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A critic of Guido's blog on Python's lambda

Python, Lambda, and Guido van Rossum

Xah Lee, 2006-05-05

In this post, i'd like to deconstruct one of Guido's recent blog about
lambda in Python.

In Guido's blog written in 2006-02-10 at

is first of all, the title “Language Design Is Not Just Solving
Puzzles”. In the outset, and in between the lines, we are told that
“I'm the supreme intellect, and I created Python”.

This seems impressive, except that the tech geekers due to their
ignorance of sociology as well as lack of analytic abilities of the
mathematician, do not know that creating a language is a act that
requires little qualifications. However, creating a language that is
used by a lot people takes considerable skill, and a big part of that
skill is salesmanship. Guido seems to have done it well and seems to
continue selling it well, where, he can put up a title of belittlement
and get away with it too.

Gaudy title aside, let's look at the content of his say. If you peruse
the 700 words, you'll find that it amounts to that Guido does not like
the suggested lambda fix due to its multi-line nature, and says that he
don't think there could possibly be any proposal he'll like. The
reason? Not much! Zen is bantered about, mathematician's impractical
ways is waved, undefinable qualities are given, human's right brain is
mentioned for support (neuroscience!) , Rube Goldberg contrivance
phraseology is thrown, and coolness of Google Inc is reminded for the
tech geekers (in juxtaposition of a big notice that Guido works

If you are serious, doesn't this writing sounds bigger than its
content? Look at the gorgeous ending: “This is also the reason why
Python will never have continuations, and even why I'm uninterested in
optimizing tail recursion. But that's for another installment.” . This
benevolent geeker is gonna give us another INSTALLMENT!

There is a computer language leader by the name of Larry Wall, who said
that “The three chief virtues of a programmer are: Laziness,
Impatience and Hubris” among quite a lot of other ingenious
outpourings. It seems to me, the more i learn about Python and its
leader, the more similarities i see.

So Guido, i understand that selling oneself is a inherent and necessary
part of being a human animal. But i think the lesser beings should be
educated enough to know that fact. So that when minions follow a
leader, they have a clear understanding of why and what.


Regarding the lambda in Python situation... conceivably you are right
that Python lambda is perhaps at best left as it is crippled, or even
eliminated. However, this is what i want: I want Python literatures,
and also in Wikipedia, to cease and desist stating that Python supports
functional programing. (this is not necessarily a bad publicity) And, I
want the Perl literatures to cease and desist saying they support OOP.
But that's for another installment.

This post is archived at:

* * Xah
* * xa*@xahlee.org

May 6 '06
267 10843
Bill Atkins wrote:

It's interesting how much people who don't have macros like to put
them down and treat them as some arcane art that are too "*insane*"l y
powerful to be used well.

They're actually very straightforward and can often (shock of shocks!)
make your code more readable, without your efficiency taking a hit.

Not even efficiency of debugging ? A real problem with macros is that run-time
tracebacks etc, list macro outputs and not your macro'ed source code. And that
becomes an acute problem if you leave code for somebody else to update. Or did
lisp IDEs make progress on that front ?
May 10 '06 #191
Petr Prikryl wrote:
for element in aCollection:
if element > 0:
return True
return False

[I'm not sure whether this is supposed to be an example of some specific
language (Python ?) or just a generic illustration. I'll take it as the
latter, since it makes my point easier to express. I'll also exaggerate, just
a little...]

But now, in order to hack around the absence of a sensible and useful
feature -- /only/ in order to do so -- you have added two horrible new
complications to your language. You have introduced a special syntax to
express conditionals, and (worse!) a special syntax to express looping. Not
only does that add a huge burden of complexity to the syntax, and semantics, of
the language (and, to a lesser extent, its implementation) , but it also throws
out any semblance of uniformity.

Once you've started down that route then you've lost all hope of user-defined
control structures which operate on a par with the built-in ones. And please
note that "control structures" are not limited to C-style "for" "while" etc.

E.g. in Java there's an unresolved, and irresolvable, tension between whether a
failing operation should return an error condition or throw an exception -- the
problem is that exceptions are (IMO and most other peoples' here) intended for
exceptional conditions, and for many operations "failure" is not exceptional.
One, highly effective, resolution to the problem is for the operation to be
parameterised with the action to take if it fails (defaulting to code to raise
an exception). In Java that approach, though technically possible, is totally
infeasible due to the pathetic overuse of unwanted syntax, and the underuse of
simple and powerful primitives.

E.g. can you add three-way comparisons (less-than, same-as, greater-than to,
say, Python with corresponding three-way conditional control structures to
supplement "if" etc ? Are they on a semantic and syntactic par with the
existing ones ? In Smalltalk that is trivial (too trivial to be particularly
interesting, even), and I presume the same must be true of Lisp (though I
suspect you might be forced to use macros).

