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fire event handler for each radiobutton

I have a Asp.net table control that I dynamically add rows from a SQL
database. Inside the table, I add radiobuttons and they all have
different ID numbers according to BindChain()

Looking In BindChain() Sub for the line:
AddHandler Rb.CheckedChang ed, AddressOf BindAssembly_Cl ick

I can't get the radiobutton to attach the same BindAssembly_Cl ick()
event for each radiobutton. In fact it is attaching an event with the
ID number and the page gets posted when I click on it. It's weird. I
don't know where it's getting that from. I am desperate, Please help

Table HTML code generated
<table id="Tbchain" border="0"
style="border-width:1px;borde r-style:solid;">


<td><input id="Radio0" type="radio" name="MySel" value="Radio0"
checked="checke d" onclick="__doPo stBack('Radio0' ,'')"
language="javas cript" /><label
for="Radio0">C1 88</label></td><td></td><td><img
src=chain_image s/C188.gif></td><td>&nbsp;</td>


<td><input id="Radio1" type="radio" name="MySel" value="Radio1"
onclick="__doPo stBack('Radio1' ,'')" language="javas cript" /><label
for="Radio1">D6 67</label></td><td></td><td><img
src=chain_image s/D667.gif></td><td>&nbsp;</td>


<td><input id="Radio2" type="radio" name="MySel" value="Radio2"
onclick="__doPo stBack('Radio2' ,'')" language="javas cript" /><label
for="Radio2">D8 1X</label></td><td></td><td><img
src=chain_image s/D81X.gif></td><td>&nbsp;</td>


<td><input id="Radio3" type="radio" name="MySel" value="Radio3"
onclick="__doPo stBack('Radio3' ,'')" language="javas cript" /><label
for="Radio3">D8 8K</label></td><td></td><td><img
src=chain_image s/D88K.gif></td><td>&nbsp;</td>


<td><input id="Radio4" type="radio" name="MySel" value="Radio4"
onclick="__doPo stBack('Radio4' ,'')" language="javas cript" /><label
for="Radio4">SC 78</label></td><td></td><td><img
src=chain_image s/SC78.gif></td><td>&nbsp;</td>



I need to get this type of result:
<table id="Tbchain" border="0"
style="border-width:1px;borde r-style:solid;">


<td><input id="Radio0" type="radio" name="MySel" value="Radio0"
checked="checke d" onclick="__doPo stBack('BindAss embly_Click','' )"
language="javas cript" /><label
for="Radio0">C1 88</label></td><td></td><td><img
src=chain_image s/C188.gif></td><td>&nbsp;</td>


<td><input id="Radio1" type="radio" name="MySel" value="Radio1"
onclick="__doPo stBack('BindAss embly_Click','' )" language="javas cript"
/><label for="Radio1">D6 67</label></td><td></td><td><img
src=chain_image s/D667.gif></td><td>&nbsp;</td>


<td><input id="Radio2" type="radio" name="MySel" value="Radio2"
onclick="__doPo stBack('BindAss embly_Click','' )" language="javas cript"
/><label for="Radio2">D8 1X</label></td><td></td><td><img
src=chain_image s/D81X.gif></td><td>&nbsp;</td>


<td><input id="Radio3" type="radio" name="MySel" value="Radio3"
onclick="__doPo stBack('BindAss embly_Click','' )" language="javas cript"
/><label for="Radio3">D8 8K</label></td><td></td><td><img
src=chain_image s/D88K.gif></td><td>&nbsp;</td>


<td><input id="Radio4" type="radio" name="MySel" value="Radio4"
onclick="__doPo stBack('BindAss embly_Click','' )" language="javas cript"
/><label for="Radio4">SC 78</label></td><td></td><td><img
src=chain_image s/SC78.gif></td><td>&nbsp;</td>



Source Code
<%@ Page Language="VB" ContentType="te xt/html"
ResponseEncodin g="iso-8859-1" %>

<%@ import Namespace="Syst em.Web.UI.WebCo ntrols" %>

<%@ import Namespace="Syst em.Net" %>

<%@ import Namespace="Syst em.Data.SqlClie nt" %>

<%@ import Namespace="Syst em.Data" %>

<script language="VB" Debug="true" runat="server">

Public Const DB_CONN_STRING = "my connection"

Public cChainID as Integer

'Protected WithEvents optModify As
System.Web.UI.W ebControls.Radi oButton

Sub Page_Load(src As Object, e As EventArgs)

if not IsPostBack Then

BindManufacture r()

BindConveyorTyp e()



End if

End Sub

Sub BindManufacture r()


Dim mycn As SqlConnection = new SqlConnection(s trConn)

Dim SQL As String = "SELECT manufacturer FROM Sn_Rollers GROUP BY

Dim myda As SqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter (SQL, mycn)

