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Help with this code

The following is code from Xeoport.
It is suppose to access my pop3 account and load email into Mysql

It's not inserting and there is no log or anything to tell me why.
Here is the page.

The original coder left no contact info.
The reason I think it's the code is because of another issue.
I had to remove a section of code that checked for a db, table, if not
there it created one.
The code worked fine if no db. But it failed if the table is there.

1. How can I view the output of the sql statements to see what they
contain before excution.

2. Anyone see something that jumps out as a possible problem



Anyway here is the code.



XeoPort (mailserver-2-mysql-import-module)

(c) 2002 xeoman

look into "config.inc " for customization


include('includ es/config.inc');
include('includ es/functions.inc') ;
/* won't work on php run in safe mode */
set_time_limit( $time_limit);
/* preparing header of feedback page */
$html_output = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dt d">'.
$html_output .= '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<head><title>X eoPort ' . $version_nr . '</title>'.
$html_output .= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
charset=iso-8859-1" />'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<meta name="author" content="Xeoman " />'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<meta name="copyright " content="2002 Xeoman" />'.
$html_output .= '<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />'.
$html_output .= '<meta name="keywords" content="XeoPor t import IMAP
POP3 email messages PHP MySQL module Xeoman" />'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<meta name="descripti on" content="XeoPor t ' .
$version_nr . ' - an PHP script to import and backup IMAP or POP3
email messages into MySQL." />'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<meta name="MSSmartTa gsPreventParsin g" content="TRUE"
/>'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<meta http-equiv="imagetoo lbar" content="no" />'.
$html_output .= '<link href="includes/xeoport.css" rel="stylesheet "
type="text/css" />'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '</head><body>'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3"
cellspacing="1" >'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<tr class="report"> <th colspan="5" class="report"> <br
/><h1 class="report"> XeoPort ' . $version_nr . '</h1><br
/></th></tr>'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<tr class="status"> <td colspan="5"
class="status"> <p>XeoPort started on ' . date("Y-m-d [H:i:s]") .
'</p>'. "\r\n";

/*______________ ____ open mailbox or exit if we can not
_______________ ____________*/

$inbox = @imap_open ('{' . $mail_host . '/' . $mail_protocol . '}',
$mail_user, $mail_pass);
if (!$inbox) {
/* okay we give some feedback now */
if ($html_feedback == TRUE) {
$html_output .= '<p class="status"> XeoPort could not connect:
<strong>' . imap_last_error () . '</strong></p></td></tr>'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '</table></body></html>';
echo $html_output;
$html_output = NULL;
@imap_close($in box);
$html_output .= '<p class="status"> XeoPort sucessfully connected to
<strong>' . $mail_host . '</strong></p>'. "\r\n";

/*______________ ____ count messages and exit if inbox is empty
_______________ ____________*/

$total = @imap_num_msg($ inbox);
if ($total < 1) {
/* okay we give some feedback now */
if ($html_feedback == TRUE) {
$html_output .= '<p class="status"> No messages found on <strong>' .
$mail_host . '</strong>. Disconnected on ' . date("Y-m-d [H:i:s]") .
'</p></td></tr>'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '</table></body></html>';
echo $html_output;
$html_output = NULL;
@imap_close($in box);

/*______________ ____ open mysql-link or exit if we can not / echo
result / create table _______________ ____________*/

$sql_link = mysql_connect ("$sql_host" , "$sql_user" , "$sql_pass" )
or exit;
mysql_select_db ("$sql_db");

$html_output .= '<p class="status"> XeoPort sucessfully connected to
database <strong>' . $sql_db . '</strong></p>'. "\r\n";

/* check if table exists if not create it */
$$sql_table_ok = @mysql_num_rows (@mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM
if ($$sql_table_ok == FALSE) {
$sql_createtabl e = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $sql_table . ' (
xp_nr int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
xp_id tinytext,
xp_updated bigint(20) default NULL,
xp_md5 tinytext,
xp_time_unix bigint(20) default NULL,
xp_time_iso time default NULL,
xp_date_iso date default NULL,
xp_date_full tinytext,
xp_from_name tinytext,
xp_from_address tinytext,
xp_from_full tinytext,
xp_from_replyto tinytext,
xp_to_name tinytext,
xp_to_address tinytext,
xp_to_full tinytext,
xp_subject_text text,
xp_subject_inre plyto tinytext,
xp_header_raw longtext,
xp_body_raw longtext,
xp_body_text longtext,
xp_attachments tinytext,
xp_size smallint(6) default NULL,
xp_type tinytext,
$sql_ok = @mysql_query($s ql_createtable) ;
if ($sql_ok == TRUE) {
$html_output .= '<p class="status"> Table <strong>' . $sql_table .
'</strong> successfully created</p>'. "\r\n";
} else {
$html_output .= '<p class="status"> Table <strong>' . $sql_table .
'</strong> could NOT be created<br />Please create it manually<br
/>XeoPort will exit now.</p></td></tr>'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '</table></body></html>';
/* okay we give some feedback now */
if ($html_feedback == TRUE) {
echo $html_output;

