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Math errors in python

In python 2.3 (IDLE 1.0.3) running under windows 95, I get the
following types of errors whenever I do simple arithmetic:

1st example:
12.10 + 8.30 20.399999999999 999 1.1 - 0.2 0.9000000000000 0013
2nd example(no errors here): bool(130.0 - 129.0 == 1.0) True
3rd example: a = 0.013
b = 0.0129
c = 0.0001
[a, b, c] [0.0129999999999 99999, 0.0129, 0.0001] bool((a - b) == c)

This sort of error is no big deal in most cases, but I'm sure it could
become a problem under certain conditions, particularly the 3rd
example, where I'm using truth testing. The same results occur in all
cases whether I define variables a, b, and c, or enter the values
directly into the bool statement. Also, it doesn't make a difference
whether "a = 0.013" or "a = 0.0130".

I haven't checked this under windows 2000 or XP, but I expect the same
thing would happen. Any suggestions for a way to fix this sort of
Jul 18 '05
89 5146
On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 07:05:50 +0000, Chris S. wrote:
That's nonsense. My 7-year old TI-83 performs that calculation just

No, it doesn't. Your calculator is lying to you because it (correctly in
this case) expects that you want it to.

You need to educate yourself on how computers do math before passing such
uninformed judgments.


Jul 18 '05 #31
A nice thoughtful answer Alex, but possibly wasted, as it's been
suggested that he is just a troll. (Note his asssertion that Pi=22/7
in one post and the assertion that it is just a common approximation
in another, and this in a thread about numeric imprecision.)

Gary Herron
On Sunday 19 September 2004 09:41 am, Alex Martelli wrote:
Chris S. <ch*****@NOSPAM .udel.edu> wrote:
Sqrt is a fair criticism, but Pi equals 22/7, exactly the form this

Of course it doesn't. What a silly assertion.
arithmetic is meant for. Any decimal can be represented by a fraction,

And pi can't be represented by either (if you mean _finite_ decimals and
yet not all fractions can be represented by decimals. My point is that
such simple accuracy should be supported out of the box.

In Python 2.4, decimal computations are indeed "supported out of the
box", although you do explicitly have to request them (the default
remains floating-point). In 2.3, you have to download and use any of
several add-on packages (decimal computations and rational ones have
very different characteristics , so you do have to choose) -- big deal.
While I'd love to compute with all those numbers in infinite
precision, we're all stuck with FINITE sized computers, and hence with
the inaccuracies of finite representations of numbers.

So are our brains, yet we somehow manage to compute 12.10 + 8.30
correctly using nothing more than simple skills developed in

Using base 10, sure. Or, using fractions, even something that decimals
would not let you compute finitely, such as 1/7+1/6.
grade-school. You could theoretically compute an infinitely long
equation by simply operating on single digits,

Not in finite time, you couldn't (excepting a few silly cases where the
equation is "infinitely long" only because of some rule that _can_ be
finitely expressed, so you don't even have to LOOK at all the equation
to solve [which is what I guess you mean by "compute".. .?] it -- if you
have to LOOK at all of the equation, and it's infinite, you can't get
done in finite time).
yet Python, with all of
its resources, can't overcome this hurtle?

The hurdle of decimal arithmetic, you mean? Download Python 2.4 and
play with decimal to your heart's content. Or do you mean fractions?
Then download gmpy and ditto. There are also packages for symbolic
computation and even more exotic kinds of arithmetic.

In practice, with the sole exception of monetary computations (which may
often be constrained by law, or at the very least by customary
practice), there is no real-life use in which the _accuracy_ of floating
point isn't ample. There are nevertheless lots of traps in arithmetic,
but switching to forms of arithmetic different from float doesn't really
make all the traps magically disappear, of course.
However, I understand Python's limitation in this regard. This
inaccuracy stems from the traditional C mindset, which typically
dismisses any approach not directly supported in hardware. As the FAQ

