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// Get the names and values for vars sent by index.lib.php3
if (isset($HTTP_GE T_VARS))
while(list($nam e,$value) = each($HTTP_GET_ VARS))
$$name = $value;

// Get the names and values for post vars
if (isset($HTTP_PO ST_VARS))
while(list($nam e,$value) = each($HTTP_POST _VARS))
$$name = $value;

// Fix some security issues
if ((empty($From) || trim($From) == '')
|| (empty($U) || trim($U) == '')
|| (empty($R) || trim($R) == '')
|| (empty($Ver) || empty($L) || empty($N))
|| (!isset($T) || !isset($D) || !isset($O) || !isset($ST) || !isset($NT))
|| !is_dir('./localization/'.$L))

require("./config/config.lib.php3 ");
require("./localization/".$L."/localized.chat. php3");
require("./lib/release.lib.php 3");
require("./lib/database/".C_DB_TYPE.".l ib.php3");
require("./lib/clean.lib.php3" );

header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=${Chars et}");

// avoid server configuration for magic quotes
set_magic_quote s_runtime(0);

$U = urldecode($U);
$R = urldecode($R);

// Translate to html special characters, and entities if message was sent with a latin 1 charset
$Latin1 = ($Charset == "iso-8859-1");
function special_char($s tr,$lang)
return addslashes($lan g ? htmlentities(st ripslashes($str )) : htmlspecialchar s(stripslashes( $str)));

$DbLink = new DB;
// ** Updates user info in connected users tables and fix some security issues **
$DbLink->query("SELEC T room, status, ip FROM ".C_USR_TBL ." WHERE username = '$U' LIMIT 1");
if ($DbLink->num_rows() != 0)
list($room, $status, $knownIp) = $DbLink->next_record( );
$DbLink->clean_results( );
$kicked = 0;
// Security issue
include("./lib/get_IP.lib.php3 ");
if ($knownIp != $IP)
$kicked = 5;
// Update users info
if ($room != stripslashes($R )) // Same nick in another room
$DbLink->query("INSER T INTO ".C_MSG_TBL ." VALUES ($T, '$R', 'SYS exit', '', ".time().", '', 'sprintf(L_EXIT _ROM,
\"".special_cha r($U,$Latin1)." \")')");
$kicked = 3;
elseif ($status == "k") // Kicked by a moderator or the admin.
$DbLink->query("INSER T INTO ".C_MSG_TBL ." VALUES ($T, '$R', 'SYS exit', '', ".time().", '', 'sprintf(L_KICK ED,
\"".special_cha r($U,$Latin1)." \")')");
$kicked = 1;
elseif ($status == "d") // The admin just deleted the room
$kicked = 2;
elseif ($status == "b") // Banished by a moderator or the admin.
$DbLink->query("INSER T INTO ".C_MSG_TBL ." VALUES ($T, '$R', 'SYS exit', '', ".time().", '', 'sprintf(L_BANI SHED,
\"".special_cha r($U,$Latin1)." \")')");
$kicked = 4;
if ($kicked > 0)
// Kick the user from the current room
$kickedUrl = ($kicked < 5)
? "$From?L=$L&U=" .urlencode(stri pslashes($U))." &E=".urlencode( stripslashes($R ))."&KICKED=$ki cked"
: "$From?L=$L ";
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaS cript">
window.parent.w indow.location = '<?php echo($kickedUrl ); ?>';
// -->
$DbLink->clean_results( );
// Fix a security issue
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaS cript">
window.parent.w indow.location = '<?php echo("$From?L=$ L"); ?>';
// -->
// ** Send formated messages to the message table **
function AddMessage($M, $T, $R, $U, $C, $Private)
global $DbLink;
global $Latin1;
global $status;

// Text formating tags
if(C_HTML_TAGS_ KEEP == "none")
if(C_HTML_TAGS_ SHOW == 0)
// eliminates every HTML like tags
$M = ereg_replace("<[^>]+>", "", $M);
// or keep it without effect
$M = str_replace("<" , "&lt;", $M);
$M = str_replace(">" , "&gt;", $M);
// then C_HTML_TAGS_KEE P == "simple", we keep U, B and I tags
$M = str_replace("<" , "&lt;", $M);
$M = str_replace(">" , "&gt;", $M);

if(function_exi sts("preg_match "))
while(preg_matc h("/&lt;([ubi]?)&gt;(.*?)&lt; (\/\\1)&gt;/i",$M))
$M = preg_replace("/&lt;([ubi]?)&gt;(.*?)&lt; (\/\\1)&gt;/i","<\\1>\\2<\\ 3>",$M);
if(C_HTML_TAGS_ SHOW == 0)
$M = preg_replace("/&lt;\/?[ubi]?&gt;/i","",$M);

