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Sizing an Application Window


Using VB.NET, I can activate an application by entering:

AppActivate(int ProcessID), where intProcessID is the
process ID of a running application.

Is it possible to set the size and location of the
application window?

Thank you,

Nov 20 '05 #1
9 3483

you can obtain window handle for app main window and use MoveWindow API
function on it.

[DllImport("User 32")]

internal static extern bool MoveWindow(IntP tr hWnd, int X, int Y, int
nWidth, int nHeight, bool bRepaint);

"Max" <an*******@disc ussions.microso ft.com> wrote in message
news:00******** *************** *****@phx.gbl.. .

Using VB.NET, I can activate an application by entering:

AppActivate(int ProcessID), where intProcessID is the
process ID of a running application.

Is it possible to set the size and location of the
application window?

Thank you,


Nov 20 '05 #2
* "Max" <an*******@disc ussions.microso ft.com> scripsit:
Using VB.NET, I can activate an application by entering:

AppActivate(int ProcessID), where intProcessID is the
process ID of a running application.

Is it possible to set the size and location of the
application window?

If you have its Window handle, you can try it with pinvoke on
'SetWindowPos' or 'MoveWindow'.

Herfried K. Wagner
MVP · VB Classic, VB.NET
Nov 20 '05 #3
-----Original Message-----
* "Max" <an*******@disc ussions.microso ft.com> scripsit:
Using VB.NET, I can activate an application by entering:
AppActivate(int ProcessID), where intProcessID is the
process ID of a running application.

Is it possible to set the size and location of the
application window?
If you have its Window handle, you can try it with

pinvoke on'SetWindowPo s' or 'MoveWindow'.

Herfried K. Wagner
MVP · VB Classic, VB.NET

Hello Herfried and thank you for the advice.

However, the 'SetWindowPos' and 'MoveWindow' functions
appear to be C functions. I am coding in VB.NET. How
can I access this functionality from VB.NET?


Nov 20 '05 #4
* "Max" <an*******@disc ussions.microso ft.com> scripsit:
However, the 'SetWindowPos' and 'MoveWindow' functions
appear to be C functions. I am coding in VB.NET. How
can I access this functionality from VB.NET?

Public Declare Auto Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32.dll " ( _
ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, _
ByVal hWndInsertAfter As IntPtr, _
ByVal X As Int32, _
ByVal Y As Int32, _
ByVal cx As Int32, _
ByVal cy As Int32, _
ByVal uFlags As UInt32 _
) As Boolean

Public Declare Auto Function MoveWindow Lib "user32.dll "( _
ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, _
ByVal X As Int32, _
ByVal Y As Int32, _
ByVal nWidth As Int32, _
ByVal nHeight As Int32, _
ByVal bRepaint As Boolean _
) As Boolean

Herfried K. Wagner
MVP · VB Classic, VB.NET
Nov 20 '05 #5
Thank You !!!

-----Original Message-----
* "Max" <an*******@disc ussions.microso ft.com> scripsit:
However, the 'SetWindowPos' and 'MoveWindow' functions
appear to be C functions. I am coding in VB.NET. How
can I access this functionality from VB.NET?
Public Declare Auto Function SetWindowPos

Lib "user32.dll " ( _ ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, _
ByVal hWndInsertAfter As IntPtr, _
ByVal X As Int32, _
ByVal Y As Int32, _
ByVal cx As Int32, _
ByVal cy As Int32, _
ByVal uFlags As UInt32 _
) As Boolean

Public Declare Auto Function MoveWindow Lib "user32.dll "( _ ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, _
ByVal X As Int32, _
ByVal Y As Int32, _
ByVal nWidth As Int32, _
ByVal nHeight As Int32, _
ByVal bRepaint As Boolean _
) As Boolean

Herfried K. Wagner
MVP · VB Classic, VB.NET

Nov 20 '05 #6
* <an*******@disc ussions.microso ft.com> scripsit:
Thank You !!!

If you have problems in calling the functions, please let us know.

Herfried K. Wagner
MVP · VB Classic, VB.NET
Nov 20 '05 #7
Thank you, again for your help.

I've tried the function MoveWindow. The function
executes without reporting an error, however, the window
is not resized and the function returns "False".