Ah, I see, a case of "those who can't be bothered to learn a LITTLE
history before spouting off" etc etc. Python's direct precursor, the
ABC language, used unbounded-precision rationals. As a result (obvious
to anybody who bothers to learn a little about the inner workings of
arithmetic), the simplest-looking string of computations could easily
consume all the memory at your computer's disposal, and then some, and
apparently unbounded amounts of time. It turned out that users object,
most of the time, to having some apparently trivial computation take
hours, rather than seconds, in order to be unboundedly precise rather
than, say, precise to "just" a couple hundred digits (far more digits
than you need to count the number of atoms in the Galaxy). So,
unbounded rationals as a default are out -- people may sometimes SAY
they want them, but in fact, in an overwhelming majority of the cases,
they actually do not (oh yes, people DO lie, first of all to

As for decimals, that's what a very-high level language aiming for a
niche very close to Python used from the word go. It got started WAY
before Python -- I was productively using it over 20 years ago -- and
had the _IBM_ brand on it, which at the time pretty much meant the
thousand-pounds gorilla of computers. So where is it now, having had
all of these advantages (started years before, had IBM behind it, AND
was totally free of "the traditional C mindset", which was very far from
traditional at the time, particularly within IBM...!)...?

Googlefight is a good site for this kind of comparisons... try:

&B1=Make+a+figh t%21&compare=1& langue=us>

and you'll see...:
Number of results on Google for the keywords python and rexx:

(10 300 000 results)
( 419 000 results)

The winner is: python

Not just "the winner", an AMAZING winner -- over TWENTY times more
popular, despite all of Rexx's advantages! And while there are no doubt
many fascinating components to this story, a key one is among the pearls

of wisdom you can read by doing, at any Python interactive prompt:
>>> import this

and it is: "practicali ty beats purity". Rexx has always been rather
puristic in its adherence to its principles; Python is more pragmatic.
It turns out that this is worth a lot in the real world. Much the same
way, say, C ground PL/I into the dust. Come to think of it, Python's
spirit is VERY close to C (4 and 1/2 half of the 5 principles listed as
"the spirit of C" in the C ANSI Standard's introduction are more closely
followed by Python than by other languages which borrowed C's syntax,
such as C++ or Java), while Rexx does show some PL/I influence (not
surprising for an IBM-developed language, I guess).

Richard Gabriel's famous essay on "Worse is Better", e.g. at
<http://www.jwz.org/doc/worse-is-better.html>, has more, somewhat bitter
reflections in the same vein.

Python never had any qualms in getting outside the "directly supported
in hardware" boundaries, mind you. Dictionaries and unbounded precision
integers are (and have long been) Python mainstays, although neither the
hardware nor the underlying C platform has any direct support for
either. For non-integer computations, though, Python has long been well
served by relying on C, and nowadays typically the HW too, to handle
them, which implied the use of floating-point; and leaving the messy
business of implementing the many other possibly useful kinds of
non-integer arithmetic to third-party extensions (many in fact written
in Python itself -- if you're not in a hurry, they're fine, too).

With Python 2.4, somebody finally felt enough of an itch regarding the
issue of getting support for decimal arithmetic in the Python standard
library to go to the trouble of scratching it -- as opposed to just
spouting off on a mailing list, or even just implementing what they
personally needed as just a third-party extension (there are _very_ high
hurdles to jump, to get your code into the Python standard library, so
it needs strong motivation to do so as opposed to just releasing your
own extension to the public).
states, this problem is due to the "underlying C platform". I just find
it funny how a $20 calculator can be more accurate than Python running
on a $1000 Intel machine.

You can get a calculator much cheaper than that these days (and "intel
machines" not too out of the mainstream for well less than half, as well
as several times, your stated price). It's pretty obvious that the
price of the hardware has nothing to do with that "_CAN_ be more
accurate" issue (my emphasis) -- which, incidentally, remains perfectly
true even in Python 2.4: it can be less, more, or just as accurate as
whatever calculator you're targeting, since the precision of decimal
computation is one of the aspects you can customize specifically...

Jul 18 '05 #32
Paul Rubin <http://ph****@NOSPAM.i nvalid> wrote:
The issue here is that Python's behavior confuses the hell out of some
new users. There is a separate area of confusion, that

a = 2 / 3

sets a to 0, and to clear that up, the // operator was introduced and
Python 3.0 will supposedly treat / as floating-point division even
when both operands are integers. That doesn't solve the also very
common confusion that (1.0/3.0)*3.0 = 0.99999999. Rational arithmetic
can solve that.
Yes, but applying rational arithmetic by default might slow some
computations far too much for beginners' liking! My favourite for
Python 3.0 would be to have decimals by default, with special notations
to request floats and rationals (say '1/3r' for a rational, '1/3f' for a
float, '1/3' or '1/3d' for a decimal with some default parameters such
as number of digits). This is because my guess is that most naive users
would _expect_ decimals by default...