// URL
$M = eregi_replace(' ([[:space:]]|^)(www)', '\\1http://\\2', $M); // no prefix (www.myurl.ext)
$prefix = '(http|https|ft p|telnet|news|g opher|file|wais )://';
$pureUrl = '([[:alnum:]/\n+-=%&:_.~?]+[#[:alnum:]+]*)';
$M = eregi_replace($ prefix . $pureUrl, '<a href="\\1://\\2" target="_blank" >\\1://\\2</a>', $M);

// e-mail addresses
$M = eregi_replace(' ([0-9a-z]([-_.]?[0-9a-z])*@[0-9a-z]([-.]?[0-9a-z])*\\.[a-wyz][a-z](fo|g|l|m|mes|o |op|pa|ro|seum| t|u|v|z)?)',
'<a href="mailto:\\ 1">\\1</a>', $M);

// Smilies
if (C_USE_SMILIES == 1)
include("./lib/smilies.lib.php 3");
Check4Smilies($ M,$SmiliesTbl);
unset($SmiliesT bl);

// transform ISO-8859-1 special characters
if ($Latin1)
global $MsgTo;
ereg("(.*)(".$M sgTo."(&gt;)?)( .*)",$M,$Regs) ;
if ($MsgTo != "" && ($Regs[1] == "" && $Regs[4] == "")) $Regs[4] = $M;
if (!ereg("&[[:alnum:]]{1,10};",$Regs[1]) && !ereg("&[[:alnum:]]{1,10};",$Regs[4]))
for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++)
if (($i != 1 && $i != 4) || $Regs[$i] == "") continue;
$part = $Regs[$i];
$part = htmlentities($p art);
$part = str_replace("&l t;", "<", $part);
$part = str_replace("&g t;", ">", $part);
$part = str_replace("&a mp;lt;", "&lt;", $part);
$part = str_replace("&a mp;gt;", "&gt;", $part);
$part = str_replace("&q uot;","\"", $part);
$part = ereg_replace("& amp;(#[[:digit:]]{2,5};)", "&\\1", $part);
$Regs[$i] = $part;
$M = $Regs[1].$Regs[2].$Regs[4];

if (isset($C) and $C != "")
// Red colors are reserved to the admin or a moderator for the current room
if ((ereg('#(FF000 0|fc403f|fc4b34 |fa582a|f66421| f27119|ec7e11|e c117f|f21971|f6 2164|fa2a58|fc3 44b)', $C))
&& !($status == "a" || $status == "m"))
$C = "#000000";
$M = "<FONT COLOR=\"".$C."\ ">".$M."</FONT>";

$DbLink->query("INSER T INTO ".C_MSG_TBL ." VALUES ($T, '$R', '".addslashes($ U)."', '$Latin1', ".time().", '$Private',
'".addslashes($ M)."')");
// ** Define the default color that will be used for messages **
if (isset($HTTP_CO OKIE_VARS["CookieColo r"])) $CookieColor = $HTTP_COOKIE_VA RS["CookieColo r"];
if(!isset($Cook ieColor))
// set default color to black
$C = "#FFFFFF";
elseif (ereg('#(FF0000 |fc403f|fc4b34| fa582a|f66421|f 27119|ec7e11|ec 117f|f21971|f62 164|fa2a58|fc34 4b)', $CookieColor))
// Red colors are reserved to the admin or a moderator for the current room
if (!(isset($statu s) && ($status == "a" || $status == "m")))
$C = "#FFFFFF";

if (!isset($C))
$C = $CookieColor;

$C = "#FFFFFF";
$CookieColor = "#FFFFFF";


setcookie("Cook ieColor", $C, time() + 60*60*24*365); // cookie expires in one year

// ** Test for online commands and swear words **
$IsCommand = false;
$RefreshMessage s = false;
$IsPopup = false;
$IsM = false;

if (isset($M) && trim($M) != "" && ereg("^\/", $M)) include("./lib/commands.lib.ph p3");

if (isset($M) && ereg("^\/", $M) && !($IsCommand) && !isset($Error)) $Error = L_BAD_CMD;

if (isset($M) && trim($M) != "" && (!isset($M0) || ($M != $M0)) && !($IsCommand || isset($Error)))
if (C_NO_SWEAR == 1)
include("./lib/swearing.lib.ph p3");
$M = checkwords($M, false);
AddMessage(stri pslashes($M), $T, $R, $U, $C, "");
$RefreshMessage s = true;


// For translations with an explicit charset (not the 'x-user-defined' one)
if (!isset($FontNa me)) $FontName = "";
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<HTML dir="<?php echo(($Charset == "windows-1256") ? "RTL" : "LTR"); ?>">