I should say that if your example /is/ in fact Python, then I believe that
language allows fairly deep hooks into the execution mechanism, so that at
least the "for" bit can be mediated by the collection itself -- which is better
than nothing, but nowhere near what I would call "good".

-- chris
May 10 '06 #192
Bill Atkins wrote:
My favorite macro is ITERATE [...]

Thanks for the examples.

-- chris
May 10 '06 #193
On Tue, 09 May 2006 05:35:47 -0500, David C. Ullrich
<ul*****@math.o kstate.edu> wrote:
On Mon, 08 May 2006 18:46:57 -0400, Ken Tilton <ke*******@gmai l.com>

If you, um, look at the code you see that "cells.a = 42" triggers
cells.__setatt r__, which fires a's callback; the callback then
reaches inside and sets the value of b _without_ going through
__setattr__, hence without triggering b's callback.

In Cells you can't have A depend on B and also B depend on A?
That seems like an unfortunate restriction - I'd want to be
able to have Celsius and Farenheit, so that setting either
one sets the other.
Realized later that I hadn't thought this through.

I'd been assuming that of course we should be allowed to
have A and B depend on each other. Hence if a change in
A propagates to a change in B that change in B has to
be a non-propagating change - thought I was just so
clever seeing a way to do that.

But duh, if that's how things are then we can't have
transitive dependencies working out right; surely we
want to be able to have B depend on A and then C
depend on B...

(And also if A and B are allowed to depend on each
other then the programmer has to ensure that the
two rules are inverses of each other, which seems
like a bad constraint in general, something non-trivial
that the programmer has to get right.)

So fine, no loops. If anything, if we know that
there are no loops in the dependencies that simplifies
the rest of the programming, no need for the sort of
finagling described in the first paragraph above.
But this raises a question:

Q: How do we ensure there are no loops in the dependencies?

Do we actually run the whole graph through some algorithm
to verify there are no loops?

The simplest solution seems like adding the cells one
at a time, and only allowing a cell to depend on
previously added cells. It's clear that that would
prevent loops, but it's not clear to me whether or
not that disallows some non-looping graphs. A
math question the answer to which is not immediately
clear to me (possibly trivial, the question just
ocurred to me this second):

Say G is a (finite) directed graph with no loops. Is it always
possible to order the vertices in such a way that
every edge goes from a vertex to a _previous_ vertex?
Of course if there are no loops it's easier to see how
you managed to do the stuff you were talking about elsewhere,
(at least sometimes) delaying execution until needed.

the *programmer* has to care about is what values a slot depends on --
Cells takes care of inverting that for you, which is important because
that's a job that a computer is much better at than a human.
Fine. I suppose that is better; if b is going to return a + 1
the fact that this is what b returns should belong to b, not
to a. So a has an update list including b, so when a's value
is set a tells b it needs to update itself.

If we're allowed to pass (at some point, to some constructor
or other) something like (b, a + 1, [a]), which sets up a
cell b that shall return a + 1, and where the [a] is used
in the constructor to tell a to add b to a's update list
then this seems like no big deal.

And doing that doesn't seem so bad - now when the programmer
is writing b he has to decide that it should return a + 1
and also explicitly state that b shall depend on a; this
is all nice and localized, it's still _b_ telling _a_ to
add b to a's update list, and the programmer only has
to figure out what _b_ depends on when he's writing _b_.
Doesn't seem so bad.

But of course it would be better to be able to pass just
something morally equivalent to (b, a + 1) to whatever
constructor and have the system figure out automatically
that since b returns a + 1 it has to add a to b's update
list. There must be some simple trick to accomplish that
(using Python, without parsing code).

Right, you do not want to parse code. It really would not work as
powerfully as Cells, which notice any dynamic access to another cell
while a rule is running. So my rule can call a function on "self" (the
instance that wons the slot being calculated, and since self can have
pointers to other instances, the algorithm can navigate high and low
calling other functions before finally reading another ruled slot. You
want to track those.
Exactly what the trick is I
don't see immediately.

To compute a value for a slot that happens to have a rule associated
with it, have a little cell datastructure that implements all this and
associate the cell with the slot and store a pointer to the rule in the
cell. Then have a global variable called *dependent* and locally:

currentdependen t = *dependent*
oldvalue = cell.value
newvalue = call cell.rule, passing it the self instance
*dependent* = currentvalue

if newvalue not = oldvalue
call on-change on the slot name, self, newvalue and oldvalue
(the on-chnage needs to dispatch on as many arguments as
the language allows. Lisp does it on them all)

In the reader on a slot (in your getattr) you need code that notices if
the value being read is mediated by a ruled cell, and if the global
*dependent* is non empty. If so, both cells get a record of the other
(for varying demands of the implementation) .

