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LoadXml() - misunderstandin g?

I think I might be misunderstandin g just what the LoadXml method is
doing. I have 2 seemingly identical XmlDocuments, an XPath query
succeeds on one of them, and fails on the other. Can anyone tell me
what I'm doing wrong, and how to do it right?

public void RetrieveDirecto ryNumbersWithCi rsAndDirs()
BillViewService Ref.AccountRef acref = new
KWPrototype.Web Services.Tests. BillViewService Ref.AccountRef( );
acref.AccountRe fString = "2547049";

XmlNode dirNode;
XmlNode cirNode;

XmlDocument doc = BPBillView.Retr ieveDirectoryNu mbers(
AccountRef.Pars e( "2547049" ) );

dirNode = doc.SelectSingl eNode("//DirectoryNumber s");
cirNode = doc.SelectSingl eNode("//CircuitNumbers" );
Assert.IsNotNul l(dirNode, "No DirectoryNumber s"); // This passes OK.
Assert.IsNotNul l(dirNode, "No CircuitNumbers" ); // This passes OK.

XmlDocument doc2 = new XmlDocument();
doc2.LoadXml( doc.DocumentEle ment.OuterXml );

Assert.AreEqual ( doc.DocumentEle ment.OuterXml,
doc2.DocumentEl ement.OuterXml ); // This passes OK.

dirNode = doc2.SelectSing leNode("//DirectoryNumber s");
cirNode = doc2.SelectSing leNode("//CircuitNumbers" );
Assert.IsNotNul l(dirNode, "No DirectoryNumber s"); // This fails.
Assert.IsNotNul l(cirNode, "No CircuitNumbers" ); // This fails.

Tim Haughton

Nov 12 '05 #1
4 3502
Tim Haughton wrote:
I think I might be misunderstandin g just what the LoadXml method is
doing. I have 2 seemingly identical XmlDocuments, an XPath query
succeeds on one of them, and fails on the other. Can anyone tell me
what I'm doing wrong, and how to do it right?

public void RetrieveDirecto ryNumbersWithCi rsAndDirs()
BillViewService Ref.AccountRef acref = new
KWPrototype.Web Services.Tests. BillViewService Ref.AccountRef( );
acref.AccountRe fString = "2547049";

XmlNode dirNode;
XmlNode cirNode;

XmlDocument doc = BPBillView.Retr ieveDirectoryNu mbers(
AccountRef.Pars e( "2547049" ) );

dirNode = doc.SelectSingl eNode("//DirectoryNumber s");
cirNode = doc.SelectSingl eNode("//CircuitNumbers" );
Assert.IsNotNul l(dirNode, "No DirectoryNumber s"); // This passes OK.
Assert.IsNotNul l(dirNode, "No CircuitNumbers" ); // This passes OK.

XmlDocument doc2 = new XmlDocument();
doc2.LoadXml( doc.DocumentEle ment.OuterXml );

Assert.AreEqual ( doc.DocumentEle ment.OuterXml,
doc2.DocumentEl ement.OuterXml ); // This passes OK.

dirNode = doc2.SelectSing leNode("//DirectoryNumber s");
cirNode = doc2.SelectSing leNode("//CircuitNumbers" );
Assert.IsNotNul l(dirNode, "No DirectoryNumber s"); // This fails.
Assert.IsNotNul l(cirNode, "No CircuitNumbers" ); // This fails.

Weird. Chances are namespaces are involved. E.g. when first document is
loaded and then some xmlns attributes are added, they won't affect XPath
untill XML is reloaded. Show ud how you build first XML.
Btw, instead of serializing and reparsing XML you can import nodes from
first XmlDocument into the second one - I believe that's more effective.

Oleg Tkachenko [XML MVP]
Nov 12 '05 #2
Hi Oleg. The test had been altered a bit to emphasize the problem.
Essentially, we have some server side classes that constructs
XmlDocuments, these then get streamed across a web service, and I'm
basically checking that the XmlDocument that is constructed on the
client side passes the same tests as on the server side.

