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Issue with Databinding.

I am struck up with a problem and want anyone here to help me out. I am a
beginner in .NET trying to learng DataBinding concepts. I have binded 4 text
boxes with a dataset but when I say adapter.update it gives me 0 records
updated! I am not getting any exceptions. Below is the complete code. Someone
please help me out.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collecti ons;
using System.Componen tModel;
using System.Windows. Forms;
using System.Data;

namespace ADO.NET
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Form1.
/// </summary>
public class frmMain : System.Windows. Forms.Form
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmplId;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblDesignation;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpID;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtDesignation;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnDelete;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnInsert;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnUpdate;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpSeek;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpModify;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnPrevious;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnNext;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnLast;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnFirst;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpData;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter sqlDataAdapter1 ;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlSelectComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlInsertComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlUpdateComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlDeleteComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction sqlConnection1;
private ADO.NET.DataSet 1 dataSet11;
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.Componen tModel.Containe r components = null;

public frmMain()
// Required for Windows Form Designer support
InitializeCompo nent();

// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeCompo nent call

/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
components.Disp ose();
base.Dispose( disposing );

#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeCompo nent()
this.lblEmpName = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblEmplId = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblDesigna tion = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblSex = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.txtEmpName = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.dataSet11 = new ADO.NET.DataSet 1();
this.txtEmpID = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtDesigna tion = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtSex = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.btnPreviou s = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnNext = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnDelete = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnInsert = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnUpdate = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpSeek = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.btnFirst = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnLast = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpModify = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.grpData = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.sqlDataAda pter1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter();
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlConnect ion1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction();
this.sqlInsertC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlSelectC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
((System.Compon entModel.ISuppo rtInitialize)(t his.dataSet11)) .BeginInit();
this.grpSeek.Su spendLayout();
this.grpModify. SuspendLayout() ;
this.grpData.Su spendLayout();
this.SuspendLay out();
// lblEmpName
this.lblEmpName .AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmpName .Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.lblEmpName .Name = "lblEmpName ";
this.lblEmpName .Size = new System.Drawing. Size(88, 16);
this.lblEmpName .TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmpName .Text = "Employee Name";
// lblEmplId
this.lblEmplId. AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmplId. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 64);
this.lblEmplId. Name = "lblEmplId" ;
this.lblEmplId. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(67, 16);
this.lblEmplId. TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmplId. Text = "Employee Id";
// lblDesignation
this.lblDesigna tion.AutoSize = true;
this.lblDesigna tion.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 104);
this.lblDesigna tion.Name = "lblDesignation ";
this.lblDesigna tion.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(64, 16);
this.lblDesigna tion.TabIndex = 0;
this.lblDesigna tion.Text = "Designatio n";
// lblSex
this.lblSex.Aut oSize = true;
this.lblSex.Loc ation = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 144);
this.lblSex.Nam e = "lblSex";
this.lblSex.Siz e = new System.Drawing. Size(24, 16);
this.lblSex.Tab Index = 0;
this.lblSex.Tex t = "Sex";
// txtEmpName
this.txtEmpName .BorderStyle = System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpName .DataBindings.A dd(new System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.Emplo yee"));
this.txtEmpName .Location = new System.Drawing. Point(104, 24);
this.txtEmpName .Name = "txtEmpName ";
this.txtEmpName .Size = new System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpName .TabIndex = 1;
this.txtEmpName .Text = "";
// dataSet11
this.dataSet11. DataSetName = "DataSet1";
this.dataSet11. Locale = new System.Globaliz ation.CultureIn fo("en-US");
// txtEmpID
this.txtEmpID.B orderStyle = System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpID.D ataBindings.Add (new System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.EmpId "));
this.txtEmpID.L ocation = new System.Drawing. Point(104, 64);
this.txtEmpID.N ame = "txtEmpID";
this.txtEmpID.S ize = new System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpID.T abIndex = 1;
this.txtEmpID.T ext = "";
// txtDesignation
this.txtDesigna tion.BorderStyl e =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtDesigna tion.DataBindin gs.Add(new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text", this.dataSet11, "Employee.Desig nation"));
this.txtDesigna tion.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(104, 104);
this.txtDesigna tion.Name = "txtDesignation ";
this.txtDesigna tion.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtDesigna tion.TabIndex = 1;
this.txtDesigna tion.Text = "";
// txtSex
this.txtSex.Bor derStyle = System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtSex.Dat aBindings.Add(n ew System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.Sex") );
this.txtSex.Loc ation = new System.Drawing. Point(104, 144);
this.txtSex.Nam e = "txtSex";
this.txtSex.Siz e = new System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtSex.Tab Index = 1;
this.txtSex.Tex t = "";
// btnPrevious
this.btnPreviou s.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(56, 24);
this.btnPreviou s.Name = "btnPreviou s";
this.btnPreviou s.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnPreviou s.TabIndex = 2;
this.btnPreviou s.Text = "<";
this.btnPreviou s.Click += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnPr evious_Click);
// btnNext
this.btnNext.Lo cation = new System.Drawing. Point(112, 24);
this.btnNext.Na me = "btnNext";
this.btnNext.Si ze = new System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnNext.Ta bIndex = 3;
this.btnNext.Te xt = ">";
this.btnNext.Cl ick += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnNe xt_Click);
// btnDelete
this.btnDelete. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(112, 24);
this.btnDelete. Name = "btnDelete" ;
this.btnDelete. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(80, 23);
this.btnDelete. TabIndex = 4;
this.btnDelete. Text = "Delete";
// btnInsert
this.btnInsert. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 64);
this.btnInsert. Name = "btnInsert" ;
this.btnInsert. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(184, 23);
this.btnInsert. TabIndex = 5;
this.btnInsert. Text = "Insert";
// btnUpdate
this.btnUpdate. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.btnUpdate. Name = "btnUpdate" ;
this.btnUpdate. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(80, 23);
this.btnUpdate. TabIndex = 6;
this.btnUpdate. Text = "Update";
this.btnUpdate. Click += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnUp date_Click);
// grpSeek
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnFirst);
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnLast);
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnNext);
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnPrevious);
this.grpSeek.Lo cation = new System.Drawing. Point(224, 8);
this.grpSeek.Na me = "grpSeek";
this.grpSeek.Si ze = new System.Drawing. Size(200, 72);
this.grpSeek.Ta bIndex = 7;
this.grpSeek.Ta bStop = false;
this.grpSeek.Te xt = "Seek";
// btnFirst
this.btnFirst.L ocation = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.btnFirst.N ame = "btnFirst";
this.btnFirst.S ize = new System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnFirst.T abIndex = 5;
this.btnFirst.T ext = "|<<";
this.btnFirst.C lick += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnFi rst_Click);
// btnLast
this.btnLast.Lo cation = new System.Drawing. Point(160, 24);
this.btnLast.Na me = "btnLast";
this.btnLast.Si ze = new System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnLast.Ta bIndex = 4;
this.btnLast.Te xt = ">>|";
this.btnLast.Cl ick += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnLa st_Click);
// grpModify
this.grpModify. Controls.Add(th is.btnUpdate);
this.grpModify. Controls.Add(th is.btnDelete);
this.grpModify. Controls.Add(th is.btnInsert);
this.grpModify. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(224, 88);
this.grpModify. Name = "grpModify" ;
this.grpModify. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(200, 96);
this.grpModify. TabIndex = 8;
this.grpModify. TabStop = false;
this.grpModify. Text = "Modify";
// grpData
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .txtSex);
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .lblSex);
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .txtDesignation );
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .lblDesignation );
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .lblEmplId);
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .txtEmpName);
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .txtEmpID);
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .lblEmpName);
this.grpData.Lo cation = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 8);
this.grpData.Na me = "grpData";
this.grpData.Si ze = new System.Drawing. Size(208, 176);
this.grpData.Ta bIndex = 9;
this.grpData.Ta bStop = false;
this.grpData.Te xt = "Data";
// sqlDataAdapter1
this.sqlDataAda pter1.DeleteCom mand = this.sqlDeleteC ommand1;
this.sqlDataAda pter1.InsertCom mand = this.sqlInsertC ommand1;
this.sqlDataAda pter1.SelectCom mand = this.sqlSelectC ommand1;
this.sqlDataAda pter1.TableMapp ings.AddRange(n ew
System.Data.Com mon.DataTableMa pping[] {
new System.Data.Com mon.DataTableMa pping("Table",
"Employee", new System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping[] {
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("Employe e", "Employee") ,
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("EmpId", "EmpId"),
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("Sex", "Sex"),
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("Designa tion", "Designation")} )});
this.sqlDataAda pter1.UpdateCom mand = this.sqlUpdateC ommand1;
// sqlDeleteComman d1
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1.Command Text = @"DELETE FROM Employee WHERE (EmpId
= @Original_EmpId ) AND (Designation = @Original_Desig nation OR
@Original_Desig nation IS NULL AND Designation IS NULL) AND (Employee =
@Original_Emplo yee OR @Original_Emplo yee IS NULL AND Employee IS NULL) AND
(Sex = @Original_Sex OR @Original_Sex IS NULL AND Sex IS NULL)";
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1.Connect ion = this.sqlConnect ion1;
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _EmpId",
System.Data.Sql DbType.Decimal, 9, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 18)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "EmpId",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _Designation",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 0)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "Designatio n",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _Employee",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 0)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "Employee",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _Sex",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 10, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 0)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "Sex",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
// sqlConnection1
this.sqlConnect ion1.Connection String = "workstatio n
id=\"B3-AVON-HF04\";packet size=4096;user id=sa;data source=\".\";pe rsist" +
" security info=False;init ial catalog=Gokul";
// sqlInsertComman d1
this.sqlInsertC ommand1.Command Text = "INSERT INTO Employee(Employ ee,
EmpId, Sex, Designation) VALUES (@Employee, @EmpId" +
", @Sex, @Designation); SELECT Employee, EmpId, Sex, Designation FROM
Employee WH" +
"ERE (EmpId = @EmpId)";
this.sqlInsertC ommand1.Connect ion = this.sqlConnect ion1;
this.sqlInsertC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Employee ",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, "Employee") );
this.sqlInsertC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@EmpId", System.Data.Sql DbType.Decimal,
9, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input, false, ((System.Byte)( 18)),
((System.Byte)( 0)), "EmpId", System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Cur rent, null));
this.sqlInsertC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Sex", System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 10,
this.sqlInsertC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Designat ion",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, "Designation")) ;
// sqlSelectComman d1
this.sqlSelectC ommand1.Command Text = "SELECT Employee, EmpId, Sex,
Designation FROM Employee";
this.sqlSelectC ommand1.Connect ion = this.sqlConnect ion1;
// sqlUpdateComman d1
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Command Text = @"UPDATE Employee SET Employee =
@Employee, EmpId = @EmpId, Sex = @Sex, Designation = @Designation WHERE
(EmpId = @Original_EmpId ) AND (Designation = @Original_Desig nation OR
@Original_Desig nation IS NULL AND Designation IS NULL) AND (Employee =
@Original_Emplo yee OR @Original_Emplo yee IS NULL AND Employee IS NULL) AND
(Sex = @Original_Sex OR @Original_Sex IS NULL AND Sex IS NULL); SELECT
Employee, EmpId, Sex, Designation FROM Employee WHERE (EmpId = @EmpId)";
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Connect ion = this.sqlConnect ion1;
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Employee ",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, "Employee") );
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@EmpId", System.Data.Sql DbType.Decimal,
9, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input, false, ((System.Byte)( 18)),
((System.Byte)( 0)), "EmpId", System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Cur rent, null));
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Sex", System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 10,
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Designat ion",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, "Designation")) ;
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _EmpId",
System.Data.Sql DbType.Decimal, 9, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 18)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "EmpId",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _Designation",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 0)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "Designatio n",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _Employee",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 0)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "Employee",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _Sex",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 10, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 0)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "Sex",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
// frmMain
this.AutoScaleB aseSize = new System.Drawing. Size(5, 13);
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing. Size(432, 190);
this.Controls.A dd(this.grpData );
this.Controls.A dd(this.grpModi fy);
this.Controls.A dd(this.grpSeek );
this.MaximizeBo x = false;
this.MinimizeBo x = false;
this.Name = "frmMain";
this.StartPosit ion = System.Windows. Forms.FormStart Position.Center Screen;
this.Text = "Simple Data Binding";
this.Load += new System.EventHan dler(this.frmMa in_Load);
((System.Compon entModel.ISuppo rtInitialize)(t his.dataSet11)) .EndInit();
this.grpSeek.Re sumeLayout(fals e);
this.grpModify. ResumeLayout(fa lse);
this.grpData.Re sumeLayout(fals e);
this.ResumeLayo ut(false);


