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I Have this Complex Stored Procedural

5 New Member
I Have This this Query

ALTER proc [dbo].[spVoIPCalldetai lMeraPartitione d]
@userId int=null, -- filter: user id. overrides custid when supplied
@custId int=null, -- filter: customer id
@vcsId int=null, -- filter: status
@vdsId int=null, -- filter: destination id
@beginDt datetime=null, -- filter: begin date of call
@endDt datetime=null, -- filter: end date of call
@srchFor nvarchar(100)=n ull, -- filter: searches all result fields for given text
@sortBy varchar(200)=nu ll, -- order by comma-seperated sort fields
@qryMode int=1, -- 0=details 1=grandtotal 2=accountcode 3=DialCode 4:carrier 5=Country+Break out 6=callmonth 7=calldate 8=dayofweek 9=hour 10=vendor 11=Country 12=Country & Mobile Carrier
@detailMode int=null, -- one of above qryMode values for which detail is requested
@detailFilter nvarchar(500)=n ull, -- grouping filter for detail view
@vendor varchar(10)=nul l, -- grouping filter for detail view
@vendorUserId varchar(10)=nul l, -- grouping filter for detail view
@systemid varchar(3)=null -- grouping filter for detail view

-- set local variables
declare @q varchar(4200) -- query
declare @f varchar(3100) -- filter
declare @s varchar(250) -- search string
declare @c nvarchar(2) set @c=char(13) -- carriage return
declare @b nvarchar(25) -- begin date
declare @e nvarchar(25) -- end date

declare @dd nvarchar(100) set @dd='Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday'
declare @mm nvarchar(100) set @mm='January February March April May June July August September October November December'

declare @t nvarchar(900) -- filter name for summary
declare @g nvarchar(600) -- group name for summary
declare @g1 nvarchar(15) set @g1='''All Calls'''
declare @g2 nvarchar(25) set @g2='cdr.cdrAcc ountCode'
declare @g3 nvarchar(200) set @g3='isNull(ds. vdsName + isnull('' - ''+ds.vdsType,' ''') + isnull('' - ''+ds.vdsMobile Carrier,'''') + isnull('' - ''+ds.vdsDescri ption,'''') + '' - '' + ds.vdsDialcode, ''Unknown - System Default'')'
declare @g4 nvarchar(55) set @g4='isnull(ds. vdsDescription, ''Unknown'')'
declare @g5 nvarchar(200) set @g5=' isNull(ds.vdsNa me + isnull('' - ''+ds.vdsType,' ''') + isnull('' - ''+ds.vdsMobile Carrier,'''') + isnull('' - ''+ds.vdsDescri ption,''''), ''Unknown - System Default'') '
declare @g6 nvarchar(95) set @g6=' mm.value + '', '' + right(year(cdr. cdrCallDate),4) '
declare @g7 nvarchar(250) set @g7=' ltrim(year(cdr. cdrCallDate))+r ight(''0''+ltri m(day(mm.idx+1) ),2)+right(''0' '+ltrim(day(cdr .cdrCallDate)), 2)+'' - '' + mm.value + '' '' + right(''0''+ltr im(day(cdr.cdrC allDate)),2) + '', '' + ltrim(year(cdr. cdrCallDate)) '
declare @g8 nvarchar(85) set @g8=' ltrim(dd.idx+1) +'' - ''+dd.value '
declare @g9 nvarchar(250) set @g9=' CONVERT(datetim e, (CONVERT(varcha r, datepart(mm,cdr .cdrCallDate)) + ''/'' + CONVERT(varchar , datepart(dd,cdr .cdrCallDate)) + ''/'' + CONVERT(varchar , datepart(yyyy,c dr.cdrCallDate) ))) , datepart(hh,cdr .cdrCallDate) '
declare @g10 nvarchar(350) set @g10=' ISNULL(gateways .[description], ISNULL(cdr.vrUs erName, ''Unknown - System Default'' )) '
declare @g11 nvarchar(200) set @g11='isNull(ds .vdsName + isnull('' - ''+ds.vdsType,' '''), ''Unknown - System Default'') '
declare @g12 nvarchar(200) set @g12='isNull(ds .vdsName + isnull('' - ''+ds.vdsType,' ''') + isnull('' - ''+ds.vdsMobile Carrier,''''), ''Unknown - System Default'') '

print @systemid
print @sortBy
-- fix qryMode & detailMode
if @qryMode<0 or @qryMode>12 set @qryMode=1
if @detailMode<0 or @detailMode>12 set @detailMode=nul l

