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how does PHP5 process POST data in creating $_POST array?

I need to save a wav file that is HTTP POSTed to a php page.
What does PHP5 do automatically to a POSTed variable when it puts it in
the $_POST[] superglobal array? I haven't been able to find any info on

I have a script that does what I want in PERL, but I need to do it in
I think the PERL does something magic when it does this:
#### PERL CODE ####
read ( STDIN, $buffer, $ENV { 'CONTENT_LENGTH ' } );

@pairs = split ( /&/, $buffer );

foreach $pair ( @pairs )
($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);

$value =~ tr/+/ /;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;

$FORM { $name } = $value;
#### END PERL CODE ####

This is where it separates out the name,value pairs, and for the value,
does the equivalent of urldecode(), base64decode() (am I correct?)

It looks like PHP5 is automatically doing base64decode() and
urldecode(), because when I look at the raw tcpdump of the HTTP
session, I see this:

POST.<obscured>/save_wav.php.HT TP/1.0..
Content-Type:.applicati on/x-www-form-urlencoded..
Host:.<obscured >..
Content-Length:.147341. .
Via:.1.1.bvcapx y002:8080.(squi d/2.5.STABLE4)..
X-Forwarded-For:. 15..
Connection:.kee p-alive..
message=RIFF%E4 %C6%00%00WAVEfm t+%10%00%00%00% 01%00%01%00
(90K more of this follows)

But when I look at the data as $_POST['message'], I see this:
RIFFt\0\0WAVEf mt \0\0\0\0\0@ \0\0@\0\0\0\ 0\0\0dataîs\0\0 ÿ

the + was translated to " " and the %NN was translated back to normal

So, my question is, if PHP5 is doing base64decode and urldecode
automatically, why is my data still coming across corrupt?

Here is how I'm trying to save it:


$writepath=<som e path>;
$filename="wavf ile";

$lpn=$_POST["license_plate_ number"];
$callerid=$_POS T["callerid"];

file_put_conten ts("$writepath/$filename-raw.wav", "$wavdata") ;

file_put_conten ts("$writepath/$filename-u.wav", urldecode($wavd ata));
// exactly same as raw file


This writes all the data to a file, and I see the wav header, but the
data doesn't look right when I compare it to the output from the PERL
script (i'm not sure if visually comparing two wav files get me

Is there another way I should be saving this besides
file_put_conten ts()?

Background info:
I have a voicexml app that sends three things to my php page:
callerid (string)
license_plate_n umber (string)
message (wav data)

I have no problem accessing:
$_POST["license_plate_ number"]

My voiceXML app sends the wav data as "audio/wav", and the enctype is
"applicatio n/x-www-form-urlencoded"

I've been searching all over the internet for the past few days and I'm

help, please?

Billy Becker

Jul 17 '05
14 4339
I just discoverd the "always_populat e_raw_post_data = on" directive
that you can add to the php.ini file. With that in place, I am able to
get to the $HTTP_RAW_POST_ DATA string, and see my values. From here, I
just need to parse the string, and then urldecode() and base64decode()
the part I want.

It's a hassle, but atleast I'll get to what I want.

Still would like to know what exactly PHP5 does when it stick variables
in the $_POST[] array...


Jul 17 '05 #11
OK... I got it to work. First thing, though... there is no
base64_decode() going on. I was mistaken. All that is needed is

Here is my process for getting to POST variables from


//not sure if this is needed, because it works whether it's set or not
set_magic_quote s_runtime( "0" );

function &parse_http_raw _post_data(&$da ta, $split1str = '&', $split2str
= '=')
// data: the initial string to split up
// composed of key=value pairs, separated by & characters
$split1dat = explode($split1 str, $data);
$num = count($split1da t);

if (! $num) {
return false;

for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$split2dat=expl ode($split2str, $split1dat[$i]);
$ret[$split2dat[$i]] = $split2dat[$i + 1];

return $ret;

$vxml_prolog = <<<EOPL
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/vxml">

$vxml_exit = <<<EOXIT

$writepath = "/home/billy/public_html/writedir";
$filename="wave file";

if ($_GET['usefile'] == 1)
//I use this for testing: pass ?usefile=1 to enable the script to
read from a file.
$rawdata=file_g et_contents("$w ritepath/test.dat",rb);
//this is the normal method
$rawdata=$HTTP_ RAW_POST_DATA;
$lpn=$_POST['license_plate_ number'];
$callerid=$_POS T['callerid'];
$postdata=$_POS T['message'];

$parsedata=pars e_http_raw_post _data($rawdata) ;
$wavdata=$parse data['message'];

file_put_conten ts("$writepath/$filename-raw.wav", $wavdata);
file_put_conten ts("$writepath/$filename-post.wav", $postdata);
file_put_conten ts("$writepath/$filename-u.wav", urldecode($wavd ata));

$vxml_body = <<<EOBODY
Report on License Plate <say-as type="spell-out">$lpn</say-as>,
reported by <say-as type="telephone ">$callerid </say-as>
has been saved to: $filename.
Thank you for calling. Good Bye!