/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
Application.Run (new frmMain());

private void frmMain_Load(ob ject sender, System.EventArg s e)

sqlDataAdapter1 .Fill ( dataSet11,"Empl oyee" ) ;


catch ( Exception Ex )

MessageBox.Show ( Ex.Message ) ;


private void btnNext_Click(o bject sender, System.EventArg s e)

if ( this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Position !=
this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Count - 1 )

this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Position += 1 ;


MessageBox.Show ( "EOF reached" ) ;


catch ( Exception Ex )

MessageBox.Show ( Ex.Message ) ;

return ;

private void btnPrevious_Cli ck(object sender, System.EventArg s e)


if ( this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Position != 0 )

this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Position -= 1 ;


MessageBox.Show ( "EOB reached" ) ;


catch ( Exception Ex )

MessageBox.Show ( Ex.Message ) ;

return ;


private void btnFirst_Click( object sender, System.EventArg s e)

this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Position = 0 ;


catch ( Exception Ex )

MessageBox.Show ( Ex.Message ) ;

return ;

private void btnLast_Click(o bject sender, System.EventArg s e)

this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Position =
this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Count - 1 ;


catch ( Exception Ex )

MessageBox.Show ( Ex.Message ) ;

return ;

private void btnUpdate_Click ( object sender, System.EventArg s e )


MessageBox.Show ( "Records Affected - " + sqlDataAdapter1 .Update(
dataSet11 ).ToString ( ) ) ;


catch ( Exception Ex )

MessageBox.Show ( Ex.Message ) ;

return ;



Jan 25 '07 #1
11 1816

I haven't looked at your code very thoroughly but it looks as if the
changes are not reflected in your dataset before you start the update
method of your tableAdapter. Take a look at the AcceptChanges method
on your DataSet...


Kind regards,
On 25 jan, 08:39, Gokul <G...@discussio ns.microsoft.co mwrote:
I am struck up with a problem and want anyone here to help me out. I am a
beginner in .NET trying to learng DataBinding concepts. I have binded 4 text
boxes with a dataset but when I say adapter.update it gives me 0 records
updated! I am not getting any exceptions. Below is the complete code. Someone
please help me out.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collecti ons;
using System.Componen tModel;
using System.Windows. Forms;
using System.Data;

namespace ADO.NET
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Form1.
/// </summary>
public class frmMain : System.Windows. Forms.Form
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmplId;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblDesignation;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpID;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtDesignation;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnDelete;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnInsert;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnUpdate;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpSeek;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpModify;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnPrevious;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnNext;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnLast;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnFirst;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpData;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter sqlDataAdapter1 ;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlSelectComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlInsertComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlUpdateComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlDeleteComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction sqlConnection1;
private ADO.NET.DataSet 1 dataSet11;
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.Componen tModel.Containe r components = null;

public frmMain()
// Required for Windows Form Designer support
InitializeCompo nent();

// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeCompo nent call

/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
components.Disp ose();
base.Dispose( disposing );