-- fix requested IDs
if @userId>0 set @custId=null if @custId>0 set @userId=null

-- fix requested dates
if len(@beginDt)>0 or len(@endDt)>0
set @beginDt=isnull (@beginDt,'jan 01, 2000') set @endDt=isnull(@ endDt,getdate() +1)
if @beginDt>@endDt set @endDt=@beginDt
set @b=cast(month(@ beginDt) as varchar)+'/'+cast(day(@beg inDt) as varchar)+'/'+cast(year(@be ginDt) as varchar)+' '+cast(datepart (hh,@beginDt) as varchar)+':'+ca st(datepart(n,@ beginDt) as varchar)+':00.0 1'
set @e=cast(month(@ endDt) as varchar)+'/'+cast(day(@end Dt) as varchar)+'/'+cast(year(@en dDt) as varchar)+' '+cast(datepart (hh,@endDt) as varchar)+':'+ca st(datepart(n,@ endDt) as varchar)+':59.5 9' -- construct date filter
set @f='where cdr.cdrCallDate between '''+@b+''' and '''+@e+''' '+@c

-- fix requested search strings
set @s=replace(repl ace(replace(ltr im(rtrim(@srchF or)),'''',''''' '),'_','[_]'),'%','[%]')
if len(@detailFilt er)>0 set @detailFilter=r eplace(replace( replace(ltrim(r trim(@detailFil ter)),'''','''' ''),'_','_'),'% ','[%]')

-- assign data grouping based on request mode
if @qryMode=0
if @detailMode=1 begin set @t=@g1 end
else if @detailMode=2 begin set @t=@g2 end
else if @detailMode=3 begin set @t=@g3 end
else if @detailMode=4 begin set @t=@g4 end
else if @detailMode=5 begin set @t=@g5 end
else if @detailMode=6 begin set @t=@g6 end
else if @detailMode=7 begin set @t=@g7 end
else if @detailMode=8 begin set @t=@g8 end
else if @detailMode=9 begin set @t= ' CONVERT(datetim e, (CONVERT(varcha r, datepart(mm,cdr .cdrCallDate)) + ''/'' + CONVERT(varchar , datepart(dd,cdr .cdrCallDate)) + ''/'' + CONVERT(varchar , datepart(yyyy,c dr.cdrCallDate) )) + '' '' + convert(varchar ,datepart(hh,cd r.cdrCallDate)) + '':00'') >= convert(datetim e, '''+@detailFilt er+''' + '':00'') AND CONVERT(datetim e, (CONVERT(varcha r, datepart(mm,cdr .cdrCallDate)) + ''/'' + CONVERT(varchar , datepart(dd,cdr .cdrCallDate)) + ''/'' + CONVERT(varchar , datepart(yyyy,c dr.cdrCallDate) )) + '' '' + convert(varchar ,datepart(hh,cd r.cdrCallDate)) + '':00'') <= convert(datetim e, '''+@detailFilt er+''' + '':59:59'') ' end
else if @detailMode=10 begin set @t=@g10 end
else if @detailMode=11 begin set @t=@g11 end
else if @detailMode=12 begin set @t=@g12 end

else if @qryMode=1 begin set @g=@g1 end
else if @qryMode=2 begin set @g=@g2 end
else if @qryMode=3 begin set @g=@g3 end
else if @qryMode=4 begin set @g=@g4 end
else if @qryMode=5 begin set @g=@g5 end
else if @qryMode=6 begin set @g=@g6 end
else if @qryMode=7 begin set @g=@g7 end
else if @qryMode=8 begin set @g=@g8 end
else if @qryMode=9 begin set @g=@g9 end
else if @qryMode=10 begin set @g=@g10 end
else if @qryMode=11 begin set @g=@g11 end
else if @qryMode=12 begin set @g=@g12 end
-- construct search filter
if len(@s)>0
if len(@f)>0 set @f=@f +' and ' else set @f='where '
set @f=@f +' (u.userFN like ''%'+@s+'%'' or u.userLN like ''%'+@s+'%'' or u.userUnixName like ''%'+@s+'%'' '+@c
set @f=@f +' or cdr.cdrSrcNum like ''%'+@s+'%'' or cdr.cdrSrcChann el like ''%'+@s+'%'' or cdr.cdrDstNum like ''%'+@s+'%'' '+@c
set @f=@f +' or ''1007'' like ''%'+@s+'%'' or ds.vdsName like ''%'+@s+'%'' or s.vcsName like ''%'+@s+'%'' )'+@c