// Form is submitted from vxml app
// I need to send a response wrapped inside of proper voicexml tags
// this stuff has nothing to do with the wavfile processing
print ($vxml_prolog);
print ($vxml_body);
print ($vxml_exit);


This creates a useable file named wavefile-u.wav, and a corrupt file
named wavefule-post.wav. Comparing wavefile-u.wav and
wavefile-post.wav, I see that -post has about 200 bytes of extra data,
and the header section looks completely different. If anyone wants to
take a look at them, email me and i'll send them to you.

So, although I have a functional system that does what I want, I'd
still like to know what PHP5 does to POSTed variables when it puts them
in the $_POST[] array.


Jul 17 '05 #12
OK... I got it to work. First thing, though... there is no
base64_decode() going on. I was mistaken. All that is needed is

Here is my process for getting to POST variables from


//not sure if this is needed, because it works whether it's set or not
set_magic_quote s_runtime( "0" );

function &parse_http_raw _post_data(&$da ta, $split1str = '&', $split2str
= '=')
// data: the initial string to split up
// composed of key=value pairs, separated by & characters
$split1dat = explode($split1 str, $data);
$num = count($split1da t);

if (! $num) {
return false;

for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$split2dat=expl ode($split2str, $split1dat[$i]);
$ret[$split2dat[$i]] = $split2dat[$i + 1];

return $ret;

$vxml_prolog = <<<EOPL
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/vxml">

$vxml_exit = <<<EOXIT

$writepath = "/home/billy/public_html/writedir";
$filename="wave file";

if ($_GET['usefile'] == 1)
//I use this for testing: pass ?usefile=1 to enable the script to
read from a file.
$rawdata=file_g et_contents("$w ritepath/test.dat",rb);
//this is the normal method
$rawdata=$HTTP_ RAW_POST_DATA;
$lpn=$_POST['license_plate_ number'];
$callerid=$_POS T['callerid'];
$postdata=$_POS T['message'];

$parsedata=pars e_http_raw_post _data($rawdata) ;
$wavdata=$parse data['message'];

file_put_conten ts("$writepath/$filename-raw.wav", $wavdata);
file_put_conten ts("$writepath/$filename-post.wav", $postdata);
file_put_conten ts("$writepath/$filename-u.wav", urldecode($wavd ata));

$vxml_body = <<<EOBODY
Report on License Plate <say-as type="spell-out">$lpn</say-as>,
reported by <say-as type="telephone ">$callerid </say-as>
has been saved to: $filename.
Thank you for calling. Good Bye!

// Form is submitted from vxml app
// I need to send a response wrapped inside of proper voicexml tags
// this stuff has nothing to do with the wavfile processing
print ($vxml_prolog);
print ($vxml_body);
print ($vxml_exit);


This creates a useable file named wavefile-u.wav, and a corrupt file
named wavefule-post.wav. Comparing wavefile-u.wav and
wavefile-post.wav, I see that -post has about 200 bytes of extra data,
and the header section looks completely different. If anyone wants to
take a look at them, email me and i'll send them to you.

So, although I have a functional system that does what I want, I'd
still like to know what PHP5 does to POSTed variables when it puts them
in the $_POST[] array.


Jul 17 '05 #13
Welll.. I figured out what was going on.....
magic_quotes_gp c = on

magic quotes was changing all my NULLS (0x00) into \0.
I turned magic quotes off and my data was intact in the $_POST array.

I wish I had read the manual more carefully on that magic quote
stuff.... it is quite a pain in the butt.

Hopefully some other poor soul will stumble across this thread and be
spared a big headache.


Jul 17 '05 #14
On 11 May 2005 00:34:07 -0700, bi**********@gm ail.com wrote:
Welll.. I figured out what was going on.....
magic_quotes_g pc = on

How the heck did you have magic quotes turned on in PHP5 -- the entire
option is depreciated with heavy warnings in the PHP.INI file. It's
slightly more common on PHP4 installations for historical reasons.

Jul 17 '05 #15

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