Yes, with rational arithmetic, it will still be true that
sqrt(5.)**2.0 doesn't quite equal 5, but hardly anyone ever complains
about that.

And yes, there are languages that can do exact arithmetic on arbitrary
algebraic numbers, but they're normally not used for general-purpose

Well, you can pretty easily use constructive reals with Python, see for
example <http://more.btexact.co m/people/briggsk2/XR.html> -- that's a
vastly vaster set than just algebraic numbers. If we DO want precision,
after all, why should sqrt(5) be more important than log(3)?
Jul 18 '05 #33
Gary Herron <gh*****@island training.com> wrote:
irrational numbers like sqrt(2) and transcendental numbers like PI?
Sqrt is a fair criticism, but Pi equals 22/7,

What? WHAT? Are you nuts? Pi and 22/7 are most certainly not equal.
They don't even share three digits beyond the decimal point. (Can you
really be that ignorant about numbers and expect to contribute
intelligently to a discussion about numbers. Pi is a non-repeating
and non-ending number in base 10 or any other base.)

Any _integer_ base -- you can find infinitely many irrational bases in
which pi has repeating or terminating expansion (for example, you could
use pi itself as a base;-). OK, OK, I _am_ being silly!-)
If you are happy doing calculations with decimal numbers like 12.10 +
8.30, then the Decimal package may be what you want, but that fails as
soon as you want 1/3.
But it fails in exactly the same way as a cheap calculator of the same
precision, and some people just have a fetish for that.
But then you could use a rational arithmetic
package and get 1/3, but that would fail as soon as you needed sqrt(2)
or Pi. But then you could try ... what? Can you see the pattern
Uh, "constructi ve reals", such as those you can find at
<http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Hans_Boehm/crcalc/> ...?

"Numbers are represented exactly internally to the calculator, and then
evaluated on demand to guarantee an error in the displayed result that
is strictly less than one in the least significant displayed digit. It
is possible to scroll the display to the right to generate essentially
arbitrary precision in the result." It has trig, logs, etc.
here? Any representation of the infinity of numbers on a finite
computer *must* necessarily be unable to represent some (actually
infinity many) of those numbers. The inaccuracies stem from that
Yes, _but_. There is after all a *finite* set of reals you can describe
(constructively and univocally) by equations that you can write finitely
with a given finite alphabet, right? So, infinitely many (and indeed
infinitely many MORE, since reals overall are _uncountably_ infinite;-)
reals are of no possible constructive interest -- if we were somehow
given one, we would have no way to verify that it is what it is claimed
to be, anyway, since no claim for it can be written finitely over
whatever finite alphabet we previously agreed to use. So, I think we
can safely restrict discourse by ignoring, at least, the _uncountably_
infinite aspects of reals and sticking to some "potentiall y
constructively interesting" subset that is _countably_ infinite.

At this point, the theoretical problems aren't much worse than those you
meet with, say, integers, or just rationals, etc. Sure, you can't
represent any but a finite subset of integers (or rationals, etc) in a
finite computer _in a finite time_, yet that implies no _inaccuracy_
whatsoever -- specify your finite alphabet and the maximum size of
equation you want to be able to write, and I'll give you the specs for
how big a computer I will need to serve your needs. Easy!

A "constructi ve reals" library able to hold and manipulate all reals
that can be described as the sum of convergent series such that the Nth
term of the series is a ratio of polynomials in N whose tuples of
coefficients fit comfortably in memory (with space left over for some
computation), for example, would amply suffice to deal with all commonly
used 'transcendental s', such as the ones arising from trigonometry,
logarithms, etc, and many more besides. (My memories of arithmetic are
SO rusty I don't even recall if adding similarly constrained continuous
fractions to the mix would make any substantial difference, sigh...).

If you ask for some sufficiently big computation you may happen to run
out of memory -- not different from what happens if you ask for a
raising-to-power between two Python long's which happen to be too big
for your computer's memory. Buy more memory, move to a 64-bit CPU (and
a good OS for it), whatever: it's not a problem of _accuracy_, anyway.