<TITLE>Input frame</TITLE>
<LINK REL="stylesheet " HREF="config/style.css.php3? <?php echo("Charset=$ {Charset}&mediu m=${FontSize}&F ontName=${FontN ame}"); ?>"
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaS cript1.2">
// Get the position for the help popup
if (window.parent. NS4) document.captur eEvents(Event.M OUSEDOWN);
document.onmous edown = window.parent.d isplayLocation;
// -->

<BODY CLASS="frame" <?php if (!$IsPopup) echo("onLoad=\" if (window.focus) window.parent.g et_focus();\"") ; ?>>

<!-- Input form -->

// Define the way posted values will be handled according to the javascript abilities
// of the browser
if ($Ver == "H")
$action = "handle_inputH. php3";
$target = "input_sent ";
$action = "input.php3 ";
$target = "_self";
<FORM NAME="MsgForm" ACTION="<?php echo($action); ?>" METHOD="POST" AUTOCOMPLETE="O FF" TARGET="<?php echo($target); ?>"
onSubmit="retur n window.parent.v alidateSubmissi on();">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="From" VALUE="<?php echo($From); ?>">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Ver" VALUE="<?php echo($Ver); ?>">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="L" VALUE="<?php echo($L); ?>">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="R" VALUE="<?php echo(htmlspecia lchars(stripsla shes(urlencode( $R)))); ?>">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="T" VALUE="<?php echo($T); ?>">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="D" VALUE="<?php echo($D); ?>">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="N" VALUE="<?php echo($N); ?>">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="O" VALUE="<?php echo($O); ?>">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="ST" VALUE="<?php echo($ST); ?>">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="NT" VALUE="<?php echo($NT); ?>">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="PWD_Hash" VALUE="<?php echo(isset($PWD _Hash) ? $PWD_Hash : ''); ?>">

<!-- Ignored users list -->
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Ign" VALUE="<?php echo(isset($Ign ) ? htmlspecialchar s(stripslashes( $Ign)) : ""); ?>">

<!-- Last sent message or command (will be used for the '/!' command) -->
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="M0" VALUE="<?php echo(isset($M) ? htmlspecialchar s(stripslashes( $M)) : ""); ?>">

<A HREF="help_popu p.php3?<?php echo("L=$L&Ver= $Ver"); ?>" onClick="window .parent.help_po pup(); return false" TARGET="_blank"
onmouseover="do cument.images['helpImg'].src = window.parent.i mgHelpOn.src" onmouseout="doc ument.images['helpImg'].src =
window.parent.i mgHelpOff.src"> <IMG NAME="helpImg" SRC="images/helpOff.gif" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15 BORDER=0 ALT="<?php echo(L_HLP); ?>"
onClick="docume nt.forms['MsgForm'].elements['M'].focus();"></A>&nbsp;

// Get the value to put in the message box : preceding M0 field value for /! command,
// preceding entry if it was an erroneous command, else nothing;
$ValM = $IsM ? $M0 : "";
if (isset($Error) && !($IsCommand)) $ValM = $M;
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="M" SIZE="45" taborder=1 tabindex=1 MAXLENGTH="299" VALUE="<?php
echo(htmlspecia lchars(stripsla shes($ValM))); ?>">

<!-- Addressee that will be filled when the user click on a nick at the users frame -->
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="MsgTo" VALUE="">

if ($Ver == "L")
// Drop down list of colors for non-enabled JavaScript1.1+ browsers
echo("<SELECT NAME=\"C\">\n") ;
while(list($Col orName, $ColorCode) = each($TextColor s))
// Red color is reserved to the admin or a moderator for the current room
if ($ColorCode == "#FF0000" && !(isset($status ) && ($status == "a" || $status == "m"))) continue;
echo("<OPTION VALUE=\"".$Colo rCode."\"");
if($C == $ColorCode || $ColorCode == "#000000") echo(" SELECTED");
echo(">".$Color Name."</OPTION>");
echo("\n</SELECT>&nbsp;\n ");
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="C" VALUE="<?php echo($C); ?>">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="sent" VALUE="0">
<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="sendForm" VALUE="<?php echo(L_OK); ?>">

&nbsp;<font color=white> <b>Name</b></font>
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="U" SIZE="5" MAXLENGTH="29" VALUE="<?php echo(htmlspecia lchars(stripsla shes(urlencode( $U)))); ?>">