if ($insert_raw == TRUE) {
$html_output .= '<p class="status"> All headers and the entire message
will be imported into <strong>' . $sql_db . '</strong></p></td></tr>'.
} else {
$html_output .= '<p class="status"> Only the text part of messages
will be imported into <strong>' . $sql_db . '</strong></p></td></tr>'.
/* okay we give some feedback now */
if ($html_feedback == TRUE) {
echo $html_output;
$html_output = NULL;
/* timer for the entire script */
$time_looper = timer_start();

/*______________ ____ now we actually loop thru the messages on server
_______________ ____________*/

for($x=1; $x <= $total; $x++) {
$time_scriptsta rt = timer_start();

/* first all vars from the previous mail got killed */
$html_output = NULL;
$structure = NULL;
$headers = NULL;
$xp_id = NULL;
$xp_md5 = NULL;
$xp_time_unix = NULL;
$xp_date_full = NULL;
$xp_subject_tex t = NULL;
$xp_subject_inr eplyto = NULL;
$xp_from_full = NULL;
$xp_from_name = NULL;
$xp_from_addres s = NULL;
$xp_from_replyt o = NULL;
$xp_to_full = NULL;
$xp_to_name = NULL;
$xp_to_address = NULL;
$xp_header_raw = NULL;
$xp_body_raw = NULL;
$xp_body_text = NULL;
$xp_attachments = NULL;
$xp_size = NULL;
$xp_type = NULL;
$parts_type = NULL;
$parts_encoding = NULL;
$parts_size = NULL;
$parts_filename = NULL;
$parts_filesize = NULL;
$parts_structur e = NULL;
$sql_ok = NULL;
$temp_html_key = NULL;
$temp_p = NULL;
$temp_b = NULL;
$temp_s = NULL;
$temp_t = NULL;
$temp_y = NULL;
$temp_z = NULL;
$temp_k = NULL;
$temp_v = NULL;

/* get header and structure */
$headers = imap_header($in box, $x);
$structure = imap_fetchstruc ture($inbox, $x);

/* initiate most of our vars */
$xp_id = $headers->message_id;
$xp_time_unix = $headers->udate;
$xp_time_iso = date("H:i:s", $xp_time_unix);
$xp_date_iso = date("Y-m-d", $xp_time_unix);
$xp_date_full = $headers->Date;
$xp_subject_tex t = decode_header($ headers->subject);
if (strlen($xp_sub ject_text) > 30 && strpos(substr($ xp_subject_text ,
0, 30), " ") < 1) {
$xp_subject_sho w = substr($xp_subj ect_text, 0, 30) . ' ' .
substr($xp_subj ect_text, 31);
} else {
$xp_subject_sho w = $xp_subject_tex t;
$xp_subject_inr eplyto = $headers->in_reply_to;
$xp_from_full = decode_header($ headers->fromaddress) ;
$xp_from_addres s = get_substring($ xp_from_full, '<', '>');
$xp_from_name = get_name($xp_fr om_full);
$xp_from_replyt o = decode_header($ headers->reply_toaddres s);
$xp_to_full = decode_header($ headers->toaddress);
$xp_to_address = get_substring($ xp_to_full, '<', '>');
$xp_to_name = get_name($xp_to _full);

/* leave the imap-prefs-file alone */
if (substr_count($ xp_from_name, "Mail System Internal Data") > 0) {
/* construct message-id if missing */
if (!$xp_id) {
$xp_id = md5(imap_fetchh eader($inbox, $x));
/* unified id consisting only of ascii for later callback*/
$xp_md5 = md5($xp_id);

/*______________ ____ here we decide if we insert the email into
database or skip that part _______________ ____________*/

$html_output .= '<tr class="col">'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<td class="col1nr"> ' . $x . ' / ' . $total .
'</td>'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<td class="col2subj ect"><em>' .
htmlspecialchar s($xp_from_name ) . '</em> ==&gt; <em>' .
htmlspecialchar s($xp_to_name) . '</em><br /><strong>' .
htmlspecialchar s($xp_subject_s how) . '</strong></td>'. "\r\n";