#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeCompo nent()
this.lblEmpName = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblEmplId = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblDesigna tion = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblSex = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.txtEmpName = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.dataSet11 = new ADO.NET.DataSet 1();
this.txtEmpID = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtDesigna tion = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtSex = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.btnPreviou s = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnNext = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnDelete = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnInsert = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnUpdate = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpSeek = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.btnFirst = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnLast = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpModify = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.grpData = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.sqlDataAda pter1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter();
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlConnect ion1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction();
this.sqlInsertC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlSelectC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
((System.Compon entModel.ISuppo rtInitialize)(t his.dataSet11)) .BeginInit();
this.grpSeek.Su spendLayout();
this.grpModify. SuspendLayout() ;
this.grpData.Su spendLayout();
this.SuspendLay out();
// lblEmpName
this.lblEmpName .AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmpName .Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.lblEmpName .Name = "lblEmpName ";
this.lblEmpName .Size = new System.Drawing. Size(88, 16);
this.lblEmpName .TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmpName .Text = "Employee Name";
// lblEmplId
this.lblEmplId. AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmplId. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 64);
this.lblEmplId. Name = "lblEmplId" ;
this.lblEmplId. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(67, 16);
this.lblEmplId. TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmplId. Text = "Employee Id";
// lblDesignation
this.lblDesigna tion.AutoSize = true;
this.lblDesigna tion.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 104);
this.lblDesigna tion.Name = "lblDesignation ";
this.lblDesigna tion.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(64, 16);
this.lblDesigna tion.TabIndex = 0;
this.lblDesigna tion.Text = "Designatio n";
// lblSex
this.lblSex.Aut oSize = true;
this.lblSex.Loc ation = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 144);
this.lblSex.Nam e = "lblSex";
this.lblSex.Siz e = new System.Drawing. Size(24, 16);
this.lblSex.Tab Index = 0;
this.lblSex.Tex t = "Sex";
// txtEmpName
this.txtEmpName .BorderStyle = System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpName .DataBindings.A dd(new System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.Emplo yee"));
this.txtEmpName .Location = new System.Drawing. Point(104, 24);
this.txtEmpName .Name = "txtEmpName ";
this.txtEmpName .Size = new System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpName .TabIndex = 1;
this.txtEmpName .Text = "";
// dataSet11
this.dataSet11. DataSetName = "DataSet1";
this.dataSet11. Locale = new System.Globaliz ation.CultureIn fo("en-US");
// txtEmpID
this.txtEmpID.B orderStyle = System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpID.D ataBindings.Add (new System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.EmpId "));
this.txtEmpID.L ocation = new System.Drawing. Point(104, 64);
this.txtEmpID.N ame = "txtEmpID";
this.txtEmpID.S ize = new System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpID.T abIndex = 1;
this.txtEmpID.T ext = "";
// txtDesignation
this.txtDesigna tion.BorderStyl e =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtDesigna tion.DataBindin gs.Add(new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text", this.dataSet11, "Employee.Desig nation"));
this.txtDesigna tion.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(104, 104);
this.txtDesigna tion.Name = "txtDesignation ";
this.txtDesigna tion.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtDesigna tion.TabIndex = 1;
this.txtDesigna tion.Text = "";
// txtSex
this.txtSex.Bor derStyle = System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtSex.Dat aBindings.Add(n ew System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.Sex") );
this.txtSex.Loc ation = new System.Drawing. Point(104, 144);
this.txtSex.Nam e = "txtSex";
this.txtSex.Siz e = new System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtSex.Tab Index = 1;
this.txtSex.Tex t = "";
// btnPrevious
this.btnPreviou s.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(56, 24);
this.btnPreviou s.Name = "btnPreviou s";
this.btnPreviou s.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnPreviou s.TabIndex = 2;
this.btnPreviou s.Text = "<";
this.btnPreviou s.Click += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnPr evious_Click);
// btnNext
this.btnNext.Lo cation = new System.Drawing. Point(112, 24);
this.btnNext.Na me = "btnNext";
this.btnNext.Si ze = new System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnNext.Ta bIndex = 3;
this.btnNext.Te xt = ">";
this.btnNext.Cl ick += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnNe xt_Click);
// btnDelete
this.btnDelete. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(112, 24);
this.btnDelete. Name = "btnDelete" ;
this.btnDelete. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(80, 23);
this.btnDelete. TabIndex = 4;
this.btnDelete. Text = "Delete";
// btnInsert
this.btnInsert. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 64);
this.btnInsert. Name = "btnInsert" ;
this.btnInsert. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(184, 23);
this.btnInsert. TabIndex = 5;
this.btnInsert. Text = "Insert";
// btnUpdate
this.btnUpdate. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.btnUpdate. Name = "btnUpdate" ;
this.btnUpdate. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(80, 23);
this.btnUpdate. TabIndex = 6;
this.btnUpdate. Text = "Update";
this.btnUpdate. Click += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnUp date_Click);
// grpSeek
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnFirst);
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnLast);
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnNext);
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnPrevious);
this.grpSeek.Lo cation = new System.Drawing. Point(224, 8);
this.grpSeek.Na me = "grpSeek";
this.grpSeek.Si ze = new System.Drawing. Size(200, 72);
this.grpSeek.Ta bIndex = 7;
this.grpSeek.Ta bStop = false;
this.grpSeek.Te xt = "Seek";
// btnFirst
this.btnFirst.L ocation = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.btnFirst.N ame = "btnFirst";
this.btnFirst.S ize = new System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnFirst.T abIndex = 5;
this.btnFirst.T ext = "|<<";
this.btnFirst.C lick += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnFi rst_Click);
// btnLast
this.btnLast.Lo cation = new System.Drawing. Point(160, 24);
this.btnLast.Na me = "btnLast";
this.btnLast.Si ze = new System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnLast.Ta bIndex = 4;
this.btnLast.Te xt = ">>|";
this.btnLast.Cl ick += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnLa st_Click);
// grpModify
this.grpModify. Controls.Add(th is.btnUpdate);
this.grpModify. Controls.Add(th is.btnDelete);
this.grpModify. Controls.Add(th is.btnInsert);
this.grpModify. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(224, 88);
this.grpModify. Name = "grpModify" ;
this.grpModify. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(200, 96);
this.grpModify. TabIndex = 8;
this.grpModify. TabStop = false;
this.grpModify. Text = "Modify";
// grpData
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .txtSex);
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .lblSex);
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .txtDesignation );
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .lblDesignation );
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .lblEmplId);
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .txtEmpName);
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .txtEmpID);
this.grpData.Co ntrols.Add(this .lblEmpName);
this.grpData.Lo cation = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 8);
this.grpData.Na me = "grpData";
this.grpData.Si ze = new System.Drawing. Size(208, 176);
this.grpData.Ta bIndex = 9;
this.grpData.Ta bStop = false;
this.grpData.Te xt = "Data";
// sqlDataAdapter1
this.sqlDataAda pter1.DeleteCom mand = this.sqlDeleteC ommand1;
this.sqlDataAda pter1.InsertCom mand = this.sqlInsertC ommand1;
this.sqlDataAda pter1.SelectCom mand = this.sqlSelectC ommand1;
this.sqlDataAda pter1.TableMapp ings.AddRange(n ew
System.Data.Com mon.DataTableMa pping[] {
new System.Data.Com mon.DataTableMa pping("Table",
"Employee", new System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping[] {
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("Employe e", "Employee") ,
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("EmpId", "EmpId"),
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("Sex", "Sex"),
System.Data.Com mon.DataColumnM apping("Designa tion", "Designation")} )});
this.sqlDataAda pter1.UpdateCom mand = this.sqlUpdateC ommand1;
// sqlDeleteComman d1
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1.Command Text = @"DELETE FROM Employee WHERE (EmpId
= @Original_EmpId ) AND (Designation = @Original_Desig nation OR
@Original_Desig nation IS NULL AND Designation IS NULL) AND (Employee =
@Original_Emplo yee OR @Original_Emplo yee IS NULL AND Employee IS NULL) AND
(Sex = @Original_Sex OR @Original_Sex IS NULL AND Sex IS NULL)";
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1.Connect ion = this.sqlConnect ion1;
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _EmpId",
System.Data.Sql DbType.Decimal, 9, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 18)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "EmpId",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _Designation",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 0)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "Designatio n",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _Employee",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 0)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "Employee",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _Sex",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 10, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 0)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "Sex",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
// sqlConnection1
this.sqlConnect ion1.Connection String = "workstatio n
id=\"B3-AVON-HF04\";packet size=4096;user id=sa;data source=\".\";pe rsist" +
" security info=False;init ial catalog=Gokul";
// sqlInsertComman d1
this.sqlInsertC ommand1.Command Text = "INSERT INTO Employee(Employ ee,
EmpId, Sex, Designation) VALUES (@Employee, @EmpId" +
", @Sex, @Designation); SELECT Employee, EmpId, Sex, Designation FROM
Employee WH" +
"ERE (EmpId = @EmpId)";
this.sqlInsertC ommand1.Connect ion = this.sqlConnect ion1;
this.sqlInsertC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Employee ",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, "Employee") );
this.sqlInsertC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@EmpId", System.Data.Sql DbType.Decimal,
9, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input, false, ((System.Byte)( 18)),
((System.Byte)( 0)), "EmpId", System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Cur rent, null));
this.sqlInsertC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Sex", System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 10,
this.sqlInsertC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Designat ion",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, "Designation")) ;
// sqlSelectComman d1
this.sqlSelectC ommand1.Command Text = "SELECT Employee, EmpId, Sex,
Designation FROM Employee";
this.sqlSelectC ommand1.Connect ion = this.sqlConnect ion1;
// sqlUpdateComman d1
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Command Text = @"UPDATE Employee SET Employee =
@Employee, EmpId = @EmpId, Sex = @Sex, Designation = @Designation WHERE
(EmpId = @Original_EmpId ) AND (Designation = @Original_Desig nation OR
@Original_Desig nation IS NULL AND Designation IS NULL) AND (Employee =
@Original_Emplo yee OR @Original_Emplo yee IS NULL AND Employee IS NULL) AND
(Sex = @Original_Sex OR @Original_Sex IS NULL AND Sex IS NULL); SELECT
Employee, EmpId, Sex, Designation FROM Employee WHERE (EmpId = @EmpId)";
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Connect ion = this.sqlConnect ion1;
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Employee ",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, "Employee") );
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@EmpId", System.Data.Sql DbType.Decimal,
9, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input, false, ((System.Byte)( 18)),
((System.Byte)( 0)), "EmpId", System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Cur rent, null));
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Sex", System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 10,
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Designat ion",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, "Designation")) ;
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _EmpId",
System.Data.Sql DbType.Decimal, 9, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 18)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "EmpId",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _Designation",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 0)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "Designatio n",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _Employee",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 50, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 0)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "Employee",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1.Paramet ers.Add(new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlParam eter("@Original _Sex",
System.Data.Sql DbType.VarChar, 10, System.Data.Par ameterDirection .Input,
false, ((System.Byte)( 0)), ((System.Byte)( 0)), "Sex",
System.Data.Dat aRowVersion.Ori ginal, null));
// frmMain
this.AutoScaleB aseSize = new System.Drawing. Size(5, 13);
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing. Size(432, 190);
this.Controls.A dd(this.grpData );
this.Controls.A dd(this.grpModi fy);
this.Controls.A dd(this.grpSeek );
this.MaximizeBo x = false;
this.MinimizeBo x = false;
this.Name = "frmMain";
this.StartPosit ion = System.Windows. Forms.FormStart Position.Center Screen;
this.Text = "Simple Data Binding";
this.Load += new System.EventHan dler(this.frmMa in_Load);
((System.Compon entModel.ISuppo rtInitialize)(t his.dataSet11)) .EndInit();
this.grpSeek.Re sumeLayout(fals e);
this.grpModify. ResumeLayout(fa lse);
this.grpData.Re sumeLayout(fals e);
this.ResumeLayo ut(false);


/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
Application.Run (new frmMain());

private void frmMain_Load(ob ject sender, System.EventArg s e)

sqlDataAdapter1 .Fill ( dataSet11,"Empl oyee" ) ;


catch ( Exception Ex )

MessageBox.Show ( Ex.Message ) ;


private void btnNext_Click(o bject sender, System.EventArg s e)

if ( this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Position !=
this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Count - 1 )

this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Position += 1 ;


MessageBox.Show ( "EOF reached" ) ;


catch ( Exception Ex )

MessageBox.Show ( Ex.Message ) ;

return ;


private void btnPrevious_Cli ck(object sender, System.EventArg s e)


if ( this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Position != 0 )

this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Position -= 1 ;


MessageBox.Show ( "EOB reached" ) ;


catch ( Exception Ex )

MessageBox.Show ( Ex.Message ) ;

return ;


private void btnFirst_Click( object sender, System.EventArg s e)

this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Position = 0 ;


catch ( Exception Ex )

MessageBox.Show ( Ex.Message ) ;

return ;

private void btnLast_Click(o bject sender, System.EventArg s e)

this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Position =
this.BindingCon text[dataSet11 , "Employee" ].Count - 1 ;


catch ( Exception Ex )

MessageBox.Show ( Ex.Message ) ;

return ;

private void btnUpdate_Click ( object sender, System.EventArg s e )


MessageBox.Show ( "Records Affected - " + sqlDataAdapter1 .Update(
dataSet11 ).ToString ( ) ) ;


catch ( Exception Ex )

MessageBox.Show ( Ex.Message ) ;

return ;



Jan 25 '07 #2
I have tried using acceptchanges but same result! I have read some where when
we use adapter.update it internally calls acceptchanges method.

When I change the text in the textbox and click next button, then back
button, it shows the text with the changes! but when i say update it is not
updating the datasource. Why is this!!!!

