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Email will not output Address, City, State, Zip & phone number

3 New Member
I'm trying to script my contact page and I have everything the way I want it however I cannot get my script to output Address, City, State, Zip & Phone Number when I get a email. It will output email address, subject & message.
Please help![php]
Copyright 2006 Gavin Bell
http://www.bellonline. co.uk
gavin@bellonlin e.co.uk

modified by Craig Fisher for Dakota Portraits - 1-30-2006

extract($_POST) ;

if (!file_exists(" config.php"))
$host = $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST ];
$path = pathinfo($_SERV ER['PHP_SELF']);
$file_path = $path['dirname'];
print "<h1>BELLon line PHP mailer script</h1>
<h2>There is a problem with your PHP mailer script installation</h2>
<p>The config.php file seems to be missing!</p>
<p>For this script to work, you need to upload the config.php file that came with the download of the BELLonline <a href=\"http://www.bellonline. co.uk/web-services/free/scripts/php-mailer-script/\">PHP mailer script</a>.</p>
<p>The file must be in the following directory of your website:</p>
<p>$host<span style=\"font-weight: bold; font-size: 150%;\">$file_p ath/</span></p>
<p>If you need help installing the script, then feel free to email me at <a href=\"&#x6d;&# x61;ilt&#x6f;:& #x67;&#x61;v&#x 69;n@b&#x65;&#x 6c;&#x6c;&#x6f; n&#x6c;ine.&#x6 3;o.&#x75;&#x6b ;\">&#x67;&#x61 ;v&#x69;n@b&#x6 5;&#x6c;&#x6c;& #x6f;n&#x6c;ine .&#x63;o.&#x75; &#x6b;</a></p>";
include "config.php ";

if (empty ($senders_name) )
$error = "1";
$info_error .= $lang_noname . "<br>";

if (empty ($senders_addre ss))
$error = "1";
$info_error .= $lang_noaddress . "<br>";

if (empty ($senders_citys tatezip))
$error = "1";
$info_error .= $lang_nocitysta tezip . "<br>";

if (empty ($senders_phone number))
$error = "1";
$info_error .= $lang_nophonenu mber . "<br>";

if (empty ($senders_email ))
$error = "1";
$info_error .= $lang_noemail . "<br>";

if (empty ($mail_subject) )
$error = "1";
$info_error .= $lang_nosubject . "<br>";

if (empty ($mail_message) )
$error = "1";
$info_error .= $lang_nomessage . "<br>";

if (!eregi("^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9._%-]+\.[A-Z]{2,6}$", $senders_email) )
$error = "1";
$info_error .= $lang_invalidem ail . "<br>";

if (empty ($security_code ))
$error = "1";
$info_error .= $lang_nocode . "<br>";

elseif ($security_code != $randomness)
$error = "1";
$info_error .= $lang_wrongcode . "<br>";

if ($error == "1")
$info_notice = "<span style=\"color: " . $error_colour . "; font-weight: bold;\">" . $lang_error . "</span><br>";

if (empty ($submit))
$info_error = "";
$info_notice = $lang_notice;

function Random()
$chars = "abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz234 56789";
srand((double)m icrotime()*1000 000);
$i = 0;
$pass = '' ;
while ($i <= 4)
$num = rand() % 32;
$tmp = substr($chars, $num, 1);
$pass = $pass . $tmp;
return $pass;
$random_code = Random();
$mail_message = stripslashes($m ail_message);
print "<form name=\"BELLonli ne_email\" method=\"post\" style=\"margin: 0;\" action=\"\">
<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2 \" cellpadding=\"2 \">
<tr align=\"center\ "$title_ali gn\" valign=\"center \">
<td colspan=\"2\">< span style=\"$title_ css\">$lang_tit le</span></td>
<tr align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">
<td colspan=\"2\">$ info_notice$inf o_error</td>
<tr valign=\"left\" >
<td width=\"165\" align=\"right\" >$lang_name</td>
<td align=\"center\ "><input name=\"senders_ name\" type=\"text\" class=\"mailfor m_input\" id=\"senders_na me\" style=\"width: $input_width;\" value=\"$sender s_name\" maxlength=\"32\ "></td>
<tr valign=\"left\" >
<td width=\"165\" align=\"right\" >$lang_addres s</td>
<td align=\"center\ "><input name=\"senders_ address\" type=\"text\" class=\"mailfor m_input\" id=\"senders_na me\" style=\"width: $input_width;\" value=\"$sender s_address\" maxlength=\"32\ "></td>
<tr valign=\"left\" >
<td width=\"165\" align=\"right\" >$lang_citystat ezip</td>
<td align=\"center\ "><input name=\"senders_ citystatezip\" type=\"text\" class=\"mailfor m_input\" id=\"senders_ad dress\" style=\"width: $input_width;\" value=\"$sender s_citystatezip\ " maxlength=\"32\ "></td>
<tr valign=\"left\" >
<td width=\"165\" align=\"right\" >$lang_phonenum ber</td>
<td align=\"center\ "><input name=\"senders_ phonenumber\" type=\"text\" class=\"mailfor m_input\" id=\"senders_ph onenumber\" style=\"width: $input_width;\" value=\"$sender s_phonenumber\" maxlength=\"32\ "></td>
<tr valign=\"left\" >
<td width=\"165\" align=\"right\" >$lang_youremai l</td>
<td align=\"center\ "><input name=\"senders_ email\" type=\"text\" class=\"mailfor m_input\" id=\"senders_em ail\" style=\"width: $input_width;\" value=\"$sender s_email\" maxlength=\"64\ "></td>
<tr valign=\"left\" >
<td width=\"165\" align=\"right\" >$lang_subjec t</td>
<td align=\"center\ "><input name=\"mail_sub ject\" type=\"text\" class=\"mailfor m_input\" id=\"mail_subje ct\" style=\"width: $input_width;\" value=\"$mail_s ubject\" maxlength=\"64\ "></td>
<tr valign=\"left\" >
<td width=\"165\" align=\"right\" >$lang_messag e</td>
<td align=\"center\ "><textarea name=\"mail_mes sage\" cols=\"36\" rows=\"5\" style=\"width: $input_width;\" class=\"mailfor m_input\">$mail _message</textarea></td>
<tr align=\"left\" valign=\"right\ ">
<td width=\"165\">$ lang_confirmati on</td>
<td><input name=\"security _code\" type=\"text\" id=\"security_c ode\" size=\"5\">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nb sp;&nbsp;<b>$ra ndom_code</b></td>
<tr valign=\"top\">
<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\ "><input name=\"randomne ss\" type=\"hidden\" id=\"randomness \" value=\"$random _code\">
<input name=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" id=\"submit\" value=\"$lang_s ubmit\" class=\"mailfor m_button\"></td>