Dim ds As DataSet = new DataSet()

myda.Fill (ds,"Table1")

manufacturer.Da taTextField="ma nufacturer"

manufacturer.Da taValueField="m anufacturer"

manufacturer.Da taSource=ds

manufacturer.Da taBind()

End Sub

Sub BindConveyorTyp e()


Dim mycn As SqlConnection = new SqlConnection(s trConn)

Dim manuf As String = manufacturer.se lecteditem.valu e

Dim SQL As String = "SELECT manufacturer, convtp FROM Sn_Rollers
WHERE (manufacturer = '"+manuf+"') GROUP BY manufacturer, convtp"

Dim myda As SqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter (SQL, mycn)

Dim ds As DataSet = new DataSet()

myda.Fill (ds,"Table2")

convtype.DataTe xtField="convtp "

convtype.DataVa lueField="convt p"

convtype.DataSo urce=ds

convtype.DataBi nd()


End Sub

Sub BindChain()


Dim mycn As SqlConnection = new SqlConnection(s trConn)

Dim Smanufacturer As String = manufacturer.se lecteditem.valu e

Dim Sconvtype As String = convtype.select editem.value

Dim SQL As String = "SELECT manufacturer, convtp, chain FROM
Sn_Rollers WHERE (manufacturer = '"+Smanufacture r+"' AND convtp =
'"+Sconvtype+"' ) GROUP BY manufacturer, convtp, chain"

Response.Write( "CHAIN <br>"+ SQL + "<br><br>" )

Dim myda As SqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter (SQL, mycn)

Dim ds As DataSet = new DataSet()

myda.Fill (ds,"Table3")

'chain.DataSour ce=ds

'chain.DataBind ()

Dim i As integer

For i = 0 To ds.Tables("Tabl e3").Rows.Cou nt - 1

Dim tRow As New TableRow()

Dim tCell_1 As New TableCell()

Dim tCell_2 As New TableCell()

Dim tCell_3 As New TableCell()

Dim tCell_4 As New TableCell()

Rb = New RadioButton()


Rb.ID = "Radio" + i.ToString()

Rb.Text = ds.Tables("Tabl e3").Rows(i).It em(2).ToString( )

Rb.GroupName="M ySel"

************ Here is the problem
*************** *************** ********

AddHandler Rb.CheckedChang ed, AddressOf BindAssembly_Cl ick

' It is not linking the same sub event BindAssembly_Cl ick() for each
radiobutton. Instead, it is adding an event with the ID name from
Rb.ID="Radio"+ i.ToString()

*************** ************ || *************** *************** ********

Rb.AutoPostBack = True

'Rb.Checked = True

tCell_1.Control s.Add(Rb)

tRow.Cells.Add( tCell_1)

tRow.Cells.Add( tCell_2)

Tbchain.Rows.Ad d(tRow)

tCell_3.Text="< img
src=chain_image s/"+Replace(ds.Ta bles("Table3"). Rows(i).Item(2) .ToString(),"
","") +".gif>"

tCell_4.Text="& nbsp;"

tRow.Cells.Add( tCell_3)

tRow.Cells.Add( tCell_4)

Tbchain.Rows.Ad d(tRow)


End Sub

function LoopTextBoxes(B yVal parent As Control) As String

Dim c As Control

Dim finish As Boolean = false

For Each c In parent.Controls

If c.GetType() Is GetType(RadioBu tton) Then

if Ctype(c, RadioButton).Ch ecked=True then

LoopTextBoxes=C type(c, RadioButton).Te xt

exit function

end if

End If

If (c.HasControls) Then

LoopTextBoxes(c )

End If


End function

Sub BindAssembly()


Dim mycn As SqlConnection = new SqlConnection(s trConn)

Dim Smanufacturer As String = manufacturer.se lecteditem.valu e

Dim Sconvtype As String = convtype.select editem.value

Dim Schain As string

Schain = LoopTextBoxes(M e)

Dim SQL As String = "SELECT manufacturer, convtp, chain, assembly
FROM Sn_Rollers WHERE (manufacturer = '"+Smanufacture r+"' AND convtp =
'"+Sconvtype +"' AND chain = '"+Schain +"') GROUP BY manufacturer,
convtp, chain, assembly"

Response.write( SQL)

Dim myda As SqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter (SQL, mycn)

Dim ds As DataSet = new DataSet()

myda.Fill (ds,"Table4")

Dpassembly.Data TextField="asse mbly"

Dpassembly.Data ValueField="ass embly"

Dpassembly.Data Source=ds

Dpassembly.Data Bind()

End Sub

Sub BindConveyorTyp e_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

BindConveyorTyp e()

End Sub

Sub BindChain_Click (sender As Object, e As EventArgs)


End Sub

Sub BindAssembly_Cl ick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)


End Sub



Jul 19 '05 #1
0 4139

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