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Re: Script Optimization

On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 4:43 AM, lev <le********@gma il.comwrote:
Can anyone provide some advice/suggestions to make a script more
precise/efficient/concise, etc.?
Hi, I started tidying up the script a bit, but there are some parts I
don't understand or look buggy. So I'm forwarding you the version I
have so far. Look for the comments with my e-mail address in them for
more information.

If I have time I'll tidy up the script some more when I have more info
about those issues.

Here are the changes I made to your version:

* Remove newlines introduced by email
* Move imports to start of file
* Change indentation from 8 spaces to 4
* Move main() to bottom of script
* Remove useless "pass" and "return" lines
* Temporarily change broken "chdir" line
* Split lines so they fit into 80 chars
* Add spaces after commas
* Use path.join instead of string interpolation
* rename rename() to rename_md5() because rename() shadows a function
imported from os.
* Rename vars shadowing imported names
* Improve logic for checking when to print help
* Create emtpy md5 listing file if one doesn't exist
* Add a comment for a dodgy-looking section

Jun 27 '08 #1
3 1729
* Remove newlines introduced by email
* Move imports to start of file
used imports of the edited script you sent.
* Change indentation from 8 spaces to 4
I like using tabs because of the text editor I use, the script at
the end is with 4 though.
* Move main() to bottom of script
* Remove useless "pass" and "return" lines
I replaced the return nothing lines with passes, but I like
keeping them in case the indentation is ever lost - makes it easy to
go back to original indentation
* Temporarily change broken "chdir" line
removed as many instances of chdir as possible (a few useless ones
to accomodate the functions - changed functions to not chdir as much),
that line seems to work... I made it in case the script is launched
with say: 'python somedir\someoth erdir\script.py ' rather than 'python
script.py', because I need it to work in it's own and parent
* Split lines so they fit into 80 chars
* Add spaces after commas
* Use path.join instead of string interpolation
in all cases when possible - done
* rename rename() to rename_md5() because rename() shadows a function
imported from os.
renamed all functions to more understandable names (without
* Rename vars shadowing imported names
renamed almost all vars to more understandable names
* Improve logic for checking when to print help
the example you gave me does pretty much the exact same thing as
before... (the options are either false or true depending on if the
argument was used, if false for both then no logic was done and help
is shown, which would be exactly the same if the did_something var
remained false.
* Create emtpy md5 listing file if one doesn't exist
I intended it to be a script to help ripping a specific mp3cd to
disk, not necessarily create checksum files, because i intend to
include the checksums file.
* Add a comment for a dodgy-looking section
The 4 folders to be renamed are intentional (this is for a
specific mp3cd with 4 album folders)

I added comments to explain what I was doing with the dictionary[x][1]
[1][0], and also what the indexes for the strings are used for ([3:]
to remove the 001 in 001Track.mp3, etc.)
Thanks for the advice so far,

#!/usr/bin/env python

import md5
from glob import glob
from optparse import OptionParser
from os import chdir, path, rename, remove
from sys import argv, exit

def verify_checksum _set(checksums) :
checksums = open(checksums, 'r')
changed_files = {}
missing_files = []
for fline in checksums.readl ines():
line = fline.split(' *')
original_sum = line[0].upper()
new_sum = calculate_check sum(line[1].strip())
if new_sum == original_sum:
print '.',
changed_files[line[1]] = (original_sum, new_sum)
except IOError:
missing_files.a ppend(line[1])
checksums.close ()
changed_files_k eys = changed_files.k eys()
changed_files_k eys.sort()
missing_files.s ort()
print '\n'
if len(changed_fil es) != 0:
print 'File(s) changed:'
for key in changed_files_k eys:
print key.strip('\n') , 'changed from:\n\t',
changed_files[key][0], \
'to\n\t', changed_files[key][1]
print '\n\t', len(changed_fil es), 'file(s) changed.\n'
if len(missing_fil es) != 0:
print 'File(s) not found:'
for x in range(len(missi ng_files)):
print '\t', missing_files[x]
print '\n\t', len(missing_fil es), 'file(s) not found.\n'
if not len(changed_fil es) and not len(missing_fil es):
print "\n\tChecks ums Verified\n"

def calculate_check sum(file_name):
file_to_check = open(file_name, 'rb')
chunk = 8196
checksum = md5.new()
while (True):
chunkdata = file_to_check.r ead(chunk)
if not chunkdata:
checksum.update (chunkdata)
file_to_check.c lose()
return checksum.hexdig est().upper()

def rename_file_set (new_dir_names, checksums):
file_info = md5format(check sums)
dirlist = glob('00[1-4]Volume [1-4]')
for x in range(4):
rename(dirlist[x], new_dir_names[x])
print '\t', dirlist[x], 'renamed to:', new_dir_names[x]
chdir(new_dir_n ames[x])
for old_file_name in glob ('*.mp3'):
# old_file_name[3:] is part of removing numbering:
'001Track ...'
new_file_name = old_file_name[3:]
rename(old_file _name, new_file_name)
print '\t\t', old_file_name, 'renamed to:', new_file_name
file_info = md5file_name_ed it(file_info,di rlist[x],
md5write(file_i nfo, checksums)
replace_strings ('The American Century.htm', dirlist,
print '\n\tDirectorie s and Files renamed.'

