that ourselves.
Here is a similar issue about get...set generator.

If you have question about the DTE object modal, you may try to post in the
specifed VS.NET IDE extensive newsgroup.
microsoft.publi c.vstudio.exten sibility

If you still have any concern please feel free to post here.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Nov 21 '05 #4
Hi Jay,

Thank you for your reply. I figured reflection could be used to
accomplished this task, but I was trying to avoid coding it if the capability
was already available in the DTE. Since it is not, I would sure appreciate
any sample code you can provide.

Best regards,

"Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
In addition to Peter's comments.

What are you using to generate the class itself?

Have you considered using Reflection to read the definition of the
Interface, then adding those members to the code that you are creating?

I will try to post an example of using Reflection to read the definition of
an Interface to generate code later...

Hope this helps

"Bill Rust" <n5****@communi ty.nospam> wrote in message
news:34******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
| I've created an "Add Item" wizard for VB.NET 2003 that allows a user to
add a
| specialized class that works with my application framework. In the
| the user can select the interfaces they would like to support. During the
| code generation phase, I add an "Implements Ixxx" for each interface they
| select, but I've not yet figured out how to add the skeleton
| for those interfaces. Once the user opens the class in the VS IDE, they
| can position the cursor after the interface name and hit return to
| auto-generate the implementation. Is there a way to programmaticall y
| VB.NET to generate the skeleton implementation for these interfaces using
| extensibility model?
| Thanks!
| Bill

Nov 21 '05 #5
Here is an example that uses Reflection & the Code Dom to implement an

There seems to be a problem with the CodeMemberEvent .Implementation Types
member of the CodeDom. For example if I

Implements System.Componen tModel.ICompone nt
My routine creates:

Public Event Disposed As System.EventHan dler

Instead of:

Public Event Disposed As System.EventHan dler Implements
IComponent.Disp osed

The code for Properties & Methods work, however Events fail, so I'm not sure
what the problem is. I'm checking into it. Cannot think of a workaround
right now.

You can use CodeTypeMember. Attributes to control the visibility of the
generated members. Or use PrivateImplemen tationType member of
CodeMemberEvent , CodeMemberPrope rty & CodeMemberMetho d to "hide" the
implementation of the methods...

Hope this helps

---x--- cut here ---x---
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On

Imports System.CodeDom
Imports System.CodeDom. Compiler

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Reflecti on

Public Module GenerateInterfa ce

Public Sub Main()
Dim unit As New CodeCompileUnit

Dim ns As New CodeNamespace(" Sample")
unit.Namespaces .Add(ns)

Dim type As CodeTypeDeclara tion = BuildClass(ns, "BillRust",
GetType(Object) )

ImplementInterf ace(type,
GetType(System. ComponentModel. IBindingList))

GenerateCode(un it, "BillRust.v b", New VBCodeProvider)
End Sub

Private Sub ImplementInterf ace(ByVal baseType As CodeTypeDeclara tion,
ByVal implementedType As Type)
baseType.BaseTy pes.Add(New CodeTypeReferen ce(implementedT ype))

ImplementInterf aceMembers(base Type, implementedType )

For Each baseInterface As Type In implementedType .GetInterfaces( )
ImplementInterf aceMembers(base Type, baseInterface)

End Sub

Private Sub ImplementInterf aceMembers(ByVa l baseType As
CodeTypeDeclara tion, ByVal implementedType As Type)
ImplementInterf aceEvents(baseT ype, implementedType )
ImplementInterf aceProperties(b aseType, implementedType )
ImplementInterf aceMethods(base Type, implementedType )
End Sub

Private Sub ImplementInterf aceEvents(ByVal baseType As
CodeTypeDeclara tion, ByVal implementedType As Type)
For Each [event] As EventInfo In implementedType .GetEvents()
Dim member As New CodeMemberEvent
member.Name = [event].Name
member.Attribut es = MemberAttribute s.Public
member.Type = New CodeTypeReferen ce([event].EventHandlerTy pe)
member.Implemen tationTypes.Add (implementedTyp e)
baseType.Member s.Add(member)
End Sub