$counter_rows = mysql_num_rows( mysql_query("SE LECT * from $sql_table
WHERE xp_id='$xp_id'" ));
if ($counter_rows > 0) {
/* if the mail is already in the database skip the rest */
// mysql_query("UP DATE $sql_table SET xp_id_pulled = '1' WHERE
xp_id='$xp_id'" );
$counter_found+ +;
$html_output .= '<td class="col3part s">&nbsp;</td>'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<td class="col4inda tabase">in database</td>'.
$html_output .= '<td class="col5time r">' .
number_format(t imer_stop($time _scriptstart), 2, ',', '.') .
'</td></tr>'. "\r\n";
/* okay we give some feedback now */
if ($html_feedback == TRUE) {
echo $html_output;
$html_output = NULL;
/* and delete the message from inbox or not according to prefs */
if ($message_delet e == TRUE) {
imap_delete($in box, $x);

/*______________ ____ get the structure of the mail, count its parts
and split it up _______________ ____________*/

$xp_header_raw = imap_fetchheade r($inbox, $x);
$parts = $structure->parts;
$parts_count = count($parts);

/*______________ ____ loop thru all parts and subparts of message and
build arrays accordingly _______________ _______________ _____*/

for($temp_z=0; $temp_z<$parts_ count; $temp_z++) {
$temp_p = NULL;
$temp_b = NULL;
$parts_type_mai n = NULL;
$parts_subtype_ main = NULL;

if ($parts[$temp_z]->type == "") {
$parts[$temp_z]->type = 0;
$temp_y = $temp_z + 1;
$parts_number = '_' . $temp_y;
$parts_type_mai n = strtolower($typ e[$parts[$temp_z]->type]);
$parts_type["$parts_num ber"] = $parts_type_mai n . '/' .
strtolower($par ts[$temp_z]->subtype);
$parts_encoding["$parts_num ber"] =
$parts_size["$parts_num ber"] = $parts[$temp_z]->bytes;
if (strtolower($pa rts[$temp_z]->disposition) == "attachment ") {
$temp_b = $parts[$temp_z]->dparameters;
if(is_array($te mp_b) || is_object($temp _b)) {
while (list(, $temp_p) = each ($temp_b)) {
if ($temp_p->attribute == "FILENAME") {
$xp_attachments .= decode_header($ temp_p->value) . ' [' .
ceil($parts[$temp_z]->bytes / 1024) . ' KB]' . $line_break;
$parts_filename["$parts_num ber"] =
decode_header($ temp_p->value);
$parts_filesize["$parts_num ber"] = $parts[$temp_z]->bytes;
/* if there are inline parts dig deeper */
if ($parts_type_ma in == 'multipart') {
$parts_sub = $parts[$temp_z]->parts;
$parts_sub_coun t = count($parts_su b);
for ($temp_s = 0; $temp_s < $parts_sub_coun t; $temp_s++) {
$temp_t = $temp_s + 1;
$parts_sub_numb er = $parts_number . '.' . $temp_t;
$parts_subtype_ main =
strtolower($typ e[$parts_sub[$temp_s]->type]);
$parts_type["$parts_sub_num ber"] = $parts_subtype_ main . '/' .
strtolower($par ts_sub[$temp_s]->subtype);
$parts_encoding["$parts_sub_num ber"] =
strtolower($enc oding[$parts_sub[$temp_s]->encoding]);
$parts_size["$parts_sub_num ber"] = $parts_sub[$temp_s]->bytes;
/* 3level parts are rare but we want to be sure */
if ($parts_subtype _main == 'multipart') {
$parts_subsub = $parts_sub[$temp_s]->parts;
$parts_subsub_c ount = count($parts_su bsub);
for ($temp_m = 0; $temp_m < $parts_subsub_c ount; $temp_m++) {
$temp_n = $temp_m + 1;
$parts_subsub_n umber = $parts_sub_numb er . '.' . $temp_n;
$parts_type["$parts_subsub_ number"] =
strtolower($typ e[$parts_subsub[$temp_m]->type]) . '/' .
strtolower($par ts_subsub[$temp_m]->subtype);
$parts_encoding["$parts_subsub_ number"] =
strtolower($enc oding[$parts_subsub[$temp_m]->encoding]);
$parts_size["$parts_subsub_ number"] =