def md5format(check sums):
file_info = {}
checksums = open(checksums, 'r')
for line in checksums.readl ines():
splitline = line.split(' *')
#original full filename = (checksum, [directory name, file
file_info[splitline[1]] = (splitline[0],splitline[1].split('\
checksums.close ()
return file_info

def md5file_name_ed it(file_info, old_dir_name, new_dir_name):
for x in file_info.keys( ):
dir_name_from_f ile = file_info[x][1][0]
if dir_name_from_f ile == old_dir_name:
checksum = file_info[x][0]
file_name_from_ file = file_info[x][1][1]
#md5 format: 'C8109BF6B0EF72 4770A66CF4ED625 1A7 *001Album
file_info[x] = (checksum, [new_dir_name,
file_name_from_ file])
#mp3cd numbering: '001Track.mp3, 002Track.mp3... '
if file_name_from_ file[0] == '0':
file_info[x] =(checksum, [new_dir_name,
file_name_from_ file[3:]])
return file_info

def md5write(file_i nfo, checksums):
keys = file_info.keys( )
checksums = open(checksums, 'w')
for x in keys:
checksum = file_info[x][0]
#when the file is one directory deep:
#'C8109BF6B0EF7 24770A66CF4ED62 51A7 *001Album
dir_name = file_info[x][1][0]
file_name = file_info[x][1][1]
checksums.write lines('%s *%s' % (checksum,
os.path.join(di r_name, \
except IndexError:
#when the file is in root dir:
'007CC9C1234201 7709A2F19AF7524 7BD *010Track.mp3'
file_name = file_info[x][1][0]
checksums.write lines('%s *%s' % (checksum, file_name))
checksums.close ()

def replace_strings (file_name, oldlist, newlist):
new_file = open(file_name, 'r').read();
for x in range(4):
new_file = new_file.replac e(oldlist[x], newlist[x], 1)
remove(file_nam e)
file_name = open(file_name, 'w', len(new_file))
file_name.write (new_file)
file_name.close ()
except IOError:
print file_name, 'not found'

def main():
full_path = path.abspath(pa th.dirname(argv[0]))
chdir(full_path )
checksums = path.join(full_ path, 'checksums.md5' )
new_dir_names = ('Volume 1 - 1889-1929', 'Volume 2 - 1929-1945', \
'Volume 3 - 1945-1965', 'Volume 4 - 1963-1989')
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_opti on ('-v', '--verify', action = 'store_true', \
dest = 'verify', help = 'verify checksums')
parser.add_opti on ('-r', '--rename', action = 'store_true', dest =
'rename', help = \
'rename files to a more usable form (write rights needed)')
(options, args) = parser.parse_ar gs()
if options.verify:
verify_checksum _set(checksums)
if options.rename:
rename_file_set (new_dir_names, checksums)
if not options.verify and not options.rename:
parser.print_he lp()

if __name__ == '__main__':
Jun 27 '08 #2
En Sun, 04 May 2008 17:01:15 -0300, lev <le********@gma il.comescribió:
>* Change indentation from 8 spaces to 4
I like using tabs because of the text editor I use, the script at
the end is with 4 though.
Can't you configure it to use 4 spaces per indent - and not use "hard" tabs?
>* Remove useless "pass" and "return" lines
I replaced the return nothing lines with passes, but I like
keeping them in case the indentation is ever lost - makes it easy to
go back to original indentation
I can't think of a case when only indentation "is lost" - if you have a crash or something, normally you lose much more than indentation... Simple backups or a SCM system like cvs/svn will help. So I don't see the usefulness of those "pass" statements; I think that after some time using Python you'll consider them just garbage, as everyone else.
>* Temporarily change broken "chdir" line
removed as many instances of chdir as possible (a few useless ones
to accomodate the functions - changed functions to not chdir as much),
that line seems to work... I made it in case the script is launched
with say: 'python somedir\someoth erdir\script.py ' rather than 'python
script.py', because I need it to work in it's own and parent
You can determine the directory where the script resides using

import os
basedir = os.path.dirname (os.path.abspat h(__file__))