-- construct detail filter
if @qryMode=0 and @detailMode>0 and @detailMode<=12 and len(@detailFilt er)>0
if len(@f)>0 set @f=@f +' and ' else set @f='where '
if @detailMode=3 set @f=@f +'cdr.vdsId = '''+@detailFilt er+''' ' +@c
else set @f=@f +@t +' = '''+@detailFilt er+''' ' +@c
else if @qryMode=0 and @detailMode=9 and len(@detailFilt er)>0
if len(@f)>0 set @f=@f +' and ' else set @f='where '
if @detailMode=3 set @f=@f +'cdr.vdsId = '''+@detailFilt er+''' ' +@c
else set @f=@f +@t +@c

-- get fields from calls table
set @q='select '+@c
if @qryMode=0 -- detail mode
set @q=@q +'c.custId, u.userId, u.userUnixName, u.userUnixName AS callSummaryName , u.userFN+'' ''+left(u.userL N,1)+''.'' userShortname, '+@c
set @q=@q +'cdr.cdrCallDa te AS vcdStartDt, cdr.cdrSrcNum, cdr.cdrSrcChann el, cdr.cdrAccountC ode, cdr.cdrDstChann el, ''1007'' As vcdDstPrefix, cdr.cdrDstNum, isNull(ds.vdsNa me + isnull('' - ''+ds.vdsType,' ''') + isnull('' - ''+ds.vdsMobile Carrier,'''') + isnull('' - ''+ds.vdsDescri ption,'''') , ''Unknown - System Default'') AS vdsName, cdr.cdrCallGK, cdr.vrUserName, '+@c
set @q=@q + ' (CONVERT(varcha r, datepart(mm,cdr .cdrCallDate)) + ''/'' + CONVERT(varchar , datepart(dd,cdr .cdrCallDate)) + ''/'' + CONVERT(varchar , datepart(yyyy,c dr.cdrCallDate) )) AS CallDate, '
set @q=@q +'s.vcsName, s.vcsColor, '+@c
set @q=@q +' q.dcqId, q.dcqDescriptio n, q.dcqNote, '+@c
set @q=@q +'cdr.cdrBillSe c, ''0'' AS callRate, ''0'' AS callAdjRate, ''0'' AS callCost, cdr.vdsId AS vdsId, cdr.meraRouteRe tries, cdr.meraPDDTime '+@c
end -- summary modes: add specific output fields
else if @qryMode=3 begin set @q=@q +' cdr.vdsId, ' end
if @qryMode>0 -- summary modes: add counts
set @q=@q + @g +' callSummaryName , '+@c
set @q=@q +'min(cdr.cdrCa llDate) callMinDt, '+@c
set @q=@q +'max(cdr.cdrCa llDate) callMaxDt, '+@c
set @q=@q +'count(*) callTotalCount, '+@c
set @q=@q + ' min((CONVERT(va rchar, datepart(mm,cdr .cdrCallDate)) + ''/'' + CONVERT(varchar , datepart(dd,cdr .cdrCallDate)) + ''/'' + CONVERT(varchar , datepart(yyyy,c dr.cdrCallDate) ))) AS CallDate, '
set @q=@q +'isnull(sum(ca se cdr.vcsId when 2 then 1 else 0 end),0) callTotalAnswer ed, '+@c
set @q=@q +'isnull(sum(ca se cdr.vcsId when 2 then 1 else 0 end),0)*100/(case count(*) when 0 then 1 else count(*) end) callTotalASR, '+@c
set @q=@q +'isnull(sum(cd r.cdrBillSec),0 )/(case isnull(sum(case cdr.vcsId when 2 then 1 else 0 end),0) when 0 then 1 else isnull(sum(case cdr.vcsId when 2 then 1 else 0 end),0) end) callTotalACD, '+@c
set @q=@q +'isnull(sum(cd rBillSec),0) callTotalSec, '+@c
set @q=@q +' AVG(CAST(IsNull (cdr1.NumberOfR etries, 0) AS Numeric)) averageRouteRet ries, '+@c
set @q=@q +' AVG(IsNull(cdr. meraPDDTime, 0)) averagePDD, '+@c
set @q=@q + ' isnull(sum(CASE WHEN (cdr.cdrBillSec = 0) THEN (0) WHEN isnull(cdr.cdrB illSec,0) <= (6) THEN (6) ELSE ((( CASE WHEN (isnull(cdr.cdr BillSec,0)%(6)) =0 then (isnull(cdr.cdr BillSec,0)%(6)) Else 6-(isnull(cdr.cdr BillSec,0)%(6)) End))+(isnull(c dr.cdrBillSec, 0)))END),0) callTotalFinal, ' + @c
set @q=@q + ' isnull(sum(CASE WHEN (cdr.cdrBillSec = 0) THEN (0) WHEN isnull(cdr.cdrB illSec,0) <= (30) THEN (30) ELSE ((( CASE WHEN (isnull(cdr.cdr BillSec,0)%(6)) =0 then (isnull(cdr.cdr BillSec,0)%(6)) Else 6-(isnull(cdr.cdr BillSec,0)%(6)) End ))+(isnull(cdr. cdrBillSec,0))) END),0) callTotalFinal2 ,' + @c
set @q=@q + ' isnull(sum(CASE WHEN (cdr.cdrBillSec = 0) THEN (0) WHEN isnull(cdr.cdrB illSec,0) <= (30) THEN (30) ELSE isnull(cdr.cdrB illSec,0) END),0) callTotalFinal3 , ' + @c
set @q=@q + ' isnull(sum(CASE WHEN (cdr.cdrBillSec = 0) THEN (0) WHEN isnull(cdr.cdrB illSec,0) <= (60) THEN (60) ELSE ((( CASE WHEN (isnull(cdr.cdr BillSec,0)%(60) )=0 then (isnull(cdr.cdr BillSec,0)%(60) ) Else 60-(isnull(cdr.cdr BillSec,0)%(60) ) End))+(isnull(c dr.cdrBillSec, 0)))END),0) callTotalFinal4 , ' + @c
set @q=@q +' 0 AS callTotalCost , MAX(cdr.vdsId) AS vdsId, '+@c
set @q=@q + ' SUM(case meraDisconnectC odeQ931 when 16 then
1 else 0 end) AS NCC,
SUM(case meraDisconnectC odeQ931 when 1 then
when 28 then
1 else 0 end) AS WN,
SUM(case meraDisconnectC odeQ931
when 34 then
when 17 then
1 else 0 end) AS Busy,
when (meraDisconnect CodeQ931<>1) AND (meraDisconnect CodeQ931<>28) AND (meraDisconnect CodeQ931<>34) AND (meraDisconnect CodeQ931<>17) AND (meraDisconnect CodeQ931<>16) then
1 else 0 end) AS Other '

