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Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

17 New Member
no check box selected when i gave delete all link the error is coming

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  2. <?php
  3.  include "includes/connection.php";
  4.  include "includes/Functions_category.php";
  5.  include "includes/functions_db.php";
  6.  $Strtitle="Category Management (Category Listing)";
  7.  $strAddedDate=date("Y-m-d h:m:s");
  9.     if($_POST['frmcheckall']){    
  10.        print doDeleteAll($_POST);
  12.    }
  13.        if(isset($_GET['id'])){
  14.     //if($_POST['id']){
  15.     //$strDelete=doDeleteAll['id'];
  16.    // }
  17.     if(!doDelete($_GET['id'])){$strMessage= "Invalid Inputs Detected!";}
  18.    }
include"include s/pagestart.php"; ?>

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  2. <link href="css/fonts.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  3. <script type="text/javascript">
  4. function checkAll(field){
  5.  field=document.frmcategory.frmcheckall;
  6.  for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++){
  7.  field[i].checked = true;
  8.  highlightRow('frmcheckall'+i,'frmcheck'+i);
  9.  }
  10.  }
  11. function uncheckAll(field){
  12.  field=document.frmcategory.frmcheckall;
  13.  for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++){
  14.  field[i].checked = false;
  15.  highlightRow('frmcheckall'+i,'frmcheck'+i);
  16.  }
  17.  }
  18. /*function deleteall(field){
  20.     field=document.frmcateogry.frmcheckall;
  21.  flag=0;
  22.  for(i=0;i< field.length;i++){
  24.   if(field[i].checked)
  25.   flag=1;
  26.   }
  27.  if(flag==1){
  28.    alert("Hi");
  29.    document.frmcateogry.frmcheckall.submit();
  30.  }else
  31.    alert("Please select one category to Delete");
  32.  }*/
  33.  function deleted(field){
  34.  //field=document.frmcategory.frmcheckall;
  35.   flag=0;
  36.   for(i=0;i< field.length;i++){
  37.    if(field[i].checked)
  38.    flag=1;
  39.   }
  41.   if(flag==1){
  42.    if(confirm("Are You Sure To Delete The Category List?")){
  43.    field.submit();
  44.    }
  45.   }else
  46.    alert("Please Select One Category To DELETE");
  47.  }
  48.  function highlightRow(id,id1) { //alert(id1);
  50.   if (document.getElementById(id).checked) {
  52.    document.getElementById(id1).bgColor = '#E2E6A8';
  53.   }
  54.   else {
  56.    document.getElementById(id1).bgColor = '#FFFFFF';
  57.   }
  58.   }
  60. function deleteConfirm(delUrl) {
  61.   if (confirm("Are You Sure To Delete This Category?")) {
  62.     document.location = delUrl;
  63.     }
  64.   }
  65. </script>
  66. <form name="frmcategory" method="post" action="">
  68.   <table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" align="center">
  69.   <tr><td><? print $strMessage ;?></td></tr>
  70.     <tr>
  71.       <td align="center">
  72.         <?
  73.   $strQuery="select * from tbl_categories where IsDeleted='No'";
  74.   $strValue=SelectQry($strQuery);
  75.    if(is_array($strValue)){
  76.    ?>
  77.         <span class="tablehead">Category List</span></td>
  78.     </tr>
  79.   </table>
  80.   <div align="center">&nbsp;
  81.     <table width="414" height="20" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="size">
  82.       <tr>
  83.         <td width="414" class="headerfont"><a href="javascript:onclick=checkAll();" class="headerfont">SELECT
  84.           ALL | </a><a href="javascript:onclick=uncheckAll();" class="headerfont">UNSELECT
  85.           ALL </a>| <a href="javascript:onclick=deleted(frmcategory);" class="headerfont">DELETE
  86.           SELECTED </a></td>
  87.       </tr>
  88.     </table>
  89.   </div>
  90.   <table width="421" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#999999" class="headerfont" style="border-collapse:collapse">
  91.     <tr class="tablehead">
  92.       <td width="44" height="29">&nbsp;</td>
  93.       <td width="278" align="center">CATEGORY NAME </td>
  94.       <td width="179" align="center">ACTION </td>
  95.     </tr>
  96.     <?
  97.  //while($rows = mysql_fetch_object($stredit)){
  98.  for($i=0;$i<count($strValue);$i++) {
  99.   ?>
  100.     <tr class="tablehead" id="frmcheck<?php print $i; ?>">
  101.       <td height="25" align="center"><input name="frmcheckall" type="checkbox" id="frmcheckall<?php print $i; ?>" value="<? print $strValue[$i]['CategoryId']; ?>" onclick="highlightRow('frmcheckall<?php print $i; ?>','frmcheck<?php print $i; ?>');" />
  102.       </td>
  103.       <td class="tablecontent"><? print $strValue[$i]['CategoryName']; ?></td>
  104.       <td align="center" class="tablecontent"><a href="edit.php?id=<? print $strValue[$i]['CategoryId']; ?>">Edit</a>
  105.         | <a href="javascript:deleteConfirm('cateogrylist.php?id=<? print $strValue[$i]['CategoryId']; ?>')">Delete
  106.         </a> </td>
  107.     </tr>
  108.     <?
  109.  }
  110. //mysql_free_result($stredit);
  111. ?>
  112.     <tr align="left" class="tablehead">
  113.       <td height="25" colspan="3"><span class="tablecontent2"><a href="javascript:onclick=checkAll();" class="size">Select
  114.         all | </a><a href="javascript:onclick=uncheckAll();" class="size">UnSelect
  115.         All</a> | <a href="javascript:onclick=deleted(frmcategory);" class="size">Delete
  116.         SELECTED </a></span>
  117.         <div align="center"></div>
  118.         <div align="center"></div></td>
  119.     </tr>
  120.     <? }else{?>
  121.     <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="+1" color="#FF0000">
  122.     <center>
  123.       <? print "Sorry!No Records Found !!!";?>
  124.     </center>
  125.     </font>
  126.     <? }?>
  127.   </table>
  129.   <p class="headerfont">&nbsp;</p>
  130. </form>
<? include "includes/pageend.php"; ?>

