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Displaying records on a form...

Hi everyone,

I am relatively new to VB.Net, and database programming.
I have a database with four tables, set up as follows:

BookID... key
Book... All the book titles of the Bible
ChapterID... key
Chapter... chapter numbers (1 - 150)
VerseID... key
Verse... verse number (1 - 100)
ID... key
VerseText... Each verse from the Bible, each in its own record

In VB.Net, I have a form with three ComboBoxes and one Label:

cmbBook... to display all the Book titles
cmbChapter... to display all the Chapter numbers
cmbVerse... to display all the verse numbers
lblVerseText... to display the verse corresponding to the selections made in
the three ComboBoxes

I can get each ComboBox to display the information from the corresponding
tables, however, I want to be able to filter each subsequent ComboBox, and
the label, to display only the information that is common to the preceding

For example:

You select 'Genesis' in cmbBook, and cmbChapter will only display the
numbers 1 - 22, (the number of chapters in Genesis).
Then you select '1' in cmbChapter, and cmbVerse will only display the
numbers 1 - 31, (the number of verses in Genesis-1).
Then you select '1' in cmbVerse, and lblVerseText will only display the
verse Genesis,1,1.

As I stated earlier, I can get each ComboBox to display ALL of the
corresponding data from their respective tables, but I would like to filter
the data according to the data currently selected in any of the COmboBoxes.

Any help would be gretly appreciated,

Nov 20 '05 #1
15 1522
One way . . .

For each dataTable, set up a DataView. In the selectedIndexCh anged event
change the filter parameters of cascading combo boxes to correspond with the
key found in the relation above. Bind the comboboxes to the DataView not the
table, except the master table.

Another way,

Is to set up relations for each table relation, and set up the binding so
the secondary boxes get the data from the relation. Ive done this with grids
but not with combo boxes but it should work.
Bo Diddly wrote:
Hi everyone,

I am relatively new to VB.Net, and database programming.
I have a database with four tables, set up as follows:

BookID... key
Book... All the book titles of the Bible
ChapterID... key
Chapter... chapter numbers (1 - 150)
VerseID... key
Verse... verse number (1 - 100)
ID... key
VerseText... Each verse from the Bible, each in its own record

In VB.Net, I have a form with three ComboBoxes and one Label:

cmbBook... to display all the Book titles
cmbChapter... to display all the Chapter numbers
cmbVerse... to display all the verse numbers
lblVerseText... to display the verse corresponding to the selections
made in the three ComboBoxes

I can get each ComboBox to display the information from the
corresponding tables, however, I want to be able to filter each
subsequent ComboBox, and the label, to display only the information
that is common to the preceding selection.

For example:

You select 'Genesis' in cmbBook, and cmbChapter will only display the
numbers 1 - 22, (the number of chapters in Genesis).
Then you select '1' in cmbChapter, and cmbVerse will only display the
numbers 1 - 31, (the number of verses in Genesis-1).
Then you select '1' in cmbVerse, and lblVerseText will only display
the verse Genesis,1,1.

As I stated earlier, I can get each ComboBox to display ALL of the
corresponding data from their respective tables, but I would like to
filter the data according to the data currently selected in any of
the COmboBoxes.

Any help would be gretly appreciated,


Regards - OHM# OneHandedMan{at }BTInternet{dot }com
Nov 20 '05 #2
Hi Bo Diddy,

In addition to OHM about the comboboxes,
have a look at datasource, datamembers, and value members from the combobox,
using that it is not that difficult I thought,

Nov 20 '05 #3
Thank you to OHM and Cor,

I will try it out as soon as I get a chance, maybe before tomorrow
(Saturday), and I will let you know.'

Nov 20 '05 #4
This is what I've done so far:

I have a DataBase with:

BookID... key
Book... All the book titles of the Bible
ChapterID... key
Chapter... chapter numbers (1 - 150)
VerseID... key
Verse... verse number (1 - 100)
ID... key
VerseText... Each verse from the Bible, each in its own record