"Marc Vangrieken" wrote:

I haven't looked at your code very thoroughly but it looks as if the
changes are not reflected in your dataset before you start the update
method of your tableAdapter. Take a look at the AcceptChanges method
on your DataSet...


Kind regards,
On 25 jan, 08:39, Gokul <G...@discussio ns.microsoft.co mwrote:
I am struck up with a problem and want anyone here to help me out. I am a
beginner in .NET trying to learng DataBinding concepts. I have binded 4 text
boxes with a dataset but when I say adapter.update it gives me 0 records
updated! I am not getting any exceptions. Below is the complete code. Someone
please help me out.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collecti ons;
using System.Componen tModel;
using System.Windows. Forms;
using System.Data;

namespace ADO.NET
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Form1.
/// </summary>
public class frmMain : System.Windows. Forms.Form
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmplId;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblDesignation;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpID;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtDesignation;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnDelete;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnInsert;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnUpdate;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpSeek;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpModify;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnPrevious;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnNext;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnLast;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnFirst;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpData;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter sqlDataAdapter1 ;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlSelectComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlInsertComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlUpdateComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlDeleteComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction sqlConnection1;
private ADO.NET.DataSet 1 dataSet11;
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.Componen tModel.Containe r components = null;

public frmMain()
// Required for Windows Form Designer support
InitializeCompo nent();

// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeCompo nent call

/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
components.Disp ose();
base.Dispose( disposing );

#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeCompo nent()
this.lblEmpName = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblEmplId = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblDesigna tion = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblSex = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.txtEmpName = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.dataSet11 = new ADO.NET.DataSet 1();
this.txtEmpID = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtDesigna tion = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtSex = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.btnPreviou s = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnNext = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnDelete = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnInsert = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnUpdate = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpSeek = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.btnFirst = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnLast = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpModify = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.grpData = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.sqlDataAda pter1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter();
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlConnect ion1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction();
this.sqlInsertC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlSelectC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
((System.Compon entModel.ISuppo rtInitialize)(t his.dataSet11)) .BeginInit();
this.grpSeek.Su spendLayout();
this.grpModify. SuspendLayout() ;
this.grpData.Su spendLayout();
this.SuspendLay out();
// lblEmpName
this.lblEmpName .AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmpName .Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.lblEmpName .Name = "lblEmpName ";
this.lblEmpName .Size = new System.Drawing. Size(88, 16);
this.lblEmpName .TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmpName .Text = "Employee Name";
// lblEmplId
this.lblEmplId. AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmplId. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 64);
this.lblEmplId. Name = "lblEmplId" ;
this.lblEmplId. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(67, 16);
this.lblEmplId. TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmplId. Text = "Employee Id";
// lblDesignation
this.lblDesigna tion.AutoSize = true;
this.lblDesigna tion.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 104);
this.lblDesigna tion.Name = "lblDesignation ";
this.lblDesigna tion.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(64, 16);
this.lblDesigna tion.TabIndex = 0;
this.lblDesigna tion.Text = "Designatio n";
// lblSex
this.lblSex.Aut oSize = true;
this.lblSex.Loc ation = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 144);
this.lblSex.Nam e = "lblSex";
this.lblSex.Siz e = new System.Drawing. Size(24, 16);
this.lblSex.Tab Index = 0;
this.lblSex.Tex t = "Sex";
// txtEmpName
this.txtEmpName .BorderStyle = System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpName .DataBindings.A dd(new System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.Emplo yee"));
this.txtEmpName .Location = new System.Drawing. Point(104, 24);
this.txtEmpName .Name = "txtEmpName ";
this.txtEmpName .Size = new System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpName .TabIndex = 1;
this.txtEmpName .Text = "";
// dataSet11
this.dataSet11. DataSetName = "DataSet1";
this.dataSet11. Locale = new System.Globaliz ation.CultureIn fo("en-US");
// txtEmpID
this.txtEmpID.B orderStyle = System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpID.D ataBindings.Add (new System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.EmpId "));
this.txtEmpID.L ocation = new System.Drawing. Point(104, 64);
this.txtEmpID.N ame = "txtEmpID";
this.txtEmpID.S ize = new System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpID.T abIndex = 1;
this.txtEmpID.T ext = "";
// txtDesignation
this.txtDesigna tion.BorderStyl e =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtDesigna tion.DataBindin gs.Add(new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text", this.dataSet11, "Employee.Desig nation"));
this.txtDesigna tion.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(104, 104);
this.txtDesigna tion.Name = "txtDesignation ";
this.txtDesigna tion.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtDesigna tion.TabIndex = 1;
this.txtDesigna tion.Text = "";
// txtSex
this.txtSex.Bor derStyle = System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtSex.Dat aBindings.Add(n ew System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.Sex") );
this.txtSex.Loc ation = new System.Drawing. Point(104, 144);
this.txtSex.Nam e = "txtSex";
this.txtSex.Siz e = new System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtSex.Tab Index = 1;
this.txtSex.Tex t = "";
// btnPrevious
this.btnPreviou s.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(56, 24);
this.btnPreviou s.Name = "btnPreviou s";
this.btnPreviou s.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnPreviou s.TabIndex = 2;
this.btnPreviou s.Text = "<";
this.btnPreviou s.Click += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnPr evious_Click);
// btnNext
this.btnNext.Lo cation = new System.Drawing. Point(112, 24);
this.btnNext.Na me = "btnNext";
this.btnNext.Si ze = new System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnNext.Ta bIndex = 3;
this.btnNext.Te xt = ">";
this.btnNext.Cl ick += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnNe xt_Click);
// btnDelete
this.btnDelete. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(112, 24);
this.btnDelete. Name = "btnDelete" ;
this.btnDelete. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(80, 23);
this.btnDelete. TabIndex = 4;
this.btnDelete. Text = "Delete";
// btnInsert
this.btnInsert. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 64);
this.btnInsert. Name = "btnInsert" ;
this.btnInsert. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(184, 23);
this.btnInsert. TabIndex = 5;
this.btnInsert. Text = "Insert";
// btnUpdate
this.btnUpdate. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.btnUpdate. Name = "btnUpdate" ;
this.btnUpdate. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(80, 23);
this.btnUpdate. TabIndex = 6;
this.btnUpdate. Text = "Update";
this.btnUpdate. Click += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnUp date_Click);
// grpSeek
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnFirst);
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnLast);
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnNext);
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnPrevious);
this.grpSeek.Lo cation = new System.Drawing. Point(224, 8);
this.grpSeek.Na me = "grpSeek";
this.grpSeek.Si ze = new System.Drawing. Size(200, 72);
this.grpSeek.Ta bIndex = 7;
this.grpSeek.Ta bStop = false;
this.grpSeek.Te xt = "Seek";
// btnFirst
this.btnFirst.L ocation = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.btnFirst.N ame = "btnFirst";
this.btnFirst.S ize = new System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnFirst.T abIndex = 5;
this.btnFirst.T ext = "|<<";
this.btnFirst.C lick += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnFi rst_Click);
// btnLast
this.btnLast.Lo cation = new System.Drawing. Point(160, 24);
this.btnLast.Na me = "btnLast";
this.btnLast.Si ze = new System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnLast.Ta bIndex = 4;
this.btnLast.Te xt = ">>|";
this.btnLast.Cl ick += new System.EventHan dler(this.btnLa st_Click);
// grpModify
this.grpModify. Controls.Add(th is.btnUpdate);
this.grpModify. Controls.Add(th is.btnDelete);
this.grpModify. Controls.Add(th is.btnInsert);
this.grpModify. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(224, 88);
this.grpModify. Name = "grpModify" ;
this.grpModify. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(200, 96);
this.grpModify. TabIndex = 8;
this.grpModify. TabStop = false;
this.grpModify. Text = "Modify";
Jan 25 '07 #3

I've been struggeling with this myself once, i now remeber that you
don't have to call AcceptChanges at all. Indeed it gets called
automatically after the update (Don't call it before updating like I
suggested because this will have the averse effect).
>When I change the text in the textbox and click next button, then back
button, it shows the text with the changes! but when i say update it is not
updating the datasource. Why is this!!!!
Where is your database? Is it an .MDF file that's in you Visual Studio
Project ? If that's the case, check if VS isn't copying it to the
output directory every time you run the application. See
This was the cause of the "problem" i had a while ago.

Kind regards,

On 25 jan, 12:08, Gokul <G...@discussio ns.microsoft.co mwrote:
I have tried using acceptchanges but same result! I have read some where when
we use adapter.update it internally calls acceptchanges method.

When I change the text in the textbox and click next button, then back
button, it shows the text with the changes! but when i say update it is not
updating the datasource. Why is this!!!!