-- get cdr table
If @qryMode=0
set @q=@q +' from tblVoIPCDRs cdr WITH (NOLOCK) left join tblUser u on (cdr.cdrUserNam e=u.userUnixNam e) left JOIN tblCustomer c on (u.CustId = c.CustId) Left join X1Customer x on (c.x1CustId = x.Id) left Join tblVoIPDestinat ion ds on (cdr.vdsId = ds.vdsId) left join tblVoIPCallStat us s on (cdr.vcsId=s.vc sId) left outer join tblVoIPDisconne ctCodeQ931 q on (cdr.meraDiscon nectCodeQ931 = q.dcqId) left join tblUser uu on (cdr.vrUserName =uu.userUnixNam e) left JOIN tblCustomer cc on (uu.CustId = cc.CustId) ' + @c
set @q=@q +' from (Select MAX(cddr.cdrNat iveId) AS cdrNativeId, count(*) AS NumberOfRetries from tblVoIPCDRs cddr where cddr.cdrCallDat e between '''+@b+''' and '''+@e+''' group by cddr.meraRecord Id) AS cdr1 join tblvoipcdrs AS cdr WITH (NOLOCK) on (cdr1.cdrNative Id = cdr.cdrNativeId ) left join tblUser u on (cdr.cdrUserNam e=u.userUnixNam e) left JOIN tblCustomer c on (u.CustId = c.CustId) Left join X1Customer x on (c.x1CustId = x.Id) left Join tblVoIPDestinat ion ds on (cdr.vdsId = ds.vdsId) left join tblVoIPCallStat us s on (cdr.vcsId=s.vc sId) left join tblUser uu on (cdr.vrUserName =uu.userUnixNam e) left JOIN tblCustomer cc on (uu.CustId = cc.CustId) ' + @c

if @qryMode=10 OR @detailMode=10
set @q=@q +' left outer JOIN (SELECT * FROM openquery(routi ng, ''SELECT * FROM gateways'') ) gateways ON gateways.[Name] = (case when patindex(''sip/%'',lower(cdr.c drDstChannel)) > 0 then (substring(cdr. cdrDstChannel, 5, (len(cdr.cdrDst Channel)-4) - patindex(''%-%'',reverse(cdr .cdrDstChannel) ))) end) ' +@c

--if @qryMode=10 begin set @q=@q + ' join tblCustomer cust on (vv.custID = c.custId) join X1Customer x1c on (c.x1CustId = x.ID) '+@c end