I wrote the documents out to disk to check was was different. The only
thing I could see was that the second document didn't have an
XmlDeclaration, so I added one. The test now looks like this...
public void RetrieveDirecto ryNumbersWithCi rsAndDirs()
BillViewService Ref.AccountRef acref = new
KWPrototype.Web Services.Tests. BillViewService Ref.AccountRef( );
acref.AccountRe fString = "2547049";

XmlNode dirNode;
XmlNode cirNode;

XmlDocument doc = BPBillView.Retr ieveDirectoryNu mbers(
AccountRef.Pars e( "2547049" ) );
doc.Save( "C:\\Test.x ml" );

dirNode = doc.SelectSingl eNode("//DirectoryNumber s");
cirNode = doc.SelectSingl eNode("//CircuitNumbers" );
Assert.IsNotNul l(dirNode, "No DirectoryNumber s"); // This passes OK.
Assert.IsNotNul l(dirNode, "No CircuitNumbers" ); // This passes OK.

XmlDocument doc2 = new XmlDocument();
doc2.LoadXml( doc.DocumentEle ment.OuterXml );
doc2.PrependChi ld( doc2.CreateXmlD eclaration( "1.0", "utf-8", null ) );
doc2.Save( "c:\\Test2. xml" );

Assert.AreEqual ( doc.DocumentEle ment.OuterXml,
doc2.DocumentEl ement.OuterXml ); // This passes OK.

dirNode = doc2.SelectSing leNode("//DirectoryNumber s");
cirNode = doc2.SelectSing leNode("//CircuitNumbers" );
Assert.IsNotNul l(dirNode, "No DirectoryNumber s"); // This fails.
Assert.IsNotNul l(cirNode, "No CircuitNumbers" ); // This fails.
After running the test, I Diff'd the two files - they were identical! A
little worrying!
Here's how the documents are constructed on the server side...
public static XmlDocument RetrieveDirecto ryNumbers( AccountRef
accountRef )
double TotalSum = 0;
TODirCirNumbers mTODirCirNumbrs =
DataAccess.DARD irectoryNumbers .RetrieveDirCir Numbers( accountRef );

XmlDocument m = new XmlDocument();

KWXmlDocument mXmlDoc = new KWXmlDocument() ;

mXmlDoc.LoadXml ("<Account></Account>");

XmlDeclaration myDeclaration =
mXmlDoc.CreateX mlDeclaration(" 1.0","utf-8",null);
mXmlDoc.InsertB efore(myDeclara tion, mXmlDoc.Documen tElement);

XmlAttribute mXmlNSAttr = mXmlDoc.CreateA ttribute("xmlns ");
mXmlNSAttr.Valu e = @"http://KCPrototype.com ";
mXmlDoc.Documen tElement.Attrib utes.Append(mXm lNSAttr);

XmlAttribute mAccRefAttr = mXmlDoc.CreateA ttribute("Accou ntRef");
mAccRefAttr.Val ue = accountRef.ToSt ring();
mXmlDoc.Documen tElement.Attrib utes.Append(mAc cRefAttr);

XmlAttribute mSpendAttr = mXmlDoc.CreateA ttribute("Spend ToDate");
mXmlDoc.Documen tElement.Attrib utes.Append(mSp endAttr);

XmlDocument mTOXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
mTOXmlDoc.LoadX ml(mTODirCirNum brs.toXml());

XmlNodeList mDirNmbrsNodes =
mTOXmlDoc.Selec tNodes("//DirectoryNumber s");

double netcalls = 0;
double pNetcalls = 0;

foreach (XmlNode node in mDirNmbrsNodes)

XmlNode mAreaCodeNmbrNo de = node.SelectSing leNode("//area_code");
XmlNode mSubNoNmbrNode = node.SelectSing leNode("//subscriber_no") ;
DirectoryNumber mDir =
DirectoryNumber .Parse(mAreaCod eNmbrNode.Inner Text +
mSubNoNmbrNode. InnerText);