It MAY be a problem of TIME -- if you're in any hurry, and have upgraded
your computer to have a few hundred terabytes of memory, you MAY be
disappointed at how deucedly long it takes to get that multiplication
between longs that just happened to overflow the memory resources of
your previous machine which had just 200 TB. If you ask for an infinite
representation of whatever, it will take an infinite time for you to see
it, of course -- your machine will keep emitting digits at whatever
rate, even very fast, but if the digits never stop coming then you'll
never stop staring at them able to truthfully say "I've seen them ALL".
But that's an effect that's easy to get even with such a simple
computation as 1/3... it may easily be held with perfect accuracy inside
the machine, just by using rationals, but if you want to see it as a
decimal number you'll never be done. Similarly for sqrt(2) and so on.

But again it's not a problem of _accuracy_, just one of patience;-). If
the machine is well programmed you'll never see even one wrong digit, no
matter how long you keep staring and hoping to catch an accuracy issue.

The reason we tend to use limited accuracy more often than strictly
needed is that we typically ARE in a hurry. E.g., I have measured the
radius of a semispherical fishbowl at 98.13 cm and want to know how much
water I need to fetch to fill it: I do NOT want to spend eons checking
out the millionth digit -- I started with a measurement that has four or
so significant digits (way more than _typical_ real-life measurements in
most cases, btw), it's obvious that I'll be satisfied with just a few
more significant digits in the answer. In fact, Python's floats are
_just fine_ for just about any real-life computation, excluding ones
involving money (which may often be constrained by law or at least by
common practice) and some involving combinatorial arithmetic (and thus,
typically, ratios between very large integers), but the latter only
apply to certain maniacs trying to compute stuff about games (such as,
yours truly;-).

So while a calculator will fool you into believing it is accurate when
it is not, it is Python's design decision to not cater to fools.

Well put (+1 QOTW). But constructive reals are still COOL, even if
they're not of much practical use in real life;-).
Jul 18 '05 #34
Heiko Wundram <he*****@ceosg. de> wrote:
Am Sonntag, 19. September 2004 09:39 schrieb Gary Herron:
That's called rational arithmetic, and I'm sure you can find a package
that implements it for you. However what would you propose for
irrational numbers like sqrt(2) and transcendental numbers like PI?

Just as an example, try gmpy. Unlimited precision integer and rational
arithmetic. But don't think that they implement anything more than the four
basic operations on rationals, because algorithms like sqrt and pow become so
slow, that nobody sensible would use them, but rather just stick to the
binary arithmetic the computer uses (although this might have some minor
effects on precision, but these can be bounded).

Guilty as charged, but with a different explanation. I don't support
raising a rational to a rational exponent, not because it would "become
slow", but because it could not return a rational result in general.
When it CAN return a rational result, I'm happy as a lark to support it:
x = gmpy.mpq(4,9)
x ** gmpy.mpq(1,2) mpq(2,3)
I.e. raising to the power 1/2 (which is the same as saying, taking the
square root) is supported in gmpy only when the base is a rational which
IS the square of some other rational -- and similarly for other
fractional exponents.

Say you're content with finite precision, and you problem is that
getting only a few dozen bits' worth falls far short of your ambition,
as you want _thousands_. Well, you don't have to "stick to the
arithmetic your computer uses", with its paltry dozens of bits' worth of
precision -- you can have just as many as you wish. For example:

For example...:
x=gmpy.mpf(2, 2222)
x mpf('2.e0',2222 ) y=gmpy.fsqrt(x)
y mpf('1.41421356 237309504880168 872420969807856 967187537694807 317667973799
073247846210703 885038753432764 157273501384623 091229702492483 605585073721
264412149709993 583141322266592 750559275579995 050115278206057 147010955997
160597027453459 686201472851741 864088919860955 232923048430871 432145083976
260362799525140 798968725339654 633180882964062 061525835239505 474575028775
996172983557522 033753185701135 437460340849884 716038689997069 900481503054
402779031645424 782306849293691 862158057846311 159666871301301 561856898723
723528850926486 124949771542183 342042856860601 468247207714358 548741556570
696776537202264 854470158588016 207584749226572 260020855844665 214583988939
443709265918003 113882464681570 8263e0',2222)
Of course, this still has bounded accuracy (gmpy doesn't do constructive
x-(y*y) mpf('1.21406321 925474744732602 075007044436621 136403661789690 072865954475
776298522118244 419272674806546 441529118557492 550101271984681 584381130555
892259118178248 950179953390159 664508815540959 644741794226362 686473376767
055696411211498 987561487078708 187675060063022 704148995680107 509652317604
479364576039827 518913272446772 069713871266672 454279184421635 785339332972
791970690781583 948212784883346 298572710476658 954707852342842 150889381157
563045936231138 515406709376167 997169879900784 347146377935422 794796191261
624849740964942 283842868779082 292557869166024 095318326003777 296248197487
885858223175591 943112711481319 695526039760318 353849240080721 341697065981
847127860006264 714747310588327 2095e-674',2222)

i.e., there IS an error of about 10 to the minus 674 power, i.e. a
precision of barely more than a couple of thousands of bits -- but then,
that IS what you asked for, with that '2222'!-)

Computing square roots (or whatever) directly on rationals would be no
big deal, were there demand -- you'd still have to tell me what kind of
loss of accuracy you're willing to tolerate, though. I personally find
it handier to compute with mpf's (high-precision floats) and then turn
the result into rationals with a Stern-Brocot algorithm...:

mpq(87787840362 947056221389837 099888119784184 900622573984346 903816053706
510038371862119 498502008227696 594958892073744 394524220336403 937617412073
521953746033135 074321986796669 379393248887099 312745495535792 954890191437
233230436746927 180393035328284 490481153041398 619700720943077 149557439382
347505289882544 39L,62075377226 361968890337286 609853165704271 551096494666
544033975362265 504696870569409 265091955693911 548812764050925 469857560059
623789287922026 078165497542602 022607603900854 658753038808290 787475128940
694806084715129 308978288523742 413573494221901 565588452667869 917019091383
931258474958251 057731325666852 69L)

If you need the square root of two as a rational number with an error of
less than 1 in 2**-2000, I think this is a reasonable approach. As for
speed, this is quite decently usable in an interactive session in my
cheap and cheerful Mac iBook 12" portable (not the latest model, which
is quite a bit faster, much less the "profession al" Powerbooks -- I'm
talking about an ageing, though good-quality, consumer-class machine!).

gmpy (or to be more precise the underlying GMP library) runs optimally
on AMD Athlon 32-bit processors, which happen to be dirt cheap these
days, so a cleverly-purchased 300-dollars desktop Linux PC using such an
Athlon chip would no doubt let you use way more than these humble couple
thousand bits for such interactive computations while maintaining a
perfectly acceptable interactive response time.
Jul 18 '05 #35
Gary Herron <gh*****@island training.com> wrote:
A nice thoughtful answer Alex, but possibly wasted, as it's been
suggested that he is just a troll. (Note his asssertion that Pi=22/7
in one post and the assertion that it is just a common approximation
in another, and this in a thread about numeric imprecision.)

If he's not a troll, he _should_ be -- it's just too sad to consider the
possibility that somebody is really that ignorant and arrogant at the
same time (although, tragically, human nature is such as to make that
entirely possible). Nevertheless, newsgroups and mailing lists have an
interesting characteristic: no "thoughtful answer" need ever be truly
wasted, even if the person you're answering is not just a troll, but a
robotized one, _because there are other readers_ which may find
interest, amusement, or both, in that answer. On a newsgroup, or
very-large-audience mailing list, one doesn't really write just for the
person you're nominally answering, but for the public at large.
Jul 18 '05 #36
On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 07:05:50 GMT, "Chris S." <ch*****@NOSPAM .udel.edu>
declaimed the following in comp.lang.pytho n:
That's nonsense. My 7-year old TI-83 performs that calculation just
fine, and you're telling me, in this day and age, that Python running on
Most calculators use 1) BCD, and 2) they keep guard digits
(about two extra digits) that are not displayed. Using the guard digits,
the calculator performs rounding to the display resolution.