I have added System.Runtime. Interopservices to my project

My code is shown below (the relevant subroutine is
entitled "btnStartCAMMas ter_Click"). I have commented
out the custom application that I am trying to start and
used "notepad.ex e" instead:

Public Class frmAutoRun
Inherits System.Windows. Forms.Form

#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "

Public Sub New()

'This call is required by the Windows Form
InitializeCompo nent()

'Add any initialization after the
InitializeCompo nent() call

End Sub

'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component
Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal
disposing As Boolean)
If disposing Then
If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
components.Disp ose()
End If
End If
MyBase.Dispose( disposing)
End Sub

'Required by the Windows Form Designer
Private components As System.Componen tModel.IContain er

'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the
Windows Form Designer
'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
Friend WithEvents pnlTop As System.Windows. Forms.Panel
Friend WithEvents splHorizontalTo p As
System.Windows. Forms.Splitter
Friend WithEvents pnlBottom As
System.Windows. Forms.Panel
Friend WithEvents splHorizontalBo ttom As
System.Windows. Forms.Splitter
Friend WithEvents pnlLeft As
System.Windows. Forms.Panel
Friend WithEvents splVertical As
System.Windows. Forms.Splitter
Friend WithEvents sbrStatus As
System.Windows. Forms.StatusBar
Friend WithEvents pnlLeftTop As
System.Windows. Forms.Panel
Friend WithEvents Splitter1 As
System.Windows. Forms.Splitter
Friend WithEvents pnlLeftBottom As
System.Windows. Forms.Panel
Friend WithEvents mnuMain As
System.Windows. Forms.MainMenu
Friend WithEvents pnlRight As
System.Windows. Forms.Panel
Friend WithEvents btnStartCAMMast er As
System.Windows. Forms.Button
Friend WithEvents btnShowHideCAMM aster As
System.Windows. Forms.Button
<System.Diagnos tics.DebuggerSt epThrough()> Private
Sub InitializeCompo nent()
Dim resources As System.Resource s.ResourceManag er
= New System.Resource s.ResourceManag er(GetType
Me.pnlTop = New System.Windows. Forms.Panel
Me.splHorizonta lTop = New
System.Windows. Forms.Splitter
Me.pnlBottom = New System.Windows. Forms.Panel
Me.sbrStatus = New System.Windows. Forms.StatusBar
Me.splHorizonta lBottom = New
System.Windows. Forms.Splitter
Me.pnlLeft = New System.Windows. Forms.Panel
Me.pnlLeftBotto m = New System.Windows. Forms.Panel
Me.btnShowHideC AMMaster = New
System.Windows. Forms.Button
Me.btnStartCAMM aster = New
System.Windows. Forms.Button
Me.Splitter1 = New System.Windows. Forms.Splitter
Me.pnlLeftTop = New System.Windows. Forms.Panel
Me.splVertical = New System.Windows. Forms.Splitter
Me.mnuMain = New System.Windows. Forms.MainMenu
Me.pnlRight = New System.Windows. Forms.Panel
Me.pnlBottom.Su spendLayout()
Me.pnlLeft.Susp endLayout()
Me.pnlLeftBotto m.SuspendLayout ()
Me.SuspendLayou t()
Me.pnlTop.Dock =
System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Top
Me.pnlTop.Locat ion = New System.Drawing. Point(0,
Me.pnlTop.Name = "pnlTop"
Me.pnlTop.Size = New System.Drawing. Size(240, 56)
Me.pnlTop.TabIn dex = 3
'splHorizontalT op
Me.splHorizonta lTop.Dock =
System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Top
Me.splHorizonta lTop.Location = New
System.Drawing. Point(0, 56)
Me.splHorizonta lTop.Name = "splHorizontalT op"
Me.splHorizonta lTop.Size = New System.Drawing. Size
(240, 3)
Me.splHorizonta lTop.TabIndex = 4
Me.splHorizonta lTop.TabStop = False
Me.pnlBottom.Co ntrols.Add(Me.s brStatus)
Me.pnlBottom.Do ck =
System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Bottom
Me.pnlBottom.Lo cation = New System.Drawing. Point
(0, 494)
Me.pnlBottom.Na me = "pnlBottom"
Me.pnlBottom.Si ze = New System.Drawing. Size(240,
Me.pnlBottom.Ta bIndex = 5