"Marc Vangrieken" wrote:
I haven't looked at your code very thoroughly but it looks as if the
changes are not reflected in your dataset before you start the update
method of your tableAdapter. Take a look at the AcceptChanges method
on your DataSet...
Kind regards,
On 25 jan, 08:39, Gokul <G...@discussio ns.microsoft.co mwrote:
I am struck up with a problem and want anyone here to help me out. I am a
beginner in .NET trying to learng DataBinding concepts. I have binded4 text
boxes with a dataset but when I say adapter.update it gives me 0 records
updated! I am not getting any exceptions. Below is the complete code.Someone
please help me out.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collecti ons;
using System.Componen tModel;
using System.Windows. Forms;
using System.Data;
namespace ADO.NET
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Form1.
/// </summary>
public class frmMain : System.Windows. Forms.Form
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmplId;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblDesignation;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpID;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtDesignation;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnDelete;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnInsert;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnUpdate;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpSeek;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpModify;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnPrevious;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnNext;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnLast;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnFirst;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpData;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter sqlDataAdapter1 ;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlSelectComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlInsertComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlUpdateComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlDeleteComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction sqlConnection1;
private ADO.NET.DataSet 1 dataSet11;
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.Componen tModel.Containe r components = null;
public frmMain()
// Required for Windows Form Designer support
InitializeCompo nent();
// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeCompo nent call
/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
components.Disp ose();
base.Dispose( disposing );
#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeCompo nent()
this.lblEmpName = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblEmplId = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblDesigna tion = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblSex = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.txtEmpName = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.dataSet11 = new ADO.NET.DataSet 1();
this.txtEmpID = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtDesigna tion = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtSex = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.btnPreviou s = new System.Windows. Forms..Button() ;
this.btnNext = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnDelete = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnInsert = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnUpdate = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpSeek = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.btnFirst = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnLast = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpModify = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.grpData = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.sqlDataAda pter1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter();
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlConnect ion1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction();
this.sqlInsertC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlSelectC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
((System.Compon entModel.ISuppo rtInitialize)(t his.dataSet11)) .BeginInit();
this.grpSeek.Su spendLayout();
this.grpModify. SuspendLayout() ;
this.grpData.Su spendLayout();
this.SuspendLay out();
// lblEmpName
this.lblEmpName .AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmpName .Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.lblEmpName .Name = "lblEmpName ";
this.lblEmpName .Size = new System.Drawing. Size(88, 16);
this.lblEmpName .TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmpName .Text = "Employee Name";
// lblEmplId
this.lblEmplId. AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmplId. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 64);
this.lblEmplId. Name = "lblEmplId" ;
this.lblEmplId. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(67, 16);
this.lblEmplId. TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmplId. Text = "Employee Id";
// lblDesignation
this.lblDesigna tion.AutoSize = true;
this.lblDesigna tion.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 104);
this.lblDesigna tion.Name = "lblDesignation ";
this.lblDesigna tion.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(64, 16);
this.lblDesigna tion.TabIndex = 0;
this.lblDesigna tion.Text = "Designatio n";
// lblSex
this.lblSex.Aut oSize = true;
this.lblSex.Loc ation = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 144);
this.lblSex.Nam e = "lblSex";
this.lblSex.Siz e = new System.Drawing. Size(24, 16);
this.lblSex.Tab Index = 0;
this.lblSex.Tex t = "Sex";
// txtEmpName
this.txtEmpName .BorderStyle = System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpName .DataBindings.A dd(new System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.Emplo yee"));
this.txtEmpName .Location = new System.Drawing. Point(104, 24);
this.txtEmpName .Name = "txtEmpName ";
this.txtEmpName .Size = new System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpName .TabIndex = 1;...
meer lezen »
Jan 25 '07 #4
Thanks Marc. But still I am not able to update!
Database is SQL Server 7.0. Its under C:\MSSQL7\Data. No I tried everything
but still it is not updating.

"Marc Vangrieken" wrote:

I've been struggeling with this myself once, i now remeber that you
don't have to call AcceptChanges at all. Indeed it gets called
automatically after the update (Don't call it before updating like I
suggested because this will have the averse effect).
When I change the text in the textbox and click next button, then back
button, it shows the text with the changes! but when i say update it is not
updating the datasource. Why is this!!!!

Where is your database? Is it an .MDF file that's in you Visual Studio
Project ? If that's the case, check if VS isn't copying it to the
output directory every time you run the application. See
This was the cause of the "problem" i had a while ago.

Kind regards,

On 25 jan, 12:08, Gokul <G...@discussio ns.microsoft.co mwrote:
I have tried using acceptchanges but same result! I have read some where when
we use adapter.update it internally calls acceptchanges method.

When I change the text in the textbox and click next button, then back
button, it shows the text with the changes! but when i say update it is not
updating the datasource. Why is this!!!!

"Marc Vangrieken" wrote:
I haven't looked at your code very thoroughly but it looks as if the
changes are not reflected in your dataset before you start the update
method of your tableAdapter. Take a look at the AcceptChanges method
on your DataSet...
Kind regards,
On 25 jan, 08:39, Gokul <G...@discussio ns.microsoft.co mwrote:
I am struck up with a problem and want anyone here to help me out. I am a
beginner in .NET trying to learng DataBinding concepts. I have binded 4 text
boxes with a dataset but when I say adapter.update it gives me 0 records
updated! I am not getting any exceptions. Below is the complete code. Someone
please help me out.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collecti ons;
using System.Componen tModel;
using System.Windows. Forms;
using System.Data;
namespace ADO.NET
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Form1.
/// </summary>
public class frmMain : System.Windows. Forms.Form
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmplId;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblDesignation;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpID;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtDesignation;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnDelete;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnInsert;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnUpdate;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpSeek;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpModify;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnPrevious;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnNext;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnLast;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnFirst;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpData;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter sqlDataAdapter1 ;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlSelectComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlInsertComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlUpdateComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd sqlDeleteComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction sqlConnection1;
private ADO.NET.DataSet 1 dataSet11;
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.Componen tModel.Containe r components = null;
public frmMain()
// Required for Windows Form Designer support
InitializeCompo nent();
// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeCompo nent call
/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
components.Disp ose();
base.Dispose( disposing );
#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeCompo nent()
this.lblEmpName = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblEmplId = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblDesigna tion = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblSex = new System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.txtEmpName = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.dataSet11 = new ADO.NET.DataSet 1();
this.txtEmpID = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtDesigna tion = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtSex = new System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.btnPreviou s = new System.Windows. Forms..Button() ;
this.btnNext = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnDelete = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnInsert = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnUpdate = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpSeek = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.btnFirst = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnLast = new System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpModify = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.grpData = new System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.sqlDataAda pter1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter();
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlConnect ion1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction();
this.sqlInsertC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlSelectC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1 = new System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
((System.Compon entModel.ISuppo rtInitialize)(t his.dataSet11)) .BeginInit();
this.grpSeek.Su spendLayout();
this.grpModify. SuspendLayout() ;
this.grpData.Su spendLayout();
this.SuspendLay out();
// lblEmpName
this.lblEmpName .AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmpName .Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.lblEmpName .Name = "lblEmpName ";
this.lblEmpName .Size = new System.Drawing. Size(88, 16);
this.lblEmpName .TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmpName .Text = "Employee Name";
// lblEmplId
this.lblEmplId. AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmplId. Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 64);
this.lblEmplId. Name = "lblEmplId" ;
this.lblEmplId. Size = new System.Drawing. Size(67, 16);
this.lblEmplId. TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmplId. Text = "Employee Id";
// lblDesignation
this.lblDesigna tion.AutoSize = true;
this.lblDesigna tion.Location = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 104);
this.lblDesigna tion.Name = "lblDesignation ";
this.lblDesigna tion.Size = new System.Drawing. Size(64, 16);
this.lblDesigna tion.TabIndex = 0;
this.lblDesigna tion.Text = "Designatio n";
// lblSex
this.lblSex.Aut oSize = true;
this.lblSex.Loc ation = new System.Drawing. Point(8, 144);
this.lblSex.Nam e = "lblSex";
this.lblSex.Siz e = new System.Drawing. Size(24, 16);
this.lblSex.Tab Index = 0;
this.lblSex.Tex t = "Sex";
// txtEmpName
this.txtEmpName .BorderStyle = System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpName .DataBindings.A dd(new System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.Emplo yee"));
this.txtEmpName .Location = new System.Drawing. Point(104, 24);
this.txtEmpName .Name = "txtEmpName ";
this.txtEmpName .Size = new System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpName .TabIndex = 1;...
meer lezen »

Jan 25 '07 #5
When you say it is not updating the data source, are you relying on your
display of the number of records updated, or are you actually checking

Can you check the state of the row, i.e. is it set to Unchanged, or is
it set
to Modified?

Do your Adds work, and it's just the changes that don't work?
What about the Deletes?

Your code looks right, at least on first inspection.

Robin S.

"Gokul" <Go***@discussi ons.microsoft.c omwrote in message
news:9B******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
>I have tried using acceptchanges but same result! I have read some
where when
we use adapter.update it internally calls acceptchanges method.

When I change the text in the textbox and click next button, then back
button, it shows the text with the changes! but when i say update it
is not
updating the datasource. Why is this!!!!

"Marc Vangrieken" wrote:

I haven't looked at your code very thoroughly but it looks as if the
changes are not reflected in your dataset before you start the update
method of your tableAdapter. Take a look at the AcceptChanges method
on your DataSet...


Kind regards,
On 25 jan, 08:39, Gokul <G...@discussio ns.microsoft.co mwrote:
I am struck up with a problem and want anyone here to help me out.
I am a
beginner in .NET trying to learng DataBinding concepts. I have
binded 4 text
boxes with a dataset but when I say adapter.update it gives me 0
updated! I am not getting any exceptions. Below is the complete
code. Someone
please help me out.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collecti ons;
using System.Componen tModel;
using System.Windows. Forms;
using System.Data;

namespace ADO.NET
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Form1.
/// </summary>
public class frmMain : System.Windows. Forms.Form
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmplId;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblDesignation;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpID;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnDelete;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnInsert;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnUpdate;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpSeek;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpModify;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnPrevious;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnNext;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnLast;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnFirst;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpData;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter
sqlDataAdapter1 ;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlSelectComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlInsertComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlUpdateComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlDeleteComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction
private ADO.NET.DataSet 1 dataSet11;
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.Componen tModel.Containe r components
= null;

public frmMain()
// Required for Windows Form Designer
InitializeCompo nent();

// TODO: Add any constructor code after
InitializeCompo nent call

/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
components.Disp ose();
base.Dispose( disposing );

#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not
/// the contents of this method with the code
/// </summary>
private void InitializeCompo nent()
this.lblEmpName = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblEmplId = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblDesigna tion = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblSex = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.txtEmpName = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.dataSet11 = new ADO.NET.DataSet 1();
this.txtEmpID = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtDesigna tion = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtSex = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.btnPreviou s = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnNext = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnDelete = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnInsert = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnUpdate = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpSeek = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.btnFirst = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnLast = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpModify = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.grpData = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.sqlDataAda pter1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter();
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlConnect ion1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction();
this.sqlInsertC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlSelectC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();