Private Sub ImplementInterf aceProperties(B yVal baseType As
CodeTypeDeclara tion, ByVal implementedType As Type)
For Each [property] As PropertyInfo In
implementedType .GetProperties( )
Dim member As New CodeMemberPrope rty
member.Name = [property].Name
member.Attribut es = MemberAttribute s.Public
member.HasGet = [property].CanRead
member.HasSet = [property].CanWrite
member.Type = New CodeTypeReferen ce([property].PropertyType)
ImplementParame ters(member.Par ameters,
[property].GetIndexParame ters())
member.Implemen tationTypes.Add (implementedTyp e)
baseType.Member s.Add(member)
End Sub

Private Sub ImplementInterf aceMethods(ByVa l baseType As
CodeTypeDeclara tion, ByVal implementedType As Type)
Static void As Type = Type.GetType("S ystem.Void")
For Each [method] As MethodInfo In implementedType .GetMethods()
If Not [method].IsSpecialName Then
Dim member As New CodeMemberMetho d
member.Attribut es = MemberAttribute s.Public
member.Name = [method].Name
member.ReturnTy pe = New
CodeTypeReferen ce([method].ReturnType)
ImplementParame ters(member.Par ameters,
[method].GetParameters( ))
member.Implemen tationTypes.Add (implementedTyp e)
baseType.Member s.Add(member)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ImplementParame ters(ByVal outputParameter s As
CodeParameterDe clarationExpres sionCollection, ByVal inputParameters () As
For Each parameter As ParameterInfo In inputParameters
Dim value As New CodeParameterDe clarationExpres sion
value.Name = parameter.Name
value.Type = New CodeTypeReferen ce(parameter.Pa rameterType)
outputParameter s.Add(value)
End Sub

Private Function BuildClass(ByVa l ns As CodeNamespace, ByVal name As
String, ByVal baseType As Type) As CodeTypeDeclara tion
Dim type As New CodeTypeDeclara tion(name)
ns.Types.Add(ty pe)

type.BaseTypes. Add(baseType)

Return type
End Function

Private Sub GenerateCode(By Val unit As CodeCompileUnit , ByVal file As
String, ByVal provider As CodeDomProvider )
Dim output As New StreamWriter(fi le)
Dim generator As ICodeGenerator = provider.Create Generator()
Dim options As New CodeGeneratorOp tions
options.BlankLi nesBetweenMembe rs = True
options.Bracing Style = "C"

unit.UserData.A dd("AllowLateBo und", False)
unit.UserData.A dd("RequireVari ableDeclaration ", True)

generator.Gener ateCodeFromComp ileUnit(unit, output, options)
Catch e As Exception
Debug.WriteLine (e, "GenerateCo de")
provider.Dispos e()
End Try
End Sub

End Module

---x--- cut here ---x---

"Bill Rust" <n5****@communi ty.nospam> wrote in message
news:50******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
| Hi Jay,
| Thank you for your reply. I figured reflection could be used to
| accomplished this task, but I was trying to avoid coding it if the
| was already available in the DTE. Since it is not, I would sure
| any sample code you can provide.
| Best regards,
| Bill
| "Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
| > Bill,
| > In addition to Peter's comments.
| >
| > What are you using to generate the class itself?
| >
| > Have you considered using Reflection to read the definition of the
| > Interface, then adding those members to the code that you are creating?
| >
| > I will try to post an example of using Reflection to read the definition
| > an Interface to generate code later...
| >
| > Hope this helps
| > Jay
| >
| > "Bill Rust" <n5****@communi ty.nospam> wrote in message
| > news:34******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
| > | I've created an "Add Item" wizard for VB.NET 2003 that allows a user
| > add a
| > | specialized class that works with my application framework. In the
| > wizard,
| > | the user can select the interfaces they would like to support. During
| > | code generation phase, I add an "Implements Ixxx" for each interface
| > | select, but I've not yet figured out how to add the skeleton
| > implementation
| > | for those interfaces. Once the user opens the class in the VS IDE,
| > | can position the cursor after the interface name and hit return to
| > | auto-generate the implementation. Is there a way to programmaticall y
| > cause
| > | VB.NET to generate the skeleton implementation for these interfaces
| > the
| > | extensibility model?
| > |
| > | Thanks!
| > | Bill
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
| >
Nov 21 '05 #6
Thanks, Jay. I'll give it a try :-)

"Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
Here is an example that uses Reflection & the Code Dom to implement an

There seems to be a problem with the CodeMemberEvent .Implementation Types
member of the CodeDom. For example if I

Implements System.Componen tModel.ICompone nt
My routine creates:

Public Event Disposed As System.EventHan dler

Instead of:

Public Event Disposed As System.EventHan dler Implements
IComponent.Disp osed

The code for Properties & Methods work, however Events fail, so I'm not sure
what the problem is. I'm checking into it. Cannot think of a workaround
right now.

You can use CodeTypeMember. Attributes to control the visibility of the
generated members. Or use PrivateImplemen tationType member of
CodeMemberEvent , CodeMemberPrope rty & CodeMemberMetho d to "hide" the
implementation of the methods...

Hope this helps

---x--- cut here ---x---
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On

Imports System.CodeDom
Imports System.CodeDom. Compiler

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Reflecti on

Public Module GenerateInterfa ce

Public Sub Main()
Dim unit As New CodeCompileUnit

Dim ns As New CodeNamespace(" Sample")
unit.Namespaces .Add(ns)

Dim type As CodeTypeDeclara tion = BuildClass(ns, "BillRust",
GetType(Object) )

ImplementInterf ace(type,
GetType(System. ComponentModel. IBindingList))

GenerateCode(un it, "BillRust.v b", New VBCodeProvider)
End Sub

Private Sub ImplementInterf ace(ByVal baseType As CodeTypeDeclara tion,
ByVal implementedType As Type)
baseType.BaseTy pes.Add(New CodeTypeReferen ce(implementedT ype))

ImplementInterf aceMembers(base Type, implementedType )

For Each baseInterface As Type In implementedType .GetInterfaces( )
ImplementInterf aceMembers(base Type, baseInterface)

End Sub

Private Sub ImplementInterf aceMembers(ByVa l baseType As
CodeTypeDeclara tion, ByVal implementedType As Type)
ImplementInterf aceEvents(baseT ype, implementedType )
ImplementInterf aceProperties(b aseType, implementedType )
ImplementInterf aceMethods(base Type, implementedType )
End Sub

Private Sub ImplementInterf aceEvents(ByVal baseType As
CodeTypeDeclara tion, ByVal implementedType As Type)
For Each [event] As EventInfo In implementedType .GetEvents()
Dim member As New CodeMemberEvent
member.Name = [event].Name
member.Attribut es = MemberAttribute s.Public
member.Type = New CodeTypeReferen ce([event].EventHandlerTy pe)
member.Implemen tationTypes.Add (implementedTyp e)
baseType.Member s.Add(member)
End Sub

Private Sub ImplementInterf aceProperties(B yVal baseType As
CodeTypeDeclara tion, ByVal implementedType As Type)
For Each [property] As PropertyInfo In
implementedType .GetProperties( )
Dim member As New CodeMemberPrope rty
member.Name = [property].Name
member.Attribut es = MemberAttribute s.Public
member.HasGet = [property].CanRead
member.HasSet = [property].CanWrite
member.Type = New CodeTypeReferen ce([property].PropertyType)
ImplementParame ters(member.Par ameters,
[property].GetIndexParame ters())
member.Implemen tationTypes.Add (implementedTyp e)
baseType.Member s.Add(member)
End Sub

Private Sub ImplementInterf aceMethods(ByVa l baseType As
CodeTypeDeclara tion, ByVal implementedType As Type)
Static void As Type = Type.GetType("S ystem.Void")
For Each [method] As MethodInfo In implementedType .GetMethods()
If Not [method].IsSpecialName Then
Dim member As New CodeMemberMetho d
member.Attribut es = MemberAttribute s.Public
member.Name = [method].Name
member.ReturnTy pe = New
CodeTypeReferen ce([method].ReturnType)
ImplementParame ters(member.Par ameters,
[method].GetParameters( ))
member.Implemen tationTypes.Add (implementedTyp e)
baseType.Member s.Add(member)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ImplementParame ters(ByVal outputParameter s As
CodeParameterDe clarationExpres sionCollection, ByVal inputParameters () As
For Each parameter As ParameterInfo In inputParameters
Dim value As New CodeParameterDe clarationExpres sion
value.Name = parameter.Name
value.Type = New CodeTypeReferen ce(parameter.Pa rameterType)
outputParameter s.Add(value)
End Sub