<form name="aliasform ">

<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="ZU" SIZE="5" MAXLENGTH="29" VALUE="<?php echo(htmlspecia lchars(stripsla shes(urlencode( $U)))); ?>">


if ($Ver != "L")
// Define the colors picker for JavaScript1.1+ enabled browsers
unset($TextColo rs);
$TextColors = array('#ffffff' , '#ffffff');
for($x = 0; $x < 360; $x += 6)
$r = ceil(126 * (cos(deg2rad($x )) + 1));
$g = ceil(126 * (cos(deg2rad($x + 240)) + 1));
$b = ceil(126 * (cos(deg2rad($x + 120)) + 1));
if(!($r > 128 && $g < 128 && $b < 128 && !(isset($status ) && ($status == "a" || $status == "m"))))
$TextColors[] = '#'.substr('0'. dechex($r), -2).substr('0'.d echex($g), -2).substr('0'.d echex($b), -2);
<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp ;</TD>
while(list($key , $ColorCode) = each($TextColor s))
$i = $key + 1;
if ($ColorCode == $C)
$wichImage = "selColor.g if";
$wichSelected = $i;
$wichImage = "unselColor.gif ";
echo("\n\t\t\t" );
echo('<td bgcolor="' . $ColorCode . '"><a href="#" onclick="window .parent.ChangeC olor(\'' . $ColorCode . '\',\'C' . $i .'\');
return false;"><img src="images/' . $wichImage . '" alt="' . $ColorCode . '" name="C' . $i . '" border="0" width="2" height="20"
unset($TextColo rs);
<TD> </TD>

// ** Ensure a color is selected in the colors picker, else select the default one (black) **
if ($Ver != "L")
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaS cript">
if (isset($wichSel ected))
window.parent.S elColor = "<?php echo("C${wichSe lected}"); ?>";
window.parent.C hangeColor("#FF FFFF","C1");
// -->

// ** Refresh the messages frame if necessary **
if($RefreshMess ages)
$Tmp = isset($Ign) ? "&Ign=".urlenco de(stripslashes ($Ign)) : "";
$First = isset($First) ? $First : 0;
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaS cript">
if ($Ver == "H")
if ($First) echo("window.pa rent.frames['messages'].window.documen t.close();\n\tw indow.parent.co nnect = 0;\n");
if (window.parent. connect == 0)
window.parent.r efresh_query = "<?php
echo("From=".ur lencode($From). "&amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;
amp;amp;amp;amp ;L=$L&amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp
;amp;U=".urlenc ode(stripslashe s($U))."&amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;a
mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;R=".url encode(stripsla shes($R))."&amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp
;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;T=$T &amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;am
p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; D=$D&amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;a
mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;N=$N&amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;
amp;amp;ST=$ST& amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;N
T=$NT".$Tmp."&a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;Fi
rst=$First"); ?>";
window.parent.f orce_refresh();
window.parent.f rames['messages'].window.locatio n = 'messagesL.php3 ?<?php
echo("From=".ur lencode($From). "&amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;
amp;amp;amp;amp ;L=$L&amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp
;amp;U=".urlenc ode(stripslashe s($U))."&amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;a
mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;R=".url encode(stripsla shes($R))."&amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp
;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;T=$T &amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;am
p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; D=$D&amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;a
mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;N=$N&amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;
amp;amp;O=$O&am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;ST=
$ST&amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; amp;amp;amp;amp ;amp;amp;amp;am p;amp;amp;amp;a mp;amp;amp;amp; NT=$NT".$Tmp
); ?>';
// -->

// ** Display a JavaScript alert box with the error message if necessary **
if(isset($Error ))
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" LANGUAGE="JavaS cript">
alert("<?php echo(str_replac e("\\\\n","\\n" ,addslashes($Er ror))); ?>");
// -->

// ** Put JavaScript instructions that commands may have set
if (isset($jsTbl))
for (reset($jsTbl); $jsInst=current ($jsTbl); next($jsTbl))
echo("$jsInst\n ");


\ oo
/ /_/ /\ \_\ - FREE THE TRUeMAN -
/ K-9/ \/_/ - Join www.chatty.net -
/____/_____\ - Webmasters join www.BannerX.net -

Jul 17 '05 #1
0 2457

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I have .net C# application in which I am extracting data from word file and save it in database particularly. To store word all data as it is I am converting the whole word file firstly in HTML and then checking html paragraph one by one. At the time of converting from word file to html my equations which are in the word document file was convert into image. Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Select();...
by: 6302768590 | last post by:
Hai team i want code for transfer the data from one system to another through IP address by using C# our system has to for every 5mins then we have to update the data what the data is updated we have to send another system
by: muto222 | last post by:
How can i add a mobile payment intergratation into php mysql website.
by: bsmnconsultancy | last post by:
In today's digital era, a well-designed website is crucial for businesses looking to succeed. Whether you're a small business owner or a large corporation in Toronto, having a strong online presence can significantly impact your brand's success. BSMN Consultancy, a leader in Website Development in Toronto offers valuable insights into creating effective websites that not only look great but also perform exceptionally well. In this comprehensive...

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