and this is the function category coding

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  2. <?
  3. function CheckCategory($objArray){ 
  4.     $QryCheck="SELECT * 
  5.                 FROM 
  6.                 tbl_categories 
  7.                 WHERE
  8.                 CategoryName ='".$objArray["frmCategoryName"]."' 
  9.                 AND 
  10.                 CategoryId <> '" .$_GET['id']."' 
  11.                 AND IsDeleted='No'";
  12.     $ResCheck = SelectQry($QryCheck);//Calling the Functions_db
  13.     if(is_array($ResCheck))
  14.         return 1;
  15.     else 
  16.         return 0;
  17. }
  19. function InsertCategory($objArray){
  20.     $strAddedDate = date("Y-m-d h:m:s");
  21.     $strAddedIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
  22.     $QryInsert     =    "INSERT 
  23.                          INTO 
  24.                             tbl_categories(
  25.                             CategoryName,
  26.                             CategoryDescription,
  27.                             AddedDate,
  28.                             AddedIP
  29.                             ) 
  30.                          VALUES 
  31.                             ('".$objArray["frmCategoryName"]."',
  32.                             '".$objArray["frmCategoryDescription"]."',
  33.                             '".$strAddedDate."',
  34.                             '".$strAddedIP."')";
  36.     if(ExecuteQry($QryInsert))//calling the functions Execute Query
  37.         return 1;
  38.     else 
  39.         return 0;
  41. }
  42. function getCategoryList()    {
  43.     $QryCategory = "SELECT *
  44.                     FROM 
  45.                         tbl_categories
  46.                     ORDER BY
  47.                      CategoryId ";
  48.     $ResultCategory = SelectQry($QyrCategory);
  49.     if(is_array($ResultCategory))    {
  50.         return $ResultCategory;
  51.     }
  52.     else {
  53.         return 0;
  54.     }    
  55. }
  57. function CheckUpdateCategory($objArray) {
  58.     $Query = "UPDATE 
  59.                   tbl_categories
  60.                   SET
  61.                        CategoryName = '".$objArray["frmCategoryName"]."',
  62.                        CategoryDescription = '".$objArray["frmCategoryDescription"]."',
  63.                        AddedDate = '".$strAddedDate."'
  64.                   WHERE
  65.                        tbl_categories. CategoryId= '".$_GET['id']."'
  66.                   ";
  68.         if(ExecuteQry($Query))
  69.             return 1;
  70.         else
  71.             return 0;
  72.     }
  73. function doDeleteAll($objArray){
  76.     foreach($objArray['frmcheckall'] as $strkey=>$strValue) {
  77.             $strDeleteId = $strValue;
  79.              doDelete($strDeleteId);
  80.               //print_r($strDeleteId);
  81.                         /*$strQuery=  "UPDATE 
  82.                            tbl_categories  
  83.                           SET 
  84.                               IsDeleted = 'Yes' 
  85.                           WHERE
  86.                               Ident =".$strDeleteId." 
  87.                            LIMIT 1";*/
  89.                           //doDelete($objGetArray['id']);
  91. /*if(doDelete($objGetArray['id'])){
  92.             return 1;
  93.             //print_r(($objGetArray['id']));
  94.             }
  95.             else{
  96.             return 0;}*/
  97.         }
  98.     }
  100. /*function doDelete($objGetArray){
  101.     if(is_numeric($objGetArray['id'])){
  102.         $strQuery="SELECT * 
  103.                    FROM
  104.                           tbl_categories 
  105.                    WHERE 
  106.                       Ident=".$objGetArray['id'];
  107.         $strRows = SelectQry($strQuery);
  108.         if(is_array($strRows)){
  109.             $strQuery = "UPDATE
  110.                              tbl_categories 
  111.                          SET 
  112.                               IsDeleted = 'Yes' 
  113.                          WHERE  
  114.                               Ident =".$objGetArray['id']." 
  115.                          LIMIT 1";