This way it doesn't matter how it was launched. But execute the above code as soon as possible (before any chdir)
checksums = open(checksums, 'r')
for fline in checksums.readl ines():
You can directly iterate over the file:

for fline in checksums:

(readlines() reads the whole file contents in memory; I guess this is not an issue here, but in other cases it may be an important difference)
Although it's perfectly valid, I would not reccomend using the same name for two different things (checksums refers to the file name *and* the file itself)
changed_files_k eys = changed_files.k eys()
changed_files_k eys.sort()
missing_files.s ort()
print '\n'
if len(changed_fil es) != 0:
print 'File(s) changed:'
for key in changed_files_k eys:
You don't have to copy the keys and sort; use the sorted() builtin:

for key in sorted(changed_ files.iterkeys( )):

Also, "if len(changed_fil es) != 0" is usually written as:

if changed_files:

The same for missing_files.
for x in range(len(missi ng_files)):
print '\t', missing_files[x]
That construct range(len(somel ist)) is very rarely used. Either you don't need the index, and write:

for missing_file in missing_files:
print '\t', missing_file

Or you want the index too, and write:

for i, missing_file in enumerate(missi ng_files):
print '%2d: %s' % (i, missing_file)
def calculate_check sum(file_name):
file_to_check = open(file_name, 'rb')
chunk = 8196
Any reason to use such number? 8K is 8192; you could use 8*1024 if you don't remember the value. I usually write 1024*1024 when I want exactly 1M.

Gabriel Genellina

Jun 27 '08 #3
On May 4, 10:04 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <gagsl-...@yahoo.com.a r>
En Sun, 04 May 2008 17:01:15 -0300, lev <levlozh...@gma il.comescribió:
* Change indentation from 8 spaces to 4
I like using tabs because of the text editor I use, the script at
the end is with 4 though.

Can't you configure it to use 4 spaces per indent - and not use "hard" tabs?
* Remove useless "pass" and "return" lines
I replaced the return nothing lines with passes, but I like
keeping them in case the indentation is ever lost - makes it easy to
go back to original indentation

I can't think of a case when only indentation "is lost" - if you have a crash or something, normally you lose much more than indentation... Simple backups or a SCM system like cvs/svn will help. So I don't see the usefulness of those "pass" statements; I think that after some time using Python you'll consider them just garbage, as everyone else.
* Temporarily change broken "chdir" line
removed as many instances of chdir as possible (a few useless ones
to accomodate the functions - changed functions to not chdir as much),
that line seems to work... I made it in case the script is launched
with say: 'python somedir\someoth erdir\script.py ' rather than 'python
script.py', because I need it to work in it's own and parent

You can determine the directory where the script resides using

import os
basedir = os.path.dirname (os.path.abspat h(__file__))

This way it doesn't matter how it was launched. But execute the above codeas soon as possible (before any chdir)
checksums = open(checksums, 'r')
for fline in checksums.readl ines():

You can directly iterate over the file:

for fline in checksums:

(readlines() reads the whole file contents in memory; I guess this is not an issue here, but in other cases it may be an important difference)
Although it's perfectly valid, I would not reccomend using the same name for two different things (checksums refers to the file name *and* the file itself)
changed_files_k eys = changed_files.k eys()
changed_files_k eys.sort()
missing_files.s ort()
print '\n'
if len(changed_fil es) != 0:
print 'File(s) changed:'
for key in changed_files_k eys:

You don't have to copy the keys and sort; use the sorted() builtin:

for key in sorted(changed_ files.iterkeys( )):

Also, "if len(changed_fil es) != 0" is usually written as:

if changed_files:

The same for missing_files.
for x in range(len(missi ng_files)):
print '\t', missing_files[x]

That construct range(len(somel ist)) is very rarely used. Either you don't need the index, and write:

for missing_file in missing_files:
print '\t', missing_file

Or you want the index too, and write:

for i, missing_file in enumerate(missi ng_files):
print '%2d: %s' % (i, missing_file)
def calculate_check sum(file_name):
file_to_check = open(file_name, 'rb')
chunk = 8196

Any reason to use such number? 8K is 8192; you could use 8*1024 if you don't remember the value. I usually write 1024*1024 when I want exactly 1M.

Gabriel Genellina
Thank you Gabriel, I did not know about a number of the commands you
posted, the use of 8196 was error on my part. I will change the script
to reflect your corrections later tonight, I have another project I
need to finish/comment/submit for corrections later on, so I will be
using the version of the script that I will come up with tonight.

Thank you for your invaluable advice,
The python community is the first online community that I have had
this much help from, Thank you all.
Jun 27 '08 #4

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