-- join user table
--set @q=@q +'join tblUser u on u.userId=cd.use rId '

-- join status, destination tables
--set @q=@q +'join tblVoIPCallstat us cs on cs.vcsId=cd.vcs Id '
if @vcsId>0
if len(@f)>0 set @f=@f +' and ' else set @f='where '
set @f=@f +' cdr.vcsId='+cas t(@vcsId as varchar)+' '+@c
set @f=@f +@c

--if @userId>0 set @q=@q +'and u.userId='+cast (@userId as varchar)+' '
--if @custId>0 set @q=@q +'and u.custId='+cast (@custId as varchar)+' '+@c else set @q=@q +@c

if @userId>0
if len(@f)>0 set @f=@f +' and ' else set @f='where '
set @f=@f +' u.userId='+cast (@userId as varchar)+' '+@c
set @f=@f +@c

if @custId>0
if len(@f)>0 set @f=@f +' and ' else set @f='where '
set @f=@f +' c.custId='+cast (@custId as varchar)+' '+@c
set @f=@f +@c

--set @q=@q +' join tblVoIPRate vr on ((vr.vtrID = cd.vtrID) AND (vr.vvdId = cd.vvdId) AND (vr.vdsID = cd.vdsID)) ' --- Join voipRATE table
--set @q=@q + ' join tblVoIPBillingS tructure vbs on (vbs.vbsID = vr.vbsID) ' --- Join voipBillingStru cture table

if @vdsId>0
if len(@f)>0 set @f=@f +' and ' else set @f='where '
set @f=@f +' ds.vdsId='+cast (@vdsId as varchar)+' '+@c
set @f=@f +@c

if len(@f)>0 set @f=@f +' and ' else set @f='where '
if @systemid='1' set @f=@f +' ( '
set @f=@f +' uu.systemid=''' +(@systemid)+'' ' '+@c
if @systemid='1' set @f=@f +' OR uu.systemid IS NULL ) '+@c

if len(@f)>0 set @f=@f +' and ' else set @f='where '
set @f=@f +' cdrActive=1'+@c

if len(@vendor)>1
if len(@f)>0 set @f=@f +' and ' else set @f='where '
set @f=@f +' cc.x1CustId=''' +(@vendor)+''' '+@c

if len(@vendorUser Id)>1
if len(@f)>0 set @f=@f +' and ' else set @f='where '
set @f=@f +' uu.userId='''+( @vendorUserId)+ ''' '+@c

-- join month and day soft tables
--if @qryMode=6 OR @qryMode=7 OR @qryMode=8 OR @qryMode=9
set @q=@q +'join fnSplit('''+@mm +''','' '') mm on mm.idx=month(cd r.cdrCallDate)-1 ' +@c
set @q=@q +'join fnSplit('''+@dd +''','' '') dd on dd.idx=datepart (dw,cdr.cdrCall Date)-1 ' +@c

-- add filter
if len(@f)>0 set @q=@q +@f

-- add grouping for summary modes
if @qryMode=1 set @q=@q +'' +@c
else if @qryMode=3 begin set @q=@q +'group by cdr.vdsId, '+@g+' ' +@c end
else if @qryMode in (2,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11,12) begin set @q=@q +'group by '+@g+' ' +@c end

-- add sorting to detail mode
if len(@sortBy)>0 and @qryMode<>1 set @q=@q +'order by ' +@sortBy +@c

-- exec
print @q

could any one tell me what the ouput of this query

and i want to optimized this query by removing joins and make Temp Table that hold all required data
Jul 3 '07 #1
2 1333
39 New Member
You're Having A Laugh !

What Do You Think It Does ?

What Do You Want It To Do ?

A Little More Information & Effort On Your Part Would Be Appreciated.

You Need To Help Us, So We Can Help You !
Jul 3 '07 #2
5 New Member
this SP is to create query string depend on the passing variable that cam from ASP page

as u see there ara many joins and average number of records in tables 34,000,000 record

i want to create Temp table taht hold all data
Jul 4 '07 #3

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Hai team i want code for transfer the data from one system to another through IP address by using C# our system has to for every 5mins then we have to update the data what the data is updated we have to send another system
by: muto222 | last post by:
How can i add a mobile payment intergratation into php mysql website.
by: bsmnconsultancy | last post by:
In today's digital era, a well-designed website is crucial for businesses looking to succeed. Whether you're a small business owner or a large corporation in Toronto, having a strong online presence can significantly impact your brand's success. BSMN Consultancy, a leader in Website Development in Toronto offers valuable insights into creating effective websites that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well. In this comprehensive...

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