Created a DataAdapter for each table, (when I run the SQL statements within the configuration wizard, they do what I want them to do):

daBook... SELECT Book,BookID FROM tblBook ORDER BY BookID

daChapter... SELECT DISTINCT tblChapter.Chap ter, tblChapter.Chap terID, tblVerseText.Ch apterID AS Expr1, tblVerseText.Bo okID FROM tblChapter INNER JOIN tblVerseText ON tblChapter.Chap terID = tblVerseText.Ch apterID WHERE (tblVerseText.B ookID = ?) ORDER BY tblChapter.Chap terID

daVerse... SELECT DISTINCT tblVerse.Verse, tblVerse.VerseI D, tblVerseText.Ch apterID, tblVerseText.Ve rseID AS Expr1 FROM tblVerse INNER JOIN tblVerseText ON tblVerse.VerseI D = tblVerseText.Ve rseID WHERE (tblVerseText.C hapterID = ?) ORDER BY tblVerse.VerseI D

daText... SELECT VerseText, ID, VerseID FROM tblVerseText WHERE (VerseID = ?) ORDER BY ID

Created a DataView for each DataSet


The Controls on the form are bound to the DataViews:

cmbBook > dvBook
cmbChapter > dvChapter
cmbVerse > dvVerse
lblText > dvText

I need the item that is selected in each ComboBox to filter the choices in the subsequent ComboBoxes.

How do I write the statement in the SelectedItemCha nged event to take the value displayed and pass it's corresponding key to filter the next ComboBox?

Thanks in advance,

Nov 20 '05 #5
Cor and OHM,

Thanks for the push in the right direction.
I have been able to get the first ComboBox to work properly, (it wasn't a
problem though). I can retrieve the .value from the first ComboBox and pass
it into the SelectCommand for the second ComboBox. However, this is where I
am having problems now. My SelectCommand statement for the third ComboBox
works fine when I run it in the Query Builder or when I run Preview Data.
But when I run the program, it doesn't work properly.

SELECT DISTINCT tblVerse.Verse, tblVerse.VerseI D, tblVerseText.Ve rseID AS
VerseKey, tblVerseText.Ch apterID AS ChapterKey, tblVerseText.Bo okID AS
FROM tblVerse INNER JOIN tblVerseText ON
tblVerse.VerseI D = tblVerseText.Ve rseID
WHERE (tblVerseText.C hapterID = ?) AND (tblVerseText.B ookID = ?)
ORDER BY tblVerse.VerseI D

Private Sub cmbChapter_Sele ctedIndexChange d(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArg s) Handles cmbChapter.Sele ctedIndexChange d

daVerse.SelectC ommand.Paramete rs("ChapterID") .Value =
cmbChapter.Sele ctedValue

daVerse.SelectC ommand.Paramete rs("BookID").Va lue = cmbBook.Selecte dValue


daVerse.Fill(ds Verse)

End Sub

Can I somehow combine the first two lines in the cmbChapter_Sele ctedIndex
Changed event?
I am a little confused as to why the SQL statement works perfectly in the
Query Builder or Preview Data, but does not filter properly when the program
is run.
As I said , the first two ComboBoxes filter and display perfectly, but the
third ComboBox does not filter.

Thanks again for any nudges in the right direction,

Nov 20 '05 #6
Cor and OHM,

Thanks for the push in the right direction... everything is working fine

The third ComboBox does not filter correctly. The SQL statement works
perfectly in the Query Builder or in Data Preview. But I cannot get the
ComboBox to filter correctly.

tblVerse.Verse, tblVerse.VerseI D, tblVerseText.Ve rseID
AS VerseKey, tblVerseText.Ch apterID AS ChapterKey, tblVerseText.Bo okID AS
tblVerseText ON tblVerse.VerseI D =
tblVerseText.Ve rseID
WHERE (tblVerseText.C hapterID = ?) AND (tblVerseText.B ookID = ?)
ORDER BY tblVerse.VerseI D
Private Sub cmbChapter_Sele ctedIndexChange d(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArg s) Handles cmbChapter.Sele ctedIndexChange d

daVerse.SelectC ommand.Paramete rs("ChapterID") .Value =
cmbChapter.Sele ctedValue

daVerse.SelectC ommand.Paramete rs("BookID").Va lue = cmbBook.Selecte dValue


daVerse.Fill(ds Verse)

End Sub

In the code above, am I retrieving the two variables correctly to pass them
to the daVerse.SelectC ommand.Paramete rs? I know it is correct if only one
parameter is needed, but the only way I can get the proper filtering is to
use the two variables, BookID and ChapterID, together in the one SQL

I know I am missing something silly in the Sub procedure, but I can't figure
it out.