  116.             ExecuteQry($strQuery);
  117.             return 1;
  118.         }else{
  119.             return 0;
  120.         }
  121.     }else{
  122.             return 0;
  123.     }
  124. } */
  125. function doDelete($strDeleteId){
  126. //print_r($objGetArray);
  127. //if($objGetArray['id']){
  128. $strQuery = "UPDATE
  129.                          tbl_categories 
  130.                          SET 
  131.                               IsDeleted = 'Yes' 
  132.                          WHERE  
  133.                               CategoryId = '".$strDeleteId."'";
  134.  // print_r($strQuery);
  135.         if(ExecuteQry($strQuery))
  136.             return 1;
  137.         else
  138.             return 0;
  140.     }
  142. function CheckId($objArray) {
  143. $strAddedDate=date("Y-m-d h:m:s");
  144. $strIp=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
  145.         if(is_numeric($_GET[id])){
  146.                 $Query = "SELECT * 
  147.                           FROM
  148.                                tbl_categories 
  149.                           WHERE  
  150.                                 CategoryId=".$_GET['id'] ;
  151.                 $strRecords = SelectQry($Query );
  152.                 if(!is_array($strRecords)) {
  153.                     return 0;
  154.                 }else{
  155.                     ExecuteQry($Query);
  156.                     return $strRecords;
  157.                 }
  158.             }
  159. }
  161. ?>
Nov 1 '08
21 2821
17 New Member
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. function doDeleteAll(){
  2.     foreach($objArray['frmcheckall'] as $strkey=>$strValue) {
  3.             $strDeleteId = $strValue;
  4.                doDelete($strDeleteId);
Jan 13 '09 #11
6,050 Recognized Expert Expert
Is $objArray['frmcheckall'] an array? It has to be for foreach to work.
Jan 13 '09 #12
17 New Member
yes frmcheckall is an array. how to take screen shot and send the error page to u
Jan 16 '09 #13
17 New Member
select all and unselect all working but when i click delete selected i got error
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/webuser/html/training/arunkarthik/siteadmins/includes/Functions_category.php
on line 77 i am doing like yahoo mail first check all and delete the selected one
Jan 16 '09 #14
code green
1,726 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
Why are you not paying attention to the help given???
Your problem has been answered but you are completeley ignoring the comments
As Markus asked
Is $objArray['frmcheckall'] an array? It has to be for foreach to work
As you completeley ignored him I will answer for you.
No it isn't, because nathj suggestion
line 76 of the third code sample.
currently this read:
Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers
  1. foreach($objArray['frmcheckall'] as $strkey=>$strValue) { 
Try making it:
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  1. foreach($objArray as $strkey=>$strValue) {
Points out the problem
As you have totally ignored them I will repeat

this line calls doDeleteAll() in which the WHOLE $_POST array is passed
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  2. if($_POST['frmcheckall']){     
  3.        print doDeleteAll($_POST); 
Yet in the function you are trying to loop ONE element only
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  2. foreach($objArray['frmcheckall'] as $strkey=>$strValue) 
Carry out nathj suggestion then we will look at your checkboxes
Jan 16 '09 #15
17 New Member
Thanks for the help now its solved
Jan 17 '09 #16
17 New Member
only one element is deleted if there two check boxes only one is deleted
Jan 17 '09 #17
17 New Member
if i change it to $objarray as strkey only one element is deleted
Jan 17 '09 #18
code green
1,726 Recognized Expert Top Contributor
Echo out the parameters passed into the doDeleteAll() function
Jan 19 '09 #19
17 New Member
I have echo out the parameters Again one element is deleted
this is the changed function which i have used

function doDeleteAll($ob jArray){

foreach($objArr ay as $strkey=>$strVa lue) {
$strDeleteId = $strValue;

doDelete($strDe leteId); } }
Jan 19 '09 #20

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