((System.Compon entModel.ISuppo rtInitialize)(t his.dataSet11)) .BeginInit();
this.grpSeek.Su spendLayout();
this.grpModify. SuspendLayout() ;
this.grpData.Su spendLayout();
this.SuspendLay out();
// lblEmpName
this.lblEmpName .AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmpName .Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.lblEmpName .Name = "lblEmpName ";
this.lblEmpName .Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(88, 16);
this.lblEmpName .TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmpName .Text = "Employee Name";
// lblEmplId
this.lblEmplId. AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmplId. Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 64);
this.lblEmplId. Name = "lblEmplId" ;
this.lblEmplId. Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(67, 16);
this.lblEmplId. TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmplId. Text = "Employee Id";
// lblDesignation
this.lblDesigna tion.AutoSize = true;
this.lblDesigna tion.Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 104);
this.lblDesigna tion.Name =
"lblDesignation ";
this.lblDesigna tion.Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(64, 16);
this.lblDesigna tion.TabIndex = 0;
this.lblDesigna tion.Text = "Designatio n";
// lblSex
this.lblSex.Aut oSize = true;
this.lblSex.Loc ation = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 144);
this.lblSex.Nam e = "lblSex";
this.lblSex.Siz e = new
System.Drawing. Size(24, 16);
this.lblSex.Tab Index = 0;
this.lblSex.Tex t = "Sex";
// txtEmpName
this.txtEmpName .BorderStyle =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpName .DataBindings.A dd(new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.Emplo yee"));
this.txtEmpName .Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(104, 24);
this.txtEmpName .Name = "txtEmpName ";
this.txtEmpName .Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpName .TabIndex = 1;
this.txtEmpName .Text = "";
// dataSet11
this.dataSet11. DataSetName = "DataSet1";
this.dataSet11. Locale = new
System.Globaliz ation.CultureIn fo("en-US");
// txtEmpID
this.txtEmpID.B orderStyle =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpID.D ataBindings.Add (new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.EmpId "));
this.txtEmpID.L ocation = new
System.Drawing. Point(104, 64);
this.txtEmpID.N ame = "txtEmpID";
this.txtEmpID.S ize = new
System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpID.T abIndex = 1;
this.txtEmpID.T ext = "";
// txtDesignation
this.txtDesigna tion.BorderStyl e =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtDesigna tion.DataBindin gs.Add(new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text", this.dataSet11,
"Employee.Desig nation"));
this.txtDesigna tion.Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(104, 104);
this.txtDesigna tion.Name =
"txtDesignation ";
this.txtDesigna tion.Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtDesigna tion.TabIndex = 1;
this.txtDesigna tion.Text = "";
// txtSex
this.txtSex.Bor derStyle =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtSex.Dat aBindings.Add(n ew
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.Sex") );
this.txtSex.Loc ation = new
System.Drawing. Point(104, 144);
this.txtSex.Nam e = "txtSex";
this.txtSex.Siz e = new
System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtSex.Tab Index = 1;
this.txtSex.Tex t = "";
// btnPrevious
this.btnPreviou s.Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(56, 24);
this.btnPreviou s.Name = "btnPreviou s";
this.btnPreviou s.Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnPreviou s.TabIndex = 2;
this.btnPreviou s.Text = "<";
this.btnPreviou s.Click += new
System.EventHan dler(this.btnPr evious_Click);
// btnNext
this.btnNext.Lo cation = new
System.Drawing. Point(112, 24);
this.btnNext.Na me = "btnNext";
this.btnNext.Si ze = new
System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnNext.Ta bIndex = 3;
this.btnNext.Te xt = ">";
this.btnNext.Cl ick += new
System.EventHan dler(this.btnNe xt_Click);
// btnDelete
this.btnDelete. Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(112, 24);
this.btnDelete. Name = "btnDelete" ;
this.btnDelete. Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(80, 23);
this.btnDelete. TabIndex = 4;
this.btnDelete. Text = "Delete";
// btnInsert
this.btnInsert. Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 64);
this.btnInsert. Name = "btnInsert" ;
this.btnInsert. Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(184, 23);
this.btnInsert. TabIndex = 5;
this.btnInsert. Text = "Insert";
// btnUpdate
this.btnUpdate. Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.btnUpdate. Name = "btnUpdate" ;
this.btnUpdate. Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(80, 23);
this.btnUpdate. TabIndex = 6;
this.btnUpdate. Text = "Update";
this.btnUpdate. Click += new
System.EventHan dler(this.btnUp date_Click);
// grpSeek
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnFirst);
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnLast);
this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnNext);

this.grpSeek.Co ntrols.Add(this .btnPrevious);
this.grpSeek.Lo cation = new
System.Drawing. Point(224, 8);
this.grpSeek.Na me = "grpSeek";
this.grpSeek.Si ze = new
System.Drawing. Size(200, 72);
this.grpSeek.Ta bIndex = 7;
this.grpSeek.Ta bStop = false;
this.grpSeek.Te xt = "Seek";
// btnFirst
this.btnFirst.L ocation = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.btnFirst.N ame = "btnFirst";
this.btnFirst.S ize = new
System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnFirst.T abIndex = 5;
this.btnFirst.T ext = "|<<";
this.btnFirst.C lick += new
System.EventHan dler(this.btnFi rst_Click);
// btnLast
this.btnLast.Lo cation = new
System.Drawing. Point(160, 24);
this.btnLast.Na me = "btnLast";
this.btnLast.Si ze = new
System.Drawing. Size(32, 23);
this.btnLast.Ta bIndex = 4;
this.btnLast.Te xt = ">>|";
this.btnLast.Cl ick += new
System.EventHan dler(this.btnLa st_Click);
// grpModify

this.grpModify. Controls.Add(th is.btnUpdate);

this.grpModify. Controls.Add(th is.btnDelete);

this.grpModify. Controls.Add(th is.btnInsert);
this.grpModify. Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(224, 88);
this.grpModify. Name = "grpModify" ;
this.grpModify. Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(200, 96);
this.grpModify. TabIndex = 8;
this.grpModify. TabStop = false;
this.grpModify. Text = "Modify";

Jan 25 '07 #6
Thanks Robin.
I checked the database as well but no change,its same.

Checked the datarow state it is unchanged!

But when I printed the value dataSet11.Table s[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() it
gives me the updated text!!!!

Can anyone please tell me what could be the problem

"RobinS" wrote:
When you say it is not updating the data source, are you relying on your
display of the number of records updated, or are you actually checking

Can you check the state of the row, i.e. is it set to Unchanged, or is
it set
to Modified?

Do your Adds work, and it's just the changes that don't work?
What about the Deletes?

Your code looks right, at least on first inspection.

Robin S.

"Gokul" <Go***@discussi ons.microsoft.c omwrote in message
news:9B******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
I have tried using acceptchanges but same result! I have read some
where when
we use adapter.update it internally calls acceptchanges method.

When I change the text in the textbox and click next button, then back
button, it shows the text with the changes! but when i say update it
is not
updating the datasource. Why is this!!!!

"Marc Vangrieken" wrote:

I haven't looked at your code very thoroughly but it looks as if the
changes are not reflected in your dataset before you start the update
method of your tableAdapter. Take a look at the AcceptChanges method
on your DataSet...


Kind regards,
On 25 jan, 08:39, Gokul <G...@discussio ns.microsoft.co mwrote:
I am struck up with a problem and want anyone here to help me out.
I am a
beginner in .NET trying to learng DataBinding concepts. I have
binded 4 text
boxes with a dataset but when I say adapter.update it gives me 0
updated! I am not getting any exceptions. Below is the complete
code. Someone
please help me out.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collecti ons;
using System.Componen tModel;
using System.Windows. Forms;
using System.Data;

namespace ADO.NET
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Form1.
/// </summary>
public class frmMain : System.Windows. Forms.Form
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmplId;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblDesignation;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpID;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnDelete;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnInsert;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnUpdate;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpSeek;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpModify;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnPrevious;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnNext;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnLast;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnFirst;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpData;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter
sqlDataAdapter1 ;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlSelectComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlInsertComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlUpdateComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlDeleteComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction
private ADO.NET.DataSet 1 dataSet11;
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.Componen tModel.Containe r components
= null;

public frmMain()
// Required for Windows Form Designer
InitializeCompo nent();

// TODO: Add any constructor code after
InitializeCompo nent call

/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
components.Disp ose();
base.Dispose( disposing );

#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not
/// the contents of this method with the code
/// </summary>
private void InitializeCompo nent()
this.lblEmpName = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblEmplId = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblDesigna tion = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblSex = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.txtEmpName = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.dataSet11 = new ADO.NET.DataSet 1();
this.txtEmpID = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtDesigna tion = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtSex = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.btnPreviou s = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnNext = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnDelete = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnInsert = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnUpdate = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpSeek = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.btnFirst = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnLast = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpModify = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.grpData = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.sqlDataAda pter1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter();
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlConnect ion1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction();
this.sqlInsertC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlSelectC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();