Thanks in advance for any nudges in the right direction,

Nov 20 '05 #7
Hi Garry,

I did look a long time and did not see it, the strange thing is of course
that it works with combobox 1 and not with combobox 2.

While I asume they are completly the same with the only difference the extra
parameter in the second.
(I never wrote it in the way you did, but looking at the documentation I see
no errors).

Did you debug it?

I myself add always while debugging just something as

dim myfirsttest as string = cmbChapter.Sele ctedValue

daVerse.SelectC ommand.Paramete rs("ChapterID") .Value =
cmbChapter.Sel ectedValue
dim mysecondtest as string = cmbBook.Selecte dValue
daVerse.SelectC ommand.Paramete rs("BookID").Va lue =
cmbBook.Select edValue

I hope this helps, and message back if the values are correct OK?

Nov 20 '05 #8

I don't get any 'ERRORS' when I run it in Debug mode.

A little more information:

cmbBook displays 73 items, (the names of the Books in the Douay-Rheims

cmbChapter displays up to 150 items, (the number of Chapters according to
which Book is selected in cmbBook), this works fine.

cmbVerse should display up to 176 items, (the number of Verses according to
which Chapter AND Book are selected in the previous ComboBoxes), this part
is not filtering correctly. It does not generate any errors in the program.

When I run the SQL statement in the Query Builder, (I have to enter the two
parameters), the resulting table is correctly filtered and displays the
number of verses according to the Book AND Chapter selected. This is also
the result when I run Preview Data, (and have to enter the parameters

I am stuck at trying to pass the TWO parameters to
dsVerse.SelectC ommand.CommandT ext...

Can it be done with one line, not two like this:

daVerse.SelectC ommand.Paramete rs("ChapterID") .Value =
cmbChapter.Sele ctedValue
daVerse.SelectC ommand.Paramete rs("BookID").Va lue = cmbBook.Selecte dValue


Nov 20 '05 #9
Hi Bo,

Normaly I only find this in the documentation (read SQL where OLeDB when it
is in your case SQL)
' ...
' create myDataSet and myDataAdapter
' ...
myDataAdapter.S electCommand.Pa rameters.Add("@ CategoryName",
OleDbType.VarCh ar, 80).Value = "toasters"
myDataAdapter.S electCommand.Pa rameters.Add("@ SerialNum",
OleDbType.Integ er).Value = 239
myDataAdapter.F ill(myDataSet)

But I found your methode also, but if you realy stuck, maybe you can try
this to test
(debugs very easy)

mystring as string = "SELECT DISTINCT tblVerse.Verse, tblVerse.VerseI D,
tblVerseText.Ve rseID AS
VerseKey, tblVerseText.Ch apterID AS ChapterKey, tblVerseText.Bo okID AS
FROM tblVerse INNER JOIN tblVerseText ON
tblVerse.VerseI D = tblVerseText.Ve rseID
WHERE tblVerseText.Ch apterID ='" & cmbChapter.Sele ctedValue & "' AND
(tblVerseText.B ookID = '"
& cmbBook.Selecte dValue & "' ORDER BY tblVerse.VerseI D"

dim daverse as new dataadapter(mys tring, myconnection)
daverse.fill(my dataset)

And then when it works make it nice code.

Maybe it helps,


I don't get any 'ERRORS' when I run it in Debug mode.

A little more information:

cmbBook displays 73 items, (the names of the Books in the Douay-Rheims

cmbChapter displays up to 150 items, (the number of Chapters according to
which Book is selected in cmbBook), this works fine.

cmbVerse should display up to 176 items, (the number of Verses according to which Chapter AND Book are selected in the previous ComboBoxes), this part
is not filtering correctly. It does not generate any errors in the program.
When I run the SQL statement in the Query Builder, (I have to enter the two parameters), the resulting table is correctly filtered and displays the
number of verses according to the Book AND Chapter selected. This is also
the result when I run Preview Data, (and have to enter the parameters

I am stuck at trying to pass the TWO parameters to
dsVerse.SelectC ommand.CommandT ext...

Can it be done with one line, not two like this:

daVerse.SelectC ommand.Paramete rs("ChapterID") .Value =
cmbChapter.Sele ctedValue
daVerse.SelectC ommand.Paramete rs("BookID").Va lue = cmbBook.Selecte dValue

Nov 20 '05 #10

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