In Cells do we just pass a rule using other cells to
determine this cell's value, or do we also include
an explicit list of cells that this cell depends on?

Again, the former. Just write the rule, the above scheme dynamically
figures out the dependencies. Note then that dependencies vary over time
because of different branches a rule might take.

I want to reassure the community that this (nor the spreadsheet analogy
<g>) is not just my crazy idea. In 1992:


"It is becoming increasingly evident that imperative languages are
unsuitable for supporting the complicated flow-of-control that arises in
interactive applications. This paper describes a declarative paradigm
for specifying interactive applications that is based on the spreadsheet
model of programing. This model includes multi-way constraints and
action procedures that can be triggered when constraints change the
values of variables."

Cells do not do multi-way constraints, btw.

My _guess_ is that a "multi-way constraint" is something like
what's above, where A depends on B and B depends on A?
Nor partial constraints. To
hard to program, because the system gets non-deterministic. That kinda
killed (well, left to a small niche) the whole research programme. I
have citations on that as well. :)


************** **********

David C. Ullrich

*************** *********

David C. Ullrich
May 10 '06 #194
Followup-To: comp.lang.lisp

Bill Atkins <NO**********@r pi.edu> writes:
The cool thing about ITERATE is that it lets you express looping
concepts in a language designed explicitly for such a purpose, e.g.

(iter (for x in '(1 3 3))
(summing x)) => 7

(iter (for x in '(1 -3 2))
(finding x maximizing (abs x))) => -3

(iter (for x in '(a b c 1 d 3 e))
(when (symbolp x)
(collect x))) => (a b c d e)

While such macros indeed allow to generate efficient code, I don't
find these examples convincing in terms of readability. The same
examples in my language where iteration is based on higher order
functions are shorter and also clear:

Sum [1 3 3]
=> 7

[1 (-3) 2]->MaximumBy Abs
=> -3

[#a #b #c 1 #d 3 #e]->Select (_ %Is SYMBOL)
=> [#a #b #c #d #e]

__("< Marcin Kowalczyk
\__/ qr****@knm.org. pl
^^ http://qrnik.knm.org.pl/~qrczak/
May 10 '06 #195
David C Ullrich asked:
Q: How do we ensure there are no loops in the dependencies?

Do we actually run the whole graph through some algorithm
to verify there are no loops?

The question you are asking is the dependency graph a "directed
acyclic graph" (commonly called a DAG)? One algorithm to determine if
it is, is called "topologica l sort". That algorithm tells you where
there are cyclces in your graph, if any, and also tells you the order
of the dependencies, i.e. if x is updated, what you have to update
downstream AND THE ORDER you have to perform the downstream
computations in. We use this algorithm for solving just the kind of
dataflow problems you are talking about in our circuit design tools.
Circuit designs have one-way dependencies that we want to sort and
resolve--similarly, we don't want cycles in our circuits except ones
that pass through clocked flip-flops. We solve such problems on
circuits with millions of gates, i.e. enough gates to represent the
CPU of your computer or a disk controller chip or a router.

I believe there are also algorithms that allow you to construct only
acyclic (the technical term for non-looping) graphs and don't require
you to enter the vertexes (verticies if you prefer) of the graph in
any specific order, and in the worst case you can always run the
topological sort on any graph and determine if the graph is cyclic.

The area is well-studied and you can find a variety of algorithms that
solve most interesting graph problems as they all occur over-and-over
in numerous diverse fields.

Hope this helps,

*************** *************** *************** *************** *************** **
Chris Clark Internet : co*****@world.s td.com
Compiler Resources, Inc. Web Site : http://world.std.com/~compres
23 Bailey Rd voice : (508) 435-5016
Berlin, MA 01503 USA fax : (978) 838-0263 (24 hours)
May 10 '06 #196

sross wrote:
I do wonder what would happen to Cells if I ever want to support
multiple threads. Or in a parallel processing environment.

AFAIK It should be fine.
In LW, SBCL and ACL all bindings of dynamic variables are thread-local.

Ah, I was guilty of making an unspoken segue: the problem is not with
the *dependent* special variable, but with the sequentially growing
numeric *datapulse-id* ("the ID") that tells a cell if it needs to
recompute its value. The ID is not dynamically bound. If threads T1 and
T2 each execute a toplevel, imperative assignment, two threads will
start propagating change up the same dependency graph... <shudder>

Might need to specify a "main" thread that gets to play with Cells and
restrict other threads to intense computations but no Cells?