XmlNode mNode =
mXmlDoc.SelectS ingleNode("//DirectoryNumber s[area_code='" +
mAreaCodeNmbrNo de.InnerText + "' and subscriber_no=' " +
mSubNoNmbrNode. InnerText + "']");
if(mNode != null)
XmlNode netCallsNode =
mXmlDoc.SelectS ingleNode("//DirectoryNumber s[area_code='" +
mAreaCodeNmbrNo de.InnerText + "' and subscriber_no=' " +
mSubNoNmbrNode. InnerText + "']/net_calls");
pNetcalls = Double.Parse(ne tCallsNode.Inne rText);
netcalls =
Double.Parse(no de.SelectSingle Node("//DirectoryNumber s/net_calls").Inn erText);
pNetcalls = pNetcalls + netcalls;
netCallsNode.In nerText = pNetcalls.ToStr ing( "e3" );
TotalSum = TotalSum + netcalls;
XmlNode ImpNode = mXmlDoc.ImportN ode(node, true);
mXmlDoc.Documen tElement.Append Child(ImpNode);

//TODO: Eliminate loop for direct insert

XmlNodeList mCirNmbrsNodes = mTOXmlDoc.Selec tNodes("//CircuitNumbers" );
foreach (XmlNode node in mCirNmbrsNodes)
XmlNode ImpNode = mXmlDoc.ImportN ode(node, true);
mXmlDoc.Documen tElement.Append Child(ImpNode);

mSpendAttr.Inne rText = TotalSum.ToStri ng();

Assembly dtAssm = Assembly.GetAss embly( typeof( AccountRef ) );
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(
dtAssm.GetManif estResourceStre am(
"KWPrototype.Da taTypes.Schema. RetrieveDirecto ryNumbers.xsd" ) );
string mSchema = reader.ReadToEn d();

KWXmlDocument.V alidationResult result = mXmlDoc.Validat e(mSchema);

if ( ! result.IsValid )
throw new XmlException( result.ToString () );

return mXmlDoc;
Probably doesn't make a whole load of sense. Essentially, we have a
data access layer that does some queries, the results are wrapped in
sanitised transfer objects, these transfer objects are then used to
construct the XmlDocument.
Even after all this, if the underlying XML is the same, of at least if
the output of the Save method is the same, then they should behave the

Many thanks,

Tim Haughton

Nov 12 '05 #3
Oh, and this is the XmlDoc, in case you were wondering. Identical
output for the Save method on each document.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <Account xmlns="http://KCPrototype.com " AccountRef="254 7049"
SpendToDate="17 6.928500772949" >
- <DirectoryNumbe rs>
<area_code>0148 2</area_code>
<subscriber_id> 589644</subscriber_id>
<subscriber_no> 589644</subscriber_no>
<designation> B</designation>
<line_usage>VOC </line_usage>
<net_calls>1.91 4e+002</net_calls>
<contract_id>15 752</contract_id>
<summary_ref>10 2122</summary_ref>
</DirectoryNumber s>
- <CircuitNumbers >
<circuit_no>MXH U10430</circuit_no>
<circuit_line_n o>1</circuit_line_no >
<designation> B</designation>
<line_usage>P W</line_usage>
<contract_id>15 752</contract_id>
<summary_ref>10 2122</summary_ref>
- <CircuitNumbers >
<circuit_no>080 0716544</circuit_no>
<circuit_line_n o>1</circuit_line_no >
<designation> B</designation>
<line_usage>P W</line_usage>
<contract_id>15 752</contract_id>
<summary_ref>10 2122</summary_ref>

Nov 12 '05 #4
Tim Haugton wrote:
Oh, and this is the XmlDoc, in case you were wondering. Identical
output for the Save method on each document.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <Account xmlns="http://KCPrototype.com " AccountRef="254 7049"
SpendToDate="17 6.928500772949" >
- <DirectoryNumbe rs>

Now I'm sure there is something wrong with you first document.
//DirectoryNumber s XPath can't select above element as in this XML
DirectoryNumber s belongs to "http://KCPrototype.com " namespace, while
//DirectoryNumber s selects DirectoryNumber s elements in no namespace.

Oleg Tkachenko [XML MVP]
Nov 12 '05 #5

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