Private Function BuildClass(ByVa l ns As CodeNamespace, ByVal name As
String, ByVal baseType As Type) As CodeTypeDeclara tion
Dim type As New CodeTypeDeclara tion(name)
ns.Types.Add(ty pe)

type.BaseTypes. Add(baseType)

Return type
End Function

Private Sub GenerateCode(By Val unit As CodeCompileUnit , ByVal file As
String, ByVal provider As CodeDomProvider )
Dim output As New StreamWriter(fi le)
Dim generator As ICodeGenerator = provider.Create Generator()
Dim options As New CodeGeneratorOp tions
options.BlankLi nesBetweenMembe rs = True
options.Bracing Style = "C"

unit.UserData.A dd("AllowLateBo und", False)
unit.UserData.A dd("RequireVari ableDeclaration ", True)

generator.Gener ateCodeFromComp ileUnit(unit, output, options)
Catch e As Exception
Debug.WriteLine (e, "GenerateCo de")
provider.Dispos e()
End Try
End Sub

End Module

---x--- cut here ---x---

"Bill Rust" <n5****@communi ty.nospam> wrote in message
news:50******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
| Hi Jay,
| Thank you for your reply. I figured reflection could be used to
| accomplished this task, but I was trying to avoid coding it if the
| was already available in the DTE. Since it is not, I would sure
| any sample code you can provide.
| Best regards,
| Bill
| "Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
| > Bill,
| > In addition to Peter's comments.
| >
| > What are you using to generate the class itself?
| >
| > Have you considered using Reflection to read the definition of the
| > Interface, then adding those members to the code that you are creating?
| >
| > I will try to post an example of using Reflection to read the definition
| > an Interface to generate code later...
| >
| > Hope this helps
| > Jay
| >
| > "Bill Rust" <n5****@communi ty.nospam> wrote in message
| > news:34******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
| > | I've created an "Add Item" wizard for VB.NET 2003 that allows a user
| > add a
| > | specialized class that works with my application framework. In the
| > wizard,
| > | the user can select the interfaces they would like to support. During
| > | code generation phase, I add an "Implements Ixxx" for each interface
| > | select, but I've not yet figured out how to add the skeleton
| > implementation
| > | for those interfaces. Once the user opens the class in the VS IDE,
| > | can position the cursor after the interface name and hit return to
| > | auto-generate the implementation. Is there a way to programmaticall y
| > cause
| > | VB.NET to generate the skeleton implementation for these interfaces
| > the
| > | extensibility model?
| > |
| > | Thanks!
| > | Bill
| > |
| > |
| >
| >
| >

Nov 21 '05 #7
| > The code for Properties & Methods work, however Events fail, so I'm not
| > what the problem is. I'm checking into it. Cannot think of a workaround
| > right now.
Just realized: If events are important, using a CodeSnippet may be the
workaround, I don't have an example right now.

I'm going to try my routine in VS.NET 2005 to see if it has the same problem
with events.