Me.sbrStatus.Lo cation = New System.Drawing. Point
(0, 34)
Me.sbrStatus.Na me = "sbrStatus"
Me.sbrStatus.Si ze = New System.Drawing. Size(240,
Me.sbrStatus.Ta bIndex = 0
Me.sbrStatus.Te xt = "StatusBar1 "
'splHorizontalB ottom
Me.splHorizonta lBottom.Dock =
System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Bottom
Me.splHorizonta lBottom.Locatio n = New
System.Drawing. Point(0, 491)
Me.splHorizonta lBottom.Name
= "splHorizontalB ottom"
Me.splHorizonta lBottom.Size = New
System.Drawing. Size(240, 3)
Me.splHorizonta lBottom.TabInde x = 6
Me.splHorizonta lBottom.TabStop = False
Me.pnlLeft.Cont rols.Add(Me.pnl LeftBottom)
Me.pnlLeft.Cont rols.Add(Me.Spl itter1)
Me.pnlLeft.Cont rols.Add(Me.pnl LeftTop)
Me.pnlLeft.Dock =
System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Left
Me.pnlLeft.Loca tion = New System.Drawing. Point(0,
Me.pnlLeft.Name = "pnlLeft"
Me.pnlLeft.Size = New System.Drawing. Size(200,
Me.pnlLeft.TabI ndex = 7
Me.pnlLeftBotto m.BackColor =
System.Drawing. SystemColors.Co ntrol
Me.pnlLeftBotto m.Controls.Add
(Me.btnShowHide CAMMaster)
Me.pnlLeftBotto m.Controls.Add
(Me.btnStartCAM Master)
Me.pnlLeftBotto m.Dock =
System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Fill
Me.pnlLeftBotto m.Location = New
System.Drawing. Point(0, 99)
Me.pnlLeftBotto m.Name = "pnlLeftBot tom"
Me.pnlLeftBotto m.Size = New System.Drawing. Size
(200, 333)
Me.pnlLeftBotto m.TabIndex = 11
'btnShowHideCAM Master
Me.btnShowHideC AMMaster.Dock =
System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Bottom
Me.btnShowHideC AMMaster.Locati on = New
System.Drawing. Point(0, 287)
Me.btnShowHideC AMMaster.Name
= "btnShowHideCAM Master"
Me.btnShowHideC AMMaster.Size = New
System.Drawing. Size(200, 23)
Me.btnShowHideC AMMaster.TabInd ex = 1
Me.btnShowHideC AMMaster.Text = "Show CAMMaster"
'btnStartCAMMas ter
Me.btnStartCAMM aster.Dock =
System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Bottom
Me.btnStartCAMM aster.Location = New
System.Drawing. Point(0, 310)
Me.btnStartCAMM aster.Name = "btnStartCAMMas ter"
Me.btnStartCAMM aster.Size = New
System.Drawing. Size(200, 23)
Me.btnStartCAMM aster.TabIndex = 0
Me.btnStartCAMM aster.Text = "Start CAMMaster"
Me.Splitter1.Do ck =
System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Top
Me.Splitter1.Lo cation = New System.Drawing. Point
(0, 96)
Me.Splitter1.Na me = "Splitter1"
Me.Splitter1.Si ze = New System.Drawing. Size(200,
Me.Splitter1.Ta bIndex = 10
Me.Splitter1.Ta bStop = False
Me.pnlLeftTop.D ock =
System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Top
Me.pnlLeftTop.L ocation = New System.Drawing. Point
(0, 0)
Me.pnlLeftTop.N ame = "pnlLeftTop "
Me.pnlLeftTop.S ize = New System.Drawing. Size(200,
Me.pnlLeftTop.T abIndex = 9
Me.splVertical. Location = New System.Drawing. Point
(200, 59)
Me.splVertical. Name = "splVertica l"
Me.splVertical. Size = New System.Drawing. Size(3,
Me.splVertical. TabIndex = 8
Me.splVertical. TabStop = False
Me.pnlRight.Doc k =
System.Windows. Forms.DockStyle .Fill
Me.pnlRight.Loc ation = New System.Drawing. Point
(203, 59)
Me.pnlRight.Nam e = "pnlRight"
Me.pnlRight.Siz e = New System.Drawing. Size(37,
Me.pnlRight.Tab Index = 9
Me.AutoScaleBas eSize = New System.Drawing. Size(5,
Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing. Size(240, 550)
Me.Controls.Add (Me.pnlRight)
Me.Controls.Add (Me.splVertical )
Me.Controls.Add (Me.pnlLeft)
Me.Controls.Add (Me.splHorizont alBottom)
Me.Controls.Add (Me.pnlBottom)
Me.Controls.Add (Me.splHorizont alTop)
Me.Controls.Add (Me.pnlTop)
Me.Icon = CType(resources .GetObject
("$this.Icon "), System.Drawing. Icon)
Me.Menu = Me.mnuMain
Me.Name = "frmAutoRun "
Me.Text = "PentaLogix AutoPanel Control Center"
Me.pnlBottom.Re sumeLayout(Fals e)
Me.pnlLeft.Resu meLayout(False)
Me.pnlLeftBotto m.ResumeLayout( False)
Me.ResumeLayout (False)