((System.Compon entModel.ISuppo rtInitialize)(t his.dataSet11)) .BeginInit();
this.grpSeek.Su spendLayout();
this.grpModify. SuspendLayout() ;
this.grpData.Su spendLayout();
this.SuspendLay out();
// lblEmpName
this.lblEmpName .AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmpName .Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.lblEmpName .Name = "lblEmpName ";
this.lblEmpName .Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(88, 16);
this.lblEmpName .TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmpName .Text = "Employee Name";
// lblEmplId
this.lblEmplId. AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmplId. Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 64);
this.lblEmplId. Name = "lblEmplId" ;
this.lblEmplId. Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(67, 16);
this.lblEmplId. TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmplId. Text = "Employee Id";
// lblDesignation
this.lblDesigna tion.AutoSize = true;
this.lblDesigna tion.Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 104);
this.lblDesigna tion.Name =
"lblDesignation ";
this.lblDesigna tion.Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(64, 16);
this.lblDesigna tion.TabIndex = 0;
this.lblDesigna tion.Text = "Designatio n";
// lblSex
this.lblSex.Aut oSize = true;
this.lblSex.Loc ation = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 144);
this.lblSex.Nam e = "lblSex";
this.lblSex.Siz e = new
System.Drawing. Size(24, 16);
this.lblSex.Tab Index = 0;
this.lblSex.Tex t = "Sex";
// txtEmpName
this.txtEmpName .BorderStyle =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpName .DataBindings.A dd(new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.Emplo yee"));
this.txtEmpName .Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(104, 24);
this.txtEmpName .Name = "txtEmpName ";
this.txtEmpName .Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpName .TabIndex = 1;
this.txtEmpName .Text = "";
// dataSet11
this.dataSet11. DataSetName = "DataSet1";
this.dataSet11. Locale = new
System.Globaliz ation.CultureIn fo("en-US");
// txtEmpID
this.txtEmpID.B orderStyle =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpID.D ataBindings.Add (new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.EmpId "));
this.txtEmpID.L ocation = new
System.Drawing. Point(104, 64);
this.txtEmpID.N ame = "txtEmpID";
this.txtEmpID.S ize = new
System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpID.T abIndex = 1;
this.txtEmpID.T ext = "";
// txtDesignation
this.txtDesigna tion.BorderStyl e =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtDesigna tion.DataBindin gs.Add(new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text", this.dataSet11,
"Employee.Desig nation"));
this.txtDesigna tion.Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(104, 104);
this.txtDesigna tion.Name =
"txtDesignation ";
this.txtDesigna tion.Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtDesigna tion.TabIndex = 1;
this.txtDesigna tion.Text = "";
// txtSex
this.txtSex.Bor derStyle =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
Jan 29 '07 #7
I don't suppose you're using a SQL Express database, are you? You might
want to check out this link I saw posted over in the ADO.Net newsgroup
about updating a different database than you think.


Robin S.

"Gokul" <Go***@discussi ons.microsoft.c omwrote in message
news:AB******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
Thanks Robin.
I checked the database as well but no change,its same.

Checked the datarow state it is unchanged!

But when I printed the value dataSet11.Table s[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() it
gives me the updated text!!!!

Can anyone please tell me what could be the problem

"RobinS" wrote:
>When you say it is not updating the data source, are you relying on your
display of the number of records updated, or are you actually checking

Can you check the state of the row, i.e. is it set to Unchanged, or is
it set
to Modified?

Do your Adds work, and it's just the changes that don't work?
What about the Deletes?

Your code looks right, at least on first inspection.

Robin S.

"Gokul" <Go***@discussi ons.microsoft.c omwrote in message
news:9B******* *************** ************@mi crosoft.com...
>I have tried using acceptchanges but same result! I have read some
where when
we use adapter.update it internally calls acceptchanges method.

When I change the text in the textbox and click next button, then back
button, it shows the text with the changes! but when i say update it
is not
updating the datasource. Why is this!!!!

"Marc Vangrieken" wrote:


I haven't looked at your code very thoroughly but it looks as if the
changes are not reflected in your dataset before you start the update
method of your tableAdapter. Take a look at the AcceptChanges method
on your DataSet...


Kind regards,
On 25 jan, 08:39, Gokul <G...@discussio ns.microsoft.co mwrote:
I am struck up with a problem and want anyone here to help me out.
I am a
beginner in .NET trying to learng DataBinding concepts. I have
binded 4 text
boxes with a dataset but when I say adapter.update it gives me 0
updated! I am not getting any exceptions. Below is the complete
code. Someone
please help me out.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collecti ons;
using System.Componen tModel;
using System.Windows. Forms;
using System.Data;

namespace ADO.NET
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Form1.
/// </summary>
public class frmMain : System.Windows. Forms.Form
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmplId;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblDesignation;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpID;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnDelete;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnInsert;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnUpdate;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpSeek;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpModify;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnPrevious;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnNext;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnLast;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnFirst;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpData;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter
sqlDataAdapter1 ;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlSelectComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlInsertComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlUpdateComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlDeleteComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction
private ADO.NET.DataSet 1 dataSet11;
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.Componen tModel.Containe r components
= null;

public frmMain()
// Required for Windows Form Designer
InitializeCompo nent();

// TODO: Add any constructor code after
InitializeCompo nent call

/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
components.Disp ose();
base.Dispose( disposing );

#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not
/// the contents of this method with the code
/// </summary>
private void InitializeCompo nent()
this.lblEmpName = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblEmplId = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblDesigna tion = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblSex = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.txtEmpName = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.dataSet11 = new ADO.NET.DataSet 1();
this.txtEmpID = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtDesigna tion = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtSex = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.btnPreviou s = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnNext = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnDelete = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnInsert = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnUpdate = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpSeek = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.btnFirst = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnLast = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpModify = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.grpData = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.sqlDataAda pter1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter();
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlConnect ion1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction();
this.sqlInsertC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlSelectC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();

((System.Compon entModel.ISuppo rtInitialize)(t his.dataSet11)) .BeginInit();
this.grpSeek.Su spendLayout();
this.grpModify. SuspendLayout() ;
this.grpData.Su spendLayout();
this.SuspendLay out();
// lblEmpName
this.lblEmpName .AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmpName .Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.lblEmpName .Name = "lblEmpName ";
this.lblEmpName .Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(88, 16);
this.lblEmpName .TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmpName .Text = "Employee Name";
// lblEmplId
this.lblEmplId. AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmplId. Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 64);
this.lblEmplId. Name = "lblEmplId" ;
this.lblEmplId. Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(67, 16);
this.lblEmplId. TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmplId. Text = "Employee Id";
// lblDesignation
this.lblDesigna tion.AutoSize = true;
this.lblDesigna tion.Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 104);
this.lblDesigna tion.Name =
"lblDesignation ";
this.lblDesigna tion.Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(64, 16);
this.lblDesigna tion.TabIndex = 0;
this.lblDesigna tion.Text = "Designatio n";
// lblSex
this.lblSex.Aut oSize = true;
this.lblSex.Loc ation = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 144);
this.lblSex.Nam e = "lblSex";
this.lblSex.Siz e = new
System.Drawing. Size(24, 16);
this.lblSex.Tab Index = 0;
this.lblSex.Tex t = "Sex";
// txtEmpName
this.txtEmpName .BorderStyle =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpName .DataBindings.A dd(new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.Emplo yee"));
this.txtEmpName .Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(104, 24);
this.txtEmpName .Name = "txtEmpName ";
this.txtEmpName .Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpName .TabIndex = 1;
this.txtEmpName .Text = "";
// dataSet11
this.dataSet11. DataSetName = "DataSet1";
this.dataSet11. Locale = new
System.Globaliz ation.CultureIn fo("en-US");
// txtEmpID
this.txtEmpID.B orderStyle =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpID.D ataBindings.Add (new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.EmpId "));
this.txtEmpID.L ocation = new
System.Drawing. Point(104, 64);
this.txtEmpID.N ame = "txtEmpID";
this.txtEmpID.S ize = new
System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpID.T abIndex = 1;
this.txtEmpID.T ext = "";
// txtDesignation
this.txtDesigna tion.BorderStyl e =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtDesigna tion.DataBindin gs.Add(new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text", this.dataSet11,
"Employee.Desig nation"));
this.txtDesigna tion.Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(104, 104);
this.txtDesigna tion.Name =
"txtDesignation ";
this.txtDesigna tion.Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtDesigna tion.TabIndex = 1;
this.txtDesigna tion.Text = "";
// txtSex
this.txtSex.Bor derStyle =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;

Jan 29 '07 #8
Robin I use SQL 2000 and adapter will create a connection for me.

"RobinS" wrote:
I don't suppose you're using a SQL Express database, are you? You might
want to check out this link I saw posted over in the ADO.Net newsgroup
about updating a different database than you think.


Robin S.

"Gokul" <Go***@discussi ons.microsoft.c omwrote in message
news:AB******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
Thanks Robin.
I checked the database as well but no change,its same.

Checked the datarow state it is unchanged!

But when I printed the value dataSet11.Table s[0].Rows[0][0].ToString() it
gives me the updated text!!!!

Can anyone please tell me what could be the problem

"RobinS" wrote:
When you say it is not updating the data source, are you relying on your
display of the number of records updated, or are you actually checking

Can you check the state of the row, i.e. is it set to Unchanged, or is
it set
to Modified?

Do your Adds work, and it's just the changes that don't work?
What about the Deletes?

Your code looks right, at least on first inspection.

Robin S.

"Gokul" <Go***@discussi ons.microsoft.c omwrote in message
news:9B******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
I have tried using acceptchanges but same result! I have read some
where when
we use adapter.update it internally calls acceptchanges method.

When I change the text in the textbox and click next button, then back
button, it shows the text with the changes! but when i say update it
is not
updating the datasource. Why is this!!!!

"Marc Vangrieken" wrote:


I haven't looked at your code very thoroughly but it looks as if the
changes are not reflected in your dataset before you start the update
method of your tableAdapter. Take a look at the AcceptChanges method
on your DataSet...