Hope this helps

"Bill Rust" <n5****@communi ty.nospam> wrote in message
news:88******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
| Thanks, Jay. I'll give it a try :-)
| "Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
| > Bill,
| > Here is an example that uses Reflection & the Code Dom to implement an
| > interface.
| >
| > There seems to be a problem with the CodeMemberEvent .Implementation Types
| > member of the CodeDom. For example if I
| >
| > Implements System.Componen tModel.ICompone nt
| >
| >
| > My routine creates:
| >
| > Public Event Disposed As System.EventHan dler
| >
| > Instead of:
| >
| > Public Event Disposed As System.EventHan dler Implements
| > IComponent.Disp osed
| >
| > The code for Properties & Methods work, however Events fail, so I'm not
| > what the problem is. I'm checking into it. Cannot think of a workaround
| > right now.
| >
| > You can use CodeTypeMember. Attributes to control the visibility of the
| > generated members. Or use PrivateImplemen tationType member of
| > CodeMemberEvent , CodeMemberPrope rty & CodeMemberMetho d to "hide" the
| > implementation of the methods...
| >
| > Hope this helps
| > Jay
| >
| > ---x--- cut here ---x---
| > Option Strict On
| > Option Explicit On
| >
| > Imports System.CodeDom
| > Imports System.CodeDom. Compiler
| >
| > Imports System.IO
| > Imports System.Reflecti on
| >
| > Public Module GenerateInterfa ce
| >
| > Public Sub Main()
| > Dim unit As New CodeCompileUnit
| >
| > Dim ns As New CodeNamespace(" Sample")
| > unit.Namespaces .Add(ns)
| >
| > Dim type As CodeTypeDeclara tion = BuildClass(ns, "BillRust",
| > GetType(Object) )
| >
| > ImplementInterf ace(type,
| > GetType(System. ComponentModel. IBindingList))
| >
| > GenerateCode(un it, "BillRust.v b", New VBCodeProvider)
| > End Sub
| >
| > Private Sub ImplementInterf ace(ByVal baseType As
CodeTypeDeclara tion,
| > ByVal implementedType As Type)
| > baseType.BaseTy pes.Add(New CodeTypeReferen ce(implementedT ype))
| >
| > ImplementInterf aceMembers(base Type, implementedType )
| >
| > For Each baseInterface As Type In
implementedType .GetInterfaces( )
| > ImplementInterf aceMembers(base Type, baseInterface)
| > Next
| >
| > End Sub
| >
| > Private Sub ImplementInterf aceMembers(ByVa l baseType As
| > CodeTypeDeclara tion, ByVal implementedType As Type)
| > ImplementInterf aceEvents(baseT ype, implementedType )
| > ImplementInterf aceProperties(b aseType, implementedType )
| > ImplementInterf aceMethods(base Type, implementedType )
| > End Sub
| >
| > Private Sub ImplementInterf aceEvents(ByVal baseType As
| > CodeTypeDeclara tion, ByVal implementedType As Type)
| > For Each [event] As EventInfo In implementedType .GetEvents()
| > Dim member As New CodeMemberEvent
| > member.Name = [event].Name
| > member.Attribut es = MemberAttribute s.Public
| > member.Type = New
CodeTypeReferen ce([event].EventHandlerTy pe)
| > member.Implemen tationTypes.Add (implementedTyp e)
| > baseType.Member s.Add(member)
| > Next
| > End Sub
| >
| > Private Sub ImplementInterf aceProperties(B yVal baseType As
| > CodeTypeDeclara tion, ByVal implementedType As Type)
| > For Each [property] As PropertyInfo In
| > implementedType .GetProperties( )
| > Dim member As New CodeMemberPrope rty
| > member.Name = [property].Name
| > member.Attribut es = MemberAttribute s.Public
| > member.HasGet = [property].CanRead
| > member.HasSet = [property].CanWrite
| > member.Type = New CodeTypeReferen ce([property].PropertyType)
| > ImplementParame ters(member.Par ameters,
| > [property].GetIndexParame ters())
| > member.Implemen tationTypes.Add (implementedTyp e)
| > baseType.Member s.Add(member)
| > Next
| > End Sub
| >
| > Private Sub ImplementInterf aceMethods(ByVa l baseType As
| > CodeTypeDeclara tion, ByVal implementedType As Type)
| > Static void As Type = Type.GetType("S ystem.Void")
| > For Each [method] As MethodInfo In implementedType .GetMethods()
| > If Not [method].IsSpecialName Then
| > Dim member As New CodeMemberMetho d
| > member.Attribut es = MemberAttribute s.Public
| > member.Name = [method].Name
| > member.ReturnTy pe = New
| > CodeTypeReferen ce([method].ReturnType)