/*______________ ____ get the parts of the message we want
_______________ _______________ _______________ ________*/

if (is_array($part s_type)) {
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($parts_type)) {
if (strlen($key) < 3) {
$parts_structur e .= '<strong>' . str_replace("_" , "", $key) .
} else {
$parts_structur e .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&n bsp;<strong>' .
str_replace("_" , "", $key) . '</strong>';
$parts_structur e .= ' _ ' . $val . ' <em>' . $parts_encoding[$key]
.. ' _ </em> [' . $parts_size[$key] . ']<br />';
if ($val == 'text/plain' || $val == 'message/rfc822') {
$xp_body_text = decode_text(ima p_fetchbody($in box, $x,
str_replace("_" , "", $key)), $parts_encoding[$key]);
/* we need this just in case message has only html-part */
if ($val == 'text/html') {
$temp_html_key = $key;
/* if the array is empty there's only text so we can simply get the
body-part */
} else {
/* decode if body is encoded */
if ($structure->encoding > 0) {
$xp_body_text = decode_text(ima p_body($inbox, $x),
$parts_structur e .= '<strong>0</strong> _ text/plain <em>' .
$encoding[$structure->encoding] . '</em> _ [' . $structure->bytes .
']<br />';
} else {
$xp_body_text = imap_body($inbo x, $x);
$parts_structur e .= '<strong>0</strong> _ text/plain <em>7bit</em>
_ [' . $structure->bytes . ']<br />';
/* if we have no text till now we try to check for the html-part */
if (($xp_body_text == '') && ($temp_html_key )) {
$xp_body_text = strip_tags(deco de_text(imap_fe tchbody($inbox, $x,
str_replace("_" , "", $temp_html_key) ),

/* the raw email will be saved or not according to prefs */
if ($insert_raw == TRUE) {
$xp_header_raw = imap_fetchheade r($inbox, $x);
$xp_body_raw = imap_body($inbo x, $x);
/* replacing line breaks according to prefs */
$xp_body_text = preg_replace("/(\015\012)|(\01 5)|(\012)/",
"$line_brea k", $xp_body_text);
$xp_attachments = str_replace("$l ine_break$line_ break","$line_b reak",
$xp_attachments );
/* calculating the message size */
if (is_array($part s_size)) {
$xp_size = ceil(array_sum( $parts_size) / 1024);
} else {
$xp_size = ceil($structure->bytes / 1024);

/* this will make all data safe for mysql */
if ($conf_magicquo tes == 0) {
foreach($GLOBAL S as $temp_k=>$temp_ v) {
if (substr_count($ temp_k, "xp_") > 0) {
$GLOBALS[$temp_k] = addslashes($tem p_v);

if ($xp_body_text == '') {
$counter_empty+ +;
$html_output .= '<td class="col3part s">' . $parts_structur e .
'</td>'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<td class="col4empt y">empty</td>'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<td class="col5time r">' .
number_format(t imer_stop($time _scriptstart), 2, ',', '.') .
'</td></tr>'. "\r\n";
/* okay we give some feedback now */
if ($html_feedback == TRUE) {
echo $html_output;
$html_output = NULL;

$sql_insertstri ng = "INSERT INTO $sql_table(xp_i d, xp_md5,
xp_time_unix, xp_time_iso, xp_date_iso, xp_date_full, xp_from_name,
xp_from_address , xp_from_full, xp_from_replyto , xp_to_name,
xp_to_address, xp_to_full, xp_subject_text , xp_subject_inre plyto,
xp_header_raw, xp_body_raw, xp_body_text, xp_attachments, xp_size,
xp_type) VALUES ('$xp_id', '$xp_md5', '$xp_time_unix' , '$xp_time_iso',
'$xp_date_iso', '$xp_date_full' , '$xp_from_name' , '$xp_from_addre ss',
'$xp_from_full' , '$xp_from_reply to', '$xp_to_name', '$xp_to_address ',
'$xp_to_full', '$xp_subject_te xt', '$xp_subject_in replyto',
'$xp_header_raw ', '$xp_body_raw', '$xp_body_text' , '$xp_attachment s',
'$xp_size', '$xp_type')";