if ($checkdomain == "yes")
$sender_domain = substr($senders _email, (strpos($sender s_email, '@')) +1);
$recipient_doma in = substr($sendto_ email, (strpos($sendto _email, '@')) +1);
if ($sender_domain == $recipient_doma in)
print "Sorry, you cannot send messages from this domain ($sender_domain )";

$info_notice = $lang_sent;
$mail_message = stripslashes($m ail_message);
$senders_email = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s.@-]/", " ", $senders_email) ;
$senders_name = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9s]/", " ", $senders_name);
$headers = "From: $senders_name <$senders_email > - Dakota Portraits email submission\r\n" ;
$headers .= "Reply-to: $senders_email\ n";
$headers .= "X-Mailer: Dakota Portraits website email submission form\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n";
mail($sendto_em ail,"$mail_subj ect", $mail_message, $headers);
print " <table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2 \" cellpadding=\"2 \">
<tr align=\"$title_ align\" valign=\"center \">
<td colspan=\"2\">< span style=\"$title_ css\">$lang_tit le</span></td>
<tr align=\"$title_ align\" valign=\"top\">
<td colspan=\"2\">$ info_notice</td>
<tr valign=\"top\">
<td width=\"165\" align=\"right\" >$lang_name</td>
<td align=\"left\"> <b>$senders_nam e</b></td>
<tr valign=\"top\">
<td width=\"165\" align=\"right\" >$lang_addres s</td>
<td align=\"left\"> <b>$senders_add ress</b></td>
<tr valign=\"top\">
<td width=\"165\" align=\"right\" >$lang_citystat ezip</td>
<td align=\"left\"> <b>$senders_cit ystatezip</b></td>
<tr valign=\"top\">
<td width=\"165\" align=\"right\" >$lang_phonenum ber</td>
<td align=\"left\"> <b>$senders_pho nenumber</b></td>
<tr valign=\"top\">
<td width=\"165\" align=\"right\" >$lang_youremai l</td>
<td align=\"left\"> <b>$senders_ema il</b></td>
<tr valign=\"top\">
<td width=\"165\" align=\"right\" >$lang_subjec t</td>
<td align=\"left\"> <b>$mail_subjec t</b></td>
<tr valign=\"top\">
<td width=\"165\" align=\"right\" >$lang_messag e</td>
<td align=\"left\"> <b>$mail_messag e</b></td>
Feb 10 '07 #1
6 1940
4,258 Recognized Expert Specialist
Before you post any further in this forum, read the Posting Guidelines, especially the part about enclosing your code within code or php tags!!!
You are breaking the box with the way you show it now.

Feb 10 '07 #2
4,258 Recognized Expert Specialist
Welcome to The Scripts.

Before you post any further in this forum, read the Posting Guidelines, especially the part about enclosing your code within code or php tags!!!
You are breaking the box with the way you show it now.

Feb 10 '07 #3
5,058 Recognized Expert Expert
I cant see the problem :/
Except that you mixed up some of the text fields id's, but I doubt that will cause a problem.
Feb 10 '07 #4
4,258 Recognized Expert Specialist
I removed you post because it is identical to the original post. And you are still NOT enclosing it within the required tags, thereby breaking this box.

Feb 11 '07 #5
3 New Member

My apologize for not using the correct tags!

Does anyone see an issue with this script as far as why it will not output the address, city, state, zip & phone number in the email that it sends? If you need more info please let me know.
Feb 12 '07 #6
202 New Member
Just by looking at the script, perhaps I am wrong here, but I don't see where the $lang* is associated with your $headers.
Feb 12 '07 #7

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