| > ImplementParame ters(member.Par ameters,
| > [method].GetParameters( ))
| > member.Implemen tationTypes.Add (implementedTyp e)
| > baseType.Member s.Add(member)
| > End If
| > Next
| > End Sub
| >
| > Private Sub ImplementParame ters(ByVal outputParameter s As
| > CodeParameterDe clarationExpres sionCollection, ByVal inputParameters () As
| > ParameterInfo)
| > For Each parameter As ParameterInfo In inputParameters
| > Dim value As New CodeParameterDe clarationExpres sion
| > value.Name = parameter.Name
| > value.Type = New CodeTypeReferen ce(parameter.Pa rameterType)
| > outputParameter s.Add(value)
| > Next
| > End Sub
| >
| > Private Function BuildClass(ByVa l ns As CodeNamespace, ByVal name As
| > String, ByVal baseType As Type) As CodeTypeDeclara tion
| > Dim type As New CodeTypeDeclara tion(name)
| > ns.Types.Add(ty pe)
| >
| > type.BaseTypes. Add(baseType)
| >
| > Return type
| > End Function
| >
| > Private Sub GenerateCode(By Val unit As CodeCompileUnit , ByVal file
| > String, ByVal provider As CodeDomProvider )
| > Dim output As New StreamWriter(fi le)
| > Dim generator As ICodeGenerator = provider.Create Generator()
| > Dim options As New CodeGeneratorOp tions
| > options.BlankLi nesBetweenMembe rs = True
| > options.Bracing Style = "C"
| >
| > unit.UserData.A dd("AllowLateBo und", False)
| > unit.UserData.A dd("RequireVari ableDeclaration ", True)
| >
| > Try
| > generator.Gener ateCodeFromComp ileUnit(unit, output, options)
| > Catch e As Exception
| > Debug.WriteLine (e, "GenerateCo de")
| > Finally
| > output.Flush()
| > output.Close()
| > provider.Dispos e()
| > End Try
| > End Sub
| >
| > End Module
| >
| > ---x--- cut here ---x---
| >
| > "Bill Rust" <n5****@communi ty.nospam> wrote in message
| > news:50******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
| > | Hi Jay,
| > |
| > | Thank you for your reply. I figured reflection could be used to
| > | accomplished this task, but I was trying to avoid coding it if the
| > capability
| > | was already available in the DTE. Since it is not, I would sure
| > appreciate
| > | any sample code you can provide.
| > |
| > | Best regards,
| > | Bill
| > |
| > | "Jay B. Harlow [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
| > |
| > | > Bill,
| > | > In addition to Peter's comments.
| > | >
| > | > What are you using to generate the class itself?
| > | >
| > | > Have you considered using Reflection to read the definition of the
| > | > Interface, then adding those members to the code that you are
| > | >
| > | > I will try to post an example of using Reflection to read the
| > of
| > | > an Interface to generate code later...
| > | >
| > | > Hope this helps
| > | > Jay
| > | >
| > | > "Bill Rust" <n5****@communi ty.nospam> wrote in message
| > | > news:34******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
| > | > | I've created an "Add Item" wizard for VB.NET 2003 that allows a
| > to
| > | > add a
| > | > | specialized class that works with my application framework. In
| > | > wizard,
| > | > | the user can select the interfaces they would like to support.
| > the
| > | > | code generation phase, I add an "Implements Ixxx" for each
| > they
| > | > | select, but I've not yet figured out how to add the skeleton
| > | > implementation
| > | > | for those interfaces. Once the user opens the class in the VS
| > they
| > | > | can position the cursor after the interface name and hit return to
| > | > | auto-generate the implementation. Is there a way to
programmaticall y
| > | > cause
| > | > | VB.NET to generate the skeleton implementation for these
| > using
| > | > the
| > | > | extensibility model?
| > | > |
| > | > | Thanks!
| > | > | Bill
| > | > |
| > | > |
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >
Nov 21 '05 #8
Hi Bill,

Thanks for your quickly reply!

If you still have any concern, please feel free to post here.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

Get Secure! - www.microsoft.com/security
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Nov 21 '05 #9

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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