Actually, I got along quite a while without an ID, I just propagated to
dependents and ran rules. This led sometimes to a rule running twice for
one change and transiently taking on a garbage value, when the
dependency graph of a Cell had two paths back to some changed Cell.

Well, Cells have always been reengineered in the face of actual use
cases, because I am not really smart enough to work these things out in
the abstract. Or too lazy or something. Probably all three.


Cells: http://common-lisp.net/project/cells/

"Have you ever been in a relationship?"
Attorney for Mary Winkler, confessed killer of her
minister husband, when asked if the couple had
marital problems.
May 10 '06 #197
M Jared Finder <ja***@hpalace. com> wrote:
Your reasoning, taken to the extreme, implies that an assembly language,
by virtue of having the fewest constructs, is the best designed language
Except that the major premise is faulty! Try e.g.
<http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-5477/6mkuavhrf#hic> and count the
number of distinct instructions -- general purpose, floating point,
SIMD, MMX, SSE, SSE2, OS support... there's *hundreds*, each with its
own rules as to what operand(s) are allowed plus variants such as (e.g.)
cmovbe{w,l,q} for "conditiona l move if below or equal" for word, long,
quadword (no byte variant) -- but e.g cmpxchg{b,w,l,q } DOES have a byte
variant too, while setbe for "set if below or equal" ONLY has a byte
variant, etc, etc -- endless memorization;-).

When you set up your strawman arguments, try to have at least ONE of the
premises appear sensible, will you?-)

I never argued against keeping languages at a high level, of course
(that's why your so utterly unfounded argument would be a "strawman"
even if it WAS better founded;-).
prone, code. I think the advantages of anonymous functions: ... e) making the language simpler to implement

Adding one construct (e.g., in Python, having both def and lambda with
vast semantic overlap, rather than just one) cannot "make the language
simpler to implement" -- no doubt this kind of "reasoning" (?) is what
ended up making the instruction-set architecture of the dominant
families of CPUs so bizarre, intricate, and abstruse!-)
May 10 '06 #198
M Jared Finder wrote:
Alex Martelli wrote:
Stefan Nobis <sn****@gmx.d e> wrote:
al***@mac.com (Alex Martelli) writes:

if anonymous functions are available, they're used in even more
cases where naming would help

Yes, you're right. But don't stop here. What about expressions? Many
people write very complex expression, that are hard to understand. A
good language should forbid these abuse and don't allow expressions
with more than 2 or maybe 3 operators!

That would _complicate_ the language (by adding a rule). I repeat what
I've already stated repeatedly: a good criterion for deciding which good
practices a language should enforce and which ones it should just
facilitate is _language simplicity_. If the enforcement is done by
adding rules or constructs it's probably not worth it; if the
"enforcemen ts" is done by NOT adding extra constructs it's a double win
(keep the language simpler AND push good practices).

Your reasoning, taken to the extreme, implies that an assembly language,
by virtue of having the fewest constructs, is the best designed language

Assembly languages don't have the fewest constructs; kernel languages such
as Core ML or Kernel-Oz do. In any case, I didn't read Alex's point as
being that simplicity was the only criterion on which to make decisions
about what practices a language should enforce or facilitate; just
"a good criterion".

However, IMHO anonymous lambdas do not significantly increase the complexity
of the language or of programs, and they can definitely simplify programs in
functional languages, or languages that use them for control constructs.

David Hopwood <da************ ******@blueyond er.co.uk>
May 10 '06 #199

Boris Borcic wrote:
Ken Tilton wrote:
"Now if you are like most people, you think that means X. It does not."

As far as natural language and understanding are concerned, "to mean"
means conformity to what most people understand, Humpty Dumpties
notwithstanding .

Nonsense. You are confusing that quality of natural language with most
people's quality of being sloppy readers, or in your case, a sloppy
thinker. Misapplying an analogy is not a question of usage -- when I
said spreadsheet and they thought of spreadsheets, so far so good,
right? -- it just sloppiness and laziness.

I do it, too, all the time. :) Life is too short, we get by precisely by
using partial information.

You remind me of American educators recent (past several decades, that
is) history of apologizing for asking students to work and softening the
curriculum until they all get A's.

Here is another analogy. Sometimes people hit the gas and think they hit
the brake pedal. They crash around a parking lot pushing the gas pedal
down harder and harder. Did they take out the brake pedal to avoid that
confusion? No, they put an interlock between the brake and the ignition key.

Same thing. :)


Cells: http://common-lisp.net/project/cells/

"Have you ever been in a relationship?"
Attorney for Mary Winkler, confessed killer of her
minister husband, when asked if the couple had
marital problems.
May 10 '06 #200

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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