/* check if everything went smooth */
$sql_ok = mysql_query($sq l_insertstring) ;
if ($sql_ok == TRUE) {
$counter_insert ed++;
$counter_size += $xp_size;
$html_output .= '<td class="col3part s">' . $parts_structur e .
'</td>'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<td class="col4inse rted">inserted</td>'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<td class="col5time r">' .
number_format(t imer_stop($time _scriptstart), 2, ',', '.') .
'</td></tr>'. "\r\n";
/* okay we give some feedback now */
if ($html_feedback == TRUE) {
echo $html_output;
$html_output = NULL;
if ($message_delet e == TRUE) {
imap_delete($in box, $x);
} elseif ($sql_ok == FALSE) {
$counter_sqlerr ors++;
$html_output .= '<td class="col3part s">' . $parts_structur e .
'</td>'. "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<td class="col4fail ed">failed to insert</td>'.
$html_output .= '<td class="col5time r">' .
number_format(t imer_stop($time _scriptstart), 2, ',', '.') .
'</td></tr>'. "\r\n";
/* okay we give some feedback now */
if ($html_feedback == TRUE) {
echo $html_output;
$html_output = NULL;
/* we're thru with all the messages */

/* stop the timer for the script */
$time_counter = timer_stop($tim e_looper);

/* gather some final information about errors, inserts etc */
$html_output .= '<tr class="status"> <td colspan="5" class="status"> ' .
$html_output .= '<p class="status"> ' . $total . ' messages on
<strong>' . $mail_host . '</strong></p>' . "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<p class="status"> Already in database: <strong>' .
$counter_found . '</strong></p>' . "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<p class="status"> Inserted into database: <strong>'
.. $counter_insert ed . '</strong></p>' . "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<p class="status"> MySql-errors (not inserted):
<strong>' . $counter_sqlerr ors . '</strong></p>' . "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<p class="status"> Empty messages: <strong>' .
$counter_empty . '</strong></p>' . "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<p class="status"> Overall processing time: <strong>'
.. round($time_cou nter, 1) . '</strong> sec</p>' . "\r\n";
$html_output .= '<p class="status"> Seconds per message: <strong>' .
round(($time_co unter / $x), 3) . '</strong></p></td></tr>' . "\r\n";
$html_output .= '</table></body></html>';

/* give some final feedback */
if ($html_feedback == TRUE) {
echo $html_output;
$html_output = NULL;

/* close mysql-connection */
mysql_close ($sql_link);

/* kill all messages marked as deleted on server and/ or close
connection */
if ($message_delet e == TRUE) {
imap_close($inb ox, CL_EXPUNGE);
imap_close($inb ox);

Jul 17 '05 #1
0 2098

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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In today's digital age, having a compelling online presence is paramount for businesses aiming to thrive in a competitive landscape. At the heart of this digital strategy lies an intricately woven tapestry of website design and digital marketing. It's not merely about having a website; it's about crafting an immersive digital experience that captivates audiences and drives business growth. The Art of Business Website Design Your website is...
by: Hystou | last post by:
Overview: Windows 11 and 10 have less user interface control over operating system update behaviour than previous versions of Windows. In Windows 11 and 10, there is no way to turn off the Windows Update option using the Control Panel or Settings app; it automatically checks for updates and installs any it finds, whether you like it or not. For most users, this new feature is actually very convenient. If you want to control the update process,...
by: tracyyun | last post by:
Dear forum friends, With the development of smart home technology, a variety of wireless communication protocols have appeared on the market, such as Zigbee, Z-Wave, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. Each protocol has its own unique characteristics and advantages, but as a user who is planning to build a smart home system, I am a bit confused by the choice of these technologies. I'm particularly interested in Zigbee because I've heard it does some...
by: agi2029 | last post by:
Let's talk about the concept of autonomous AI software engineers and no-code agents. These AIs are designed to manage the entire lifecycle of a software development project—planning, coding, testing, and deployment—without human intervention. Imagine an AI that can take a project description, break it down, write the code, debug it, and then launch it, all on its own.... Now, this would greatly impact the work of software developers. The idea...
by: conductexam | last post by:
I have .net C# application in which I am extracting data from word file and save it in database particularly. To store word all data as it is I am converting the whole word file firstly in HTML and then checking html paragraph one by one. At the time of converting from word file to html my equations which are in the word document file was convert into image. Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveDocument.Select();...
by: TSSRALBI | last post by:
Hello I'm a network technician in training and I need your help. I am currently learning how to create and manage the different types of VPNs and I have a question about LAN-to-LAN VPNs. The last exercise I practiced was to create a LAN-to-LAN VPN between two Pfsense firewalls, by using IPSEC protocols. I succeeded, with both firewalls in the same network. But I'm wondering if it's possible to do the same thing, with 2 Pfsense firewalls...
by: adsilva | last post by:
A Windows Forms form does not have the event Unload, like VB6. What one acts like?
by: muto222 | last post by:
How can i add a mobile payment intergratation into php mysql website.

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