1.0 / 3.0 => 0.3333333| (displayed)
0.3333333|33 (internal)
* 3.0 => 0.9999999|99 (internally)
1.0 (displayed after rounding the

Strangely, HP's tended not to hold guard digits... My HP-48sx
gives the all-9s result, and I recall older models also not having

Most that use guard digits can be determined by 1) the example
sequence returning 1.0, and 2) do the 1/3, then manually subtract the
value you see on the display -- often you'll get something like
3.3E-<something> which were the hidden guard digits.
a modern 32-bit processor can't even compute simple decimals accurately?
Don't defend bad code.
Before you accuse Python of bad code (you might as well accuse
Intel and AMD, since they make the floating point processor in most
machines), take the time to learn how Calculators function internally.
My college actually offered a class on using scientific calculators,
including details on guard digits, arithmetic vs algebraic vs RPN, etc.
-- =============== =============== =============== =============== == <
wl*****@ix.netc om.com | Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber KD6MOG <
wu******@dm.net | Bestiaria Support Staff <
=============== =============== =============== =============== == <
Home Page: <http://www.dm.net/~wulfraed/> <
Overflow Page: <http://wlfraed.home.ne tcom.com/> <

Jul 18 '05 #37
Dennis Lee Bieber <wl*****@ix.net com.com> wrote:
Strangely, HP's tended not to hold guard digits... My HP-48sx
gives the all-9s result, and I recall older models also not having

Nothing strange there -- HP's calculators were squarely aimed at
scientists and engineers, who are supposed to know what they're doing
when it comes to numeric computation (they mostly _don't_, but they like
to kid themselves that they do!-).
Jul 18 '05 #38
al*****@yahoo.c om (Alex Martelli) writes:
Yes, but applying rational arithmetic by default might slow some
computations far too much for beginners' liking!
I dunno, lots of Lisp dialects do rational arithmetic by default.
Well, you can pretty easily use constructive reals with Python, see for
example <http://more.btexact.co m/people/briggsk2/XR.html> -- that's a
vastly vaster set than just algebraic numbers. If we DO want precision,
after all, why should sqrt(5) be more important than log(3)?

I don't know that it's generally tractable to do exact computation on
constructive reals. How do you implement comparison (<, >, ==)?
Jul 18 '05 #39
Michel Claveau - abstraction méta-galactique non trivial e en fuite perpétuelle. <un************ @msupprimerlepo int.claveauPOIN Tcom> wrote in message news:<ci******* ***@news-reader5.wanadoo .fr>...
Hi !
No. BCD use another work : two digits by Byte. The calculation is
basically integer, it's the library who manage the decimal point.

There are no problem of round.

Yes, there are. Rounding problems don't occur in the contrived
examples that show that "BCD is better than binary", but they do
occur, especially with division.
Jul 18 '05 #40

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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The next Access Europe User Group meeting will be on Wednesday 1 May 2024 starting at 18:00 UK time (6PM UTC+1) and finishing by 19:30 (7.30PM). In this session, we are pleased to welcome a new presenter, Adolph Dupré who will be discussing some powerful techniques for using class modules. He will explain when you may want to use classes instead of User Defined Types (UDT). For example, to manage the data in unbound forms. Adolph will...
by: conductexam | last post by:
I have .net C# application in which I am extracting data from word file and save it in database particularly. To store word all data as it is I am converting the whole word file firstly in HTML and then checking html paragraph one by one. At the time of converting from word file to html my equations which are in the word document file was convert into image. Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Select();...
by: TSSRALBI | last post by:
Hello I'm a network technician in training and I need your help. I am currently learning how to create and manage the different types of VPNs and I have a question about LAN-to-LAN VPNs. The last exercise I practiced was to create a LAN-to-LAN VPN between two Pfsense firewalls, by using IPSEC protocols. I succeeded, with both firewalls in the same network. But I'm wondering if it's possible to do the same thing, with 2 Pfsense firewalls...
by: adsilva | last post by:
A Windows Forms form does not have the event Unload, like VB6. What one acts like?
by: muto222 | last post by:
How can i add a mobile payment intergratation into php mysql website.
by: bsmnconsultancy | last post by:
In today's digital era, a well-designed website is crucial for businesses looking to succeed. Whether you're a small business owner or a large corporation in Toronto, having a strong online presence can significantly impact your brand's success. BSMN Consultancy, a leader in Website Development in Toronto offers valuable insights into creating effective websites that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well. In this comprehensive...

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