Kind regards,
On 25 jan, 08:39, Gokul <G...@discussio ns.microsoft.co mwrote:
I am struck up with a problem and want anyone here to help me out.
I am a
beginner in .NET trying to learng DataBinding concepts. I have
binded 4 text
boxes with a dataset but when I say adapter.update it gives me 0
updated! I am not getting any exceptions. Below is the complete
code. Someone
please help me out.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collecti ons;
using System.Componen tModel;
using System.Windows. Forms;
using System.Data;

namespace ADO.NET
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Form1.
/// </summary>
public class frmMain : System.Windows. Forms.Form
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmplId;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblDesignation;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpID;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnDelete;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnInsert;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnUpdate;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpSeek;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpModify;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnPrevious;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnNext;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnLast;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnFirst;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpData;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter
sqlDataAdapter1 ;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlSelectComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlInsertComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlUpdateComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlDeleteComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction
private ADO.NET.DataSet 1 dataSet11;
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.Componen tModel.Containe r components
= null;

public frmMain()
// Required for Windows Form Designer
InitializeCompo nent();

// TODO: Add any constructor code after
InitializeCompo nent call

/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
components.Disp ose();
base.Dispose( disposing );

#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not
/// the contents of this method with the code
/// </summary>
private void InitializeCompo nent()
this.lblEmpName = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblEmplId = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblDesigna tion = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblSex = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.txtEmpName = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.dataSet11 = new ADO.NET.DataSet 1();
this.txtEmpID = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtDesigna tion = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtSex = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.btnPreviou s = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnNext = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnDelete = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnInsert = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnUpdate = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpSeek = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.btnFirst = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnLast = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpModify = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.grpData = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.sqlDataAda pter1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter();
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlConnect ion1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction();
this.sqlInsertC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlSelectC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();

((System.Compon entModel.ISuppo rtInitialize)(t his.dataSet11)) .BeginInit();
this.grpSeek.Su spendLayout();
this.grpModify. SuspendLayout() ;
this.grpData.Su spendLayout();
this.SuspendLay out();
// lblEmpName
this.lblEmpName .AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmpName .Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.lblEmpName .Name = "lblEmpName ";
this.lblEmpName .Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(88, 16);
this.lblEmpName .TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmpName .Text = "Employee Name";
// lblEmplId
this.lblEmplId. AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmplId. Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 64);
this.lblEmplId. Name = "lblEmplId" ;
this.lblEmplId. Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(67, 16);
this.lblEmplId. TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmplId. Text = "Employee Id";
// lblDesignation
this.lblDesigna tion.AutoSize = true;
this.lblDesigna tion.Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 104);
this.lblDesigna tion.Name =
"lblDesignation ";
this.lblDesigna tion.Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(64, 16);
this.lblDesigna tion.TabIndex = 0;
this.lblDesigna tion.Text = "Designatio n";
// lblSex
this.lblSex.Aut oSize = true;
this.lblSex.Loc ation = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 144);
this.lblSex.Nam e = "lblSex";
this.lblSex.Siz e = new
System.Drawing. Size(24, 16);
this.lblSex.Tab Index = 0;
this.lblSex.Tex t = "Sex";
// txtEmpName
this.txtEmpName .BorderStyle =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpName .DataBindings.A dd(new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.Emplo yee"));
this.txtEmpName .Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(104, 24);
this.txtEmpName .Name = "txtEmpName ";
this.txtEmpName .Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpName .TabIndex = 1;
this.txtEmpName .Text = "";
// dataSet11
this.dataSet11. DataSetName = "DataSet1";
this.dataSet11. Locale = new
System.Globaliz ation.CultureIn fo("en-US");
// txtEmpID
this.txtEmpID.B orderStyle =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpID.D ataBindings.Add (new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.EmpId "));
this.txtEmpID.L ocation = new
System.Drawing. Point(104, 64);
this.txtEmpID.N ame = "txtEmpID";
this.txtEmpID.S ize = new
System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
Jan 29 '07 #9
Did you create the Update, Insert, and Delete Command objects for your

Robin S.
"Gokul" <Go***@discussi ons.microsoft.c omwrote in message
news:D0******** *************** ***********@mic rosoft.com...
Robin I use SQL 2000 and adapter will create a connection for me.

"RobinS" wrote:
>I don't suppose you're using a SQL Express database, are you? You might
want to check out this link I saw posted over in the ADO.Net newsgroup
about updating a different database than you think.


Robin S.

"Gokul" <Go***@discussi ons.microsoft.c omwrote in message
news:AB******* *************** ************@mi crosoft.com...
Thanks Robin.
I checked the database as well but no change,its same.

Checked the datarow state it is unchanged!

But when I printed the value dataSet11.Table s[0].Rows[0][0].ToString()
gives me the updated text!!!!

Can anyone please tell me what could be the problem

"RobinS" wrote:

When you say it is not updating the data source, are you relying on
display of the number of records updated, or are you actually

Can you check the state of the row, i.e. is it set to Unchanged, or
it set
to Modified?

Do your Adds work, and it's just the changes that don't work?
What about the Deletes?

Your code looks right, at least on first inspection.

Robin S.

"Gokul" <Go***@discussi ons.microsoft.c omwrote in message
news:9B******* *************** ************@mi crosoft.com...
I have tried using acceptchanges but same result! I have read some
where when
we use adapter.update it internally calls acceptchanges method.

When I change the text in the textbox and click next button, then
button, it shows the text with the changes! but when i say update
is not
updating the datasource. Why is this!!!!

"Marc Vangrieken" wrote:


I haven't looked at your code very thoroughly but it looks as if
changes are not reflected in your dataset before you start the
method of your tableAdapter. Take a look at the AcceptChanges
on your DataSet...


Kind regards,
On 25 jan, 08:39, Gokul <G...@discussio ns.microsoft.co mwrote:
I am struck up with a problem and want anyone here to help me
I am a
beginner in .NET trying to learng DataBinding concepts. I have
binded 4 text
boxes with a dataset but when I say adapter.update it gives me 0
updated! I am not getting any exceptions. Below is the complete
code. Someone
please help me out.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collecti ons;
using System.Componen tModel;
using System.Windows. Forms;
using System.Data;

namespace ADO.NET
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Form1.
/// </summary>
public class frmMain : System.Windows. Forms.Form
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblEmplId;
private System.Windows. Forms.Label
private System.Windows. Forms.Label lblSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpName;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtEmpID;
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox
private System.Windows. Forms.TextBox txtSex;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnDelete;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnInsert;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnUpdate;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpSeek;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpModify;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnPrevious;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnNext;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnLast;
private System.Windows. Forms.Button btnFirst;
private System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox grpData;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter
sqlDataAdapter1 ;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlSelectComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlInsertComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlUpdateComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd
sqlDeleteComman d1;
private System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction
private ADO.NET.DataSet 1 dataSet11;
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.Componen tModel.Containe r
= null;

public frmMain()
// Required for Windows Form Designer
InitializeCompo nent();

// TODO: Add any constructor code after
InitializeCompo nent call

/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool
disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
components.Disp ose();
base.Dispose( disposing );

#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do
/// the contents of this method with the code
/// </summary>
private void InitializeCompo nent()
this.lblEmpName = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblEmplId = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblDesigna tion = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.lblSex = new
System.Windows. Forms.Label();
this.txtEmpName = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.dataSet11 = new ADO.NET.DataSet 1();
this.txtEmpID = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtDesigna tion = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.txtSex = new
System.Windows. Forms.TextBox() ;
this.btnPreviou s = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnNext = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnDelete = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnInsert = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnUpdate = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpSeek = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.btnFirst = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.btnLast = new
System.Windows. Forms.Button();
this.grpModify = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.grpData = new
System.Windows. Forms.GroupBox( );
this.sqlDataAda pter1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlDataA dapter();
this.sqlDeleteC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlConnect ion1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlConne ction();
this.sqlInsertC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlSelectC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();
this.sqlUpdateC ommand1 = new
System.Data.Sql Client.SqlComma nd();

((System.Compon entModel.ISuppo rtInitialize)(t his.dataSet11)) .BeginInit();
this.grpSeek.Su spendLayout();
this.grpModify. SuspendLayout() ;
this.grpData.Su spendLayout();
this.SuspendLay out();
// lblEmpName
this.lblEmpName .AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmpName .Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 24);
this.lblEmpName .Name = "lblEmpName ";
this.lblEmpName .Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(88, 16);
this.lblEmpName .TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmpName .Text = "Employee Name";
// lblEmplId
this.lblEmplId. AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmplId. Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 64);
this.lblEmplId. Name = "lblEmplId" ;
this.lblEmplId. Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(67, 16);
this.lblEmplId. TabIndex = 0;
this.lblEmplId. Text = "Employee Id";
// lblDesignation
this.lblDesigna tion.AutoSize = true;
this.lblDesigna tion.Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 104);
this.lblDesigna tion.Name =
"lblDesignation ";
this.lblDesigna tion.Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(64, 16);
this.lblDesigna tion.TabIndex = 0;
this.lblDesigna tion.Text =
"Designatio n";
// lblSex
this.lblSex.Aut oSize = true;
this.lblSex.Loc ation = new
System.Drawing. Point(8, 144);
this.lblSex.Nam e = "lblSex";
this.lblSex.Siz e = new
System.Drawing. Size(24, 16);
this.lblSex.Tab Index = 0;
this.lblSex.Tex t = "Sex";
// txtEmpName
this.txtEmpName .BorderStyle =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpName .DataBindings.A dd(new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.Emplo yee"));
this.txtEmpName .Location = new
System.Drawing. Point(104, 24);
this.txtEmpName .Name = "txtEmpName ";
this.txtEmpName .Size = new
System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);
this.txtEmpName .TabIndex = 1;
this.txtEmpName .Text = "";
// dataSet11
this.dataSet11. DataSetName = "DataSet1";
this.dataSet11. Locale = new
System.Globaliz ation.CultureIn fo("en-US");
// txtEmpID
this.txtEmpID.B orderStyle =
System.Windows. Forms.BorderSty le.FixedSingle;
this.txtEmpID.D ataBindings.Add (new
System.Windows. Forms.Binding(" Text",
this.dataSet11, "Employee.EmpId "));
this.txtEmpID.L ocation = new
System.Drawing. Point(104, 64);
this.txtEmpID.N ame = "txtEmpID";
this.txtEmpID.S ize = new
System.Drawing. Size(96, 20);

Jan 30 '07 #10

This thread has been closed and replies have been disabled. Please start a new discussion.

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