End Sub

#End Region
Dim CAM As New Process
Dim intCAMProcessID As Integer
Dim hndCAMWindowHan dle As IntPtr
Dim CAMStyle As New ProcessWindowSt yle
Dim blnCAMMasterSho wing As Boolean = False

Public Declare Auto Function SetWindowPos
Lib "user32.dll " ( _
ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, _
ByVal hWndInsertAfter As IntPtr, _
ByVal X As Int32, _
ByVal Y As Int32, _
ByVal cx As Int32, _
ByVal cy As Int32, _
ByVal uFlags As UInt32 _
) As Boolean

Public Declare Auto Function MoveWindow
Lib "user32.dll " ( _
ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, _
ByVal X As Int32, _
ByVal Y As Int32, _
ByVal nWidth As Int32, _
ByVal nHeight As Int32, _
ByVal bRepaint As Boolean _
) As Boolean

Private Sub frmAutoRun_Load (ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArg s) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.btnShowHideC AMMaster.Enable d = False
End Sub

Private Sub btnCheckListDir ectory_MouseHov er(ByVal
sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArg s)
Handles btnStartCAMMast er.MouseHover
Me.btnStartCAMM aster.BackColor =
SystemColors.Co ntrolLightLight
End Sub

Private Sub btnCheckListDir ectory_MouseLea ve(ByVal
sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArg s)
Handles btnStartCAMMast er.MouseLeave
Me.btnStartCAMM aster.BackColor =
SystemColors.Co ntrol
End Sub

Private Sub btnStartCAMMast er_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArg s) Handles
btnStartCAMMast er.Click
CAMStyle = ProcessWindowSt yle.Normal
'CAM = CAM.Start("C:\P rogram
Files\Pentalogi x\CAMMaster Beta\CAMMaster. exe")
CAM = CAM.Start("note pad.exe")
intCAMProcessID = CAM.Id
hndCAMWindowHan dle = CAM.Handle
Dim blnItWorked As Boolean = False
blnItWorked = MoveWindow(hndC AMWindowHandle, 100,
100, 300, 200, True)
Me.btnShowHideC AMMaster.Enable d = True
Me.btnShowHideC AMMaster.Text = "Hide CAMMaster"
blnCAMMasterSho wing = True

End Sub

Private Sub btnShowHideCAMM aster_Click(ByV al sender
As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArg s) Handles
btnShowHideCAMM aster.Click
If blnCAMMasterSho wing = True Then
Me.btnShowHideC AMMaster.Text = "Show
CAMStyle = ProcessWindowSt yle.Minimized
blnCAMMasterSho wing = False
Me.btnShowHideC AMMaster.Text = "Hide
AppActivate(int CAMProcessID)
CAMStyle = ProcessWindowSt yle.Normal
blnCAMMasterSho wing = True
End If
End Sub

End Class

Nov 20 '05 #8
* <an*******@disc ussions.microso ft.com> scripsit:
Public Declare Auto Function MoveWindow
Lib "user32.dll " ( _
ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, _
ByVal X As Int32, _
ByVal Y As Int32, _
ByVal nWidth As Int32, _
ByVal nHeight As Int32, _
ByVal bRepaint As Boolean _
) As Boolean [...] Private Sub btnStartCAMMast er_Click(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArg s) Handles
btnStartCAMMast er.Click
CAMStyle = ProcessWindowSt yle.Normal
'CAM = CAM.Start("C:\P rogram
Files\Pentalogi x\CAMMaster Beta\CAMMaster. exe")
CAM = CAM.Start("note pad.exe")
intCAMProcessID = CAM.Id
hndCAMWindowHan dle = CAM.Handle

'CAM.Handle' will return a process handle, not a window handle. You may
want to use 'CAM.MainWindow Handle' instead. I didn't test it, so please
let us know if it works.

Herfried K. Wagner
MVP · VB Classic, VB.NET
Nov 20 '05 #9
That worked !

Thank you very much !!!

-----Original Message-----
* <an*******@disc ussions.microso ft.com> scripsit:
Public Declare Auto Function MoveWindow
Lib "user32.dll " ( _
ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, _
ByVal X As Int32, _
ByVal Y As Int32, _
ByVal nWidth As Int32, _
ByVal nHeight As Int32, _
ByVal bRepaint As Boolean _
) As Boolean[...]
Private Sub btnStartCAMMast er_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArg s) Handles
btnStartCAMMast er.Click
CAMStyle = ProcessWindowSt yle.Normal
'CAM = CAM.Start("C:\P rogram
Files\Pentalogi x\CAMMaster Beta\CAMMaster. exe")
CAM = CAM.Start("note pad.exe")
intCAMProcessID = CAM.Id
hndCAMWindowHan dle = CAM.Handle

'CAM.Handle' will return a process handle, not a window

handle. You maywant to use 'CAM.MainWindow Handle' instead. I didn't test it, so pleaselet us know if it works.

Herfried K. Wagner
MVP · VB Classic, VB.NET

Nov 20 '05 #10

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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